Arnold purchased a $1,300 set of golf clubs on a nine-month layaway plan and had to pay a monthly payment of $158. 89. What is the fee charged for the layaway plan?.


Answer 1

For Arnold's $1,300 set of golf clubs on a nine-month plan, The fee charged for the layaway plan is $130.01.

A layaway plan is a payment option that allows individuals to purchase goods or services over a period of time by making regular installments. With a layaway plan, the item is typically reserved for the customer and is not released until the final payment has been made. This can be a useful option for individuals who want to make a purchase but do not have the funds available upfront. Layaway plans typically require a deposit and may also include a fee for setting up the plan.

The terms of the layaway plan, including the length of the payment period and the amount of the regular installments, will vary depending on the retailer and the type of item being purchased.

Learn more about Layaway Plan here:


Related Questions

The following relates to a proposed equipment purchase: initial investment $ 144,000 salvage value $ 4,000 estimated useful life 4 years annual net cash flows $ 46,100 annual depreciation expense $ 35,000 the annual income amount used to calculate the accounting rate of return is:.


The annual income amount used to calculate the accounting rate of return is $11,100.

Accounting Rate of Return or ARR is the expected average net income of an asset divided by its average capital costs. ARR is used to make a capital budgeting decision. ARR allows a company to evaluate whether or not an asset is worth for investment based on the future net earnings expected compared to the capital cost. ARR could be formulated as:

ARR = Average Net Profit

         Average Investment

Based on the case, we know that:

Investment = $144,000

Salvage value = $4,000

Estimated useful life = 4 years

Annual net cash flows = $46,100

Annual depreciation expense = $35,000

Annual income amount ?

To find the annual income amount, we will use annual net cash flows and annual depreciation expense data. The annual income amount is:

Annual income amount = Annual net cash flows - Annual depreciation expense

Annual income amount = $46,100 - $35,000

Annual income amount = $11,100

Learn more about Accounting Rate of Return here:


if you‘re , you can’t afford to pay your house payment or rent and your other bills.


If you are home poor, you are unable to pay your mortgage, rent, and other expenses.

What does paying mean?

Giving someone money to complete a task or pay off a debt is referred to as paying them. Pay is another word for exchanging money for something. Salary or wages are another definition of compensation. There are many different verbal and noun situations where pay can be utilized. Paying a bill or indeed a debt entails doing something like collecting you casual dining check or your gas payment.

How does pay a buddy work?

You may immediately move funds to anybody with the new Pay a Friend tool in Online Banking! To divide a check, pay an allowance, or send birthday greetings, use Pay a Friend.

To know more about Pay visit :


the market capitalization rate on the stock of aberdeen wholesale company is 10%. its expected roe is 12% and its expected eps is $5.00. if the firm's plow-back ratio is 50%, its p/e ratio will be .


If the firm's plow-back ratio is 50%, its p/e ratio will be = 14.29.

The definition of a 'firm' inside the subject of economics is any agency that seeks to make earnings through manufacturing or promoting products or services – or both – to consumers. as an instance, one of the most commonplace makes use of this term is for 'regulation corporations,' which commonly promote offerings in relation to the regulation.

A company is a for-profit enterprise, commonly fashioned as a partnership that provides professional offerings, which include prison or accounting services. The concept of the company posits that firms exist to maximize income.

The PE ratio is computed as follows:

= (1 - Blowback ratio) / (market capitalization rate - growth rate)

the growth rate is computed as follows:

= plow back ratio x ROE

= 0.60 x 0.12

= 0.072

So, the PE ratio will be as follows:

= (1 - 0.60) / (0.10 - 0.072)

= 0.40 / 0.028  

= 14.29

Learn more about the firm here:


you are planning to finance your start-up with a bank loan of $400,000 and equal contributions of $50,000 each in cash from a group of partners. you need $1.2m for the start-up. how many partners, including yourself, do you need to recruit?


You are planning to finance your start-up with a bank loan of $400,000 and equal contributions of $50,000 each in cash from a group of partners then there would be 16 partners

Assume that you need to get P partners to launch your business.

Each partner would contribute $50,000 toward the loan, which totals $400,000.

The total need will be 1.2M, which will be 1.2..

It would be expressed as the following mathematical equation:

Total = loan + partners' contribution

1.2. = 4. + 5.P

5.P = 1.2. - 4.

