What is a "pump and dump" scam?

A scheme which pools investors’ money together but only a small percentage of the pool is actually invested
A scheme that attempts to boost the price of a stock through recommendations based on false or misleading statements
A scheme where an investor collects your money for investment but never actually makes a purchase and instead keeps the money for themselves
A scheme that attempts to beat the overall market's return by investing in high-cost index funds


Answer 1

"Pump and dump" schemes have two parts. In the first, promoters try to boost the price of a stock with false or misleading statements about the company. Once the stock price has been pumped up, fraudsters move on to the second part, where they seek to profit by selling their own holdings of the stock, dumping shares into the market.

These schemes often occur on the Internet where it is common to see messages urging readers to buy a stock quickly. Often, the promoters will claim to have "inside" information about a development that will be positive for the stock. After these fraudsters dump their shares and stop hyping the stock, the price typically falls, and investors lose their money.

Answer 2




Related Questions

You are recognizing expenses for supplies used during a month. You started with $4,800 of supplies, debited the account $5,000 and now have a $2,100 balance. How much did you use?.


You started with $4,800 of supplies, debited the account $5,000 and now have a $2,100 balance. The amount of supplies you used is $7,700.

A debit is an accounting entry that either adds or decreases the value of an asset or expense account. In an accounting entry, it is to the left.

A credit is an accounting item that either adds or decreases the value of a liability or equity account. In an accounting entry, it is to the right.

In the given problem,    

Started supplies (debit) = $4,800

Direct debit                    = $5,000

Balance                         = $2,100

Hence, the amount of supplies used is:

$4,800 + $5,000 - $2,100 = $7,700

Learn more about accounting here:



in the year 2009, troy's boat had a value of $24,000. when he bought the boat in 2006 he paid $28,000. if the value of the boat depreciated linearly, what was the annual rate of change of the boat's value? round your answer to the nearest hundredth if necessary.


The annual rate of change is $1333.33.

The annual rate of change can be calculated by dividing the difference between the initial value of the boat and the value of the boat after three years by the number of years.

In this case, the difference is $28,000 - $24,000 = $4000, and the number of years is 3.

Therefore, the annual rate of change of the boat's value is

$4000/3 = $1333.33. Rounded to the nearest hundredth,

Depreciation is an accounting technique for spreading out the expense of a tangible item over the course of its useful life. How much of an asset's value has been used is shown through depreciation.

It enables businesses to purchase assets over a predetermined length of time and generate income from them.

To know more about depreciation here



Peter started to deposit p5,000 quarterly in a fund that pays 1% compounded quarterly. How much will be in the fund after 6 years?.


$1,23822,88 is the amount of the fund that will be gotten after 6-years. To determine the fund that will be gotten, we compute it by use future value's formula.

Future value (FV) refers to the amount of concept that assigns a number to an asset based on estimated variables such as future interest rates or cashflows. Future value is used by investor to know how much their investment may be in five years given an expected rate of return.

From the scenario, we were informed that

Present value = 0

PMT = -5,000

I/Y (interest rate) = 0.25 ---> it is found by divided 1 and four (a fund that pays 1% compounded quarterly) 1/4

Number of periods (N) = 24 ---> 4 x 6

Annuity factor

((1+r)^n ) - 1 / r = 1,0025^24 / 0,0025 = 123514,09

(5000 x 1,0025^24) - 5000 = 308,79


The future will be:

FV = 123514,09 + 308,79 = $1,23822,88

Learn more about future value, here https://brainly.com/question/20593657


companies often use more than one capital budgeting method to determine which capital investment to make.
a. true
b. false


True, companies often use more than one capital budgeting method to determine which capital investment to make.

The planning process for large investments in projects with extended lifespans and effects on multiple future time periods, including the procurement of new equipment. Making financial choices about a company's investment in long-term assets is known as capital budgeting. It entails carefully weighing risks and profits before approving or rejecting a potential investment option. The appraisal of investments is another name for this process.

Making decisions on the capital budget is an element of a company's entire financial management process. Capital budgeting decisions include things like building a new factory, buying large manufacturing equipment, or making a substantial investment in an outside company.

Know more about the capital budgeting at: https://brainly.com/question/23719404


which step in personal selling refers to identifying potential buyers who have the need, willingness, ability, and authority to buy?


