during the triage process at a multiple-casualty incident, you assess a conscious patient who is breathing at a rate of 40 breaths/min. according to the start triage process, your most appropriate action would be to:


Answer 1

If a patient is breathing at a rate of 40 breaths/min, according to the start triage process, your most appropriate action would be to tag the patient with a red tag.

The triage process is employed in medicine when acute care cannot be delivered for a lack of resources. The system distributes care to those who need it the most and will benefit from it the most. It relates, more broadly, to how medical care is organized overall. The most common places where it is required in its acute form are on the battlefield, during a pandemic, or in times of peace when an accident results in a significant number of victims that exceed the capacity of the nearby healthcare facilities.

Triage always abides by the modern interpretation of the Hippocratic oath, despite the fact that there is a lot of leeway for interpretation and multiple beliefs about its nature at once.

The complete question is:

During the triage process at a multiple-casualty incident, you assess a conscious patient who is breathing at a rate of 40 breaths/min. according to the start triage process, your most appropriate action would be to _______________.

To learn more about the triage process please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/28288137


Related Questions

a nurse is leading a group on medication management. one of the group members is beginning to monopolize the session, talking about experiences with medications. which statement by the nurse would be best?


When one client dominates the group, the nurse needs to be determined. The best course of action is to thank the client and advise them to try to calm down and listen to others instead of talking.

How does treatment in sessions operate?

Therapy A session is any hands-on, in-person activity that involves the patient and the therapist in occupational, physical, cognitive, or speech therapy. It excludes the writing of reports or progress notes.

What takes place in therapy?

You will be questioned by your therapist about your present problems as well as your past and background. You'll probably talk a little bit about your connections, interests, strengths, and goals in addition to your current symptoms or issues.

How long do therapy sessions usually last?

A therapy session typically lasts 45 to 55 minutes. In other circumstances, such as in couples counseling or intensive therapy, therapy sessions may last longer.

To learn more about group sessions given by the nurses please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/29059677


healthcare organizations use this tool to present quality metrics that enable leadership to visualize what has been accomplished through quality initiatives. this report is called a .


healthcare organizations use this tool to present quality metrics that enable leadership to visualize what has been accomplished through quality initiatives. this report is called Scorecard.

Enhancing quality of life via improved health is the primary goal of healthcare. To maintain their valuation and be able to continue operating, commercial enterprises concentrate on making a profit. To live up to its commitment to society, health care must prioritise generating social profit.  (as in medicine, dentistry, clinical psychology, and public health) Hospitals, medical devices, clinical trials, outsourcing, telemedicine, medical tourism, health insurance, and medical equipment all fall under the category of healthcare. Due to its expanding coverage, services, and rising investment by both public and private entities, the Indian healthcare system is expanding quickly.

Learn more about healthcare here:



what medical diagnoses would the nurse suspect if the client is experiencing diarrhea with mucus, proteins, and blood in the stool? select all that apply.


The medical diagnoses nurse suspect if the client is experiencing diarrhea with mucus, proteins, and blood in the stool will be

Gastroenteritis Ulcerative colitis Crohn's disease Diverticulitis

In addition to mucus, proteins, and blood, inflammatory bowel diseases include gastroenteritis, diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, and crohn's disease discharge a lot of fluids into the intestinal lumen. Constipation is a sign of irritable bowel syndrome.

The process of identifying the sickness or condition that accounts for a person's symptoms and indicators is known as medical diagnosis. It is most frequently referred to as a diagnostic, with the implied medical context. The process of diagnosing an illness, condition, or damage using a patient's signs and symptoms, medical history, and physical examination.

To know more about medical diagnoses visit



a client with bipolar disorder is experiencing a major depressive episode. which would the nurse expect to assess? select all that apply.


The nurse would expect Difficult concentrating, Hypersomnia, Obsessive rumination.

Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depression, is a mental disorder characterized by periods of depression followed by periods of abnormally elevated mood lasting from days to weeks. If the elevated mood is severe or associated with psychosis, it is referred to as mania; if it is milder, it is referred to as hypomania.

