→Will give 80 points and brainliest!!←
Please don't give a link, and give the full answer, not just half.
Thank you!

Will Give 80 Points And Brainliest!!Please Don't Give A Link, And Give The Full Answer, Not Just Half.Thank


Answer 1

A; The distance between the starting point to Obstacle 2 is  13 meters

B; There are 10 meters around one lap of course.

What is the distance between two points ( p,q) and (x,y)?

The shortest distance (length of the straight line segment's length connecting both given points) between points ( p,q) and (x,y) is:

D = √[(x-p)² + (y-q)²]  

Part A;

Starting point: (-12, 5); Obstacle 2: (0, 0)

(x₁, y₁) and (x₂, y₂)


d = √(x₂ - x₁)² + (y₂ - y₁)²

d = √(0 - (-12))² + (0 - 5)²

d = √(12)² + (- 5)²

d = √144 + 25

d = √169

d = 13 meters

B. Starting point: (-12, 5); Obstacle 2: (0, 0);

Obstacle 1: (-12, 0)

(Starting Point + Obstacle 2)


d = √(x₂ - x₁)² + (y₂ - y₁)²

d = √(0 - (-12))² + (0 - 5)²

d = √(12)² + (- 5)²

d = √144 + 25

d = √169

d = 13 meters

Therefore, (Starting Point + Obstacle 1)

d = √(x₂ - x₁)² + (y₂ - y₁)²

d = √(-12 - (-12))² + (0 - 5)²

d = √(0)² + (-5)²

d = √25

d = 5 meters

(Obstacle 2 + Obstacle 1)

d = √(x₂ - x₁)² + (y₂ - y₁)²

d = √(-12 - 0)² + (0 - 0)²

d = √(-12)² + (0)²

d = √144

d = 12 meters

Total = 12m + 5m + 13m = 30

30 ÷ 3 = 10 meters

we can conclude that 10 meters around one lap of course.

Learn more about distance between two points here:



Related Questions

100 POINTS HELP ME FINISH A tariff is a tax on imported goods. If the United States can sell oranges for $5, but Mexico can sell them in the United States for $3, which of the following is the most likely tariff price attached to Mexican oranges?
A. $2
B. $0
C. $1




Step-by-step explanation:

This way the US can compete with the lower Mexican prices.


The answer is A($2)

Step-by-step explanation:


help me answer this pls


Answer: 4/5

Message: If this was helpful let me know! :)




42 minutes

Step-by-step explanation:

We can multiply 60 into 7/10 hours to convert 7/10 into hours, since 1 hour is 60 minutes.

= 60 (7/10)

= 420 / 10

= 42


42 minutes

Step-by-step explanation:

you just have to remember to multiply and divide (its hard really hard to multiply like that and divide)

The model shown was used to find the product of two fractions: A rectangle divided into nine columns of equal size and 4 rows of equal size. The length of a column is labeled as one ninth and the width of a row is labeled as one fourth. Two columns are fully shaded in grey. The cells in three full rows are covered with dots. Which equation does the model represent? (1 point) a the equation with the fractions two ninths times three fourths is equal to six thirty sixths b the equation with the fractions one ninth times one fourth is equal to two thirty sixths c the equation with the fractions two ninths times three fourths is equal to five thirty sixths d the equation with the fractions nine ninths times four fourths is equal to twenty nine thirty sixths


The equation that represents the array (rectangles and area) multiplication model that sows two grey shaded columns of length one ninth each and three rows with dots of width one fourth each is option a

a) The equation with fractions two ninths times three fourths is equal to six thirty sixths

[tex]\dfrac{2}{9} \times \dfrac{3}{4} = \dfrac{6}{36}[/tex]

What is an array (area) multiplication model?

An array representation of a multiplication is a rectangular visual order of positioning of rows and columns that indicates the terms of a multiplication equation.

