5. A train leaves Town A at 0845 hours and arrives at Town B at 1510 hours. (i) How long does the train take to travel from Town A to Town B? (ii) If the average speed of the train is 108 km/h, find the distance between Town A and Town B.​


Answer 1

Answer: 108×1000×425 |

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Speed of the train=108km/h

- Time taken=6hrs25mins

- =6+25/60=6+041=6.41hrs

Step 2: Distance =speed X time

- =108X08×1000×425

Hope this helps!

Answer 2


(i)The train takes 0625 hours to travel from Town A to Town B.

(ii)The distance between Town A and Town B is 693 km.

Step-by-step explanation:


Leaving time of the Train from Town A= 0845 hours.

Arriving time of the Train at Town B= 1510 hours.

Thus, the total time taken by the train to travel from Town A to Town B is:-

=> Arrival time at Town B - Departure time from Town B = (0845-1510)hours

                                                                                             = 0625 hours.

Therefore, the total time taken by the train to travel from Town A to Town B is 0625 hours.



   The average speed of the train is 108 km/h.

   The total time taken by the train is 0625 hours, which can also be

expressed as

6 5/12 hours,

    We know that,

=> Distance = Speed X Time                 [Speed-Distance formulae]

                    = 108 X 6 5/12 => 693 km.

Therefore, the distance between Town A and Town B is 693 km.

To know more about the Distance algorithm,


Related Questions

If you take a number, times by 3 then add 5. You get the same as if you took the number, times by 7 then subtract 8. What is the number?


Answer: x = 13/4

Step-by-step explanation:

Easy, let's use x to define the number:

3x + 5 = 7x - 8

We take the 3x to the other side:

5 = 4x - 8

We take the 8 to the other side:

13 = 4x

x = 13/4

Which number is the strongest correlation? 0.45 -0.75 0.12 0.87 -0.93​



The strongest correlation is 0.87. In general, a correlation is a measure of the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two variables. Correlation values range from -1 to 1, with -1 indicating a perfect negative linear relationship, 0 indicating no linear relationship, and 1 indicating a perfect positive linear relationship. Among the numbers you have provided, 0.87 is the only one that is greater than 0, indicating a positive linear relationship between the two variables. This means that as one variable increases, the other variable also tends to increase. This is the strongest possible positive linear relationship, making 0.87 the strongest correlation among the numbers you have provided.

Step-by-step explanation:

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Since the government didn’t women rights to vote they made an amendment that lets women have the right to vote

Lauryn grew p tomato plants. Padma grew 5 fewer than 3 times the number lauryn grew. Kent grew 6 more than 4 times the number lauryn grew. Select all the expressions which represent the total number of tomato plants that lauryn, padma, and kent grew.


Answer: A. p + (3p – 5) + (4p + 6)

Step-by-step explanation:  Total number of tomato plants that Lauryn, Padma, and Kent grew = 8p + 1

Complete the factored form.
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Answer: 2x(x^-4)(x^-2)

i need help pleaseeeeee


The value of x, the distance from the base of the roof to the top of the roof is 8 feet.

What is Pythagorean theorem?

The Pythagorean theorem, also known as Pythagoras' theorem, is a basic relationship between a right triangle's three sides in Euclidean geometry. According to this statement, the areas of the squares on the other two sides add up to the area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse.

Given: The roof of a patio is in the shape of triangle.

We have to find the distance x from the base of the roof to a top of the roof.

Let the base of the roof is divided into two parts by the line x.

The half distance is 15 feet.

The triangle made is a right angle triangle.

So we can we the Pythagorean theorem to find the value of x.

By the Pythagorean theorem,

x^2 + 15^2 = 17^2

x^2 + 225 =  289

          x^2 = 289 - 225

          x^2 = 64

              x = 8

Hence, the value of x, the distance from the base of the roof to the top of the roof is 8 feet.

To know more about Pythagorean theorem, click on the link



What is the angle between two lines having slopes as 1 & 1?


The angle between two lines having slopes as 1 and 1 is 0°. thus, the two lines coincide with each other.

The formula to find the angle between two lines having slop m1 and m2 is

tan θ= ± (m2 – m1 ) / (1+m1m2)

Substituting the value of slope in this equation

tan θ = ± (1-1)/ (1 + 1×1)

tan  θ =± 0

 θ=   [tex]tan^{-} (0)[/tex]

θ = 0°

When two straight lines cross, two sets of angles are created. The intersection creates two acute angles and two obtuse angles. The slopes of the intersecting lines have an impact on the angles' absolute values.

