What do think is the most important values among the Filipino?


Answer 1

The important values among the Filipino is taht he respects others and has the best if the values.

Respect for Others – Filipinos treat others with dignity and respect. The above value is the root of many other values. Close family ties make Filipinos hardworking and hardworking people.

Filipino values are primarily focused on maintaining social harmony, which is primarily motivated by the desire to be accepted within the group. Sanction is a Tagalog concept:

hiya, loosely translated as 'sense of shame' and 'propio of love' or 'self-esteem.

Read more about values:



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Why did Farquhar get hanged?


Peyton Farquhar got hanged as punishment for his trial to sabotage a Union bridge.

Plantation owner Peyton Farquhar is the major character in the story "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge." The scout connives to fool Peyton Farquhar by dressing as a Confederate soldier. Union forces detain him for sabotage. Farquhar is being hanged by the Union forces for preparing to carry out sabotage. One of their scouts was approached by Farquhar who claimed he wanted to burn the Owl Creek Bridge and mistook him for a Confederate soldier. When the scout revealed Farquhar's plans, he was taken into custody. Just before being hanged, Farquhar imagines himself escaping. He believes he could untie the rope, release his hands, and dive into the ocean.

To learn more about 'An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge': https://brainly.com/question/841649


in the oddyessy, why are the men disobeying odysseus? what would happen if they did not disobey him?


How do the men of Odysseus defy commands while on Ismarus? They rebel, indulge in alcohol, and refuse to board the ship. What effects do the men of Odysseus' disobedience have on Ismarus? The Cicones assault them, forcing them to flee.

On the sun god's island, why do the men defy Odysseus? The men rebel against Odysseus because he rarely pays attention to them and they are extremely hungry. What gifts were presented to the sun gods? The sacred cattle were used as offerings to the gods, and a temple was built in their honor. The sun's precious animals must not be harmed in any way by the sailors. They can safely return home if they avoid temptation; on the other hand, if.

To learn more about Odysseus please click on below link



Tis true, I love the thought of home,
No less I love to fight a foe;
Resolved to wear the glorious plume,
Wherever I may go.
Beware, I love the ladies too,
And smile on every female bloom;
Still in the field, I must be true,
And fight for friends at home.
-The Soldier's Thought of Home at the End of the War,"
George Moses Horton
Read the excerpt from the poem.
theme is best shown by this excerpt?
O the loss of love
the experience of freedom
the individual's search for home
O the individual's responsibility toward the community



D. The individual's responsibility toward the community.


The poem shows how the speaker is responsible for their community and how much they love their home and are ready to fight for it. They respect women and know how important it is to make friends in their neighborhood. The poem emphasizes being selfless, loyal and committed to others. It also shows how important it is to protect and keep duties.

The speaker also acknowledges the challenges and hardships that come with fulfilling these responsibilities but remains steadfast in their commitment. They believe that by embracing their role within the community, they can contribute to its growth and prosperity. Ultimately, the poem encourages readers to reflect on their own responsibilities and the impact they can have on their communities.

Brainly.com/question/29545666 has more information about themes.

The door under the stones in the woods



what do you mean?


i dont understand the question.

In research using surveillance camera footage of public places, researchers observed actual fighting behavior and found that third partiesa. did not intervene to stop the fight.b. were more likely to intervene when the number of bystanders was larger.c. only intervened with words, not actions.d. were less likely to intervene as the number of bystanders grew larger.


b. were more likely to intervene when the number of bystanders was larger.

Research has shown that third parties are more likely to intervene when the number of bystanders is larger. This is because with more people watching, the onlookers are less likely to feel personally responsible for intervening. Furthermore, having a larger number of witnesses may make people feel more confident to intervene as they are more likely to receive support from other bystanders. In surveillance camera footage of public places that observed actual fighting behavior, researchers found that third parties were more likely to intervene when the number of bystanders was larger. This is in contrast to the bystander effect, which suggests that people are less likely to intervene as the number of bystanders grows. As such, it is clear that the presence of more people can help to encourage third parties to intervene when they observe a fight.

read more about this at



What was Niccolò Machiavelli's main argument in his work


Niccol Machiavelli's central claim in The Prince was that a ruler should do whatever is required to hold onto power.

