the goal of antimicrobial treatment is to kill or inhibit the growth of microbes without damaging the host. this is referred to as selective toxicity. to achieve selective toxicity, antimicrobial drugs generally target bacterial cell structures, enzymes, or processes that are unique to the microbe and not found in host cells. in seeking targets that are unique to the microbes, developers of antimicrobial drugs must consider the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. those structures that are exclusive to or distinctly different in prokaryotic cells are likely targets for antibacterial drugs.


Answer 1

The aim of antimicrobial treatment is to kill or inhibit the infecting organism without damaging the host; this is known as selective toxicity.

What is antimicrobial treatment ?

Antimicrobial treatment is the use of antimicrobial drugs to treat bacterial, fungal, or viral infections. Antimicrobial drugs are used to kill or stop the growth of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. These drugs work by either killing the microorganisms directly or by inhibiting their growth.

What is  selective toxicity?

Selective toxicity is the ability of a chemical or biological agent to target a specific organism or cell type while leaving other organisms or cells unharmed. It is an important concept in the development of drugs, pesticides, and other treatments. Selective toxicity is desirable because it means that the agent can be used without causing harm to other organisms in the environment.

To know more about Antimicrobial treatment,


Related Questions

Growth hormone does all of the following, except that it _____.(a) promotes bone growth(b) promotes muscle growth(c) causes fat accumulation within adipocytes(d) is glucose sparing(e) promotes amino acid uptake by cells.


Growth hormone does all of the following, except that it causes fat accumulation within adipocytes.

What is a growth hormone?Somatotropin, also referred to as human growth hormone in its human form as well as growth hormone, is a peptide hormone that stimulates cell division, regeneration, and growth in humans and other animals. As a result, it is crucial for human development.GH has been investigated for use in industrial agriculture to raise cattle more effectively, and there have been various attempts to get governmental authorisation to utilize GH in animal production. These applications have drawn criticism. Bovine somatotropin, a kind of GH unique to cows, is the only application of GH for livestock that the FDA has approved in the US. It is used to boost dairy cows' milk production. Retailers are allowed to indicate whether milk was made with or without bovine somatotropin on milk cartons.So, option C is correct.

To learn more about growth hormone, refer:


State way in which chromosomal DNA fragment can be obtained.​



Restriction Enzyme Digestion: DNA can be cut into fragments using restriction enzymes, which recognize specific sequences of nucleotides and cut the DNA at those sites.

2. PCR Amplification: DNA fragments can be amplified using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This technique uses a DNA polymerase enzyme to make multiple copies of a specific DNA sequence.

3. Chromosome Walking: This technique involves using a primer to amplify a specific DNA sequence and then using the amplified product as a template for the next round of amplification. This process continues until the entire region of interest is amplified.

What organic compound
makes up the major portion of
the cell membrane?
A. nucleic acid
B. protein
C. lipid




Lipid is the organic compound that makes up the major portion of the cell membrane


This question has been asked before :)

Above the stomach is the ____, which plays many important roles in digestion, and is nested below the stomach is the ______, which secretes many of the digestive enzymes


The pancreas, which is nestled beneath the stomach and secretes many digestive enzymes, is located above the stomach and performs numerous significant roles in digestion.

Which aspect of digestion is crucial?

Liver. Although the liver performs a variety of tasks in the digestive system, processing the nutrients taken up from the small intestine is its primary duty. Digesting fat and several vitamins requires the help of bile, which the liver secretes into the small intestine. Your body's chemical "factory" is the liver.

What is the stomach's most significant role in digestion?

Storing food and releasing it to the intestines at a pace that allows the intestines to process it is the stomach's primary job. In order to expand the food's surface area in preparation for digestion, the stomach mixes and grinds the food into a finely split chyme.

To know more about digestion here:


drag the terms on the left to the appropriate blanks on the right to complete the sentences. resethelp the bonds or interactions that hold together adjacent nucleotides in the sugar-phosphate backbone of dna are 1 of 3 the bonds or interactions that hold together complementary bases from opposite strands of dna are 2 of 3 the bonds or interactions between stacked nucleotide units that help hold the dna molecule together are blank.


