Question 3 (2 points)
Which of the following is a piece of evidence?
In Source two, "Zombie Worms Drill Whale Bones with Acid," tells about worms that secrete an acid to
help them break through the whale bones.
Both adaptations share a common purpose, and that is it help the squid survive some circumstances that
deep sea creatures must endure.
These sources, although very different, show how crabs and squids have unique traits however they
both are for the purpose of living in the ocean. Environmental adaptations are important but are not the
only ones. Many sea creatures have adaptations to survive the predators in their environment.
Thousands of feet below the ocean's surface, there's a dark frigid void untouched by the sun's heat or
light. Yet it is full of raging thermal vents that reach scorching temperatures.


Answer 1

Environmental adaptations are important but are not the only ones. Many sea creatures have adaptations to survive the predators in their environment. Option C.

Evidence is defined as anything that provides evidence or leads to a conclusion. A suspect's blood at a crime scene is an example of evidence. The footprints in the house are proof that someone broke in. Physical evidence is any object or item that establishes that a crime was committed or establishes a relationship between a crime and its perpetrators or a crime and its victims.

Fossils record the existence of now-extinct species indicating that different organisms inhabited the Earth at different times in Earth's history. It also helps scientists reconstruct the evolutionary history of modern species. Scientists can compare their DNA. Similar DNA sequences are the strongest evidence of evolution from a common ancestor.

Learn more about Environmental adaptations here:-


Related Questions

Which sentence uses the semicolon (correctly?)

A. George brought a candy bar for me in his lunch; but forgot to give it to me.

B. I came home late for dinner again; my mother sent me directly to my room.

C. Let's go to the store after breakfast; the dog got into the trashcan in the kitchen.​


A. George brought a candy bar for me in his lunch; but forgot to give it to me.

Here the use of a semicolon before is permissible. This is because semicolons are used to join two related independent clauses instead of commas or adjusting conjunctions like -and, but, or, for, nor, so, yet.

Also make sure that the two independent clauses are related to each other without the coordinating conjunction.

This sentence mentions in the first part of the sentence that the person talking about George brought a candy bar for lunch, and in his second part of the sentence, George tells this person this It is also mentioned that he forgot to pass the candy bar. Both clauses are independent and related to each other. So 'but' connects both as a statement and with a semicolon.

To know more about Conjunction


Read the excerpt from "Our Hero.”

The town is setting up for the parade
to welcome brave Bill Wilson home again.
Along the town's main street, flags and balloons,
like cheerful sparring partners, bob and weave,
and Bill's big brother Joe directs a crowd
of grade school boys and girls. They sweep the street
and chatter with excitement about Bill.

These lines provide the reader with

implicit information that describes what a hero Bill Wilson is.
explicit information that describes who Bill Wilson’s brother is.
explicit information that describes where Bill Wilson has been.
implicit information that describes how the town feels about Bill Wilson.


These lines provide the reader with option D. implicit information that describes how the town feels about Bill Wilson.

What does the term implicit mean?

Implied consent is agreement that is not explicitly stated. it is one that is Potentially contained (often accompanied by in): and used when one wants to highlight the drama inherently present in the situation.

Therefore, The opposite of explicit, implicit refers to something that is understood but not explicitly or directly described and frequently uses implication or assumption. Things are explained explicitly, and things are implied implicitly to aid in memory and this is used in the above passage.

Learn more about implicit information from

In developing a clear thesis statement for an argumentative essay involves adding a(n)________ about the idea you are trying to prove.

The purpose of an argumentative or persuasive essay is always to________

The working thesis statement of an argumentative essay will have to be________ before it becomes final.

The________ of a thesis statement give a thesis statement limits.

The________ of an argumentative essay is the writer‘s opinion.

Being in favor of a side in an argument means you have taken the________ position, while being against it means you have taken the con position.

The last two sentences of the introduction is the correct________ for the thesis statement of an argumentative essay.

The last sentence of the thesis statement is a(n) ________ that attempts to motivate audience members to do something.

The terms to pick from are:
- pro
- parameters
- call to action
- location
- refined
- thesis statement
- opinion
- persuade

Please answer it right, please
You can answer as much as u can


The thesis statement of an argumentative essay will be the statement of your opinion with three points that support your opinion.