Mania causes an individual to act or feel abnormally energetic, happy, or irritable, and they frequently make rash decisions with little regard for the consequences. During manic phases, there is usually a reduced need for sleep. During depressive episodes, the individual may cry, have a negative outlook on life, and make poor eye contact with others.

Self-harm is a significant risk; over a 20-year period, 6% of those with bipolar disorder committed self-harm, while 30-40% engaged in self-harm. Bipolar disorder is frequently associated with other mental health issues, such as anxiety disorders and substance use disorders.

To learn more about bipolar disorder, here



which neonatal complication is being addressed with administration of betamethasone (celestone) to a pregnant patient who has reduced amounts of surfactant in the amniotic fluid 24 hours before the delivery?


Respiratory distress syndrome is a neonatal complication that is being treated with the introduction of betamethasone (Celestone) to a pregnant patient who has low levels of surfactant in the amniotic fluid 24 hours before delivery.

What is newborn respiratory distress syndrome?

When a baby's lungs are not completely developed, they are unable to produce adequate oxygen, leading to breathing difficulties known as newborn respiratory distress syndrome, or NRDS. Premature infants are generally affected. Hyaline membrane disease, infant respiratory distress syndrome, and surfactant deficiency lung disease are other names for it.

The main purpose of antenatal betamethasone, or celestone, is to hasten the development of the lungs in preterm fetuses. A surfactant, which lubricates the lungs and enables the air sacs to flow past one another without becoming stuck as the baby breathes, is stimulated throughout this process.

Learn more about newborn respiratory here: brainly.com/question/28217279


a nurse is describing histrionic personality disorder to a group of new nurses. which term would the nurse most likely use?


The nurse will most likely use Self-dramatization.

A histrionic personality disorder, also known as a dramatic personality disorder, is a psychiatric disorder characterized by excessive emotionality and attention-seeking behaviors. A histrionic personality disorder is classified as a personality disorder in "Cluster B."

Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) first appeared in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders II (DSM-II), and it is the only disorder that has retained the term derived from the old concept of hysteria since the DSM-III.

Patients with histrionic personality disorder use their physical appearance to attract the attention of others, acting in inappropriately seductive or provocative ways. They lack self-direction and are highly suggestible, often acting submissively to keep others' attention.

To learn more about histrionic personality disorder, here



shared beverages are an ineffective mode of indirect disease transmission. responses true true false


Shared beverages are an ineffective mode of indirect disease transmission. This statement is true.

Infectious diseases are commonly transmitted from person to person through the direct transfer of bacteria, viruses, or other germs. This can happen when an infected person touches, kisses, coughs, or sneezes on someone who isn't infected.

Microorganism transmission can be divided into five major routes: direct contact, fomites, aerosol (airborne), oral (ingestion), and vectorborne. Some microorganisms can spread via multiple routes.

Contact transmission is the most common method of disease and virus transmission. Contact transmission is classified into two types: direct and indirect. When an infected person comes into physical contact with a susceptible person, direct contact transmission occurs.

To learn more about disease transmission, here



which action would the nurse take for an older resident in a nursing home with alzheimer's disease who hoards leftover


Give the resident a small bag in which to place selected personal articles and food.

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurologic disorder that causes brain cells to die and the brain to shrink (atrophy). Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia, which is defined as a progressive decline in cognitive, behavioral, and social skills that impairs a person's ability to function independently.

Alzheimer's disease is thought to be caused by an abnormal protein buildup in and around brain cells. Amyloid is one of the proteins involved, and deposits of it form plaques around brain cells. Tau is the other protein, and deposits of it form tangles within brain cells. People with Alzheimer's disease live between three and eleven years after diagnosis on average, but some live for 20 years or more.

To learn more about Alzheimer's disease, here



the nurse is caring for a client in the emergency department with a suspected arm fracture. what assessment data would support this finding?


