Write the percent as decimal 49%


Answer 1


Given: The given number in percentage is 49 %

Required: Decimal value of given percentage.


Convert percentage into decimal as follows:

[tex]49\text{ \%=}\frac{49}{100}[/tex]

[tex]49\text{ \%=0.49}[/tex]

Therefore, the required answer is 0.49

Final answer: The de

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Solve on the interval [0,27): RCŨsx+c05X +1 = ] T O 3 A. X= 27,x = x=57 4. 4 O B. X = 27,X = O c. X= 7T,X = 1 47T 3 T D. X= ET 6 6 NAMAN






We have the following function:

[tex]2cos^2x+3cosx\: +1\: =\: 0[/tex]

Using the substitution method, we can calculate the value of x, like this:

[tex]\begin{gathered} u=\cos x \\ \text{ therefore:} \\ 2u^2+3u+1=0 \\ 3u=2u+u \\ 2u^2+2u+u+1=0 \\ 2u(u+1)+u+1=0 \\ (u+1)(2u+1)=0 \\ u+1=0\rightarrow u=-1 \\ 2u+1=0\rightarrow2u=-1\rightarrow u=-\frac{1}{2} \\ \text{ replacing:} \\ \cos x=-1\rightarrow x=\cos ^{-1}(-1)\rightarrow x=\pi \\ \cos x=-\frac{1}{2}\rightarrow x=\cos ^{-1}(-\frac{1}{2})\rightarrow x=\frac{2\pi}{3},\frac{4\pi}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Factor 64x3 + 27.(4x – 3)(16x2 – 12x + 9)(4x + 3)(16x2 - 12x + 9)(4x + 3)(16x2 + 12x + 9)(4x - 3)(16x2 + 12x + 9)



Option B is correct.

64x³ + 27 = (4x + 3) (16x² - 12x + 9)


We are told to factorize

64x³ + 27

To do this, we use the factorization of (x³ + y³) as a guide. First of,

(x + y)³ = (x + y) (x + y)² = (x + y) (x² + 2xy + y²)

(x + y)³ = x³ + y³ + 3x²y + 3xy²

So, we can write

x³ + y³ = (x + y)³ - 3x²y - 3xy² = (x + y)³ - 3xy(x + y)

= (x + y) [(x + y)² - 3xy]

= (x + y) (x² + y² + 2xy - 3xy)

= (x + y) (x² - xy + y²)

So, comparing (64x³ + 27) with (x³ + y³), we can see that

64x³ = (4x)³

27 = (3)³

(64x³ + 27) = (4x)³ + 3³

x³ + y³ = (x + y) (x² - xy + y²)

(4x)³ + 3³ = (4x + 3) [(4x)² - (4x × 3) + 3²]

= (4x + 3) (16x² - 12x + 9)

Hope this Helps!!!

This is non graded algebra 1 I need help on question 10


An exponential decay function can be generically written as:

[tex]y=a\cdot b^x[/tex]

The conditions for this function are:

1) The y-intercept is 4.

2) The values of y decrease by a factor of one half as x increases by 1.

The y-intercept corresponds to the value of y when x = 0, so we can express it as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=a\cdot b^x \\ 4=a\cdot b^0 \\ 4=a\cdot1 \\ a=4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

This condition let us find the value of a.

The next condition will be used to find the value of b.

As x increases by 1, y decreases by one half.

We can write this as a quotient between consecutive values of y:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{y(x+1)}{y(x)}=\frac{1}{2} \\ \frac{4\cdot b^{x+1}}{4\cdot b^x}=\frac{1}{2} \\ b^{x+1-x}=\frac{1}{2} \\ b^1=\frac{1}{2} \\ b=\frac{1}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, we can write the function as:


Answer: y = 4*(1/2)^x

A support cable runs from the top of a telephone pole to a point on the ground 42.7 feet from its base. Suppose the cable makes an angle of 29.6 with the ground (as shown in the following figure).(a) Find the height of the pole. (Round the answer to the nearest tenth.) feet (b) Find the length of the cable. (Round the answer to the nearest tenth.) feet


We will draw a sketch to see the position of the cable

From the figure, we can use the tangent ratio to find the height


By using the cross-multiplication

[tex]\begin{gathered} h=42.7tan(29.6) \\ \\ h=24.3\text{ feet} \end{gathered}[/tex]

a) The height of the pole is 24.3 feet to the nearest tenth

To find the length of the cable we will use the cosine ratio


Switch L and cos(29.6)

[tex]\begin{gathered} L=\frac{42.7}{cos(29.6)} \\ \\ L=49.1\text{ feet} \end{gathered}[/tex]

b) The length of the cable is 49.1 feet to the nearest tenth

The edge of a cube measures 11 m. Find the surface area.


