recently, the management of the brugge luxury hotel has projected that they can generate $150,000 and $152,000 in revenues in 2011 and 2012 respectively. however, the total revenues were actually $155,000 and $160,000 in 2011 and 2012 respectively. if the management would like to sell 2,500 rooms in 2013, what is the forecasted adr in 2013? group of answer choices $56.78 $60.80 $62.08 $61.10


Answer 1

The forecasted ADR in 2013 is $61.10. Option (d)

The whole amount of money made by selling the customers' goods or services is referred to as revenue. The top of a company's income statement displays revenue. Revenues are frequently substituted with the word income. Sales, service revenues, earned fees, interest revenue, and interest income are a few examples of revenue accounts.

Revenue accounts typically contain credit balances because they are credited when services are rendered and billed. Profit refers to net income after deducting expenses from earnings, whereas revenue refers to income gained through business operations. Sales, fee-based income, and property-based income are just a few of the several ways that money might come in.

Expected Total revenues in 2011 and 2012 = $150,000+$152,000 = $302000

Actual Total revenues = 155,000 + 160,000 = 315000

Actual Difference in revenues = Expected - Actual

= $302000 - $315000

= - $13000 ( minus indicates loss)

forecasted in 2013= (13000 / 2,500)*100

= $61.10

Learn more about expected return revenues visit this link :


Correct Question:

Recently, the management of the brugge luxury hotel has projected that they can generate $150,000 and $152,000 in revenues in 2011 and 2012 respectively. however, the total revenues were actually $155,000 and $160,000 in 2011 and 2012 respectively. if the management would like to sell 2,500 rooms in 2013, what is the forecasted adr in 2013? group of answer choices

1. $56.78

2. $60.80

3. $62.08

4. $61.10

Related Questions

If a business decides to act outside of the prevailing ethical norms of that community: 1) It risks damage to its reputation and ill will. 2) There really is no risk to businesses since the community really needs the business to survive. 3) It only has to worry about the legal implications of its actions. 4) It takes the chance the law will impose fines against it. 5) There should be no concerns because the business can move to another community if it needs to.


If a business decides to act outside of the prevailing ethical norms of that community: 1) It risks damage to its reputation and ill will. Option 1 is correct.

What is meant by ethical norm?

Ethical norms establish the stage for a cogent working environment that contains justice, honesty, impartiality, and responsibility by providing guidelines for all organizations on how to behave well and avoid engaging in unethical behavior.

Honesty, compassion, and loyalty are among the other moral values that are encouraged by ethical norms. Additionally, moral norms cover rights such as the right to privacy, the right to be free from harm, and the right to life.

Three fundamental principles—respect for people, beneficence, and justice—among those commonly acknowledged in our cultural tradition are particularly important to the ethics of research involving human subjects.

Read more on ethical norms here:


structures predominate in firms with a single or narrow product focus. group of answer choices a) geographic b) functional c) product-team d) matrix e) divisional or sbu


Functional structures predominate in firms with a single or narrow product focus. Functional structures are organizational structures in which employees are grouped together based on the functions they perform.

What is a functional structure?Organizational structures known as functional structures group personnel according to the tasks they do. In a functional structure, employees who perform similar tasks or have similar skills are typically organized into departments or teams, and each department or team is responsible for a specific aspect of the organization's operations. For example, a functional structure might include departments for finance, marketing, sales, and production. Functional structures are often used in firms with a single or narrow product focus, because they allow the organization to specialize in a particular area and to develop expertise in that area. This type of structure also allows for clear lines of communication and decision-making within the organization, as well as efficient resource allocation. However, functional structures can also be inflexible and slow to adapt to changing circumstances, and they may not be well-suited to organizations with complex or diverse operations.

To learn more about functional structure refer :


An important reason why the Federal Reserve would not want to keep interest rates at 0% forever is that:
a) it restricts the money supply, making it harder for banks to lend money.
b) it limits the ability of the Fed to use expansionary monetary policy when the next recession occurs.
c) it makes borrowing for homes and major purchases more expensive.
d) it raises the possibility of higher unemployment because lower interest rates slow economic growth.