Finding prospective customers who have the need, desire, capability, and authority to purchase qualified leads is referred to as personal selling.

A salesman will use personal selling, a face-to-face sales method, to influence a customer to purchase a certain product by utilizing the abilities of their audience. To convince the buyer that the purchase will only be beneficial, the salesperson emphasizes each of the product's distinctive qualities.

However, persuading a customer to buy a product isn't always the aim of personal selling. Businesses commonly employ this tactic to let customers know about new products.

The company promotes its products through personal interactions. Salespeople are better at presenting a product to a potential customer because selling requires a human touch. Personal selling can be done through retail channels or direct-to-consumer methods.

To know more about personal selling click here,



when a retailer's advertising message shows how its products fit in with the consumer's everyday style of living, the retailer is said to be using a(n) approach.


When a retailer's advertising message shows how its products fit in with the consumer's everyday style of living, the retailer is said to be using a lifestyle approach.

What exactly do you mean by advertising?

A marketing strategy known as advertising involves purchasing real estate to advertise a good, bad, or intangible idea. Ads, as they are commonly known, are the real advertising messaging. Reaching the demographics most likely to be interested in purchasing a company's goods or services is the aim of advertising.

The primary objective of advertising is to increase the number of consumers who purchase your goods. To do this, you can utilise advertising to persuade consumers that your product is excellent, practical, or attractive.

To know more about advertising, click here- brainly.com/question/1658517


when deciding if you should buy something, what can you ask yourself to determine if the item is a need or want?


The item in question before making a purchase. It undoubtedly merits your financial investment and inclusion in your life. If the answer is no, put the money in savings and postpone making purchases until you find something you actually, genuinely adore.

What is home-buying?

In addition to features and price, a recent global consumer poll released in 2019 found that product reviews are the most crucial consideration when making a purchase. It goes without saying that individuals would prioritize price and product attributes when they are purchasing. The most crucial question you should ask yourself before even starting the home-buying process is this one.

To learn more about consumer from given link



Who benefits from our taxes?


The main beneficiary of taxes is the government of a country, but they administer the taxes to carry out a series of activities that benefit the people, such as:

Improvements to public roads.New schools.Creation of hospitals, among others.What are taxes?

It is the amount of money that people must pay to the government to contribute to public expenses, the amount of taxes is increased in the products or services that people acquire.

Taxes are important because they are a source of income for countries, which allows for economic growth that generates benefits in countries.

More information about taxes at: brainly.com/question/27978084


peter's boats has sales of $760,000 and a profit margin of 5 percent. the annual depreciation expense is $80,000. what is the amount of the operating cash flow if the company has no long- term debt? $34,000 b. $86,400 c. $118,000 d. $120,400 e. $123,900


The amount of the operating cash flow if the company has no long-term debt is $118,000.

Sales is a time period used to explain the activities that result in the promotion of goods or offerings. Businesses have sales organizations that might be broken up into different groups. And those sales teams are regularly decided primarily based on the region they may be promoted to, the products or services they may be promoting, and the target consumer.

There are major styles of income that sales representatives deal with: interior sales and out of doors sales. Inner sales are any sales accomplished remotely or from the home workplace.

Traditional income roles encompass the Account executive, sales development Rep, income specialist, client achievement Rep, and sales supervisor.

Learn more about Sales here:-brainly.com/question/25743891


1. Describe two rights and two responsibilities that you have as an employee.

2. Assume that you have been newly hired to a great company and you would like to keep your job. what are some of the strategies that you can demonstrate in order to keep your job in a competitive job market? In a paragraph or two, describe at least three of these strategies and give reasons why you believe they are important.


Employees have the following rights: Not to experience harassment or be treated unfavorably due to their race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation.

What do you mean by Compensation?

You have the right to get paid as an employee, but you also have a responsibility to do the job that your manager asks of you.As an employee, you have the right to work safely, but you also have a responsibility to act in a responsible and respectful manner so that you can simultaneously save your own life and the lives of others.The right to confer with others regarding job safety. workers' compensation rights. the appropriate to a just and fair workplace. a claim to equal remuneration and working conditions.The strategies for a job are as followsCompetitive compensation.Company culture. Community. Trust.

To know more about Employee here



umpqua defines other financial institutions that perform banking services as their competitors. therefore they take a/an ___________ of its competition.


