the competing visions of reconstruction between president johnson and the radical republicans brought forth the nation’s first impeachment charges. place the following events in chronological order. note that not all options must be used.
1. Johnson removed Secretary of War Edwin Stanton.
2. Congress authorized the Tenure of Office Act in March 1867. 3. The House of Representatives initiated impeachment charges.


Answer 1

The events in chronological order of the first impeachment charges are as follows:

1. Congress authorized the Tenure of Office Act in March 1867.

2.Johnson removed Secretary of War Edwin Stanton.

3.The House of Representatives initiated impeachment charges.

The Tenure of Office Act was a Federal Statute that was in effect from 1867 to 1887 and was intended to limit the president's ability to remove certain officeholders without the approval of the United States Senate. The law was passed on March 2, 1867, over President Andrew Johnson's veto.

After continuing disagreements with his secretary of war, Johnson invoked the Tenure of Office Act and fired Stanton, appointing General Ulysses S. Grant to fill the vacancy in the interim.

Johnson vetoed legislation that Congress approved to safeguard the rights of those who had been liberated from slavery. This conflict resulted in the House of Representatives voting to impeach the president on February 24, 1868.

To know more about impeachment charges , click here:


Related Questions

New England, Middle, and Southern. Select two regions to compare and contrast. Your response should discuss at least 3 topics.



Think about the geography and location of the city or town you live in. Are there bodies of water like rivers and lakes or a coast nearby? Perhaps you live in a place with vast open fields suitable for farming or raising livestock. The natural environment is important when understanding how cities and towns developed. The earliest North American colonies depended on their natural environment. The type of soil, climate, length of seasons, and proximity to bodies of water all played a role in how each colony prospered.

By the 1700’s, the American colonies grew into three distinct regions. The New England, Middle, and Southern regions each had different geographical and cultural characteristics that determined the development of their economy, society, and relationships to each other.

Discuss two prime examples of iconoclasm from the docu-movie Terror: Robespierre and the French Revolution.


Maximilien Robespierre was a radical democrat and key figure in the French Revolution of 1789. Robespierre briefly presided over the influential Jacobin Club, a political club based in Paris. He also served as president of the National Convention and on the Committee of Public Safety.

What was one outcome of the Georgia legislature's refusal to seat Henry McNeal Turner?
A. It showed that the Democratic Party did not fear federal intervention in the state's affairs.
B. It symbolized the Republican Party's reluctance to work with the Freedmen's Bureau.
It sent a message that while African Americans could vote, they could not serve in political office.
D. It caused many African America


Henry McNeal Turner's reluctance to take a seat in the Georgia legislature had only one outcome: It sent a message that, despite their right to vote, African Americans were not allowed to hold elected office. Option (C) is the appropriate answer as a result.

What is Georgia legislature's?

The Georgia General Assembly, which consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate and is one of the biggest state legislatures in the country, meets from January until late March to establish the state's annual operating budget and to propose laws on a range of subjects, from education to environmental protection. The House of Representatives and the Senate, collectively known as the Congress, make up the legislative branch. In addition, the legislative branch has the power to create all laws, declare war, control interstate & international trade, or determine the most important taxes and expenditures.

What does the Georgia legislative do and what are the two basic functions of legislature?

The Georgia General Assembly is made up of the Georgia Senate the Georgia House of Representatives. It is responsible for formulating, discussing, and choosing the laws that govern our state. The legislative branch is in charge of creating laws for the state and allocating money for running the government.

Laws would be created by the Legislature. The goal of the legislative branch is to draft the laws and regulations that will govern the nation. The Executive is responsible for enforcing these laws. The judiciary conducts overall process audits.

To know more about Georgia Legislature's visit:


BRAINLIST! How does primary elections affect the representative democracy



Primary elections affect representative democracy by allowing voters to directly participate in the selection of political candidates. In a representative democracy, citizens elect representatives to make decisions and act on their behalf. Primary elections are an important part of this process, as they allow voters to choose which candidates will represent their political party in the general election. By participating in primary elections, voters can directly influence the political process and help determine which candidates will be on the ballot in the general election. This allows for greater representation and accountability in the political system, as voters are able to directly express their preferences and have a say in who represents them.


The history of theatre goes back more than 2,000 years in Europe and 1,500 years in Asia. True or false?


