larry's lazertag park charges $50 flat fee for birthday partly rental and $5.50 per person. Sam has no more than $100 to spend on his birthday party. How many friends can he invite without going over his limit?


Answer 1

The maximum number of friends that he can invite without going over his limit is 9.

What is inequality?

A difference between two values indicates whether one is smaller, larger, or basically not similar to the other.

In essence, a comparison of any two values reveals whether one is less than, larger than, or equal to the value on the opposite side of the equation.

As per the given,

Fixed fee = $50

Suppose the number of people is x.

Total fee = 50 + 5.50x

Total fee budget

50 + 5.50x ≤ 100

5.50x ≤ 50

x ≤ 9.09 thus, x = 9

Hence "The maximum number of friends that he can invite without going over his limit is 9".

For more about inequality,


Related Questions

A video goes viral on social media, the number of views per day can be modeled with
the equation
y = -0.625x² + 5x
where x is the number of days after the video is posted and y is the number of views
per day in thousands. According to the model, after how many days do people stop
watching the video?


After 7 days, people will stop watching the video.

What is Substitution ?

The algebraic approach to solving simultaneous linear equations is known as substitution technique. In this process, the value of one variable from one equation is substituted in the second equation, as the name indicates.

We'll use the idea of substitution in this case.

The given equation is:-

y = -0.625x² + 5x

where x = number of days

y = number of views per day in thousands

Let's check, number of views on day 1


y = (-0.625×1²) + (5×1) = 4.375 => 4375 views

For day 2


y=(-0.625×2²)+(5×2) = 7.5 => 7500 views

For day 3


y=(-0.625×3²)+(5×3) = 9.375  => 9375 views

For day 4


y=(-0.625×4²)+(5×4) = 10  => 10000 views

For day 5


y=(-0.625×5²)+(5×5) = 9.375  => 9375 views

For day 6


y=(-0.625×6²)+(5×6) = 7.5 => 7500 views  

For day 7


y = (-0.625×7²) + (5×7) = 4.375 => 4375 views

For day 8


y=(-0.625×8²)+(5×8) = 0  => 0 views

So, on day 8 there are 0 views, which means people will stop watching video after 7 days.

To learn more about Substitution, visit


From 8th day people will stop watching the video.

how many days do people stop watching the video?


y = -0.625x² + 5x

where x represents the number of days

y represents the no. of views per day.


for x=1

y = (-0.625) + (5)

= 4375

for x=2

y = (-0.62 5× 2² )+ (5 × 2 )

= 7500

for x=3

y=(-0.625 × 3² ) + ( 5 × 3 )

= 9375

for x=4

y=(-0.625 × 4² ) + ( 5 × 4 )

= 10000

for x=5

y=(-0.625 × 5² ) + ( 5 × 5 )

= 9375

For x=6

y=(-0.625 × 6² ) + ( 5 × 6 )

= 7500  

For x=7

y = (-0.625 × 7² ) + ( 5 × 7 )

= 4375

For x=8

y=(-0.625 × 8²)+ ( 5 × 8 )

= 0

therefore from 8th day there will be 0 views on the video.

to know more about equation solving, visit


A lock ha a 3-number code made up of 26 number. If none of the number are allowed to repeat, how many different way can you chooe three different number in order for a unique code?


According to the given statement 15600 possible options to a unique code.

With examples, what are numbers?

A digit is a numerical unit of measurement and labeling in mathematics. The real numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on constitute the first instances.


For the first password, we can choose any of the 26 numbers that are able, right? So for the first, we have 26 possible options.

For the second, we have 26 possible options minus 1 option which is already in use in the first password, so we have 26 -1 = 25 possible options here.

For the third, we also have 26 options, but we have to consider 2 unavailable options (1 in the first and 1 in the second), so we have 26 -2 = 24 options.

To finish it, we just have to multiply the possibilities of each lock:

26 * 25 * 24 = 15600 possible options to a unique code.

To know more about number visit:


The isosceles triangle has a base that measures 14 units. A triangle has a base length of 14. The other 2 sides have a length of y. The value of y, the length of each leg, must be.


For an isosceles triangle has a base that measures 14 units, the length of each leg i.e y must be greater than or equal to 7 .