The bonds or interactions that hold together adjacent nucleotides in the sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA are covalent bonds , the bonds or interactions that hold together complementary bases from opposite strands of DNA are hydrogen bonds and the bonds or interactions between stacked nucleotide units that help hold the DNA molecule together are van der Waals interactions.

What is DNA?

Two polynucleotide chains that are joined together to create a double helix make up the polymer DNA. All known living things, including many viruses, have genetic material in their polymers that direct how they should function, grow, and reproduce. Nucleic acids include ribonucleic acid (RNA) and DNA. The four main macromolecule categories that are necessary for all known forms of life are proteins, lipids, complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides), and nucleic acids.

Two types of bonds, covalent and hydrogen, hold the DNA double helix together. The bases, sugars, and phosphate groups are firmly connected by covalent connections that exist within each linear thread (both within and between components). Between the two strands, hydrogen bonds are formed by the complementary pairing of bases from the first and second strands. Although each of these hydrogen connections is weak, as a whole, they are rather powerful.

Hence, the bonds or interactions that hold together adjacent nucleotides in the sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA are covalent bonds , the bonds or interactions that hold together complementary bases from opposite strands of DNA are hydrogen bonds and the bonds or interactions between stacked nucleotide units that help hold the DNA molecule together are van der Waals interactions.

To know more about DNA from the given link


the term that describes the replenishment of groundwater either naturally or by human processes is groundwater .


The term recharge describes the replenishment of groundwater either naturally or by human processes .

What do you mean by recharge?

Recharge is defined as the movement of water into the soil, flowing downward through the unsaturated zone, below the root zone of plants, until it arrives at the unsaturated zone, adding to groundwater storage.

It can take place by diffuse infiltration, a preferential pathway and/or through surface streams and lakes.It follows the three routes of water i.e., direct,localized, and indirect.

It is a diffuse process and occurs fairly uniformly over large areas beneath the point of the impact.

Recharge to an aquifer depends on the groundwater level too; lower positions of groundwater normally increase recharge by increasing the capture zone.

To know more about recharge from the given link:


Groundwater recharge is the process of replenishing groundwater through natural or artificial means. It is a critical process for maintaining groundwater levels and preventing groundwater depletion.

What is groundwater?

Groundwater is water that has been naturally absorbed into the ground and is found in porous materials like sand, gravel and other particles of rock. It is a vital source of fresh water for many people, plants and animals, and is the main source of water in many areas of the world. Groundwater is a major component of the global water cycle and is one of the most important sources of freshwater for humans. Groundwater can be found in almost any type of environment, from mountains and deserts to wetlands and forests. Groundwater can be accessed through wells, springs, or other methods of extraction. Groundwater forms when precipitation from rain and snow infiltrates the surface soil and rocks and is stored in the ground. Over time, this water is slowly released into streams and rivers, or is used by plants and animals. The amount of groundwater available in an area is determined by the type of soil and rock, the climate, and the amount of precipitation that occurs in a particular area. Groundwater is a valuable resource that must be managed carefully to ensure its sustainability for future generations.

To learn more about groundwater

the group of marine macroscopic algae with the highest abundance and greatest geographic distribution belong to the division rhodophyta.


The statement, about the most abundant and geographically distributed group of macroscopic marine algae belonging to the division rhodophyta. Is true.

They are found in all oceans and seas, in both shallow and deep waters, and in both tropical and temperate regions. This is due to their ability to grow in a wide range of temperatures and salinities, as well as their high tolerance to light and nutrient availability.

Characteristics of the algae division rhodophyta?

Rhodophyta are multicellular, photosynthetic organisms that are primarily aquatic. Rhodophyta are red algae, meaning they contain the pigment phycoerythrin which gives them their characteristic red color. They are mostly marine, but some species are found in freshwater and a few species are terrestrial. They range in size from unicellular to large macroalgae. They can reproduce asexually by fragmentation or through the production of specialized structures such as carpospores. They can also reproduce sexually through the formation of gametes. They have a single cell wall composed of polysaccharides, proteins, and lipids. They can be unicellular or colonial and are classified according to their cell wall composition. Some species contain special structures such as flagella, rhizoids, or storage organs. They form symbiotic relationships with other organisms such as corals and sponges.

Learn more about the algae division rhodophyta:


An atom with an atomic number of 7 and a mass number of 8 is which element



It is Nitrogen (N).


