he 'rule' that automatically places the children of parents of different social-economic-cultural groups into the less privilege group is:


Answer 1

The 'rule' that automatically places the children of parents of different social-economic-cultural groups into the less privilege group is hypodescent.

The anthropological term hypodescent refers to a system in which people with mixed racial backgrounds are automatically classified as belonging to a social-economic-cultural  inferior group. This method does not recognize different levels or categories of racial mixing.

This idea holds that any racial mixing taints the racial groupings. It's a system that tends to discourage intermarriage and racial mixing. The idea of the one-drop rule serves as an example of this type of system in American history.

According to the previlege social norms, having just a small amount of black ancestry declared someone black. The concepts of race are oversimplified, and this is a profoundly discriminatory period in our history that has fostered systemic racism.

Learn more about hypodescent at https://brainly.com/question/14351319


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at the galeries lafayette in france, a first-class department store, customers shop for high-end products and they are assisted by a salesperson in every phase of the shopping process. the galleries lafayette is a


The Galeries Lafayette is an upmarket French department store chain.

What is an upmarket area?

Catering or appealing to high-income consumers; of high quality; not easily accessible or affordable.

What is high end product?

The product which is higher in price and of better quality than most others.

What is an upmarket customer?

Upmarket customers are the affluent, enterprise-level businesses that demand more from one. By moving upmarket, your company's growth can scale quicker from fewer customers.

Who is a salesperson?

A salesperson is a person whose job is to sell services or products. Another term for salesperson is sales rep (or sales representative).

To know more about Upmarket : https://brainly.com/question/15703392


when consolidating a foreign subsidiary , whoch of the following best describes the cumulative transalation adjustment


What best describes the cumulative conversion adjustment is the cumulative conversion adjustment is a plug figure to balance the trial balance

Cumulative conversion Adjustment

This summarizes foreign exchange gain and loss over time, and is an item in the accumulated other comprehensive income portion of the balance sheet that is used to report any gain or loss arising from exposure to currency markets as a result of normal trading activities. This item is clearly marked to separate information from other gains or losses.

For more about cumulative conversion adjustment here https://brainly.com/question/16254302


monopolists use economies of scale to block the entry of new firms into an industry by reducing so that other firms cannot compete.


Monopolists use economies of scale to block the entry of new firms into an industry by reducing prices so that other firms cannot compete.

Economies of scale is defined as firms' advantage in terms of a lower production cost and lower prices associated with huge production capabilities, efficiency, large distribution network, financial capability, as well as complete control of the market as in the case with monopoly firm. Monopoly firm, being the largest one of the very few firms that existed in the market have economies of scale advantage because of its long standing existence and near total control of the market, hence they can easily prevent new firms from entering the market by lowering their prices drastically while still maintaining their profit.

To learn more about economies of scale visit: https://brainly.com/question/780900


Your question seems incomplete, but I suppose the full question was:

"Monopolists use economies of scale to block the entry of new firms into an industry by reducing _______ so that other firms cannot compete."

below is the market demand curve for flu shots when only the marginal private benefits (mpb) that the vaccinated individuals receive from the shots are taken into account. if the government offers vouchers to ensure flu shot suppliers received $10 per flu shot the demand curve will shift to the marginal social benefit level (msb). on the chart below, move the demand curve to show that. reposition the social equilibrium to reflect the socially optimal price and quantity.


The Social equilibrium is repositioned to as (300,90) on the graph.

What do you mean by a market demand curve?

The quantity of a product that all customers in the market are willing to purchase in relation to its price is known as the market demand curve. By horizontally adding up the individual demand curves of different consumers in the market, the market demand curve can be found.

What is meant by Social equilibrium?

A theoretical state of balance in a social system known as "social equilibrium" refers to both an internal balance between linked social phenomena and the interaction the system upholds with its surroundings. The integration of central place theory with economic geography provides yet another significant illustration of equilibrium analysis in social behavior.

To know more about market demand curve, visit:



T/F. It may be possible to reduce the total variability of returns by combining several assets, enterprises, or income-generating activities without sacrificing expected returns.


It may be possible to reduce the total variability of returns by combining several assets, enterprises, without sacrificing expected returns---- True

What does return variability mean?

Variability refers to the deviation of data from its mean and is commonly used in statistics and finance. Volatility in finance is most commonly applied to the volatility of returns, with investors preferring investments that offer higher returns with less volatility.

What is an appropriate measure of variability?