We have given that

let ABC is an isosceles triangle with base BC and AB = AC

The length of base of isosceles triangle, BC

= 14 units

Let "y" be the length of other side of triangle AB or AC

we have to find the possible length of y for each leg .

Using the Triangle inequality Theorem,

which states that the addition of any two sides of a triangle is greater than or equal to the third side; In symbols form , a + b ≥ c.

We have an isosceles triangle with base 14 cm

so, y + y ≥ 14

=> 2y ≥ 14

=> y ≥ 7

thus, the length of each leg of isosceles triangle must be greater than or equal to 7 units.

To learn more about Triangle inequality, refer:


I need help please! I’m struggling.



The answer is 44

Step-by-step explanation:

How you find your answer is you add up all of the numbers IN ORDER( you get 352) then you divide by how many numbers are it the parentheses and you get 44 as your answer.

f(x) = -(x)² over the x-axis 3 A) y=-x² how do u solve it on a graph


The graph is attached.

What is a quadratic equation?

An equation with the highest power of the variable, 2, is considered to be a quadratic equation.

Given is a quadratic equation, y = -x²

Plotting the equation on graph,

When x = 1

y = -1²

y = -1

When x = 2

y = -2²

y = -4

When x = 3

y = -3²

y = -9

The points are;

(1,-1), (2, -4), (3, -9)

For more references on quadratic equation, click;


Solve the following
expression when y = 3.
y² - 2y




Step-by-step explanation:

plug in 3 wherever y appears




Hopes this helps


y² - 2y = 3

Step-by-step explanation:

Given information,

→ y² - 2y

→ y = 3

Now the value of expression is,

→ y² - 2y

→ (3)² - (2 × 3)

→ 3² - 6

→ 9 - 6 = 3

Hence, value of expression is 3.

Helppp me please please


The slopes of both equations are different. Then the lines are neither parallel nor perpendicular. Then the correct option is A.

What is a linear equation?

A connection between a number of variables results in a linear model when a graph is displayed. The variable will have a degree of one.

The linear equation is given as,

y = mx + c

Where m is the slope of the line and c is the y-intercept of the line.

The equations of the line are given as,

y - (2/5)x = 1

y = (2/5)x + 1

25y + 10x = 50

y = -(2/5)x + 2

The slopes of both equations are different. Then the lines are neither parallel nor perpendicular. Then the correct option is A.

More about the linear equation link is given below.


Write an equivalent unit rate to eating 3 pieces of popcorn in 1/5 of a minute ____ pieces of popcorn per minute


Answer: 15

Step-by-step explanation:

slow eater lol.

in one fifth of a minute, they ate 3 pieces. so add the other four fifths, 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3, and youll get 15. easier to just multiply tho, 1/5 is 3, so 5/5 would be 3(5) = 15. hope this helps

Given the force field F, find the work required to move an object on the given orientated curve. F(x,y) = (y,x) on the parabola y = 6x^2 from (0,0) to (2,24)


The effort needed to move an object along a curve that is specifically oriented. F(x, y) = (y, x) on the parabola y = 6x² from (0,0) to (2,24) is 48.

What is a parabola?

A bowl-shaped object is defined as having a curve at the surface created by the intersection of a cone and a plane that is perpendicular to a straight line. Another definition of a curve is one created when a moving point moves such that its distance from a fixed point equals its distance from a fixed line. A quadratic function is known in this form as its standard form. A parabola is a U-shaped curve that represents the quadratic function on a graph.

The given parabola is,

y = 6x²

Here consider x=t



The work done by F(x, y) would be:


=[tex]\int\limits^_c[/tex]([tex]y_{i} +x_{j}[/tex])(d[tex]x_{i}[/tex]+d[tex]y_{j}[/tex])

=[tex]\int\limits^_c[/tex]y dx + x dy




Therefore, the effort needed to move an object along a curve that is specifically oriented. F(x, y) = (y, x) on the parabola y = 6x² from (0,0) to (2,24) is 48.