An important reason why the Federal Reserve would not want to keep interest rates at 0% forever is that: it limits the ability of the Fed to use expansionary monetary policy when the next recession occurs.

The Federal Reserve video display units economic machine risks and engages at home and abroad to help make certain the system helps a healthy economic system for U.S. households, groups, and organizations.

The Federal Reserve gadget is taken into consideration to be an independent significant bank. it is so, however, only within the feel that its choices do not have to be ratified with the aid of the President or everyone else within the government department of the government.

Below the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, each of the 12 nearby reserve banks of the Federal Reserve system is owned by means of its member banks, who originally ponied up the capital to preserve them jogging. The variety of capital stocks they subscribe to is based upon a percentage of every member bank's capital and surplus.

Learn more about Federal Reserve here:


gilliam industries records revenue of $6.4 million for an accounting period. in that same accounting period, they have a beginning balance of $392,000 and an ending balance of $439,000 in the accounts receivable account. how should the cash flows from operating activities be adjusted to account for these items? why? assume gilliam uses the indirect method.


By employing the indirect method, Gilliam will only need to make the necessary adjustments to account for the change in accounts receivable, which will reduce cash flows from operating operations by $47,000.

An indirect method:

Gilliam computes the following using the indirect method:

Records revenue = $6.4 million

Beginning balance = $392,000

ending balance = $439,000

Cash flow that needs to be adjusted for the items = $47,000

One of two accounting techniques that are used to produce a cash flow statement is referred to as the indirect method. This approach makes use of changes in balance sheet line items. Additionally, it changes the cash method of accounting from the accrual method in the operating section of the cash flow statement.

Larger businesses adopt the indirect method.

To know more about indirect tax visit:


what must managers be able to do if they want employees to understand the business’s goals and be productive?


Conceptual skills to understand the business’s goals and be productive.

Who needs conceptual skills?

The ability to see an organization's big picture is referred to as having conceptual talents. For instance, you can consider why you are undertaking a project before getting started, how it ties to the organization as a whole, and how it affects the surrounds.Conceptual abilities enable you to anticipate problems, come up with ideas for solutions, and comprehend the strategic large picture that drives a company's day-to-day operations. Although they are useful in any career, conceptual skills are particularly crucial for those in managerial positions.

To know more about Conceptual skills here


creosote inc. operates a plant—a "major source"—that emits hazardous air pollutants for which the environmental protection agency has set maximum levels of emission. the plant does not use equipment to reduce its emissions. under the clean air act, this is most likely


To reduce emissions, the plant does not use any equipment. This is most likely a violation of the Clean Air Act.

The Act is the primary federal air quality law in the United States, with the goal of reducing and controlling air pollution across the country. It is one of the United States' first and most influential modern environmental laws, having been enacted in 1963 and amended numerous times since.

It provides the Environmental Protection Agency with the tools it needs to protect our families from a variety of harmful pollutants that can cause asthma and lung disease, particularly in children.

To know more about Clean Air Act, click here.


goods re-exported without having been significantly altered after being imported are subject to a refund of duties paid known as a


When products are exported or destroyed, some customs, internal revenue taxes, and other fees are reimbursed. These payments were made when the commodities were imported.

Re-exportation, also known as entrepot trade, is a type of international trade when a nation simply exports items that it has already imported. One such instance is when a party to a free trade agreement offers cheaper tariffs to other countries to acquire business before re-exporting the same good to another party to the trade agreement with no additional duties. Re-exporting is a method for evading international restrictions. Re-exports are foreign goods that are shipped from the free circulation zone, facilities for inbound processing or industrial free zones, or facilities for customs storage or commercial free zones, directly to the rest of the world in the same condition as when they were first imported.

Learn more about re-exported from


which of these can arguably lead to a more participative structure and lead to improved communication in the organization?a. Vertically tall structures b. Structural interventions c. Centralization d. Command-and-control structure e. Decentralization


Decentralization can arguably lead to a more participative structure and lead to improved communication in the organization.

Decentralization is a particular type of organisational structure in which the top management assigns daily tasks and decision-making authority to intermediate and lower employees.