Variability is most commonly measured using the following descriptive statistics: Range:Difference between highest and lowest values. Interquartile range: Middle half range of distribution. Standard Deviation:Mean distance from the mean.

What is the purpose of variability measures?

The purpose of variability is to measure how ratings are distributed in a distribution. Variability measures are usually accompanied by a measure of central tendency as the basic descriptive statistic of the set of ratings.

Learn more about variability of return:



doug, frank, and sarah want to form an entity for their new accounting firm. they want to ensure that each avoids personal liability for the malpractice of the other partners, so they should form:


Professionals can protect themselves from personal liability for the mistakes of other partners by forming a limited liability partnership.

Liabilities? What do we mean by that?

Liability typically denotes being accountable for something, but it can also imply owing another money or services. A homeowner's tax obligation, for instance, may be the amount of property taxes due to the city or the amount of income taxes due to the federal government.

What kinds of things are liabilities?

A debt or other obligation that one entity has to another is known as a liability. Accounts payable, accrued obligations, and overdrafts on bank accounts are a few instances of liabilities. Assets, which are sums of money or supplies that an organization is waiting to receive, are the reverse of liabilities.

To know more about liability visit:



which of the following will improve the quality of the presentation used for approaching a prospective customer?


Using pre-collected information for tailoring the presentation to match the customer's needs, will improve the quality of the presentation used for approaching a prospective customer.

What is customer?A customer refers to an individual or company that purchases goods services from another company. Customers are very important because they generate revenue. Without them, companies would go bankrupt. A customer is generally defined as someone who purchases goods, products, or services. More specifically, a customer is a person or company who is currently purchasing, has made a purchase, or may be interested in another person's or company's products or services. Customer service is what we do to help our customers have an easy and pleasant experience, both before and after they purchase and use our products  and services. Good customer service is important if you want to retain customers and grow your business.

To learn more about customer from the given link :



joe is a real estate agent assisting a client with a promulgated form. the client does not agree with a few phrases in the form, so joe strikes those phrases out. which of the following is true?


Joe shouldn't have done that because agents are only permitted to complete appropriate blanks on a form to add their company information.

Describe agents.

In the language of law, someone who has been given the power to act on the behalf of that other person or entity is referred to as an agent. To defend a client in discussions and other interactions with third parties, an agent may be hired. The agents may be given the power to make decisions.

What 3 categories of agents exist?

Agents might be classified as universal, general, special, or mercantile. General agents have a broad clear requirement to act to their client' best interests and to do so on their behalf. Its level of power is unrestricted.

To know more about agents visit:



hal's hardware store defaults on a debt to intrastate bank, which takes possession of the collateral securing the debt. intrastate sells the collateral. the proceeds from the sale are applied first to


True, Hal's hardware store defaults on a debt to intrastate bank, which takes possession of the collateral securing the debt. intrastate sells the collateral. the proceeds from the sale are applied first to.

What is intrastate bank?

The term "interstate banking" describes a bank's growth beyond state boundaries. When state legislators established legislation permitting bank holding corporations to buy out-of-state banks in exchange for other states, this practice expanded widely in the middle of the 1980s. The growth of both regional and national banking chains is a result of interstate banking.

Nationally chartered banks' interstate banking was previously opposed by lawmakers. Cross-state ownership and operation of banks was rigorously prohibited by the National Bank Act of 1863 and the McFadden Act of 1927.

Regulations were later lifted once it became clear that interstate banking limitations prevented banks from expanding beyond their regional borders and left them exposed to regional economic disasters.

to learn more about intrastate bank click:



olive borrows from polo and quennell, using the same collateral for both loans. only quennell has a perfected security interest. olive defaults on both loans. the party with first rights to the collateral is


The only party with a perfected security interest is quennell. Olive misses both loan payments. Quennell is the party with first rights to the collateral.

By collateral, what do you mean?

A property or other type of physical wealth that the borrower holds, such as a home, animals, a car, etc., is known as collateral. Giving the borrower a loan is prohibited. For the lender, the collateral acts as a form of security.

Which kind of collateral first comes to mind?

Simply put, collateral is anything of value that a borrower may give up to a lender in exchange for timely repayment of a loan. One such example is when you take out a mortgage. Usually, the bank would want you to put up your house as collateral.

To know more about collateral visit:



which of the following is likely to happen if the quantity of bank reserves heald at the fed increases


If the quantity of bank reserves held at the fed increases as the Banks keep a portion of this as required reserves, but lend out excess reserves.