What is persuasive essay?In a persuasive essay, you utilize reasoning and arguments to persuade readers of your viewpoint. To do that, you must back up your claims with credible proof, such as facts, statements from authorities, examples, research, and logical justifications. Argumentative essays are another name for persuasive essays. Argument essays, another name for persuasive writing, use logic and reason to demonstrate why one idea is more valid than another. It makes an effort to influence the reader to take a specific position or action.the thesis statement of an argumentative essay will be the statement of your opinion with three points that support your opinion.A working thesis exists different from a final thesis in that it is meant to evolve throughout the course of your writing. The defining characteristic of a working thesis stands  that it is flexible. What created  it a “working” thesis is that it exists subject to change as your ideas develop.

To learn more about persuasive essay refer to:



1) Opinion

2) Persuade

3) refined

4) parameters

5) thesis statement

6) pro

7) location

8) call to action

Explanation: I took the fall and did the work and I got 100% ur welcome <3

Macmillan Lear
Coach Blake, who ran for the first-aid kit, yelled at Mark to call 911 at once. And told me to cover Kendall with my jacket.
The ambulance arrived just three minutes later.
O Coach Blake, who ran for the first-aid kit, yelled at Mark to call 911 at once.


Simply removing the period before "And" would fix the error.

Sentence errors are problems in grammar and mechanics that occur inside sentences in Basic Written English. Related Ideas: Uncomfortable sentence structure, style, and writing genres. Students make mistakes when learning, and as they gain writing skills, they frequently create new mistakes rather than just fewer ones.Students must detect the mistake or error in a sentence and change it into a statement that is grammatically accurate as part of the error repair process. There are two sentence structure errors that are very prevalent: Incorrect punctuation is employed to connect clauses in run-on sentences. Sentence fragments are sentences that lack the essential parts to make a complete, grammatically sound sentence.

Thus this is the meaning of sentence error.

Refer here to learn more about sentence error:


I need a Introduction for hypertension


Hypertension means an increase in blood pressure above the normal range of 120/80 mmHg.

Hypertension is one of the main causes of mortality worldwide. It can be prevented by using proper medicines and making lifestyle changes. The blood pressure can be measured at home by using a BP measurement machine and it is one of the best ways to keep important data for assessing hypertension.

There are two types of hypertension - Primary and Secondary. Primary hypertension is an increase in blood pressure due to cardiovascular risk factors which are due to environment and lifestyle factors. Secondary hypertension is an increase in blood pressure due to various toxicities and congenital diseases.

Treatment for hypertension includes the prescribed medicines by the doctor and making some changes in the lifestyle like including a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat food or fish, minimum use of salt, appropriate body weight and regular exercise.

To know more about Hypertension here


Underline the reported speech sentences.
"Time to go Sam," called Mum.

Hank shouted to Ben to hurry up.

Kay moaned that Debbie was always late. "Tuhil, are you coming?" shouted his teacher.

"Let's take the dog for a walk," pleaded the children.

The teacher told the children to leave by the fire exit.

"We had sausages for tea," said Maeve. Mum told Gran that David's school report was good.​


Reported speech sentences are-
1) Hank shouted to Ben to hurry up
2) Kay moaned that Debbie was always late
3) The teacher told the children to leave by the fire exit
4) Mum told Gran that David's school report was good.

Reported speech- In linguistics, indirect speech is a grammatical mechanism for reporting another utterance's content without directly quoting it. Jill said she was coming, for example, is indirect discourse, whereas Jill said "I'm coming" is direct discourse.
The speaker's words or ideas are placed in a sentence without quotation marks in reported speech. Noun clauses are most commonly used. The reader does not assume that the words in reported speech are the exact words of the speaker; instead, they are often a paraphrase of the speaker's words.

What are the four different types of reported speech?

Assertive/Declarative, Imperative, Interrogative, and Exclamatory speech can be reported.

For more information on passive speech visit:

Question 2 (1 point)
Who is Lincoln's audience?
a) Abolitionists rallying against slavery
b) Union troops ready to return to battle
c) People who have come to dedicate a cemetery
d) People wanting to re-elect Lincoln for a second term as president


Answer: I would say A. Abolitionist

Explanation: They were the ones mostly listening to the presidents at the time.

