1. People who refuse to eat sushi are missing a delicious taste experience.

a. Fact

b. Opinion

c. Fact and opinion


Answer 1
Your answer is b it’s not a fact a fact can be proven it’s a opinion
Answer 2
B is your answer so pick b

Related Questions

Write an Informal Composition to your
parents about your day in boarding school.



I've experienced a lot in my life throughout the years. I've lost track of several things. But I clearly recall some. They'll stay vivid in my mind. One such occasion was my first day of school. Getting ready for admittance When I was enrolled in school for the first time, I was seven years old. I learned at home from my father. At the time, my older brother was reading in the nearby school. It was determined that I would accompany him to school. At first, I felt a little anxious. Even now, whenever I go back to my earlier school days, I become excited and joyful.the first day I was admitted to class I at my school. My mind was filled with many thoughts as I walked into my school for the first time, and I felt anxious and a little stiff.

Once more, the next instructor entered the classroom. We rose up and said "Good morning, Ma'am." Ma'am asked me gently, "Is this your first class?" when she didn't recognise my face because she had never seen me before in the class. I said, "Yes, Ma'am," and when she asked my name, I said, "Rashda Khanam." She said, "Okay, Rashda, sit down. Her name is Priyanka. She is extremely soft-spoken and lovely."

This was how I interacted with my teachers and made new friends on the first day of my school,but after the school ended, I started missing you both mom and dad.

To know more about boarding school click the link below:



According to information in the poem, what does the father most likely believe?


I don't know what poem you are talking about.

you have been offered admission into senior high school but you have not been able to report at the school.write a letter to the head of the school telling him about your problems and asking him to give a you few more days to report​



The principal,

Example Secondary School

Upper Delhi - 75578

New Delhi.

17th July, 2022.

Subject- Application for late reporting.

Distinguished Sir/Madam,

With all due respect, I humbly ask that you give me admission to your esteemed university. My father works as a laborer, and because of the lockdown, he is earning less money overall, which is why I am currently tardy in reporting to school. I am unable to pay the academic expenses as a result, which prevents me from reporting on time.

I've always worked hard and been a trustworthy student here. So, please grant me permission to pay the money after five days. You have my sincere gratitude for this.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully,

Varsha Mittal.

Refer here to learn more about letter: https://brainly.com/question/26430877


How do senses help
humans live?
What are the
limitations of human
What are the
attitudes towards the
What are the
perspectives on how
humans perceive the
"Coming to Our Senses"
"We grow accustomed to the


Senses help people with their daily work and basic work that humans need for the completion of their work. Its because of these senses human are able to make rational decisions on their won.

But there are limitations to these senses also, we every time cannot solely rely on our senses, when making decisions we need inner peace and listen to our inner voice rather than sensing the situation.

The authors of the poems are talking about not solely relying on our senses and resort to the meditation and inner peace that we can feel when being quiet or in a less crowed place. Even without our senses we can solve the issues at hand by just going with the flow.

The humans perceive the world as a world with issues and problems to deal with and a place that we have to fight for our own belief and place if we want to be in. In both the poems "coming to our senses" and "we get accustomed to the dark" we can see this.

To know more about senses visit:



Which of the following selections best explains how postmodernism differs from
A. Postmodernism promotes the idea that the world is essentially incoherent.
B. Postmodernism is interested in the meaning brought to a text by the reader.
OC. Postmodernism employs the use of fragmentation.
OD. A & B only


A & B only  best explains how postmodernism differs from


A postmodern author uses metafiction, unreliable narration, self-reflexivity, intertextuality, and frequently thematizes both historical and political issues in their works of literature. Postmodernism is a philosophy that disagrees with the ideas of reason, objectivity, and absolute truth. Instead, it places a focus on the variety of perspectives and the human experience.

Paradox, unreliable narrators, unrealistic narratives, parody, and ominous humor are among the notable literary devices of postmodern literature, according to definitions. Postmodernism emerged from skepticism and a mistrust of reason, whereas modernism was founded on idealism and reason. It questioned the idea that there are universal facts or certainties.

