What process checks technical issues during in prepress phase?
Some image files that Mark uploaded in the document are of incorrect resolution while some files are corrupt. These issues were checked by the _______ process.


Answer 1

Pre-flighting process checks technical issues during in prepress phase.

The required details about prepress phase is mentioned in below paragraph.

The processes and procedures that take place between the development of a print layout and the actual printing are referred to in the printing and publishing industries as pre-press. Making a printing plate, image carrier, or shape that is ready to be mounted on an offset printing press is a part of the pre-press method. After creating and sending the graphics file to print, the first stage of the prepress procedure starts. Pre-flighting is the process by which skilled and knowledgeable experts confirm that the file has all the components required for a successful print. Prepress responsibilities involve making printing plates, imposition, and proofing documents. Prepress is crucial since it ensures the accuracy and faultlessness of the final print result.

To learn about prepress phase visit here.



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christi bay water commission sends its customers an annual printout of information regarding the drinking water it supplies. this information is provided as:


The information provided is as required by law because the water provider is Christi Bay.

The purpose of annual reports is to provide readers with detailed information about a company's performance during the preceding year. The reports contain details such as key performance indicators, a letter from the CEO, financial information, and plans and objectives for the upcoming years. When determining a company's current stock price, prospective investors and financial experts primarily rely on annual reports as their source of financial information. An overview of the company's operations for the preceding fiscal year is given in the annual report of an organization. Annual reports are distributed by publicly traded corporations to update current and potential stockholders about business operations and performance.

To learn more about reports: https://brainly.com/question/28426415


describe the conditions under which the use of effective gross income multipliers to value the subject property is appropriate.


Apartment leases often have durations of one year or less, so an income multiplier approach to value is more suitable for apartment buildings than for the majority of office, industrial, and retail facilities.

What is the effective gross income multiplier?

Investors use the gross rent multiplier (GRM) as a screening parameter to contrast available rental property options in a particular area. The market value of the property divided by the total yearly rental revenue constitutes the GRM.

The link between the Effective Gross Income and the Value or Price is established by the Effective Gross Income Multiplier. The calculation is as follows: Sale price Effective Gross Income Multiplier. Instead of using the annual income, the effective gross monthly income multiplier would do so.

To know more about effective gross income multiplier, refer:



Who would benefit from the embargo against country x? who would be hurt by it? be sure to consider both producers in country x and foreign producers in other countries. explain your answer


The international locations have achieved the largest income beneficial properties as a end result of the rules-based global trading system, the file found.

The US benefited by way of $87 billion (€77.7 billion) in 2016, China with the aid of $86 billion while Germany reaped some $66 billion in financial rewards.

Does global alternate benefit negative countries?Increased Economic Resources

Developing nations can benefit from free exchange by way of increasing their quantity of or access to financial resources. Nations normally have constrained financial resources. Economic resources include land, labor and capital. Land represents the herbal assets discovered inside a nations' borders.

Learn more about international trade here:


computer world wants to increase their current return on investment (roi). what action should the managerial accountant take to increase the current roi?


Operating expense reduction is an action should the managerial accountant take to increase the current roi  .

What is managerial accountant?Governmental organizations, private enterprises, and public companies all employ management accountants. They are responsible for keeping track of and crunching the figures, selecting and managing the company's investments, risk management, budgeting, planning, strategizing, and making decisions.Managers use accounting data to help with decision-making, management, and the execution of their control functions. This practice is known as management accounting.Cash flow analysis, budgeting and forecasting, job costing, inventory turnover management, etc. are some typical management accounting topics.Operating expense reduction is an action should the managerial accountant take to increase the current roi  .

To learn more about managerial accountant refer to:



mr. schlenker has improved worker productivity at his furniture manufacturing plant by occasionally sending notes of appreciation to his hard-working employees. mr. schlenker has improved productivity by means of


'Mr. Schlenker has improved worker productivity at his furniture manufacturing plant by occasionally sending notes of appreciation to his hard-working employees. Mr. Schlenker has improved productivity by means of operant conditioning.

Operant conditioning is a type of associative learning process that modifies the intensity of behavior through reinforcement or punishment. It is also the technology used to bring about such learning.

Operant conditioning (also called instrumental conditioning) is the process by which humans and animals learn to behave in ways that receive rewards and avoid punishments.

Operant responses include everything from rat lever presses supported by food, infant cries supported by maternal attention, and chatter supported by social camaraderie.