The nurse is caring for a client in the emergency department with a suspected arm fracture. Pain and tenderness at the fracture site, Unnatural movement, and Crepitus assessment data support this finding.

Any fracture in one of these bones is referred regarded as having a "broken arm." One or more of your arm's three bones—the ulna, radius, and humerus—are broken when you have a broken arm. Falling into an outstretched hand is one of the most typical ways to break an arm.

A snap or a grinding sound may be felt or heard as the damage occurs. Around the wounded region, there might be bruising, pain, or swelling. When you press, touch, move, or put weight on the injury, you could experience discomfort.

To know more about Arm Fracture here



the nurse is given an order to administer a medication directly into the vein at the iv port, giving a rapid dose of the medicaiton over 2-5 minutes. what is this type of administration called?


An medication is provided to the nurse to quickly inject a medicine over a period of 2 to 5 minutes directly into the patient's vein at the IV port. Intravenous(IV) administration is the method used .

Using a syringe and a needleless port on an existing IV line or a saline lock, intravenous (IV) therapy injects concentrated drugs straight into the vein. A medications procedure known as intravenous therapy, or IV therapy, involves injecting fluids, drugs, and nutrients straight into a patient's vein. A soft, flexible tube called an intravenous(IV) is inserted into a vein, typically in the arm or hand. To provide medication or fluids, medical professionals utilize IV lines on patients.

learn more about medications here:



while performing an oral examination the examiner instructs the patient to say ahh. what is the reason


while performing an oral examination, the examiner instructs the patient to say ahh, The reason To inspect the uvula.

A tongue blade is pressed against the patient's tongue and the patient is asked to say "ah"; the uvula should look like a pendant in the midline and rise along the soft palate. Abnormal findings include deviation of the uvula from the midline, asymmetric enlargement of the soft palate or uvula, and redness of either. The uvula is a piece of fleshy tissue that you can see hanging towards the back of your mouth. Elongated uvula is a rare genetic condition in which the uvula is longer than normal. It is similar to uvulitis, but is not caused by uvulitis.

To know more about uvula please click on the link brainly.com/question/25942752


a patient’s skin culture came back with gram-positive cocci with superantigen toxins and m protein. what is the cause of the skin infection?


A patient’s skin culture came back with gram-positive cocci with superantigen toxins and m protein.  cause of the skin infection skin infection.

Acute poisonous shock is brought about by superantigen toxins, a numerous set of proteins secreted with the aid of Gram-effective staphylococcal and streptococcal bacterial lines that overstimulate the inflammatory response with the aid of orders of significance.

Superantigens interact with antigen-providing cells (APCs) and T cells to set off T mobile proliferation and huge cytokine manufacturing, which results in fever, rash, capillary leak, and subsequent hypotension, the most important signs and symptoms of toxic shock syndrome.

Endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide; LPS) and superantigens (exotoxins) were diagnosed as potent inducers of deadly surprise. whilst endotoxin basically interacts with CD14 receptors on macrophages, superantigens just like the staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) preferentially set off T cells.

Learn more about superantigen toxins, here



a nurse who works in a bariatric clinic is teaching a client about the potentially beneficial effects of phentermine. how should the nurse best explain this drug's mechanism of action?


Your appetite will decrease as a result of this medication.

Given that obesity rates nearly quadrupled between 1993 and 2011, a significant number of persons in the UK are concerned about maintaining a healthy weight. Nurses are frequently entrusted with bringing up the matter with their clients/patients & offering advice on lifestyle improvements because overweight and obesity are associated to a number of ailments and health concerns. This article looks at how to tell if someone needs to lose weight as well as how to set goals.Your appetite will decrease as a result of this medication. The evidence supporting various weight management strategies currently in use is then reviewed, along with nursing recommendations. For nurses, this is crucial since being overweight negatively affects other areas of people's health.

(A nurse who works with clients in a bariatric clinic is teaching a man about the potentially beneficial effects of phentermine. How should the nurse best explain this drug's mechanism of action?

