in late 2015 terrorists aligned with isis murdered over 100 persons in ______ and then nearly three dozen in ______ four months later.


Answer 1

In November 2015, ISIS pulls out a series of well-planned assaults in Paris that result in the murdered of 130 people. Then, four months later, more people were killed in Brussels.  

The November 2015 Paris attacks were a coordinated sequence of Islamist terrorist assaults that happened on November 13, 2015, in Paris, France, and Saint-Denis, the city's northern suburb. The Islamic State carried out two well-planned terrorist strikes in Brussels, Belgium, on March 22, 2016. Three synchronized self explosions took place: two at the Brussels Airport and one at the metro stop in Brussels.

Know more about the ISIS at:


Related Questions

which mountains form a natural boundary between european russia and siberian russia?


Ural mountains form a natural boundary between european russia and siberian russia.

A natural border between Europe and Asia is created by the Urals, which rise like a long, narrow spine across western Russia. The 2,500 km (1,550 mi) long mountain range cuts through semi-arid and forested regions in the south and Arctic tundra in the north.

The Urals are among the oldest mountains on Earth, having been formed between 250 and 300 million years ago as a result of continental collisions.

(For reference, the younger Himalayas began to form about 40 to 50 million years ago, and the older Appalachians began to build around 480 million years ago.) It has some relatively high altitudes for a range so old.

To know more about Ural mountains:


what is the difference between studying something that is performance and studying something as a performance? why is this distinction important?


Performance is used as a lens and a tool to investigate the world in the interdisciplinary academic discipline of performance studies.

Performance studies have been labelled as a developing field of study. It is challenging to categorise as an academic field, which may be due to the topic's nature or the fact that it is still in its early stages. Its volatility has drawn criticism from a large number of scholars in any circumstance. Performance studies frequently focus on a variety of study techniques. Not simply in the anglophone world has the use of practice-led or practice-based research approaches become commonplace.

Learn more about performance studies here:


The growth hormone axis contains at least one example of a negative feedback loop.


The given statement is true. The growth hormone axis contains at least one example of a negative-feedback loop, it is where the release of growth hormone inhibits the further release of growth hormone from the anterior pituitary gland.

What is negative-feedback loop?

A feedback loop is the part of a system whereby some portion or all of the system's output is used as input for future operations. A negative-feedback loop happens in biology when the product of a reaction leads to a decrease in the reaction. In this case, a negative-feedback loop carries a system closer to a target of stability or homeostasis.

Classical studies say that growth hormone (GH) secretion is controlled by negative-feedback loops mediated by GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) or somatostatin (expressing neurons). Catecholamines are known to change growth hormone (GH) secretion and neurons expressing TH are located in several brain areas containing GH-responsive cells.

Learn more about negative-feedback loop at:


deliberate action taken to shorten the life of a terminally ill person, in order to end suffering and allow death with dignity, is called


Deliberate action taken to shorten the life of a terminally ill person, in order to end suffering and allow death with dignity, is called Euthanasia.

Euthanasia is the practice of finishing the lifestyle of a affected person to restrict the patient's struggling. The patient in query might usually be terminally unwell or experiencing great pain and suffering. The word “euthanasia” itself comes from the Greek phrases “European” (good) and “thanatos” (death). Euthanasia is the practice of intentionally finishing existence to get rid of pain and struggling. special international locations have exclusive euthanasia laws.

Voluntary euthanasia, both lively and passive, can be justified if it may be shown that there's an essential ethical right of the terminally ill patient to determine his or her very own future while lifestyle becomes worthless, painful and miserable. energetic euthanasia, including the management of lethal compounds for the reason of ending lifestyles, is still unlawful in India, and in most international locations.