The numbers must now be entered using the same mathematical equation in order to be subtracted:

5.P  = 12. - 4.

P = 16

So, 16 partners would be required to raise the $1.2M startup cost. You need to find 15 partners because you're one of them.

To know more about finance


When prices of outputs in an economy become sufficiently high, causing production to exceed potential GDP, the results is that
a) higher wages will encourage workers to take more leisure time
b) the long run aggregate supply curve will shift to the right
c) hyper-intense production will be unsustainable in the long run
d) lower prices will lead to a lower quality of demand


When prices of outputs in an economy become sufficiently high, causing production to exceed potential GDP, the results is that hyper-intense production will be unsustainable in the long run.

A rightward shift in the AS curve occurs when potential GDP rises together with aggregate supply. Additionally moving to the right is the potential GDP line. When there are a change in the money wage rate or other resource prices, the AS curve moves, and the short-run aggregate supply changes.

Controlling how much inflation has an impact on the economy is one of the applications of the GDP. Real GDP growth will increase (reduce) if it is greater (lesser) than the potential growth rate, which will also impact nominal rates and bond prices.

Hence the correct option is C

To know more about GDP here


the organization responsible for conducting monetary policy in the united states is the: a. federal reserve system. b. federal monetary control authority. c. council of economic advisors. d. federal trade commission.


The organization responsible for conducting monetary policy in the United States is the federal reserve system. The correct answer would be option A.

The American central bank is known as the Federal Reserve System (FRS). It is conceivably the most potent financial organization in the entire world and is sometimes referred to as "the Fed." It was established to give the nation a secure, adaptable and stable financial and monetary system. The board of the Fed is made up of seven members. Additionally, there are 12 Federal Reserve banks, each of which is led by a different district's president.

The Fed is the main regulator of banks that are participants in the Federal Reserve System and has considerable authority to take action to promote financial stability. It serves as the member institutions' lender of last resort when they have nowhere else to turn for financing. Its responsibility is to guarantee the system's financial stability. Additionally, it oversees the nation's monetary policies and serves as the primary regulator of the financial institutions in the nation.

To read about monetary policy see:


when entering into an income based repayment plan option, a student must contact their ________ to select the repayment plan option


When entering into an income based repayment plan option, a student must contact their Student loan service provider to select the repayment plan option.

What does a Loan Service mean?

A loan service is a type of financial service that makes loans available to individuals or businesses. Banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions, as well as private lenders, can provide loan services. Loan services can offer a wide range of loan types, including personal, business, student, and home loans. Loan services typically include assessing a borrower's creditworthiness, which may include a credit check, as well as negotiating repayment terms.

What does  creditworthiness mean?

Creditworthiness is the likelihood that a borrower will be able to pay back a loan or other form of credit. It is determined by looking at factors such as the borrower's credit history, income, debt-to-income ratio, and other financial information. A lender will use a borrower's creditworthiness to decide whether or not to approve a loan and at what terms.

To know more about Loan Service,


when the demand for new homes decreases, the demand for construction workers who build homes decreases. this relationship illustrates the concept of


When the demand for new homes falls, so does the demand for construction workers who build houses. This relationship exemplifies the idea of derived demand.

What are the types of derived demand?

Three categories of derived demand exist: labor, raw resources, and processed materials. The path of derived demand refers to these elements.

Raw materials are necessary components utilized in the creation of a finished good. Crude oil and lumber are two examples of raw materials used in the construction of new dwellings and products based on petroleum.

Processed Materials: The above mentioned smartphone case is an illustration of a derived requirement for processed materials.

Labor: On a larger macro - economic level, the demand for human workers is generated by virtually every industry that requires labor to produce the good or service it intends to sell to a market. There wouldn't be a need for workers if there wasn't a market for goods and services to create them.

To learn more about demand refer to:


the three major types of economic systems are . group of answer choices capitalism, planned economies, and mixed economies individualism, developing economies, and duopoly collectivism, developed economies, and oligopoly ethnocentrism, cultural relativism, and polycentrism


The three major types of economic systems are capitalism, mixed economies, and developed economies.

Capitalism is an economic system characterized by private ownership of the means of production, especially in the industrial sector, with labor paid only wages.

A mixed economy is an economy organized with some free-market elements and some socialistic elements, which lies on a continuum somewhere between pure capitalism and pure socialism.