Decentralization is a particular type of organisational structure in which the top management assigns daily tasks and decision-making authority to intermediate and lower employees. Thus, with more time available, the senior management may concentrate on making important decisions. Businesses frequently feel that decentralisation is necessary to maintain operations. 

Decentralization in management is the systematic distribution of power among the various levels of management within an organisation. It explains how different organisational levels are given different amounts of decision-making authority. In other words, it alludes to the decentralisation of authority, responsibility, and authority-related activities.

To know more about Decentralisation


when the price of candy bars decreased from $0.55 to $0.45 the quantity demanded changed from 19,000 per day to 21,000 per day. in this price range, the price-elasticity coefficient (use any formula you like) for candy bars is:


The price-elasticity coefficient=[tex]46666.67[/tex]

Ed = percentage change in Qd / percentage change in Price.

=[tex]21,000/$0.45[/tex] =[tex]46666.67[/tex]

A term used in economics to explain how much the quantity needed will change when the price of products and services is changed is called price elasticity, also known as the elasticity coefficient. If the percentage change in demand surpasses the percentage change in price, demand is completely elastic. For instance, the demand is fully elastic if a 10% increase in price causes a 20% drop in demand since the PED coefficient, which is 3, is 3. The demand is inelastic if the value is less than 1. Quantity therefore fluctuates less quickly than pricing. If the value is 1, the demand elasticity is unitary. To put it another way, changes in quantity come after changes in price.

Learn more about price-elasticity from


shin cosmetics has a weighted average cost of capital of 11.30 percent. the company can borrow at 6.5 percent. what is the cost of equity if the debt-equity ratio is 1.2?


The cost of equity is 13.12 percent. The cost of equity is calculated using the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) formula:

Cost of Equity = WACC - (Debt / (Debt + Equity)) * (Borrowing Rate - Tax Rate)

In this case, the cost of equity is:

11.30% - (1.2/(1.2+1)) * (6.50% - 0%) = 9.65%

The cost of equity is 9.65%, which is calculated by subtracting the debt portion of the WACC (1.2/(1.2+1)) multiplied by the difference between the borrowing rate and tax rate (6.50% - 0%) from the WACC (11.30%).

The cost of equity is the return that shareholders expect in exchange for investing in a company's stock. It is calculated using the capital asset pricing model (CAPM).

To know more about cost of equity click here


a behavioral issue that is crucial to maintaining the ongoing viability of a project is: worker commitment. increasing importance to the firm. financial impact to the company. relatively minor technical problems.


A behavioral issue that is crucial to maintaining the ongoing viability of a project is worker commitment.

Behavior problems can also include acts or behaviors that prevent your team from operating efficiently or have a negative influence on other team members. In your leadership profession, you'll probably have to deal with of a wide range of behavioral difficulties.

The degree of dedication an employee has to the responsibilities allocated to him or her at work is known as a work commitment. It is the sense of obligation someone has toward the objectives, mission, and vision of the organization they are affiliated with.

The link between employees and their employers is known as employee commitment. In general, employees that are committed to their company feel closer to their organization, better aligned with it, and more aware of its overall goals.

Learn more about  worker commitment here:


the bullwhip effect is the tendency for to be more volatile at levels of the supply chain. demand, lower (downstream) supply, higher (upstream) supply, lower (downstream) demand, higher (upstream)


The bullwhip effect is the tendency for demand to be more volatile at higher levels of the supply chain.

The bullwhip effect is a supply chain phenomenon describing how small fluctuations in demand at the retail level can cause progressively larger fluctuations in demand at the wholesale, distributor, manufacturer, and raw material supplier levels.

The effect is named after the physics involved in cracking a whip. When the person holding the whip snaps their wrist, the relatively small movement causes the whip's wave patterns to increasingly amplify in a chain reaction.

The bullwhip effect often occurs when retailers become highly reactive to demand, and in turn, amplify expectations around it, which causes a domino effect along the supply chain.

Learn more about the bullwhip effect here:


what is the potential for losing money in the stock market if an individual keeps their money invested for one year?


The prospect for financial loss You would have a larger than 1 in 4 probability of losing money if you made a placement in the stock industry for a year.

Apple, what kind of stock is that?