It is also important to note that because the slope of a line parallel to the y-axis is indeterminate, it is impossible to calculate the angle created by two lines intersecting.

For more information on slope kindly visit to



In circle E with m/DEF = 60°, find the m/DGF.


Answer: its the 3 anwers

Step-by-step explanation:

can i get the formulas to find (time, rate, and principle) in simple interest. (JUST THE FORMULAS)​



Sure! The formula for simple interest is I = P x R x T, where I is the interest, P is the principal, R is the interest rate, and T is the time.

To find the interest, you would plug in the values for P, R, and T and solve the equation. For example, if you have a principal of $500, an interest rate of 10%, and a time of 5 years, the formula would look like this: I = 500 x 0.1 x 5 = $250.

To find the principal, you would rearrange the formula to solve for P. This would give you P = I / (R x T). Using the same values as before, the formula would look like this: P = 250 / (0.1 x 5) = $500.

To find the interest rate, you would rearrange the formula to solve for R. This would give you R = I / (P x T). Using the same values as before, the formula would look like this: R = 250 / (500 x 5) = 0.1.

To find the time, you would rearrange the formula to solve for T. This would give you T = I / (P x R). Using the same values as before, the formula would look like this: T = 250 / (500 x 0.1) = 5.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions

question 141 pts in estimating a population proportion using a large sample, the value of is assumed to be 0.35, and its 95% error margin is 0.02. find the sample size to meet the error margin.


The sample size to meet the error margin is 2185.

What is the error margin?

The margin of error is a statistic that describes how much random sampling error there is in survey results. One should have less faith that a poll's findings would accurately reflect those of a population census the higher the margin of error.

Here, we have

The sample size (n) is calculated according to the formula:

n =  p(1 - p) (z²/ e²)


z = 1.96 for a confidence level (α) of 95%, p = proportion, e = margin of error.

z = 1.96, p = 0.35, e = 0.02

n =  0.35(1 - 0.35) (1.962/ 0.022)

n = (0.2275)(9604)

= 2184.91

n ≈ 2185

Hence, the sample size meets the error margin is 2185.

To learn more about the error margin from the given link



A tore i intructed by corporate headquarter to put a markup of67​% on all item. An item coting ​$6 i diplayed by the tore manager at a elling price of ​$4. A an​ employee, you notice that thi elling price i incorrect. Find the correct elling price. What wa the​ manager' likely​ error?


Correct selling price = $10

What is selling price?

The selling price of an item is the price at which it is purchased. For instance, $10 would be regarded as the umbrella's selling price if Neil sold the identical umbrella for that sum. It is referred to as S.P.

Based on given conditions formulate:

= 6(1+67%)

= 6(1.67)

= 10

correct selling price = $10

To know more about selling price checkout https://brainly.com/question/28017453


Goran went on a vacation for 6 weeks last summer. How many days long was Goran’s vacation



Step-by-step explanation: D-days, W=weeks

7d times 6w=42 d

suppose s is the set of integers that are multiples of 3, and t is the set of integers that are odd. construct a bijection between the two sets, and prove that it is both onto and one-to-one.


A bijection between two sets is constructed below and also proved that it is both one-one and onto.

What is meant by one-one function?

The phrase "one-to-one function" should not be mistaken with "one-to-one correspondence," which is used to describe bijective functions, in which each element in the codomain is a precise mirror image of a single element in the domain.

Any function that can work with the operations of two algebraic structures is said to be a homomorphism between them. An injective homomorphism is also referred to as a monomorphism for any commonly occurring algebraic structures, particularly vector spaces.

Let t∈T


t=2k+1, for some k∈Z

Let s=3k


s∈S and f(s)=2(s/3)+1



Therefore, for every t∈T there exists s∈S such that f(s)=t

Thus, f is onto.


f:S  ----> T is a bijective mapping


Now, we have to define a mapping f:S ---?T

By f(x)=2(x/3)+1, ∀x∈S


S={3k|k∈Z} and T={2k+1:k∈Z}

We have to prove:


Let x, y∈ S with f(x)=f(y)






So, f is one-one

Now, we have proved that f is both one-one and onto.

To know more about one-one function, visit:



How do you find the equation of a function given a table?


