a nuclear power plant on the moon. the ambient temperature on the moon is 15 k. heat input from radioactive decay heats the working steam to a temperature of 975 k. what is the ideal efficiency of the engine?


Answer 1

The ideal efficiency of the engine 12%

Efficiency  (n)     =     1   -   (Tc / Th)

   n =  1 - (15 / 975)    =    0.985

   n =  1 -  (4 / 13)  =  0.692

   n =  1 - ( 282 / 320)   =   0.12

Even the most efficient heat engines have poor ideal efficiency, typically, it is much below 50%. Consequently, a significant amount of energy is wasted when it is lost to the environment by heat engines. Even though modern cogeneration, combined cycle, and energy recycling schemes are starting to harness this heat for other uses, a significant portion of the fuels produced worldwide are used to power heat engines, wasting up to half of the useable energy produced worldwide. There are three reasons for this inefficiency. The Carnot efficiency is a general term used to describe the temperature-related upper limit on any heat engine's efficiency. Second, due to the inherent irreversibility, some engine types are limited in terms of efficiency.

Learn more about ideal efficiency here:



Related Questions

Calculate the wavelength (in m) of a 9. 81-g bullet traveling at 1769 miles per hour.


A bullet that has a mass of 9.81 g traveling at 1769 miles per hour has a wavelength of 0.85 x 10⁻³⁴ m

De Broglie wave

A physicist "Louis de Broglie" put forward a hypothesis that particles can also be treated as particles as well as waves. Using theoretical concepts from black body radiation, de Broglie showed a relationship expressing momentum with wavelength. This equation is derived from the energy equation for a photon in black body radiation. The energy of a photon is a function of the wavelength of the photon.

The equation is:

λ = h/p

We have,

Mass of the bullet = 9.81 g = 0.00981 kg

v = 1769 mph ⇒ 790.81 ms⁻¹

h =  Planck's constant ⇒ 6.63 x 10⁻³⁴ m²kg⁻¹

Determine the momentum (p) of the bullet first,

P = mv

= (0.00981) (790.81 )

= 7.75 kgms⁻¹

So, the wavelength of the bullet:

λ =  6.63 x 10⁻³⁴ / 7.75

= 0.85 x 10⁻³⁴ m

Learn more about wavelength here: https://brainly.com/question/10750459


the human ear canal is, on average, 2.5cm long and aids in hearing by acting like a resonant cavity that is closed on one end and open on the other. the length of the ear canal is partially responsible for our sensitivities to certain frequencies. use 340m/s for the speed of sound when performing the following calculations.Part A
What is the first resonant frequency?
Part B
What is the wavelength at second resonance?
Part C
How does the first resonant frequency change if the ear canal is full of water?Part D
At a listener's ear, the intensity of a conversation is 4×10−6W/m24×10−6W/m2 and a typical adult's ear has a surface area of 210×10−3m2210×10−3m2. What is the power of the sound waves on the ear?
Part E
Long-term exposure to loud noises can damage hearing. If a loud machine produces sounds with an intensity level of 100dB100dB, what would the intensity level be if the intensity were reduced by a factor of 4?


The first resonance frequency is 3400 Hz and the wavelength at second frequency is 3.33 cm. After the ear canal is full of water the first resonance frequency increases. The power of sound waves on the year is  840 X 10⁻⁹ W and if the intensity of sound is reduced by a factor of 4, then the intensity level will be 135 dB.

(a) The ear, being open at one end and closed at the other, is equivalent to a closed pipe. For a closed pipe, the first resonant frequency occurs when one quarter of the wavelength is equal to the length of the pipe.

= λ/4 = l

= λ = 4l

Now, Speed is given by

= v = fλ

where f = frequency

= f = v/λ

At the first resonant frequency,

= f = v/λ

= f = v/4l

= f = 340 / (4 X 2.5 X 10⁻²) m

= f = 3400 Hz

(b) At second resonance,

= (3/4)λ = l

= λ = (4/3) X l

= λ = (4/3) X 2.5 X 10⁻²

= λ = 3.33 cm

(c) Since, sound travels faster in a liquid than in gas, the first resonance frequency increases when the ear canal is filled with water as speed increases. This is because, speed is directly proportional to intensity.

