help pls 1st blank - Graph A, Graph B, Graph C, Graph D 2nd blank - Yes or No 3rd blank - inside or outside

Help Pls 1st Blank - Graph A, Graph B, Graph C, Graph D 2nd Blank - Yes Or No 3rd Blank - Inside Or Outside
Help Pls 1st Blank - Graph A, Graph B, Graph C, Graph D 2nd Blank - Yes Or No 3rd Blank - Inside Or Outside


Answer 1


From the question,

Let x represent acres for apple orchard

Let y represent acres for peach orchard

Since the farmer can afford a maximum of 54 acres of land, that means


The apple orchard requires 3000 gallons of water, while the peach requires 800 gallons of water. But the farmers irrigation system can deliver a maximum of 80,000 gallons per day, puting in an equation, we have


From his apple orchard, he expects to get a profit of $3,400 per year and from peach, a profit of $1,600 per year.

His expected profit will be determined using the equation

[tex]\begin{gathered} P=3400x+1600y \\ \text{where P is the expected maximum profit } \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, we will plot the following points

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+y\le54 \\ 3000x+800y\le80,000 \end{gathered}[/tex]

This will help us to get the required region needed to find the expected maximum profit

We can see that this is the same with graph B from the question

Now, we will substitute the following points from the graph into the equation of the maximum expected profit. Which ever that gives us the highest value becomes the answer.

For point (0, 54) we have

[tex]\begin{gathered} P=3400x+1600y \\ P=3400(0)+1600(54) \\ P=0+86,400 \\ P=86,400 \end{gathered}[/tex]

For Point (16.727, 37.273), we have

[tex]\begin{gathered} P=3400x+1600y \\ P=3400(16.727)+1600(37.273) \\ P=56,871.8+59,636.8 \\ P=116,508.6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Finally, for point (26.667, 0) we have

[tex]\begin{gathered} P=3400x+1600y \\ P=3400(26.667)+1600(0) \\ P=90,667.8+0 \\ P=90,667.8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

We can see that the maximum profit is $116,508.60, from

point (16.727, 37.273)

Hence the division of land that will maximize his expected profit is

16.73 acres of land for apple orchard

37.27 acres of land for peach orchard

Now, looking at the graph, the point (30, 20) lies outside the required region, so the farmer cannot maximize his profit at 30 acres for apple orchard and 20 acres for peach orchard.

Hence the answer is No, because the point (30, 20) lies outside the solution region.

Help Pls 1st Blank - Graph A, Graph B, Graph C, Graph D 2nd Blank - Yes Or No 3rd Blank - Inside Or Outside

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How to write a rule for the nth term of the geometric seq




The nth term of a geometric sequence is expressed as:



• a is the first term


• r is the common ratio


• n is the number of terms

If the 2nd term a₂ = 28, then;

[tex]\begin{gathered} 28=ar^{2-1} \\ ar=28 \end{gathered}[/tex]

If the 5th term a₅ = 1792, then;

[tex]\begin{gathered} 1792=ar^{5-1} \\ ar^4=1792 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Take the ratio of both equations to have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{ar^4}{ar}=\frac{1792}{28} \\ r^3=64 \\ r=\sqrt[3]{64} \\ r=4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute r = 4 into any of the equations to have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} ar=28 \\ 4a=28 \\ a=\frac{28}{4} \\ a=7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Determine the rule for the nth term of the geometric sequence. Recall that;

[tex]\begin{gathered} a_n=ar^{n-1} \\ a_n=7(4)^{n-1} \end{gathered}[/tex]

This gives the nth term of the geometric sequence

A train travels 165 km in 1.5 hours.
How far will the train travel in 2.2 hours if it maintains the same speed?


Hello There, today we will be solving your problem

[tex]\huge\red{\mid{\underline{\overline{\textbf{EQUATION AND ANSWER}}}\mid}}[/tex]


Let's solve this equation using rates,


Unit Rate - A unit rate means a rate for one of something.

Cross Multiplication - In mathematics, specifically in elementary arithmetic and elementary algebra, given an equation between two fractions or rational expressions, one can cross-multiply to simplify the equation or determine the value of a variable.