Please find attached the area model to multiply the fractions

The terms of the equation represented by the model are indicated by the two columns of length one ninth each shaded grey and the three rows of width one fourth each covered with dots, such that the equation can be presented as follows;

[tex]\left(\dfrac{1}{9} +\dfrac{1}{9}\right) \times \left(\dfrac{1}{4} +\dfrac{1}{4} + \dfrac{1}{4} \right) = \dfrac{2}{9} \times \dfrac{3}{4} =\dfrac{6}{36}[/tex]

The equation that the model represents is therefore;

The equation with fractions two ninths times three fourths is equal to six thirty sixths

Learn more about multiplication models here:



given are five observations collected in a regression study on two variables. 2 6 9 13 20 7 18 9 26 23 a. which of the following scatter diagrams accurately represents the data? a. b. c. d. d b. develop the estimated regression equation for these data (to decimal). c. use the estimated regression equation to predict the value of when (to decimal).


Thus, we get regression equation as 7.5 =ý - 0.9x

What is regression equation ?

Regression analysis is a group of statistical procedures used in statistical modeling to calculate the associations between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables.


The points are given as:

Xi: 2; 6; 9; 13; 20

Yi: 7; 18; 9; 26; 23

From the table of values, we have:

ΣEx=2+6+9+13+ 20 = 50

ΣEy = 7+18+9+26+23=83

Also, we have:

ΣExy = 2 x 7+ 6 x 18+9x9+13 × 26 +20 × 23: 1001

ΣEx² = 22 +6² +92 +13² +20² = 690

ΣEy² =72 +18² +9² +26² +23² =1659

The slope (b) is calculated as:

b=[tex]\frac{x - \frac{xy}{D} }{x^{2} -\frac{x^{2} }{n} }[/tex]

So, we have:

b=[tex]\frac{1001 - \frac{50}{83} }{690^{2} -\frac{50^{2} }{5} }[/tex]

b = 0.9

The y-intercept (a) is calculated as:

a =ý - bx


y' =Σy/n =83/5=16.6

x'=Σx/n=50/5 =10

So we get ,

a=16.5 * 9*10


Thus, we get regression equation as 7.5 =ý - 0.9x

To know more about regression equation , visit



If 15% of a number equals 10, find 75% of that number.



75% of the number is equal to 50

Step-by-step explanation:

To find 75% of a number, we can multiply the number by 0.75. To find the number, we can first use the equation 15% * x = 10 to find what 15% of the number is equal to. Then we can divide both sides of the equation by 0.15 to find the value of x.

Here's how we can solve this problem:

First, let's set up the equation that represents the problem: 15% * x = 10

Next, we can divide both sides of the equation by 0.15 to find the value of x:

(15% * x) / 0.15 = 10 / 0.15

This simplifies to:

x = 10 / 0.15

Finally, we can multiply x by 0.75 to find 75% of the number:

0.75 * x = 0.75 * (10 / 0.15)

This simplifies to:

0.75 * x = 50

Therefore, 75% of the number is equal to 50

Answer: 49.95

Step-by-step explanation:


The percent is the same as 0.15


x= 66.6

0.75*66.6= 49.95

Annabelle records the length, in inches, of a colored pencil over time. Review the table showing her data. Time (Weeks) Length (Inches) 0 7.5 2 7.5 4 7 5 6 7 2 8 1 10 0.5 12 0.25 13 0.2 Which description best fits the regression model for the data?


Regression analysis using the logistic regression, regression model best fits the description of the data.

What is a regression model?

When modeling the relationship between a scalar answer and one or more explanatory variables in statistics, linear regression is a linear method (also known as dependent and independent variables). Simple linear regression is used when there is only one explanatory variable, and multiple linear regression is used when there are numerous variables. As opposed to multivariate linear regression, which predicts numerous correlated dependent variables as opposed to a single scalar variable, this phrase is more specific.

When modeling relationships with linear predictor functions, the model's unknown parameters are inferred from the data.

The logistic regression method can be used in situations when the dependent variable is discrete. In other words, the likelihood of situations like pass/fail, true/false, 0/1, and so on that are mutually incompatible are calculated using this method. A sigmoid curve depicting the relationship between the independent variable and the target variable, which can only take on one of two values, and probability, which has a value between 0 and 1, are both present.