In order to determine the surface area of the cube, use the following formula:


where a is the length of the side of a cube a = 11 m.

Replace the value of a into the formula for S:


Hence, the surface area of the given cube is 726m^2

(linear approximation calc !) The radius of a disc is 24 cm if the radius has a maximum error of 0.2 cm. estimate the relative percentage air in the calculated area the area of a circle = pi r ^2



The radius of the circular disk is 24cm.

The radius has a maximum error of 0.2 cm.

To find:

The area


Using the area of the circle,

[tex]A=\pi r^2[/tex]

The area of the disk is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\pi\times24^2 \\ =576\pi cm^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

If the radius is increased from 24 by 0.02, then the radius becomes, r = 0.02

The change in the calculated area will be,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \Delta A=Area\text{ of the cirlce with radius of 24.02-Area of the circle with radius of 24} \\ =\pi\times24.02^2-\pi\times24^2 \\ =576.96\pi-576\pi \\ =0.96\pi cm^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The relative percentage of area is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{\Delta A}{A}\times100=\frac{0.96\pi}{576\pi}\times100 \\ =0.0017\times100 \\ =0.17\text{ \%} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final answer:

The maximum error in area is,

[tex]0.96\pi cm^2[/tex]

The relative percentage error in the area is 0.17%.

I do not understand the problem on how to to write an equation.


Given a line passes through the point (-4,6) and has a slope of 3

We will write the equation of the line in point-slope from

The formula of the point-slope form will be as follows:


Where (h, k) is the point that lies on the line and (m) is the slope

From the given:

m = 3

h = -4

k = 6

Substitute into the formula

so, the answer will be:


A rectangular prism is shown below.A formula for the volume of a rectangular prism V = Bh. The volume, V, of this prism is 600 cm³. Which expression can be used to find x, the width of the prism in centimeters? A: 600/15B: 600/8C: 600/(8)(15)D: (8)(8)(15)(15)/600


Volume of a rectangular prism = base length x width x heigth


Volume = 600 cm3

base length = 15

width = x

height = 8


600 = (15) (x) (8)

Isolate x

600/ (15)(8) = x

x = 600/ (8)(15)

option C

Question 5 of 15, Step 1 of 14/15CorrectIfy is inversely proportional to x and y = -71 when x = 16, find yifx = 7. (Round off your answer to the nearest hundredth.)




Step-by-step explanation:

Since y and x are inversely proportional, we'll have that:

[tex]y=\beta x[/tex]

For a given betha value. Since we have a pair of x and y values, we can plug them in the formula and find our particular value of betha, as following:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=\beta x\rightarrow-71=\beta\times16\rightarrow\beta=-\frac{71}{16} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

This way, our formula would be:


Plugging in x = 7,

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=-\frac{71}{16}x\rightarrow y=-\frac{71}{16}(7)\rightarrow y=-\frac{497}{16} \\ \\ \Rightarrow y=-31.06 \end{gathered}[/tex]

describe and correct the error solution error a student made when graphing a linear equation y equals -3 / 4 x - 6


we have two points (0, 6) and (4, 3)

this can be represented as (x, y)

the equation of a straight line is

y = mx + c

slope = m = y2 - y1/ x2 - x1

x1 = 0, y1 = 6, x2 = 4 and y2 = 3

slope = 3 - 6 / 4 - 0

slope = -3/4

slope = -3/4

from the equation of a straight line

(y - y1) = m(x - x1)

y1 = 6 and x1 = 0

y - 6= -3/4(x - 0)

y - 6 = -3/4x + 0

y = -3/4x + 6

the error he made was that he used - 6 instead of +6 in the final answer

what expression is equivalent to 2y+7


The expression which is equivalent to the given expression (3y - 4) (2y + 7) + 11y - 9 is 6 y²+ 24y- 37

Define an expression.

A finite collection of symbols that are properly created in line with context-dependent criteria is referred to as an expression, sometimes known as a mathematical expression.

A phrase is considered a mathematical expression if it contains at least two numbers or variables and one or more mathematical operations. This mathematical procedure makes it possible to multiply, divide, add, or subtract quantities.

