Cell division that reduces chromosome number from diploid to haploid, reduction division is called?


Answer 1

Meiosis, also known as "reduced division," involves cutting the number of chromosomes in half to ensure that the baby's chromosomal count will be accurate after the fusing of the sperm and the egg.

Which sort of cell division causes the diploid number of chromosomes to change to haploid?

Meiosis, a type of cell division in which the number of chromosomes in a parent diploid cell is cut in half, is the process that results in the production of haploid gametes.

Does mitosis turn haploid from diploid?

In meiosis, diploid cells are divided into four new haploid cells, whereas in mitosis, diploid cells are mostly divided into two new diploid cells.

To know more about Meiosis visit:-



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A student produces a labeled drawing of a virus for a presentation. The student states that the capsid has a function similar to the nuclear membrane found in animal cells. Which of these describe the similar functions of capsids and nuclear membranes?A. both transport proteins throughout the structuresB. both provide energy for activities in the structuresC. both protect genetic information for the structuresD. both code for the proteins needed for reproduction of the structures


Both transport proteins function similarly to capsids and nuclear membranes throughout the structures.

A nuclear membrane is a double-layered membrane which separates this same content of the nucleus from rest of the cell. All eukaryotic cells found in plants, animals, fungi, but also protists have a control centre called a nucleus where DNA is stored. Every nucleus is surrounded and protected by a double-layered membrane known as that of the nuclear envelope or nuclear membrane. It separates this same nucleoplasm (the fluid found in the nucleus) from the cytoplasm.  The nuclear membrane is found in both animal and plant cells. Cells perform numerous functions including such protein synthesis, molecule conversion to energy, and waste elimination.

This membrane protects the genetic material of the cells from the outside of the nucleus, where chemical reactions occur. It also contains several proteins that are essential for the organisation of DNA and the control of genes.

To know more about the Nuclear Membrane, here



Explain the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration.


In the process of photosynthesis, oxygen and glucose are produced from water and carbon dioxide. As a consequence of consuming glucose, the plant creates oxygen.

What relation in photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

Cellular respiration results in the conversion of oxygen and glucose into water and carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide, water, and ATP, which is converted into energy, are all byproducts of the process.

During photosynthesis, glucose, and oxygen are created from carbon dioxide and water; while, during respiration, glucose, and oxygen are created from carbon dioxide and water.

Therefore, In the ecosystem, photosynthesis and respiration are complementary reactions.

Learn more about cellular respiration here:



tiny, one-celled organisms that are neither plants nor animals. they are involved in infectious disease and decay. they live nearly everywhere on planet earth, including in the human body.
a. bacteria
b. DNA
c. genome
d. immunity


Bacteria are tiny, single-celled creatures. Bacteria, which are vital to world's ecosystems, are present almost everywhere.

How do bacteria work?

Bacteria are little, one-celled organisms. The world's ecosystems depend on bacteria, which are found practically everywhere. Some species can survive in the environment with high pressure and temperatures. In fact, it's thought that the number of bacterial cells in the human body exceeds that of human cells. The majority of the body's bacteria are beneficial, though not entirely harmless. The cause of disease is one of a relatively small number of organisms.

Microorganisms called bacteria occur in variety of forms. They could appear as spirals, rods, or spheres. It is true that certain bacteria are pathogenic, or harmful, and cause disease, but some bacteria are also helpful. For instance, the bacteria in our gut and digestive tract are essential for our bodies to function normally. Bacteria make up a staggering 10 times more cells in our bodies than human cells, which is an amazing fact. Bacteria are also essential to biotechnology. They are essential in that they will help the body regain its ability to maintain health.

To learn more about bacteria visit:



a researcher is conducting a phylogenetic study of organisms using genea. in several of the species she is examining, she retrieves three different but similar gene sequences using the same primers. what should she conclude from her results?


GeneA has undergone a gene duplication in several species.

Gene duplication is the process of copying a region of DNA coding for a gene. Gene duplication can occur as a result of a recombination error or as a result of a retrotransposition event. Duplicate genes are frequently immune to the selective pressures that normally exist for genes.