Regression analysis using the logistic regression regression model best fits the description of the data.

To know more about regression model, visit:



Quadrilateral ABCD has coordinates A(−2, 0), B(0, 4), C(4, 6), and D(2, 2).

What are the coordinates of the image of ABCD after applying the transformation (x, y) ⟶ (–x, y) and then applying (x, y) ⟶ (x, –y)?


The coordinates of the image of ABCD after applying the given transformation are, A"(2, 0), B"(0, -4), C"(-4, -6), and D"(-2, -2).

What is transformation of points?

The reflection is the kind of transformation that takes place whenever a shape's points cross a line. When the points are reflected over a line, the image is on the opposite side of the line from the pre-image and is located at the same distance from the line. The image point is reflected from each point (p, q).


Quadrilateral ABCD has coordinates A(−2, 0), B(0, 4), C(4, 6), and D(2, 2).

First to find the coordinates after applying the transformation  

(x, y) ⟶ (–x, y).


A(-2, 0) ⟶ A'(2, 0)

B(0, 4) ⟶ B'(0, 4)

C(4, 6) ⟶ C'(-4, 6)

D(2, 2) ⟶ D'(-2, 2)

Now applying the transformation (x, y) ⟶ (x, –y)

A'(2, 0) ⟶ A"(2, 0)

B'(0, 4) ⟶ B"(0, -4)

C'(-4, 6) ⟶ C"(-4, -6)

D'(-2, 2) ⟶ D"(-2, -2)

Hence, the coordinates of the image of ABCD after applying the given transformation are, A"(2, 0), B"(0, -4), C"(-4, -6), and D"(-2, -2).

To know more about transformations of points, click on the link



Select all of the following statements that are true four years from now, in the year 2024.
Select : 2
Submit Answer
The Thrift segment will demand 7,745 thousand units
The Core segment will demand 9,779 thousand units
The Nano segment will demand 5,406 thousand units
The Elite segment will demand 5,874 thousand units


The following statements that are true four years from now, in the year 2024 are the Thrift segment will demand 7,745 thousand units and the Core segment will demand 9,779 thousand units.

Define demand.

Demand in economics refers to a consumer's readiness to pay a particular price for goods and services as well as their desire to buy them. Demand for a good or service typically declines when its price goes up. Demand describes the consumer's desire and willingness to purchase a good or service at a specific time or over an extended period of time. Additionally, consumers must be able to afford the items they want or need based on their budgeted disposable income. Demand therefore has an impact on market expansion and economic growth.


The following statements that are true four years from now, in the year 2024 are:

The Thrift segment will demand 7,745 thousand units.

The Core segment will demand 9,779 thousand units.

To learn more about demand, visit:



Nakeisha is saving up to buy a new jacket. She already has $70 and can save an additional $8 per week using money from her after school job. How much total money would Nakeisha have after 8 weeks of saving? Also, write an expression that represents the amount of money Nakeisha would have saved in w weeks.


The expression that represents the amount of money Nakeisha would have saved in w weeks will be 70 + 8w

The total money Nakeisha have after 8 weeks of saving is $134.

How to illustrate the expression?

Given that Nakeisha is saving up to buy a new jacket, she already has $70 and can save an additional $8 per week using money from her after school job.

The expression that represents the amount of money Nakeisha would have saved in w weeks is:

= 70 + 8(w)

= 70 + 8w

The total money the she would Nakeisha have after 8 weeks of saving will be:

= 70 + 8w

= 70 + 8(8)

= 70 + 64

= 134

The amount saved is $134.

Learn more about expressions on:



Which of the correlation values represent a perfect linear relationship between x and y?
a. 0.5
b. 1
c. 100
d. -1
e. 0


The correlation values that represent the perfect linear relationship between x and y are = b) 1 and d) -1

Now first we need to understand what is meant by correlation,

The mutual relation or degree to which two or more quantities are mutually linear or related to each other, hence their degree or relation of correlation is qualified by correlation coefficient.