Now that we understand the definition we can further solve this equation


[tex]165[/tex] [tex]km[/tex] ⇒ [tex]1.5[/tex] [tex]hr[/tex]

[tex]x\\[/tex] [tex]km[/tex] ⇒ [tex]2.2[/tex] [tex]hr[/tex]

Now we will use cross-multiplication to solve this equation


[tex]165 \cdot 2.2\\x\cdot1.5[/tex]

Once solving this equation we get

[tex]1.5x=363[/tex] [tex]km[/tex]

Divide both sides by [tex]1.5[/tex]

[tex]x=242[/tex] [tex]km[/tex]


A train travels 165 km in 1.5 hours. How far will the train travel in 2.2 hours if it maintains the same speed?

The train would've traveled a total of 242 km in 2.2 hours.

Have a good day!

Suppose that you decide to buy a car for $32,635, including taxes and license fees. You saved $9,000 for a down payment and can get a four year car loan at 6.31%. Find the monthly payment and the total interest for the loan. Equation below.



Step 1:

In this question, we are given the following:

Suppose that you decide to buy a car for $32,635, including taxes and license fees.

You saved $9,000 for a down payment and can get a four-year car loan at 6.31%.

Find the monthly payment and the total interest for the loan.

Step 2:

In this question, we are given:

Cost of the car = $ 32, 635

Down payment = $ 9000

Principal on the Car loan = $ ( 32,635 - 9,000 ) = $ 23, 635

Rate = 6. 31%

Using the PMI Formulae, we have that:

In the news you hear “ tuition is expected to increase from the current cost of $1,050 to $2,050 over the next ten years.” This represents a __% increase from the current tuition.


According to the information given in the exercise, the tuition is expected to increase from $1,050 to $2,050 over the next ten years.

Then, you need to use the following formula in order to solve this exercise:

[tex]Percentage\text{ }Increase=\frac{Final\text{ }value-Initial\text{ }value}{|Initial\text{ }value|}\cdot100[/tex]

In this case:

[tex]\begin{gathered} Initial\text{ }value=1,050 \\ Final\text{ }value=2,050 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, substituting these values into the formula and evaluating, you get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} PercentageIncrease=\frac{2,050-1,050}{|1,050|}\cdot100 \\ \\ PercentageIncrease=95.24 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the answer is: 95.24% increase.

The exit is exactly half way between the Ferris wheel and where you parked your car. Give the coordinates of your parking spot.


GIven data :

The coordinates of ferris wheel is, (2,7).

The coordinates of exit is (4,0).

they have given exactly half way so let us use the midpoint formula,

the mid point formula is,


take the coordinates as

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x_1,y_1)=(2,7) \\ (x_2,y_2)=(4,0) \end{gathered}[/tex]

let us subsitute in eqiuation (1),

[tex]\begin{gathered} (\frac{2+4_{}}{2},\frac{7_{}+0_{}}{2}) \\ (\frac{6}{2},\frac{7}{2}) \\ (3,3.5) \end{gathered}[/tex]

thus the coordinates of parking spot is (3,3.5).

The equation ^2 − 4 − 4^2 + 13 = 0 will produce a hyperbola. How can we tell by simply observing the equation?In what directions do the branches of this hyperbola open? How do you know? Explain. Sketch a graph of this hyperbola, clearly indicating how you have determined thekey characteristics (center, vertices, eccentricity, foci). Give the domain and range of this hyperbola.


we have the equation


Group similar terms and move the constant to the right side


Complete the square

[tex]\begin{gathered} (y^2-4y+2^2-2^2)-4x^2=-13 \\ (y^2-4y+2^2)-4x^2=-13+2^2 \\ (y^2-4y+2^2)-4x^2=-9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Rewrite as a perfect square


Divide both sides by -9

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{(y-2)^2}{-9}-\frac{4x^2}{-9}=\frac{-9}{-9} \\ \\ -\frac{(y-2)^2}{9}+\frac{x^2}{\frac{9}{4}}=1 \\ \\ \frac{x^{2}}{\frac{9}{4}}-\frac{(y-2)^{2}}{9}=1 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