In genomics, duplication is a type of mutation in which one or more copies of a DNA segment (which can be as small as a few bases or as large as a major chromosomal region) are produced. All organisms experience duplication. Major genome duplications are not uncommon. It is thought that the entire yeast genome duplicated around 100 million years ago. Plants are the most prolific duplicators of genomes. Wheat, for example, is hexaploid, which means it has six copies of its genome.

To learn more about Gene duplication, here



How does the use of fertilizer affect the carbon cycle?



The use of fertilizer can affect the carbon cycle by increasing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, as well as by increasing the amount of organic matter in the soil, which can lead to an increase in soil carbon.


which family is most likely to contain viruses that exist in a latent state in humans? group of answer choices herpesviridae papillomaviridae poxviridae hepadnaviridae adenoviridae


Herpes simplex, varicella zoster, Epstein-Barr, human cytomegalovirus, adenovirus, and Kaposi's sarcoma are a few examples of latent viral infections in humans. A latent viral infection is one in which the virus persists in the host cell for a protracted length of time without causing an infection.

Almost all individuals are infected by herpesviruses, which develop lifelong latency and can reactivate to infect new victims. These viruses are referred to as "latent," and they include the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), varicella-zoster virus (VZV), HIV, herpesviruses, and cytomegalovirus (CMV). Latent viruses can induce momentary (temporary) symptoms or chronic disease when they "reactivate," or come out of hiding. Many viruses have a tendency to lead to latent infections. Herpes simplex virus (HSV)-1, HSV-2, varicella zoster virus (VZV), and Epstein-Barr virus make up the majority of these pathogens.

To learn more about pathogens., follow the below link:



an error that can occur during meiosis or mitosis; it results in one daughter cell receiving two copies of a particular chromosomes while the other daughter cell receives none.


Non-disjunction is the error that can occur during meiosis or mitosis that results in one daughter cell receiving two copies of a particular chromosomes while the other daughter cell receives none.

In the field of biology, non-disjunction can be described as an error in which the chromosomes are unable to separate during the anaphase of the cell division process.

A non-disjunction can occur during mitosis or meiosis when one of the daughter cells receives two chromosomes instead of one. As a result, the other daughter cell will get no chromosome.

Non-disjunction errors will cause serious diseases or syndromes in individuals as one of the daughter cells has an extra chromosome and the other one has missing chromosomes.

The question will correctly be written as:

An error that can occur during meiosis or mitosis; it results in one daughter cell receiving two copies of a particular chromosomes while the other daughter cell receives none is called?

To learn more about non-disjunction, click here:



describe relationships between concentration, ph, temperature, and enzyme activity and how results relate to conditions in the human body


A reaction is typically sped up by increasing temperature and slowed down by reducing temperature. An ideal pH range exists for each enzyme. Enzyme activity will be slowed by pH changes outside of this range.

Specifically, enzymes. Normally, just one or a few substrates can trigger an enzyme's reaction. Only one type of substrate will be accepted by some enzymes, which are more selective than others. Other enzymes can interact with a variety of molecules as long as they possess the chemical group or type of bond that the enzyme is looking for. Enzymes can be reused. Since enzymes are not reactants, they are not depleted by the process. An enzyme can be employed for another process after it has catalysed one by binding to a substrate and then being released, unmodified.

Learn more about Enzymes here



For bacteriophages and animal viruses ________ is the step in the viral life cycle that determines host cell or tissue specificity.


For bacteriophages and animal viruses attachment is the step in the viral life cycle that determines host cell or tissue specificity.

Bacteriophage is a virus capable of infecting bacterial cells. The lytic cycle allows it to enter the host cell. The virus within that bacterial cell could even destroy or replicate without killing the host cell. The bacteriophage attaches to the bacterium via its long tail fibers, and then installs its genetic material into the host cell to begin reproduction. Bacteriophages enter the host cell by injecting DNA, whereas animal viruses enter via endocytosis or membrane fusion. Animal viruses can enter latency, which is similar to bacteriophage lysogeny.

For more information on Bacteriophages, visit :



which type of ion channel opens and closes in response to changes in the membrane potential?


When a chemical ligand, such a neurotransmitter, attaches to a protein, the ion channel is said to be ligand-gated. In response to variations in membrane potential, voltage channels open and close.

Changes in membrane potential open what kind of channel?