Hence correct answer is option D.

To learn more about postmodernism here:



Electronic Textbooks

Schools are adding technology to their list of teaching and learning resources every day. As things like computers and tablets become less expensive, it is becoming easier for many schools to purchase these tools for teachers and students as teachers prepare students for the future and make learning more accessible. Even textbooks are being replaced by technology. Many schools are giving students laptops and tablets as replacements for textbooks. Well, this may seem like a good idea, but it isn't for everyone. Many rural schools may not have access to internet that is strong enough or fast enough to provide students with access to the information they need. Many students still do not have access to internet, much less high-quality internet. Therefore, replacing textbooks with technology may not be effective for all students if high-quality internet is not available.
Another problem is not all schools can afford it. There are many schools that have the capability to purchase enough new technology so that each student has equal access. However, this is not always the case. It would be unfair for some students to have technology and others still stuck using old textbooks.
Technology is a powerful tool in teaching and learning and it is important that students have access to technology as much as possible. Many of the careers students will enter as adults require knowledge of technology. However, all schools need to balance the need for technology with availability.
Read the sentence from the passage.

Well, this may seem like a good idea, but it isn't for everyone.

How could this claim be revised to include more precise language or domain-specific vocabulary?
Replacing textbooks with laptops may seem like a good change, however there are reasons this isn't best for all students.
Changing from textbooks to computers may seem like a good idea, but it isn’t for everyone.
Not all students and schools are ready for the change to electronic textbooks.
While using computers and tablets as textbooks may seem like a good idea, not everyone thinks this is a good idea.


Clear, direct, and meaning-specific words and phrases make up precise language. The words and expressions used to explain ideas that are specifically associated with a certain subject or issue make up domain-specific vocabulary. Thus, option A is correct.

What more precise language or domain-specific vocabulary?

Get your vocabulary list and try to work as many terms as you can into your copy before beginning to employ domain-specific vocabulary in your writing.

Therefore, Next, edit your manuscript to replace ambiguous terminology with more precise vocabulary and ensure that all the words are used.

Learn more about domain-specific here:



Write at least 5 sentences about the Gospel Matthew 5:1


The 5 sentences about Gospel Matthew are discussed below :

Gospel Matthew tells us the tale of Jesus with an accent on His part as Messiah, or Christ

The philosophy of Matthew was written as an reason against the expostulations and traducing of the Jews, which were soon also espoused by the gentiles.

Matthew's philosophy is easily authored for a Jewish Christian followership living within the instant closeness of the motherland itself. Matthew's is the most Jewish of all the gospels.

The philosophy of Matthew, still, lists five women, each of whom formed Jesus ’ line again complicated.

The symbol for the Gospel of Matthew is a winged man. In Matthew of Gospel, the Gospel of His humanity; for which case it is, too, that the icon of a humble and demure man is observed up through the entire philosophy

What's your reflection on the philosophy of Matthew?

The philosophy of Matthew presents the part of Jesus, Son of God and Messiah, in God's strategy. Jesus teaches us that devotion in Him and loving and serving God by loving and serving one another is our route to everlasting life. Religionists know Book is necessary for a full life in Christ.

What's the main message of the Gospel?

The philosophy or good news is a theological conception in several persuasions. In the literal Roman imperial cult and moment in Christianity, the philosophy is a communication about deliverance by a godly figure, a rescuer, who has convinced peace or other advantages to humankind.

Learn more about Matthew of Gospel :



Which of the following best describes why the images of the Tank Man are so powerful?
They were taken by Western journalists.
They represent courage and conviction.
They show that one person can stop a tank.
They were seen by many people.


The images of the Tank Man are powerful because b. they represent courage and conviction.

Who is the Tank Man?