To know more about parabola, visit:


A jewelry artist is selling necklaces at an art fair. It costs $135 to rent a booth at the fair. The cost of materials for each necklace is $4. 50. The artist is selling the necklaces at $12 each. The inequality 12n>135+4. 50n represents the situation in which the artist makes a profit. Will the artist make a profit if she sells 15 necklaces? show how you know. Write an inequality to show the number of necklaces, n, the artist must sell to make a profit. Show your reasoning. Enter your answers and your explanation in the space provided. You may also use the drawing tool to help explain or support your answer.


The jewelry artist does not make a profit if she sells 15 necklaces at an art fair .

An inequality to show the number of necklaces, n, the artist must sell to make a profit is

12n - 135 > 4.50n , n > 15 .

We have given that

A jewelry artist is selling necklaces at an art fair.

Cost of rent a booth at the fair = $135

Cost of materials of each necklace= $4.50

Selling price of each necklace = $12

The inequality for the artist's profit is


where n --> number of necklaces

We have to check that if number of necklaces sold by artist are 15 then she make a profit or not .

For this we plug n = 15 and check the inequality is statisfied or not ,

12×15 > 135 + 4.50×15

=> 180 > 220 , which is not true.

So, the artist does not make a profit if she sells 15 necklaces.

She has profit when selling price is greater than cost price of necklaces.

If we take total number of necklaces are "n".

then, Total cost price of 15 necklaces= $4.50× n

= $4.50n

Total cost payed by artist = $4.50n+$135

Total selling price of 15 necklaces = $12n

Profit if S.P >C.P or $12n > $4.50n+$135

=> 12n - 135 > 4.50n , n > 15

Hence, the required inequality is that

12n - 135 > 4.50n , n > 15 .

To learn more about Inequality, refer


the probability of winning at a certain gambling game is 0.1. find the probability of you win for the first time on the third trial ?


the probability of you win for the first time on the third trial is 8.1%

What is probability?

By simply dividing the favorable number of possibilities by the entire number of possible outcomes, the probability of an occurrence can be determined using the probability formula. Because the favorable number of outcomes can never exceed the entire number of outcomes, the chance of an event occurring might range from 0 to 1.

the probability of winning at a certain gambling game is 0.1.


p(x) = (1-p)² *p

= 0.81*0.1

= 0.081

Hence the probability of you win for the first time on the third trial is 8.1%

Learn more about probability, by the following link.


What words are infinitives?



Infinitives are a special form of verbs that can be used as a noun, adjective, or adverb. They are usually made by adding the word to before the base verb, and they can be useful when discussing actions without actually doing the action, such as “I want to go home,” or “To err is human.”

Step-by-step explanation:

The purpose of infinitives is to discuss an action in general instead of a specific instance of the action being done. For example, take a look at these two sentences:

I need to win.

Today, we win.

The first sentence uses the infinitive form of the verb win as a noun; the main verb of the sentence is actually “need.” The second sentence uses the standard form of win as an actionable verb. In the first sentence with the infinitive, the action of “winning” is not actually done; the sentence simply discusses the idea of winning.  The second sentence, however, describes the action of winning.

Jill is taking her friend to lunch. The meal costs $42 and she must pay 6% sales tax. Her
service was great so she wants to leave a 20% tip. What is the final cost of the meal?


the final cost would be 52.92

twice a number increased by 13 is 21


Answer: 2x + 13 = 21

Twice a number would be 2 times unknown, so that would be 2x then increased would be addition so 2x + 13 = 21

The time it takes to read 10 pages of a book can be represented with the equation y equals 5.5 divided by 10 times x, where y represents the total time in minutes and x represents the number of pages read.

Determine how long it will take to read a book that has 305 pages.

105.5 minutes
167.75 minutes
305.89 minutes
554.55 minutes



y = 554.55 minutes

Step-by-step explanation:

y = 5.5/10 x

y = 5.5/10 x 305

y = (5.5 x 305) / 10

y = 1677.5 / 10

y = 554.55 minutes


It is given that:

The equation is:

y = (5.5/10)x

Here y represents the total time in minutes and x represents the number of pages read.

Plug x = 305

y = (5.5/10)(305)

y = 167.75 minutes

Thus, it will take 167.75 minutes to read a book that has 305 pages.

Option (B) 167.75 minutes is correct.