At resting membrane potential, voltage-gated ion channels are usually closed; but, upon depolarization of the membrane, they open. Through a domain that senses voltage, these channels are able to track changes in electric potential across the membrane.

Throughout the action potential, which channels open and close?

Both open and closed voltage-gated potassium channels exist. When an action potential occurs, three basic things happen: The cell body depolarizes as a result of a triggering event.

To know more about membrane visit:-



The chart shows the path reactants take to become products.

Which statement best describes the chart?

Heat was removed from the activation energy to create the product.
Heat was added to create the product.
The products have less energy than the reactants.
The products have the same energy as the reactants.


The statement which best describes the chart is Heat was added to create the product.

What is activation energy?

In the potential energy diagram, the height of the hill between the reactants and the products represents the activation energy for a reaction. The activation energy barrier is another name for the activation energy of a reaction. It is denoted by Ea.

How to reach the activation energy barrier?

Molecules become more energetic and move more quickly as the temperature rises. Therefore, the likelihood that molecules will be moving with the required activation energy for a reaction to occur upon collision increases with increasing temperature.

The statement which best describes the chart is Heat was added to create the product.

To know more about activation energy, check out:



Answer: B.Heat was added to create the product.

There are four mechanisms that can cause changes in the frequencies of genes in populations: mutation, migration, genetic drift, and natural selection. All four are mechanisms of evolutionary change. Compare natural selection to the other mechanisms for change. What choice best differentiates natural selection from the other mechanisms?.


The choice which best differentiates natural selection from the other mechanisms is that it is variation in any population, differential reproduction occurs and is not random as it occurs over time and more advantageous trait exists in the population which is therefore denoted as option D.

What is Population?

This is defined as the total number of organisms which are present in an area over a given period of time.

Natural selection on the other hand is however unique and different from the other mechanisms that can cause changes in the frequencies of genes in population as it doesn't occur randomly and represents only positive change/adaptation thereby making option D the correct choice.

Read more about Natural selection here https://brainly.com/question/8159744


The options are:

A) In a population, it is the changes in allelic frequencies of a gene that are due to chance.

B) A random error/change in the DNA sequence. These may be inherited or occur in cells during the lifetime of the organism

C) Also known as gene flow. It is any movement of individuals and/or the genetic material they carry, from one population to another.

D) There is variation in any population differential reproduction occurs and is not random as it occurs over time and more advantageous trait exists in the population.​

proteins that play a critical role in the development of many eukaryotic organisms usually have a highly conserved dna-binding motif called the motif.


the statement that proteins that play a critical role in the development of many eukaryotic organisms usually have a highly conserved dna-binding motif called the motif is True.

How does protein affect eukaryotic organisms?

Protein synthesis is an essential process because humans rely on the body to produce the proteins required to perform essential functions. in the absence of protein synthesis, the body will be unable to produce hormones, enzymes, and even new muscle.

Protein-protein interactions are important in biology, and spectrometry has been used to identify interactions in a variety of organisms. As a short conserved sequence pattern associated with distinct protein or DNA functions, motif helps in protein DNA-binding to promote eukaryotic development.

The complete Question is:

Proteins that play a critical role in the development of many eukaryotic organisms usually have a highly conserved DNA-binding motif called the motif. a. True b. False

Learn more on eukaryotic organisms here: https://brainly.com/question/14150902


The main compound used to release energy for metabolism is:
a. NAD+.
b. sucrose.
c. ribonucleic acid.
d. glucose phosphate.
e. adenosine triphosphate.


Adenosine triphosphate is the key substance utilized to release energy for metabolism. The right response, in this case, is option E.

Adenosine triphosphate serves as the source of energy for cells to both use and store. The three serially connected phosphate groups, a nitrogenous base, and a ribose sugar make up the nucleoside triphosphate structure of ATP.

Due to the oxygen atoms' attraction to the phosphate group in the structure of adenosine triphosphate, sometimes referred to as ATP, the molecule has a high energy level.

For instance, ATP is needed to keep your heart beating and to breathe. Additionally, ATP aids in the synthesis of lipids, nerve impulses, and the transport of certain chemicals into and out of cells. Even ATP is used by certain creatures to create light, such as bioluminescent jellyfish and fireflies.

