Which of these four figures are congruent to the top figure? OD ОС ОА B


Answer 1

Congruency is the the quality of two things to be similar to each other.

The shape we use as reference is a parallelogram that has the three blue dots distributed along its longer diagonal with minimal space between them.

Therefore, any other shape congruent to it must agree to this condition.

Option C agrees to this condition.

Related Questions

Um Im in fith grade and i need help with some of my math questions if your able to help me with five or 10 questions that will be great



For this case we can do the following:

Then the solution would be:

21 6/24 = 21 1/4

For this case we can do the following for 21 1/4


For the second part we can do this:


Then the answer is 5/3

original price of shoes is $104.95 a discount of 30% tax 2%


Solving for the price of a $104.95 pair of shoes with 30% discount, after 2% taxes

First, we have to calculate the 70% of the original value (30% discount). Then, we calculate the 2% of that value (70% of $104.95) and add it up, as following:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 104.95\times\frac{70}{10}=73.47 \\ 73.47\times\frac{2}{100}=1.47 \\ 73.47+1.47=74.94 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the retail price of the shoes, with 30% discount and after 2% taxes, would be 74.94

Rational Expression and EquationsClassify each equation as direct inverse or joint variation then state the constant of variation


2. Given:


To classify the equation as direct, inverse or joint variation then state the constant of variation​:

It is of the form,

[tex]y=kz,\text{ whe}re\text{ }k\text{ is the constant}[/tex]

If y increases then z increases and if y decreases then z decreases.

Therefore, it is direct variation.

We know that the ratio between two variables in a direct variation is a constant of variation.

Thus, the constant of variation is k = 7.

I’m not quite sure on why I’m not getting the correct solution. Please help!The questions are A) what is the initial value of Q, when t = 0? What is the continuous decay rate? B) Use the graph to estimate the value of t when Q = 2 C) Use logs to find the exact value of t when Q = 2


The given exponential function is


The form of the exponential continuous function is


a is the initial amount (value y at t = 0)

r is the rate of growth/decay in decimal

Compare the given function by the form

[tex]a=11[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} r=0.13\rightarrow decay \\ r=0.13\times100\text{ \%} \\ r=13\text{ \%} \end{gathered}[/tex]


The value of Q at t = 0 is 11 and the decay rate is 13%

The initial value of Q is 11

The continuous decay rate is 13%

From the graph

To find the value of t when Q = 2

Look at the vertical axis Q and go to the scale of 2

Move horizontally from 2 until you cut the graph

Go down to read the value of t

The value of t is about 13



Q = 2

t = 13


Now, we will substitute Q in the function by 2


Divide both sides by 11


Insert ln on both sides


Use the rule


Substitute it in the equation


Divide both sides by -0.13

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{ln(\frac{2}{11})}{-0.13}=t \\ \\ 13.11344686=t \end{gathered}[/tex]


Q = 2

t = 13.11344686

what is 14% of $3.40


In order to calculate the 14% of $3.40, you only calculate the multiplication of 14/100 and 3.40, just as follow:

14/100 x 3.40 = 0.14 x 3.40 = 0.476

Hence, the 14% of $3.40 is $0.476

The previous calculation can be summarized as follow:

- Divide the percentage between 100

14/100 = 0.14

- The previous result is multiplied by the quantity about you want to know what is the given percentage

0.14 x 3.40

Lisa is saving $50 that she received from her grandmother. She earns $6 each time she walks her neighbor's dog, which she also saves. Which function can be used to find f, the amount of money Lisa will have saved after walking the neighbor's dog d times?



f ------> the amount of money Lisa will have saved

d -----> number of times that she walking the neighbor's dog


Remember that

The linear equation in slope intercet form is equal to



m is the unit rate or slope

b is the y-intercept or initial value

in this problem we have






answer is last one option

Functions > 1.02 Function families and transformations How do we shift the graph of y = f(x) to get the graph of y = f(x) + 2?


y = f(x)


y = f(x) + 2

Move up the graph by 2 units along the y- axis. (vertical translation)

solve each system of equations below by graphing, please use my graphy = -2x + 1 y = x - 5


In order to find the solution to the given system of equations, find x and y intercepts for each line, as follow:

y = -2x + 1


0 = -2x + 1

2x = 1

x = 1/2


y = -2(0) + 1

y = 1

Then, the points of intersection for the first line are (1/2 , 0) and (0 , 1)

y = x - 5


0 = x- 5

x = 5


y = 0 - 5

y = - 5

Then, the points of intersection of the second line are (5,0) and (0,-5)

Next, graph the two lines by using the previous points:

The solution of the system is the point of intersection between the two lines. As you ca notice, such a point is (2,-3)

Related to your system of coordinates, you have:

You would like to make Chili, Tacos and Grilled Cheese this week. The grocery store prices and ingredients for the meals are listed above. One of each item will be enough to cover all recipes, except you will need two packages of cheese to make all three recipes. How much will you spend on groceries?



i dont get it

Step-by-step explanation:

I’m just starting writing these and I don’t understand it much


In geometry, formal definitions are formed using other defined words or terms. There are, however, three words in geometry that are not formally defined. These words are point, line, and plane, and are referred to as the "three undefined terms of geometry".

a. Defined terms can be combined with each other and with undefined terms to define still more terms. An angle, for example, is a combination of two different rays or line segments that share a single endpoint. Similarly, a triangle is composed of three noncollinear points and the line segments that lie between them.

b. Undefined terms can be combined to define other terms. Noncollinear points, for example, are points that do not lie on the same line. A line segment is the portion of a line that includes two particular points and all points that lie between them, while a ray is the portion of a line that includes a particular point, called the endpoint, and all points extending infinitely to one side of the endpoint.

Jed bought a generator that will run for 2 hours on a liter of gas. The gas tank on the generator is a rectangular prism with dimensions 20 cm by 15 cm by 10 cm.If Jed fills the tank with gas, how long will the generator run? [1000 cm ^3 = 1 Liter]


Volume of the rectangular-shaped gas tank = Length x Width x Height

Question 8 of 10
If the Federal Reserve decreases the reserve rate from 10% to 8%, how does
this affect the amount of
money that would result because of fractional-
reserve banking from an initial deposit into a bank of $40,000?
C A. It increases the amount by $100,000.

B. It decreases the amount by $400,000.

C. It increases the amount by $400,000.
• D. It decreases the amount by $100,000.


The amount of money that would result because of fractional reserve banking from an initial deposit of $40,000 into a bank will increase by $100,000.

The initial reserve rate of the Federal Reserve was 10%. The final reserve rate of the Federal Reserve is 8%. Hence, the reserve rate decreased from 10% to 8%. We need to find the affect, due to this decrease, on the amount of money that would result because of fractional-reserve banking from an initial deposit of $40,000 into a bank.

The formula for the reserve is used here.

Reserve = (Deposit/Final Reserve rate) - (Deposit/Initial Reserve rate)

Reserve = ($40,000/0.08) - ($40,000/0.10)

Reserve = $500,000 - $400,000

Reserve = $100,000

Hence, the reserve amount is increased by $100,000.

To learn more about amount, visit :



In the circle below, if arc AB = 48 °, and arc CD = 122 °, find the measure of < CPD.



In the circle below, if arc AB = 48°, and arc CD = 122°, find the measure of < CPD.


Therefore the measure of angle CPD = 85 degree

Hence the correct answer = Option C

when I combine things to make zero it means l am adding zero


The combine things to make zero means we are combining same thing but off oppoite polarity or sign or direction.

The addition of zero to anything does not make anything to zero, it results in same quantity. So it is a false statement, as addition of zero does not chage anything, it results in original amount.

Write an equation in general form of the circle with the given properties. Ends of diameter at (5,7) and (-5,-7) ?


Write an equation in general form of the circle with the given properties.

Ends of diameter at (5,7) and (-5,-7)

we have that

the equation of the circle is


where (h,k) is the center and r is the radius

step 1

Find the center

Remember that

The center of the circle is the midpoint of diameter


[tex]\begin{gathered} (h,k)=(\frac{5-5}{2},\frac{7-7}{2}) \\ (h,k)=(0,0) \end{gathered}[/tex]

the center is the origin

step 2

Find the radius

Find the diameter

calculate the distance between two points

[tex]\begin{gathered} d=\sqrt[\square]{(-7-7)^2+(-5-5)^2} \\ d=\sqrt[\square]{(-14)^2+(-10)^2} \\ d=\sqrt[\square]{296} \end{gathered}[/tex]



the radius is half the diameter



step 3

the equation iof the circle is



How can I get the volume in cubic centimetres of one large cereal box? How do I calculate the total surface of a cereal box? How do I calculate the volume of the cereal box? If the height of a small box is 20cm, list two different Pairs of values which the company can use for the length and width of a small box?


The volume of the cereal box is 7200 cm³ and the surface area of the cereal box is 2776 cm².

The dimensions of the cereal box are given as:

Length = 25 cm

Width = 8 cm

Height = 36 cm

The volume of the cereal box is:

Volume = l × b × h

V = 25 cm × 8 cm × 36 cm

V = 7200 cm³

The surface area of the cereal box is:

Surface area = 2 l b + 2 b h + 2 h l

S = 2 (25) (8) + 2 (8) (36) + 2 (36) (25)

S = 400 + 576 + 1800

S = 2776 cm²

Therefore, we get that, the volume of the cereal box is 7200 cm³ and the surface area of the cereal box is 2776 cm².