Learn more about Operant conditioning https://brainly.com/question/25877954


according to the article you read about vehicle product life cycle, in which phase are companies most likely to engage in a competitive price and promotion war to gain sales?


Products start to move into the most lucrative stage as they mature.

While sales are rising, production costs are falling.

Retailers employ the "keystone pricing" method of product pricing as a simple guideline.In essence, it occurs when a retailer establishes a retail pricing with a good profit margin by simply multiplying the wholesale cost they paid by two.

The aim is frequently to make something appear affordable, but as a result of one retaliatory price cut after another, industry earnings frequently fall sharply.

Price wars can lead to situations that are both financially disastrous and mentally crippling, taking a tremendous toll on an individual, a business, and industry profitability.No matter who prevails, it seems like everyone involved in the fight loses out in the end.

However, pricing battles are getting more frequent and more violent.

Learn more about selling techniques of companies:


etan is indebted to finance credit corporation for $100,000. etan agrees to pay, and finance credit agrees to accept, a lesser amount than the creditor originally claimed was owed. this agreement is


Etan is indebted to a finance credit corporation for $100,000. etan agrees to pay, and finance credit agrees to accept, a lesser amount than the creditor originally claimed was owed. This agreement is an accord. Thus the correct option is C.

What is an agreement?

declaration of two or more people's consent to one another is called an agreement. It occurs through a proposal and an acceptance and represents a coming together of the minds with a shared goal.

 An accord is a peaceful agreement, primarily one involving nations. It is also seen as an offer to replace a former responsibility with a different one, as well as the acceptance of the such offer. An accord can be proposed by either party in the situation.

Therefore, option C is appropriate.

Learn more about the Agreement, here:



The complete question is Probably

Etan is indebted to Finance Credit Corporation for $100,000. Etan agrees to pay, and Finance Credit agrees to accept, a lesser amount than the creditor originally claimed was owed. This agreement is


a release.


a satisfaction.


an accord.


an illusory promise

john's neighbor theresa informs him that her employer plans to go public. john wants to buy 1,000 shares of the new company's stock at the initial public offering. john calls his broker and receives a 200-page document that has information about the company and the proposed initial offering, but it does not include the date and price of the initial offering. john has received


john's neighbor Theresa informs him that her employer plans to go public. John has received a red herring.  Thus, option A is correct.

What is a stock ?

Stocks or shares be issued at various ranges. It can be issued at a par discount or at a premium. It helps in increasing the revenue. It is a legal bond that is issued by the company to gain money from the people.

A tentative prospectus called Red Herring, which was submitted to the SEC, includes fundamental details regarding the company's planned IPO. A red herring is a critical fallacy wherein pertinent info is accompanied by unnecessary stuff with the intent of drawing attention away from the pertinent details. This could be done on purpose or accidentally.

Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about stock , here:



The question is incomplete, the complete question is:

John's neighbor Theresa informs him that her employer plans to go public. John wants to buy 1,000 shares of the new company's stock at the initial public offering. John calls his broker and receives a 200-page document that has information about the company and the proposed initial offering, but it does not include the date and price of the initial offering. John has received A) a red herring B) a prospectus. C) an underwriting agreement. D) a registration statement.

With the complexities and demands placed on staffs, where should the creation of a staff battle rhythm begin?.


The complexities and demands placed on staffs, the creation of a staff battle rhythm begin is the responsibilities of key staff jobs as well as the effects of greater and lower headquarters on the combat rhythm.

No of the objective, size, or scope, the commander is the ideal place to begin. Keeping a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) or other billet description up to date and correct.

To know more about North Atlantic Treaty Organization here



what ethical or professional standards should auditors consider when writing electronic communications


Auditing standards are the professional standards the auditors consider when writing electronic communications.

The criteria or yardstick by which the caliber of the audit results is assessed is called the auditing standards. In situations where there is a question of material importance and its interpretation is of a technical nature, auditing standards are especially crucial. Concerns about the financial statement audit that, in the auditor's professional opinion, are important and relevant to the duties of those charged with governance in supervising the financial reporting process must be charged with governance.

The Definition of Internal Auditing, the Code of Ethics, and the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing are the three prerequisites.

Learn to know more about Auditors on




the method that reports the cash effect of each operating activity explicitly on the statement of cash flows is referred to as the method. multiple choice question. indirect comparative comprehensive direct


The direct method is the method that explicitly includes the financial effect of each operating activity on the cash flow statement.