To learn more about Adenosine triphosphate



a researcher is conducting a phylogenetic study of organisms using genea. in several of the species she is examining, she retrieves three different but similar gene sequences using the same primers. what should she conclude from her results?


Phylogenetic studies using gene A in several species by taking three different but similar gene sequences show that gene A has received gene duplication in several species.

Phylogeny is a description of the classification that shows the kinship relationship of a species with its ancestors and the evolutionary relationship between organisms. The purpose of a phylogenetic study is to determine the classification and conclude the phylogeny from the relevant data by comparing the variable characteristics of organisms.

The phylogenetic relationship of a species can be determined based on mitochondrial DNA sequences. Mitochondrial DNA can generate data quickly and consistently. In several species, phylogenetic studies were carried out by researchers showing three different but similar gene sequences, namely using the same primer. This shows that there has been duplication of genes in some of these species that they have a kinship of the same ancestral species.

Learn more about phylogenetic at:



which mass extinction event occurred just before the rapid increase in speciation among mammalian species?


Mass extinction event that  occurred just before the rapid increase in speciation among mammalian species is : cretaceous-Tertiary or K–T extinction which is now now called the cretaceous–Paleogene (or K–Pg).

What is mass extinction?

An event when species vanish much faster than they are replaced is called mass extinction.

The main causes that threaten the survival of mammals are habitat loss, environmental pollution, hunting, and competition for food or habitat among wild animals. Impacts of human activities on the survival of  endangered mammalian species are greater than ever before.

Change in environment often creates new living spaces that contribute to rapid speciation and increased diversity. Whereas, cataclysmic events, like volcanic eruptions and meteor strikes that obliterate life and can cause devastating losses of diversity.

To know more about mass extinction, refer



Why is it vital that your friend reviews his credit report? how soon would you recommend he does so and why?



10 days after checking the first time


The symptoms of diphtheria are due to an exotoxin that blocks proteins synthesis in host cells.
a. True
b. False


The symptoms of diphtheria are due to an exotoxin that blocks proteins synthesis in host cells is true.

So the correct answer is option B.

The pathogenic bacteria Corynebacterium diphtheriae, which secretes the exotoxin diphtheria toxin, is what causes diphtheria. The corynephage prophage, which infects cells and prevents protein synthesis, is what causes disease in humans. It carries the toxin gene.

A-B toxin or diphtheria toxin is a single polypeptide chain of 535 amino acids that is made up of two subunits connected by disulfide bridges. The A subunit of the protein, which is more stable, enters the host cell after the B subunit, which is less stable, adheres to the cell surface.

To 2.5 ngstrom resolution, the crystal structure of the homodimer of diphtheria toxin has been established. Three domains make up the Y-shaped molecule that the structure has shown.

Learn more about diphtheria at



the auditory sensory axons of the____branch of cranial nerve number____terminate in the cochlear nucleus within the brainstem.


The auditory sensory axons of the vestibulocochlear branch of cranial nerve number 8 (CN VIII) terminate in the cochlear nucleus within the brainstem.

The vestibulocochlear nerve, also known as the auditory nerve or auditory vestibular nerve, is a mixed nerve that carries sensory information from the inner ear to the brain. It is divided into two branches: the vestibular branch, which carries information about balance and spatial orientation, and the cochlear branch, which carries information about sound.

The cochlear branch contains the axons of sensory neurons that are responsible for detecting sound waves and transmitting this information to the brain. These axons terminate in the cochlear nucleus, a region of the brainstem that plays a crucial role in processing auditory information.

Learn more about Sensory Axons here:



Water content, ion content and blood sugar levels of the body need to be maintained, along with what other internal condition?.


Water content, ion content and blood sugar levels of the body need to be maintained, along with temperature.

In biology, homeostasis refers to the state of constant internal, physical, and chemical conditions maintained by living systems. This is the optimal state of the organism's functioning, and it includes many variables, such as body temperature and fluid balance, that must be kept within certain pre-set limits.

Homeostasis involves the receptor, the control center, and the effector. The receptor receives information about the changing environment, which is processed by the control center.

Homeostasis ensures that optimal conditions for enzyme action and all cell functions are maintained throughout the body. It refers to the maintenance of a consistent internal environment in the face of changing internal and external conditions. Controlling blood glucose concentrations in the human body is one of these.