Umpqua defines other financial institutions that perform banking services as their competitors. therefore they take an advantage of its competition.

In order to attain a certain commercial goal, such as earnings, sales, or market share, businesses or sellers compete for the patronage of consumers. In this setting, the rivalry is frequently used to describe competitiveness. It is also described as a situation in which several economic enterprises compete to get items that are restricted by diverse market factors.

The majority of banks face competition from a range of other financial service providers, including trust companies, life insurance companies, financing businesses, federal and provincial credit unions, federal and provincial financial agencies, and financial technology firms.

To know more about Competitors here



Explain what a will is and the things that can be in a will.
Explain the difference between solely owned assets and jointly owned assets.
Explain the 6 types of wills listed in the reading material and why they would be used.
Explain what a trust is and the different kinds of trusts.
What is the difference between a revocable and irrevocable trust?
Explain the key differences between a Will and a Trust.
What would be the benefits of having both a will and a trust together?
After gaining this knowledge, do you believe there is are reasons why to use one or the other or a combination of both a will and trust? Please explain your answer.



a will is a legal document that coordinates the distribution of your assets after death and can appoint guardians for minor children.

sole ownership means that a property solely and separately belongs to the title holder. ownership, also known as joint tenancy with rights of survivorship (JTWROS), specifies that tenants hold equal ownership rights.

Living Will- event you become incapacitated for any reason and you can’t let doctors or loved ones know what you want, a Living Will can speak for you.

Testamentary Trust Will- They are written inside a Will and can be used to direct asset distribution after your passing. This type of Trust differs from other Trusts in that it isn’t actually formed until after your death. Testamentary Trust Wills can be a good option if you need to set up long-term care for Beneficiaries.

Pour-Over Will-Pour-Over Wills work in conjunction with Revocable Living Trusts. They are designed to offer more privacy than a regular Last Will and Testament and work by “pouring over” any assets that don’t directly go to a Beneficiary into your Trust after you pass away. Pour-Over Wills are useful if you haven’t put everything into your Trust.  

Simple Will-Simple Wills, much like the name suggests, are simple in that they do not contain a lot of clauses. However, just because they’re simplistic in nature doesn’t mean they can’t be effective. You can do much of your basic planning in a Simple Will, including designating a guardian for minors and appointing an Executor.

Joint Will-Joint Wills are a Will within one document for two people. They can be used in cases where spouses want to initially make each other Beneficiaries after one passes, and then establish final Beneficiaries being a child or children once both partners are gone.

Deathbed Will-Deathbed Wills are not desirable for several reasons. The biggest one being they are not as effective as other types of Wills. Made on a deathbed, and most of the time under dire circumstances, there are often questions about mental stability and how comprehensive a Deathbed Will is.

A revocable trust can be changed at any time by the grantor during their lifetime, as long as they are competent. An irrevocable trust usually can't be changed without a court order or the approval of all the trust's beneficiaries.

A living trust can avoid probate and help maintain privacy while preserving your assets by avoiding unnecessary fees. A trust gives you control, even after you pass away. A will gives you control of who you leave your assets to, but not how or when they get those assets.


Why is it important for insurance companies to have a large risk pool of people paying premiums?


Pooling is very beneficial due to the fact that the cost of health care could be high and they could lead to significant costs. Risk pooling would help to ensure that those that are in need would be able to afford it when necessary.

Now, According to the question:

It is important for insurance companies to have a large number of people paying premiums in order to have the higher costs than the needy would have to be offset by the lower costs of the less needy.

If a risk pool is larger than it is, it is very helpful because it would make the premiums to be more stable as well as to be more predictable.

Pooling is very beneficial due to the fact that the cost of health care could be high and they could lead to significant costs. Risk pooling would help to ensure that those that are in need would be able to afford it when necessary.

Learn more about Risk pool at:



when revenue is greater than total expenses, resulting in a net income, the income summary account has a


The Income Summary account has a credit balance when revenue exceeds total expenses, producing a net profit, as indicated by the T account.

The outcome is net when revenue exceeds expenses.

A corporation will record a net profit if its revenue exceeds its costs. It will record a net loss if its expenses outweigh its income.

What happens if total revenue exceeds total expenses?

The business makes a net profit when revenues are higher than costs.