Countries with relatively high levels of economic growth and security are considered to have developed economies. Common criteria for evaluation include income per capita or per capita gross domestic product.

Learn more about capitalism here:


according to the forecast, which of the following is an accurate conclusion?: * (a) the events of snow and hail are independent (b) the events of snow and hail are disjoint (c) either snow or hail will definitely occur (d) the events of snow and hail are complementary


According to the forecast the events of snow and hail are independent.

The weather and climate are not independent. The disarray comes from weather and climate being personally associated with one another, and this disarray is many times featured in conversations about our evolving climate. Weather and climate are not independent. The midpoints of day to day weather are utilized to screen climate. Changes in climate lead to changes in weather examples including limits. A simple method for recalling the thing that matters is that climate is what you anticipate, similar to a warm summer, and weather is what you get, similar to a cool day in August. Our people group and ranches are impacted by more limited weather occasions. Their drawn out maintainability is impacted by climate and climate fluctuation ascribed to regular cycles and human exercises.

The weather and climate are interwoven. After some time, the weather structures the climate and impacts the climate (soil, hydrology, plants, and creatures), and monetary suitability of our human frameworks.

to know more about hydrology click here:


a potential buyer of real estate offers to purchase an office building from its current owner for a price of $300,000 and the owner accepts. later, the buyer pays the owner and the owner signs over the title to the office building to the buyer. this contract involving two promises and two performances is known as a


A contract involving two promises and two performances is known as a bilateral contract

A contract involving two promises and two performances is known as a bilateral contract. In a bilateral contract, each party makes a promise to the other party, and each party is required to fulfil their promise in order for the contract to be considered valid and enforceable. This type of contract is common in many different industries and can be used to establish a wide variety of business relationships, including sales contracts, employment agreements, and loan agreements.

In the given situation, a potential real estate buyer makes an offer to the building's present owner to acquire it for $300,000, and the owner accepts. Later, the buyer pays the seller, and the seller transfers ownership of the office building to the buyer by signing a document. Since the owner and the buyer are both parties to the agreement, which contains two promises and two obligations, the agreement is bilateral.

Read more about the bilateral contract on:


a lender is in the practice of restricting the number of loans or the loan-to-value ratio in certain areas of a community. this is a violation of fair housing law and is called


"Redlining" is the practice of a lender of limiting the quantity of loans available; this is against the fair housing law.

Which loan kind will quickly and significantly reduce the principal balance?

Illumination: A loan's principle is fully repaid and equity is built up more quickly the shorter its tenure. The LARGEST and SPEEDIEST principle reduction would be achieved with a multiyear loan at the a 13% interest rate.

There are four crucial steps that must be taken when a lender processes a loan:

There are four crucial steps that must be taken when a lender processes a loan. Analyze the borrower's capacity for loan repayment. Determine the estimated value of the asset serving as loan collateral. Examine the title's marketability by doing some research.

To know more about loan visit :


a trader who has a position in oil futures believes the price of oil will in the future. a. short; increase b. long; increase c. short; stay the same d. long; stay the same


A trader who is long oil futures anticipates an (a) short increase in oil prices in the near term.

How can we interpret oil futures?

Transactions for oil futures entail the transfer of a specified quantity of oil for a specified price on a specified date. They are exchange-traded and serve as a barometer of the interest in different kinds of oil. A popular way to speculate on and purchase oil is through oil stocks, which also let you exchange increasing and decreasing costs.

The best way to trade energy stocks

Two frequently incompatible qualities are required to trade oil futures: bravery and endurance (in addition to a large cash flow).

To know more about oil stocks click here


What are key terms and definitions?


Key Terms means the portion of a Cover Page that includes the key legal details and definitions for certain Agreement  or thesis that are not defined in the Standard Terms. The Key Terms may include details about Covered Claims, set the Governing Law, or contain other details about the Agreement or thesis.

The primary terminologies used in the thesis are called key terms. For instance, the important terms in a thesis on how branding, loyalty, and contentment affect consumers' purchasing decisions could be branding, loyalty, satisfaction, and consumers' buying habits.

Thesis research involves many complex elements. Every chapter in a thesis serves a different purpose which simplifies these elements.

To know more about key terms here


what are 3 examples that you can think of when someone would have to rely on long term disability insurance?


In the event that an illness or injury prevents you from working, disability insurance can replace your income. The majority of disability claims are not due to workplace accidents, but rather to disease, cancer, pregnancy, and depression.

