How did farmers organize to meet the economic challenges and hardships of farm life?

How Did Farmers Organize To Meet The Economic Challenges And Hardships Of Farm Life?


Answer 1

The correct option is (B) They formed groups such as the Grange and the Farmers Alliances to support their way of life.

What do you mean by Grange and farmer's alliance?

The Grange, originally known as the Patrons of Husbandry, was established in 1867 to support farm life and their families and assist farmers with the purchase of equipment, the construction of grain elevators, pushing for government regulation of railroad shipping costs, and other farm-related tasks. There were more than a million members by the early 1870s.

The Patrons of Husbandry gave rise to the Farmers' Alliances. Farmers' Alliances were significantly more politically engaged than the Grange, which was more of a social group.

To learn more about Grange and Farmer's alliance refer to:


Related Questions

2. What American hero was
captured while on a spying
mission and hanged?


Nathan Hale was an American Patriot, soldier and spy for the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. He volunteered for an intelligence-gathering mission in New York City but was captured by the British and executed.

The Greeks hoped to earn the favor of their gods and goddesses by performing
C. tragedies.
d. dances.
a. acrobatics.
b. rituals.



The Greeks hoped to earn the favor of their gods and goddesses by performing rituals.

Have a great day!

Describe two features of the role of the church of England in early Elizabethan society.


The role of the Church of England in early Elizabethan society was, religious freedom was presumed to exist, although this did hinder Catholics from freely practising their faith, and some tried to fight back against persecution. During her rule, the Queen's position and even her life were in danger from Catholic elements who had the assistance of Catholic nations like Spain.

Priests had to be licenced and forced to preach in order for the clergy to carry out Elizabeth's political and religious message, which was delivered through the Church of England.

The Church of England is a member of the Anglican Communion, which also includes sects like the Protestant Episcopal Church, and is occasionally referred to as the Anglican Church.

To know more about the church of England refer to:


*see picture*


it's from the mark scheme soooo...

Gimme answer please



B (I think)


I'm hispanic myself




North of the Hindu Kush


Aryans went over the Hindu Kush into northern India.

(Answer from McGraw-Hill 8th grade US History resources Textbook)

Which of the following are considered the checks on power granted to the judicial branch per the Constitution?

-Nominating Supreme Court Justices

-Appoint senators

-Confirm heads of state

-Impeach a sitting president

-Judicial review

-Determining the law's constitutionality


They cannot nominate Supreme Court justices only the president has the power to do that.

Find sources that will answer at least five of your ten open-ended research questions and enter the source information, as well as the open-ended question(s) that it answers. era 1800 -1840


Open-ended research of 1800–1840 includes The Act of Union UK, West Point Military Academy, Napoleon Bonaparte's Coronation, Webster's American–English Dictionary released in 1807, and The Indian War of 1812.

Open-ended questions allow respondents to express themselves in their own words rather than offering a fixed range of response options. In exploratory investigations and qualitative research approaches, open-ended questions are frequently employed.

Instead, open-ended and closed-ended questions are employed in qualitative and quantitative research, respectively.

Open-ended inquiries are exploratory and provide researchers with a wealth of qualitative information. In essence, they provide the researcher a chance to learn about all the viewpoints on a subject they are unfamiliar with.

To learn more about open-ended research




Open-ended research of 1800–1840 includes The Act of Union UK, West Point Military Academy, Napoleon Bonaparte's Coronation, Webster's American–English Dictionary released in 1807, and The Indian War of 1812.

Open-ended questions allow respondents to express themselves in their own words rather than offering a fixed range of response options. In exploratory investigations and qualitative research approaches, open-ended questions are frequently employed.

Instead, open-ended and closed-ended questions are employed in qualitative and quantitative research, respectively.

Open-ended inquiries are exploratory and provide researchers with a wealth of qualitative information. In essence, they provide the researcher a chance to learn about all the viewpoints on a subject they are unfamiliar with.

Which TWO statements accurately describe the North and the South prior to the Civil War?