Learn more about Euthanasia here:


in the early twentieth century, unmarried women who had children were considered to be feebleminded or to suffer from mental problems. they were also thought more likely to give birth to children who were also feebleminded. today, this attitude seems ridiculous. this is an example of


In the early twentieth century, unmarried women who had children were considered to be feebleminded, This is an example of the social construction of mental illness,

The notion of mental illness as a social construct is a subset of social constructivism. This is the argument that knowledge and meaning are formed socially within the societies/cultures we live. Mental illness, according to social constructivists, is also socially constructed.

The concept of mental disease as a social construct seeks to break from the previously described deterministic biology model, which tends to neglect the socio-political environment in which mental problems emerge. Different sociologists have different views, but they all revolve on how the term "mental illness" is frequently used to mask societal issues and abnormal behavior.

Medical sociologists want to get away from the deterministic biological perspective of health and sickness. It considers health, disease, and disability to be biological occurrences while ignoring sociopolitical circumstances.

Learn more mental illness at


role _______ is experienced when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles.


Role ambiguity is experienced when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles.

What is a good illustration of ambiguity?

"While the phrases "We witnessed her lower her head" and "We spotted the swan that belonged to her" are similar in meaning, latter two are not the same. We spotted her duck is therefore equivocal."

What does life's ambiguity mean?

Ambiguity: What Is It? So what exactly is ambiguity, and why does it affect our lives so drastically? In reality, ambiguity is just another name for uncertainty. It describes a situation that isn't quite apparent, which might lead to two completely different impressions and outcomes for the same work from two distinct persons.

To know more about ambiguity visit:


The ________ effect describes the enhancement of long-term memory that comes from relating information to the self.


The self-reference effect describes the enhancement of long-term memory that comes from relating information to the self.

Over the past thirty years, the self-reference effect—or the propensity for information to be stored in terms of the self—has emerged as a reliable encoding approach. Studies in which participants were instructed to recall stimuli like personality traits, nouns, and definitions have revealed the effect in both healthy people and those who suffer from mild depression.

It has also been observed across a range of age groups, including children as young as five and older adults. Even though numerous studies have shown that self-referencing can enhance memory, little emphasis has been given to comprehending the mechanisms through which self-referencing affects memory.

Learn more about the self reference effect here:


What are OSHA's top 2 priorities and focuses?


Responding to reports of circumstances involving impending risk is given top attention in OSHA's inspection system. Investigations into fatalities and disasters that send  or more personnel to the hospital are given second priority.

Employee complaints of alleged standards violations or of unsafe or unhealthy working conditions are given third priority. The next in line of priority are planned or programmed inspections targeted at particular high-risk professions or sectors. Industries are chosen for inspection based on variables like the frequency of deaths, injuries, and illnesses, as well as employee exposure to dangerous substances. Depending on the dispersion of the participating workplaces, a special attention may have a local or nationwide reach. The methods used by states to designate high-risk industries for inspection within their borders may differ slightly from those used by states without OSHA-approved occupational safety and health programmes.

learn more about OSHA here:


What is the probability of two heterozygous purple flowers making offspring that have white flowers?


The probability of purple-flowered offspring if two plants that are heterozygous for purple flowers are crossed is 3.4

Mathematical explanations of the likelihood that an event will occur or that a statement is true are referred to as probabilities. An event's probability is a number between 0 and 1, where, roughly speaking, 0 denotes the event's impossibility and 1 denotes certainty. The likelihood that an event will occur increases with its probability. Genetics and probability are also extremely strongly intertwined in a similar way. Genetic inheritance rates are only instances of probability.

A plant can produce either purple flowers or white flowers. What is the probability of purple-flowered offspring if two plants that are heterozygous for purple flowers are crossed?

Learn more about probability here:


According to the elaboration likelihood model, the central route is the main method of delivering a persuasive message.
a. True
b. False


As indicated by the elaboration probability model, the focal course is the fundamental strategy for conveying a powerful message. This assertion is false.

As per the elaboration probability model, convincing messages are handled by two different influence pathways. It happens when intrigued people focus on the contentions, think about the raw numbers, and respond well.