The coordinates of the center are (0,2)

The transverse axis is on the x-axis

a^2=9/4 -----------> a=3/2

b^2=9 -----------> b=3

The vertices are --------> (0+1.5,2) and (0-1.5,2)


Vertices at (1.5,2) and (-1.5,2)

Find out the value of c





Find out the coordinates of the foci

(0+√5,2) and (0-√5,2)

using a graphing tool

The domain is the interval (-infinite, -1.5) U (1.5, infinite)

The range is the interval (-infinite, infinite)

Simplify each expression by distributing8(x + 5)



8(x + 5) Just multiphy 8 by each term

8x + 40 This is the result

If a person travels 3.5 miles in 30 minutes, what is their speed i miles per hour



If a person travels 3.5 miles in 30 minutes.

To find their speed in miles per hour.

So now we solve using the formula,

[tex]\text{Distance}=\text{speed}\times time[/tex]

Substituting the known values. we get,


Now we solve for speed. so we get,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{speed}=3.5\times2 \\ \text{speed}=7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the required speed is 7miles/hr.

If 8 more than twice a number is 14, what is 8 times the number?


Let the unkonwn number be


Twice the number means

[tex]\begin{gathered} =2\times x \\ =2x \end{gathered}[/tex]

8 more than twice the number means the sum of twice the number and 8


8 more than twice a number is 14, will be represented below as


collect similar terms from the equation above to get

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2x+8=14 \\ 2x=14-8 \\ 2x=6 \\ \text{divide both sides by 2} \\ \frac{2x}{2}=\frac{6}{2} \\ x=3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

8 times the number will then be,

[tex]\begin{gathered} =8\times x \\ =8\times3 \\ =24 \end{gathered}[/tex]


The correct answer is OPTION C

3. *Which of the following equations has x intercepts at 4 and -2? (A) y = 3x^2 - 10x - 8 (B) y = x^2 + 2x - 8 (C) y = 3x^2 – 2x – 8 (D) y = x^2 - 2x - 8


Given data:

The x-intercepts given are 4 and -2.

Substitute 0 for y in the first option.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 0=3x^2-10x-8 \\ 3x^2-12x+2x-8=0 \\ 3x(x-4)+2(x-4)=0 \\ x=4,\text{ -}\frac{2}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute 0 for y in the second option.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 0=x^2+2x-8 \\ x^2+2x-8=0 \\ x^2+4x-2x-8=0 \\ x(x+4)-2(x+4)=0 \\ (x-2)(x+4)=0 \\ x=2,\text{ -4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute 0 for y in the third option.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 0=3x^2-2x-8 \\ 3x^2-2x-8=0 \\ 3x^2-6x+4x-8=0 \\ 3x(x-2)+4(x-2)=0 \\ (x-2)(3x+4)=0 \\ x=2,\text{ -}\frac{4}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute 0 for y inlast option.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 0=x^2-2x-8 \\ x^2-4x+2x-8=0 \\ x(x-4)+2(x-4)=0 \\ (x-4)(x+2)=0 \\ x=4,\text{ -2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, option (D) is correct.

Share it: Due:Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 12:00 AM How is comparing and ordering rational numbers different from comparing and ordering integers? Be specific.



to compare or know the difference between rational numbers and integers

rational numbers are numbers in which are expressed as fractions of two integers eg a/b where b is a non zero number

integers are whole numbers in mathemathics without the expression in fraction or rather they're expressed in fractions but the denominator must be equal to 1

now when we want to compare and order integers, they're prefereably done using the number line system.