One of the two accounting treatments that are used to create a cash flow statement is the direct approach. The statement of cash flows direct method does not convert the operational section from accrual accounting to a cash basis; rather, it uses real cash inflows and outflows from the company's activities.

When income is earned rather than when a customer pays, it is recorded using accrual accounting. Only the cash that has been received, which is often from customers, and the cash payments or outflows, such as to suppliers, are measured by the cash flow direct approach.

To learn more about cash flow statements, visit the link below:



the mountain ski lodge spent $100,000 marketing and advertising its new ski trails and on-site spa. the money used for marketing and advertising can be referred to as:


Marketing and advertising for The Mountain Ski Lodge's new ski runs and on-site spa cost $100,000. Mass customisation refers to the funds spent on marketing and advertising.

What does "mass Customization" entail and why is it so advantageous?

Mass customisation is a business practice that involves offering specialized products and services that best satisfy the needs of each unique customer. It takes advantage of flexibility, integration, and personalization to create customized goods at low unit costs and close to the efficiency of mass production.

A mass customisation program enables customers to fairly simply create items that meet their unique demands by selecting from a variety of design and styling options offered for a given product. Customers believe they will profit more from owning these distinctive and customized products.

What does mass customization seek to accomplish?

The purpose of mass customisation is to give businesses and customers the opportunity to develop, foresee, and meet unique consumer wants in a relationship that is open, fun, and profitable for both parties.

Learn more about mass customization: https://brainly.com/question/17134248


when a customer purchases merchandise, it triggers a flow of information that will eventually reach which elements of the supply chain?


When a customer purchases merchandise, it triggers a flow of information that will eventually reach Distribution centers, Suppliers of raw materials, Product manufacturers of the supply chain.

The production and delivery of a good or service are carried out by a network of businesses and individuals known as a supply chain.A supply chain consists of producers, vendors, warehouses, transportation firms, distribution facilities, and retailers.Product development, marketing, operations, distribution, finance, and customer service are some of a supply chain's key responsibilities.Many supply chains in use today span the entire world.Costs are reduced and the production cycle is shortened as a result of effective supply chain management.A company's overall costs can be reduced, and profitability can be increased, when supply chain management is successful. A broken link can have an expensive and negative impact on the chain as a whole.

Learn more about Supply chain, here



global products plans to issue long-term bonds to raise funds to finance its growth. the company has existing bonds outstanding that are similar to the new bonds it expects to issue. the existing bonds, which have a face value equal to $1,000 and a coupon rate of interest equal to 7 percent (semiannual payments), mature in 20 years. these bonds are currently selling for $949 each. global's marginal tax rate is 40 percent.


Effective yeild on the current bond = 60/1077 = 5.57%

To illustrate, consider the case of XYZ Corporation. XYZ wishes to borrow $1 million to finance the construction of a new factory but is unable to obtain this financing from a bank. Instead, XYZ decides to raise the money by selling $1 million worth of bonds to investors. Under the terms of the bond, XYZ promises to pay its bondholders 5% interest per year for five years, with interest paid semiannually. Each of the bonds has a face value of $1,000, meaning XYZ is selling a total of 1,000 bonds.

The formula for the coupon rate is as follows:

C = i / p


C = coupon rate

i = annualized interest (or coupon)

p = par value of a bond

The coupon rate for the new issues should be 6%

the after-tax cost would be 6% * ( 1-40%)

= 3.6%

Learn more about bonds here https://brainly.com/question/25965295


true or false: based on the basic strategy paradigm, in order to maximize its profitability, a firm can invest in any of the positions found on the efficiency frontier.



A firm cannot invest in any of the positions found on the efficiency frontier based on the basic strategy paradigm to maximize its profitability.

What is strategy paradigm?

The basic strategy paradigm holds that to maximize profitability, a company must do three things: (1) select a position on the efficiency frontier that is viable, meaning that there is enough demand to support that choice; (2) set up its internal operations, such as manufacturing, marketing, logistics, information systems, human resources, and so on, to support that position; and (3) ensure that the company has the appropriate organizational structure. If a company is to gain a competitive edge and generate higher profitability, its strategy, operations, and organizational structure must be in harmony with one another. The various value-creation activities a corporation engages in are referred to as operations in our terminology.