Mathematical equations are essentially relationships. A line equation describes the relationship between x and y values found on a coordinate plane.

Firstly understand the values in the table. The numbers in a table are often the x and y values that are true for the line, which means the x and y values correspond to the coordinates of points on the line.

Then we need to determine the slope. We can do this by taking two points from the table and plugging them into formula.

Next we need to find the y-intercept. To do this, we need one point from the table to plug into our function.

Once you find the value of the slope, plug it into the the slope-intercept form of the line. The result is the function that describes the relationship in the given table of values.

To know more about table here



Triangle ABC Has the verties of A(0,-3) B(2,-1) and C(-3,-3). What is A' B' and C'? *Reflect on the x axis.


The coordinate of the triangle after reflection are; A'(0,3),  B'(2,1) , C'(-3,3)

How does transformation of a function happens?

The transformation of a function may involve any change.

Usually, these can be shift horizontally (by transforming inputs) or vertically (by transforming output), stretching (multiplying outputs or inputs) etc.

We are given that Triangle ABC Has the verties of A(0,-3) B(2,-1) and C(-3,-3).

The transformation for reflection across the x-axis is;

(x, y) ⇒ (x, -y) . . . reflection across the x-axis

Then we have;

 A(0, -3) ⇒ A'(0, 3)

B(2,-1) = B'(2,1)

C(-3,-3) =C'(-3,3)

Therefore, The coordinate of the triangle are;

A'(0,3),  B'(2,1) , C'(-3,3)

Learn more about reflection here;



The Freshman class at Cypress Bay High School and the sophomore class planned a trip to Boston. The freshman class rented and filled 1 van and 6 buses with 372 students. The sophomore class rented and filled 4 vans and 12 buses with 780 students. Each van and each bus carried the same number of students. How many students can a van hold?
How many students can a bus hold?


The Bus can hold 59 students and van can hold 18 students.

How to illustrate the equation?

The freshman class rented and filled 1 van and 6 buses with 372 students. This can be illustrated as:

v + 6b = 372 .... i

The sophomore class rented and filled 4 vans and 12 buses with 780 students. This can be illustrated as:

4v + 12b = 780 ... ii

where v = van.

b = bus

v + 6b = 372

4v + 12b = 780

Reduce equation ii by 2. The new equations will be:

v + 6b = 372

2v + 6b = 390


v = 18

The van can hold 18 students

Since v + 6b = 372

This will be:

18 + 6b = 372

6b = 354

b = 59.

Bus can hold 59 students.

Learn more about equations on:



What is the slope of any line perpendicular to Y 7x 8?


To get the slope, use the slope-intercept form and calculate the reciprocal of the slope of the given line .The slope of any line perpendicular to Y = 7x + 8 is -7.

The equation of any line perpendicular to Y = 7x + 8 is in the form of y = mx + b where m is the slope.

To get the slope, use the slope-intercept form and calculate the reciprocal of the slope of the given line.

The slope of the given line (Y = 7x + 8) is 7. Therefore, the slope of the line perpendicular to it is the reciprocal of 7, which is -7.

Learn more about slope here



How do you write a linear function step by step?


The following two methods are used to write a linear function;

1.  Write linear functions from graph

2. Write linear equation from slope and ordered pairs


Steps to write linear functions;

The slope and the y-intercept are the two pieces of data required to build a linear function. Once these two variables have been established, you can replace m and b with them in the slope-intercept equation y = mx + b.

There are two methods;

1. Write linear functions from graph

By monitoring the linear function's rise and run, determine the slope.Determine the point at which the function crosses the y-intercept to determine the y-intercept.Replace the function with the slope and y-intercept f(x) = mx + b

2. Write linear equation from slope and ordered pairs;

We only have half the information if we are provided the slope and an ordered pair. Although we now know the slope, we still need to determine the y-intercept. The following steps can be used to calculate this using the slope-intercept form:

By putting the slope and ordered pair (input, output) into f(x) = mx + b and solving for b, one can determine the y-intercept.Slope and y-intercept should be substituted into the equation f(x) = mx + b.

Learn more about linear functions here;



An outdoor staircase has a total vertical elevation of 24 feet from the road level to the first floor. The 1st floor to the 2nd floor is also 24 feet. If the angle of elevation is 37 degrees and the landing of each step is 13 inches, answer the following question showing each step of your work.