The political views of Florentine philosopher Machiavelli, who lived in the 16th century, are well recognized. The Prince and Discourses on Livy, his two most well-known intellectual works, were released after his passing. Machiavelli claims that in addition to causing wrath, you may make someone detest you by taking away their resources, honor, or women, forcing them to alter their behavior against their will, or forcing them to become better people. In his book The Prince, Machiavelli forewarns that a ruler's primary concerns should be the maintenance and stability of the State as well as his or her own personal preservation of power.

Learn more about Niccol Machiavelli's here:



What does it mean to be called a mandatory reporter?


Mandatory reporting is the legal requirement for certain kinds of persons to notify the appropriate authorities when they suspect child abuse or neglect.

Mandatory Reporting is the legal obligation placed on a person or organization to inform a government agency or other organization of a worry over the safety of a child, including but not limited to worries about physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, and psychological injury; government agents. Professional educators and social workers. Individual service providers and facility operators. workers in social service, welfare, home care, and home health organizations Typically, this group comprises social workers, educators, medical professionals, child care providers, law enforcement, mental health specialists, and other educators and healthcare personnel; but, in other areas, everyone is required to report.

To learn more about enforcement please click on below link



What is the conceptual definition of students?


A person who is registered in a school or other educational institution is called a student.

An operational definition just explains how to measure a notion; a conceptual definition explains what the idea signifies. By explaining how your constructions connect to other constructs, a conceptual definition explains what your constructs are. This explanation is abstract, as are all of the structures it discusses. A student is a person who is learning something, whether it is a skill or a specific subject.Student(noun) a learner, pupil, scholar, especially one who attends school or who seeks information from books or from professional professors; as, students of an academy, college, or university; a medical student; a hard student.

Thus this is the conceptual definition of students.

Refer here to learn more about conceptual definition: https://brainly.com/question/29546206


What is an example of situational irony in Romeo and Juliet Act 2?


Romeo's friends believe he is upset with Rosaline since they can't locate him, but in reality, he has fallen in love with a new lady. Ironically, they believe he is still upset with Rosaline even though we already know he loves Juilet.

Situational irony: Contrary to what one might think, love brought sorrow to two families who had previously lived in hatred of one another. Speech irony It is undoubtedly not what Juliet's mother wanted to hear when she says she would rather marry Romeo than Paris. Romeo's friends believe he is upset with Rosaline since they can't locate him, but in reality, he has fallen in love with a new lady. Ironically, they believe he is still upset with Rosaline even though we already know he loves Juilet.

To learn more about Romeo's please click on below link



in the final sentence of the passage, the pairing of the verbs "balanced" and "leaped" suggest what fine distinction regarding the character of altaf?



You need to write the full question or else people cant help you.


Which reviion bet ue ubordinating conjunction to clarify the meaning of thi paage?


Option D. Although Siobhan couldn't figure out how to end the short story she was writing, she would get a poor grade Siobhan spent the day lost in thought at the lake because she finally knew how to end it​

A lake is a very sluggish-flowing body of open water that occupies a land melancholy. This organization of water bodies consists of ponds and impoundments.

There are 117 million lakes on the earth, covering 3.7 percent of a continental land surface. Maximum lakes are incredibly small – 90 million lakes are less than two soccer fields in length. Most lakes lie low — 85 percent are at elevations less than 1,600 ft (500 meters) above sea level.

Lakes assist in maintaining the glide of a river. Lakes can be used for the production or improvement of hydroelectricity.

Learn more about Lake here:-https://brainly.com/question/5602285


how many guests received a mysterious invite to the inn in time for us to come home for christmas?