What might possibly motivate someone to choose long-term disability insurance?

Most people should choose long-term disability since it lowers the likelihood of facing financial hardship in the event of incapacity. If you don't have insurance, it may be challenging to pay your bills, support your family, and put money down for retirement during that time without a paycheck. Policies for long-term disability income offer lengthy benefit durations of two years or longer, or until the insured turns 65. 60 to 80 percent of the insured's income is the benefit amount. The elimination window is between 30 and 180 days.

To know more about disability insurance, visit:


What is phishing?

Phishing is a business model that recruits members via a promise of payments or services.
Phishing is a fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and financial information via electronic communication.
Phishing is a fraudulent attempt to take over or delete your presence on social media.
Phishing is a fraudulent attempt to deposit funds into an FDIC insured bank account for later use.


The answer is b

Phishing is a method used by people to trick them into sharing sensitive info like listed

the only way to improve your credit score is to pay off your entire balance every month. t or f


The only way to improve your credit score is to pay off your entire balance every month. The given statement is false.

Even though paying off your credit card amount each month is one way you can raise your credit score, it may not be the only one. Companies compare how much credit you are using to how much credit you have available, among other things, to determine your credit score.

A credit score, which measures a person's propensity to repay debt and runs from 300 to 850, is a numerical rating. A borrower who has a higher credit score is considered to be less risky and more responsible. Credit ratings are frequently used to estimate a person's chances of paying back debts including loans, mortgages, credit cards, rent, and utility bills.

To know more about Credit score visit:


how might a project manager better understand the selection factors that led to a specific international location?


A project manager better understand the selection factors that led to a specific international location by developing a risk matrix at the project site level.

What is risk matrix?

During risk assessment, a risk matrix is a matrix that is used to determine the amount of risk by balancing the categories of chance or likelihood and consequence severity. This is a straightforward method to make hazards more visible and aid management in making decisions.

The possibility that the risk event will occur and the possible impact that it will have on the business are two intersecting aspects that form the basis of the risk matrix. In other words, it's a tool that enables you to see how likely a risk is compared to how serious it is.

To know more about risk matrix, click here-


machine-to-machine (m2m) communication refers to which of the following? group of answer choices connected devices interacting without human intervention using values or algorithms to provide data-backed decision options the application of scientific knowledge to efficiently solve real-world problems a decentralized recordkeeping technology a procedure that helps organizations evaluate the possible effects that new processes, systems, and products will have on business operations and stakeholders


For automatic data transfer and measurement between mechanical or electrical equipment, machine-to-machine (M2M) connections are utilized.

What are machine-to-machine communications?

The next wave of the Internet revolution will connect an increasing number of devices to the Internet through machine-to-machine communications, or M2M/IoT. Automated applications that involve machines or devices connecting across a network without human involvement are referred to as M2M communications.

The machines communicate with one another over wireless networks using telemetry or telematics. Each machine's data can be sent to and received through wireless networks.

Learn more about machine-to-machine communications, from:


Why is it difficult to compare the financial statements of a U.S. company with those of a company in India or Germany? And How would McDonald’s benefit if IFRS were adopted for use in all countries worldwide?


Due to the fact that each accounting authority has its own set of rules, standards, and principles, it is challenging to compare the financial statements of US companies with those of German or Indian businesses.

The accounting professionals take this into account and approve them. The term "GAAP" refers to a collection of accepted common and economic reporting standards.

The goal of GAAPs is to provide a basic degree of uniformity in the financial statements of all distinct businesses. It enables internal consumers of financial statements to quickly understand and decipher a company's accounting.

The International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) created and maintains the unified set of accounting standards known as IFRS. The objective is to enhance, maintain, and implement these standards through industrialized, emerging, and growing economies on a dependable worldwide foundation.

Because publicly traded firms like McDonald's are publicly traded, investors and other consumers of financial statements may evaluate and compare their financial performance to that of their foreign competitors.

To learn more about IFRS


what is the short-run effect on output and the price level of the fed pursuing expansionary monetary policy?


Lower interest rates decrease the cost of borrowing money, which encourages consumers to increase spending on goods and services and businesses to invest in new equipment are effects of expansionary monetary policy.

Monetary policy is often that countercyclical tool of choice. Such a countercyclical policy would lead to the desired expansion of output, but, because it entails an increase in the money supply, would also result in an increase in prices.