Tank Man, also known as the Unknown Protester or Unknown Rebel, was the moniker given to an unnamed Chinese man who, on June 5, 1989, the day after the Chinese government's bloody repression of the Tiananmen demonstrations, stood in front of a column of Type 59 tanks departing Tiananmen Square in Beijing. He changed positions repeatedly to hinder the lead tank's attempts to manoeuvre past him as it tried to pass by. An international audience was made aware of the incident through video. It is regarded as one of the most famous photos of all time on a global scale. The picture and the events that go along with it are censored inside of China.

The man's identity and whereabouts are unclear, and the tank crew's account of what transpired is also a mystery. Although not the only protester to obstruct the tanks, according to at least one eyewitness, Tank Man stands out because no other protesters were ever photographed or videotaped.

To learn more about the Tank Man from the given link



Which of the following best describes why the images of the Tank Man are so powerful?


They were taken by Western journalists.


They represent courage and conviction.


They show that one person can stop a tank.


They were seen by many people.

Both passages focus on the authors' advice on the best way to live. How do the two authors differ in their claims?
A. Emerson says that independence is important because society is fickle, while Thoreau claims that simplicity is valuable because society is overwhelming.
OB. Emerson shows that society has high expectations for people, while Thoreau shows that failure is inevitable.
OC. Emerson argues that it is better to spend more time alone than interacting with others, while Thoreau sees value in being part of society.
D. Emerson believes that society affects the way people see themselves, while Thoreau believes that society only brings out the worst in people.


The claims of the two authors are different, as Emerson shows that society has high expectations for people, while Thoreau shows that failure is inevitable. The correct option is B.

What is a passage?

A passage is a group of sentences that were taken from a big story or novel. These are extracts and these are given to read and solve questions.

Thoreau was a man of action, and Emerson particularly admired and valued his abilities and expertise. In his eulogy for Thoreau, he stated: "His townsmen, who had at first known him merely as an oddity, learned to revere and admire him.

Therefore, the correct option is B, Emerson shows that society has high expectations for people, while Thoreau shows that failure is inevitable.

To learn more about the passage, refer to the link:



Which of the following words is most likely to carry a neutral connotation?
A. Amble
B. Walk
C. Pace
D. Stride


Walk is the word which carries a neutral connotation in the given question and the following choices.

What is positive or neutral connotation?

This is when a word states exactly what it means, with no connected positive or bad meaning.

What is a synonym for neutral connotation?

A positive connotation is a favourable sensation or emotion associated with a term. When a term has no positive or negative meaning, it is said to have a neutral connotation.

What is a positive connotation?

Neuter is a synonym for evenhanded, fair-minded, passive, disinterested, nonaligned, and nonpartisan.

What is a neutral sentence?

A positive connotation is a positive or favourable connection associated with a certain term. In the context, the meaning makes the word appear cheerful or positive. The opposite of a positive connotation is a negative connotation.

What are neutral statements?

These are "neutral" statements, meaning they don't emphasise anything in particular. However, if we wanted to emphasise anything, we would shift the word order.

To know more about Statements connotation visit:



Match each event from the story to its place in the plot structure.
Millicent decides that she does not
want to be part of the group.
Millicent begins to question the group,
especially Bev.
Millicent is excited and proud at being
chosen as an elect.
Millicent completes the final part of
her initiation with a new goal.
Millicent is about to confront the
sorority with her decision.
falling action
rising action


A story's storyline determines how engaging it is. There are moments in the tale that contribute to building and maintaining the tension that keeps readers fascinated.

Match each event from the story to its place in the plot structure.

Millicent decides that she does not want to be part of the group” - Climax

“Millicent completes the final part of her initiation with a new goal” - Falling Action

“Millicent is about to confront the sorority with her decision” - Resolution

“Millicent is excited and proud at being chosen as an elect” - Exposition

“Millicent begins to question the group, especially Bev” - Rising Action

What is meant by Plot Structure ?

The foundation of each tale is its plot structure. It is what keeps readers interested in your tale and wanting to see it through to the conclusion. It is also what keeps you watching until the very end since you are so engrossed in the plot.

The order or presentation of the events that make up a novel or short story is referred to as the plot structure.