The history of theatre goes back more than 2,000 years in Europe and 1,500 years in Asia.

The above statement is True.

Chinese theatre, which dates back to roughly 1500 BCE, is one of Asia's oldest dramatic traditions. During the Qin dynasty, jiaodi, also known as baixi, in China featured mimes, jugglers, acrobats, magicians, vocalists, and martial artists. Puppet theatre is prevalent in this region of the world, as we discovered.Asian theatre is made up of many diverse forms, many of which are regionally specific. We shall briefly discuss Indian Sanskrit drama, Chinese Beijing Opera, Japanese Kabuki, Chinese Bunraku, and Chinese Nh drama. Bunraku, Kabuki, and Nh are three significant dramatic genres in Japan.

To know more about Theatre visit


3. Wilson's "Fourteen Points for Peace" plan was designed to prevent another world war through
the establishment of the League of Nations, among other things. How did that work out?



The League of Nations did form, although, the U.S did not get involved. The U.S feared the conflict that may come across joining the League of Nations. Later, the League of Nations disbanded and obviously didn't work out because WW2 happened.

Why was the average sentence length in the 18th century so much longer than the average sentence today? select all that apply.


The average sentence length in the 18th century was much longer than the average sentence today because b) the convention at that time was for authors to use several words to say something that people today say in a few words, d) authors included more clauses and phrases in sentences.

When considering the English language, we can notice a significant amount of changes in the writing style of writers from the 18th century and the writers of today.

In the 18th century, long sentences that had many clauses and phrases in the same sentence were considered to be more elegant. It was conventional for writers to use many words in the same sentence during that time. Hence, the average sentence length was longer at that time.

However, today the writing style is kept short and not many clauses and phrases are added in a sentence. The lesser words in a  sentence today, the more elegant it looks according to today's writing style.

Although a part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this question:

Why was the average sentence length in the 18th century so much longer than the average sentence today? select all that apply.

a) the phrasing used by authors was often passive and less direct

b)the convention at that time was for authors to use several words to say something that people today say in a few words

c) the archaic spelling of words used by authors was considerably longer

d) authors included more clauses and phrases in sentences

To learn more about clauses, click here:


How did baroque relate to the counter reformation


Baroque art falls into the period of Counter-Reformation led by the Catholic church against the Protestants. Much of the Baroque art, especially in Italy, reflects reaction to Mannerism, but also the social turmoil of the time.

What themes were common in english architecture? a. Ornamental b. Classical c. Gothic d. Romanesque please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d.


The correct answer is b. Classical architecture was a common theme in English Architecture.

English classical architecture has its roots from the plain and simple Greek and Roman architecture and is heavily influenced by Andrea Palladio, an Italian architect who founded the Palladian architecture with its symmetrical structures with huge pillars and columns as well as rectangular windows. English classical architecture was first founded by an English painter and architect named Inigo Jones. He was considered the father of English classical architecture with many of his famous design such as Queen's House, Greenwich and  Queen's Chapel, St. James's Palace.

To learn more about classical architecture visit:


in which era was there a shift from party-centered politics to more candidate-centered politics?


In the era of the 1970s, there was a shift from party-centered politics to more candidate-centered politics?

What is party-centered politics?

Generally, People get together to form political parties in order to increase their chances of winning elections, gaining power in government, and having an impact on public policy.

The Democratic Party and the Republican Party are the two main parties represented in Congress at the moment. Find out more about the political party differences that exist inside the United States Senate.

Read more about party-centered politics


What did the Greeks believe about people? Question 23 options: They were better off relying on a strong leader. They asked too many questions they had no answers for. They did not have the potential to rule themselves. They could use their minds to choose good governments.


The Greeks believed that people could use their minds to choose good government. Last option

How the Greeks governed themselves

In the city-states of ancient Greece, males were the head of the Greek Government. They were the only ones with complete legal standing, the ability to vote, hold office, and the right to own property.

A individual or organization exercising self-governance, self-government, or self-rule is able to carry out all required regulatory tasks without the assistance of an outside authority.

Every free Athenian male was given the right to vote in the Assembly under a system that Athens devised.

Learn more on how the Greeks governed themselves here


Which would be the least useful for making an interpretation of government policy during Reconstruction?