As a large-cap stock that is part of the S&P 500 and has a significant market capitalization, Apple is usually as among top holdings of both large-cap index funds and S&P 500 index funds.

How can I purchase stock?

The safest way to buy stocks is through a online stockbroker. After opening and funding your account, you may instantly buy stocks upon that investor's page.Other options include using a full-service stockbroker or buying shares from the company directly.

To know more about Stock market visit :


which type of incurred costs are not relevant in decision-making (i.e., they have no bearing on future events) and should be excluded in decision-making?


Sunk cost is a type of incurred cost that are not relevant in decision-making, that is, they have no bearing on future events and should be excluded in decision-making.

What is the sunk cost?

A sunk cost, sometimes called a retrospective cost, refers to an investment already incurred that can’t be recovered. Examples of sunk costs in business include marketing, research, new software installation or equipment, salaries and benefits, or facilities expenses. By comparison, opportunity costs are lost returns from resources that were invested elsewhere. Economists suggest that, in theory, sunk costs are not relevant to future decision-making.

Sunk costs can and do significantly influence decisions about the future.

Learn more about cost, here:


rony is the managing director of a fabric manufacturing company in order to limit the profit of the company and , therefore , the taxes on the business , the management pays a hefty amount to rony as year - end bonuses . the company also pays for his family vacations and foreign trips . the benefits enjoyed by rony are called


Rony as the managing director of a fabric manufacturing company enjoys an employee benefit called perquisites (D).

Let's discuss each employee benefit option we have:

Novated lease is an employee benefit that allows an employer pays for its employee car lease and car runnit costs out of its employee's salary package. An employee will choose a car he wants and a novated lease arrangement is set up between the employee, employeer, and car agent.  The employer then will pay directly to the car agent from the employee's salary. The employee may save tax and running costs using this kind of leasing.

Fiscal Incidence is the combined overall economic impact of both government taxation and expenditure on the real economic income of individuals. Fiscal incidence happens when the econonmic incidence of taxation is combined with the economic incidence of government expenditure. Fiscal incidence is the overall increase or decrease in welfare that individual enjoys from the state's taxing and spending policies.

Swaps is a derivative contract which stated that the two parties will exchange the cash flows or liabilities from two different financial instruments. Swaps usually are based on a notional principal amount. The most common kind of swap is an interest rate swap.

Perquisites or fringe benefits are benefits an employee received over and above his standard salary. Some of these components are taxed separately and someother are tax-exempted. Perquisites may be classified into 3 different types:

Taxable perquisites Tax-exempted perquisites Perquisites taxable only by employee

By offering perquisites to its employee, a company may increase its employee productivity, loyalty and retention. Prequisites could also be used as an attraction for top talent.

Learn more about Employee Benefit here:


Complete Question:

Rony is the managing director of a fabric manufacturing company. In order to limit the profit of the company and therefore, the txes on the business the management pays a hefty amount to Rony as year-end bonuses. The company also pays for his family cavations and foreign trips. The benefits enjoyed by Rony are called ____

a. Novated leases

b. Fiscal incidences

c. Swaps

d. Perquisites

what is money you are paid based on a sertain number of hours worked multiplied by the rate earned per hour. A-royalty B-wage C-gift D-profit


Wage is the amount of money you get paid depending on the number of hours worked multiplied by the hourly rate. Hence, the correct answer is wage.

What is a wage?

A wage is a payment made by an employer to an employee for work done within a specific time frame. Wage payments include compensating expenditures such as the minimum wage, prevailing wage, and annual bonuses, as well as remunerative payments such as prizes and tip payouts. Wages are one of the expenses that come with owning a business. It is a commitment to the employee regardless of the success of the firm. The monetary unit that correlates to the standard units of working hours is the wage. The first such unit of time was the day of work, which is still frequently used today.

To learn more about wages, click


true or false: based on the fact that both daniel and gabrielle increased production from the initial cartel quantity, you know that the output effect was smaller than the price effect at that quantity.


Based on the fact that both daniel and Gabrielle increased production from the initial cartel quantity, The given statement is false. Output effect is observed when increasing.

Production is the method of combining diverse inputs, both fabric (such as metallic, wood, glass, or plastics) and immaterial (such as plans, or know-how) as a way to create output. ideally, this output could be an awesome provider which has a fee and contributes to the software of people.