To learn more about the strategy paradigm click on the given link:



global dispatch corporation and heavy hauling inc. agree in advance to terms that apply to their future e-transactions. this is


In a case whereby global dispatch corporation and heavy hauling inc. agree in advance to terms that apply to their future e-transactions can be described as c. ​a partnering agreement.

What is a partnering agreement?

A partnership agreement serves as the legal document that can be used to describe the operation of a  small for-profit business  under two or more people where they both agree to run  a particular business together.

It should be noted that the agreement  usually helps to spelled out the  responsibilities of each partner as well as the rules that guide them in the operation of the business, in this agreement the amount that belongs to each of the parties will be written for the future purpose and how the business profit and loss will be attributed to each of the parties that are responsible for the business.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about partnership at:



missing options:

a. ​a choice-of-law clause.

b. ​a click-on agreement.

c. ​a partnering agreement.

d. ​a shrink-wrap agreement.

in a mixed market economy government regulations are intended to


Answer Explanation:

In a mixed market economy government regulations are intended to correct market failures like pollution and traffic congestion; advance social welfare; and for other factors like national security and defense.

Transforming energy is a major trend that is reshaping agribusiness.
O True
O False


Transforming energy is a major trend that is reshaping agribusiness is


In the agribusiness, the process that leads to increased farm productivity, making farming commercially viable and strengthening interlinkages with other sectors of the economy.

While the result of this stage is a decreased share of agriculture to GDP and the labor force, the process of agricultural modernization is critical for economic transformation and achieving food security and improved nutrition.

To know more about agribusiness here,



carla purchased a 10-year bond with a coupon rate of 7.5% paid semiannually. the bond has a par value of $1,000 and may be called in 7 years for $1,050. the current market price of the bond is $1,015. calculate the bond's yield to call. a) 7.77% b) 7.50% c) 6.75% d) 8.05%


Carla purchased a 10-year bond with a coupon rate of 7.5% paid semiannually. the bond has a par value of $1,000 and may be called in 7 years for $1,050. the current market price of the bond is 7.77%.

In economics, a market is a composition of systems, establishments, methods, social relations or infrastructures whereby events interact in alternate. At the same time as parties might also alternate items and offerings through barter, most markets depend on sellers offering their goods or services (together with labour energy) to consumers in change for cash. It is able to be stated that a marketplace is the manner by means of which the prices of goods and services are hooked up. Markets facilitate trade and enable the distribution and allocation of assets in a society. Markets permit any tradeable object to be evaluated and priced. A marketplace emerges extra or less spontaneously or can be built intentionally by human interaction which will enable the alternate of rights (cf. Possession) of services and goods.

Learn more about market here



How are carrots processed to prepare them for shipping and purchasing by a consumer.


As the carrots are packaged in crates, fruit crates, trays, sacks, plastic bags, or nets, this procedure varies from harvester to harvester.

What is consumer?

Consumers are those who buy products for their own needs and use or consume them.

A consumer does not purchase goods or services primarily for resale or for business objectives. Instead, they do it for personal use. For goods or services, customers must pay money. As a result, consumers are an essential component of any economy and play a crucial role in the economic system of a capitalist society, without consumer demand, manufacturers wouldn't have one of their primary driving forces: the desire to sell their goods to a consumer.

Therefore, carrots processed by different procedure

Learn more about  Carrots, here:



in hootsuite analytics, what is an advantage of sharing a report with a colleague rather than sending them an exported pdf?


Reports give your colleagues constant access to up-to-date data.

What is Hootsuite analytics?

You can use Hootsuite, a potent social media management tool, to save time, promote your business, and examine your social media results to determine what is effective.

The most popular social media management tool is Hootsuite, which is relied upon by more than 17 million users and staffers at 80% of Fortune 1000 companies.

From a single dashboard, Hootsuite makes it easy to develop, schedule, publish, and monitor your contents and ad campaigns across social networks. By giving you access to real-time analytics, it empowers you to focus on other aspects of your business while still maximizing the impact of your social marketing.

Learn more about Hootsuite, from:



the role of an art director is to multiple choice create the words and concepts for ads and commercials. determine the design and look and feel of the ad. take ultimate responsibility for the creative product and final ad. develop the verbal message and the copy within a print ad. act as the head of a creative team of agency copywriters and artists.


Take ultimate responsibility for the creative product and final ad is the role of an art director. Hence,  option C is correct.