Learn more about volume here:



write the expression x^2 / x^-6 as a product of two factors and also as a negative exponent.


Writing the given expression as a product of two factors, we'll have;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{x^2}{x^{-6}}=x^2\ast x^6=x^{2+6}=x^8 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, writing it as a negative exponent, we'll have;

Solve the equation involving simple interest Mike borrowed some money for 2 years at 2% simple interest. If he had to pay back a total of $3952, how much did he originally borrow?


Given that Mike borrowed an amount for 2 years at 2% simple interest, and paid back a total of $3952.

To Determine: The original money he borrowed


The formula to find the amount for simple interest is



A is the Amount paid back

r is the rate

t is the time

Given that

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=3952 \\ r=\frac{2}{100}=0.02 \\ t=2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute the given into the formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=P(1+rt) \\ 3952=P(1+0.02\times2) \\ 3952=P(1+0.04) \\ 3952=P(1.04) \\ 3952=1.04P \\ P=\frac{3952}{1.04} \\ P=3,800 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the Mike originally borrow $3,800

Solve the right triangle ABC for all missing parts. Express all angles in decimal degrees. a= 306.5 km, c=591.3 km(Round to the nearest hundredth as needed)


[tex]\begin{gathered} b=505.66\text{ km} \\ A=37.56\~ \\ B=58.77\text{ \degree} \\ C=90\text{ \degree} \end{gathered}[/tex]


Step 1

we have a rigth triangle, then


[tex]\begin{gathered} side_1=306.5 \\ side_2=b \\ \text{hypotenuse}=591.3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

to find the missing side we an use the Pythagorean theorem. it states that the sum of the squares on the legs of a right triangle is equal to the square on the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle)


[tex]\begin{gathered} side^2+side^2=hypotenuse^2 \\ \text{replace} \\ 306.5^2+b^2=591.3^2 \\ \text{subtract }306.5^2i\text{n both sides} \\ 306.5^2+b^2-306.5^2=591.3^2-306.5^2 \\ b^2=591.3^2-306.5^2 \\ b=\sqrt[]{591.3^2-306.5^2} \\ b=\sqrt[]{255693.44} \\ b=505.66\text{ km} \end{gathered}[/tex]


b=505.66 km

Step 2



[tex]\begin{gathered} \sin \text{ }\alpha=\frac{opposi\text{te side}}{\text{hypotenuse}} \\ \text{replace} \\ \sin \text{ A=}\frac{a}{c}=\frac{360.5\text{ }}{591.3} \\ A=\sin ^{-1}(\frac{360.5\text{ }}{591.3}) \\ A=37.56\~ \end{gathered}[/tex]

and B

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sin \text{ B=}\frac{b}{c} \\ B=\sin ^{-1}(\frac{505.66}{591.3}) \\ B=58.77\text{ \degree} \end{gathered}[/tex]

I hope this helps you

The fish population of a receding pond is 8,000. The population is expected to decrease at a rate of 8% each year.Which function represents the population of the fish in the pond after x years?


Answer: f(x) = 8000(0.92)^x


The formula for calculating exponential decay is expressed as

f(x) = P(1 - r)^x


f(x) is the population after a period of x

P is the initial population

r is the decay rate

x is the time

From the information given,

P = 8000

r = 8% = 8/100 = 0.08

By substituting r = 0.08 into the equation. We have

f(x) = 8000(1 - 0.08)^x

f(x) = 8000(0.92)^x

1. (4x3.5x2 + 3) + (2x3 - 5x²)



4x3.5x2 = 28

28 + 3 = 31

31 + 2x3= 37

and so answer is

=37 - 5x^2

The graph of a function g is shown below.Find g (0) and find one value of x for which g(x) = 4,


From the graph provided,

a) For g(0), on the graph,


b) One value of x for which g(x) = 4 is given below as,

[tex]\begin{gathered} g(x)=4 \\ x=3\text{ where g(x) = 4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, g(0) = -2 and one of the value of x for which g(x) = 4 is 3

Directions: Drag each tile to the correct box.Put the recursive formulas below in order from least to greatest according to the value of their 10th terms.For all of the formulas, let n be equal to the whole numbers greater than or equal to one.