The North had more railway lines than the South.

The North was more eager for a war than the South.

The North had more cash crop agriculture than the South.

The South was more focused on shipbuilding than the North.

The South had more highly trained military leaders than the North.

The South had more access to affordable manufactured goods than the North.




The South had more access to affordable manufactured goods than the North.


The south, made crops, and the north had railway systems

Summarize the different ways Henry’s children, Edward VI and Mary Tudor, handled religious issues during their reign.


The different ways Henry’s children, Edward VI and Mary Tudor, handled religious issues during their reign is described below.

During Edward VI's reign, the Act of Uniformity, approved by Parliament in 1549, took the reformation forward by establishing a Book of Common Prayer. This contained the phraseology of prayers and also the order of service to be used throughout the dominion in place of the Christian practices.

Mary Tudor improved Catholic ascendency in the European country, abandoned the title of Supreme Head of the Church, reintroduced Roman Catholic bishops and started the slow introduction of monastic orders. She sought-after to come back European country to the church and stirred rebellions by marrying a Spanish Hapsburg blue blood.

To learn more about Mary Tudor here


Why was Marie Antoinette so unpopular with the French people?


The reason why Marie Antoinette so unpopular with the French people is that she was been seen as someone that spend unnecessarily on  on fashion, gambling.

What was the reason why Marie Antoinette was regarded as been unpopular with the French people?

It should be noted that Marie Antoinette was married to the future King Louis XVI of France  and she got married to him when she was  fourteen.

It should be noted that Marie Antoinette then later became unpopular,  because she was able to gain a reputation for excessive spending on fashion, gambling, as well as  indulgences.

Learn more about Marie Antoinette at:


What does it mean when Hitler and the Nazis are burning and
destroying art from Jews and Slavic people (in addition to works from
Picasso and other modern artists)?


Hitler argued that modern art was the "poisoning of the healthy" and was the "hallucinations of lunatics or criminals" in Mein Kampf.

Why did Hitler wish to destroy works of art?

Hitler wanted to create the Führermuseum in Linz, Austria, which he envisioned as the world's cultural hub, as well as enrich the Third Reich and its leaders with priceless and historically significant artifacts. He also wanted to sell looted artwork that did not uphold the Reich's ideals for foreign currency.

Which works of art did the Nazis destroy?

Modern cubism, expressionism, and impressionism by French and German artists were among the works the Nazis judged degenerate. After removing some sixteen thousand items, the Nazi Party announced that all German art museums had been cleansed by 1938.

To know more about Hitler and Nazis visit:-


Help please now please


I believe your answer is A.

Victory over Japan Day!

This holiday took place when the U. S got victory over japan.

So your answer would be, A)) Atomic bomb

I hope this is the right answer, and If im wrong I apologize

In Worcester v. Georgia, the Supreme Court ruled that:
OA. Indigenous peoples were only subject to state government laws,
and this resulted in the Indian Removal Act of 1830.
OB. the Seminole peoples were an independent nation and the Second
Seminole War had been an illegal military action.
C. Indigenous peoples were independent nations and as such,
needed to relocate outside of the United States.
OD. the Cherokee peoples were an independent nation and were not
subject to state or federal laws.




The Cherokee people were an independent nation and were not

subject to state or federal laws.

Why do you believe colonial whalers were willing to risk their lives to hunt sperm whales?


Wouldn’t it be for the oil

Which emperor was responsible for moving the capital of the roman empire to byzantium?.


The founder of the Byzantine Empire and its first emperor, Constantine the Great, moved the capital of the Roman Empire to the city of Byzantium in 330 CE and renamed it Constantinople. Constantine the Great also legalized Christianity, which had previously been persecuted in the Roman Empire.

The Roman Empire turned into the publish-Republican duration of historic Rome. As a polity, it included big territorial holdings across the Mediterranean Sea in Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia, and become ruled by means of emperors. From the accession of Caesar Augustus as the first Roman emperor to the army anarchy of the third century, it becomes a principate with Italia as the metropole of its provinces and the metropolis of Rome as its sole capital. The Empire changed into later dominated by way of more than one emperor who shared manipulation over the Western Roman Empire and the jap Roman Empire.