(A)"This drug will cause you to have less of an appetite."

B)"This drug will cause you to absorb less of the fat that you eat."

C)"This drug will cause you to burn more calories than you normally do."

D)"This drug prevents fat from being deposited in your tissues.")

Learn more about medication



the typical well nourished 4 year old needs 90-100 kcal body weigh tper day. if sue, who weighs 34 pounds were severely malnourished and received this one-day menu, how many kcal/kg body weight per day would she be getting


The average well-nourished 4-year-old requires 90–100 kcal/kg body weight per day, or 63.87 kcal/kg per day. Sue, who weighs 34 pounds, was given this one-day food despite being critically malnourished.

When a person is malnourished, their body does not receive the necessary amount of nutrients. It is sometimes referred to as inadequate nourishment. A 4-year-estimated old's daily calorie needs range from 90 to 100 kcal/kg. malnourished is the term used to describe when a person receives fewer nutrients than they need. The right response is 63.87 kcal/kg daily body weight. The meal will deliver 3.5 times more protein per kg of body weight than a normal, well-nourished toddler would require based on the protein level of the menu. This may Malnutrition be determined using the formula: grams of protein per day = total grams of protein / weight in kilograms of body weight.

learn more about malnourished here:



what is the nurse's first action when developing a teaching plan for self administrationof insulin to a school aged child


The nurse's first action when developing a teaching plan for self administration of insulin to a school aged child is assessing the child's developmental level.

By transporting sugar into cells, where it may be utilized by the body for energy, insulin regulates the quantity of sugar in the blood. In order for blood sugar to be utilized as fuel by the body's cells, insulin facilitates this process. Insulin also instructs the liver to save blood sugar for later use. As blood sugar levels fall in the bloodstream due to blood sugar entering cells, insulin is also signaled to fall.

After you consume, carbohydrates decompose into glucose, a sugar that serves as the body's main source of energy. The bloodstream is then injected with glucose. In response, the pancreas releases insulin, allowing glucose to enter the body's cells and fuel them with energy.

The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

What is the nurse's first action when developing a teaching plan for self-administration of insulin to a school-aged child?

1. Assessing the child's developmental level

2. Determining the family's understanding of the procedure

3. Discussing community resources for the child in the future

4. Collaborating with the school nurse to ensure continuity of care in school

To know more about Insulin here



the nurse reviews the medication administration records and laboratory results for assigned clients. which medication requires that the health care provider be notified before administration?


1. Bumetanide in the client with heart failure who has hypokalemia  4. Isoniazid in the client with latent tuberculosis who has elevated liver enzymes, the nurse reviews the medication administration records and laboratory results for assigned clients.

Isoniazid is used to treat tuberculosis (TB) or stop it from coming back (reactivation). To treat TB or stop it from returning, it may be used either by itself or in conjunction with other medications (reactivation). As determined by your doctor, this medication may also be used for other issues. For the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorised the antibacterial prescription drug isoniazid (TB). Opportunistic infections (OIs) of HIV can include TB. Antituberculosis agents, which include isoniazid, are a group of drugs. By eradicating the tuberculosis-causing germs, it works.

Learn more about isoniazid here:



mandatory minimum staffing ratios are being considered in the jurisdiction where a nurse-manager works. based on experiences of other states, the nurse should identify what possible result of this legislation?


The possible effect of this legislation is an increase in staff numbers that may not necessarily provide better customer care.

Legislation plays an important role in the healthcare industry. Health care legislation provides a framework for rules, policies, and regulations that maintain consistent patient care delivery across organizations.However, the plan is much more complex than it first appears. This paper reviews which states have tried this approach, what they did, how they did it, and whether it worked. It also considers the consequences of unknown prescribing levels and calls for continued use of the approach to improve nursing care levels. The second structural problem is "the time period in which accounts are calculated." Vermont accounts for a week's time; other states used a 24-hour period as an “adequate arrangement for all days, especially weekends.