What is the rate of return when 20 shares of Stock
A, purchased for $15/share, are sold for $340? The
commission on the sale is $6.
Rate of Return = [?] %
Give your answer as a percent rounded to the
nearest tenth.


The rate of return of the Stock A, purchased for $15 per share and sold for $340, with a commission of the sale of $6, is given as follows:


How to calculate the Rate of Return?

The Rate of Return is calculated as the different between the current value of the stock and the initial value of the stock, divided by the initial value of the stock.

20 shares were purchased at a value of $15 per share, hence the initial value of the stock in this problem is given as follows:

Initial value = 20 x 15 = $300.

The stock was then sold for $340, with a commission of $6, hence the current value of the stock is of:

Current value = 340 - 6 = $334.

Then the rate of return is calculated as follows:

Rate of return = 34/300 = 0.113.

As a percentage, the rate is given as follows:

0.113 x 100% = 11.3%.

More can be learned about the rate of return at


select a first-year college student at random and ask how many hours during a typical week did they spend studying or doing homework during their last year in high school? probabilities for the outcomes are time less than one hour 1 to 5 hours 6 to 10 hours more than 10 hours probability 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.2 to simulate the responses of randomly chosen first-year college students, how would you assign digits to represent the four possible outcomes listed?


The required probability for the students in given interval of time is answered below.

How we find probability by us probability distribution table?

It lets you know probability  for a specific score. To utilize one, initial transform your information into an ordinary dispersion. Then, at that point, find the matching z-score to one side of the table and adjust it to the z-score at the highest point of the table. The outcome gives you the probability.

According to question:

By using table,

Probability study more than 10 hours = 1 - (.01+0.5+0.2)

⇒ 0.2

According to probability distribution table, if the sample of 10 students randomly,

1 student that less than  one hour, 5 students whose study 1 to 5 hours, 2 students that study 6 to 10 hours, and 2 students that study more than 10 hours.

To know more about probability distribution visit:


Louis divides a 0.45-mile path into 5 equal sections for volunteers cleaning the path. He uses 0.45 divided by 5 to find the length of each section of the path.



That's correct! Dividing the 0.45-mile path into 5 equal sections means that each section will be 0.45/5 = 0.09 miles long.

which is smaller -1.2 or -3




Step-by-step explanation:

negative numbers get larger the closer they are to zero

one million photons are detected. what is the expected number of photons in a 1- mmmm -wide interval at xx


The expected number of photons are [tex]N=1[/tex] × [tex]10^{3} m^{2}[/tex].

What are photons?

To put it simply, photons are basic subatomic particles that carry the electromagnetic force (and so much more). The photon is also the "quantum," or basic unit, of electromagnetic radiation.

Photons are all around us: Photons make up the light coming from the screen you're looking at, the X-rays doctors use to see bones, the radio in a car that sends out its signal, and the magnets on a refrigerator that support themselves.

Given: Total number of photons = 1 million

The graph represents the probability density of a photon being found (detected) along the horizontal x- axis.

Now, checking the graph, we will find that:

At x = 0.5, the probability of finding a photon is 1.

To get the probability density at 1 mm wide at the given x value, we will simply multiply the probability with the area under curve as follows:

[tex]P(x=0.5)[/tex] × area under curve

= [tex]1[/tex] × [tex]1[/tex] × [tex]10^{-3} m^{2}[/tex]

Now, we will get the expected number of photons as follows:

N = number of photons × area under curve

[tex]N=1[/tex] × [tex]10^{6}[/tex] × [tex]1[/tex] × [tex]10^{-3}[/tex]

[tex]N=1[/tex] × [tex]10^{3} m^{2}[/tex]

Hence, the expected number of photons are [tex]N=1[/tex] × [tex]10^{3} m^{2}[/tex].