The metropolis of Rome remained the nominal capital of each component till advert 476 when the imperial insignia have been sent to Constantinople following the seizure of the Western capital of Ravenna by the Germanic barbarians. The adoption of Christianity as the country church of the Roman Empire in ad 380 and the autumn of the Western Roman Empire to Germanic kings conventionally marks the quit of classical antiquity and the beginning of the middle while. due to these occasions, together with the slow Hellenization of the Japanese Roman Empire, historians distinguish the medieval Roman Empire that remained in the eastern provinces because of the Byzantine Empire.

To know more about the Roman Empire visit here:


What role did manifest destiny play in the Western Expansion


The concept of Manifest Destiny, proposed in the second half of the nineteenth century, held that the United States had a divinely ordained right to expand its borders to the Pacific Ocean and beyond.

Manifest Destiny, a term coined in 1845, refers to the belief that the United States is predestined by God to expand its dominion and spread democracy and capitalism across the entire North American continent.

New territories provided the country with greater access to natural resources and Pacific trade. However, the acquisition of new territories reignited the debate over slavery and its expansion, resulting in the outbreak of the American Civil War in 1861.

To know more about Manifest Destiny, click here.


1. Who were you on the Trail of Tears?


Native American tribes were driven out of the Southeast United States, particularly from Florida, Alabama, and North Carolina, and this is known as the "Trail of Tears."

The Trail of Tears: What led to it?

Native tribes were forcibly moved to different territories as a result of President Jackson's passage of the Indian Removal Act of 1830. Many of the Five Civilized Tribes lived in the Southeast of the United States, on lush land that white settlers desired to live on and/or farm.

The forcible removal of Native Americans from the Southeast of the United States, including the Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminole, to the so-called Indian Territory west of the Mississippi River during the 1830s is known as the Trail of Tears.

To know more about  Trail of Tears visit:-


Why did President Johnson risk violenting the Tenure of Office Act to fire his secretary of war?


It’s because his secretary of war was a radical republican, a group that repeatedly challenged his authority as president and also made him irrelevant due to their supermajority in congress


The secretary was a strong supporter of Radical Reconstruction, which President Johnson vehemently opposed


i hope this helps!

Why was there money to be made by prhobition?



please mark brainiest


How much money did bootleggers make during Prohibition? When it came to organized crime, Prohibition put the ‘organized’ in organized crime. Criminal kingpins like Al Capone were able to earn up to $100 million per year as a result of the burgeoning commercial potential presented by illegal alcoholic beverages.

Before Prohibition started in 1920, members of criminal gangs in large American cities existed on the periphery of society. Since the 19th century, there was, as sociologists call it, a social hierarchy with big-city “bosses” of political machines financing their control of votes in neighborhoods with payments from criminals running gambling and prostitution rackets and bribing police to look the other way. Under them were many local gangs of various ethnic groups, such as Irish, Italian, Jewish and Polish, focused on street-level crimes such as extortion, loansharking, drugs, burglary, robbery and contract violence.

What family of rulers ruled the Islamic empire during the Golden age?



Abbasid Dynasty.


During the ruling of the fifth caliph in the Abbasid dynasty, Harun Al-Rashid (786 – 809 A.D) the culture thrived and flourished especially in the fields of art, poetry, philosophy, science and medicine which gave this era the title; “The Islamic Golden Age”.

How did Don Alejandro O'Reilly impact the colony of Louisiana during his time as governor?

His policies regarding slavery led to a breakdown in Spanish authority in Louisiana.

He brought stability to the colony by quickly establishing Spain’s authority to govern Louisiana.

He put rules in place forbidding any display or practice of French culture with the threat of expulsion from the colon

He slowed Immigration into the colony as Spanish control took effect, which led to an overall population decline.





passed the quiz

This u. N. ’s cop27 conference began on monday, november 7th in the country of. ?.