Which of the following quotes from the text best supports your answer to Question 7?
A. "You only need sit still long enough in some attractive spot in the woods that all its inhabitants may exhibit themselves to you by turns."
B. "America is the last, best hope of earth."
C. "Law never made men a whit more just; and by means of their respect for it, even the well-disposed are daily made the agents of injustice."
D. "I know not how but, with the first glimpse of the building, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit."


You only need to sit still long enough in some attractive spot in the woods that all its inhabitants may exhibit themselves to you by turns. Option A.

The number of creatures living wild and free in the woods albeit secretly feeding near towns that only hunters suspect is remarkable. Because I wanted to I wanted to present the essential facts of life, to see if I could learn what it had to teach, and not to discover when I died that I hadn't lived.

Thoreau chooses Ali as a metaphor to make the reader understand that war is meaningless and meaningless and a waste of life. Ant Battle begins with Thoreau casually walking into a woodpile as he stumbles upon a battle between red and black ants. The purpose was to better understand nature and escape the environment.

Learn more about metaphor here:-


Which statement shows reasoning that is based on assumption, not fact?
A) Kim does not like doing data entry, and neither do I.
B) Many of my friends like to drink iced tea in the summer, so I will buy some for the party.
All project managers have college degrees. Sonya is a project manager, so she has a college degree.
D) I always round the numbers when making a budget, so everyone must round numbers to make a budget.


Among all the given statements, the statement that shows reasoning that is based on assumption, not fact is: “I always round the numbers when making a budget, so everyone must round numbers to make a budget.” Hence, Option D is correct.

What does assumption mean?

One makes an assumption when they don't have any supporting evidence for it. For instance, even though it's untrue, someone who wears glasses might be mistakenly labeled as a nerd by others.

Making assumptions, in its simplest form, is the act of holding beliefs that we have little or no supporting evidence for.

Therefore, Option D is correct.

Learn more about assumption from here:


Which of the following lines from "The Nobel Prize"
best supports the theme of resignation?

O"I've fallen like a beast in a snare:"
O "My way is cut off on all sides:"
O"Let what may, come; all's one to me."
O"I trust the time shall come to be"


The line from "The Nobel Prize" best supports the theme of resignation is "Let what may, come; all's one to me."

Which of the following lines from "The Nobel Prize" best supports the resignation theme?Boris Pasternak was raised in Moscow. His father was a musician and professor, and his mother was a concert pianist. Pasternak initially wanted to be a composer, but he eventually dropped out to study philosophy in Germany. He later returned to Moscow, became an author, and settled in Peredelkino, southwest of Moscow, in 1936.When the Nobel Prize for Literature was announced in 1958, Boris Pasternak was forced to decline it at the request of Soviet authorities, who had banned his novel Doctor Zhivago. Pasternak had two sons and was marriedBoris Pasternak rose to prominence as a modernist poet in the 1910s and 1920s, publishing works such as the poetry collection Sestra moya—zhizn (My Sister - Life). In the 1930s, he used simpler, more direct language and emphasized social issues. Pasternak's works also deal with existential issues such as nature, life, humanity, and love. This is true of his acclaimed novel Doctor Zhivago, which takes place between the socialist revolution of 1905 and World War II.

To learn more about Boris Pasternak refer to:


true or fasle The main idea in a summary needs to be followed with direct quotes from the text so that the main idea is well-supported.




Which excerpt from the Introduction from The Way to Rainy Mountain contains both imagery and figurative language?


A: All things in the plain are isolate; there is no confusion of objects in the eye, but one hill or one tree or one man.

B: When at last, divided and ill-provisioned, they were driven onto the Staked Plains in the cold rains of autumn, they fell into panic.

C: The great billowing clouds that sail upon it are shadows that move upon the grain like water, dividing light.

D: The sun is at home on the plains. Precisely there does it have the certain character of a god.


The correct answer is option c) The great billowing clouds that sail upon it are shadows that move upon the grain like water, dividing light.

The Way to Rainy Mountain is a book by Pulitzer Prize winning author N. Scott Momaday.

What is imagery and figurative language?

Figurative language is the use of words in unconventional ways to convey a complicated meaning, colourful writing, clarity, or evocative comparison. It employs a common sentence to allude to something without directly stating it.

Understanding figurative language is essential when reading the Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A), where management may use a metaphor to help explain complicated concepts or company directions.

Fiction writers employ figurative language to engage their audience in a more creative tone that stimulates thought and, at times, humour. It adds more interest and drama to fiction writing than literal language, which uses words to refer to statements of fact.