The order in which events occur in a narrative work is called the plot structure. As in a narrative that jumps from the past to the present, the plot can be arranged chronologically.

To learn more about Plot Structure checkout the link below :



Select the correct text in the passage.
Which line in this excerpt from The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald contains a simile?


The lines that contains a simile is "..where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens."

A simile is a figure of speech that entails comparing unrelated things, and it does so by utilizing the comparisonal terms "like" and "as." A analogy comparing the growth of ashes to ridges and hills can be seen in the passage from F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" that is being provided ("a fantastic farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens").A simile is a rhetorical device in which two objects are clearly contrasted. Similes are metaphors that highlight similarities between two objects using comparison terms like "like," "as," "so," or "than," but other metaphors imply a comparison between the two.

Thus this is the meaning of a simile.

Refer here to learn more about simile: https://brainly.com/question/4289613


How does the theme of "To Build a Fire" help to address this question: What is our place in nature?


The theme of "To Build a Fire" helps to address this question: What is our place in nature" as it shows that it's important for us to take care of nature and things around us.

What is the story about?

The short story "To Build a Fire" is written by American author Jack London. This story is told in two ways. The first one was published in 1902, and the second in 1908. The story, written in 1908, has been widely anthologized.

Jack London's classic style has created an exciting and unforgettable tragic tale that illustrates a modern philosophical theme. The theme of this story is man's need to find meaning in his solitary existence in an environment that is both hostile and indifferent to his sufferings. The story's morals are that inexperienced people should always listen to experts and that nature is cruel and unforgiving.

In conclusion, the theme illustrated the importance of nature to man.

Learn more about To build a fire on:



“Little white house with a tiny patch of green grass. Not even enough grass to keep a cow alive for 5 minutes.”

How does the author use conflict to convey a theme?


Conflict develops and advances a novel's storyline. External conflict refers to the difficulties a character faces in the outer world.

Internal conflict is the term used to describe a character's psychological or emotional issues. For a story to be successful, conflict must be created. The conflict in a story is established not long after the main character is introduced.

Conflict sets off both the commencement of the action and the beginning of the narrative. Anyone who writes should be able to develop compelling conflict. Grass is the source of conflict in the example offered, however there isn't much of it. It is not enough to satisfy the cow's hunger or keep her alive for five minutes.

To learn more about conflict here:



what is the claim of speech Have You Left No Sense of Decency


The claim of speech of Have You Left No Sense of Decency is that As a result of Welch's baiting of Roy Cohn, Senator McCarthy becomes enraged and launches an unconnected attack on a young lawyer working for Welch's legal company. McCarthy's brazen brutality astounded Welch, who then abandoned the comic routine and force Welch to react with the quote " Have You Left No Sense of Decency".

What is the story Have You Left No Sense of Decency about?

For a while now, Joe McCarthy had been moving toward a confrontation with the Army. He accused the Army of being "soft on Communism" and turned his guns on the Army Secretary in televised hearings beginning on April 22, 1954, since he had failed to uncover any information regarding an alleged spy ring at the Monmouth, New Jersey Army base.

Therefore, The Army chose to respond with accusations that Roy Cohn, a close friend of McCarthy's, had attempted to meddle in military affairs by requesting favors for his friend.

Learn more about Decency from



Select the correct answer. Read lines 43b–46b from the play. Infirm of purpose! Give me the daggers: the sleeping and the dead Are but as pictures: 'tis the eye of childhood That fears a painted devil. What does Lady Macbeth suggest about her husband when she calls Macbeth "Infirm of purpose" and says that only "the eye of childhood" fears to look at the dead? A. Macbeth has become an evil person because of his actions. B. One day an artist will paint the scene of the king's murder. C. Macbeth is acting like a scared child. D. The king is sleeping like a peaceful child.



it's C Macbeth is acting like a scared child.