To kmow more about  nursing please click on the link brainly.com/question/29655021


the parents of an adolescent treated for allergies privately tells the nurse that they suspect their child is a hypochondriac. what therupetuc response would the nurse provide


In talking about how adolescents develop, describing the potentially significant side effects of allergies, Considering some of the underlying factors that contribute to hypochondriasis, stating that it's possible for parents to pass on their concerns to their adolescent.

Adolescents are well aware of the changes taking place in their bodies, and any changes brought on by sickness or trauma cause them particular worry. Explaining the effects of allergies does not address ideas connected to the adolescent's growth and development and may lead to unwarranted worry about the health of the child. An examination of hypochondriasis may confirm the parents' worries. The suggestion that the parents might be transferring is accusatory and unsupported by sufficient evidence; this response may arouse negative emotions like rage and guilt.

To learn more about Adolescents click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/14305986


Which condition is characterized by abnormally high concentrations of calcium circulating in the blood instead of being stored in the bones and teeth?


The condition characterized by abnormally high concentrations of calcium circulating in the blood instead of being stored in the bones and teeth is hypercalcemia

List a few calcium-related advantages.

To create and maintain strong bones, your body needs calcium. Calcium is essential for healthy nerves, muscles, and your heart. According to several research, calcium and vitamin D may have advantages beyond bone health, possibly preventing cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Your blood and bones' levels of calcium are regulated by two hormones called calcitonin and parathyroid hormones . Due to the fact that your body needs vitamin D to properly absorb calcium from meals, it is also crucial for maintaining calcium levels.

The condition known as hypercalcemia occurs when the blood's calcium level is elevated. Blood calcium levels that are too high can affect your heart and brain function as well as damage your bones and cause kidney stones. Usually, hyperactive parathyroid glands cause hypercalcemia.

To learn more about hypercalcemia use link below:



which detail best supports this claim? jenner devoted more time to the vaccine than to his private practice. jenner was awarded money over a period of years for his discovery. jenner worked to have the vaccination replace variolation. jenner tried his hardest despite public opinion of him.


The detail that best supports the claim is that Jenner devoted more time to the vaccine than to his private practice that is option A is correct.

The disease of Smallpox has its roots from the times of the Egyptian Kings when the rashes on their bodies were those of Smallpox. This disease is very dangerous as from that time till today this disease have been spread in many parts of the world. Edward Jenner was the first doctor to provide the vaccination for this disease. He noticed that the cows of his period having cowpox were immune to smallpox so he thought that the exposure to cowpox prevents smallpox. Smallpox is very dangerous as in extreme conditions it may cause death. For now its vaccine have been developed and is preventing the spread of this disease worldwide.

Learn more about Smallpox at:



Complete Question:

Read this excerpt from "Edward Jenner and the History of Smallpox and Vaccination."

Although he received worldwide recognition and many honors, Jenner made no attempt to enrich himself through his discovery.

Which detail best supports this claim?

A. Jenner devoted more time to the vaccine than to his private practice.

B. Jenner was awarded money over a period of years for his discovery.

C. Jenner worked to have the vaccination replace variolation.

D. Jenner tried his hardest despite public opinion of him.

karstyn is a 82-year old man with several medical problems (e.g., hypertensions, type 2 diabetes, history of strokes, arthritis, etc.). he has several specialists that he sees and they all prescribe him different medications. recently, karstyn's family has noticed he has become confused and that he cannot pay attention and has a hard time answering questions. kartyn's primary care doctors reviewed his list of medications and decided to discontinue the use of several of them due to how they interact with each other. within a few weeks, karstyn's symptoms cleared up. what would you likely diagnosis karstyn with?


Karstyn can be diagnosed with Delirium. Delirium can be caused by a variety of medical conditions, including infections, metabolic imbalances, and the use of certain drugs.

What exactly is Delirium?