What is bank ?A bank refers to a financial institution that accepts deposits from the public and makes loans while depositing demand deposits.Loans can be made directly  by banks or indirectly through the capital markets. Banks, institutions that trade in money and its substitutes and provide other money-related services. In their function as  financial intermediaries, banks accept deposits and authorize loans. Banks are financial institutions licensed to accept checks and savings deposits and to extend credit. Banks also offer related services such as Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), Certificates of Deposit (CDs), currency exchange and safe deposit boxes.  The word bank is used as a noun to refer to a place where people deposit their money, or  a long hill or slope such as a riverbank. Bank is also used as a verb meaning to bounce off  something.

To learn more about bank  from the given link :



If you expect to get a substantial raise six months from now, and you are like most people, it will


If you expect to get a substantial raise six months from now, it will not affect your current consumption because you haven't received the money yet.------ False

What does substantive use mean?

Substantial use means that the creator of the intellectual property receives more than normal support for the project or is given time and/or resources dedicated to the project.

What are the Substantial changes?

Common "significant changes in circumstances" include:Job loss or acquisition, sudden change in either party's finances, relocation of the party or a child, death, change in child's wishes, etc.

What is substantial force?

Significant impact means that, based on current scientific data and knowledge,  a species or native plant or animal community falls below a level at which it can sustain itself on a national or regional basis, or  a species is threatened with extinction. endangered or endangered.

Learn more about substantial raise:



When employers sort employment applications into high-ability and low-ability people based on whether or not the applicant has a college degree (irespective of major), they are providing evidence in support of the a. human-capital theory of education. b. signaling theory of education . principle that education reduces marginal productivity d. principle that most business owners are more interested in discriminating against a particular group than in maximizing profits


Employers are likely adhering to the signaling theory of education when they divide applicants into high- and low-ability groups based on the number of college degrees they have earned, regardless of the subject.

What is the idea behind signaling theory?

When two parties, whether individuals or organizations, have access to different information, signaling theory is useful for describing behavior. In most cases, the sender of the information must decide whether and how to communicate (or signal) it, and the receiver must decide how to interpret the signal.

Who developed the signaling theory?

In spite of the fact that flagging hypothesis was at first evolved by Michael Spence in view of noticed information holes among associations and planned workers, its natural nature drove it to be adjusted to numerous different spaces, like Human Asset The board, business, and monetary business sectors.

To learn more about signaling theory here



Which one of the following is not an effective way to attract buyers by differentiating a company's branded footwear offering from the brands of rivals? Produce and market branded footwear with a higher S/Q rating than the branded footwear of most all other rivals Spend more on branded advertising than most all other rivals Achieve a lower reject rate on pairs produced than most all other rivals Offer a higher rebate than most all other rivals Offer a wider variety of models/styles than most all other rivals


Achieve a lower reject rate on pairs produced than most all other rivals is not an effective way to attract buyers by differentiating a company's branded footwear .

Brand differentiation is the means by which a brand is differentiated from its competitors by combining its superior performance aspects with multiple customer benefits.

Why is brand differentiation important?

Brand differentiation is an important aspect of any brand marketing strategy. This allows companies to uncover profitable qualities that help them develop their unique sales proposition. In this way, they perceive their competitive advantage and stand out from the competition.

What is a Differentiation Strategy?

A differentiation strategy is how a company stands out from similar competitors in the market. It's usually about highlighting the big differences between you and your competitors. And the difference should be appreciated by potential customers.

Learn more about brand differentiation:



Which of the following is not a short-run impact of imposing quotas on the American industries they seek to protect?
a.government tax revenues increase
b.domestic production and sales by the protected industries increase
c.consumers' real incomes decrease
d.prices of the goods produced by protected industries increase


The one that is not a short-run impact of imposing quotas on American industries is the government tax revenues increase. Therefore, the correct answer is option A,

A quota is a trade restriction that is imposed by the government which limits the number or monetary value of goods that a country can import or export during a certain period. It is used in order to help regulate the volume of trade between countries.

The short-run impacts of imposed quota are:

Domestic production and sales increase by the protected industries.Price increase of the goods produced by the protected industries.

However, one fairly long-run impact of a quota is the increase of government tax revenue.

Learn more about import quotas at https://brainly.com/question/323614


an intended beneficiary is a third party to a contract whom the contracting parties intended to benefit directly from their contract.


An intended beneficiary is a 3rd celebration to a settlement whom the contracting events meant to gain at once from their settlement.True.

The required details about beneficiary is mentioned in below paragraph.