What is art director?

Art directors choose which photographs, pieces of art, or other design elements to employ. Art directors provide the visual style and images that are utilized in periodicals, newspapers, commercial packaging, and film and television productions. They create the overall plan and provide guidance to others who create the artwork or layouts.

A "art director" is a professional who makes up a creative team in an advertising agency, similar to a "copywriter." However, in the context of design, it alludes to a hierarchical level and the leader of a team of designers.

Thus, option C is correct.

For more information about art director, click here:



which of the following events would produce a deductible loss in 2022? a.erosion of personal use land due to rain or wind. b.termite infestation of a personal residence over a several year period. c.a misplaced diamond ring. d.damages to personal residence from hurricane in a federal disaster area.


The damages to personal residence from hurricane in a federal disaster area would produce a deductible loss in 2022.

What losses are deductible under business?

The deductible loss must have occurred within the tax year and not have been covered by insurance. If the taxpayer suffers a loss due to a casualty or theft of their personal, household, or living property, the loss must be the consequence of an identifiable, harmful, swift, unexpected, and unusual event.

The loss must be ancillary to the operation of the assessor's business and must result directly from, grow out of, or be related in some way to that activity. No restriction on its deductibility should be stated in the Income Tax Act's requirements.

To learn more about deductible loss, visit:



hotel cortez is an all-equity firm that has 10,600 shares of stock outstanding at a market price of $33 per share. the firm's management has decided to issue $64,000 worth of debt and use the funds to repurchase shares of the outstanding stock. the interest rate on the debt will be 7 percent. what is the break-even ebit?


If hotel cortez is an all-equity firm that has 10,600 shares of stock outstanding at a market price of $33 per share.  The break-even ebit is:  $24,486.05.

How to find the break-even ebit?

First step is to calculate the share repurchased

Shares repurchased =$64,000 /$33 per share

Shares repurchased =1,939.39 shares

Second step is to calculate the shares outstanding

Shares outstanding = 10,600 shares - 1,939.39 shares

Shares outstanding = 8,660.61 shares

Now let find the break-even ebit

EBIT/10,600= [EBIT − $64,000(.07)]/ 8,660.61

EBIT/10,600 = [EBIT − $4,480]/ 8,660.61

EBIT/10,600 -8,660.61 = [10,600 ×$4,480]

EBIT/1,939.39 = $47,488,000

EBIT = $47,488,000 / 1,939.39

EBIT = $24,486.05

Therefore the break-even ebit is

Learn more about break-even ebit here:https://brainly.com/question/24049936


If the CEO assumes that the customer profiles in Chicago is most representative of all the locations and she only samples customers from Chicago for the survey, she is doing

a. Quota sampling
b. Simple random sampling
c. Convenience sampling
d. Judgment sampling


Representative of all the locations and she only samples customers from Chicago for the survey, she is doing Judgment sampling.

In the non-probability sampling technique known as judgment sampling, or authoritative sampling, the researcher chooses the units to be sampled based on his own prior knowledge or his professional judgment. Purposive sampling, also known as judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling, is a type of non-probability sampling in which researchers pick individuals from the public to take part in their surveys based on their own judgment. Three circumstances make the use of judgemantal sampling appropriate: (1) choosing distinctive respondents who are particularly instructive; (2) choosing members of a hard-to-reach, niche community; and (3) identifying specific sorts of respondents for in-depth examination.

Learn more about Judgment sampling visit https://brainly.com/question/28272047


why will a private market be unable to produce the efficient quantity of public goods? 1) because the good's marginal cost is too low. 2) because the good is nonexcludable, so there is the free rider problem. 3) because the good is rival, so no one will want to pay the producer for it. 4) all of the above answers are correct


A private market will be unable to produce the efficient quantity of public goods because the good is nonexcludable, so there is the free rider problem (B).

Public goods is commodity that is made to be available for all of members of a society. Typically, public goods is provided and adminstered by government. Public goods usually includes commodities that are important for the people's well-being and welfare.

Public goods must be non-rivalrous and non-excludable.

Non-rivalrous means that public goods do not dwindle in supply as more people consume them. Non-excludable means that public goods are available for all citizens without any exception.

Public goods has free-rider problems. This problems incures when some people who use the public goods refuse to pay for it. For example, people who do not pay taxes is freeriding on the government revenues' provided by those who pay.