Delirium is an acute and often fluctuating disturbance of consciousness, attention, cognition, and perception. It is characterized by restlessness, disorientation, confusion, and inattention. Symptoms may also include hallucinations, delusions, agitation, and disorganized speech.

What do you mean by Medical drugs?

Medical drugs are substances or medications used to treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure a physical or mental illness or disease. They are often prescribed by doctors and pharmacists to help a patient manage a condition and maintain good health. Examples of medical drugs include antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals, anticoagulants, antidepressants, antihistamines, and anti-inflammatory drugs.

To know more about Delirium,



after assessing the blood pressure of a client with a diagnosis of catatonia, the client's arm remains outstretched in an awkward position. which of the following is the correct action by the nurse?


Answer: Reposition the client's arm.


The nurse should reposition the arm as the client is exhibiting waxy flexibility. This is defined as the ability to assume and maintain awkward or uncomfortable positions for long periods. Clients with catatonia sometimes remain in these awkward positions until someone repositions them. There is no indication that the client needs wrist restraints at this time.

risk factors associated with periodontal disease include all of the following except: group of answer choices a) heredity b) personal behaviors c) gender d) traumatic injury


variables that increase the risk of periodontal disease, excluding trauma

Periodontal disease is risky because of a few things: Smoking. Diabetes. oral hygiene issues. Large epidemiologic studies have shown that men are more likely than women to experience severe periodontal disease [13,14]. In this study, worse oral hygiene practices and gingival bleeding in late adolescents were both independently associated with male gender. Mild periodontitis develops from untreated gingivitis. variables that increase the risk of periodontal disease, excluding trauma. The presence of periodontal pockets is seen at this stage of gum disease. This occurs when the gums peel away from the teeth, widening the space between them. Additionally, it accelerates the bone loss surrounding the teeth.

Learn more about disease



the nurse is caring for a patient receiving morphine sulfate 10 mg iv push when necessary for pain. upon assessment, the nurse finds the patient obtunded with a respiratory rate of 8/minute. which medication would the nurse prepare to administer to treat these symptoms


In order to manage these symptoms while caring for a patient who occasionally receives a 10 mg iv push of morphine sulphate for pain relief, the nurse would prepare to provide naloxone medicine.

Drugs that briefly counteract opioid overdose include naloxone hydrochloride (formerly known as Premixed and Nyxoid). It functions by preventing opioid medications from binding to the brain's opioid receptors, such as heroin and oxycodone. Naloxone may be administered intravenously (into a muscle) or as an intranasal spray. Most back pain sufferers, especially those under the age of 60, see relief within a month of receiving patient. Many people's agony, nevertheless, lasts for several months. Perhaps all that's required is the application of heat and painkillers. Resting in bed is not advised.

Learn more about patient here



according to humanistic therapist carl rogers, which quality of effective therapy requires the therapist to share with the client how they are feeling instead of distorting or concealing their own feelings?


The two major forms of humanistic therapy client-centered therapy, developed by Carl Rogers, and gestalt therapy, developed by Fritz Perls.

The humanistic therapist focuses on assisting people in overcoming disabling assumptions and attitudes so that they can live more fulfilling lives. Rather than curing diseases or alleviating disorders, the therapist emphasizes growth and self-actualization.

A child, for example, will create their own sense of worth by comprehending both behavior that they are the recipient of and behavior that they observe. This enables them to comprehend how they can be deserving of positive emotions and whether they are deserving of those emotions from others.

Humanistic therapy focuses on individual choice, freedom, values, and meaning to assist people in finding fulfillment and purpose. People can break free from past experiences or future concerns by living meaningfully in the present (a concept known as mindfulness).

To learn more about humanistic therapy, here



maria is 75 years old. she is experiencing severe loss of bone tissue. maria is most likely to be diagnosed with


The most likely candidate for an osteoporosis diagnosis is Maria. Older persons are most commonly affected by the bone disease osteoporosis (from beyond 75 years old).

What is osteoporosis?

Your tendons, which attach your muscles to your bones, get stiffer as your muscles become weaker.