The elaboration probability model of influence expresses that two principal courses can be utilized to convey an enticing message, which is:

Central route

Peripheral route

The central route is best when the crowd, or target, is logical and open to breaking down the data. A fringe course to influence, which is a method for handling an enticing message an unfit or reluctant person to apply exertion into intently considering the contention made in the message, is ineffectual.

Learn more about central route:


in addition to withholding sex from their husbands, what else do the women of athens do in an effort to bring about the end of the war?


The women of athens put in an effort to bring about the end of the war through the evocation of chastity.

War is an intense armed conflict among states, governments, societies, or paramilitary organizations such as mercenaries, insurgents, and militias. it's far usually characterized by means of extreme violence, destruction, and mortality, using regular or irregular army forces.

War is commonly defined as violent war among states or international locations. countries visit battle for a variety of motives. it's been argued that a nation will go to warfare if the blessings of war are deemed to outweigh the hazards, and if there is a feel that there isn't always another collectively agreeable answer.

These essential or number one causes of struggle provide an explanation for why war time and again takes place in global politics, why conflict can occur at any moment. for this reason students trace war to human nature, organic instincts, frustration, worry and greed, the lifestyles of weapons, and similar elements.

Learn more about war here :


why must emergency mangers work with local school officals and child care providers to ensure that plans are in place for the evacuation process and the notifcation of parents


Emergency managers must work with local school officials and child care providers to be certain that there are procedures in place for how such an evacuation would go and how parents would be informed of the area to which children would be evacuated.

To make sure that Emergency Operations Plans are in place and that the facilities have determined how to handle an overflow of students caused by damage to other facilities in the community or a disaster elsewhere, emergency managers should work with schools and child care facilities in their community.

Directors of emergency management create plans and protocols for handling situations such as natural disasters in areas. They frequently collaborate with public safety personnel, elected politicians, nonprofit groups, and governmental agencies during emergency situations and in the aftermath.

To know more about 'emergency managers' related questions



according to john bowlby, what is the proximate (observed) function of the attachment behavioral system?


The function of the attachment behavioral system is to regulate the proximity between a person and their attachment figure.

What is the attachment behavioral system?

When a baby senses a threat, the attachment behavioral system kicks in. While threatened, an infant will seek their primary caregiver, but when the danger is low, they will explore their surroundings. In the first year of life, an attachment pattern typically emerges. Secure, anxious-ambivalent, disorganized, and avoidant attachment patterns are only a few of Bowlby's four classifications. According to attachment theory, a child might acquire a sense of security when their primary caregivers are available and attentive to their needs. The infant learns that the caregiver can be relied upon, providing a safe foundation from which the youngster can later explore the outside world.

To learn more about the attachment behavioral system click on the given link:


What was the overall view of slavery in the South?


The South's way of life was largely based on slavery. Many politicians, writers, and economists from the South started to make the case that slavery was not as bad for society as the northern free labor system.

Slaves, according to Southerners, were happier and healthier than northern wage employees. Slaves in the South could not leave their homes without a documented pass, and a complex system of traditions, laws, and regulations known as "slave codes" governed their daily life.

They couldn't even take up a pen and paper since it was illegal. They might be searched at any time. They have been unable to make a purchase anything without authorization.

Slavery advocates said that the rapid end to the slave system will have disastrous economic implications in the South since the use of slave labor was the foundation of their economy. The cotton business would fail.

To learn more about slavery


john has strong social/emotional skills and strong task-oriented talents. we would categorize john as: group of answer choices a. androgynous b. masculine c. feminine d. undifferentiated


(b). masculine. The strength of a man's character, as opposed to his physical strength, is what defines him as a true man. A guy who embodies true masculinity accepts responsibility, loves, respects, cares for, and supports his family and loved ones.