(d) Intensity = i = 4 X 10⁻⁶ W/m²
Surface area = a = 210 X 10 ⁻³ m²

Power of the sound waves = p =

= p = i X a

= p = 4 X 10⁻⁶ X 210 X 10 ⁻³

= p = 840 X 10⁻⁹ W

(e) Intensity level = l = 100 dB

If the intensity is reduced by 4, then using the relationship between decibel and sound intensity is :

= β = 10 X log(I₁ / I₂)

= β = 10 log (0.25/10⁻¹²) dB

=  β = 135 dB

To know more about Sound Intensity:



4. A truck travels a curve of radius 10 m at 18 km/hr on a force of 15000 N. What is the mass of the truck?​



The mass of the truck is 1500 Kg.


Given;F = 15000 N

We know that,

F = mg

g = acceleration due to gravity = 10m/s²

m = F/g

m = 15000/10

m = 1500 Kg

m = 1500 KgThus, The mass of the truck is 1500 Kg.

A moving car has 40,000 j of kinetic energy while moving at a speed of 7.0 m/s. a spring-loaded automobile bumper compresses 0.30 m when the car hits a wall and stops. What can you lean about the bumpers spring using the information?


This means that the bumper's spring has a spring constant of     8.89×1058.89×105 N  k=8.889×105N/m

What exactly are quantitative hypotheses?

It believes that reality is a subject that can be investigated impartially.The researcher must maintain their independence and distance from the subject under study.Research was value-free; it should not be in any way influenced by the researcher's values.

What are some quantitative research presumptions?

In general, quantitative research makes the following assumptions:Truth is a phenomenon that can be investigated objectively because it is "out there," objective, and independent of a researcher;

To know more about quantitative research visit:



What is the relationship between heat and pressure?


The relationship between heat and pressure is that they are directly proportional to each other by Gay-lussac law.

What is Heat?

Heat is the energy that moves from one thing to another when temperatures are different. Heat passes from the hotter to the colder body when two bodies with different temperatures are brought together. Usually, but not consistently, this energy transfer results in a rise in the heat of the colder body and a fall in the temperature of the hotter body.

By switching from one physical situation (or phase) to the other, such as melting from a solid to a liquid, sublimation from a solid to a vapor, boiling from a liquid to steam or changing from one stable state to another, a substance can absorb heat without increasing in temperature.

The relationship between pressure and temperature for a given volume of gas is straightforward. Pressure rises in systems when temperature increases, and vice versa. The Gay-law Lussac specifies the link between a gas's pressure and temperature.

To know more about Heat:



calculate the mass (in kg) of 4.87 x 1025 atoms of zn. calculate the mass (in kg) of 4.87 x 1025 atoms of zn. 5.29 kg 1.24 kg 1.89 kg 8.09 kg 1.09 kg.


5.29 kg is the mass of 4.87 x 10²⁵ atoms of Zn.

What is mass?

As a measure of inertia, which is a fundamental characteristic of all matter, mass is used in physics. It essentially refers to a body of matter's resistance to changing its speed or location in response to the application of a force.The symbol for mass is m or M. The force exerted on a mass as a result of the acceleration brought on by gravity is measured as weight. W typically stands for weight.

As, we know

Mass of 1 mole of Zn = 65.38 gm/mole

= (65.38/1000) kg/mole

= 0.06538 kg/mole

We know,1 mole = 6.023 × 10²³ atoms.

Thus, moles of Zn = 4.87 × 10²⁵ / 6.023 × 10²³

= 80.87 moles

Therefore, mass of Zn = 80.87 moles × 0.06538 kg/mole

= 5.287 kg ≈ 5.29 kg

To know more about mass refer to:



if the rectangular barge is 3.5 m by 24.0 m and sits 0.70 m deep in the harbor, how deep will it sit in the river?


By using Archimedes Principle the Barge will sit at a depth of 0.7203 m

What is Archimedes Principle?

The buoyancy of any floating object partially or totally submerged in a fluid can be computed thanks to Archimedes' principle. The weight of the thing alone exerts a downward force on it. The upward or buoyant force acting on the object is what is meant by the aforementioned Archimedes' principle. The difference between the buoyant force and the object's weight is therefore the net force acting on it. In the event that this net force is positive, the item will rise; in the event that it is negative, the object will sink; and in the event that it is zero, the object will be neutrally buoyant, remaining stationary.