C. Macbeth is acting like a scared child.
Hope this helps!


in the monkeys paw To wish or not to wish on the monkey’s paw: this is the central conflict of W. W. Jacobs’s story. Identify evidence of Mr. and Mrs. White’s motivations in the story and explain how their actions influence the resolution of the conflict. Be sure to cite evidence from the text to support your claims not multiple chose


After reading the short story "The Monkey's Paw," we can analyze the characters' motivations and actions, answering the questions as below.

At first, Mr. White's motivation to make the first wish comes more from his curiosity than his greed. So much so that he asks for a small amount of money just to pay off his house debt: His father, smiling shamefacedly at his own credulity, ..."I wish for two hundred pounds," said the old man distinctly.Mrs. White's motivation, on the other hand, is her despair and love for her dead son: "Go down and get it quickly, and wish our boy alive again."The characters' actions influence the resolution of the conflict because, although Mrs. White wishes her son to be back, Mr. White uses his logical reasoning to prevent them from seeing the undead son.

What happens in "The Monkey's Paw"?

In the short story "The Monkey's Paw," the White family obtains a cursed mummified monkey's paw from a friend. The man who gives them the paw makes it very clear: It brings tragedy, and one should not interfere with fate.

Nonetheless, the Whites still risk it and make a first wish. The initial motivation is mostly curiosity. They do not even wish for something grande, just for 200 pounds to pay a debt. As a result, the Whites lose their son.

The motivation for the second wish is the love and despair caused by that loss. Mrs. White desperately wants her son back, and she forces Mr. White to wish for it. The wish seems to be granted, but Mr. White knows that their son will not look or be the same. He will be a revived corpse. So, he wishes for him to go away.

As we can see, the characters' motivations and actions create the conflict and then bring a resolution to it.

Learn more about "The Monkey's Paw" here:



Complete these sentences with when, while, before, ofter, until or as soon as. More than one answer may be possible in each case.


Whilst, after, earlier than, until, due to the fact, whilst, as soon as, as, and as quickly as are subordinating conjunctions that may be used to attach an emotion or an event to a point in time.

Conjunctions are used to connect words or sentences. The phrases earlier than, after, as, while, at the same time as, until, and when we consider that, also are conjunctions. We use from with till or until to speak about whilst something begins and when it ends: I worked out at the health club from 6 pm till 7.30 pm. the street outdoor our residence might be closed from 6 am until 6 pm tomorrow.

As soon as and no faster are similar in meaning but match otherwise right into a sentence. As soon as is sort of continually followed without delay by means of a noun or adjective. As soon as you finish dinner, join us outdoors. Come go as quickly as viable.

Learn more about conjunctions here



Throughout life, he constantly used watercolors for immediate ............. from nature.




Throughout life, he constantly used watercolors for immediate studies from nature.

Throughout life, he constantly used watercolours for immediate studies from nature.

What is  studies from nature?

Natural science is one of the scientific fields that focuses on using data from experiments and observation to describe, understand, and predict natural events.

The process through which research converts facts and data into knowledge includes making connections between new and old facts and data as well as offering explanations, verifications, and logical conclusions. Each study project must be impartial, thorough, logical, objective, and backed by reliable facts.

The term "nature" can refer to a wide variety of living things, such as plants and animals, as well as, in some cases, to the actions of inanimate objects. It can also refer to the processes by which particular kinds of things, such as the weather and the Earth's geology, exist and change on their own.

Thus, it is studying from nature.

For more information about studies from nature, click here:



Use the passage to answer the question.

What do waves have to do with earthquakes? Earthquakes are caused when the ground shakes due to the release of energy. This energy is called a seismic wave. Seismic waves are similar to ocean waves, except they move through the ground instead of the water.

Which graphic would best support the central idea of this passage?

(1 point)

a diagram showing energy moving through the ground

a chart showing how much it costs to repair earthquake damage

a map of the location of earthquakes around the world

a photograph of a wave crashing in the ocean

please help !!!



When an earthquake happens, energy shockwaves known as seismic waves are released from the earthquake's focal point. They shake the Earth and transform soft deposits like clay into jelly for a short time (liquefaction). Seismographs are used by seismologists to record how long seismic waves take to travel across different layers of the Earth.