A simile is a figure of speech that compares two dissimilar things by using the words "like" or "as," and it is commonly used in everyday communication. A simile is used to make an interesting connection in the reader's mind.

To learn more about this figurative language refer :


I have that sweatshirt for 10 years



have is the answer........

In the text, the author wrote, "Samantha was able to part the crowd like the Red Sea as she walked through the lunch room." What is this reference considered? *
Archetype - a character who is a healer
Allusion - a historical reference to a place and situation in a Bible story
Archetype - a character who is a clown and can't be trusted Allusion - a historical reference to a woman from France in the 1800's


Answer: Allusion - a historical reference to a place and situation in a Bible story


Archetype - a character who is a heale


Contrast Syrita's neighborhood with X's ighborhood. Why does this distinction between them matter?


In comparison to the neighborhood of X, Syrita has more financial resources and better security. This contrast is crucial because it enables the reader to understand how Syrita and X view mankind differently.

We can determine this response because:

X resided in a dangerous, impoverished, and marginalized area.This promoted prejudice and hatred against the locals, which in turn encouraged the police to unfairly shoot him.Syrita resides in a better area with better resources and more safety.She has not seen such high levels of violence close to her.

The reader is able to comprehend the two locations' differences and the two protagonists' divergent worldviews as a result. Syrita views individuals more compassionately, as beings who should be accepted, whereas X views them as a hopeless situation who must be eliminated.

To know more about "Super Human" by Nichola Yoon, click on the link below:


Why does the narrator continually recall/recite the opening words of the Koran? How does this
recitation contribute to the main idea of the story?

based of the story " the butcher" by Ari Siletz


The short story The Butcher by Ari B. Siletz is an example of realistic fiction set in the protagonist's house and at a meat market. The story has two main symbols, notably the artwork of Javanmard and verses from the Holy Quran.

While the artwork of Javanmard symbolizes the integrity of the butcher, the opening words of the Quran, often recalled or recited by the narrator, symbolize morals people must follow. The protagonist is of the firm opinion that people must be mindful of the path they should follow. The verses mentioned are, "Guide us along the straight path... not of those who are lost." This knowledge allows people to differentiate between "good and bad."

To read more about short story genre, refer to:


Why does the author of "The Birthmark" refer to the main character as a "man of science" in the beginning of the passage, refraining from calling him by name?
Group of answer choices
The author wants the reader to focus on the traditional gender roles that prevailed at the time.
The author wants to emphasize that the man was so respected that others referred to him by title only.
The author wants the reader to focus on the man's main characteristic, which is that he is a scientist.
The author wants to set a mysterious tone by keeping the reader in suspense about the man's identity.


Answer: either "The author wants to set a mysterious tone by keeping the reader in suspense about the man's identity." Or "The author wants the reader to focus on the man's main characteristic, which is that he is a scientist."

Answer: The author wants the reader to focus on the man's main characteristic, which is that he is a scientist.

Took a quiz and this was the right answer.

Based on the connotations of words such as splendor clam and sweet. WHAT IS THE SPEAKERS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THE VIEW OF LONDON IN THE MORNING

He admires the peace and beauty of the city scene.
He prefers city sights to the valleys and hills of the country.
He wishes that the river would flow quietly through the city.
He hopes that the heart of the city will remain still and


The speaker's attitude towards the view of London in the morning is he admires the peace and beauty of the city scene. The correct option is A.

Who is the speaker?

Similar to a narrator in literature, the speaker of a poem is the poem's voice. The speaker of the poem need not necessarily be the poet.

Sometimes a poet would write in a unique voice or from a new point of view, as in persona poetry. A poem's speaker could be the poet, a made-up person, a creature, or even an inanimate object.

Therefore, the correct option is A. He admires the peace and beauty of the city scene.

To learn more about the speaker, refer to the link:


How does Bilbo’s ancestry influence his personality? Specifically, how do the two “sides” of his family contribute to Bilbo’s duality? Cite evidence from the text to support your answer.


Answer: The two sides of Bilbo's personality come from the two sides of his family, the Tooks and the Bagginses. His Baggins side is very ordinary, re- spectable and predictable. It likes things to be orderly and comfortable. However, the Took side of Bilbo's personality is more mysterious, daring, and adventurous.