The harbour contains salt water while the river contains fresh water. So assuming that the densities of fresh water and salt water are:

density (salt water) = 1029 kg / [tex]m^3[/tex]

density (fresh water) = 1000 kg / [tex]m^3[/tex]

The amount of water (in mass) displaced by the barge should be equal in two waters.

mass displaced (salt water) = mass displaced (fresh water)

Since mass is also the product of density and volume,


[density * volume] of salt water = [density * volume] of fresh water

First we calculate the amount of volume displaced in the harbour (salt water):

V = [tex]3.5 m\ X\ 24.0 m\ X\ 0.70 m[/tex]

V = [tex]58.8 m^3[/tex] of salt water

Plugging in the values into equation 1:

1029 kg /  [tex]m^3[/tex] × 58.8 m^3 = 1000 kg/[tex]m^3[/tex]× Volume fresh water

Volume fresh water displaced = 60.5052 [tex]m^3[/tex]

Therefore the depth of the barge in the river is:

60.5052 [tex]m^3[/tex] = 3.5 m × 24.0 m × h

h = 0.7203 m

By using Archimedes Principle the Barge will sit at a depth of 0.7203 m

To refer more Archimedes Principle Problems visit:



the total number of points of work a team can accomplish in each scrum period is called . group of answer choices speed degree velocity score


The total number of points of work, a team can accomplish in each scrum period is called velocity.

The high data growth speed is another thing is currently a problem. In a way, this problem is closely related to the data volume problem, because the speed of data created is generally directly proportional to the data volume. Data not only come in large numbers but also in a shorter tempo and even some that are real-time.

The burden of storing and processing data in a data warehouse will be more useful if it is utilized for data that is directly related to the business - transaction, financial and consumer data.

To know more about velocity:



Jacky starts biking to meet up with her friend. She determines that she will be 3 minutes late if she bikes at a speed of 10 mph and 2 minutes early if she goes 12 mph. How much time does she have left before the appointed meeting time?.


There are 26.88 minutes left before Jacky's scheduled time.

Let x be the separation between Jacky & her buddies.

Let t be the typical travel time that Jacky would take to go to her friend's house.

Time = Distance ÷ Speed

He will arrive at the meeting three minutes late if she rides at a speed of 10 mph.

Time of lateness in hours = 3 ÷ 60 = 0.05 hours

t  +  0.05  =  x ÷ 10

10t  +  0.5  =  x

She will arrive two minutes before the scheduled meeting time if she rides at a speed of 12 mph.

2 seconds equal 0.033 hours

t  -  0.033 = x ÷ 12

12t  -  0.396  =  x

Compare equations from 10t  +  0.5  =  x and 12t  -  0.396  =  x.

10t  +  0.5   =  12t  -  0.396

12t  -  10t  =  0.5  + 0.396

2t   =  0.896

t   =  0.896/2

t  =  0.448 hours

t  =  0.448  x  60

t   =  28.88 minutes

Jacky has 27 minutes well before the scheduled time or 26.88 minutes.

Learn more about the speed-time at



a 2 mm diameter meteor of specific gravity 2.9 has a speed of 6 km/s at an altitude of 50,000 m where the air density is 1.03 x 10-3 kg/m3. if the drag coefficient at this large mach number condition is 1.5, determine the deceleration of the meteor.


A 2 mm diameter meteor of specific gravity 2.9 has a speed of 6 km/s at an altitude of 50,000 m where the air density is 1.03 x 10-3 kg/m3. if the drag coefficient at this large number condition is 1.5, 5km/s is the deceleration of the meteor.

A material's density in respect to a standard substance is determined by its specific gravity, also referred to as relative density. When comparing the densities of solids like meteor and liquids, water is commonly used as a reference because it has a density of one kilogram per litre at 4 °C (39.2 °F) (62.4 pounds per cubic foot). At standard conditions (0 °C and 1 standard atmosphere), dry air, which is widely used to compare gases, has a density of 1.29 grams per litre (1.29 ounces per cubic foot). For instance, liquid mercury has a density of 13.6 kg per litre and a specific gravity of 13.6. Even though it has a standard density of 1.976 grams per litre, the gas carbon dioxide has a specific gravity of 1.53 (= 1.976/1.29). The ideas of specific gravity and buoyancy, or an object's propensity to float in water or the atmosphere, are interrelated.