Presented expression = (3y - 4) (2y + 7) + 11y - 9

Solving the expression we get= 6y²+21y-8y-28+11y-9

                                                   = 6y²+24y-37

There for the correct response is that the given expression is equivalent to = 6y²+24y-37

To know more about expressions, visit:



3. By elimination 2x - 3y =- 55x + 2y =16


By elimination, it means that we should apply algebraic operations so we find the value of one variable. So first, lets multiply the first equation by 5. We get

[tex]5\cdot(2x-3y)=5\cdot-5\text{ = 10x-15y = -25}[/tex]

Now, lets multiply by 2 the second equation

[tex]2\cdot(5x+2y)\text{ = 16}\cdot2\text{ = 10x+4y=32}[/tex]

With this two equations, lets subtract the second equation from the first equation

[tex]10x+4y-(10x-15y)\text{ = 32-(-25)}[/tex]

We get

[tex]19y\text{ = 57}[/tex]

If we divide y by 19 we get


Now, using this value in the second equation we get

[tex]5x+2\cdot3\text{ = 16 }=5x+6[/tex]

If we subtract 6 on both sides, we get

[tex]16-6\text{ = 5x = 10}[/tex]

Finally, we divide by 5 on both sides and we get


Use the expressions from the previous questions to determine Mary’s age.


The age of Mary is 15 years old.

To solve this, we have three expressions:

[tex]\begin{gathered} M=J+5 \\ J=T-28 \\ T=3H-1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Where M is the age of Mary, J is the age of Jacob, T is the age of Uncle Tim and H is the age of Henry

Also teh problem give us an additional info, the age of Henry is 13. With this, we can replace the value of H in the thrid equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \begin{cases}H=13 \\ T=3H-1\end{cases} \\ \text{Then:} \\ T=3\cdot13-1=39-1=38 \\ T=38 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now we can replace T in the second equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \begin{cases}T=38 \\ J=T-28\end{cases} \\ \text{Then:} \\ J=38-28=10 \\ J=10 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Finally, we can replace J in the first equation to get the age of Mary:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \begin{cases}J=10 \\ M=J+5\end{cases} \\ \text{Then:} \\ M=10+5=15 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the age of Mary is 15 years old.

indicate whether (2, 7) is a solution of the given system.y is greater than or = -x+1Y is less than 4x+2


In order to determine if the point (2, 7) is a solution to the given system of inequalities we just have to replace 7 for y and 2 for x and see if the two inequalities are met, like this:

For y ≥ -x + 1

7 ≥ -2 + 1

7 ≥ -1

As you can see, 7 is greater than -1 then the first inequality is met.

For y < 4x + 2

7 < 4(2) + 2

7 < 8 + 2

7 < 10

As you can see, the second inequality is also met, then (2, 7) is a solution for the system of inequalities.

the odds against (E) are 23:77 Find the probability of (not E) :


We can rewrite the question as the probability of getting the event E is 23:77. Find the probability of getting the event not E.

The number 23:77 is a ratio and is it equivalent to:


To get the probability of the event not-E, we can proceed as follows:


So the probability for the event not-E is about 53/77 or 0.7013 (or a little more than 70%).

Pleaee help me draw this. Construct a tangent to the circle from point R.



For this case the tangent line to the circle and the point should be:

The reason is because the tangent line and the point needs to touch the circle just one time

I need to know which point is the solution and I need a check for it to make sure it’s correct and the line on the graph


The system of equations are given as

[tex]\begin{gathered} y-2x=-4 \\ y=-x-1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The graph of the system of equations is

The point which is the solution is


Measure the dimensions of all the walls of the bedroom in your home, in feet. Find the dimensions of any windows or doorways as well.



we can fill up the dimensions as follow

Use the Distributive Property
solve the equation.
- 6(x + 3) = 30


Answer: X = -2

Step-by-step explanation:

-6 time x is -6x and -6 times 3 is -18

Now you have -6x + -18 = 30

Add the now add 18 to both the -18 and 30 now your left with -6x = 12

And at last divide both -6 and 12 to -6

And you have X = -2

Answer: -8

Step-by-step explanation:

-6(x + 3) =30

-Distribute -6 and x = -6x

-Distribute -6 and 3 = -18

-6x -18 = 30

+18 +18. Take away 18 on both sides of the equation


-6 / -6x = 48/-6 Divide -6 on both sides to get x by itself

X = -8

Final Answer : -8

can you please help me with the work sheet and get all the answers and thank you





7) Given;


Using factors of 2 and -4;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \lparen x^2+2x-4x-8) \\ \left(x^2+2x\right)+\left(-4x-8\right) \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} x\left(x+2\right)-4\left(x+2\right) \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Factor out the common term;

[tex]\begin{gathered} x(x+2)-4(x+2) \\ (x+2)(x-4) \end{gathered}[/tex]

The graphical solution is attached.