According to the question we need to find the correlation value that represents a perfect linear relationship between x and y

Since we know according to the definition of correlation, the perfect linear relationship between x and y could be represented if their magnitude is 1.

Both positive and negative values of magnitude 1 (i.e 1 and -1)  are defined as the linear relationship between x and y.

Therefore, The correlation values that represent the perfect linear relationship between x and y are both 1 and -1

To learn more about correlation,



Please help me, this was on my sparx maths homework. It's due tomorrow.


The measure of the angle HBG found using the trigonometric ratio for cosines is about 27.266°

What are the trigonometric ratios?

The trigonometric ratios is the set of relationships between the interior angles of a right triangle and the ratios of the lengths of two of the sides of the right triangle.

The measure of the size of the angle HBG, can be obtained from the specified lengths of the sides of the triangle ΔHBG and the trigonometric ratios as follows;

Length of BH = 27

Length of BG = 24

In the plane ABGH, the side BH is perpendicular to the side GH, therefore;

ΔHBG is a right triangle, where;

The hypotenuse side = BH

BG = The leg of the right triangle that is the adjacent side to the angle HBG.

The trigonometric ratios of the cosine of an angle is the ratio of the adjacent side to the angle to the hypotenuse of the right triangle.

[tex]cos(\theta) = \dfrac{Adjacent}{Hypotenuse}[/tex]


[tex]cos(\angle HBG) = \dfrac{24}{27}[/tex]

[tex]\angle HBG = arcos\left(\dfrac{24}{27}\right) \approx 27.266^{\circ}[/tex]

∠HBG ≈ 27.266°

Learn more about the trigonometric ratio of cosines here:



Write the equation of the line in fully
simplified slope-intercept form.



y = 2/3x - 6

Step-by-step explanation:

Knowledge Needed

Slope-Intercept form: y = mx + b

Leave y and x as variables as it is easier for graphing.

m is the slope, or how much the y-value changes every timer the x-value increases by 1.

b is the y-intercept, or the x-value of the line when it has a x-value of 0 (when it hits the y-axis.)


Using this information, lets first find the slope.

To find the slope, we can use the slope formula. Use any two sets of points to plug into the formula.


I'll use the points:

(3, -4)


(6, -2)

Because they are marked.

Plug in your two y-values into the numerator and two x-values into the denominator.

[tex]\frac{-2 - - 4}{6 - 3}[/tex]


So, we have 2/3 as a slope. We can start writing the equation in slope-intercept form.

y = 2/3x + b

To solve for b, we can either examine the graph or solve it algebraically. However, if the graph is more complex we can't just look at it.

What is the x-value of the line when it touches the y-axis, or the bold vertical line?


We know the y-intercept is -6.

y = 2/3x - 6




In Jewish tradition, Abraham is called Avraham Avinu (אברהם אבינו), "our father Abraham," signifying that he is both the biological progenitor of the Jews and the father of Judaism, the first Jew.

Step-by-step explanation:

Find slope of (-3,4) and (-3,-8)


The required slope (m) is -12 when the points given are (-3, 4) and (-3, -8).

What is the slope?

In mathematics, a line's slope, also known as its gradient, is a mathematical expression of the line's steep slopes and orientation.

A line's steeper can be identified by looking at its slope.

The slope was calculated mathematically as "rise over run" (change in y divided by change in x).

So, the slope formula is:
m = y2 - y1/x2 - x1

Now, substitute the values and calculate the slope as follows:

m = y2 - y1/x2 - x1

m = -8 -4/-3+3

m = -12/0

m = -12

Therefore, the required slope (m) is -12 when the points given are (-3, 4) and (-3, -8).

Know more about slope here:



The accompanying data resulted from an experiment in which weld diameter and shear strength (in pounds) were determined for five different spot welds on steel.
Below are the data collected and the regression equation.
Strength = -941.6992 + 8.5988*Diameter
The predicted y-hat value for a diameter of 201 is 864. Interpret this predicted value.


If we choose to use a diameter of 201 for the experiment, the strength will be 786.6596.

Given, the experiment in which weld diameter and shear strength (in pounds) were measured for five distinct spot welds on steel produced the data that is included.