for an integer

[tex]\begin{gathered} in\text{ the number line system} \\ -3>\text{ }-4 \\ 2\text{ }<\text{ 3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

while in rational numbers,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{2}\text{ }>\text{ }\frac{1}{4} \\ -\frac{2}{3}\text{ <}\frac{1}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Kathy wants to buy a condominium selling for $96,000. The taxes on the property are $1300 per year, and homeowners' insurance is $336 per year. Kathy's gross monthly income is $4000. She haher van. The bank is requiring 20% down and is charging a 9.5% interest rate with no points. Her bank will approve a loan that has a total monthly mortgage payment of principal, interest, property tthan or equal to 28% of her adjusted monthly income. Complete parts a) through h) below.a) Determine the required down payment.The required down payment is $b) Determine 28% of her adjusted monthly income.28% of her adjusted monthly income is $(Round to the nearest cent as needed.)c) Determine the monthly payments of principal and interest for a 25-year loan.The monthly payment of principal and interest for a 25-year loan is $(Round to the nearest cent as needed.)d) Determine her monthly payment, including homeowners' insurance and taxes.Her total monthly payment, including homeowners' insurance and taxes is $(Round to the nearest cent needed.) Does Kathy qualify for the loan?0 YesO No


a) the cost of the house is 96000 and the down paidment is the 20% so we can use a rule of 3 to solve it so:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 96000\to100 \\ x\to20 \end{gathered}[/tex]

so the equation will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=\frac{96000\cdot20}{100} \\ x=19200 \end{gathered}[/tex]

b) her income is $4000 so the 28% will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4000\to100 \\ x\to28 \end{gathered}[/tex]

so the equation will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=\frac{4000\cdot28}{100} \\ x=1120 \end{gathered}[/tex]

c) the equation that models a loan is:


So we replace the princeiple and find monthly paidment.

[tex]\begin{gathered} C=\frac{76800\cdot(0.095\cdot(1.095)^{25}}{8.67} \\ C=\frac{76800\cdot0.92}{8.67} \\ C=\frac{70540.30}{8.67} \\ C=8136.14 \\ C\approx8136 \end{gathered}[/tex]

d)The total monthly paidment will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} T=8136+\frac{1300}{12}+\frac{336}{12} \\ T=8136+108.33+28 \\ T=8272.33 \\ T\approx8272 \end{gathered}[/tex]

SOo the answer is NO she can't afort to buy this house

Judy is buying 6 pint of ice cream for her party at $3.45 each if she has a $20 bill does she have enough to buy the ice cream


the cost of the ice cream is,

3.45 $

also, she has only 20 $

SO, the number of icecreams bought by

Convert percent to decimal 51.2% =


Let's begin by identifying key information given to us:

51.2% = 51.2/100

[tex]\begin{gathered} 51.2\text{ \%}=\frac{51.2}{100} \\ \Rightarrow0.512 \end{gathered}[/tex]

solve for x 3/5x-1/3x =4



3/5x times 3 = 9/15. 1/3x times 5 =5/15. 9/15x-5/15x=(4/15x)

Step-by-step explanation:

How do I find all possible rational zeros in a polynomial function?f(x) = x^4-2x^3-4x^2+2x+3


The factors are 1 , -1 twice and 3

Here, we want to find the rational roots of;

[tex]f(x)\text{= }x^4-2x^3-4x^2+2x+3[/tex]

We can start here by trying out simple numbers if we cannot factorize the polynomial at a go

The given polynomial here can be factorized

We can express it as;

[tex]x^4-2x^3-4x^2+2x+3\text{ = (}x-1)(x+1)^2(x-3)[/tex]

So what we have here is to simply equate individual linear factor to zero

Thus, we have the factors as;

1 , -1 twice and 3

"Radon: The Problem No One Wants to Face" is the title of an article appearing in Consumer Reports. Radon is a gas emitted from the ground that can collect in houses and buildings. At
certain levels it can cause lung cancer. Radon concentrations are measured in picocuries per liter (PCI/L). A radon level of 4 pci/L is considered "acceptable." Radon levels in a house vary
from week to week. In one house, a sample of 8 weeks had the following readings for radon level (in pcI/L).
1.9 2.8 5.7 4.8 1.9 8.6 3.9 7.3

(a) Find the mean, median, and mode. (Round your answers to two decimal places.)

(b) Find the sample standard deviation, coefficient of variation, and range. (Round your answers to two decimal places.)