The story "And of Clay Are We Created" is based on an actual Colombian
O mudslide
O hurricane
O tsunami
Please help!?


The story "And of Clay Are We Created" is based on an actual Colombian


"And of Clay Are We Created," by Isabel Allende, is the concluding tale in her book The Stories of Eva Luna. The anthology, first published in 1989 and reprinted in English in 1991, records the stories told by the writer Eva Luna to her partner Rolf Carlé as they sleep.

Is And made of clay? Is the tale We constructed true?

This selection is fictitious, but it is based on a true story. A volcano erupted in Colombia in 1985. The heat from the volcano melted ice sheets, causing mudslides. More than 23,000 people died.

To learn more about the story "And of Clay Are We Created, click the links


21. I broke it when I was playing football A-The boy said he had broken it when he was playing football B- The boy said that he broke it when he had played football C- They boy said he had broken it when I was playing football​


I broke it when I was playing football So, the correct answer is option B The boy said that he broke it when he had played football. Pronoun is used in this sentence.

A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun, frequently to avoid having to repeatedly use the same noun. Pronouns can also refer to things, concepts, locations, and people, just like nouns can. Most sentences include one or more nouns or pronouns.

Pronouns are often used to refer to personal pronouns only, however there are numerous additional pronoun types that are equally crucial to English grammar. All of the words below that are bolded are pronouns. The primary purpose of pronouns is to take the place of nouns. As a result, they are utilised in sentences in a manner that is comparable to that of nouns. The noun it relates back to is a pronoun. It is typically mentioned in the text before the pronoun, although occasionally it appears immediately.

To know more about Pronoun visit:


What is the basic premise of berkoves argument ?
What is the basic premise of wangs argument ?
In the “ story of an hour “


There has been "almost critical consensus," according to University of Michigan-Dearborn professor Lawrence I. Berkove, that the plot concerns a woman's freedom from an oppressive marriage.

The interpretation of Berkove has drawn criticism from Xuding Wang.

What is Berkove's argument regarding "The Story of an Hour?"

He challenges this interpretation and maintains that there is a "deeper level of irony in the story." He suggests that there is an underlying irony in the way Louise is portrayed, calling her a "egotist and a victim of her own strong self assertion" rather than a "heroine." Additionally, Louise places love ahead of her own self-promotion, which is strange for a married person to think, according to Berkove. In addition, he goes into greater detail on Louise's desire to "life for herself," and although there is no indication in the text that Louise gave anything up for her spouse, the reader might infer that Louise had limited freedom from this.

What is Wang's argument?

Li Chongyue and Wang Lihua present a fresh interpretation of Kate Chopin's "The Story of an Hour," which challenges the common perception that the work is about the emergence of feminine awareness and the battle for independence in a world dominated by men. They come to the conclusion that Mrs. Mallard is an unappreciative and unfaithful wife. Few details on Mr. and Mrs. Mallard are given by Chopin. To conclude that they lead a pleasant life, nevertheless, would be sufficient. For instance, the two-story house, the 'comfortable' and 'roomy' armchairs, and how one armchair sat 'facing the open window' The main character's waking, when it comes to the subject of the feminine awakening, is attributed by Tseng to a phenomena known as the "Jouissance."

Brently Mallard liked his wife, but she didn't share his feelings, according to Chongyue and Lihua, who mention this in the story. To care for his wife, Mr. Mallard frequently travelled away from home on business. Louise, on the other hand, had only "sometimes" loved him. Readers can reasonably assume that Louise only wed him out of a need for safety and stability.

To learn more about "The Story of an Hour" from the given link


What is the basic premise of berkoves argument ?

What is the basic premise of wangs argument ?

In the “ story of an hour “

What was creating sores on the main character's back and
shoulders? *
his pack
his allergies to sunburn
his dehydration
his gun


Answer: D) his gun.


ur question is from the book "The Oasis"

About the book;

Quick Info. - McCarthy describes this, her second novel, as a "conte philosophique". It tells the story of a group of embattled intellectuals, their quest to establish a Utopian community in the mountains of New England, and their failure to surmount ideological and personal differences for the greater good of the commune.

Book Summary- The oasis saved them. But who will save them from the oasis?

Alif had exciting summer plans: working on her father’s archaeological dig site in the desert with four close friends . . . and a very cute research assistant. Then the sandstorm hit.