What a guy does with the wealth and power he does have is more important than how much of either he has. A guy who embodies true masculine is bold and unwavering in his beliefs. For those he loves, he is a source of kindness and a haven of security. The bravery to live truly, to gauge our power and value by who we are rather than by what we own or what others may think of us, is necessary for true masculinity. When Gandhi stated, "Manliness consists not in bluster, bravado, or loneliness," he summed it up correctly. It entails having the courage to act morally and accepting the consequences, whether they are related to social, political, or other issues.

learn more about masculine here:


viola is a city council member voting on whether to approve a municipal bond issue. she is a rationally ignorant voter. which factor is likely to influence her decisions?


Viola is a city council member voting on whether to approve a municipal bond issue. Unreliable information is likely to influence her decisions as  she is a rationally ignorant voter.

Voters are unaware of policy matters since they believe regulators and candidates are not required to tell the facts. They rely on unasked-for free information and assess it less cautiously. Candidates' advertising is less expensive, but voters must pay more to learn everything they can about candidates and their policies. When these effects are combined, voters have a lack of knowledge about nominees or policy makers and their legislation. As a consequence, voters rationally disregard policy issues and reliant on retroactive data about them.

Learn more on voter


At which stage of the general adaptation syndrome does the body attempts to repair any damage and return to a condition of stability and equilibrium?


After this initial shock, the body enters the resistance stage. The body makes an effort to fix any harm and achieve stability and equilibrium.

What is resistance?

The obstacle to electron flow in a substance is resistance. Resistance prevents the flow of electrons whereas a voltage difference across the conductor promotes it. These two elements work together to determine the rate at which charge moves between two terminals.

The ohm () is the symbol for resistance, which is denoted by the letter R. A device created to produce resistance is called a resistor. Resistors can be used to divide voltage, limit current, or produce heat. Fixed and variable resistors are the two main varieties.

Understanding typical stress symptoms might help you manage them. Unmanaged stress can contribute to a number of health issues, including high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.

Therefore, The resistance stage. The body makes an effort to fix any harm and achieve stability

Learn more about the resistance here:


3. sally dreads making presentations at school and work. she feels afraid others are evaluating her negatively. sally seems to suffer from:


Social anxiety disorder is something Sally appears to have. People with social anxiety disorder avoidance, which can negatively impact their lives. Your relationships, regular routines, career, studies, or other activities may be negatively impacted by significant stress.

Feeling hesitant or apprehensive in particular situations is not usually a sign of social anxiety disorder, especially in young people. Social comfort levels are influenced by a variety of personality traits and life events. Some people are naturally more extroverted than others, though. In contrast to ordinary apprehension, the dread, fear, and avoidance that define social anxiety disorder have an impact on relationships, everyday activities, job, school, and other activities. Although it can arise in younger children or adults, the development of social anxiety disorder often happens between the ages of early and mid-teens.

learn more about Social Anxiety Disorder here:


research on age and job performance shows that older workers are typically better in which regard than are younger workers?


Research on age and job performance shows that older workers are typically better than younger workers with regard to:  taking fewer voluntary absences for personal reasons.

Older employees are more dependable, more experienced, more solid by and large than young workers. They likewise will generally adjust to workplaces all the more promptly and cause less disturbances. They can be relied on to get to chip away at time and to finish projects completely and opportune. They generally don't become inebriated toward the end of the week to the point they phone in wiped out on Monday.

Then again, older employees in all actuality do get difficult diseases more than younger people and demand investment off for that. A few older people get into a mode where they would rather not fundamentally alter their methodologies and will generally say, "where I used to work we did it along these lines and it generally worked." In some cases an organization doesn't need the advantage of those encounters and doesn't have any desire to hear it.

to know more about voluntary absences click here:


You understand that more clarity leads to more conversions. how can you put this into practice?


More conversion results in more clarity and boosts productivity.

More website visitors converting into key actions that grow your business, such as making a purchase or submitting a form to become a lead, is known as increasing your conversion rate (such as asking for an estimate for repair services).