(c) Based on the data, would you recommend radon mitigation in this house? Explain.
O Yes, since the average value is over "acceptable" ranges, although the median value is not.
O Yes, since the median value is over "acceptable" ranges, although the mean value is not.
O No, since the average and median values are both under "acceptable" ranges.
O Yes, since the average and median values
are both over "acceptable"


a) The mean of the data set is 4.61

The median of the data set is 4.35

The mode of the data set is 1.9

b) Sample standard deviation is 2.58

Coefficient of Variation is 55.96

Range is 6.7


The data set;

1.9, 2.8, 5.7, 4.8, 1.9, 8.6, 3.9, 7.3

a) We have to find the mean, median and mode

Mean = (1.9 + 2.8 + 5.7 + 4.8 + 1.9 + 8.6 + 3.9 + 7.3) / 8 = 36.9/8 = 4.61


Order the data first;

1.9, 1.9, 2.8, 3.9, 4.8, 5.7, 7.3, 8.6


The data is of even number, so;

Median = [(n/2) + (n/2 + 1)] / 2


n/2 = 8/2 = 4th term

n/2 + 1 = 5th term


Median = (3.9 + 4.8) / 2 = 8.7/2 = 4.35


The mode of the given data is 1.9

b) Sample Standard Deviation

Here it is the formula to calculate it:

x = √(∑(xi - x)²/n-1))

sₓ = √(46.85/7) ≈ 2.58

Coefficient of Variation

CV is the quotient between sample Standard deviation over Mean and it is used to make comparisons.

CV = sₓ/x × 100 = 2.58/4.61 x 100 = 55.96


The difference between the highest and the lowest value of this sample

8.6 - 1.9=6.7

Learn more about data set here;


Please help me with the last part of the question thanks


There is a direct proportion between two values when one is a multiple of the other.

In this case, we have:

[tex]1\text{ hour = 60 minutes}[/tex]

This means that to convert hours to minutes, the multiplier is always 60.

The equation of a direct proportion is:


Chris earns $298.65 each week. The federal government withholds 17% ofthat for federal income tax. How much is withheld from her pay annuallyfor federal income tax?a. $15,529.80b. $50.77c. $2,640.07d. $2,963.77


Remember that

1 year=52 week



Multiply $298.65 by 0.17


Multiply by 52


the answer is option C

Evaluate the function when x= -2,0, and 5 h(x)= -2x+9



a function is given as h(x) = -2x + 9


we have to evaluate the function at x = -2 , 0 and 5.


when x = -2

h(-2) = -2(-2) + 9 = 4 + 9 = 13

when x = 0

h(0) = -2(0) + 9 = 0 + 9 = 9

when x = 5

h(5) = -2(5) + 9 = - 10 + 9 = -1

Therefore, the values of given function h(x) are 13, 9 , -1 at x = -2, 0 , 5 respectively.

A painter has three partially filled paint cans. One contains1 7/8 gallons, the second contains1 1/5 gallons, and the third contains1 3/4 gallons. Which answer is closest to the total amount of paint?


[tex]\text{total amount=}\frac{193}{40}=4.825\text{ gallons}[/tex]


Step 1

convet the mixed numbers into simple fractions


[tex]a\frac{b}{c}=\frac{(a\cdot c)+b}{c}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} 1\text{ }\frac{7}{8}=\frac{(1\cdot8+7)}{8}=\frac{15}{8} \\ 1\frac{1}{5}=\frac{(1\cdot5+1)}{5}=\frac{6}{5} \\ 1\frac{3}{4}=\frac{(1\cdot4+3)}{4}=\frac{7}{4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 2

now, make the sum to find the total amount

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{total amount= }\frac{15}{8}+\frac{6}{5}+\frac{7}{4} \\ \text{total amount=}\frac{(15\cdot5\cdot4)+(6\cdot8\cdot4)+(7\cdot5\cdot8)}{160} \\ \text{total amount=}\frac{300+192+280}{160} \\ \text{total amount=}\frac{772}{160} \\ \text{total amount=}\frac{193}{40} \end{gathered}[/tex]

I hope this helps you

what value of y will make the equation true? √34 × √y = 34


Clear y from the equation to find its value

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt[]{34}\cdot\sqrt[]{y}=34 \\ \sqrt[]{y}=\frac{34}{\sqrt[]{34}} \\ \sqrt[]{y}=\sqrt[]{34} \\ y=(\sqrt[]{34})^2 \\ y=34 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The value of y that will make the equation true is 34.