Solving for the 10th term for each of the recursive sequence

First sequence

[tex]\begin{gathered} a_1=32 \\ a_{n+1}=-5+a_n \\ \\ \text{This can be converted to} \\ a_n=a_1+(n-1)(-5) \\ \\ \text{Substitute }n=10 \\ a_{10}=32+(10-1)(-5) \\ a_{10}=32+(9)(-5) \\ a_{10}=32-45 \\ a_{10}=-13 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Second sequence

[tex]\begin{gathered} a_1=2048 \\ a_{n+1}=-\frac{1}{2}a_n \\ \\ \text{This can be converted to} \\ a_n=a_1\cdot\Big(-\frac{1}{2}\Big)^{n-1} \\ \\ \text{Substitute }n=10 \\ a_{10}=2048\cdot\Big(-\frac{1}{2}\Big)^{10-1} \\ a_{10}=2048\cdot\Big(-\frac{1}{2}\Big)^9 \\ a_{10}=-4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Third sequence

[tex]\begin{gathered} a_1=0.125 \\ a_{n+1}=2a_n \\ \\ \text{This can be converted to} \\ a_n=a_1\cdot2^{n-1} \\ \\ \text{Substitute }n=10 \\ a_{10}=0.125\cdot2^{10-1} \\ a_{10}=0.125\cdot2^9 \\ a_{10}=64 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Fourth sequence

[tex]\begin{gathered} a_1=-7\frac{2}{3} \\ a_{n+1}=a_n+1\frac{2}{3} \\ \\ \text{This can be converted to} \\ a_n=a_1+(n-1)\Big(1\frac{2}{3}\Big) \\ \\ \text{Substitute }n=10 \\ a_{10}=-7\frac{2}{3}+(10-1)\Big(1\frac{2}{3}\Big) \\ a_{10}=\frac{-23}{3}+(9)\Big(\frac{5}{3}\Big) \\ a_{10}=-\frac{23}{3}+\frac{45}{3} \\ a_{10}=\frac{22}{3} \\ a_{10}=7\frac{1}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Arranging the formulas from least to greatest according to their 10th terms, we have the following:

First Sequence → Second Sequence → Fourth Sequence → Third Sequence

A cubical tank with sides 6 feet is to be painted. It costs $2 per square feet to paint. Find the total cost to paint all the six sides.


We have that the surface area of a cube is given by


where s is the measure of the side

s= 6 ft


If the square feet cost $2 the total cost will be


the total cost is $432

A catapult is malfunctioning and not throwing objects in the intended manner. The builders have modeled the path of the objects thrown by using thefollowing parametric equations. Rewrite the parametric equations by eliminating the parameter.




[tex]\begin{gathered} x(t)=2t-1 \\ \\ y(t)=\sqrt{t}\Rightarrow y^2=t \\ \\ \Rightarrow x=2y^2-1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the correct option is D

Lin family has completed 70% of a trip. They have traveled 35 miles. How far is the trip?A. 24.5 milesB. 50 milesC. 59.5 milesD. 200 miles


The given information is:

The family have traveled 35 miles and it represents the 70% of the trip.

To find how far is the trip we need to divide the 35 miles by the percentage that it represents:


Thus, the trip is 50 miles.

Answer: B.

Please see attached photo for question


For the function g(x), the graph is shown and the domain of that function is set of all integer numbers.

Domain of a function is all possible input values for that function.

Here, the domain of g(x) is  set of all integers numbers

The x intercept of g(x)

The x intercept is when the value of y is zero, analysing the graph the x intercept can be interpreted as -5 and 1

The y intercept is when the value of x is zero, analysing the graph the y intercept can be interpreted as  1

From the graph,

g(4) is 1

Therefore, For the function g(x), the graph is shown and the domain of that function is set of all integer numbers.

To learn more about function refer here



Help Please, I don’t understand and it’s really confusing me


We have this expression:


Let's substitute y = 1/4 into this expression.


Multiply the top and bottom by 4/1 in order to get rid of the double fractions.


The answer to this problem is C) 60.

Convert 7π/6 radians to degrees





In order to convert from radians to degrees, we must take into account that π is equal to 180°, knowing this, let's do the conversion:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \pi=180\degree \\ \\ \text{ We replacing} \\ \\ 7\cdot\frac{180\degree}{6}=210\degree \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, 7π/6 radians is equal to 210°

please help this math seem hard 50 points anyone


An expression is a way of writing a statement with more than two variables or numbers with operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

The equivalent expression is


Option C is the correct answer.

What is an expression?

An expression is a way of writing a statement with more than two variables or numbers with operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Example: 2 + 3x + 4y = 7 is an expression.

We have,

√(xy³) x ([tex]x^{1/2} y^4[/tex])²

This can be written as,

[ √ means 1/2, √a = [tex]a^{1/2}[/tex]]

√(xy³) = [tex]x^{1/2}y^{3/2}[/tex]

([tex]x^{1/2} y^4[/tex])² = x[tex]y^8[/tex]


√(xy³) x ([tex]x^{1/2} y^4[/tex]

=  [tex]x^{(1/2 + 1)}y^{(3/2 + 8)}[/tex]

= [tex]x^{3/2}y^{19/2}[/tex]


The equivalent expression is


Option C is the correct answer.

Learn more about expressions here:



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