It just manner a production method or give up end result of a production system. Economists name corporations that produce item manufacturers. those corporations create merchandise to promote to their customers. as instance, a clothing enterprise produces garb for customers.

Learn more about Production here:


dividends declared during the year were $48,000. the dividends payable account increased by $4,000. which of the following will appear in the financing activities section of the statement of cash flows? a.dividends declared, $(48,000) b.change in dividends payable, $4,000 paid for dividends, $(44,000) paid for dividends, $(52,000)


$48,000 in dividends were declared throughout the year. The account for dividends due went up by $4,000 in total. dividends paid out in cash, in $ (44,000).

How should dividends be recorded?

The company's retained profits account is debited for the dividend amount on the first day that a dividend to shareholders is formally declared, while the dividends payable account is credited with the same amount. Debtor's Share of Retained Earnings Dividends Payable Credited.

Is the need to pay dividends a current liability?

A company's operating activities create money, which is used to pay down current liabilities that are reported on the balance sheet. Current obligations include, for example, accumulated expenses, short-term loans, and dividends payable.

To know more about payable account visit:


chester's balance sheet has $95,551,000 in equity. if next year, assets decrease by $4,000,000 and liabilities increase by $2,000,000, what will be chester's book value?


Chester's balance sheet has $95,551,000 in equity. If next year, assets decrease by $4,000,000 and liabilities increase by $2,000,000, 97,551,000 will be Chester's book value.

Book value = total assets - intangible assets - liabilities

Book value= 95,551,000 + 4,000,000 - 2,000,000=

What is Book value?

All claims senior to common equity (such as the company's liabilities) are deducted from the accounting value of the company's assets to determine book value. The accounting practise of documenting asset value at the original historical cost in the books is where the phrase "book value" originates.

The term "book value" refers to a company's value as it appears on its financial statements and is taken from its books or accounts. Theoretically, this is what investors would receive if they liquidated all of the company's assets in order to settle all of its liabilities.

To know more about book value, click here-


to calculate the expected risk premium on a stock, one must subtract the ________ from the stock’s expected return.


To calculate the expected risk premium on a stock, one must subtract the risk-free rate from the stock’s expected return.

The risk-free rate is the amount of interest that an investor may potentially receive from a totally risk-free investment over a specific period of time. An asset's predicted additional investment return over and above the risk-free rate of return is known as a risk premium. Investors hope to make up for the risk they are incurring by getting a return on their investment. The result of this is a risk premium.

The risk premium formula is easy to calculate: just deduct the anticipated return on a certain asset from the risk-free rate, which is the actual interest rate paid on risk-free investments like Treasury securities and government bonds.

Learn more about Risk-free Rate here:


Which one of the following is not a primary component of an internal control system?
a. Information and communication b. Monitoring c. Financial pressure d. Control environment e. Risk assessment


Out of the choices provided above, it can be said that the financial pressure is not a primary component of the internal control systems. Therefore, the option C holds true.

An internal control system can be referred to or considered as a system developed by an organization to keep a close look on the activities and processes being followed within the organization.

It includes the phenomenon, such as the information and communication within the organization, and assessment of the risks, where they are being constantly monitored under a controlled environment.

Learn more about an internal control system here:


productivity is defined by the formula of outputs divided by ______ for a specified period of time.


Productivity is defined by the formula of outputs divided by Inputs for a specified period of time.

A common definition of productivity is the ratio of input volume to output volume. In other words, it assesses how effectively an economy uses labor and capital as production inputs to generate a certain level of output.

Organizations can detect performance gaps by starting with performance benchmarking. You can compare prior results to current standards and continuously update the standard for better performance by tracking metrics and KPIs inside your company.

To know more about Productivity visit :


of the seven strategic priorities, which is the first priority and the most important consideration?


Of the seven strategic priorities, Rescue is the first priority and the most important consideration

What is Rescue?

Generally, to liberate from captivity, danger, or evil: rescue, deliver. They were pulled from the burning structure by the firemen who responded.

Deliverance, Ransom, Reclaiming, Redemption, and Redeeming are some popular synonyms for the word Rescue.