The value of y=√34 will make the equation true.

Step-by-step explanation:

What is an equation?

It is defined as the relation between two variables, if we plot the graph of the linear equation we will get a straight line.

The given expression is:-

√34 x √y =34

Putting the value of  y=√34 will satisfy the equation.

√34 x √34 =34

34  =  34

Therefore the value of y=√34 will make the equation true.

To know more about equations follow


please help me!!!!!!


I attach the table with the results organized correctly.

The correct option is 1.

(5x 10-6)(3x 10-4)(5x 10-6) (3 x 10 - 4) =PLS HELP IT’S DUE TNNNN !


we can multiply the normal numbers on the one hand and the scientific notation on the other hand


[tex]\begin{gathered} (5\times3)(10^{-6}\times10^{-4}) \\ (15)(10^{-6+(-4)}) \\ =15\times10^{-10}=1.5\times10^{-9} \end{gathered}[/tex]

hi my name is Shila and I'm trying to explain how to solve this problem to my daughter but a but confused can you direct me please?


As given by the question

There are given that the point



First, break the point



According to the above point, there are showing 3 in the denominator

So, between 0 and 1 divide 3 parts in the number line


16. Solve this system: y = 3x+1 y= 5x-3


y=3x+1 (1)

y=5x-3 (2)

To solve this system, we can use the equalize method:






Now, substitung x=2 in y=3x+1




Then, the solution to this system of equation would be: (2, 7)

A multivitamin tablet contains 12.5mg of calcium how much calcium does a bottle of 40 tablets contain write your answer in grams


One multivitamin tablet contains 12.5mg.

Therefore, 40 tablets will contain


40 tablets will contain 500mg.

In grams:

By conversion,


Hence, 500mg can be converted as


Hence, there are 0.5g of calcium in

If the measures of the angles of a triangle arerepresented by 2x, 3x - 15, and 7x +15, the triangleis1) an isosceles triangle2) a right triangle3) an acute triangle4) an equiangular triangle



Option 1 is correct.

The triangle is an isosceles triangle.


Noting that the sum of angles in a triangle is 180°.

We can solve for each of the angles in this triangle to obtain the type of triangle it is.

The angles of the triangle are 2x, (3x - 15) and (7x + 15)

2x + 3x - 15 + 7x + 15 = 180°

2x + 3x + 7x - 15 + 15 = 180°

12x = 180°

Divide both sides by 12

(12x/12) = (180°/12)

x = 15°

We can then solve for the measures of the three angles now

2x = 2 (15°) = 30°

3x - 15 = 3 (15°) - 15° = 45° - 15° = 30°

7x + 15 = 7 (15°) + 15° = 105° + 15° = 120°

So, the angles of the triangle are 30°, 30° and 120°

A tringle that has two of its angles equal to each other is called an isosceles triangle.

Hope this Helps!!!

which is a better buy? 20 items for $5.99 or 30 items for $7.99



Step-by-step explanation:

Obisouly 20 items for $5.99

16 The water level of a river was measured each day during a two-week period. The graph models the linear relationship between the water level of the river in feet and the number of days the water level was measured. Water Level of River 28 20 16 Water Level (0) 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 Number of Days Which statement best describes the y-intercept of the graph?


From the graph, it can be observed that line intersect the y-axis at (0,16) and after that level of water increases with increase in number of days.

So 16 feet represents the initial water level of the river. The correct answer is,

The initial water level was 16 ft.