If the revenue for an accounting cycle is more than the expenses, what is the final entry for the income summary account?

The closing entry involves debiting income summary and crediting retained earnings if a company's sales exceed its expenses. If the period results in a loss, the income summary account must be credited and retained earnings must be debited.

To Know more about credit balance



car manufacturers must meet certain emissions standards as dictated by the federal and state governments. this requirement is an aspect of which dimension of the general environment?


As car manufacturers must meet certain emissions standards as dictated by the federal and state governments. The requirement is an aspect of dimension of the general environment known as political-legal dimension.

What is the political-legal dimension?

The political-legal dimension of general environment refers to the philosophy of the political parties in power influences business practices. Often, the political-legal environment serves to define what organizations can and cannot do at a particular point in time.

In the general environment, the component of political/legal includes legislation, regulation, and court decisions that govern and regulate business behavior.

Read more about general environment



When calculating cash flow, why is depreciation first subtracted but then added back in?a. Because it is not a real cash outflow but does create a tax deductible expenseb. Because it is an expense that can be immediately and fully deducted from the revenues of the firmc. Because it changes from negative to positive as the project moves forwardd. Because it serves to increase the amount of tax the firm will have to pay to the tax authoritiese. Because it has the unusual characteristic of switching signs in the middle of most projects


Depreciation is initially deducted from the cash flow calculation before being brought back because it doesn't actually result in a cash outflow but rather a tax deduction. The answer is (a).

Depreciation must be added back to net income to get the after-tax cash flow. Depreciation is a non-cash expense that simulates the loss of an asset's economic worth but does not include a cash outflow. It's easy. Depreciation is a non-cash item, hence it must be included in the operational activities portion of the cash flow statement along with other costs like amortization and depletion.

Depreciation is a non-cash expense that has been subtracted from revenue, so it must be added back to net income in order to calculate the cash flow from operations. Since depreciation is merely a continuous charge to a fixed asset's carrying value intended to lower the reported cost of the asset over its useful life, it is seen as a non-cash expense.

Learn more about depreciation visit this link : brainly.com/question/1203926


Correct Question:

When calculating cash flow, why is depreciation first subtracted but then added back in?

a. Because it is not a real cash outflow but does create a tax deductible expense.

b. Because it is an expense that can be immediately and fully deducted from the revenues of the firm.

c. Because it changes from negative to positive as the project moves forward

d. Because it serves to increase the amount of tax the firm will have to pay to the tax authoritiese. Because it has the unusual characteristic of switching signs in the m

inflated self-esteem, grandiosity, decreased need for sleep, excessive talking, flight of ideas, easily distracted, engaging in risky activities physical or financial.


Inflated self-esteem, grandiosity, decreased need for sleep, excessive talking, flight of ideas, easily distracted, engaging in risky activities physical or financial are the following symptoms of Bipolar Manic.

What exactly are bipolar illnesses?

Periods (or episodes) of significant mood abnormalities that have an impact on mood, thinking, and behavior are the hallmark of bipolar disorder, a mental health illness. Bipolar disorders come in two primary categories. Extreme mania and sadness are frequent symptoms of bipolar I illness. Hypomania, a less severe version of mania, is a component of bipolar II illness. Cyclothymic disorder is a third kind that is present.

How are bipolar disorders treated?

Bipolar disorder is often a chronic condition with extremely varied and personal to each patient episodes. The course of treatment is complicated and frequently includes taking many medications. Although lifestyle changes, supplementary therapies, and talk therapy might be helpful, psychiatric drugs remain the cornerstone of treatment.

To know more about bipolar disorder visit



a couple has decided to purchase a $200000 house using a down payment of $12000. they can amortize the balance at 11% over 20 years. a) what is their monthly payment? payment


A couple has decided to purchase a $200000 house using a down payment of $12000. they can amortize the balance at 11% over 20 years. Their monthly payment is $1962.403

The payment P is required to payoff a loan of V dollars borrowed for n payment periods of a rate of Interest i per payment period is :


The loan is for $200,000 - $12,000 = $183,000

At i = 10/(100×12) = 0.00833 ≈ 0.0083%

for n = 15×12 = 180

P = 183,000 [ 0.0083/1-(1+0.0083)^-180 ]

P = 183,000 [ 0.0083/1-(1.0083)^-180 ]

P = 183,000 [0.0083/1-0.226]

P = $1962.40310077 ≈ $1962.403

Therefore, Their monthly payment is $1962.403

In order to maintain good standing with a credit card issuer, a borrower must make at least the minimum monthly payment on a revolving credit account each month.When compared to consumers who make more than the minimum payment each month, those who just make the minimum payment each month will end up paying more interest and taking longer to pay off their loans.As long as they are in good standing and have no delinquencies, revolving credit accounts let customers keep their balances open indefinitely.