A beneficiary withinside the broadest feel is a herbal individual or different prison entity who gets cash or different blessings from a benefactor. A beneficiary is a individual (or entity) who's distinctive to acquire the blessings of belongings owned with the aid of using a person else. Beneficiaries regularly acquire those blessings as a part of an inheritance.

A beneficiary may be distinctive withinside the files referring to a lifestyles coverage coverage, a retirement account, a brokerage account, a financial institution account, and different monetary products. It's essential to designate beneficiaries on your monetary belongings in order that they may be allotted in keeping with your desires while you byskip away.

To learn about beneficiary visit here.



At December 31, the records of Nortech Corporation provided the following selected and incomplete data: Common stock (par dollat 1; no changes during the current year). Shares authorized, 500,000. Shares issued, ?; issue price dollar 23 per share. Common Stock account dollar 210,000. Shares held as treasury stock, 3, 100 shares, cost dollar 21 per share. Net income for the current year, dollar 165, 520. Dividends declared and paid during the current year, dollar 53, 794. Retained Earnings balance, beginning of year, dollar 156,000. Complete the following (Round "per share" answers to 2 decimal places.) TIP: To determine the number of shares issued, divide the balance in the Common Stock account by the par value per share.


The following balances have been calculated using the provided information;

Number of common shares issued: $200,000/22,091

$90,009 was paid in capital-Common Stocks (9,091*(22-1)).

Number of Treasury Stocks: 3,000

Treasury stock, multiplied by three thousand times twenty, equals sixty thousand dollars.

EPS =$147,750/(9,091 -3,000) (9,091 -3,000)  $24

What are treasury stocks?

Treasury stock, sometimes referred to as treasury shares or stock that has been reacquired, refers to previously outstanding stock that has been bought back from investors by the issuing company. As a result, there are often fewer shares available on the open market. Although Treasury stock is still issued, it is not factored into dividend payments or earnings per share calculations (EPS).

In the shareholders' equity section of the balance sheet, treasury stock is a counter equity account. Since it shows how many shares were purchased back on the open market, Treasury stock reduces shareholders' equity by the amount paid for the stock. In addition to not paying dividends or being included in EPS calculations, treasury shares have no voting rights.

to learn more about treasury stocks click:



“Automation is bad for the economy because machines will eventually replace almost all human workers, creating high unemployment and poverty.” Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer.


I agree that "automation is bad for the economy because machines will eventually replace almost all human workers, creating high unemployment and poverty". This is because with automation, most jobs will be done by machines and robots. This will leave a large percent of human workers jobless.

What is Automation?

Automation may result in job losses and wage reductions. Be aware that those who can operate machines are thought to be more productive than those who cannot.

Keep in mind that automation tends to reduce both the costs and prices of goods and services, making consumers feel richer while also causing certain human skills to be lost.

Accordingly, the following abilities will be lost as automation is implemented:

A. Communication Skills.

B. Social Skills.

C. Critical Thinking

D. the application of imagination and reflection.

Learn more about automation here: https://brainly.com/question/28530316


a consumer usually will go through all of the steps of the consumer buying decision process for every purchase.


When purchasing a product, customers go through a series of actions in order.

5 Stages of Consumer Buying Behavior:1. Identify the Problem:

The purchase procedure begins at this point. A consumer won't start shopping until they are aware of their needs or wants. A buyer will make a purchasing choice if he feels compelled to acquire a specific product. A specific product can be used to satisfy an unmet demand or address an issue.

2. Information search:

The customer will look for the best alternative for his issue from the possibilities that are accessible. Both internal and external company settings will be searched by the buyer for information. A customer could investigate commercials in print, online, on video, and even question his friends and family.

3. Evaluation of Alternatives:

Consumers often assess the alternatives based on a variety of product characteristics. Consumers take into account a variety of aspects, including aesthetics, dependability, quality, cost, customer service, brand recognition, and social media reviews.

4. Purchase Decision:

According to Philip Kotler (2009), two things may 'disrupt' the final purchasing decision. Customers could hear unfavorable reviews from friends or other buyers. As an illustration, a buyer selected a laptop, but his friend provided unfavorable comments. He will reconsider his choice as a result of this. Additionally, the choice could be altered. The consumer may decide against purchasing the laptop due to sudden changes in company plans, a financial crisis, unanticipated price increases, etc.

5. Post-Purchase Evaluation:

A unhappy consumer could believe that he made a poor choice. There will be benefits from this! A simple action will be to offer a trade. The likelihood that a consumer would return is not always certain, even when they are happy.