Unexpectedly, five people are invited to an inn to celebrate Christmas. With the help of the owner Ben, Sarah discovers that a past event could connect them and have a lasting impact on their lives. The leading actors are Stephen Huszar and Lacey Chabert.

Five guests were invited to the inn in "Time for Us to Come Home for Christmas" by a mystery invitation. David Winning's 2020 holiday film, Time for Us to Come Home for Christmas, will be released. The movie's narrative centers on five visitors who are for some reason invited to an inn to spend Christmas.The visitors quickly begin to look into their connections as the narrative goes on. They learn with the aid of the innkeeper that a historical incident may link them and alter their lives forever.

Thus the answer is five.

Refer here to learn more about mysterious invite: https://brainly.com/question/29816640


How can I learn a cheer routine fast?


You'll remember your cheer dance choreography more quickly if you go gently through each move.

This method increases your awareness of each movement and how it should feel. This increases both mental and muscle memory. Comparable to memorizing reading information is this approach. Cheerleading performances frequently take one to three minutes and feature jumps, cheers, tumbling, and acrobatics.Cheerleaders must be flexible, preferably having flexibility comparable to that of a gymnast. Consistently stretch to increase your flexibility. You could do this while watching TV, so it wouldn't have to take up much of your time or interfere with your regular activities.

This is how you can learn a cheer routine fast.

Refer here to learn more about cheer routine: https://brainly.com/question/29552134


Read this excerpt from a passage.
"Every Tuesday and Thursday, high school junior Kayla Morrison goes to a local café-not to eat, but to work. For the last four
months, she's been working at the café those two afternoons a week and every Saturday morning. Kayla is one of the many American high
school students who work. In fact, around eighty percent of all high school students will have had some kind of job by the time they
graduate. But is working during the school year a good thing? Or should students wait until they graduate to find employment? Let's find
Which of the following subjects will be compared in the rest of the passage?
eating at a café and working at a café
working during the school week and working only on the weekend
high school juniors and high school freshmen
working during high school and not working during high school



The answer would be "working during high school and not working during high school"

What is the relationship between distance and magnitude of displacement?


It's crucial to keep in mind that the distance traveled need not match the size of the displacement (i.e., distance between the two points). The total distance traveled will be more than the amount of the displacement between those two points specifically if an object changes direction during its journey.

Why is distance referred to as the displacement's magnitude?

The displacement vector's magnitude is determined by the distance traveled. Since velocity is defined as displacement divided by time, a particle's velocity can be zero. If a particle travels a certain distance in a certain amount of time, its speed cannot be zero.

What distinguishes magnitude from distance?

Magnitude is a term used to describe size or distance. Regarding the movement, We can relate magnitude to the size and motion speed of the object. The magnitude of a thing or an amount is its size.

Know more about magnitude:



What is a fable short answer?


Fable is a type of literary genre where the prose and verse forms depict animals, plants, inanimate objects, legendary creatures, and nature with human qualities.

Fable refers to narrative prose and verse with animals and other inanimate objects as the characters speaking and behaving like humans. The characters behave in a certain way to highlight human weaknesses and follies. The fable always has a moral end.

Aesop is the Greek writer credited with the first fable collections. He was a storyteller who lived in Ancient Greece from around 620 to 564 BCE. Roman poet Horace, Greek satirist Lucian and biographer Plutarch also contributed to popularizing and developing Aesopian fables. Fable developed around Middle Ages as well due to allegorical representations and moral endings.

Learn more about fable here https://brainly.com/question/2513338


What does it mean when a woman says she's open-minded?


When a woman says she is open-minded means that she is not firmly embedded in any particular way of thinking.

When a woman says they are open-minded could mean many things. It could mean they are open to suggestions and are not bound by anything. They are easily understanding and do not judge people quickly.

They are genuine at heart and are ready to experience life without any restrictions. They are ready to learn new things, listen to others' opinions, and are willing to take the risk no matter what the cost is.

They are women who see good and potential in everything. They appreciate diversity and are fun to be with.