The gathered information and the regression equation are shown below.

Strength = -941.6992 + 8.5988×Diameter

we have to calculate the predicted y-hat value for the diameter value of 201.

Now, we are given the regression equation with the strength and diameter as the variables.

now, when we put the diameter equal to 201, the strength will be

Strength = -941.6992 + 8.5988×Diameter

Diameter = 201

Strength = -941.6992 + 8.5988×201

Strength = -941.6992 + 1,728.3588

Strength = 786.6596

So, the value of the strength be 786.6596

Consequently, the strength value when the diameter is 201 be, 786.6596.

Refer here to Learn more about Linear Regression Equation: https://brainly.com/question/25987747


PLEASE HELP 10th grade Geometry


Your graph would be the same way just turned

Henry walks to and from school each day. after 100 days of school, he has walked 125 miles. How many miles does Henry walk to and from school?



1 1/4

Step-by-step explanation:

Divide 125 by 100, which gets you 1.25 (also known as 1 1/4)

Henry walked 1.25 miles each day to and from school.

What is Division?

Division is one of the operation in mathematics where number is divided  into equal parts as that of a definite number.

Given that,

Henry walks to and from school each day.

Distance travelled by Henry in 100 days = 125 miles

In order to find the distance travelled by Henry in 1 day to and from school, divide the total distance by 100.

Distance travelled in 1 day = 125 / 100 = 1.25 miles

Hence the distance Henry walk to and from school is 1.25 miles.

To learn more about Division, click on the link :



A circular garden ha a radiu of 1. 5 feet Randy want to encloe it with edging the cot $0. 75 per foot, about how much will it cot


It will cost Randy about $7.07  to edge it.

What is the circumference of a circle?

The length of a circle's edge in straight lines is known as its circumference.

Why is 3.14 called pi?

Because pi is the initial letter in the Greek word perimitros, which means "perimeter," it was given the name "pi" for the first time by [the Welsh mathematician] William Jones in 1706.

C = 2Πr

r = 1.5 feet

Π ≈ 3.14

C ≈ 2 × 1.5 × 3.14 feet

C ≈ 9.42 feet

9.42 × 0 .75 = 7.065

So it will cost randy about $7.07

To learn more about circumference of a circle visit:



Complete the statement. The polynomial function f(x) = ____. (x + 2)(x - 2)(x + ) (x + 2)(x + )(x - ) (x - 2)(x + )(x - ) (x + 2)(x - 2)(x + )(x - ).


The factorised form of given function f(x) is (x + 2)(x +√3)(x-√3)

Describe a polynomial.

A mathematical expression that contains at least two terms with variables or integers is referred to as a polynomial. A polynomial may include several terms.

We have been given the polynomial function:

⇒ x³ + 2x² - 3x -6

Simplify the radical by breaking the radicand up into a product of known factors.

x³ + 2x² - 3x -6

Add and subtract the second term to the expression and factor by grouping.

⇒ x²(x + 2) - 3(x + 2)

⇒ (x + 2)(x² - 3)

⇒ (x + 2)(x +√3)(x-√3)

Therefore, the factorised form of given function f(x) is (x + 2)(x +√3)(x-√3).

Learn more about the polynomials here:




B) on edge

Step-by-step explanation:

you exercised 24 hours each month for a year. how many hours did you exercise by the end of the year? you may be able to do the math mentally thanks t


A total of 288 hours of exercise did by the end of the year.

What is distributive property?

Distributive Property is defined as the "distribute" of anything to divide it up or to give someone a piece of it.

Exercise in one month = 24 hours

Total exercise in a year = 24*12 = 288 hours

Hence, a total of 288 hours of exercise did by the end of the year.

To learn more about the distributive property



Unit #4 - Lesson # 8 Exit Ticket: The seventh-grade class had 74 students in it last year. This
increase in the number of seventh grade students from last year to this year? Show all calculations.
year, the seventh-grade class has 86 students in it. To the nearest tenth, what was the percent
Unit #4
on til



Hope it helps!