Learn more about Consumer Buying Behavior/Decision:



a lumberjack loses his job because timber cutting restrictions were imposed by the epa to protect the spotted owl habitat. this lumberjack would be group of answer choices


Because of limits on timber cutting put in place by the EPA to safeguard the spotted owl's habitat, a logger loses his job. In a structural sense, this lumberjack would just be structural unemployed.

What exactly is structural unemployment?

Long-term unemployment brought on by changes in the economy is referred to as structural unemployment. Even while there are open positions, there is a mismatch between how much employers require and what the current workforce can provide.

Who of the following is structurally unemployed?

The structurally jobless are those without jobs due to a lack of marketable skills, either because the demand for the abilities they do possess has changed or because they were never taught any skills.

To know more about structurally unemployed visit:



Ta Failte Romhat is a boutique store specializing in Irish foods and gifts. They sell woolen sweaters handmade in the Aran Islands for 102 Euros. The sweaters cost them 58 Euros. If the manager of the store wanted to achieve a 65% target margin, what should be the selling price for the sweaters in Euros?CALCULATED VARIABLES: tcm = 1,320 pmargin = 0.431 (43.1%) margin = 44


If the supervisor of the shop desired to attain a sixty five% goal margin,165.714 must be the selling price for the sweaters in Euros.

The required details about selling price is mentioned in below paragraph.

The selling price is how tons a consumer can pay for a product or service. It can range relying on how tons customers are inclined to pay, how tons the vendor is inclined to accept, and the way aggressive the rate is in evaluation to different organizations withinside the market

Target margin = sixty five %

Margin = ( Selling rate - Cost ) / Selling rate

Let's say selling rate is 'x'


( x - 58 ) / x = 0.sixty five

x - 58 = 0.sixty five x

0.35 x = 58

So, x = 165.714

Selling price must be 165.714 Euros.

To learn about selling price visit here.



for the past ten years, saveon has obtained its best employees through private employment agencies. now that it has three additional jobs to fill, it will probably continue to rely on


An individual who earns a fixed sum of money (salary), regardless of the number of hours they put in each week, is referred to as a salaried employee (also known as an exempt* employee).

What is the solution to employment?

Employment: It describes professions in which individuals work for other people and are paid in return. Employees are those who work for another person and receive their pay in the shape of wages or salary in accordance with their service contract.

What is an employment introduction?

In terms of economics, employment refers to the state of having a job or being employed. If someone is to be employed, they must be compensated. Employers are the ones who make the hiring decisions, while employees are those who receive payment for their work.

To know more about employment visit:



a new stock dividend reinvestment program invests the dividends in newly issued stock. this type of plan raises new capital for the firm.


The statement "a new stock dividend reinvestment program invests the dividends in newly issued stock. This type of plan raises new capital for the firm" is true.

What Is a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP)?

А dividend reinvestment plаn (DRIP) is а progrаm thаt аllows investors to reinvest their cаsh dividends into аdditionаl shаres or frаctionаl shаres of the underlying stock on the dividend pаyment dаte. Аlthough the term cаn аpply to аny аutomаtic reinvestment аrrаngement set up through а brokerаge or investment compаny, it generаlly refers to а formаl progrаm offered by а publicly trаded corporаtion to existing shаreholders.

Thus, a "new stock" DRIP invests the dividends in newly issued stock; hence, these plаns rаise new cаpitаl for the firm.

For more information about the dividend reinvestment program refer to the link:



A sales forecast for the coming year would reflect: A) Any past trend which is expected to continue B) The influence of any events that might materially affect that trend C) Both A and B D) Neither A nor B


Both A and B since it will be important to consider historical performance and its trend as well as any occurrences that have an impact on future events when estimating Sales for any year.

How are forecasts made?

Forecasts is based on facts, numbers, and other pertinent data in addition to views, intuition, and educated guesses. Every aspect that goes into making a projection, to some extent, reflects what has transpired in the organization in the prior and what is expected to happen in the future.

What makes it a forecast?

FitzRoy developed charts to enable forecasts when a windstorm in October 1859 cost the Royal Charter its place in the sky, giving rise to the phrase "weather forecasting."

To know more about Forecast visit:



companies who price their product low enough to attract a large number of buyers are most likely pursuing which of the following objectives?


Firms whose product price is low enough to attract a large number of buyers are likely to pursue a goal of high market share

What does adding High Market Share consist of?

Increasing the market share progressively means that your company has an increasing number of sales and potential clients who know the institution and who want to interact with it. Having a high sales number is extremely positive for your company.