To know more about meteor please refer: https://brainly.com/question/11504264


a girl throws a rock horizontally, with a velocity of 8.0 m/s, from a bridge. it falls 20 m to the water below. how far does the rock travel horizontally before striking the water, assuming negligible air resistance?


The rock thrown horizontally at 8.0 m/s from a bridge before it hits the water = 16.15 m.

Free fall motion

Free fall motion is a motion that falls from a height without having an initial velocity. As long as the object is falling, air resistance is negligible, its acceleration is constant and the magnitude is equal to the acceleration due to gravity. In addition, the time it takes for an object to fall does not depend on its mass, but depends on its height.

We have,

The velocity of the rock = 8.0 m/s ⇒ v

Fall height of the rock = 20 m ⇒ h

And, to determine  how far does the rock travel horizontally before striking the water, we use the equation:

d = v x t

We have the velocity (v), but don't have the time (t).

So, determine the time first

Use the equation to determine the height:

h = ½ gt²

20 =  ½ (9.8)t²

t² = 4.08

t = [tex]\sqrt{4.08}[/tex]

= 2.01 s

So, the distance the stone traveled before striking to the water:

d = (8.0) (2.01)

= 16.15 m

Learn more about distance here: https://brainly.com/question/26046491


mechanical energy is select one because the roller coaster select one energy due to friction and air resistance as it travels down the track.


True,  Mechanical energy is chosen because the roller coaster chooses one energy owing to friction and air resistance as it travels down the track.

Mechanical energy is the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy in an object that is used to do some work.

In other words, it describes the energy of an object due to its motion or position or both.Mechanical energy is the energy of a moving object or the energy that is stored in objects by their position. Mechanical energy is also a driver of renewable energy. Many forms of renewable energy rely on mechanical energy for adequate power generation or energy conversion

Mechanical energy is chosen because the roller coaster chooses one energy owing to friction and air resistance as it travels down the track. Therefore the given statement is true.

To know more about Mechanical energy,



A 8. 0-m long wire with a mass of 10 g is under tension. A transverse wave for which the frequency is 570 hz, the wavelength is 0. 10 m, and the amplitude is 3. 7 mm is propagating on the wire. The maximum transverse acceleration of a point on a wire is closest to.


The maximum transverse acceleration of a point on a wire is 47410.0839m/sec² having mass of 10g.

Transverse Wave travels from highest point of positive amplitude to negative highest point amplitude. Amplitude is the point where potential energy of wave is highest. Transverse wave travels in definite direction. We have mass=10g=0.001kg,length of wire is 8m,frequency of transverse wave is 570Hz,wavelength =0.10m

Now, we need to transverse wave acceleration, for this we need angular frequency because there is co-relation between transverse wave acceleration and angular frequency.

We know that angular frequency=2πf where f is the angular frequency.





Now, for acceleration we know that =ω²A where A is the amplitude of the wave.

=>a = (3579.6)²×3.7mm





Hence, maximum transverse acceleration is 47410.0839m/sec²

To know more about transverse acceleration, visit here:



What happens when a rock is under pressure?


Answer: Stress that makes one rock squeeze or push against another.


Underline the statements you think are true:
Gravity depends on the material of the objects.
.Gravity is not a force because it can’t move objects.
Gravity is a force because a force is a push or a pull.
The moon has less gravity than the Earth because it has less mass than the Earth.
The moon has less gravity than the Earth because it has no atmosphere.


The  statements that I  think are true are:

Gravity depends on the material of the objects.Gravity is a force because a force is a push or a pull.What is gravity?

Gravity can be described as the force by which a planet or other body draws objects toward its center however the force of gravity keeps all of the planets in orbit around the sun.

It should be noted that Gravity do depends on the material of the objects however the Gravity can not be regrded as force because it can't move objects but can be consdidered as the force because a force is a push or a pull, as it can be seen in hoiw the  moon has less gravity than the Earth because it has less mass than the Earth.

In conclusion, Gravity depends on the material of the objects and it should be noted that Gravity is a force because a force is a push or a pull.

Therefore, option A and C are correct.

Learn more about Gravity at:



The theory that dark matter is not real and is just a a problem with our theory of gravity has been falsified by:_______.


The theory that dark matter is not real and is just a problem with our theory of gravity has been falsified by an observation of what happens when clusters of galaxies collide. The term dark matter was coined in 1933 by Fritz Zwicky.