In particular, when money supply increases, it is obtained a short-run positive correlation between the quantity of money and output that vanishes in the long-run, a log-run positive relationship between inflation and growth of money supply, and a nominal interest rate decrease in the short-run.

Expansionary monetary policy is when a central bank uses its tools to stimulate the economy. That increases the money supply, lowers interest rates, and increases demand. It boosts economic growth.

Learn more about effects of expansionary monetary policy here:-


when you think about where you‘ll live after you graduate, what monthly living expenses do you think you‘ll have?


Monthly living expenses comprises typical outgoings like energy, automobile, and rent or mortgage payments.

Includes the fluctuating amount spent on groceries, clothing, and haircuts each month. Fixed expenses are those that fall within the same monthly budget. We're talking about the price of streaming services as well as life and health insurance, gym dues, and mortgage and rent payments.

Spending too much on items you don't need can be avoided by allocating 50% of your income to essentials and 30% to necessities. Rent, a mortgage, utilities, groceries, and clothing are examples of expenses that are necessities. Rent is one of the typical essential living costs for an individual.

To know more about Monthly living expenses visit


the american cancer society has issued an rfp to fund preventive health initiatives in your community. your organization is planning to submit a proposal. which type of proposal is most appropriate in this situation? formal informal


Your organization is planning to submit a proposal. The type of proposal is most appropriate in this situation: A formal report may be defined as a document in which a writer - solves a problem.

A company is a prison entity shaped by using a group of individuals to interact in and perform an enterprise—business or commercial—organization. An enterprise can be organized in diverse approaches for tax and financial liability purposes relying on the corporate law of its jurisdiction.

There are 3 commonplace kinds of corporations—sole proprietorship, partnership, and organization—and each comes with its very own set of benefits and downsides. In easy terms, the reason for an enterprise is to have a significant imagination and prescient after which to be worthwhile in accomplishing it. And we should qualify “profitable”: profitability means long-time period sustainable returns, and each word in that phrase is vital.

Learn more about organization here:


forecasting the intensity of a typhoon is harder than forecasting its track. forecasting the intensity of a typhoon is harder than forecasting its track. true false


'Forecasting the intensity of a typhoon is harder than forecasting its track.

This statement is true.

Forecasting is the process of making predictions based on past and current data. Later you can compare these to what is actually happening. For example, a company may estimate revenue for the next year and compare it to actual results. Forecasting is a similar but more general term.

Forecasting is the technique of using historical data as input to make forward-looking, informed estimates in determining the direction of future trends. Businesses use forecasts to determine how to allocate budgets and how to plan expected expenses for the next period.

Forecasting is the process of projecting past sales demand into the future. By implementing a forecasting system, you can quickly assess current market trends and sales and make informed operational decisions. You can use forecasts to make planning decisions regarding: stock.

Learn more about Forecasting


John and loretta smith are in the 28% tax bracket. Their joint taxable income is $134,899. If the first $16,050 is taxed at 10%, with the remainder at 28%, how much tax will they owe?.


According to the provided statement, they will owe this amount of tax. 34,882.72.

What does taxable income mean?

Income that is taxable and distinguished by accrual of a benefit or gain to the taxpayer. Specifically: the entire amount of income left over after all permitted deductions have been taken to gross income for a certain period to be used as the basis for taxes.

How much money is subject to taxation?

The gross income cutoff for reporting taxes ranges from $12,550 to $28,500 for the 2022 tax year, depending on your gender, filing status, and dependents. If you earn $400 or more through self-employment, you must record your earnings and submit taxes.


0.10×16,050+0.28×(134,899−16,050) =34,882.72

To know more about taxable visit:


Why can rapid inflation be harmful?


The most obvious effect of inflation is how it affects your purchasing power. If you can't buy as many goods and services as before inflation hit, your quality of life will eventually decline.

The inflation is measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and at low levels it keeps the economy healthy. But when the inflation rate rises rapidly, it can lead to lower purchasing power, higher interest rates, slower economic growth, and other negative economic effects. Inflation will affect savers and fixed-wage workers. Inflation will benefit heavily indebted people, who, with rising prices, will find it easier to repay.

To learn more about Inflation, click here.


Does rapid economic growth cause inflation?


Yes, Rapid economic growth cause inflation. Since the growth rate of the price level is just another term for the inflation rate, the inflation rate must fall.