Learn more about Monthly payment, here



Under current texas lobbying rules, an individual who crosses either the compensation and reimbursement threshold or the expenditure threshold while engaged in lobbying efforts. True or false?


The statement , Under current Texas lobbying rules, an individual who crosses either the compensation and reimbursement threshold or the expenditure threshold while engaged in lobbying efforts is True .

Direct communication with a member of the state legislative or executive branch to influence legislation or administrative action is regarded as lobbying in Texas if it satisfies the requirements for expenditures and remuneration and does not fall under any exceptions.

By directly contacting members of the legislative or executive branches of the Texas state government, lobbying is done to change legislation or administrative decisions. A state, legislative, or agency official may not receive more than $10 in gifts from lobbyists or lobbying firms in a single calendar month.

To know more about  lobbying rules visit :



an operations manager must determine the sequence materials will take through the production process. this activity is known as


An operations manager must determine the sequence materials will take through the production process. This activity is known as routing.

A production routing outlines the sequence of operations required to produce a final good. It outlines where and how each task should be completed as well as the order in which those tasks must be completed. In order to create the finished product at the lowest cost and in the shortest amount of time, the routing determines the ideal order of steps.

Most products use a number of Routing tasks, which must be completed in a specified order. Each routing task is a discrete stage in the production process. The Routing is a comprehensive list of all tasks that need to be completed in order to produce the finished product. The production routing is a collection of all routing tasks that details the precise sequence in which each one should be implemented.

Learn more about Routing here: https://brainly.com/question/9894078


what natural resource accounts for the majority of the cost of the food found on supermarket shelves?


The precise answer is oil. Oil is the natural resource that accounts for the majority of the cost of the food found on supermarket shelves.

According to a new analysis, a small number of significant corporations hold the main market share for close to 80% of the numerous supermarket products that regular Americans usually purchase.

Due to their size and power, these mega-companies are able to heavily affect what the 2 million American farmers cultivate, how much they are paid, what customers eat, and how much the cost of groceries is. In the grocery, barely 15 cents of every dollar we spend goes to the farmers. The remaining funds are used to process and advertise our food.

Learn more about cost of the food here brainly.com/question/13542740


Malcolm should have explained how each person could benefit from completing his or her part of the project, which would be using what influence tactic?A. apprisingB. ingratiationC. personal appealsD. consultationE. collaboration


Malcolm should have explained how each person could benefit from completing his or her part of the project, he was using  apprising influence tactics. The correct answer is A.

Appraising is an influence tactic that refers to the process of making a task attractive by making it clear how completing the project will benefit you personally or professionally.

How do influence tactics work?

Managers can use their influence to change employee attitudes, values, or behaviors. The actual strategy a leader uses will vary depending on the situation and the desired outcome. For example, middle managers employ different strategies to persuade both superiors and subordinates.

What do influencing techniques involve?

People frequently attempt to lead and/or influence others using the 10 positive influence techniques—logical persuasion, legitimizing, trading, asserting, socializing, appealing to relationships, consulting, alliance-building, appealing to ideals, and modeling, according to studies.

To know more about influence tactic, click here- brainly.com/question/2286303


the increase in a firm's revenues created by hiring an additional worker is called: the increase in a firm's revenues created by hiring an additional worker is called: marginal product. marginal product of labor. marginal revenue. marginal revenue of labor.


The increase in a firm's revenues created by hiring an additional worker is called: the increase in a firm's revenues created by hiring an additional worker is called: marginal product of labor.

The definition of a 'firm' inside the subject of economics is any agency that seeks to make earnings through manufacturing or promoting products or services – or both – to consumers. as an instance, one of the most commonplace makes use of this term is for 'regulation corporations,' which commonly promote offerings in relation to the regulation.