"The "Conference of the Parties" to the "UNFCCC (COP27)" will hold its 27th "session in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt", in November 2022. "

"The goal of COP27 is to build on recent accomplishments and pave the way for ambitious future goals. "On November 20, the historic decision to establish and operationalize a loss and damage fund was made at the conclusion of the "27th Conference of the Parties to the "United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change", UNFCCC , which was held in the "Egyptian beach city" of Sharm el-Sheikh". COP27 established a "five-year program at COP27" to encourage climate technology fix in developing nations. "

To learn more about UNFCCC,


How does self-interest, sovereignty and policy all connect to historical events like the World Wars?


During World War I, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson promoted the concept of "self-determination," meaning that a nation—a group of people with similar political ambitions—can seek to create its own independent government or state.

What type of art came after the second world war:
(a) classical art
(b) modern art
(c) contemporary​


That would be modern art, hope that helps.

It’s modern because it was banned in the Soviet Union which is how I remember it

driving faster than the posted speed limit is a example of which type of crime


Driving faster than the posted speed limit is an example of a misdemeanour.

what is Misdemeanor?

Literally, the word misdemeanor implies "poor behavior against others." This resulted in dual usage as both improper behavior in general and improper behavior in law. A misdemeanor is defined as "a crime less severe than a felony" under American law. "A federal offense for which the punishment may be death or imprisonment for a term exceeding one year" is the definition of a felony.

Crime evolved to become the more encompassing phrase for any type of legal infraction as misdemeanor got more particular. Since the 14th century, English law has utilized language like "rules and regulations," "emoluments and salaries," and the phrase "high crimes and misdemeanors," which appears in Article Two, Section 4 of the Constitution.

Learn more about Misdemeanor, here:


Manchester is the largest city in what "Granite State" whose license plates contain the motto "Live Free or Die?"


New Hampshire because Manchester is in New Hampshire and it is also called the granite state

Why is absolute power a dangerous thing?



absolute power is a dangerous this case it can hurt u in any shape or form

Why did the ottoman Turks view constinople as being strategically important ?



Constantinople was strategically important because of where it was placed geographically. It was right in the center of all of the trade routes, allowing it to prosper from a surplus of food and cultural diffusion.


Weather stations, ships, buoys, aircraft, radar, weather balloons, and satellites are all ways that meteorologists measure the __________________.


Weather stations, ships, buoys, aircraft, radar, weather balloons, and satellites are all ways that meteorologists measure the atmospheric conditions.

How are atmospheric conditions measured?

There are several ways by which people known as meteorologists are able to study the weather and the atmospheric conditions over a place at a given time. For example, there are weather stations which are equipped with all sorts of equipment to get a reading on what conditions affect the atmosphere at a certain time.

Even aircraft are used sometimes by meteorologists to go into the skies and get a better feel of what weather conditions are being experienced in an area. Samples can be collected as well.

There are also radar equipment which can track the movement of clouds to predict atmospheric conditions. Weather balloons go up into the atmosphere to get better readings and satellites can track atmospheric conditions from space. This shows that all these equipment are very useful for finding atmospheric conditions.

Find out more on meteorologists at


Which of the following were effects of European exploration of America? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY New diseases are introduced. The African slave trade is expanded. Europeans discoverd the Northwest Passage Native American Indians lose their lands.


The correct option is The African slave trade is expanded by the European exploration of America.

Guns, iron tools, and weaponry; Christianity and Roman law; sugarcane and wheat; horses and cattle were only a few of the innovations the Europeans brought to America that would change peoples' lives. Additionally, they brought diseases for which the Indian population lacked immunity.

New resources including gold, silver, and diamonds were acquired by Europeans. The majority of the Native Americans were sold into slavery by the Europeans and taken to Europe. New foods like corn and pineapple were also discovered by the explorers. Additionally, Columbus found tobacco seeds and transported them back to Europe.

To learn more about effects of European exploration of America refer to:


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