To learn more about homeostasis, here



What is the correct order the layers of the wall of the digestive tract starting with the innermost layer.


The digestive tract is composed of layers of tissue which provide protection and aid in the digestion of food. Starting with the innermost layer, these layers are:


The Innermost Layers of the Digestive Tract Wall: An Orderly Guide

The mucosa is the innermost layer of the digestive tract, and it is made up of epithelial cells that secrete digestive enzymes and absorb nutrients. The submucosa is a layer of connective tissue that provides support to the mucosa and contains small blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. The muscularis layer contains smooth muscle that helps move the contents of the digestive tract along. The serosa is the outermost layer of the digestive tract and is composed of a thin layer of connective tissue that helps protect the digestive tract from injury.

Each layer has its own unique purpose and contributes to the overall functioning of the digestive tract.

Learn more about Digestive tract: https://brainly.com/question/21470803


Parasympathetic innervation to the ciliary muscle results in accommodation, which makes the lens more rounded to allow for close vision.
a. True
b. False


Parasympathetic innervation to the ciliary muscle results in accommodation, which makes the lens more rounded to allow for close vision.

The statement is true.

Option A is correct.

What is the ciliary muscle?

The ciliary muscle is described as being elongated, triangular in shape, and located beneath the anterior sclera just posterior to the limbus.

The ciliary muscle functions are mainly instructed by the parasympathetic nerve fibers of oculomotor nerve (CN III).

When the ciliary muscle undergoes contraction, it loosens the zonular fibers increasing the convexity of the lens, which induces accommodation for near vision.

Learn more about ciliary muscle at: https://brainly.com/question/800335


ascending pathways conduct sensory information upward toward the brain, typically through a relay chain of 3 successive neurons. the neurons in these sensory pathways are called the first-order, second-order and third-order neurons, respectively. select the true statement regarding first-order neurons in somatosensory pathways.
a. First-order neuron cell bodies reside in a ganglion.
b. First-order neurons have cell bodies in the thalamus.
c. First-order neuron cell bodies reside in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord.
d. First-order neuron cell bodies reside in the anterior horn of the spinal cord.


The accurate description of first-order neurons in somatosensory pathways is that they are housed in ganglions (option a).

What exactly are neurons? What do they do?

The building blocks of the brain and nervous system, neurons are the cells in charge of receiving sensory information from the outside world, sending motor commands to our muscles, and converting and relaying electrical signals at each stage along the way.

The importance of the neuron

Information is transported throughout the body of an individual through neurons. They aid in the coordination of all vital life-supporting processes by sending electrical and chemical signals. We define neurons and describe their function in this article.

To know more about Neuron visit:



if tow parent are heterozygous for a recessive disease what is the change their child will also be a heterozygous carrier for this disease


The chance the child will also be a heterozygous carrier for this disease is about 50%.

When one allele of a gene effectively outweighs the other (recessive) allele, the allele is said to be dominant. When an allele requires two copies of itself to be expressed, the allele is said to be recessive.

Here, the parents are heterozygous, which means they have one dominant allele and one recessive allele. Let's consider B as a dominant allele and b as a recessive allele. If we cross the parents' having a heterozygous allele, the chance that the child also has a heterozygous allele is given by the attached Punnett square.

Here, the probability of homozygous dominance is 25%, the heterozygous carrier is 50%, and the homozygous recessive is 25%. From this, we can conclude that the chance of a child being a heterozygous carrier for this disease is about 50%.

To know more about alleles:



in the __________ division of the ans, the preganglionic nerve fibers are short, while in the __________ division, the preganglionic fibers are relatively long.


In the sympathetic division of the ans, the preganglionic nerve fibers are short, while in the parasympathetic division, the preganglionic fibers are relatively long.

What are nerve fibers?

A nerve fiber, also called an axon, is described as a long and slender projection of nerve cells (or neurons) that carry electrical impulses away from the nerve cell body.

In conclusion, neural divergence is extensive in the sympathetic division of the ANS, while in the parasympathetic division, divergence is minimal.

Learn more about nerve fibers at:



On Isle Royale, if the moose population is very high, what would you expect to see with regard to other populations?
- Increasing wolf population
- decreasing tick population
- increasing tree ring width
- all of the above
- none of the above


On Isle Royale, if the moose population is very high, all of these are expected to see with regard to other populations.