Learn more about photons from the given link:


Use completing the square to solve the quadraic equation. Show your work using completing the square. -4x² + 9x + 10 = 0​



[tex] x = \dfrac{9}{8} \pm \dfrac{\sqrt{241}}{8} [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] x^2 + \dfrac{9}{-4}x + \dfrac{81}{64}= \dfrac{5}{2} + \dfrac{81}{64} [/tex]

[tex] \dfrac{-4x^2}{-4} + \dfrac{9x}{-4} = \dfrac{-10}{-4} [/tex]

[tex] x^2 + \dfrac{9}{-4}x + \dfrac{81}{64} = \dfrac{5}{2} + \dfrac{81}{64} [/tex]

[tex] (x - \dfrac{9}{8})^2 = \dfrac{241}{64} [/tex]

[tex] x - \dfrac{9}{8} = \pm\sqrt{\frac{241}{64}} [/tex]

[tex] x = \dfrac{9}{8} \pm \dfrac{\sqrt{241}}{8} [/tex]

y=3(x+7)-15 in standard form



Step-by-step explanation:

ect the best answer for the question. 3. Rewrite the equation x + y + 3 = –2x + 4y + 18 into standard form (ax + by = c). A. 3x –3y = 5 B. x – y = 5 C. x – y = 15 D. x + y = 5

will this help?

suppose that all of the 1000 first-year students at a certain college are enrolled in a math or an english course. suppose 400 are taking both math and english and 600 are taking english. how many are taking a math course?


As per the set theory, the number of student who take math course is 800


In math, set means an organized collection of objects and can be represented in set-builder form or roster form.


Here we know that suppose that all of the 1000 first-year students at a certain college are enrolled in a math or an English course. suppose 400 are taking both math and English and 600 are taking English.

Now, we need to find the number of students who take math course.

While looking into the given question we have identified that,

Total Number of students = 1000

Number of students in both course = 400

Number of students taking English = 600

Then the number of students who take math course is calculated as

=> 1000 - 600 + 400

=> 800

Therefore, the resulting number of students is 800.

To know more about Set here.


Line c has an equation of y=-3/4x-3 Line d, which is parallel to line c, includes the point
(-2,-2). What is the equation of line d?
Write the equation in slope-intercept form. Write the numbers in the equation as simplified
proper fractions, improper fractions, or integers.
Work it out
Not feeling ready yet? These can help:
You ha



Step-by-step explanation:

If the slope is parallel then it will be the same for the new equation.  All you need to find is the y intercept.

y-(-2) = -3/4(x-(-2))

so y = -3/4x -7/2

how many different truth tables of compound propositions are there that involve the propositional variables p and q?


There are 16 different truth tables of compound propositions are there that involve the propositional variables p and q

What do you mean by compound proposition?

A truth table for compound propositions reveals the conditions under which the compound assertion is true. This uses more than one of the logical operators "and," "or," "negation," etc., but otherwise is identical to basic truth tables for these logical operators.

The variety of truth tables indicates the range of p and q-based functions that are possible.

Now that there are two propositions for which we are creating truth tables, p and q, any truth table will have four rows.

Each of these four rows can have a value of 0 or 1, hence there are a total of [tex]2^{4}[/tex]=16 possible ways in which these four rows can be given values.

Therefore, there are 16 different truth tables of compound propositions are there that involve the propositional variables p and q

To learn more about the compound proposition from the given link.


PLEASE I NEED THIS QUICKLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Solve the following equation for B. Be sure to take into account whether a letter is capitalized or not F=-m+B/q³


After solving the given expression → F = - m + B/q³  for  [B], we get -

B = q³(F + M).

What is an expression? What is a expression? What is a mathematical equation? A mathematical expression is made up of terms (constants and variables) separated by mathematical operators.A mathematical expression is made up of terms (constants and variables) separated by mathematical operators.A mathematical equation is used to equate two expressions. Equation modelling is the process of writing a mathematical verbal expression in the form of a mathematical expression for correct analysis, observations and results of the given problem.

We have the following equation -

F = - m + B/q³

We have the following equation -

F = - m + B/q³

On solving for [B], we get -

F + M = B/q³

B = q³(F + M)

Therefore, the given expression after solving for [B], we get -

B = q³(F + M).

To solve more questions on Equations, Equation Modelling and Expressions visit the link below -


For a project in her Geometry class, Scarlett uses a mirror on the ground to measure the height of her school building. She walks a distance of 11.25 meters from the school, then places a mirror on flat on the ground, marked with an X at the center. She then steps 0.9 meters to the other side of the mirror, until she can see the top of the school clearly marked in the X. Her partner measures the distance from her eyes to the ground to be 1.55 meters. How tall is the school? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth of a meter.