Answer:A photograph of a wave crashing in the ocean

Explanation: it’s a visual depiction of the central idea

read the paragraph

Then, being much troubled in mind, I said to my men, “My friends, it is not right that one or two of us alone should know the prophecies that Circe has made me, I will therefore tell you about them, so that whether we live or die we may do so with our eyes open. First she said we were to keep clear of the Sirens…. Therefore, take me and bind me to the crosspiece halfway up the mast... with a bond so fast that I cannot possibly break away.... If I beg and pray you to set me free, then bind me more tightly still.”

What impact does the phrase “being much troubled in mind” in paragraph 4 have on the tone of the story?
a.) It establishes a tone of anxiety.
b.) It establishes a tone of frustration.
c.) It establishes a tone of urgency.
d.) It establishes a tone of remorse.


This Para was taken by Odysseus in this paragraph he was instructing his men about prophecies  . Hence it has a tone of urgency. Hence option c is correct .

What did Odysseus tell the men as they went toward Scylla ?

Odysseus is instructed by Circe to head in the direction of the monster Scylla since she will only take six of his men rather than his entire ship and crew.

Odysseus never informs the men about the final prophecy before the men set sail. The Sirens' songs, according to Odysseus, are dangerous, and only he should hear them.

The sirens' song's opening lyric instructs the listeners to steer their ships in Achaeas' direction in order to find happiness.

Odysseus tries to get the crew to untie him with the sirens' song, but they just tighten the line and keep rowing until the song stops.

Learn more about Odysseus here


# SPJ 1

What are Africa 5 most important values using your own word and what epic hero represent/ connect to the most important values and why?


Knowledge is highly prized in traditional African culture, especially practical or empirical knowledge. Other African cultural practices and values include hospitality, goodwill, respect for elders and authority, sanctity of life, sacredness of religion, morality, language, proverbs, and time, among others. Characters from ancient mythology and other stories that were preserved in the form of lengthy, narrative epic poetry are known as epic heroes. Epic heroes like Beowulf, Odysseus and Achilles are noble people with extraordinary martial prowess and great bravery. They are honorable people with extraordinary martial prowess and great courage.

What is an epic hero's primary objective?

When you hear the phrase "epic hero," you could picture a mortal man vanquishing a terrifying monster, a god with superpowers, or even a person of noble lineage who is smart beyond his years. Epic heroes share seven common characteristics; they are either of noble birth or of high position.

An epic hero possesses superhuman skills, travel widely, are unrivaled fighters, cultural icons, show humility, and ultimately engage superhuman adversaries. They are renowned for embarking on random or planned journeys to far-off places, generally to fight evil. Even before the story starts, this hero usually has a reputation for being a strong warrior.

To learn more about epic hero, visit:



Part C

Which of the following is a key idea present in Zitkala-Sa's "School Days of an Indian Girl"?

Question 3 options:

Zitkala-Sa struggles to find balance living in two worlds, neither of which feels entirely comfortable.

Because she pursues a college education, Zitkala-Sa's relationship with her family is irreparably damaged.

At school in the East, Zitkala-Sa learns to appreciate the structure that was lacking in her life at home.

Zitkala-Sa strives to become a skilled orator to gain acceptance and respect in her college community.



Zitkala-sa struggles to find balance living in two worlds, neither of which feels entirely comfortable.


Question 1 = D. Acts of resistance against the rules at the school help Zitkala-Sa maintain her pride in who she is as a person and as a member of the Dakota nation.

Question 2= B. "At these gatherings they talked English. I could speak English almost as well as my brother, but I was not properly dressed to be taken along."


C. "Within a week I was again actively testing the chains which tightly bound my individuality like a mummy for burial."

Question 3= C. Zitkala-Sa struggles to find balance living in two worlds, neither of which feels entirely comfortable.

Question 4= "[My mother's few words hinted that I had better give up my slow attempt to learn the white man's ways, and be content to roam over the prairies and find my living upon wild roots."