During Reconstruction, the least useful for making an interpretation of government policy is the history of Vermont between 1865 and 1877. Therefore, the correct option is (C).

What is the Reconstruction Era?

The Reconstruction Era is a period after the American Civil War that occurred from 1865 to 1877. The Reconstruction Era became one of the important periods in United States history because it expanded the franchise, changed the relationship between the federal government and the government of the states, and also redefined U.S. citizenship. In connection with the above matter, therefore the history of Vermont that happened between 1865 and 1877 would be the least useful for making an interpretation of government policy during the Reconstruction Era.

The question is incomplete, but most probably your question was:

During Reconstruction, the least useful for making an interpretation of government policy is

A. An analysis of the Republican Party in the South

B. The Progressive Movement

C. The history of Vermont between 1865 and 1877

Therefore, the correct option is (C).

Learn more about Reconstruction Era at


solutions to the
problems in the Roman Republic.



1. Political instability: The Roman Senate and the Roman people could work together to create more checks and balances in the government. This could include a more representative government, a separation of powers, and a stronger judicial system.

2. Social unrest: The Roman Senate could create programs to help the poor and unemployed. This could include public works projects, job training, and food and housing assistance.

3. Economic decline: The Roman Senate could lower taxes, encourage foreign investments, and invest in infrastructure projects. This could help stimulate the economy and create more jobs.

4. Military threats: The Roman Senate could strengthen the military and develop better diplomatic relations with other countries. This could help prevent potential military threats from other nations.

what was the relationship between the black death and the great/western schism of 1378–1417?


Some believed that later outbreaks of the bubonic plague were God’s punishment.

During the industrial age,
what were the hardships immigrants faced that caused them to leave their home
countries? Choose four answers,
D famine
O rising taxes
U job shortages
D crop failure
contaminated water


During the industrial age, the hardships immigrants faced that caused them to leave their home are - famine, rising taxes, job shortages and crop failure.

What is the Industrial Age?

The Industrial Age is a historical era that includes the changes in economic and social organisation that started in Great Britain around 1760 and later spread to other nations. It is primarily characterised by the substitution of hand tools with power-driven machines like the steam engine and power loom, as well as the concentration of industry in large establishments.

Many firms mandated that employees use English at work. Some newcomers did maintain their native tongue and manner of life. But even those who made the most effort to blend in frequently encountered abuse and prejudice. Workers who perceived immigrants as competitors for jobs often harbored animosity toward them.

Therefore, famine, rising taxes,  job shortages,  crop failure are the some problems that immigrants faced during the industrial age.

To learn more about Industrial Age, click here:


what was the main disagreement between northern states and southern states that led to the civil war?


The disparities between the North and South's attitudes about the establishment of slavery were finally what sparked the American Civil War.

What is an example of a business?

The business is a girl selling veggies out of a little stand on the right hand side in the same spot every day. An establishment is Company, who regulates the market from its primary location. Same souvenir items are sold in numerous stores run by the same owner in each individual block. Every block serves as an establishment.

What does business establishing mean?

Definition. Establishment is the level of the National Checkout statistic pyramid that is below the firm and where the bookkeeping needed to evaluate production are provided .

To know more about establishment visit:


how were the maya and inca economies similar to earlier latin american civilizations?


They were reliant on the exchange of priceless metals. They were affected by markets abroad. They concentrated on industrial goods.

How did the Inca and Mayan cultures compare?

The Maya, Aztecs, and Inca civilizations that formerly flourished in South and Central America had a lot in common. People engaged in farming, created social institutions, built armies, and worshipped a wide variety of deities.

What do the Aztecs and the Mayans share?

Neither the Aztecs nor the Mayans traveled or were transported by wheeled vehicles. Both societies had a strong monarchical tradition. Pyramids were created by the Mayans and Aztecs. Both cultures engaged in the same practice of human sacrifice.

To know more about  civilizations visit:


What is the meaning of A View from the Bridge?


Arthur Miller's dramatic narrative of troubled relationships and family honor is titled A View from the Bridge. Each character appears to be driven by dread: fear of rejection, poverty, and negative public perception.

Honor, forbidden love, and assimilation are all prominent elements in the story. According to one idea, the bridge represents the desire for a better life. It connects poor Brooklyn with affluent Manhattan.