Although they all imply "to set free from captivity or danger," rescue refers to the process of setting someone free from an immediate threat by means of rapid or aggressive action. a ship that was sinking was saved, along with its crew.

Read more about Rescue


The term​ ________ is described as a​ "formal means of analyzing longminus−range investment​ alternatives."

a. capital budgeting
b. time value of money
c. payback period
d. annuity


The term​ capital budgeting is described as a​ "formal means of analyzing longminus−range investment​ alternatives."

The average yearly accrual accounting income as well as average investment are taken into account by the accounting percentage of returns technique.

The procedure a company uses to assess potential big projects or investments is called capital budgeting. Before a project is accepted or denied, capital budgeting is necessary. Examples of such projects include the construction of a new facility or a significant investment in a third party enterprise.

Therefore, the correct answer will be option (a).

To know more about investment​


if costs are not responsive to changes in activity level, then these costs can be best described as question 6 options: flexible. fixed mixed. variable.


If costs are not responsive to changes in activity level, then these costs can be fixed.

What is static budget?

A budget that employs anticipated quantities for a specific period prior to the period's start is known as a static budget.A fixed budget is special in that it remains constant despite variations in expenses and revenues. As a result, the static budget is frequently employed as a measure to evaluate a company's performance throughout time.Budgets come in two main categories: static and flexible. The last is a dynamic budget which alters as the business environment does over time. The majority of businesses can use either kind, however in some circumstances one budget type may be preferable to the other.

To learn more about static budget refer to:


debits to operating expenses totaled $100,000. what amount did ina pay for operating expenses during the current year?


The operating expenses for the current year would be $93,000

What do you mean by operating expense?

An continuing cost for maintaining a system, a business, or a product is known as an operating expense, operating expenditure, operational expenditure, operational expenditure, or opex. The cost of developing or providing non-consumable pieces for the product or system is its counterpart, a capital expenditure.

Operating Expenses $100,000Prepaid Expenses $5,000Accrued liabilities ($12,000)Cash $93,000

To know more about Expenses here


What is a basic definition of an interest group choose the best answer ?


A group that uses a variety of advocacy techniques to sway public opinion and/or policy is known as an interest group or an advocacy group. Another term for an interest group is: educated society. Group of people with a shared area of expertise or special interest. college community.

A special interest group (SIG) is a collection of people who work together within a larger organization to advance a certain area of knowledge, education, or technology. Members may communicate, physically meet, and organise conferences as they collaborate to influence or create solutions in their specialised fields. The word was originally used in 1961 by the Association for Computing Machinery, an academic and professional computer association. Later, CompuServe, an early provider of online services, rose to prominence for SIGs, a section of the site dedicated to particular interests. These interest organisations speak on behalf of organisations that defend and assist weaker communities. For instance, the Sierra Club prioritizes protecting both the environment and the world's wild areas.

Learn more about educated society from


In order to assess the performance of their firms and their supply chains, what do managers need to do to determine the needs of those customers?

Group of answer choices

a. Look at each segment of the markets they serve

b. Help identify new customer requirements

c. Rely on traditional performance measures

d. Collaborate in pricing of products


In order to assess the performance of their firms and their supply chains. Managers need to help identify new customer requirements.

In order to source, create, and transfer items from their point of origin to their final destination—typically from a supplier to an end customer—a supply chain is a networked system of organizations, activities, information, and resources.

A supply chain is made up of all the steps used to provide a finished good or service to the client. The process may involve locating raw materials, delivering them to the production site, and then transferring the final goods to a warehouse or retail location where they may be distributed to the customer.

Hence the correct option is B

To know more about Supply Chain here


To reduce the size of a country's national debt, a government could potentially take all of the following actions EXCEPT
A. Decrease the supply of government bonds
B. Decrease borrowing of private loanable funds
C. Increase taxes
D. Decrease expenditures
E. Finance spending by borrowing


To reduce the size of a country's national debt, a government could potentially take all of the following actions EXCEPT (E) Finance spending by borrowing.

The total of a country's yearly budget deficits, less any surpluses, is its national debt. When the government spends more than it brings in, there is a deficit. The government borrows money by offering debt obligations to investors in order to cover its budget deficit.