By the use of a mirror, the school is 19.38 meters tall

How to determine the height of the school?

From the question, we have the following parameters that can be used in our computation:

Center = xDistance walked from the school = 11.25 metersDistance walked to the other side = 0.9 metersDistance from her eyes to the ground = 1.55 meters.

From the above parameters, we have the following equivalent ratio

Distance walked from the school : Height of the school = Distance walked to the other side : Distance from her eyes to the ground

Substitute the known values in the above equation, so, we have the following representation

11.25 : Height of the school = 0.9 : 1.55

Express as fraction

Height of the school/11.25 = 1.55/0.9

So, we have

Height of the school = 11.25 * 1.55/0.9


Height of the school = 19.38

Hence, the height of the school is 19.38 meters

Read more about ratio at


Answer fast pleasee
Richard and Teo have a combined age of 48. Richard is 15 years older than twice Teo's age. How old are Richard and Teo?


Richard is 35 years old and Teo is 10 years old.

What is the linear function?

The difference between starting and final numbers is the percentage drop. It displays a percentage loss of value compared to the original regardless of the units. The difference between the initial and final amounts is the amount of decline.

We have,

Richard and Teo have a combined age of 48.

Richard is 15 years older than twice Teo's age.

Let the ages of Richard and Teo be R and T years old respectively.

R +T= 48    -----(1)

R= 2T + 15   -----(2)

Substitute (2) into (1):

2T +15 +T= 48

3T +15= 48

3T= 48 -15

3T= 33

T= 33 ÷ 3

T= 10.1

Substitute T= 10.1 into (2):

R= 2(10.1) +15

R= 20.2 +15

R= 35.2

R = 35

Hence, Richard is 35 years old and Teo is 10 years old.

To learn more about the linear function visit,


what shape is the cross section of a triangular pyramid sliced by a plane that is perpendicular to its base?


The shape of the cross section is a triangle. It is always triangle if the triangular pyramid sliced from any side perpendicularly to its base. See the picture in the attachment!

What is a triangular pyramid?

A pyramid is a polyhedron that has one base and lateral faces with the vertex at the top of the pyramid. The shape of lateral faces is always a triangle. While, the shape of the base varies and is used to name the pyramid.

A triangular pyramid is a pyramid with a triangular base. It has three lateral faces.

If a triangular pyramid is sliced by a plane from any side that is perpendicular to its base, the cross section formed will be a triangle. One line is at the base and two lines are at the lateral faces. See the picture in the attachment!

Hence, the cross section formed by the slicing is a triangle.

Learn more about triangular pyramid here:


Solve the system of equations {y=15x+9y=12x−20.

What is the solution to the system?

Enter your answer as an ordered pair, like this: (42, 53)

If your answer includes one or more fractions, use the / symbol to separate numerators and denominators. For example, if your answer is (4253,6475), enter it like this: (42/53, 64/75)

If there is no solution, enter "no"; if there are infinitely many solutions, enter "inf."


The solution to the system of equations is ( 160/11 , -100/37 )

The value of x = 160/111

The value of y = -100/37

What is an Equation?

Equations are mathematical statements with two algebraic expressions flanking the equals (=) sign on either side.

It demonstrates the equality of the relationship between the expressions printed on the left and right sides.

Coefficients, variables, operators, constants, terms, expressions, and the equal to sign are some of the components of an equation. The "=" sign and terms on both sides must always be present when writing an equation.

Given data ,

Let the equation be represented as A

Now , the value of A is

y = 15x + 9y   be equation (1)

y = 12x - 20   be equation (2)

Now , on simplifying the equations , we get

From equation (1) , we get

y = 15x + 9y

Subtracting y on both sides of the equations , we get

15x + 8y = 0

Subtracting 15x on both sides of the equations , we get

8y = -15x

Divide by 8 on both sides , we get

y = -15x/8   be equation (3)