Learn more about Public Goods here: https://brainly.com/question/29330412


allison has just launched a new product and wants to conduct a frank and open-minded discussion about what went right and what went wrong. allison wants to conduct a(n)


After just launching a new product, Allison wants to have a candid conversation about what worked and what didn't. Allison desires to hold Feedback and retrospective meetings.

What are gatherings for feedback and reflection?

You can improve your relationship with your client by holding a retrospective meeting. You will hear customer comments regarding products other than your own at the retrospective meeting. The most significant thing is that your client will offer you advice on how to make your work better and how to better serve them.

When ought a post-mortem meeting to be held?

The sprint retrospective meeting is performed after a sprint, which is a project management technique where teams finish particular tasks within a set amount of time. You will talk about what worked well during the previous sprint cycle and what may be improved for the following sprint in a retrospective.

Learn more about project management technique: https://brainly.com/question/28283998


wage differentials may result from all the following except: group of answer choices differences in the education and skills of workers. the tendency of qualified workers to move from lower pay jobs to higher pay jobs. geographic and sociological immobilities of workers. differences in the nonmonetary aspects of various occupations.


Last option. Wage differentials may result from all the following except differences in the nonmonetary aspects of various occupations.

What is meant by wage differentials?

The variety of occupations and industries present in a nation's economic sphere of activity has a direct bearing on wage disparities.

Jobs that require a particular skill are paid more or less than jobs that require a different skill, whether they are in the same industry or not.

The term "wage disparity" describes variations in wage rates brought on by factors such as the company's location, work hours, working conditions, the type of product manufactured, and others.

It could be the salary disparity between employees with various skill sets employed in the same industry or between employees with related skill sets employed in other areas or industries.

Workers' wage rates will vary when there are differences in their skill levels, such as highly skilled, skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled. The difference is a result of the gained skill's difficulty, rarity, and length of training required to master it. The unskilled category, which doesn't require any of these, is compensated relatively less.

Read more on wage differentials here; https://brainly.com/question/3851767


if the minimum efficient scale of a typical firm in an industry is small relative to the market equilibrium quantity of the good, then:


if the minimum efficient scale of a typical firm in an industry is small relative to the market equilibrium quantity of the good, then Perfect competition arises.

In monetary principle, perfect competition takes place whilst all corporations sell equal products, marketplace share does now not affect rate, agencies are able to enter or exit without boundaries, buyers have perfect or complete records, and agencies can't decide prices.

In economics, mainly trendy equilibrium principle, a perfect market, also known as an Perfect market, is described with the aid of several idealizing situations, together known as perfect competition, or atomistic competition.

Best competition is an economic term that refers to a theoretical market shape wherein all providers are equal and general supply and demand are in equilibrium. as an instance, if there are several companies producing a commodity and no character firm has a competitive gain, there's ideal opposition.

Learn more about Perfect Competition here : https://brainly.com/question/2784613


question content areathe following forecasted sales pertain to spyware corporation: month sales september $40,000 october 50,000 november 30,000 december 20,000 collection pattern: 65% in month of sale 35% in month following sale accounts receivable as of august 31 $7,000 finished goods inventory as of august 31 1,500 units spyware corporation has a selling price of $2.50 per unit and expects to maintain ending inventories equal to 25% of the next month's sales. what amount is expected to be collected in september? a.$7,000


$135,000. Month, Total Credit Sales, Applicable Percentage, and Receivables April, 140,000, 15%, 21,000. May, 190,000, 60%, 114,000.

Payments for credit sales are those that are made days or even weeks after a product has been delivered.

What do credit sales entail?Payments for credit sales are those that are made days or even weeks after a product has been delivered. Payments made promptly in cash are different from short-term credit arrangements, which are recorded as accounts receivable on a company's balance sheet.Calculate the cash received before you may begin to calculate credit sales. When you have these numbers, subtract the total sales from the total cash received to get the credit sales. The credit sales are equal to the total sales minus the cash paid.When a customer purchases goods or services from a business using credit rather than cash, the transaction is referred to as a "credit sale." In contrast to the gross credit sales measure, which adjusts for all customer returns, discounts, and allowances, net credit sales.     $135,000. Month, Total Credit Sales, Applicable Percentage, and Receivables April, 140,000, 15%, 21,000. May, 190,000, 60%, 114,000.        

To learn more about Credit sales refer to:



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