The so-called "clarity equation" for your page is made up of the elements of attention, expectation, accessibility, visual identity, urgency, specificity, and hyperbole.

Conversions can take many different forms, including signing up for email. visiting a couple of your website's pages, and filling out a contact form.

Activate a CRO planner.

simplify the forms you use.

Remember social proof.

Observe how users interact with your website.

To know more about conversion rates visit:


Both positive and negative reinforcement serve to strengthen wanted behavior.
a. true
. false


Both positive and negative reinforcement serve to strengthen wanted behavior  is a true statement.

Negative reinforcement is the process of reinforcing behavior by avoiding, eliminating, or stopping negative consequences. By performing such actions, you can get rid of unwanted results.

Negative reinforcement occurs when certain boosts (mostly the Aversion upgrade) are released after certain behaviors are exhibited. The likelihood that a particular action will be repeated later is reinforced in terms of evacuation/maintaining strategic distance against negative consequences.

Positive reinforcement is the opposite of negative reinforcement. In this process, behavior is established by rewarding that behavior.

Positive reinforcement works by showing a person an inspirational/empowering upgrade after the desired behavior has been performed. This inevitably causes that behavior to occur later.

Therefore, we can conclude that both positive and negative behaviors help reinforce desired behaviors.

learn more about positive and negative reinforcement here


The telephone consumer protection act allows consumers to obtain a private right to legal action.
a. True
b. False


The statement "The telephone consumer protection act allows consumers to obtain a private right to legal action." is false. Option B

What is the telephone consumer protection act?

Generally, The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (TCPA) was created as an amendment to the Communications Act of 19341 in order to address concerns over certain activities related to telemarketing and telephone marketing calls.

The Act vests the power to exercise regulatory oversight in the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 was approved by the United States Congress in 1991 and afterward became Public Law 102-243 after being signed into law by the previous president of the United States, George H. W. Bush.

The Communications Act of 1934 was revised as a result. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act is enshrined in 47 U.S.C. 227.

Read more about the telephone consumer protection act


children whose parents address their escalating oppositional behaviors with increasingly punitive responses are more likely over time to engage in problem behaviors in school and other settings. this is one of the tenets of which model?


Children whose parents address their escalating oppositional behaviors with increasingly punitive responses are more likely over time to engage in problem behaviors in school and other settings. this is one of the tenets of the coercion model.

Coercion principle [1–3], evolved by using Gerald Patterson and co-workers at the Oregon Social mastering Center (OSLC), describes how aggressive and antisocial behaviors broaden in youngsters.

Patterson's Coercion idea describes a method of the way ineffective parenting in early childhood sets the degree for adolescent antisocial conduct later through association with deviant peers. indeed, a whole lot of the incentive of Schelling's 1966 attempt turned into giving an explanation for the complexity of coercion and offering insights into the demanding situations one must assume while using it.

a coercive cycle usually starts with the aid of a toddler misbehaving, followed by using the discern to scold the child, which ends up with the child's exacerbation of the misbehavior. If the parent disengages to stop the kid's aversive behavior, each contributor are fashioned via this reaction.

Learn more about coercion here:


Which are examples of themes?


A theme in modern literary studies is the main subject, idea, or message that runs through a story. The two types of themes are thematic concepts and thematic statements, which refer to what the work says about the subject and what viewers "believe the work is about," respectively. The distinction between premises and themes is common.

The most prevalent modern definition of the theme is an idea or point that is essential to a narrative and is frequently summed up in a single word (for example, love, death, betrayal). These themes typically include conflicts between the individual and society, adolescence, people and technology, nostalgia, and the perils of unbridled ambition. A character in a book's actions, remarks, or ideas might serve as an example of a topic. It may not align with the inferred worldview of the book or author, which is the thesis.

There may be multiple themes in a story. Themes frequently examine historically widespread or universally known concepts, including ethical issues, and are typically suggested rather than expressed outright. The theme is regarded as one of the elements of fiction, along with story, character, setting, and style.