The observed evidence for dark matter is quite strong, and we know it's unlikely to be a mathematical artifact because different galaxies appear to have different amounts of dark matter, with some not having any at all. If our model of gravity were in error, we would expect to see the same error in all galaxies we observe. This is not the case.

Instead, we observe that some galaxies behave exactly as the model says they should, and some behave as if they're heavier than they ought to be.

Learn more about the dark matter here:



What is the frequency of a wave Travelling at 500 m/s with a wavelength of 25 m?


The frequency of the travelling wave is found to be 20 Hertz.

The relationship between the frequency of the wave, the wavelength of the wave and the speed of the wave is given by

V = fy


V is the speed of the travelling wave,

F is the frequency of the travelling wave,

y is the wavelength of the travelling wave.

The speed of the travelling wave is given to be 500m/s and the wavelength of the travelling wave is 25m.

Now, putting all the values,

500 = f(25)

f = 500/25

f = 20Hz

So, the frequency of the travelling wave is 20Hz.

To know more about frequency of wave, visit,



Anna and jon sit on a seesaw. Anna has a mass of 60 kg and sits 2 m from the center. Jon has a mass of 70 kg. How far from the center should jon sit so the seesaw is balanced?.


In order to balance the seesaw, John should sit at a distance of 1.7m from the center.

This question can be solved using the concept of moment. in order to balance on the seesaw the moment on the center of seesaw should be zero or in other words

∑M = 0

Now, the moment is expressed by the formula

∑M = F × d

where, ∑M is the Algebraic sum of moments in the center of the balance, M is the moment in the center point ( N*m), F is the Force (N) and d is the distance of the force to the the center point(N*m).

Now, we have

Mass of Anna (M) = 60kg

Mass of John (m) = 70kg

Distance from Anna to the center of the seesaw (dA) = 2m

Distance from John to the center of the seesaw (dJ) = ?

Acceleration due to gravity (g) = 9.8 m/s²

Also, W = mass × g. So, W = Anna's weight and w = John's weight

Now, to find the distance we write the Moment equation as

∑M = 0

(W)(dA) - (W)(dJ) = 0

(M*g)(dA) - (m*g)(dJ) = 0

We divide the equation by g

(M)(dA) - (m)(dJ)= 0

(M)(dA) = (m)(dJ)

dJ = M(dA)/m

dJ = 60×2/70

dJ = 120/70

dJ = 1.7m which is distance of John from center.

Learn more about Moment at:



a diatomic ideal gas at pressure p and volume v is expanding to three times its initial volume under constant pressure. t or f


True. A diatomic ideal gas at pressure P and volume V is expanding to three times its initial volume under constant pressure.

Pressure Variations of a Diatomic Ideal Gas During Expansion

The pressure of the gas will remain constant as the volume expands, therefore the ideal gas law states that the product of pressure and volume will remain constant, meaning the pressure will decrease as the volume increases.

As the diatomic ideal gas expands to three times its initial volume, the pressure of the gas will remain constant due to the ideal gas law, which states that the product of pressure and volume must remain constant. As the volume of the gas increases, the pressure must decrease in order to maintain the constant product. Therefore, although the pressure remains constant, the volume of the gas will increase three-fold.

Learn more about Gas expansion: https://brainly.com/question/23814493


A wave has a speed of 15 m/s and a frequency of 10 Hz. what is the wavelenght of the wave?



1.5 m




An ice skater is spinning with her arms out and is not being acted upon by an external torque. When she pulls her arms in close to her body what happens to her angular velocity?


When she pulls her arms in close to her body, the thing that happens to her angular velocity is that When she pulls her arms in, her rate of spin increases significantly, which reduces her moment of inertia. She exerts effort to pull in her arms, which causes rotational kinetic energy to rise.

What is the angular momentum conservation law?

If there is no net external torque surrounding a location in a fixed inertial reference frame, the angular momentum of the system of particles around that point is conserved:

The overall angular momentum is conserved, as you can see. As long as the aggregate is constant, any one of the constituent angular momenta can change. When there is no external force acting on a system, this equation is equivalent to the conservation of linear momentum.

Therefore, since an ice skater performing a spin as an illustration of the conservation of angular momentum. Because there is hardly any friction between her skates and the ice, the net torque on her is almost nil. Additionally, the friction is applied quite near the pivot.

