"The Ritual of Memory"
1. What does it mean for something to be "synonymous”?


Answer 1

having the character of a synonym. also : alike in meaning or significance. : having the same connotations, implications, or reference.

Related Questions

(01.07 MC)
Which of the following sentences includes a non-restrictive clause?
O Alan discovered that chickens are able to recognize the faces and voices they see and hear often.
O Giana, who collects anything relating chickens, found the perfect life-sized chicken hat to add to her collection.
O Roosters have an internal clock that causes them to crow at daybreak.
O The chicken gained quite the social media following after being featured in a video weari a tutu while dancing.


Based on the given answer choices, the answer choice that includes a non-restrictive clause is B. Giana, who collects anything relating to chickens, found the perfect life-sized chicken hat to add to her collection.

What is a non-restrictive clause?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the type of clause that is used in English grammar in order to add extra information about a given sentence and usually contains a proper noun that refers to a person and makes use of commas.

Hence, it can be seen that when we look at the list of answer choices, option B contains the nonrestrictive clause as it uses the proper noun "Giana" which refers to a particular person and gives extra information about what she loves doing.

Read more about non-restrictive clause here:



The noun greed is a back-formation from the adjective greedy. Write four pairs L
of words that constitute an analogy for the creation of greed.


Four pairs of words are: gamble - gambler, choreograph - choreography, biograph - biography, abduct - abduction

What is back-formation?

An English back-formation can either be the removal of real or imagined affixes to produce a new lexis (more exactly, a new "word"), or it can be the neologism that results from such a process. Back-formations are words that have been condensed from longer ones. An English back-formation can either be the removal of real or imagined affixes to produce a new lexis (more exactly, a new "word"), or it can be the neologism that results from such a process. Back-formations are words that have been condensed from longer ones. Back-formation is either the removal of real or imagined affixes to create new lexis (more exactly, a new "word"), or it is a neologism created by this procedure. Back-formations can be thought of as a sub-type of clipping since they are generated by shortening longer words. The original term from which each pull in this list was derived is listed after each back-formation.

Four pairs of words are: gamble - gambler, choreograph - choreography, biograph - biography, abduct - abduction

To know more about back-formation, visit:



20 pts,
prompt If you had to do any board game in real life, which would you choose? Explain your choice and describe what the board game “world” would be like.
Type your response here in paragraph form (at least 7 sentences):



If I had to do any board game in real life, I would choose Candy Land. If this game became reality, the ground would be marked with colors, and to move, you'd have to draw a card. Everyone would have their own deck of cards, and special areas in everyone's lives (school, work, home, etc.) would have their own cards and specially marked spaces, similar to the candy cane, lollypop, and other specially marked spaces in the game. I chose this game because it does not have many consequences, unlike other game in where things (such as currency) can be taken away from you. However, one drawback I could think of would be being late to school, work, or events because you drew cards that took you somewhere else.

Pls I need help in this easy


Gotta give more info

Which of the following words does NOT have a meaning similar to the other three?


The term that does not share a meaning with the other three is unwary.

How would you distinguish between two terms that have the same meaning?

If two terms are synonymous, they possess the same meaning. It was futile to try to convince her that the expressions "love" and "chocolate" were not synonymous. The adjective synonymous can be used to more figuratively describe things that are similar in addition to describing words with the same or similar meanings.

Just what People have meanings, not just words?

When Richards and C.K. Ogden remark that "meanings are in people not in words," they are implying that there isn't a clear relationship between the meaning of a word and how it is used. This could sound challenging, , but in truth, it is a straightforward finding that forms the basis of their book The Meaning of Meaning.

To know more about similar words visit:



Good topic sentences on why kids should have homework


it helps keep the brain active and keeps their brain from forgetting what they are learning about so they can progress further with subjects

A good topic sentence on why children should have homework is because

On http://blog.eskool.ca/parenting/why-homework-is-important/ its says in its first column that having homework can improve a child´s thinking and memory skills. To go along with that, it also allows parents to see what their kids are doing in school and if they need help they can help them. Parents bonding with their kids is important because if a kid feels left out, then their parents should be able to talk to them and help them if they need help with anything. Allowing kids to show their parents what they are doing in school is very important also because what if that child is struggling in math and they need help. uif there is no homework how is the parent going to be able to help the child with what they need help with. To elaborate on that having parents, their when their child needs help will most likely make your child happy and make them feel happy and loved. This is important to homework because if the child feels sad or depressed, they might not do as good as they are capable of on their homework. This is another reason why homework should be…show more content…

But, it’s not! It’s really just a review of what the kids do in class. This allows them to understand what is going on in class. This is important because if kids don 't get what 's going on in class they won 't try their best on tests, homework, and really any school activity. To go along with this, if kids don 't try their best they might start to not go to school or ditch more frequently. They might also think theyŕe not as smart as they really are. All of these are reasons why kids should be assigned homework.