The atomic number of an atom is the number of protons in the nucleus, and the mass number is the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

In this case, the atomic number of 7 indicates that there are 7 protons in the nucleus, while the mass number of 8 indicates that there are 8 total particles in the nucleus (7 protons and 1 neutron).

Therefore, the element is Nitrogen (N), which has an atomic number of 7 and a mass number of 8.

Todd has a see through glass tank with air, plants, and animals that eat those plants. He sealed the tank so no material can get into or out of it, but light can get in when the tank is not covered. The tank has been covered all night, and Todd measured the carbon in the air and found that it is increasing. How is carbon moving between the air and the living things in the tank? What is happening to the amount of carbon in living things? Explain your thinking as completely as possible.


The answers include the following below:

Carbon moving between the air and the living things in the tank by the process of respiration and from the surrounding back into plants via photosynthesis.The quantity of carbon in the living things are expanding or increasing because plants use this carbon in the process of photosynthesis from the environment and animals consumes those plants.

What is Photosynthesis?

This is referred to as the process in which green plants manufacture food in the presence of sunlight and other compounds such as water and cabon dioxide etc.

In the tank, there are plants and animals present which therefore means that the animals exhaled carbon dioxide from the animals will be used by the plant for photosynthesis while one of the product of photosynthesis which is oxygen is then  used by the animals during respiration.

Read more about Photosynthesis here


What is TRUE about birth rate trends in the United States?
The birth rate has had a steady increase since 2007.
The birth rate has been on a steady decline since 2007.
The birth rate has not changed since 2007.
OD. The birth rate has not been calculated since 2007.


The answer is a the birth rate has increased


The birth rate has been on a steady decline since 2007


2. calcium is crucial for the proper function of a number of body systems, so blood levels must be tightly controlled. predict the three body systems that are most affected by abnormal calcium.


Hypocalcemia, a disorder marked by excessively low calcium levels, can negatively affect the heart, muscles, neurons, and bones, among other bodily functions.

Calcium: What is it?

Calcium is the mineral that is most frequently linked to strong bones and teeth, but it also plays a critical role even in blood clotting, assisting with muscular contraction, and regulating regular heartbeats and nerve activity.

What foods lower calcium levels?

Consuming foods high in sodium (Na) causes the body to lose calcium, which might result in bone loss. Try to cut back on the quantity of processed meals, canned foods, plus salt added to your daily diet.

To know more about calcium visit :


Suppose April is a dog enthusiast who has started a new breed, the mallincollie, by crossing two breeds of dogs, the Belgian Malinois and the Border collie. The pedigree for April's mallincollie line is shown below. Litter mates are fraternal and not identical twins or triplets.
For an upcoming litter, April would like to breed two individuals from within her line of mallincollies. However, to minimize the inheritance of recessive diseases, she would like to breed two of the most distantly related individuals within the line. Which two individuals should breed to minimize relatedness?
What is the percent of relatedness of these individuals? Round the nearest hundredth.


Penny and Timmy; 12.5 is the correct answer

What is Inheritance?

Genetic information from one parent to another is passed down through heredity.

The DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) found in the sex cells transmits information as chemical codes.

By virtue of chromosomal variation, inheritance occurs.

Chromosomes are the inheritance units that carry genetic material.

In sexual reproduction, each gamete of the opposing sex participates, providing traits in the form of genetic material.

Hemophilia and other genetic illnesses are examples of inheritance.

The next generation inherits the traits that are expressed in the offspring. Inherited qualities are those that are passed down from one generation to the next.

An individual acquires acquired qualities over the course of their lives. These develop in the body's somatic cells as a result of alterations in lifestyle, the loss or misuse of bodily parts, injuries, etc. The following generation does not inherit these modifications.

To learn about inheritance


A testable idea about a set of observations or natural phenomenon.


Answer: A hypothesis


Which of these models would best represent the Big Bang Theory?

burst an inflated balloon with a pin
blow a balloon with spots marked on it
press a piece of raisin bread in the palm
keep a raisin bread in the open for a week


The models which would best represent the Big Bang Theory is blow a balloon with spots marked on it which is therefore denoted as option B.

What is Big bang theory?