Learn more about angular velocity from


two slits of widtheach in an opaquematerial, are separated by a center-to-centerdistance ofa monochromatic light ofwavelength 450 nm is incident on the double-slit. one finds a combined interference anddiffraction pattern on the screen.(a) how many peaks of the interference will beobserved in the central maximum of thediffraction pattern?(b) how many peaks of the interference will beobserved if the slit width is doubled whilekeeping the distance between the slits same?(c) how many peaks of interference will beobserved if the slits are separated by twice thedistance, that is,while keeping thewidths of the slits same?(d) what will happen in (a) if instead of 450-nmlight another light of wavelength 680 nm isused?(e) what is the value of the ratio of the intensityof the central peak to the intensity of the nextbright peak in (a)?(f) does this ratio depend on the wavelength ofthe light?(g) does this ratio depend on the width orseparation of the slits?


The distance between the slits and the fringe width are inversely proportional. When the distance between the slits is doubled, the fringe's width is reduced by half.

What diffraction and interference pattern is mixed on the screen?

Diffraction. Interference is described as occurring when waves from two different independent sources have differing wavefronts. Diffraction, on the other hand, is described as secondary waves that split off from the primary wave.

Therefore, each wavelength's waves will produce a different type of interference pattern if white light is employed in Young's experiment instead of monochromatic light. The overall result of all these designs may be seen on the screen. Consequently, the middle white fringe.

To know more about Diffraction, click the link below;



the flywheel of a steam engine begins to rotate from rest with a constant angular acceleration of 1.47 rad/s2. it accelerates for 24.7 s, then maintains a constant angular velocity. calculate the total angle through which the wheel has turned 59.5 s after it begins rotating.


The flywheel of a steam engine starts revolving at rest with a constant angular acceleration of 1.47 rad/s2, therefore the wheel has rotated across a total angle of 1709.67 rad after 59.5 seconds.

To answer the question, we write down the flywheel's motion equation as 2 = 1 + t.


Initial angular velocity for the body is 0 rad/s in equation (1) Initial and final angular velocities

Time is equal to 24.7 seconds and angle acceleration is 1.47 rad/s2.

After entering the values, we discover that 2 2 = 0 + 1.35 rad/s2* 24.7 s = 38.205 rad/s.

Thus, 540.60075 rad + 1169.073 rad = 1709.67375 rad 1709.67 rad is the equation for the total angle the flywheel covered in 59.5 seconds.

Learn more about angular acceleration here



in a movie, a superhero stops an 8 gram bullet moving at 400 m s-1 with his hand. his hand provides an impulse to stop the bullet. the average force provided to the bullet during the time of contact is 1200 newton. a. calculate the time of contact with the hand before the bullet comes to rest. b. calculate the work done by the hand in bringing the bullet to rest. c. calculate how far back the hand has been displaced. d. calculate the change in the kinetic energy of the bullet..


The bullet's kinetic energy is 4000N.

What exactly is kinetic energy?

To accelerate an item, we must apply force to it. We must make an attempt to utilise force. When work is done on an item, energy is transferred, and the object then travels at a new, constant speed. The energy conveyed is known as kinetic energy, and it is affected by the mass and speed obtained.

Kinetic energy is defined in physics as follows:

The amount of work an item can do while moving is measured by its kinetic energy.

According to the information provided:


Initial velocity=u=200m/s

0 m/s final velocity


Using the third equation of motion: V²-u²=2as

0²-(200) ²=2a*0.05



Newton's Second Law states:




To learn more about kinetic energy follow the given link: https://brainly.com/question/8101588


Kinetic energy is a form of energy that an object or a particle has by reason of its motion. If work, which transfers energy, is done on an object by applying a net force, the object speeds up and thereby gains kinetic energy.

What exactly is kinetic energy?

To accelerate an item, we must apply force to it. We must make an attempt to utilise force. When work is done on an item, energy is transferred, and the object then travels at a new, constant speed. The energy conveyed is known as kinetic energy, and it is affected by the mass and speed obtained.

Kinetic energy is defined in physics as follows:

The amount of work an item can do while moving is measured by its kinetic energy.