To know more about Open-minded,



if you are charged with selling/providing/delivering alcoholic beverages to an intoxicated person


You could be charged with a misdemeanor offense

What is the hardest personality type to live in?


The quick answer is that the most complicated Myers-Briggs personality type is INFJ (Introverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Judgment).

Perhaps the hardest personality type to comprehend by others is the INFP. Although they come out as laid-back and easygoing, they have a tendency to become unexpectedly unyielding when it comes to their ideals.

They are too pleasant, although they usually find other people to be difficult to be around.

The ENFJ is frequently seen as the strongest "people person" of all the personality types. They can develop friendships with people of many personality kinds, including those who are more reserved or introverted.

Overthinkers frequently rank highly on the neurotic scale. Together with openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, and agreeableness, neuroticism is one of the five major personality qualities.

Learn more about to   personality   visit here;



What was the most important consequence of the Emancipation Proclamation?


After the Emancipation Proclamation was issued, thousands of slaves were released from 10 rebellious Confederate states.

The Emancipation Proclamation and the acts of African American troops changed the trajectory of the Civil War in such a way that it guaranteed that all slaves would be released following the conflict, which strengthened the North's will to prevail. The emancipation declaration caused enormous quantities of money to be lost quickly, which effectively stopped the local economy. Due to insufficient money, this significantly hampered the South's capacity to recover economically. The Proclamation was also believed to stop European armies from joining the Confederacy's side in the conflict. Thus, for the first time, Black Americans were allowed to enlist in the Union Army.

Learn more about Emancipation here:



How do you identify a complex sentence in a sentence?


Answer: A complex sentence combines a dependent clause with an independent clause.


What are 3 examples of convergent boundaries?


The Himalayas are the result of a collision between the Eurasian Plate and the Indian Plate is a example of convergent boundaries.

what are the two more examples of convergent boundaries ?

Examples of continent-continent convergent boundaries include the collision of the India Plate with the Eurasian Plate, which resulted in the Himalaya Mountains, and the collision of the African Plate with the Eurasian Plate, which resulted in the Sahara Desert.

What are the 3 types of boundaries ?

Divergent boundaries — where new crust is formed as the plates pull apart.

Convergent boundaries are formed when one plate dives beneath another.

Transform boundaries — where the plates slide horizontally past each other, neither producing nor destroying crust.

What plates have convergent boundaries?

A convergent plate boundary is formed when two tectonic plates move toward each other and collide. Convergent plate boundaries are classified into three types: oceanic-oceanic boundaries, oceanic-continental boundaries, and continental-continental boundaries. Because of the density of the plates involved, each one is unique.

learn more about convergent boundaries visit:



in the story of the stranger by Isamael V. Mallari what is the rising action


Meursault fights back against society's attempts to create and impose justifications for his attitudes and

What is society?

A society is a group of people who contact one another on a regular basis or a big social group that shares the same spatial or social region and is typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.

Behavior after committing murder. Meursault's struggle with the justice system that is pursuing him serves as an example of this conflict.

A story's inciting event, the core conflict that furthers the plot's goals, and the way the climax is resolved are all referred to as the central conflict and climax. The strongest desire of the main character is met with an equally strong internal or external obstacle in this definition of the central conflict.

Therefore, society's attempts to create and impose justifications

Learn more about society here:



What are three events of the rising action?


Typically, at this point, the conflict begins to take shape, and the protagonist confronts difficulties. Suspense, intrigue, and conflict are three characteristics that may contribute to the escalation of the action.

The rising action is the second of six important plot components that follows a story's expositional start. It is frequently made up of a series of episodes that leave traces, generate difficulties, and cause hurdles and disagreements that must be handled.Romeo's murder of Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet's third act is an example of this. The rising action of the play encompasses all that occurs between Romeo and Juliet's initial meeting and Tybalt's death. The growing action begins after the expositional phase and ends at the climax.

Thus, these are the three rising action occurrences.

To learn more about rising action, refer: https://brainly.com/question/29552556


What is a symbol for unconditional love?