With their camp wiped away, Alif and the others find themselves lost on the sands, seemingly doomed . . . until they find the oasis. It has everything they need: food, water, shade—and mysterious ruins that hide a deadly secret. As reality begins to shift around them, they question what’s real and what’s a mirage.

The answers turn Alif and her friends against one another, and they begin to wonder if they’ve truly been saved. And while it was easy to walk into the oasis, it may be impossible to leave . . .

Katya de Becerra’s new supernatural thriller hides a mystery in plain sight, and will keep you guessing right up to its terrifying conclusion.

write a 1400 word essay about how nature is descpicted in this two text the call of wild and captain fantastic.


Answer: yes


Which of the characters' traits is best established in the excerpts?
© their physical strength
O their enthusiasm
O their mercilessness
O their compassion


The characters' traits that are best established in the excerpts are:

C. Their mercilessness

What trait was most established in the excerpt?

In the excerpt, we can see that Athene was against the release of the man. Swift-footed Achilleus also displayed mercilessness when he entreated the character who begged him to stop doing that.

So, the characters all displayed mercilessness. They never cared about the other person but rather insisted on their own wishes. They never showed pity on the plight of the lowly. So, option C is a character trait that was evident in the interactions of these characters with the other characters.

Read the excerpts about Athene and Achilleus from The Iliad of Homer.

Excerpt 1, Athene:

Then in answer the goddess grey-eyed Athene spoke to him:

"Father of the shining bolt, dark misted, what is this you said?

Do you wish to bring back a man who is mortal, one long since

doomed by his destiny, from ill-sounding death and release him?

Do it, then; but not all the rest of us gods shall approve you.”

Excerpt 2, Achilleus:

But looking darkly at him swift-footed Achilleus answered:

"No more entreating of me, you dog, by knees or parents.

I wish only that my spirit and fury would drive me

to hack your meat away and eat it raw for the things that

you have done to me. So there is no one who can hold the dogs off

from your head, not if they bring here and set before me ten times

and twenty times the ransom, and promise more in addition . . .”

Which of the characters’ traits is best established in the excerpts?

their physical strength

their enthusiasm

their mercilessness

their compassion

Learn more about character traits here:


What effect does Cassius's request to swear an oath have on Brutus?


The result of Cassius's insistence that brutus take an oath is; Brutus asserts that resisting tyranny does not need making a solemn vow.

What is the basic observation of Fear not, Shakespeare ?

This passage was taken from Julius Ceaser's Acts 2 Scene 1 in the book "No Fear Shakespeare."

We can infer from the sentence that what brutus is stating is that;

Brutus responded that an oath was unnecessary because they already had sufficient reasons to oppose Caesar's dictatorship after Cassius instructed them to declare their intention to assassinate Caesar:

Second, we noticed; people's dejected expressions

the corruption and the sorrow of everyone's soul

Therefore, we might conclude that Cassius's desire to swear anSecond, we noticed; people's dejected expressions, the soul's suffering of everyone, the contamination.

As a result of Cassius's insistence that he take an oath, we can say that Brutus now believes that taking an oath is not necessary in order to oppose tyranny.

To know more about works of Shakespeare click:


Which of the following is most likely to contain unbiased writing?
a blog post about the most recent presidential election
the "Have Your Say" section of an online news source
a chapter on proteins in a chemistry textbook
a reader's comment in an online news article



A chapter on proteins in a chemistry textbook

If an audience for an argumentative essay is this interested, the writers tone should be_________.

- negative
- none of these
- slightly unfavorable
- highly enthusiastic
- all of these

Please answer it correctly, please





because when u are against the motion you are the interesting one

Besides professing his love for Ophella, what other messages do Hamlet's letters mainly convey to her (2.2.116-128)?
A. He is suggesting that he is a machine that cannot be stopped in his love.
B. He is asking her to forgive him from being sick and unable to please her.
C. He is telling her not to believe what others may say about him.
D. He is arguing that the natural world is upset because she cannot love him.


He is telling her not to believe what others may say about him is the other messages do Hamlet's letters mainly convey to her. Hence, option C is correct.

What is the concept of the excerpt?

Ophella can doubt all universal truths, just like the ones in the stars and space, he says, alluding to the lack of honesty that has been displayed by those in the castle.