The inflation refers to a general increase in the price of goods and services in an economy. When the general price level rises, each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services; consequently, inflation corresponds to a reduction in the purchasing power of money.

An increase in the rate of economic growth means more goods for money to chase which puts downward pressure on the inflation rate. If the economy grows faster than it has capacity to, price will rise quickly and things become more expensive.

To know more about inflation here,


which of the following is not a potential drawback of an erp system? group of answer choices the implementation may require a company to change its normal operations. training employees on the use of the new software can be expensive. it does not incorporate inventory control decisions. the software is costly to customize.


C: 'it does not incorporate inventory control decisions' is not a potential drawback of an ERP system.

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) refers to a platform that companies use to manage and integrate the necessary parts of their businesses. Many ERP software applications are critical to businesses because they help them implement resource planning by integrating all the processes required to run their companies with a single system. An ERP system can also integrate planning, sales, marketing, finance, purchasing inventory, human resources, and more.

You can learn more about ERP at


Label the following headings, line items, and notes with the numbers 1 through 13 according to their sequential order in preparing a statement of cash flows.
A. "Cash flows from investing activities" title
B. "For period Ended date" heading
C. "Cash flows from operating activities" title
D. Company name
E. Schedule or note disclosure of noncash investing and financing transactions
F. "Statement of Cash Flows" heading
G. Net increase (decrease) in cas $ #
H. Net cash provided (used) by operating activities $ #
I. Cash (and equivalents) balance at prior period-end $ #
J. Net cash provided (used) by financing activities $ #
K. "Cash flows from financing activities" title
L. Net cash provided (used) by investing activities $ #
M. Cash (and equivalents) balance at current period-end $ #


The line items and notes with the numbers 1 through 13 according to their sequential order in preparing a statement of cash flows goes as follows:

A. "Cash flows from investing activities" title - 6B. "For period Ended date" heading - 3C. "Cash flows from operating activities" title - 4D. Company name - 1E. Schedule or note disclosure of noncash investing and financing transactions - 13F. "Statement of Cash Flows" heading - 2G. Net increase (decrease) in cas $ # - 10H. Net cash provided (used) by operating activities $ # - 5I. Cash (and equivalents) balance at prior period-end $ # - 11J. Net cash provided (used) by financing activities $ # - 9K. "Cash flows from financing activities" title - 8L. Net cash provided (used) by investing activities $ # - 7M. Cash (and equivalents) balance at current period-end $ # - 12.

What is a cash flow statement?

In accounting, a cash flow statement is a financial statement that shows how changes in balance sheet accounts and income affects the cash and cash equivalents and as well, breaks down the analysis to operating, investing and financing activities.

Read more about cash flow


The expected rates of return for the different types of capital used to finance the business is called:


The expected rates of return for the different types of capital used to finance the business is called: Cost of capital

Several research have proven that value of capital is the fee of go back that a company should earn on its task investments to maintain its marketplace fee and appeal to funds. It's far the specified rate of go back on its investments which belongs to equity, debt and retained earnings.

The target capital structure is the desired ideal blend of debt and fairness financing that maximum firms try to reap and keep. The fee of capital is the rate of go back a firm have to earn on investments so one can growth the firm's fee.