The Heart

The heart, the most famous symbol of unconditional love, is actually thousands of years old! The heart is one of the ancient symbols of love. Relevant in the Modern World

When you think of love, you probably think of modern love symbols from around the world: hearts, chocolates and sparkling jewelry. While these are great expressions of love and devotion, there are many other unique love symbols that represent love from time immemorial.

You may not know that symbols of love have existed for centuries. There are interesting and romantic love symbols from history and around the world.

Learn more about Unconditional love Here :



Is it better to cook potatoes whole?


It is advised to boil starchy potatoes whole rather than cubed because cubed potatoes often fall apart or get water-logged when cooked.

The easiest technique to avoid overcooking them is to cook them whole, still wearing their skin.

Remove the potatoes from the boiling water as soon as they are fork-tender. Peel off the skins when they are cool enough to handle.

In a 3- to 4-quart sauce pan, add the potatoes and then the cold water. Bring the water to a boil while partially covering the pot.

Remove the cover, sprinkle in 1 teaspoon of salt, and lower the heat so that the water gently boils. Cook for 10 to 12 minutes, or until a fork can easily pierce the potatoes.

To know more about potatoes, visit:



What should a research paper conclusion include?


All five components of a successful summary of research paper can be found there:

Restate the subject of the study.

Restate the key ideas.

Indicate the importance or outcomes.

Conclude the ideas.

The conclusion gives us the chance to express our opinions about the subjects we've covered in our paper, to underline the importance of our thoughts, to summarize them, and to guide the reader toward a different point of view.

We also have the opportunity to positively make a good impression. The conclusion of our research paper is comprised of the ending sentence or paragraph as well as a summary of the key points we have discussed.

In contrast to the introduction, which describes why the research was conducted in the first place, the conclusion offers support for the research.

To know more about research paper, visit:



I need help asap please!


The quotation that has a critical tone is option C, "America is an improbable idea. A mongrel nation built of ever-changing disparate parts, it is held..."

What is tone?

Tone is a term used to refer to the author's attitude when it comes to the idea or subject being written about. Example of different tones are the following:


In "A Quilt of a Country," the author Anna Quindlen discusses diversity in America. She uses an analogy when she compares the US to a quilt - bot being made of parts that may, initially, seem discordant, but that in the end form a beautiful whole.

Notice how option C establishes a critical tone, which can be identified by the use of words such as "disparate" and "improbable." Also, the author seems to criticize those who think they are better than others.

Therefore, we believe option C to be the correct answer.

Note: In case option C turns out to be incorrect, option D could be a second option, as the phrase "vanilla-pudding" is used to criticize the word "tolerance."

Learn more about tone here:



Whales are growing at a rate unseen ever before.-san diego zoo, 1967. this source is current. please select the best answer from the choices provided a. true b. false


a. True, this statement is current.

Current means that the activity or thing that is being described is happening, being done or being used right now.

From the statement provided, the author uses the verb 'are' which is the current version of the verb 'to be

The statement, therefore, means that the growth of whales is happening actively and currently though the statement was issued in the current version in the year 1967.

A statement can be in past, present, or future tense depending on the verb used. A current statement uses a verb that is in the present tense. Like 'are' used in the statement.

Read more: https://brainly.com/question/7036857


what are the sea sirens that lure sailors with their singing to the island, where their ships crash on the rocks called in the odyssey book 12


Odysseus listens to the Car horns sing to him about their understanding of the universe and his victory at Troy. He begs his soldiers to release him, but they follow his original instructions and tie him even more tightly to the mast.

What took place in the Odyssey's Sirens?

Some myths claim that the sirens would perish if any sailors heard their song and managed to flee. Therefore, when Odysseus' ship goes by, the sirens jump into the water and drown. This essay alludes to this exciting experience.

In which literary work does Odysseus hear the Sirens?

As Odysseus (Ulysses) departs Kirkê's island in the twelve book of a Odyssey, Kirkê warns him of the dangers he will face at sea.

To know more about Odysseus visit:



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