Increasing tax rates and decreasing government spending are the two apparent ways to minimize a budget deficit. The challenge, though, is that this fiscal tightening may result in slower economic development, which could lead to a greater cyclical deficit (government gets less tax revenue in a recession). The condition a country is in determines the best course of action to minimize fiscal imbalances.

To know more about National Debt, refer to this link:


the elements that make up a retailer's promotion, including advertising, publicity, personal selling, and sales promotions, should be managed:


The elements that make up a retailer's promotion, including advertising, publicity, personal selling, and sales promotions, should be managed: from a total systems perspective.

What is advertising?The  advertising economy extends to  media channels that rely on advertising revenue. Many forms of advertising support the creation of content and make that content available at a much lower  (or even free) price. For example, approximately 75% of a newspaper's costs are covered by advertising. Advertising contributes to broader economic growth through its ability to increase competitiveness. It helps us to provide consumers with information about goods and services and  to expand their choice of goods and services. Examples of terrestrial advertising are television, radio and newspaper advertising. Subordinate ads include conversion-focused activities targeted at specific audiences. Examples of under-the-line advertising include billboards, sponsorships, and in-store advertising. For some, the definition may be  broader and extend to  paid communications intended to inform or influence.

To learn more about advertising from the given link:


Other Questions
when the concept of a touch screen on a cell phone was created by apple, many other companies followed their lead; however, they did not adopt other characteristics of apple phones. this is an example of: Solve the equation.5x + -3 = 5x + 20 Find the value of x 10465 elect True or False for each statement: The solubility of gases in water decreases with increasing temperature Most solids are more soluble at higher temperature. Pressure has little effect on the solubility of liquids and solids because they are almost incompressible. after forest clearance, secondary succession of farmland back to a mature oak/hickory climax forest generally requires: a. a few decades b. about one millennium c. a few years d. about one century which seismic wave type causes the most destruction of property during an earthquake? How long can a U.S. citizen stay out of the country 2022? Which condition is characterized by abnormally high concentrations of calcium circulating in the blood instead of being stored in the bones and teeth? the flint, michigan water crisis mostly affected low-income residents and people of color. this crisis, therefore, was . a. biologically driven b. socially patterned c. a cultural phenomenon d. unavoidable Read the excerpt and study the map. The author of this excerpt most likelycomes from which of the following countries?The present law calls for the imposition of the deathsentence on any [citizen] who has peddled or smokedopium. Since (our people) could not peddle or smokeopium if foreigners had not brought it to [the country), it isclear that the true culprits of a [person's) death as a resultof an opium conviction are the opium traders from foreigncountries. Being the cause of other people's death, whyshould they themselves be spared from capitalpunishment? A murderer of one person is subject to thedeath sentence; just imagine how many people opium haskilled! This is the rationale behind the new law which saysthat any foreigner who brings opium to (our country] will besentenced to death by hanging or beheading. Our purposeis to eliminate this poison once and for all and to thebenefit of all mankind.A. Country AB. Country DC. Country BD. Country C which components do not aid to separate the csf and brain ecf from chemicals and disease-causing organisms of the blood? suppose that both firms start off by deciding not to advertise. if the firms act independently, what strategies will they end up choosing? karen falls down a flight of stairs and suffers spinal cord damage due to hyperextension of the cord during the fall. the injury results in edema of the central cord with resulting compression of the anterior horn cells of the lumbar region. what signs would you expect to observe as a result of this injury? ticket prices at an outdoor theatre performance are $2.50 for children and $5.00 for adults. one evening, $6350 is collected from a total of 1900 people attending. how many adults and how many children attend?: Which gas is produced by burning fuel with no air? ________ is a peer review process in which programmers familiar with the project and the development environment check over one another's work to ensure it is well documented and properly written. what is the equation of the horizontal asymptote associated with this function . describe waht this means in termsof the mouths ph overtimer Can Someone Please Solve This By Using The Formula a^2+b^2=c^2 Why did the US really get involved in the war with Cuba and eventually the Spanish-American War? raise your renown with the major factions of the dragon isles to continue the campaign