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URGENTHow does the Gothic relief sculpture, Adoration of the Magi, reflect another culture's influence? Be sure to identify the culture that is reflected in the Gothic relief sculpture and how the sculpture represents the influence which of the following gives the line of symmetry It takes the earth 24 h to complete a full rotation. It takes Mercury approximately 58 days, 15 h, and 30 min to complete a full rotation. How many hours does it take Mercury to complete a full rotation? Show your work using the correct conversion factors. Answer: Tickets to a play cost $10 at the door and $8 in advance. The theatre club wants to raise at least $800 from the sale of the tickets from the play. Write andgraph an inequality for the number of tickets the theatre club needs to sell. Ifthe club sells 40 tickets in advance, how many does it need to sell at the door toreach its goal? Use x to represent the number of tickets sold at the door. Use yto represent the number of tickets sold in advance. The only question left to be settled now is: Are womenpersons? I scarcely believe any of our opponents will havethe hardihood to say they are not. Being persons, then,women are citizens, and no State has a right to make any new law, or to enforce any old law, which shall abridge theirprivileges or immunities. Hence, every discriminationagainst women in the constitutions and laws of the severalStates is today null and void, precisely as is every oneagainst negroes.-Susan B. Anthony, "Speech After Being Convicted ofVoting"Why does Susan B. Anthony most likely use a rhetorical question in thispassage? How do I find the restrictions on x if there are any? [tex] \frac{1}{x - 1} = \frac{5}{x - 10} [/tex] Which of the following is the most appropriate step to take if authors believe that their manuscript was reviewed unfairly? a) Nothing; by submitting to the peer review process, authors agree to accept the outcome. b) The author should ask the editor to reveal the identities of the reviewers. c) The author can contact the editor with their concerns. d) The author should contact the reviewers directly. Find the restricted values of x for the following rational expression. If there are no restricted values of x,indicate "No Restrictions".x +8x - x - 12AnswerHow to enter your answer (opens in new window)Separate multiple answers with commas.KeypadKeyboard ShortcutsSelecting a radio button will replace the entered answer value(s) with the radio button value. If the radiobutton is not selected, the entered answer is used. Im stuck on how to verify number 7 and how to find the possible value for sin theta Write the percent as decimal 49% Question 3 (2 points)Which of the following is a piece of evidence?In Source two, "Zombie Worms Drill Whale Bones with Acid," tells about worms that secrete an acid tohelp them break through the whale bones.Both adaptations share a common purpose, and that is it help the squid survive some circumstances thatdeep sea creatures must endure.These sources, although very different, show how crabs and squids have unique traits however theyboth are for the purpose of living in the ocean. Environmental adaptations are important but are not theonly ones. Many sea creatures have adaptations to survive the predators in their environment.Thousands of feet below the ocean's surface, there's a dark frigid void untouched by the sun's heat orlight. Yet it is full of raging thermal vents that reach scorching temperatures. the ratio of isabella's money to Shane's money is 5:10.if Isabelle has $55 how much money do Shane have?what about they have together? if dyllan makes 7 out of 10 free throws on any given day what is the probability he will make his next free throw? ( write your answers as a precent.) Does the point (2, 6) satisfy the inequality 2x + 2y 16?yesno How to find the diagonal side one triangle like the measure with the Pythagorean Theorem 4. Find the midpoint of DK, given the coordinates D (-10, -4) and K is located at the origin.m:|| m:1 m:Midpoint:Equation of the line: Solve the following system of linear equations by graphing:4.Ex+3y54 9- 5858615+cilo=Answer 2 PointsKeypadKeyboard ShortcutsGraph the linear equations by writing the equations in slope-intercept form:y =Ixty =IxtIdentify the appropriate number of solutions. If there is a solution, give thepoint:O One SolutionO No SolutionO Infinite Number of Solutions find the value(s) of c guaranteed by the Mean Value Theorem for Integrals for the function over the given interval. what is the volume of the cone? use 3.14 for Pi and round to the nearest hundredth You are a labor consultant whose job is to adviseworkers at the mill whether they should join alabor union in the late 1800's. The workers youare advising today are unskilled laborers, many ofthem recent immigrants to the United States.Base your advise on the evidence we learned inthe lesson.