A company is a for-profit enterprise, commonly fashioned as a partnership that provides professional offerings, which include prison or accounting services. The concept of the company posits that firms exist to maximize income.

Learn more about firm here:



Which recovery core capability is implemented to return economic and business activities?


Regarding the key capability for economic recovery. In order to offer the community jobs, goods, and services, as well as greater living standards, support the recovery and resiliency of economic

business operations (including food and agriculture). The goal of economic recovery is to create new business and job possibilities that lead to a community that is economically sustainable while also restoring economic and business activities (including food and agriculture) to a healthy state.The goal of economic recovery is to create new business and job possibilities that lead to a community that is economically sustainable while also restoring economic and business activities (including food and agriculture) to a healthy state.

learn more about economic activities here:



which is an invisible barrier based on the prejudicial beliefs that underlie organizational decisions that prevent women from moving beyond certain levels within a company?


The glass ceiling is an invisible barrier based on the prejudicial beliefs that underlie organizational decisions that prevent women from moving beyond certain levels within a company.

What is a glass ceiling?

A glass ceiling refers to a metaphor usually applied to women, used to represent an invisible barrier that prevents a given demographic from rising beyond a certain level in a hierarchy. No matter how invisible the glass ceiling is expressed, it is a difficult obstacle to overcome. The metaphor was first used by feminists about barriers in the careers of high-achieving women.

It was coined by Marilyn Loden during a speech in 1978.

Learn more about ceiling, here:



a building with an appraisal value of $134,495 is made available at an offer price of $159,882. the purchaser acquires the property for $30,575 in cash, a 90-day note payable for $28,314, and a mortgage amounting to $56,449. the cost of the building to be reported on the balance sheet is


The cost of the building to be reported in the balance sheet is $115,338 as per the given appraisal value, mortgage and note payables

The cost basis of an investment or asset is the total purchase price which is used for tax purposes. The cost basic value is used to determine the capital gain tax which is the difference between its market value and cost basis.

The cost basis recorded in the buyer's accounting records to recognize this purchase will be:

Cost basis = Appraisal value + Note payable + Mortgage

Cost basis = $30,575 + $28,314 + $56,449

Cost basis = $1,15,338

So the cost bases that will be recognised for this purchase will be $115,338

Learn more about cost basis:



an organization has a system in place that allows one salesperson to update contact information for a client, simultaneously updating the same information for all other employees.


A management information system is in place in a business that enables one salesperson to update client contact information while also updating the same information for all other employees, upholding organizational credibility and consistency.

What is Management information system?

The study of people, technology, organizations, and their relationships is known as management information systems (MIS). MIS specialists assist businesses in getting the most out of their investments in people, technology, and operational procedures.

MIS is a people-focused industry with a focus on providing services using technology.

Further both the management and the sales staff have access to concise and complete information thanks to the sales information. This knowledge of various summarization levels makes it possible to identify changes in market processes.

Therefore MIS served as the foundation for hasty and methodical strategic and operational decision making.

Learn more about Management information system refer:



what would you do if you had a job and didn’t receive a w-2 form from your employer by the deadline?


If you didn't receive a w-2 form from your employer within the deadline then contact the Internal Revenue Service.

A w-2 form can be described as such a form that includes wages and taxes. This form is mandatory by the government of a country for every person that is employed.

A w-2 form has to be requested from the employer for which you are working. However, if the employer fails to provide you with a w-2 form, then you should contact the Internal Revenue Service as they deal with such matters. The internal revenue Service will ask for the w-2 form from the employer on your behalf.

To learn more about employer, click here:



suppose the fed wants to increase the money supply by $1,000 billion to drive down interest rates and stimulate the economy. to accomplish this, it could lower the reserve requirement from 20 percent to


To drive down interest rates and stimulate the economy it could lower the reserve requirement from 20 percent to 10 percent.

Money supply- The entire amount of money owned by the public at a specific time is referred to as the money supply in macroeconomics. There are many ways to define "money," but common measurements often include circulation-level money and demand deposits.

Interest rate- An interest rate indicates how expensive borrowing is or how lucrative saving is. Therefore, if you are a borrower, the interest rate is the sum you pay for borrowing money and is expressed as a percentage of the overall loan amount.

For more information on Money supply visit:

government deficit spending is a good thing because it lowers the amount of taxes that need to be collected.