Also, this means that individuals are pleased with your product and/or service. And, best of all, is that they can become large customers who from time to time will go or ask for what you offer for their own consumption.

For more about high market share here https://brainly.com/question/4017104


key account managers and the key account team have a high level of job satisfaction when: group of answer choices management provides them with the assistance and support needed to meet unusual and non-routine problems. they perceive themselves to have an active part in determining company policies and standards that affect the key customer. they perceive that their top management recognizes their accomplishments. all of the above


When the main account team feels that their top management appreciates their achievements, they have a high degree of work satisfaction.

What is customer and example?

A customer is often thought of as someone who makes a purchase of a good, service, or product. Customers are more clearly defined as individuals or organizations that are presently purchasing, have recently purchased, or may be considering purchasing a good or service from some other person or business.

What are customer loyalty and care?

Customer loyalty is a continuing emotional bond between yourself and your customers that shows in their willingness to interact with you and make repeat purchases from you as opposed to your competition. When a consumer has a good experience with you, loyalty develops naturally and helps to build trust.

To know more about Customer visit:



One way to segment a market is according to whether the purchaser is a consumer or a business-to-business user.
(a) True
(b) False.


True, According to whether the buyer is a consumer or even a business-to-business user, a market can be segmented.

What is B2B?

Business-to-business (B2B) is an online or physical exchange of goods and services between two or more businesses. It is a type of transaction that has been around for centuries in its traditional form, but has since taken on a new life with the advent of the internet and eCommerce. B2B transactions are typically complex and involve multiple parties, as each business has its own needs, goals, and processes. Examples of B2B transactions include an online retailer selling goods to a wholesaler, a printer selling to a marketing firm, and a software development company selling to a financial services provider. By leveraging the internet and eCommerce platforms, businesses can more easily find one another and engage in transactions, streamlining the process and helping them to grow.

To learn more about B2B

which of the following it controls would a company appropriately use to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access to its payroll data?


Biometric device controls might a enterprise as it should be use to mitigate the threat of unauthorized get right of entry to to its payroll statistics.

The required details about Biometric device is mentioned in below paragraph.

A biometric tool is a safety identity and authentication tool. Such gadgets use automatic strategies of verifying or recognising the identification of a dwelling man or woman primarily based totally on a physiological or behavioral characteristic. These traits consist of fingerprints, facial images, iris and voice recognition.

Payroll statistics is all of the data you could gather out of your payroll process. That data may want to encompass salaries, benefits, overtime, annual leave, worker demographics, and some thing else associated with your personnel and their paintings contracts.payroll statistics is composed of news detailing payroll costs, enterprise structures, and tax liabilities. Payroll statistics is mainly critical while your enterprise need to observe country-particular HR codes.Payroll statistics refers to all of the information in the back of your payroll, consisting of each little bit of data gathered for the duration of processing.

To learn about Biometric device. visit here.



a(n) fund must hold substantial cash reserves in order to meet fund redemptions from shareholders. multiple choice open-end mutual reit closed-end etf unit trusts


By order to cover shareholder redemption requests, an open end mutual fund needs to maintain sizable capital reserves.

What are shareholders Meaning?

A person or organization that has contributed funds to a firm in exchange for the a "share" of ownership is referred to as a shareholder. Common or special come to the fore by the corporation & held (i.e., owned) either by shareholder serve as a representation of that ownership.

What is a shareholder vs stockholder?

Additional Courses. The both phrases stockholder and shareholder relate to the holders of shares in a firm, making them co-owners of the enterprise. Therefore, you can refer to firm control using either phrase since they both refer to the same thing.

To know more about shareholders visit:



wildhorse company's budgeted sales and direct materials purchaed are as follows. budgeted sales budgeted dm purchases janurary 244000


Sales at Wildhorse are made with 70% credit and 30% cash in the month of January.

What are the benefits of budgeting in business?

The foundation of your success as well as security as a whole is your budget. It enables you to monitor and better comprehend whether your company is bringing in enough money to cover its costs. You can make better financial decisions by using a budget.

10% of credit Wildhorse company's sales are collected in the month of the sale, 50% in the month after the sale, and 36% in the second month after the sale; 4% of credit sales are not collectible. 50% of Wildhorse's purchases are made with cash and 50% on credit.

Therefore, 40% is paid by the Wildhorse company for purchases made on account in the month of purchase, and 60% is paid in the month that follows.

Learn more about the budget from the given link.



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