According to the information provided:


Initial velocity=u=200m/s

0 m/s final velocity


Using the third equation of motion: V²-u²=2as

0²-(200) ²=2a*0.05



Newton's Second Law states:




To know more about kinetic energy visit;



A bicycle has a kinetic energy of 124 J. What kinetic energy would the bicycle have if it had
a) twice the mass and was moving at the same speed?
b) the same mass and was moving with twice the speed?
c) one-half the mass and was moving with twice the speed?
d) the same mass and was moving with one-half the speed?
e) three times the mass and was moving with one-half the speed?





KE = 1/2 mv^2

  soooo   ...

a) doubling m doubles KE
b) doubling 'v' makes KE 4 times greater (because v is v^2)

c) 1/2 *2^2 = double KE

d ) 1/2^2 = 1/4 KE

e)  3 * 1/2^2 = 3/4 KE

a possible means for making an airplane invisible to radar is to coat the plane with an antireflective polymer. if radar waves have a wavelength of 3.00 cm and the index of refraction of the polymer is n 5 1.50, how thick would you make the coating?


The coating should be made 0.5 cm thick.

Wavelength of the radar waves = λ = 3 cm

Index of refraction of the polymer = n = 1.50

Thickness required = t

Generally the equation for Destructive interference for Normal incidence is mathematically given by:

= 2 X n X t = 0.5 X m X λ

If we calculate at minimum thickness, then m = 1.

Thus, thickness = t =

= 2 X n X t = 0.5 X  λ

= 2 X 1.5 X t = 0.5 X 3

= t = (0.5 X 3) / (2 X 1.5)

= t = 0.5 cm

To know more about Coating Thickness:



The demon drop rode at cedar point amusement park falls freely for 4.33 an after starting from rest. What is it’s velocity at the end of this time?


The velocity of the rode at the end of the time 4.33 seconds is 42.434 m/s.

What is velocity?

Velocity is the rate of change of displacement.

To calculate the velocity of the, we use the formula below.


v = u+gt................. Equation 1


v = Velocity at the end of the timeu = Initial velocityg = Acceleration due to gravityt = Time

From the question,


u = 0 m/s (From rest)g = 9.8 m/s²t = 4.33 seconds

Substitute these values into equation 1

v = 0+9.8×4.33v = 42.434 m/s

Hence, the velocity at the end of the time is 42.434 m/s.

Learn more about velocity here: https://brainly.com/question/6504879


A star is born when
A. it first starts to fuse hydrogen into helium.
B. it first starts to fuse helium into hydrogen.
C. it gets its first planet.
D. when it goes supernova.


I believe it’s A it first starts to fuse hydrogen into helium

does the doppler effect occur when the source and observer are both moving towards each other? if so, how would this affect the perceived frequency?


When the source and observer are both moving towards each other, receive frequency will be same.

What is Doppler effect?

The change in frequency of a wave in proportion to an observer who is moving relative to the wave source is known as the Doppler effect, Doppler shift, or simply Doppler, depending on the context. It bears the name of the Austrian scientist Christian Doppler, who first characterized it in 1842.

The Doppler effect, also known as the Doppler shift, is a term used to explain changes in frequency caused by moving sources of sound or light with regard to an observer. As the source gets closer to the observer, the waves it is emitting become compressed and have a greater frequency.

Observer and source moving in same direction, then the frequency becomes:

f = (v ± v₀) × f/ [v ± v(s)]

Now, assume observer is behind the source ,source is moving towards observer and observer is moving away from source:

f₁ = (v - v₀) × f/[v - v(s)]

Here, received frequency will be same, thus Doppler effect occur due to relative motion.

Yes , the perceived frequency will be same as the source frequency.

To know more about frequency refer to:



Light passes through the entire thickness of the neural layer of the retina to excite the photoreceptors. A) True B) False


It is true to say that the light passes through the entire thickness of the neural layer of the retina to excite the photoreceptors. So,correct option is A.

At the point when the light raises a ruckus around town (a light-touchy layer of tissue at the rear of the eye), extraordinary cells called photoreceptors transform the light into the electrical signs. These electrical signs travel from the retina through the optic nerve to the cerebrum.

The vision cycle depends intensely on the capacity of the eye to refract light. This happens at both the cornea and the focal point of the eye. The course of vision initially begins with the light going through the cornea. Since the cornea has a round surface it behaves like a uniting focal point.

Hence, option A is correct.

To know more about photoreceptors, visit here:



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