Substitute the value of y from equation (3) in equation (2) , we get

12x - 20 = -15x/8

Multiply by 8 on both sides of the equation , we get

96x - 160 = -15x

Adding 15x on both sides of the equation , we get

111x - 160 = 0

Adding 160 on both sides , we get

111x = 160

Divide by 111 on both sides , we get

x = 160/111

Now , substitute the value of x in equation (3) , we get

y = -15x/8

y = ( -15 x 160 ) / ( 111 x 8 )

y = -100/37

Therefore , the value of x is 160/111 and value of y is -100/37

Hence , The solution to the system of equations is ( 160/11 , -100/37 )

The value of x = 160/111

The value of y = -100/37

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the features of this model provide evidence for which explanation of why all growing strands are synthesized in a 5 to 3 direction? a thin, straight, uniform rod of length 1.10 m and mass 250 kg hangs from a pivot at one end. what is its period for small-amplitude oscillations? Measured by the project's impact on uncertainty regarding the firm's future returns the product of 0.8 and a number is 12represent the statement as an equation determine the solution set using the replacement set 0 8 1 7 15 if a person is having a seizure, make sure you place something in their mouth so that they dont bite or swallow their tongue. From the point of view of conductive heat loss, which adaptations would be beneficial to animals living in extremely cold climates? A. Large surface areaB. Lots of tissues, like fat, with low thermal conductivityC. Lots of tissues, like muscle, with high thermal conductivityD. Thick skinE. Thin skinF. Small surface area Q1. Identify the short-term and long-term causes for the revolt of 1857. [10 m] ____________ is a stretch of dna consisting of an operator, a promoter, and genes for a related set of proteins, usually making up an entire metabolic pathway. 19 Venous return is enhanced by all of the following except A) Alternate compression and relaxation of the veins B) The flap-like valves spaced at short intervals within the veins C) The one-way action of the veins D) A lower blood pressure Can 2 objects made from exactly same substance but different shape or size have the same density? Make a graph What would happen if our bodies could not metabolize glucose Read this excerpt from a passage."Every Tuesday and Thursday, high school junior Kayla Morrison goes to a local caf-not to eat, but to work. For the last fourmonths, she's been working at the caf those two afternoons a week and every Saturday morning. Kayla is one of the many American highschool students who work. In fact, around eighty percent of all high school students will have had some kind of job by the time theygraduate. But is working during the school year a good thing? Or should students wait until they graduate to find employment? Let's findout."Which of the following subjects will be compared in the rest of the passage?eating at a caf and working at a cafworking during the school week and working only on the weekendhigh school juniors and high school freshmenworking during high school and not working during high school What is transitional inflation? What part in the master cylinder helps keep air from contacting the brake fluid yet allows the fluid level to drop as the disc brakes wear? 1. in an array declaration, this indicates the number of elements that the array will have. a. subscript b. size declarator c. element sum d. reference variable 484 chapter 7 arrays and the arraylist class 2. each element of an array is accessed by a number known as a(n) . a. subscript b. size declarator c. address d. specifier 3. the first subscript in an array is always . a. 1 b. 0 c. 21 d. 1 less than the number of elements 4. the last subscript in an array is always . a. 100 b. 0 c. 21 d. 1 less than the number of elements 5. array bounds checking happens . a. when the program is compiled b. when the program is saved c. when the program runs d. when the program is loaded into memory which statement is most accurate in describing the current trend in manufacturing in the united states? multiple choice the united states is expected to become a manufacturing-based economy. traditional manufacturing techniques have proved to be the most efficient and effective. the number of people working in manufacturing continues to fall. foreign competition has not affected u.s. manufacturers. Normal biota appear to contribute to first-line defense mechanisms through _____. Amanda looks at an animal cell under a microscope and sketches the cell. She notices that the cell is in a phase of mitosis, so she asks her friend to identify the phase. Her friend identified the cell as being in prophase. What should she be observing in order to correctly label her sketch as prophase?A. the chromosomes are visible, spindle fibers form, and the nuclear envelope disappears. B. the cytoplasm starts to split into two new cells and the two new nuclei developC. the chromosomes move away from the center to either side of the cells. D. the duplicated chromosomes line up at the center of the cell HOW THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO USE X AND Y ON A COORDINATE GRID THAT HAS THE PROPORTIONS OF M=24R a 83.0-kg person is riding in a car moving at 20.0 m/s when the car runs into a bridge abutment. calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by a padded dashboard that compresses an average of 1.00 cm.