Those who do not study the past are doomed to repeat it is what type of rhetorical example


Answer: Anaphora

Explanation: Anaphora regular repetition of the same word or phrase at the beginning of successive phrases or clauses. For example, "We shall fight in the trenches. We shall fight on the oceans.

dangling modifier (grammer) PLEASE HELP EASY!!


We can place the sentences int he correct box by having in mind that a dangling modifier makes the sentence confusing or ambiguous, as seen below.

Written correctly:

While delivering meals to elderly neighbors, I thought the sunset looked beautiful.Before being in the talent show, students have to try out.

Dangling modifier:

To volunteer at summer camp, sign-up forms must be turned in.Entering the park, numerous sprinklers were soaking the soccer field.

What is a dangling modifier?

A dangling modifier is a word, phrase or clause used with the purpose of describing something in the sentence. Modifiers in general should appear next or close to the word they modify, to avoid confusion or ambiguity. A dangling modifier is one that does not appear close to the word it modifies.

Let's take the following sentence from the attached picture as an example:

Entering the park, numerous sprinklers were soaking the soccer field.

The problem with the sentence above is that the modifier, "entering the park," is right next to sprinklers. However, the sprinklers cannot be the one entering the park. It was most likely a person - either the speaker or someone else. However, that person is not mentioned in the sentence. Therefore, we have a dangling modifier.

With that in mind, we can conclude we have correctly placed each sentence in the correct box.

Learn more about dangling modifiers here:



Below are two sentences from the story. Circle
the sentence that is an opinion.
There is both a summer and a winter Olympic.
I like to watch their jumps and spins.


Answer: 'I like to watch their jumps and spins.' That is the opinion.

Explanation: Using 'I' and 'like' in a sentence means you are trying to interject your opinion into a sentence.

Which inference about Casper David Friedrich is
supported by the passage?
Friedrich deliberately sought to create a sense of
drama and mystery in his art.
Friedrich departed from most other painters of the
era by including people in his art.
Friedrich drew on his knowledge of science to
accurately portray the elements of a natural
Friedrich commented on the selfishness of
individuality by painting figures alone in a
landscape. NEEEDD RNNN!!!


German Romantic landscape painter Caspar David Friedrich, who lived from 5 September 1774 to 7 May 1840, is generally regarded as the most significant German artist of his time.

Who was Casper David Friedrich?

His mid-period allegorical landscapes, which frequently depict thoughtful humans silhouetted against night skies, morning mists, sparse trees, or Gothic ruins, are his most well-known works.

His main interest was in the contemplation of nature, and his art, which is frequently anti-classical and symbolic, aims to express a personal, emotional reaction to the natural world.

According to art historian Christopher John Murray, Friedrich's paintings frequently depict human figures at a size that "directs the viewer's gaze towards their metaphysical dimension" in the midst of wide landscapes. Greifswald, a Baltic Sea town, is where Friedrich was born.

Therefore, German Romantic landscape painter Caspar David Friedrich, who lived from 5 September 1774 to 7 May 1840, is generally regarded as the most significant German artist of his time.

To learn more about Friedrich, refer to the link:



Cayden's Rock Collection

Cayden cried with heartbreaking sobs. Those who heard him thought that the world must be ending. To a seven-year-old, the loss of his newly acquired rock collection was the end of the world. Cayden had spent his time at the lake looking for rocks. He waded in the water and dug the rocks out of the sand. The determined boy explored the beach and around the trees for hidden rocks. He spelled his name out of the rocks in big letters next to his beach towel. The seven-year-old was proud of his mostly brown rocks. When it was time to leave, his mom told him to pick a few to bring home. Cayden protested, "Mom, I have to bring them all home! It's my collection. I need all of them to spell my name."
"We have rocks at home, Buddy. You can use those rocks to spell your name," Mom coaxed.
"I want these rocks. I found them. They're mine." Cayden argued.
"You may only take 10 of them. Now choose the ones you want the most." Mom laid down the law.
"No, I can't choose! I want them all." Cayden stubbornly defied the law.
"That is it! I will choose for you. The rest are staying here." Mom enforced the law.
He could not contain his emotions; they burst out of him like a hurricane. His wails bent the trees. His tears soaked the ground. Mom was a solid wall, unaffected. She placed 10 of the rocks in a bag, lifted her son into the car, and calmly drove towards home. When the hurricane subsided, she looked into the rear-view mirror and saw an exhausted, sleeping boy. Which of the following statements from the passage is an analogy?
"He explored the beach and around the trees for hidden rocks."
"To a seven-year-old, the loss of his newly acquired rock collection was the end of the world."
"He spelled his name out of the rocks in big letters next to his beach towel."
"She placed 10 of the rocks in a bag, lifted her son into the car, and calmly drove towards home."