A. What is the vertical rise per step (in inches rounded to the nearest inch)

B. Find the number of steps needed to climb from road level to the 2nd floor


a) The vertical rise per step is of 18.1 feet.

b) The number of steps needed to climb from road level to the 2nd floor is of: 3 steps.

How to obtain the rise?

The rise is obtained applying the slope concept, as follows:

Rise = Total elevation x Tangent of Angle.

The parameters are given as follows:

Total elevation = 24 feet.Angle: 37 degrees.

Then the rise per step is calculated as follows:

Rise = 24 x tangent of 37 degrees = 18.1 feet.

The total vertical elevation needed to reach the second floor is given as follows:

24 + 24 = 48 feet.

Then the total number of steps needed to climb to the 2nd floor is found applying the proportion, as follows:

48/18.1 = 2.65 steps.

Rounding up, 3 steps are needed.

More can be learned about the slope concept at https://brainly.com/question/8062156


A county planner prepares the following table showing population trends in three local towns. The first column gives the name of the town. The second column gives the population as of the last census. The third column gives the estimated increase or decrease in population since that census, expressed as a percentage of the previous population.
a. Choose one of these towns. Use the second and third columns to write two expressions showing the current estimated population of the town in terms of x, y, or z.
b. For whichever town you chose in part (a), let the census population be 6,742 people. Based on the percentage change for that town, calculate the estimated current population, rounding to the nearest whole number if needed. Be sure to show your work.


a) The estimated population for each town is given as follows:

Pleasantville: 0.98x.Amity Center: 1.05y.Harmony Corners: 1.07z.

b) The current population of Harmony Corners is of: 7,214.

How to obtain the expressions?

The expression are found applying the proportions in this problem, given from the percent change in the table.

The multiplier for each expression is given as follows:

Pleasantville: 0.98, as  decrease of 2% means that the population is 2% of what it was in the last census.Amity Center: 1.05, as the increase of 5% means that the population 105% of what it was in the last census.Harmony Corners: 1.07, as the increase of 7% means that the population 107% of what it was in the last census.

Supposing that the population of Harmony Corners was of 6,742 on the Census, we have that:

z = 6742.

Hence the current population is of:

1.07 x 6742 = 7,214.

More can be learned about proportions at https://brainly.com/question/24372153


Solve for x.3(-2x - 1) = 2(x + 5)
A) -138
B) -34
C) 138
D) 34



[tex]a. \: x = \frac{ - 13}{8} [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]1. \: - 6x - 3 = 2x + 10 \\ 2. \: - 3 = 2x + 10 + 6x \\ 3. \: - 3 = 8x + 10 \\ 4. \: - 3 - 10 = 8x \\ 5. \: - 13 = 8x \\ 6. \: \frac{ - 13}{8} = x \\ 7. \: x = \frac{ - 13}{8} [/tex]

After solving the given equation 3(-2x - 1) = 2(x + 5), we know that the value of x is (A) -13/8.

What are equations?

A mathematical statement known as an equation is made up of two expressions joined together by the equal sign.

A formula would be 3x - 5 = 16, for instance.

When this equation is solved, we discover that the value of the variable x is 7.

The point-slope form, standard form, and slope-intercept form are the three main types of linear equations.

So, we got the equation:

3(-2x - 1) = 2(x + 5)

Now, solve for x as follows:

3(-2x - 1) = 2(x + 5)

-6x - 3 = 2x + 10

-6x - 2x = 10 + 3

-8x = 10

x = -13/8

Therefore, after solving the given equation 3(-2x - 1) = 2(x + 5), we know that the value of x is (A) -13/8.

Know more about equations here:



Correct question:
Solve for x.3(-2x - 1) = 2(x + 5)

A) -13/8

B) -3/4

C) 13/8

D) 3/4

what is:
please give a step by step explanation and I will give brainly




Step-by-step explanation:

count your fingerssssssssssssd

Janelle earned 80% on a test and got 64 points.
1) How many total points were possible on the test?




Step-by-step explanation:

To solve, we need to find what number 64 is 80% of. To do so, we need to solve the equation [tex]\frac{100}{80}[/tex] x 64. This gives us the answer, 80.

anyone help me with this


In sentence (A) the measure of the angle AHD is 30° is incorrect according to the given diagram.

What are angles?

When two straight lines or rays intersect at a single endpoint, an angle is created.