"My mother had never gone inside of a schoolhouse, and so she was not capable of comforting her daughter who could read and write."

Question 5 =B. She has been treated as though she were not human.


I took the test and got these correct. Be sure to read my answer carefully to not get mixed up because it is a lot to take in. Sorry if this was late hope this helps. Good luck

Contents of the dead man’s pockets
What are the wife’s plans


Ambition plays a significant role in "Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket." Tom's ambition is what makes him decide not to go out and have a date night with his wife that evening, but to remain home and work.

Tom imagines that he falls to his death, that the window is shut, and that the piece of paper in his pocket—which nobody will ever understand—is the only sign of what caused him to die. He now understands that the time he could have spent enjoying life with his wife was time he instead wasted.

Tom neglects Clare since he is so focused on achieving his goals. The memo contains all of his laborious effort, thus he is willing to give his life to get it back. All of Tom's goals and dreams for his career are contained on what appears to be a simple sheet of paper. Tom wakes up and goes to work every morning because of those yellow sheets.

To learn more about Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket here:



Read the passage.

Janelle could not believe her eyes when the cast list for the spring play was finally posted. Not only was she cast in the role she wanted, but her brother was cast in the leading role!

Which best describes an example of the author’s use of diction in the passage?

The idiom “could not believe her eyes” emphasizes Janelle’s amazement.
The phrase “not only” emphasizes that Janelle is upset about the list.
The repetition of the word “cast” suggests the play is important to Janelle.
The phrase “leading role” suggests that Janelle is proud of her brother.


The statement which best describes an example of the author’s use of diction in the passage is the idiom “could not believe her eyes” emphasizes Janelle’s amazement.

A play is a work of drama. It consists of dialogue between characters. It is a theatrical performance where dialogues are spoken with proper expressions and emotions rather than just reading, thinking it to be in playing that character in real.

Janelle was very active in playing different roles in plays. She was very happy and amazed when she heard that she was cast in the role. She always wanted to play that role. She was even more amazed when she heard that her brother is selected for the leading role.

To know more about plays here



Answer: its A


How Autism Freed Me to be Myself Summarize the text about autism and summarize the video about Dyslexia Discuss whether you found the text about autism or video about dyslexia more effective



Autism is a condition that affects how a person interacts with other people and the world. People with autism can have difficulty interacting or communicating with others. In this speech, Rosie King explores the desire people have to be "normal," and the effects that this desire can have.


Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that primarily affects the skills involved in accurate and fluent word reading and spelling. Characteristic features of dyslexia are difficulties in phonological awareness, verbal memory and verbal processing speed. Dyslexia occurs across the range of intellectual abilities.

a composition on child upbringing​


Parents who are strong role models(authoritative parents) for their children often raise them to become capable, content adults. Permissive parenting is typically associated with children who perform poorly on happiness and self-control tests.

Authoritative democratic parents exhibit high demands and high responses because, in addition to holding their kids to high standards and expecting them to work hard and accomplish high goals, they also give them support and are receptive to their needs. Democratic parents with authority also permit their kids to have some degree of autonomy and independence.

The child's strengths, capacity for listening to his needs, and sense of self-worth are the initial values. Children can learn self-love through providing constant, altruistic support, receiving praise, and receiving hugs. Respecting your child's emotions will help them communicate with you.

To learn more about authoritative parents here:



Couples should know each other for at least a year before getting married.

Question 2 options:

a. fact

b. opinion

c. both fact and opinion




↣  B.) Opinion


An opinion is defined as a statement of belief and judgement not based on credible, factual evidence. In this case, the correct answer is B since it is stating a viewpoint without evidence to further support it.

. . • ☆ . ° . • °: . * ₊ ° . ☆

I hope this helps!

peachtea ^-^


why did abraham lincoln give the speech at the gettysburg address ?


Answer:to honor the men who had fought and died in the Battle of Gettysburg to preserve the Union.

Explanation:He wanted to honor the men

My friend kept me waiting For half hour change to passive


Answer: I have been kept waiting for half hour by my friend


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