Simplify: 7a + 2a - a + 6b - 5b


We must simplify the following expression:


From the expression, we see that we have terms with variable a and terms with variable b. In order to simplify the expression, we add the terms with a together (which sums up 8a), and we do the same for the terms with b (which sums up 1b):

[tex]\begin{gathered} 7a+2a-a+6b-5b \\ =(7a+2a-a)+(6b-5b) \\ =8a+b \end{gathered}[/tex]

The solution is: 8a+b

4. Write the equation of the line in SLOPE-INTERCEPT FORM that passes through the given points(4,2) and (0,6)


The slope intercept form equation is expressed as

y = mx + c


m represents slope

c represents y intercept

The formula for determining slope is expressed as

slope, m = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)

From the information given,

y2 = 6, y1 = 2

x2 = 0, x1 = 4

Slope, m = (6 - 2)/(0 - 4) = 4/- 4

m = - 1

We would determine the y intercept, c by substituting m = - 1, y = 6 and x = 0 into the slope intercept equation. It becomes

6 = - 1 * 0 + c

6 = c

c = 6

The equation would be

y = - x + 6

Estimate the product by adjusting the larger factor to the compatible number 25 and then multiply. 27 x 8 = Think about counting by 25s.


You have the following product:

27 x 8

To estimate the product by rounding 27 to 25, you consider that 25 x 8 is the same as adding 25 eight times.

Then, you have:

25 x 8 = 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 +25 + 25 +25

25 x 8 = 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 each pair of 25's add up 50

25 x 8 = 100 + 100 each pair of 50's add up 100

25 x 8 = 200

Hence, an estimation of the given product is 200, by considering 27 rounded to 25.

use the functions f (×) and g (×) to complete the comparison statements using <,>,or =.F(x)= -×-5


First Question:

f(3) = (-3)-5 (Replacing x in the equation)

f(3) = -8 (Operating integers)

From the table we see that g(3) = 8, therefore, f(3)< g(3)

Second Question:

The slope of f is the coefficient of x in the equation, so, the slope of f is -1.

Using the slope formula for g(x) with points (0,2) and (3,8) we find that:


The slope of g is 2.

Therefore, the slope of f is less (<) than the slope of g

Third Question:

The y-intercept of f is the value next to the term -x, so, it is equal to -5

The y-intercept of g can be found with the point (0,2), when x=0, y is equal to 2, then the y-intercept is 2.

Therefore, the y-intercept of f is less(<) than the y-intercept of g.

Which expression represents the distance between point (0, a) and point (a,0) on a coordinate grid?




To determine the distance between two points on a coordinate grid, use the formula below:


Find the probability of the event.If a single die is tossed once, find the probability of the following event. Rollinga 3 or a 5





If we have a fair die, the probability of rolling any of the numbers is the same. In this case, we want to know the probability of rolling a 3 or a 5, which is the sum of the probabilities of rolling each of these values,




Hence, the probability of rolling a 3 or a 5 is 1/3

Evaluate 10y-15 for y=5


10 y - 15

y = 5

We replace 5 in the expression

10 * 5 - 15 =

50 - 15 = 35




Hello may you please check me work for number 5


Surface area of a rectangular prism:


Substitute 1.2 for all of the variables in the formula:


Using a calculator, you should get an answer of:

[tex]SA=8.64\text{ }yd[/tex]

The answer is that the surface area of this shape is 8.64 yards.

Hi, simplify the following rational expression, if possible: x + 2/ x^2 = 4x + 4




To simplify the given rational expression, we first factor x^2-4x+4 by applying Perfect Square Formula as shown below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} a^2-2ab+b^2=(a-b)^2 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]



Now, we simplify the given expression:


Therefore, the answer is:


Assume that the random variable X is normally distributed , with mean = 80 and standard deviation = 15. Compute the probability P(X > 92) .


Assume that the random variable X is normally distributed , with mean = 80 and standard deviation = 15. Compute the probability P(X > 92) .​

step 1

Find z score



step 2

using the z-score table

For z=0.8



answer is

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