The vertex of an angle is the location where two points come together.

The Latin word "angulus," which means "corner," is where the term "angle" originates.

The meeting of two planes also creates angles.

We refer to these as dihedral angles.

So, as we can see that ∠Z and ∠D are equal:

Let, 's assume that x is 30 as given is an option (B).

Then, ∠Z and ∠D are 45°.

Which will make ∠ZHD a 90°.

Which will automatically make ∠AHD a 90°.

And, hence ∠AHD will not be 30°.

Therefore, in a sentence (A) the measure of the angle AHD is 30° is incorrect according to the given diagram.

Know more about angles here:



The Sugar Sweet Company is going to transport its sugar to market. It will cost $5000 to rent trucks, and it will cost an additional $200 for each ton of sugar transported. Let C represent the total cost (in dollars), and let S represent the amount of sugar (in tons) transported. Write an equation relating C to S, and then graph your equation using the axes below.


Answer:We can write the following equation.

C = 5000+200S

where C is cost and S = sugar transported in tons.

Plot is given in attached fig.

Step-by-step explanation:

Solve (x – 3)2 = 49. Select the values of x. –46 -4 10 52



x=22.5 please mark me as brainlyiest

Step-by-step explanation:





Answer: x=10   x=-4

Step-by-step explanation:


Extract the square root of both parts of the equation:

[tex]\sqrt{(x-3)^2}=\sqrt{7^2} \\\\x-3=б7\\\\x-3=7\\x-3+3=7+3\\x=10\\\\x-3=-7\\x-3+3=-7+3\\x=-4[/tex]

HURRY FIRST PERSON GETS BRAINLIEST two sides of a triangle measure 8 inches and 10
inches, respectively. Which of these is NOT a possible
length for the third side of a triangle?
Circle one answer:
A) 12 inches
B) 16 inches
C) 17 inches
D) 18 inches




Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of the length of any 2 sides is greater than the length of any 3rd side

10+8 = 18, so D is not possible

A food truck sells two types of food: a hot dog for 6$ and a hamburger for 8$. Yesterday, the food truck sold a total of 106 tickets for a total of 1106$.

Write the equations to find the number of hot dogs and hamburgers sold. Let be the number of hot dogs sold and be the number of hamburgers sold.


The minimum revenue by selling tickets will be $363 thus there will be no solution.

How to form an equation?

Determine the known quantities and designate the unknown quantity as a variable while trying to set up or construct a linear equation to fit a real-world application.

In other words, an equation is a set of variables that are constrained through a situation or case.

Suppose x is the number of hot dogs sold and y is the number of hamburgers sold.

As per the given,

hot dog for 6$ and a hamburger for 8$

6x + 8y = total cost

6x + 8y = 1106

Total x + y = 106

By substitution,

6(106 - y) + 8y = 1106

636 - 6y + 8y = 1106

2y = 470

y = 235

And, x = -129

Since the number cannot be negative thus it will be an incorrect question.

Hence "There won't be a solution because the minimum revenue from ticket sales will be $363.".

For more about the equation,



Find the slope of the line that passes through the points. If necessary, leave your answer as a fraction, not a mixed number.

(-1, 7) and (5, 7)

(1, 2) and (5, 0)


The slope of the lines in the question are 0 and -1/2

Slope of a Line

Slope of a line is the change in y-coordinate with respect to the change in x-coordinate.

The net change in y-coordinate is represented by Δy and the net change in x-coordinate is represented by Δx.

Hence, the change in y-coordinate with respect to the change in x-coordinate is given by,

m = y₂ - y₁ / x₂ - x₁


Taking the two points;

m = 7 - 7 / 5 - (-1)

m = 0

The slope is equal to 0


Using the same formula above;

m = y₂ - y₁ / x₂ - x₁

m = 0 - 2 / 5 - 1

m = -2 / 4

m = -1/2

The slopes are 0 and -1/2

Learn more on slope of a line here;



2. Gabriel has 8 ¾ pizzas to distribute at a class party. The pupils ate 5 ⅞ pizzas. What fraction of the pizzas remained? (30 points)​



2 7/8

Step-by-step explanation:

8 3/4= 8 6/8 = 7 14/8

14/8-7/8= 7/8


2 7/8

The equation would look like this
8 3/4- 5 7/8= 23/8
Simplify into a mix number fraction
2 7/8
As a decimal: 2.875
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