Eddie claims to have dreams about his cherished niece moving to Manhattan and mixing with a higher social level. Another hypothesis is that Alfieri, the storyteller, is represented by the bridge. The Brooklyn Bridge represents both the connection between American and Italian cultures as well as a route of opportunity to Manhattan.

To learn more about bridge


At the end of world war ii, many jewish holocaust survivors migrated from europe to palestine because palestine was : ________


At the end of world war ii, many jewish holocaust survivors migrated from europe to palestine because palestine was hard-hit by the war.

The future of Palestine was uncertain following the war. Having established a military administration in Palestine after seizing Jerusalem, Great Britain was confronted with the challenge of obtaining international approval for the country's continuing occupation in a way that was consistent with its vague, seemingly incompatible wartime promises. Palestine had representatives at the general Syrian congress in Damascus on March 20, 1920, which adopted a resolution rejecting the Balfour Declaration.

All of Palestine's residents were impacted by uncertainty over the future of the country, which heightened political tensions. Anti-Zionist riots that broke out in Old Jerusalem's Jewish neighbourhood in April 1920 resulted in numerous fatalities and numerous injuries.

To know more about World war ii visit:


What are the 4 tunnels in Manhattan?


The 4 tunnels in Manhattan are Lincoln Tunnel, Williamsburgh Bridge, Holland Tunnel, and Manhattan Bridge.

Through 21 bridges and 15 tunnels, Manhattan Island is connected to the rest of the world. The bridges span a century of bridge construction technology and social change and range in complexity from the comparatively basic Harlem River swing bridges to the magnificence of the Brooklyn Bridge.

Manhattan is the most densely populated of New York City’s 5 boroughs. It's mostly made up of Manhattan Island, bounded by the Hudson, East, and Harlem rivers. Among the world’s major commercial, financial and cultural centers, it’s the heart of “the Big Apple.” Its iconic sites include skyscrapers such as the Empire State Building, neon-lit Times Square, and the theaters of Broadway.

Learn more about Manhattan here:


What was the goal of the Helsinki Accords?


Answer: Establish the inviolability of European frontiers, reject any use of force or intervention in internal affairs and urge the signatories to respect human rights.

What is the Helsinki Accords?

Helsinki Accords, also called Helsinki Final Act, (August 1, 1975), major diplomatic agreement signed in Helsinki, Finland, at the conclusion of the first Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE; now called the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe).

The Helsinki Accords were primarily an effort to reduce tension between the Soviet and Western blocs by securing their common acceptance of the post-World War II status quo in Europe.

The accords were signed by all the countries of Europe (except Albania, which became a signatory in September 1991) and by the United States and Canada.

The agreement recognized the inviolability of the post-World War II frontiers in Europe and pledged the 35 signatory nations to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms and to cooperate in economic, scientific, humanitarian, and other areas.

The Helsinki Accords are nonbinding and do not have treaty status.

What was one goal of the Union campaign against Vicksburg?


The main goal of Union campaign against Vicksburg was to cut off all trade to the Confederacy because it was a critical supply line to the city.

What was the Union campaign against Vicksburg?

During the Civil war, the Vicksburg campaign was a series of maneuvers and battles in Western Theater of the American Civil War directed against Vicksburg in Mississippi.

Vicksburg was a fortress city dominated the last Confederate-controlled section of the Mississippi River. The Union Army of the Tennessee "General Ulysses" seeked to cut of the supply line to the region.

Read more about Vicksburg campaign


True or False. The factory system did not produce huge quantities of new goods at lower prices than ever before.





Why was the Italian unification difficult to achieve



varying linguistic, cultural and political influences affected the lives of the Italian population


your welcome:)

which is not one of the ways that agricultural westward expansion benefited from the federal government in the postbellum era?


The federal government offered low interest loans to farmers for new equipment, is not one of the ways that agricultural westward expansion benefited from the federal government in the postbellum era.

A federal government : of or relating to the central government of a federation as opposed to the governments of the component geographical units (as states) especially: of or relating to the laws created and upheld by the federal government.

A strong central government shares power with states or provinces that have significant self-governance, typically through their own legislatures. Examples include the Federal Republic of Germany, Australia, and the United States.