Government expenditure that increases deficits will eventually require more taxes to cover interest costs. On the other hand, when there is a surplus in the budget, taxes eventually need to be reduced.

What occurs when the federal government adopts a deficit spending strategy?

In deficit spending, the government uses borrowed funds to pay for relief and other initiatives that are typically intended to enhance the general economy rather than increasing taxes.

Why is spending by the government beneficial?

Spending is frequently thought of as a tool to increase economic growth through the Fiscal Multiplier. According to this multiplier, an increase in government spending causes some indicators of overall economic output, like GDP, to rise.

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PLEASE HELP WITH THIS GEOMETRY!!! 50 POINTS What became the new name for the Department of war after the 1947 National security Act changed it? 44. The quotient of 16 and a is greater than 4. What is a possible value of a?A. 2B. 4C. -2D. 8E. 5 Which of the following valves provides a one-way flow of blood from the left atrium to the left ventricle? find the slope of the line that passes through T(-2,11) U(3,11) Which is a solution to the equation |10-5y|=20y=2-4y-6y=10 What are four facts about the Northwest Ordinance of 1787? What are the effects of consuming a diet made up mostly of fats? There is more than one correct answer; select all the correct answers.the choices are:1. Acetone concentration increases2.The citric acid cycle becomes overwhelmed with intermediates3.Acetyl-CoA concentration increases4.Oxaloacetate concentration decreases greatest to least 3.1, -0.5, 1, -2.85 , -3.04 Monkeys were ________ to develop a fear of fear-relevant stimuli, like toy snakes or a toy crocodile, as they were to fear-irrelevant stimuli, like flowers or a toy rabbit. Read the excerpt from act 1, scene 5 of The Tragedyof Macbeth. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth arediscussing Duncan's upcoming stay at their castle.Lady Macbeth. And when goes hence?Macbeth. To-morrow, as he purposes.Lady Macbeth. Ol neverShall sun that morrow see.Your face, my thane, is as a book where menMay read strange matters. To beguile the time,Look like the time; bear welcome in your eye,Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flower,But be the serpent under 't. He that's comingMust be provided for; and you shall putThis night's great business into my dispatch;Which shall to all our nights and days to comeGive solely sovereign sway and masterdom.How does the simile "look like the innocent flower"contribute to the sinister mood of this except?O Lady Macbeth is pressuring Macbeth to appear assomething he is not in order to conceal his inner turmoil.O Lady Macbeth is concerned that Macbeth is unableto properly welcome his guest and must give him advice.O Lady Macbeth is eager to play the hostess,welcoming the king with beautiful decorations and vibrant flowers.O Lady Macbeth is confident that they can appear asinnocent bystanders while their plot to kill the king is carried out. what are 3 examples that you can think of when someone would have to rely on long term disability insurance? as per the cambridge research syndicated by clorox which of the following segments is most concerned about environmental issues not just in 'my world' but also in 'the world'? If you've ever had a sleepless night, you know that a lack of sleep can make you feel sluggish. Yet failing to get a good night's sleep can also have more serious consequences. Sleep plays an important role in the process of learning new information. A lack of sleep reduces a person's ability to pay attention and concentrate, which makes learning more difficult. In addition, sleep is necessary for remembering information. In 2009, researchers discovered that brain patterns called sharp waveripple complexes consolidate memoriesthat is, fix them in the brainand transfer them to long-term storage. These brain waves happen most often during the deepest phases of sleep. Thus, you may have a hard time remembering what you learned during the day if you don't get enough sleep.What is the main idea of the passage?A. Sharp-wave ripple complexes, which often occur during deep sleep, are important for long-term storage of memoriesB. Without enough sleep, a person may have a hard time learning and remembering information Help Simplify the expression:3(2 + 5t) = What are the 10 themes? 5. A train leaves Town A at 0845 hours and arrives at Town B at 1510 hours. (i) How long does the train take to travel from Town A to Town B? (ii) If the average speed of the train is 108 km/h, find the distance between Town A and Town B. A 25-gram block of Aluminum has an initial temperature of 35 degrees Celcius. What will be the final temperature of the aluminum block with the addition of 503.38 Joules of heat? Purple hibiscusexplain papa's wealth and how he is rich who he gives money to since he is rich Are orcas affected by pollution?