Based on the given text from Cayden's Rock Collection where it is stated that Cayden cried with heartbreaking sobs. Those who heard him thought that the world must be ending. To a seven-year-old, the loss of his newly acquired rock collection was the end of the world, the statement that is an analogy from the text is B. "To a seven-year-old, the loss of his newly acquired rock collection was the end of the world."

What is an Analogy?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the verbal word that describes the cognitive process of transferring knowledge or meaning from one subject to another and this makes use of comparisons between two or more entities.

Hence, it can be seen that from the given excerpt, it is stated that little Cayden had a collection of rocks and analogy is used when the loss of his rocks is compared to the end of the world and this can be found in option B.

Read more about analogy here:



What is the most effective way to revise sentence 21?

Sentence 21:
What a young person is interested in doing for the rest of his or her life is the consideration in choosing whether he or she should pursue a most important higher education.

A. Make no change.
B. What a young person is interested in doing for the rest of his or her life is the most important consideration in choosing whether he or she should pursue a higher education.
C. What a young person is interested in doing for the rest of his or her life is the consideration in choosing whether he or she should pursue a most important higher education.

Please answer it right.


The most effective way to revise sentence 21 is: What a young person is interested in doing for the rest of his or her life is the most important consideration in choosing whether he or she should pursue a higher education.

What is a sentence being revised?

Revision includes thoroughly rereading and reevaluating the initial draught, adding and removing ideas, rearrangement of any ideas, sentences, or paragraphs, and rewriting sentences and paragraphs to bring more variety, better flow, and more exact wording.

Here, the phrase 'the most important' should be placed before the word 'consideration' to amplify its meaning and ensure more exact wordings.


To learn more about revise sentence from the given link



#560 Internal server error go back to main page brainly.statuspage.io​


Yes go back to the page a reboot the website and it should work I tried

Bobby is watching Monday Night Football on ESPN, when he suddenly hears the jingle,
"Five. Five dollar. Five dollar foot-longs." He enjoys the jingle, and soon decides he'd like to
run down to Subway to get a sandwich.
Advertisers frequently rely on slogans, jingles, and other external cues to help lure
customers, hoping that they aren't thinking cognitively about the product. This is a clear
demonstration of which part of the elaboration likelihood model?
Peripheral processing
Central processing
Mindless processing
Cognitive processing


This is a clear demonstration of the part of the elaboration likelihood model known as D. Cognitive processing

What is cognitive processing?

Cognitive processing is a broad term that refers to a set of cognitive operations involved in the formation and manipulation of mental representations of information.

The peripheral route is an indirect route that associates positivity with the message by using peripheral cues. The peripheral route, rather than focusing on facts and product quality, relies on association with positive characteristics such as positive emotions and celebrity endorsement.

In this case, it's a cognitive processing. In conclusion, based on the information, the correct option is D.

Learn more about cognitive on:



4. How does this incident change Annabeth's attitude
toward Percy? Chapter 6


Answer: She realizes his power and how strong/powerful he is.

Explanation: in the bathroom scene, annabeth realizes Percy Jackson’s strength and power that she had yet to see.

What’s the correct answer answer asap for brainlist



Because a thesis is in the first paragraph

One theme in The Hobbit is that ordinary characters can make extraordinary differences. Explain how this theme is illustrated in the episode in which Bilbo rescues the dwarves from the spiders. What traits help him achieve success? Describe another episode that illustrates this theme. Use evidence from the novel as support. Remember to use three of your module vocabulary words.
Vocabulary words: grim, blunder, provisions, dire, ominous, hinder, avenge, redeem, menace, desolation, stereotype, subplot, episode, symbol, and genre.


During the daring excursion, dwarves alongside Bilbo confronted such countless hardships and one of them was Spider's assault. When the dwarves were assaulted by the bugs, Bilbo slipped his enchanted ring on his finger and became imperceptible.

He was diverting the bugs from the dwarves by tossing the stones and killing not many of them. He likewise was singing a tune which made them affront words, for example, old fat insect , Attercop , old tomnoddy, and o get them inqapathetic hurl tuisitive, invigorated, and furious at the same time.  