The study of genetic variation within and between populations, as well as the evolutionary factors that explain this variation, is known as population genetics. It is based on the Hardy-Weinberg law, which holds true as long as population size is large, mating is random, and mutation, selection, and migration are insignificant.

Population genetics is a branch of genetics that studies genetic differences within and between populations. It is related to evolutionary biology. This branch of biology investigates phenomena such as adaptation, speciation, and population structure. The goal of population genetics is to explain behavioral differences between individuals in a given population. Behavior geneticists work to better understand the genetic and environmental factors that contribute to these differences.

To learn more about Population genetics, here



what is the evidence that nociception is mediated by specific nociceptors rather than by strongly stimulated tactile receptors or warm receptors?


The evidence is that Nociceptive ache is a kind of ache due to harm to frame tissue and firmed by the specific nociceptors by the Nociceptive ache feels sharp, aching, or throbbing.

It's frequently due to an outside injury, like stubbing your toe, having a sports activities injury, or a dental procedure. Nociception is the detection of painful stimuli. Specialized neurons withinside the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) or the trigeminal ganglia venture into pores and skin and tender tissue to discover extremes of warmness, cold, mechanical, and chemical alerts and alert the frame of ability dangers.

Experimental demonstration that nociception includes specialised neurons, now no longer truely more discharge of the neurons that reply to regular stimulus intensities. So it is now no longer as though while the warmth receptors get a stimulus beyond a sure factor they begin to sign ache, as a substitute the nociceptors responding to warmness are definitely separate and feature a far better threshold that alerts the ability for tissue harm.

Read more about receptor:



which immunoglobulin type is found as a dimer form in mucous secretions, linked together by a joining chain protein and a secretory component?


The most common immunoglobulin isotype found on mucosal surfaces is secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA).

Two IgA molecules (dimeric IgA), a joining protein (J chain), and a secretory component make up secretory IgA. (SC).

Your immune system produces an antibody called immunoglobulin A (IgA). Mucous membranes, particularly those in the digestive and respiratory systems, contain IgA. Saliva, tears, and breast milk all contain it. A hereditary health condition called IgA deficiency can be handed down through generations.

IgA has long been considered a non-inflammatory antibody at mucosal locations. sIgA is concentrated in the mucus out layer [46] because of its polymeric structure and the oligosaccharide side chains of SC, which noncovalently cross-link microorganisms and encourage them to clump together in situ.

For more information on immunoglobulin  kindly visit to



Which type of ion channel opens and closes in response to changes in the membrane potential?


Voltage ion channel opens and closes in response to changes in the membrane potential.

Numerous membrane proteins that function as ion channels are embedded throughout the plasma membrane. Only specific kinds of ions can traverse each channel in the membrane. The majority of channels are one-ion specific (selective). Because the channel pore is often so narrow, ions must go in single file through it.

A channel can exist in a number of states, each of which is either open or closed and corresponds to a different protein shape. In general, closed states are either a result of the pore contracting, blocking the ion's passage, or the pore being stopped up by a different portion of the protein. When a channel is open, ions move down the transmembrane concentration gradient for that specific ion to pass through the channel pore. The maximal channel conductance and electrochemical driving force for that ion dictate the rate of ionic flow across the channel.

To know more about Ion channel visit:



choose the main reasons that contributed to mendel selecting the garden pea as his experimental subject.


The main reasons why Mendel selected the garden pea as his experimental subject include its short life cycles, multiple offspring, and contrasting characters.

Mendel's experiment

Mendel conducted several experiments to understand how characters are inherited and through his several works, he was able to formulate what we now know as the law of genetics.

Mendel made use of the pea plant as his study subject. The organism was preferred over other organisms for several reasons, which include:

It has a short life cycle. Thus, several breeding experiments could be carried out within a short period and conclusions can be made as early as possible.The plant produces a lot of offspring. Thus, the phenotypes and genotypes of offspring can be studied in good detail.The plant breeds true. There are no in-betweens in traits as they are in direct contrasts. It is either rough or smooth seeds, yellow or green pods, etc.

Thus, based on these reasons, the pea plant was the preferred organism for Mendel's experiments.

More on Mendel's work can be found here: https://brainly.com/question/11019957


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