This refers to how astronomers explained the way the universe began from an initial state of high density and temperature.

This however started from an infinitely hot and dense single point that inflated to form the ever-expanding results being experienced till today and is therefore best depicted by blowing a balloon with different spots being marked on it as a form of reference thereby making it the correct choice.

Read more about Big bang theory here


Name the two types of weathering and describe what each does in the rock cycle. (4 pts)

(this is earth and space science they didn't have an option for it lol)


A rock fractures physically or mechanically when it is subjected to pressure from an object like ice, rushing water, wind, quick heating or cooling, or plant growth.

What weathering and describe each does in the rock cycle?

Chemical weathering is the process whereby a chemical reacts with rock to dissolve it, causing pieces of the rock to fall away.

When a substance such as ice, rushing water, wind, fast heating or cooling, or plant growth exerts force on a rock, it causes mechanical weathering, or breaking of the rock.

Therefore, A substance that exerts force on a rock, such as ice, rushing water, wind, quick heating or cooling, or plant growth, fractures the rock mechanically or physically.

Learn more about rock cycle here:


One of its boundaries is the ora serrata, and has both inner and outer plexiform layers. It is home to bipolar and amacrine cells. Unlike surrounding tissue, it develops from the brain.


Amacrine cells and horizontal cells, the other two types of neurons in the retina, have their cell bodies in the inner nuclear layer and are mostly in charge of lateral interactions within the retina.

Structure of Retina

The outer plexiform layer's lateral connections between horizontal cells, bipolar cells, and receptors play a significant role in the visual system's sensitivity to luminance contrast across a range of light intensities. Amacrine cells' lateral processes in the inner plexiform layer are postsynaptic to bipolar cell terminals and presynaptic to ganglion cell dendrites.

In the outer plexiform layer, horizontal cells' processes ramify. many amacrine cell subtypes that contribute differently to the function of the eye. One kind of amacrine cells, for instance, is crucial in converting bipolar cells' sustained reactions to light into the fleeting responses displayed by some types of ganglion cells.

Another kind functions as a necessary step in the information-transmission chain connecting rod photoreceptors and retinal ganglion cells. Although there are just five basic types of retinal cells, the variety of amacrine cell subtypes serves as an example of the more general principle that there can be significant diversity within a particular cell type. This diversity serves as the foundation for pathways that send many types of information to core targets simultaneously.

To learn more about Retina


under rupa, an association of two or more persons means that the partners have to be 'flesh and blood' individuals.


The statement about the definition of partnership under RUPA, an association of two or more persons means that the partners have to be 'flesh and blood' individuals is false.

RUPA defines а‘"pаrtnership" аs "аn аssociаtion of two or more persons to cаrry on аs co-owners а business for profit formed, predecessor lаw, or compаrаble lаw of аnother jurisdiction". And, further provides thаt "an аssociаtion formed under а stаtute other thаn this, а predecessor stаtute, or а compаrаble stаtute of аnother jurisdiction is not а pаrtnership under this Аct.

This lаnguаge wаs intended to clаrify thаt а limited pаrtnership is not а RUPА generаl pаrtnership. It wаs not intended to preclude the аpplicаtion of аny RUPА generаl pаrtnership rules to limited pаrtnerships where limited pаrtnership lаw otherwise аdopts the RUPА rules.

For more information about RUPA refer to the link:


a. Rearrange the following terms so that they reflect the proper order of a spinal reflex: pain receptor, effector muscle, motor neuron, sensory neuron, spinal cord.
Pain receptor, sensory neuron, Spinal cord, motor neuron & effector muscle.
b. Which of the above terms would be different if the reflex in question were a balance reflex?
What term would you substitute?


the first time i heard it i thought of it as a joke but

super confusing help


The steps of the process of mitosis include successive prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase.

What is the process of mitosis?

The process of mitosis is a cellular process in which a cell divides to generate two daughter cells, which is initiated by prophase where genetic material is condensed. Subsequently, the chromosomes that are presented by this condensed genetic material are aligned at the equatorial plate of the cell in a process called metaphase.

Next, during anaphase, the chromosomes travel to opposite poles of the cell, and finally during telophase daughter cell forms by division of the parental cell containing the genetic material of these cells.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that the process of mitosis is divided into several sequential stages which include prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase and as result, this process generates two genetically identical daughter cells.