To know more about themes:


The study of bystander intervention is the study of situational variables related to helping a stranger, most notably the: _______


The study of bystander intervention is the study of situational variables related to helping a stranger, most notably the decreased likelihood of helping as the number of bystanders increases.

What is a Bystander Intervention?

In social science, a bystander intervention is a model that predicts the likelihood of individuals or groups willing to actively address a situation they deem problematic. A bystander is the person who observes a situation.

We all observe incidents and interactions daily, but do not acknowledge the situation as needing our response. An active bystander is the person acknowledges a problematic situation and chooses how to respond strategies.

Read more about Bystander


according to the lecture, what is an easy way to prevent social loafing and other common problems in groups?


 create smaller groups or teams

The formation of smaller groups or teams is one of the most important methods for reducing the likelihood of social loafing. Make it simpler for colleague's work to be seen and upheld. Individuals are also more likely to contribute when they are in smaller groups because they are able to establish relationships and become part of a cohesive unit.

To know more about social loafing visit


miguel and marcelita, two teenage siblings, are fighting over the evening newspaper. their mother knows that miguel only wants the sports section and marcelita only wants the comics, so she takes the paper and gives each kid the section they want. what techni did the mother use?


Integrative agreements, also known as integrative bargaining, are a method of resolving a problem by identifying a common ground in which everyone benefits in order to end interpersonal conflicts.

It seeks to resolve any issues they may have had by offering a better option that would benefit both parties.This implies that nobody loses, but rather that everyone leaves with something, and that everyone is happy with what they received.Ahmed and Fatima both wanted the newspaper, but because they had different interests, their mother divided it up so that each person could obtain the area of the newspaper that contained the news they were most interested in. This signifies that they both received what they had first needed, and it

learn more about Integrative agreements here:


What is voter turnout figure what does it indicate Class 9?


Voter turnout is the percentage of voters who participated in an election commonly referred to as those who cast ballots according to political science. This can be the proportion of voters who are registered, eligible, or of voting age.

Political scientists Adam Boniva and Michael McFaul of Stanford University claim that there is general agreement that "democracies perform better when more people vote. Most variations in turnout rates are caused by institutional factors. For instance, simpler parliamentary democracies with fewer elections, shorter ballots, and multi-party systems that facilitate accountability have substantially greater turnout rates than those with the US, Japan, and Swiss electoral systems. The stated disparities between countries may be influenced by different methods of calculating voting turnout. Both the numerator, or the number of votes cast, and the denominator, or the number of people who are eligible to vote, are difficult to measure.

learn more about voter turnout here:


how might a psychoneuroimmunologist explain the increased risk of catching the common cold during periods of prolonged stress?


The quantity of natural killer cells, which target the immune system, rises in response to stress.

Your body may respond to stress in the same way as it would to an infection or other illness. The only distinction is that it starts in the brain rather than being started by your immune system. Similar to how it works in response to a signal from your vagus nerve, your brain releases cytokines in response to stress.

Even though stress stimulates your immune system, it may make it harder for you to fight against actual infections. Your body produces cytokines as a result of chronic stress over an extended length of time. Inflammatory cytokines are produced.

To know more about stress:


in science class, geraint learns the cultural norm for waiting to speak when acknowledged by a person of authority by raising his hand and waiting to be called on by his teacher. this is an example of .


Teaching and learning science to schoolchildren, college students, or people in the broader public is referred to as science class. Work in social science,

certain instructional methods, and science process (the scientific method) are all included in the topic of science education. The expectations for the growth of understanding for children throughout their K–12 schooling and beyond are provided by the standards for science education. The physical, life, earth, space, and human science are the conventional subjects covered by the standards.William Sharp, who quit his position as a science teacher at Rugby School in 1850 after adding science to the curriculum, is recognized as being the first person to hold such a position in a British public school.

learn more about science here:


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