Step-by-step explanation:

Last year there were 74 students in the seventh grade class. This year there are 86 students in the seventh grade class.

Increase = 86 - 74 = 12

Percent Increase = (12/74) x 100 = 16.2%

true or false: for a random sample of size 15 from a normal population with unknown variance, the test statistic with the null hypothesis of is , when is the sample mean.


The test statistic under the null hypothesis of is when the sample mean is for a random sample of size 15 from a normal population with unknown variance. The given statement is true.

For a random sample of size 15 from a healthy population with known variation. the statistical measure under test for the null hypothesis.

Even when the population variance is known and the sample size is modest, the Z-test can be used.

The given statement is true.

Hypothesis :

In statistics, hypothesis testing is used to identify the variance in the group of data that results from genuine variation. Based on the presumptions, the sample data are taken from the population parameter. The hypothesis can be divided into many categories. A hypothesis is described in statistics as a formal statement that explains the relationship between two or more variables belonging to the specified population. It aids the researcher in converting the stated issue into an understandable justification for the study's findings. It provides examples of various experimental designs and guides the investigation of the research procedure.

Complete question:

True or False: For a random sample of size 15 from a normal population with known variance, the test statistic with the null hypothesis of H_o: u =  (i - uo)/n), when i is the sample mean.

To learn more about hypothesis visit: brainly.com/question/29519577


pls help with Literal Equations
Solve for P



The value of p in the equation m = 4 / (p - d) on solving is p =  (4 + md) / m.

What is equation?

An assertion that two mathematical expressions have equal values is known as an equation. An equation simply states that two things are equal. The equal to sign, or "=," is used to indicate it.


m = 4 / (p - d)

Multiply the denominator of the right side by the left term as shown below,

m (p - d) = 4

mp - md = 4

Add md to both sides,

mp - md + md = 4 + md

mp = 4 + md

p =  (4 + md) / m

To know more about equation:



How do you solve for x in a quadratic equation?


Put all terms on one side of the equal sign, leaving zero on the other side.


Set each factor equal to zero.

Solve each of these equations.

Check by inserting your answer in the original equation.

Select the correct answer. A number is selected at random from the set {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}. Which event, by definition, covers the entire sample space of this experiment? A. The number is greater than 2. B. The number is not divisible by 5. C. The number is even and less than 12. D. The number is neither prime nor composite. E. The square root of the number is less than 3.


The event  the number is even and less than 12 covers the entire sample space of this experiment.

What is sample space?

In probability theory, the set of all feasible outcomes or outcomes of an experiment or random trial is referred to as the sample space. The sample points, or potential ordered outcomes, are listed as elements in the set used to represent the sample space.


A number is selected at random from the set {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}.

Let's examine each instance:

A. There are more than two.

When we get number 2, this does not apply to the situation. 2 is equal to 2 and not greater, therefore.

B. The number is not divisible by 5, whereas 10 and 5 are. As a result, the sample space is not completely covered.

C. It's an even number or less than 12.

Let's note that every number from "2, 4, 6, 8, 10" is less than 12, indicating that the event's even portion has no bearing. This encompasses the whole sample area.

D. Neither the number is prime nor is it a composite.

There cannot be a number that is neither prime nor composite because they are mutually exclusive terms in mathematics. No number of the set is covered by this event.

E. The number's square root is less than 3.

This excludes the number 10, whose square root is approximately 3,16, which is greater than 3.

Hence, the event  the number is even and less than 12 covers the entire sample space of this experiment.

To know more about sample space, click on the link



Andre ran a 100-meter race in 12 seconds. What was his average speed as he ran the race?.


Answer: 8.3 m / sec

Step-by-step explanation:

Take 100 divided by 12 = 8.3 meter per second

In a café, drinks are priced according to what size they are.
The table shows the different sizes and costs.
Size of drink
Extra Small
Extra Large
a) Gavin pays for one extra small and three large drinks.
Altogether, how much did they cost?
b) Lian pays for one small, one medium and one extra large drink.
She pays with a £10 note.
How much change should she get?



for A. Gavin would pay 10. because 1.00 + 3.00 + 3.00 + 3.00 is 10.
and for B. 1.50 + 2.00 + 3.00 = 6.50. so lian would get 3.50 change back.