Learn more about the process of mitosis here:


Use the picture and label the parts of the spinal reflex.


In the spinal reflex, the sensory neuron is represented by 1, the dorsal root by 2, the interneuron by 3, the ventral root by 4, and the motor neuron by 5. The spinal reflex involves the spinal cord.

What is the spinal reflex?

The spinal reflex involves the spinal cord, where the sensory neuron takes the message from the organ and enters the spinal cord via the ventral root. Later, the interneuron connects the sensory neuron to the motor neuron, and then the motor neuron does the function.


Hence, the sensory neuron is represented by 1, the dorsal root by 2, the interneuron by 3, the ventral root by 4, and the motor neuron by 5.

Learn more about the spinal reflex here.


Duplication of chromosomes occurs during S phase of the cell cycle. Duplication requires the separation of complementary DNA strands to allow for DNA replication. Which of the following statements best explains how weak hydrogen bonds function better in this situation than stronger bonds would?
Duplicated DNA molecules must be extremely flexible in order to fit sister chromatid pairs into the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell. Weak hydrogen bonds between complementary strands are easily bent and modified, allowing for this type of flexibility.
Complementary DNA strands are separated or "unzipped" for the replication process. Weak hydrogen bonds between complementary strands are easily disrupted during DNA replication because they are not high-energy chemical bonds.
Complementary DNA strands are easily mutated by environmental factors. These changes lead to evolution. Therefore, weak hydrogen bonds support continued evolution by allowing mutations during DNA replication.
Hydrogen is used in many metabolic functions; therefore its function connecting complementary DNA strands stores hydrogen atoms for use in the G2 phase of the cell cycle


The following statements that explain best about how weak hydrogen bonds function better in this situation than stronger bonds, is on second statement.

What happens to chromosomes during S phase of the cell cycle?During S phase, all of the chromosomes are replicated. Following replication, each chromosome now consists of two sister chromatids. Thus, the amount of DNA in the cell has effectively doubled, even though the ploidy, or chromosome count, of the cell remains at 2n.A hydrogen bond is an electrostatic attraction between an atom and the positive charge of a hydrogen atom, covalently bound to something else. It is an intermolecular bond and weaker than a covalent bondThe precise duplication and segregation of chromosomal DNA form the core of the eukaryotic cell-division cycle. The replication of DNA occurs during the S phase of the cell cycle, and the precise partitioning of the replicated DNA strands to the two daughter cells occurs during the M phase.

Learn more about cell cycle here:


When isolated chloroplasts are placed in buffer solution with a blue dye such as DCPIP or methylene blue and illuminated, the blue colour disappears. Explain this observation.


In this chloroplast expression the bule colour is changed.

What is chloroplast?

the part of a green plant cell of  that is contains by the  chlorophyll and in whichever photosynthesis it takes place.

The chloroplast is isolated to  from the leaves of the plants by the  are used for the  detecting the rate of the photosynthesis. For those purpose, use a dye such as a solutions of the  dichlorophenolindophe old usually known as DCPIP, or any solution of methylene blue. These dyes do not damage the chloroplasts. Both of them these dyes are blue, but they are  become colourless when tl they  are undergo.

Hence, these dyes are not responding called redox indicators.

The light-dependent to the  reactions of the  photosynthesis involve the release of the  high-energy electrons from

'a' molecules. In to the  chloroplasts, these are  electron's are picked up by and electronic acceptor and then passes by along the electron transportation chain. But when to the  chloroplasts are illuminates, the electrons, released are the  taken up by the reason indicator and get reduces to the hence, the colour change. The rate at which BH they are indicates  changes colourful from blue (oxidised state) to the  colourless (reduced state) is a measure of the rate of photosynthesis.