Through his letter to Ophelia, Hamlet informs her about the abundance of liars in their immediate vicinity. while he also disguises the real situation he is going through with the betrayal to his father and his sudden death at his uncle's hands.

Thus, option C is correct.

For more information about concept of the excerpt, click here:


What details of the story of Jesus
does Jefferson bring up? What
does this reference reveal about
Jefferson's internal struggle? Lesson before dying


The story of Jesus Jefferson bring up: He starts to trust in his own well worth, and he realizes his life and manner of demise might have symbolic importance for his community.

Jefferson's inner conflict: furnish refers to Jefferson as a savior. Jefferson himself seems to sense the affiliation, asking several instances about Christ's demise.

This lesson gives an individual evaluation of Jefferson, the main protagonist in Ernest Gaines' 1993 novel, 'A Lesson earlier than dying'. Jefferson is done for a crime that he never devoted.

The most critical lesson that everyone must comply with and practice in ordinary life is “by no means give up”. In the novel, “A Lesson earlier than the loss of life” by Ernest J. Gaines, the critical lesson can be proven within the characters Jefferson, omit Emma and provide Wiggins. first off, Jefferson is an example of a person who by no means gave up.

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Write a piecewise function for the graph. A loan of $14,354 was repaid at the end of 16 months. What size repayment check (principal and interest) was written, if a 7.4% annual rate of interest was charged? How much would you need to deposit in an account now in order to have $2000 in the account in 5 years? Assume the account earns 5% interest compounded continuously. The electrical resistance of a wire varies directly with the length of the wire and inversely with the square of the diameter of the wire. If a wire 432 feet long and 4 millimeters in diameter has a resistance of 1.26 ohms, find the length of a wire of the same material whose resistance is ohms and whose diameter is millimeters. you see a pedestrian with a white cane at the corner ready to cross the street. the person takes a step back and pulls his/her cane. you should: Why do you think multiple replication bubbles form during the process of dna replication in eukaryotic cells?. 1. What important revolution occurred during the Neolithic Period?communistFrenchindustrialagricultural 2) Which two statements would function as an argument in favor of themandated wearing of school uniforms?(Remember to choose two.)A)B)0E)School uniforms are a controversial topic.School uniforms bring a sense of community to aschool.School uniforms are mandatory in some schools, butnot in others.Some teachers are in favor of school uniforms, butmost students are opposed.School uniforms tend to strengthen a feeling ofattachment to a particular student body.Eliminate Use the graph and the translation (x,y) (x+2, y + 5) to answer parts a and b below. Replace * with a digit that allows you to reduce the fraction. If there are two * in thesame fraction, replace them with the same digit. Find all possible values of * in eachfraction.6*2/1*0 1. Lines p and q are intersected by line r, such that line p is parallel to line q. If m drop down menu to select the correct symbols to indicate your answer in interval notation. If a number is not an integer then round it to the nearest hundredth. To indicate positive infinifty ( \infty ) type the three letters "inf". To indicate negative infinity(-\infty ) type "-inf" with no spaces between characters.{{x|x\geq7}}AnswerAnswer,AnswerAnswer consider the line 4x+9y=-8find the equation of the line that is perpendicular to this line and passes through the point (-2, -2)find the equation of the line that is parallel of this line and passes through the point (-2, -2) A sample of gas has temperature of 25 Celsius and a volume of 122 ml. If the volis decreased to 50 ml, what is the new temperature? Name1.Write an expression showing the sum of 8 and a number f.How do I write this as an expression From the time Ryan wakes up, he spends To hour to get ready and 1 hour to travelfrom home to school..How much time does he take to get to school from the time he wakes up? Gina was working in the laboratory on an experiment involving the population of bacteria. If her initial starting amount in a petri dish was 125 bacteria, how many would be in the petri dish after 24 hours? Suppose that 73% of the residents in a particular community speak English as their primary language.a. What is the probability that exactly seven out of eight random residents in this community will speak English as their primary language? Want an extra challenge? This screen is **optional**: 30 If you want more practice to really level up your Right Triangle Trig skills, see if you can solve for the missing sides of the Right Triangle pictured to the left. C a You can enter your results and check your work in the table below. 7 HINT: The side that is 7 units long is OPPOSITE the 30 angle. Length of Hypotenuse (c) Length of Other Leg (a) Did I Get Them Right?! How did farmers organize to meet the economic challenges and hardships of farm life?