Learn more about Cost of capital here:-


Other Questions
the data model refers to the structure of tables where all the data of the sap applications are stored. true false When a cell is infected by a virus, synthesis of begins and this protein diffuses away from the infected cell to protect nearby uninfected cells by binding to surface receptors and initiating synthesis of antiviral proteinsa) endonucleaseb) streptokinasec) interferond) interleukin Objective:This assignment will introduce you to interprocess synchronization mechanisms in UNIX using named POSIX semaphores, pthread mutex semaphores, and pthread condition variables.Problem:You must write a C++ program to implement a parallel Fibonacci code generator you created for programming assignment 1 using synchronization mechanisms.Your program will read the input from STDIN.This program reads the information about the alphabet (symbols and frequencies) from STDIN, sorting the symbols in the alphabet in decreasing order based on the frequency. If two or more symbols have the same frequency, you will use the symbol's ASCII value to break the tie (the higher the value, the higher the priority).After assigning a positive integer value (starting from 1) to the symbols in the sorted alphabet, your program must create a child thread per number of symbols in the alphabet. Each child thread will determine the Fibonacci code based on the received integer value from the main thread. After the child threads calculate the Fibonacci code, they will print the information about the symbol, its frequency, and the Fibonacci code, writing the Fibonacci code into a memory location available to the main thread. Finally, the main thread will use the codes generated by the child threads to decompress a file.Each child thread will execute the following tasks:Receive the integer value needed to calculate the Fibonacci code from the main thread.Calculate the Fibonacci code.Print the information about the symbol (symbol, frequency, Fibonacci code). You must use the output message provided in the example below.Write the received information into a memory location accessible by the main thread.Finish its execution.Input Format: The Moodle server will use input redirection using the following input file format:The number of symbols in the alphabet (integer value)n lines (where n is the number of symbols in the alphabet) with the information about the symbols in the alphabet. Each line has one character and one integer representing a symbol and its frequency (separated by a single white space).The name of the compressed file.Example Input File:7C 2O 1S 113 26 10 1compfile1.txtYour program must print the information about the symbols based on their order in the input file. Therefore, you must use synchronization mechanisms to guarantee that child threads print the information about each symbol in the correct order.After receiving the Fibonacci codes from the child threads, the main thread decompresses the contents of a file (sequence of bits represented as a string) and prints the decompressed message.Given the previous input file and the following compressed file:111011001111010110110110001110011The expected output is:Symbol: C, Frequency: 2, Code: 11Symbol: O, Frequency: 1, Code: 1011Symbol: S, Frequency: 1, Code: 0011Symbol: , Frequency: 1, Code: 01011Symbol: 3, Frequency: 2, Code: 011Symbol: 6, Frequency: 1, Code: 00011Symbol: 0, Frequency: 1, Code: 10011Decompressed message = COSC 3360 What are 2 continuing benefits of the New Deal? an analyst is interested in assessing both the efficiency and liquidity of spherion plc. the analyst has collected the following data for spherion: fy3 fy2 fy1 days of inventory on hand 32 34 40 days sales outstanding 28 25 23 number of days of payables 40 35 35 28 problems based on this data, what is the analyst least likely to conclude? a. inventory management has contributed to improved liquidity. b. management of payables has contributed to improved liquidity. c. management of receivables has contributed to improved liquidity ______consists of all the activities concerned with obtaining money and using it effectively. if an ideal gas initially at 5 bar and 12.5 l is compressed at constant temperature to 2.5 l, what is the final pressure of the gas? g -35 represents the starting location of a race car that is 35 yards behind the starting line. 35 represents the ending location of a race car that is 35 yards in front of the starting line.What does zero represent in this situation?A. The location of the starting lineB. The time it takes the race car to go from the starting line to where it stopsC. The time it takes the race car to go from its original location to the starting lineD. The speed at which the race car travels can someone please help me 1.does the data from your group provide evidence that you have asymmetric brains? explain your answer. a mutual fund that invests in investment-grade corporate debt with maturities between 3 and 10 years is called a(n) To best implement a claim in a policy speech, a writer must state a clear_____. consider the following. (a) draw a tree diagram to display all the possible outcomes that can occur when you flip a coin and then toss a die. maple generated plot maple generated plot maple generated plot maple generated plot (b) how many outcomes contain a head and a number greater than 4? (c) probability extension: assuming the outcomes displayed in the tree diagram are all equally likely, what is the probability that you will get a head and a number greater than 4 when you flip a coin and toss a die? (round your answer to three decimal places.) you have recently purchased a new, foldable smart phone.which of the following types of mobile device display technologies is most likely being used for the foldable display? The Hulk smashed enemy robot has a constant rate . He needs 35 minutes to smash a total of 15 robots . Write an equation to describe the relationship between t , for time , and r , for the total number of robots . 3 True or false? The heart rapidly turns on in exercise by decreased parasympathetic and increased stimulating input from the brain's central command A) True B) False during the civil war, union soldiers treated white southerners according to the laws of the war. they showed the same respect to native americans in the indian wars of the 1870s. Choose the progressive form of the verb [in brackets].Amit [to resist] the urge to eat that cookie.Choose 1 answer:resistsis resistinghas resisted Solve for X!!!! Please thanks The monster tells Victor that he will know if Victor is doing as he was asked in chapters 17-20 of Frankenstein. How will he know?A. The monster plans on living with Victor until Victor finishes.B. The monster will have someone check on Victor every day.C. Victor must keep a log the monster will read.D. The monster will be watching and monitoring Victor's progress.