The Hobbit is set inside Tolkien's anecdotal universe and follows the mission of home-cherishing Bilbo Baggins, the nominal hobbit, to win a portion of the fortune protected by a mythical serpent named Smaug.

Bilbo's excursion takes him from his carefree, provincial environmental elements into more evil region. Set in an anecdotal world, this story follows the mission of a hobbit by the name Bilbo Higgins and a journey to recover extraordinary plunder watched by Smaug, a horrible mythical serpent on a mountain.

Bilbo Baggins is resting at his home. Gandalf, who is a known wizard, shows up and surprises him. Bilbo welcomes him for tea. The bugs were extremely irate, and they began to pursue him. While the bug was all the while diverting, Bilbo went to save his sidekicks.

Refer to paragraph 5 of "Miss Brill."
Which sentence from the story creates a judgmental tone?


The sentence in the passage that has a judgmental tone is "They were odd, silent, nearly all old, and from the way they...," option C, as explained below.

What is tone?

The term tone is used in literature to refer to the author's or narrator's attitude concerning something or someone. For this question, we must read the passages from "Miss Brill" and choose the one that shows a judgmental tone.

A judgmental tone will be one that reveals an opinion, most likely negative. As we read through the answer choices, it is clear that the third one presents a judgmental tone, especially because of the word "odd". Such a word indicates a negative opinion, the idea that something or someone is strange.

For that reason, we have conclude that answer choice C is the correct one concerning tone.

Learn more about tone here;



How can businesses easily avoid any conflict or confusion in situations involving gift-giving within the business context?



Include a bribe/gift section in the business policy or code of conduct


Why do the animals hear "the heart of the mountain beating" when the speaker cannot?



It is likely that the animals can hear the heart of the mountain beating because they have better hearing than the speaker. Different animals have different levels of hearing sensitivity, and it is possible that the animals in this situation are more sensitive to the sounds coming from the mountain. Additionally, the animals may be more attuned to the sounds of their environment and better able to pick up on subtle noises that a human may not be able to hear.

What type of group norm is the following example?

The book club will begin next week, please check the calendar to see which book we are on. The main goal of the group is to enrich your reading experience and to give everyone an opportunity to express their opinions about the book.




The group picks themes for each meeting and members choose their own titles. The group can come up with a list of related books to choose


What is the best example of a topic that is too broad


Learning about history is the greatest example of a subject that's also overly broad.

What does learning  and why is it important?

Gaining new abilities, information, perspectives, and values is indeed the process of learning. Helping an individual or a group of people study is something that people can accomplish on their own, however it's usually made easier with knowledge. With assistance from educators, education can proceed more quickly.

What is the learning process?

The learning process includes six active parts: higher order thinking, attention, memory, language, process, and organizing. These not only methods are associated with one another, but also with feelings, the context of the classroom, conduct, social skills, educators, and family.

To know more about learning visit:



What does the word arbitrarily mean as it is used in paragraph 9?
O allowing no limitations
O having no valid reason
O being purposeful
O creating a plan


We can see that the word "arbitrarily" mean as it is used in paragraph 9 is:  B. having no valid reason.

What is the meaning of a word?

The meaning of a word refers to the definition of a word and what a word represents when used in a sentence. Words can mean different different things especially when they are used in different contexts. It is helpful for students and readers to understand the meaning of a word. It makes them to understand what a passage where those words are used actually mean.

We see here the the word, "arbitrarily" actually means something that was done without planning or even reasoning it. Thus, the selected answer above is correct.

Learn more about meaning of a word on https://brainly.com/question/542513



O having no valid reason

Match the root words with its definition



Astro     Star

Morph     form

Therm    heat


Astro naut, they study stars

Morph warp into

Therm os keeps heat in

Identify the type of figurative language used in the following quote from Night: "At first, my father simply doubled over under the blows, but then he seemed to break in two like an old tree struck by lighting."

a metaphor

a simile




A simile is the type of figurative language used in the following quote from Night. Hence, option B is correct.

What figurative language does Elie Wiesel use in night?

Dance has been used to represent death. Elie is being devoured by Death, who has taken on the form of an animal. In exaggeration, the snow will eventually stop. In this metaphor, Elie's foot is compared to a wheel that has dropped.

In Chapter 3 of Night, Eliezer compares his reality to a cattle van. For him, there is no freedom; the only things left are the people inside and the future.

My mother remembered, "At first, my father just doubled over from the blows, but then he looked to split in two like a lightning-struck old tree." In this paragraph, Eliezer uses a simile to compare his father's build to a tree.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about Elie Wiesel use in night, click here:



Child Growth & Development
Consider how each of the five perspectives on intelligence presented in the text addresses the issue of nature versus nurture. Which theory or theories emphasize nurture more than nature? Which theory or theories most strongly emphasize a role for nature?