To know more about chloroplast click-


Which of the following statements about the human immune system is FALSE?

a. Allergies result from a hypersensitive immune response to a certain substance. They involve the release of histamine, an anti-inflammatory agent, which causes blood vessels to dilate.

b. Passive immunity is temporary and results when an individual begins to make their own antibodies after exposure to an illness, vaccine, and/or antigen.

c. The human body’s innate immune system is a nonspecific barrier that helps prevent pathogens from entering the body. Examples of such barriers include skin and mucous membranes.

d. The adaptive immune response stores information about past infections and mounts pathogen-specific defense. This line of defense relies on B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes.





the answer is c if u need anymore help I'm here

Look at the diagram below. It shows the common elements found in the
human body.
Elements 1 and 3 are used to make the most common substance in the body.
What are these elements?
OA. Oxygen and sulfur
Carbon Calcium
B. Oxygen and hydrogen
C. Hydrogen and phosphorus
D.nitrogen and phosphorus





because oxygen is needed for the body so we can stay alive (sorry if this wasn't the explanation u were looking for)

When turning on a light, what scientific condition are you causing to make the lights work?
A. Closed circuit
B. Double circuit
C. Open circuit
D. cut circuit



D. Open circuit


When a light bulb connects to an electrical power supply, an electrical current flows from one metal contact to the other. As the current travels through the wires and the filament, the filament heats up to the point where it begins to emit photons, which are small packets of visible light.


When turning on a light, you are causing a closed circuit, which is a path that allows electricity to flow through it. In this case, the circuit is closed when the switch is turned on, allowing electricity to flow from the power source, through the light bulb, and back to the power source. This causes the light bulb to light up.

Option A, closed circuit, is the correct answer.


Saved Place the following events in order starting with the vibration of the oval window and ending with the depolarization of hair cells. Rank the options below. Basilar membrane moves up and down Potassium ions enter hair cell causing depolarization Inner hair cells are pushed against the tectorial membrane Oval window vibrates Pressure wave travels through the perilymph of the scala vestibuli Stereocilia bend and tip-link proteins open potassium channels


This causes the hair cell to become hyperpolarized and reduces calcium entry as well as neurotransmitter release. Furthermore, this causes the corresponding axon of the vestibulocochlear nerve to produce fewer action potentials.

How are depolarized hair cells formed?

The release of a neurotransmitter that can start nerve impulses in the sensory neurons that synapse on the base of the hair cell is brought on by a depolarization of the cell brought on by an inflow of potassium ions.

Where exactly are the inner and outer hair cells for hearing located?

The Organ of Corti, which rests on the basilar membrane and has three rows of outer and one row of inner hair cells, is home to these auditory neurons. The tectorial membrane covers the top of the Organ of Corti.

To know more about hair cells visit;


Simplest from most to complex

Goggling body, cell, tissue, organ, organism


The major organs that make up the human body, or the entire living thing, work at the organismal level, which is the most intricate level of organization.

What simplest to complex organization in an organism?

The cellular level is the first and most fundamental level of organization. The fundamental building block of life and the smallest unit capable of reproduction is the cell.

Atoms and molecules make up the simplest level of organization within an organism, which is found at the chemical level. The building blocks of life are made up of molecules that are arranged into cells and subcellular components at the cellular level of structure.

Therefore, Although the form and function of cells vary widely depending on the type of organism, all cells share a few characteristics.

Learn more about organism here:


In some regions of the world, forests are cut down and then burned to create room for farmland. How might this local environmental change affect people living on the East Coast of the United States?
It could help farms to produce more crops by enriching their soil.
It could reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that is released into the air.
It could contribute to rising temperatures and rising sea levels.
It could raise oxygen levels in the ocean, allowing for larger populations of fish.



Option B is correct.

Hope it's help uhh =^._.^= ∫


B. It could reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that is released into the air.


The number of introduced species in the United States has increased dramatically since 1950. Which of the following factors has most strongly led to this increase? (3 points)

1) Accelerating climate change since 1950 is leading to one planetary habitat in which the strongest organisms survive and spread.

2) Increases in the human population and greater mobility since 1950 is allowing for more species to be transported to new habitats.

3) Intentional introductions of species have increased steadily since 1950.

4) We have more data now than we did previously and the increase is entirely explained by better documentation of introduced species.


Human population increases


Increases in the human population and greater mobility since 1950 is allowing for more species to be transported to new habitats.


Took the test. Got it Right. With an increase in the human population we see that we have more people being able to distribute these introduced species to various habitats which is a direct cause of the increases in the human population.

Is Oldest Life geological,biological or a mass extinction



mass extinction


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