For more info about 'federal government' click on below link -


At a financial institution, a fraud detection system identifies suspicious transactions and sends them to a specialist for review. The specialist reviews the transaction, the customer profile, and past history. If there is sufficient evidence of fraud, the transaction is blocked. Based on past history, the specialist blocks 40 percent of the suspicious transactions. Assume a suspicious transaction is independent of other suspicious transactions.


The expected number of blocked transactions by the specialist is: If the fraud specialist reviews 136 transactions in a day, the expected number is np=136(0.4)=54.4 blocks.

What is suspicious transactions?

Any transaction or dealing which increases withinside the thoughts of someone involved, any issues or signs that this sort of transaction or dealing can be associated with cash laundering or terrorist financing or different illegal activity. Buying and promoting of a protection without a discernible motive or in occasions which seem unusual. The depth of transactions for an inactive buying and selling account abruptly will increase with out achievable reason. The access of matching buys and sells particularly securities, growing an phantasm of buying and selling.

Learn more about suspicious transactions:


How did the Russian provisional government contribute to the outbreak of the October Revolution?
A. by restoring power to the tsar
B. by redistributing land to peasants
C. by keeping Russia in World War I
D. by giving Lenin a position of leadership


Option D is the correct answer of this question. By giving Lenin a position of leadership the Russian provisional government contribute to the outbreak of the October Revolution

Major decisions were made by the Provisional Government, including the continuation of land reforms and Russia's military involvement in World War One. The Russian people were severely impacted by both decisions. As a result, the administration lost support and gave revolutionaries more reason to demand its overthrow. The Provisional Government's power was in fact constrained by the Petrograd Soviet's expanding influence, despite being created to organise elections to the Assembly while retaining necessary government functions. The Russian Revolution cleared the stage for communism to become a powerful political ideology throughout the world after many years of political upheaval and violence.

Know more about the October Revolution at:


19. For this essay, first explain how are federal judges selected.
Then explain how the principle of Checks and Balances can be
seen in this selection process. How are the Executive,
Legislative, and Judicial branch involved in this process? Finally,
describe how you believe federal judges should be selected?


Federal Judges are selected by the process of the President nominating them. The Senate then approves them.

This shows the Checks and Balances because the other branches decide who gets into the Judicial branch. This is the best way to select Federal Judges.

How are federal judges selected in the United States ?

According to the Constitution, the President nominates candidates for Supreme Court justices, judges for the Court of Appeals, and judges for district courts, and the Senate confirms those candidates.

Senators or occasionally House members from the president's political party will suggest names of potential nominees. Each nominee normally has confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee. According to Article III of the Constitution, these judges are appointed for a lifetime.

This shows Checks and Balances which is a concept that talks about how separate branches are given the authority to stop other branches from acting and are compelled to share power. By leaving the nomination process to the Executive and the Legislative, these two branches are able to have a say on the affairs of the Judiciary.

Find out more on federal judges at


What does the passage suggest about topics important to early Indian culture? Choose three answers.

the importance of love and hope
the sadness of being away from a loved one
the power of jealousy
the struggle for power and wealth
the need to connect with loved ones



the sadness of being away from a loved one

the need to connect with loved ones

the importance of love and hope

The importance of love and hope the sadness of being away from a loved one the need to connect with loved ones the passage suggests topics important to early Indian culture

What is culture?

The term culture is defined the as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs, and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation as we see there are different forms of culture that can be there in it and the people follow them also in it.

As geographic feature has the greatest impact on shaping a lot of influence on the history of a place, its tradition, and its culture. Geographical attributes such as rivers, mountains, forests, climate, etc. by these things a variety of changes have been there in it.

The Indus or Harappan civilization, the region's first ancient culture, was at its height centered in what is now Pakistan in the northwestern parts of south Asia. Along the western coasts of India, it extended for a thousand kilometers south.

Therefore, option (C) is correct.

Learn more about the culture here:


what did white supremacist groups hope to accomplish by violating african-american rights?


They hoped to maintain white dominance and superiority over other racial groups, particularly African Americans.

In order to accomplish this, they often used violence and terror to intimidate and oppress African Americans and prevent them from exercising their rights. This  included lynching, burning crosses, and other acts of violence and intimidation. These groups also wanted to spread their hateful ideologies and promote segregation and discrimination against African Americans and other minority groups. In short, their goal was to maintain a society in which white people have superior rights and privileges, and African Americans are denied their basic rights and opportunities.

Read more about this at


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