The theories that has been emphasize the importance of the nurture over nature are the Socio cultural theories.The biological as well as psychodynamic theories has the stress nature.

What does the socio cultural theories told about the whole fact?

Sociocultural theories has been recognize that the people as well as the  relationships, and the environment that has been surrounding the children that affect their worlds.

Just including the development of the children which are active knowledge builders and they will develop as well as adapt their understandings as the result of their experiences and social interactions.

Therefore, The biological as well as psychodynamic theories has the stress nature.

Learn more about Sociocultural theories on:



In the book, "Freak The Mighty", what does Maxwell Kane try to seek control of, and what did he accomplish during the book.

Help me please this is due on Friday, December 9th


The touching tale of an odd but enduring relationship between these two boys who couldn't have been more different is told in Freak the Mighty. Max is cruelly teased by his peers for being excessively large for his age. Kevin, or Freak, as Max lovingly refers to him, is abnormally little and has a number of health problems, but he has a very sharp mind.

Max needs to be aware that Kane murdered his mother.

Max becomes close friends with a blonde-haired, handicapped boy named Kevin "Freak" Avery. Because of his Morquio syndrome, Kevin cannot grow on the outside of his body. He uses crutches to walk and has a leg brace on. For his height and age, he is a brilliant man with a sharp sense of humor.

Max may have left his father by the end of Freak the Mighty, dealt with the passing of his mother, and endured the loss of his best friend, but he still faces a challenging battle: his own perception of himself.

To learn further about Freak The Mighty, visit the following link:



essay whether or not you think freedom of speech is something we need in our modern American society ASAP


Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right in any free society, and it is essential in decision-making at all levels, from parliament to the community.

What is freedom of speech?

The right to speak, write, and share ideas and opinions without fear of government repercussions is referred to as freedom of speech.

The First Amendment protects this right by prohibiting Congress from enacting legislation that restricts free speech.

The right to say things that are disagreeable is protected by free speech. It empowers you and others to criticize government policies and actions.

Freedom of expression is basically a fundamental human right in any of the society, and it is required in all levels of decision-making, from parliament to the community.

Thus, freedom of speech is something we need in the modern American society.

For more details regarding freedom of speech, visit:



How do Gandhi's and Mandela's claims differ from one another?

A. Gandhi claims that a nation falls further due to war while Mandela understands that sometimes violence is necessary to bring about change

B. Gandhi claims that oppression only strengthens one's character while
Mandela argues that oppression weakens a nation.

C. Gandhi claims that only leaders of a nation can make an impact while
Mandela thinks that the common man has to make the biggest change.

D. Gandhi claims that war can be an effective choice to combat injustice while
Mandela promotes peaceful protests only.


Answer:  A. Gandhi claims that a nation falls further due to war while Mandela understands that sometimes violence is necessary to bring about change.

SAQ For AP Euro
“You might, if you pleased, have profited of our [Great Britain’s] example and have given to your recovered freedom a correspondent dignity. You possessed in some parts the walls and in all the foundations of a noble and venerable castle. You might have repaired those walls; you might have built on those old foundations. Your constitution was suspended before it was perfected, but you had the elements of a constitution very nearly as good as could be wished... You had all these advantages in your ancient states, but you chose to act as if you had never been molded into civil society and had everything to begin anew. You began ill, because you began by despising everything that belonged to you.... They have made no sacrifices to their projects of greater consequence than their shoebuckles, whilst they were imprisoning their king, murdering their fellow citizens, and bathing in tears and plunging in poverty and distress thousands of worthy men and worthy families.”

-Edmund Burke, Reflections on the French Revolution, 1790

Be able to briefly explain the context in which this series of letters was written.

Be able to briefly explain the overall message intended by the author.

Be able to provide one specific development that occurred or arose from the situation described in the excerpt above and worsened the situation for France.



The context in which this series of letters was written is the early stages of the French Revolution, when the National Assembly was drafting a new constitution for France.

The overall message intended by the author is that the French people made a mistake in turning their backs on their existing political and social structures and trying to start over from scratch. The author argues that the French had the potential to improve their society by building on the foundations that already existed, but instead they chose to destroy everything and start over, causing chaos and suffering.

One specific development that arose from the situation described in the excerpt above and worsened the situation for France was the rise of radical factions, such as the Jacobins, who advocated for more extreme measures such as the Reign of Terror and the execution of King Louis XVI. These developments led to further instability and violence in France, ultimately contributing to the downfall of the revolutionary government and the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte.


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