PLEASE help its easy I'm just dum!! Find the scale factor, for more info look at picture below.


The required scale factor is 2/3 for the given figures.

What is a scale image?

Scale image is defined as a ratio that represents the relationship between the shape and size of a figure and the corresponding dimensions of the actual figure or object.

As we know scale factor is the ratio of sides in the original image and the image after transformation.

The side length of CD = 15 units

The side length of GH = 10 units

The scale factor = length of GH / length of CD

The scale factor = 10/15

The scale factor = 2/3

Therefore, the required scale factor is 2/3 for the given figures.

Learn more about the Scale images here:



What is the measure if Angle JKL?


The measure of the angle JKL as per the attached diagram is equal to 97 degrees.

As per in the question,

Diagram is attached.

Angle JKL is linear pair angle with given angle of measure 83 degrees.

Sum of the pair of linear pair is always equal to 180 degrees.

Let 'x' be the measure of angle JKL, we get,

83° + m ∠JKL = 180°

Subtract 83° from both the side of the equation we get,

⇒ 83° - 83° + m ∠JKL = 180° - 83°

⇒ m ∠JKL = 97°

Therefore, the measure of the angle JKL as per the attached diagram is equal to 97 degrees.

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according to the elaboration likelihood model, the two main determinants of a listeners willingness to engage in elaborating on the message are __________and _________. recently, the management of the brugge luxury hotel has projected that they can generate $150,000 and $152,000 in revenues in 2011 and 2012 respectively. however, the total revenues were actually $155,000 and $160,000 in 2011 and 2012 respectively. if the management would like to sell 2,500 rooms in 2013, what is the forecasted adr in 2013? group of answer choices $56.78 $60.80 $62.08 $61.10 according to the current law, legislative districts must be approximately equal in population and should also allow for ______. "The Ritual of Memory"1. What does it mean for something to be "synonymous? What percentage of women in the united states work and have a child under 6 years of age? Read this passage once silently. then, reread it aloud using strategies for reading fluently. write three to five sentences explaining any strategies you used and what new understanding you gained from the text as a result of reading it aloud. during the triage process at a multiple-casualty incident, you assess a conscious patient who is breathing at a rate of 40 breaths/min. according to the start triage process, your most appropriate action would be to: Find the product of -1.5x and -0.25x.O 0.375xO-1.75xO 0.375xO -1.75x 1.Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verbs tense-The boy (learn)__________for three years, but he can't underatand this letter. How are the entry words in dictionary and thesaurus arranged? the delay in responding to what happened could have been due to kevin johnson weighing the potential impact that drawing attention to what happened could have on bottom-line profits and the starbucks brand (on one hand) and the importance of supporting fairness and impartial standards (on the other hand). these examples represent what two approaches to making a decision in response to an ethical dilemma? the process that results in changes in the genetic material of a population over time How do you date with an open mind? What structure allows the lymphatic system to absorb dietary fats from the small intestine? the virgo cluster is select an answer and submit. for keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a another name for the local group. b a cluster of clusters of galaxies. c a nearby large cluster of galaxies. d another name for the local supercluster. Solve the system of equations by the substitution method.x +9y = 242x + 3y = 3 (a) what is the coefficient of x3y4 in (-3x 4y)7? (b) what is the coefficient of x2y7 in (5x - y)9? the flywheel of a steam engine begins to rotate from rest with a constant angular acceleration of 1.47 rad/s2. it accelerates for 24.7 s, then maintains a constant angular velocity. calculate the total angle through which the wheel has turned 59.5 s after it begins rotating. Arnold purchased a $1,300 set of golf clubs on a nine-month layaway plan and had to pay a monthly payment of $158. 89. What is the fee charged for the layaway plan?. sprawl impacts quality of life by a. increasing commuting times and costs. b. increasing our overall health. c. increasing green space. d. decreasing commuting times and costs.