Your flexibility and strength will decline as a result, as your back's disks flatten in your 70s, you may lose one or two inches of your height.

Therefore, Maria has been given an osteoporosis diagnosis, osteoporosis is characterized by a steady decrease in bone density and, if left untreated, might become a significant issue.

Learn more about bones, here:



a 3-year-old has been recently treated for an upper respiratory infection but drainage from the right nostril persists. what should the np suspect?


According to question, NP suspect Presence of a foreign body .

In the US, upper respiratory infections are the most common reason for doctor visits. They typically affect the nose, sinuses, and throat and are typically brought on by viruses. Runny nose, congestion, sneezing, coughing, and mucus production are some of the symptoms. Most patients quickly recover without the use of antibiotics.

A infectious illness of the upper respiratory tract, which includes the bronchi, larynx, pharynx, throat, and nose, is known as an upper respiratory infection, or URI. Viruses or bacteria might be the culprits behind upper respiratory illnesses. If it helps, COVID-19 is regarded as a lower respiratory infection.

To know more about upper respiratory infection visit :



dr. robinson has a medical degree and can prescribe drugs for her patients' anxiety. dr. caruso has a phd, cannot prescribe drugs, but instead teaches his patients to relax. dr. robinson is a and dr. caruso is a


According to psychiatry, Dr. Robinson is a psychiatrist and Dr. Caruso is a clinical psychologist.

A psychiatrist must be licensed to practice and hold a medical degree (MD or DO). Possesses knowledge of the identification, mitigation, and treatment of mental and emotional illnesses. Frequently has psychotherapeutic training. May recommend drugs, electroconvulsive therapy, or other treatments.

Clinician in psychology holds a doctoral degree in academia (Ph.D., PsyD, or EdD), and a license is required to practice. Assesses and treats mental, emotional, and behavioral issues. has knowledge in psychological evaluation and testing, treatment, research, and the diagnosis and prevention of mental and emotional illnesses. May work in community mental health clinics, hospitals, or private practices.

The complete question is:

Dr. Robinson has a medical degree and can prescribe drugs for her patient's anxiety. Dr. Caruso has a Ph.D., and cannot prescribe drugs, but instead teaches his patients to relax. Dr. Robinson is a __________ and Dr. Caruso is a _____________.

To learn more about psychology please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/28301675


a nurse is preparing to administer a rapid-acting insulin. which medication would the nurse likely administer?


The nurse would likely administer insulin lispro.

Rapid-acting insulin (Novolog, Humalog, Apidra), also known as fast-acting insulin, starts working immediately after injection and stops working 2 to 4 hours later. Before a meal, rapid-acting insulin is injected to prevent blood glucose from rising and to treat high blood sugars.

Rapid-acting insulins have a shorter, more predictable half-life. They are most commonly used at the start of a meal because they work quickly. Rapid-acting insulin functions most similarly to insulin produced by the human pancreas. It quickly lowers blood sugar levels and only works for a short period of time.

Lantus (insulin glargine) is a long-acting insulin that aids in blood sugar control. This medication is only available under the brand name.

To learn more about rapid-acting insulin, here



a client is admitted to an inpatient unit for treatment of mania. which priority action should the nurse implement?


Rooms should be painted with neutral colors and contain pale-colored accessories.

Psychiatric hospitals are hospitals or wards that specialize in the treatment of severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, dissociative identity disorder, major depressive disorder, and many others.

The size and grading of psychiatric hospitals varies greatly. Some hospitals may only provide short-term or outpatient therapy to patients with low risk. Others may specialize in the temporary or permanent confinement of patients with psychiatric disorders who require routine assistance, treatment, or a specialized and controlled environment.

Lithium is still a highly effective pharmacological treatment for manic episodes. Many experts recommend lithium as a first-line medication for patients with classic mania, which is defined as the presence of euphoria, grandiosity, and hyperactivity in a person with a stable episodic course.

To learn more about inpatient psychiatric unit and mania, here



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