What does Hamlet tell Claudius in his letter in Act IV Scene VII?


Answer 1

Hamlet tell Claudius in his letter in Act IV Scene VII

Claudius confirms that Hamlet killed Polonius, even though in search of to take Claudius' lifestyles. Laertes can not recognize why Claudius did not punish Hamlet for such capitol crimes. Claudius explains that he has confined himself, even though he has no purpose of letting Hamlet get away together with his crimes.

At this factor, a messenger arrives with the letters Hamlet has sent in Horatio's care. Now understanding that Hamlet is still alive, Claudius gives Laertes an possibility to expose his love for Polonius by becoming a member of him in a plot to kill Hamlet via undertaking swordplay with him. Claudius guarantees to arrange a fencing match between Laertes and Hamlet. Hamlet will use a fencing foil, however Laertes' foil may have an unblunted point. as a result, Laertes can kill Hamlet in the front of an target audience, and it will look like an twist of fate; nobody will understand it is homicide. Laertes shares his own plan to dip his sword in a poison so lethal that a minor scratch will cause instantaneous dying. Claudius provides yet every other safeguard: he'll poison a goblet of wine for Hamlet to drink, in order that even if Laertes fails to attract blood, Hamlet will die.

Gertrude interrupts their plotting with her report of Ophelia's drowning. She describes the young girl's loss of life graphically, explaining how she had fallen within the brook while weaving flower garlands; the willow tree department on which she become sitting broke so that she tumbled into the water. Ophelia's clothing carried her afloat for a time, but in the end she sank to her death. Laertes reveals his grief uncontrollable, and he runs out in a rage. Claudius and Gertrude comply with him, ostensibly to quell his anger.

Drowning is described as a system of experiencing respiratory impairment from submersion/immersion in a liquid medium. To delineate the incident's outcome, that is further divided into descriptive phrases inclusive of death, morbidity, and no morbidity.

Learn more about drowning here :-



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One example of a Fable is the story of the fox and crow. In the story, a hungry fox sees a crow with a piece of cheese. The fox comes and tells the crow about how beautiful the crow is and how beautiful the crow's voice will be. After many praises, the crow tries to speak and the cheese fell from the beak of the crow and falls into the mouth of the fox. The moral of the story is flatterers live at the expense of those listening to him/her.

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The term "commission" now denotes a team of individuals chosen to perform a particular duty or job. This etymology supports the notion that a commission is

What is a commission?

A sales commission is a payment made to an employee after they successfully complete a task, typically selling a predetermined volume of goods or services. Sales commissions are a common incentive used by employers to boost employee productivity. A commission can be paid instead of or in addition to a salary.

A group of persons who have been entrusted with a certain responsibility or function. The word originates from the Latin word "committee," which means "to join" or "to entrust." In this regard, the word's etymology and meaning today are closely tied.

A payment made to a representative or employee in exchange for doing business on their behalf or rendering a service. Particularly: a portion of the funds received from the overall amount paid to the agent in charge of the business. For each automobile he sells, a commission is given to him. 7  the act of giving someone authority.

Therefore, The term "commission" now denotes a team of individuals

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What is the main conflict of the plot?


A story's inciting event, the core conflict that furthers the plot's goals, and the way the climax is resolved are all referred to as the central conflict and climax.

The strongest goal of a main character is confronted with an equally strong internal or external impediment in this definition of the core conflict. Conflict begins when characters take action to oppose such forces. There is no tale if there is nothing to overcome. The storyline of a novel is created and advanced by conflict.Soon after introducing the main character in a tale, the conflict is established. The beginning of the action and the beginning of the tale are both triggered by conflict. Anyone who writes should be able to develop compelling conflict.

Thus this is the conflict of the plot.

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how can you get better results if your first search finds too many sources that are not closely related to your topic?


Your search will be more targeted if you use all necessary concepts.

What does Lib 160 peer review mean in relation to articles?

Because they frequently include research findings and papers that have been reviewed for a particular intellectual subject or discipline and have gone through a formal review procedure, peer-reviewed journals are also known as research journals or refereed journals. Peer-reviewed journals are a good example of scholarly sources of information.

publications that demand that an article be read and revised by a volunteer group of subject experts before approving it for publication. These specialists are examining the article without knowing who wrote it to make sure that the facts stated therein can be supported by the research that was done. The team of experts reviews the piece and then makes a recommendation as to whether it should be approved, rejected, or amended and resubmitted. Every article that is accepted for publication must adhere to a set of rules or requirements that are specific to the subject matter.

To know more about peer-reviewed visit:



in europe, hundreds of thousands of cows have caught the disease. and 150 humans have died from it. but mad cow disease had never appeared in the u.s. until now! what tone does this passage have? anger confusion disbelief urgency


The tone of this passage is disbelief that is to become aware of the tone of a passage is to study positive phrases

The fine manner to become aware of the tone of a passage is to study positive phrases with fine or terrible connotations. The tone of disbelief signifies the Refusal to believe; absence of belief. Disbelief is described as an unwillingness to simply accept some thing as true. If a person tells you that they noticed a ghost and also you doubt their story, that is an instance of while you sense disbelief. Such as, there is utter disbelief that this has happened. And with that he shook his head in general disbelief. She checked out me with surprise and disbelief. The anger and disbelief once they then get executed first.

To learn more about disbelief check the link below:



based on the narrator's description of the custom house colleagues, what must it have been like to work there?


The narrator describes the custom house coworkers as being traditional and closed-minded, courteous but cold.

What part does the narrator play?

a storyteller or narrator. In a fictional work, the narrator selects the view point for the story. The narrative is considered to be told in the person if the narrator respect to the current in the events of the story. When the narrator isn't one of the characters, the narrative is in the third person.

Why is a competent narrator necessary?

An audiobook publisher will engage a narrator again and again if they can trust them to deliver in the fields of energy, pronunciation, breathing techniques, pitch control, and characterization.

To know more about narrator visit:



Who is the famous song of BTS?





Leader: RM

Vocals: V, Jin

Main Vocals: Jungkook

Rapper: RM, Jhope, Suga

Lead Vocals: Jimin

Most famous songs:



in which of the language skills (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics) does gavin demonstrate strength? weakness? how do you know? what evidence is there that some of these skills have been developed with support over time?


Gavin is a young boy who is currently in the early stages of language development. His language skills have been assessed and it has been determined that he has strengths and weaknesses in each of the five language skills: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.

In terms of phonology, Gavin is able to produce a variety of speech sounds, including vowels and consonants. He is even able to differentiate between certain phonemes, such as the /s/ and /sh/ sounds. This is evidence that some of his phonology skills have been developed with support over time.

In terms of morphology, Gavin is able to produce a variety of two-word combinations, such as “more juice” and “good bye.” He also has a good understanding of the inflections, such as adding a -s or -ed to a verb, as well as making plurals by adding -s. This is evidence that some of his morphology skills have been developed with support over time.

In terms of syntax, Gavin has a good understanding of the basic rules of grammar, such as using the correct word order in a sentence, using the appropriate verb tense, and using singular and plural forms correctly. This is evidence that some of his syntax skills have been developed with support over time.

In terms of semantics, Gavin is able to comprehend a wide range of vocabulary words and is able to use them in context. He is also able to understand the meaning of many different words and phrases. This is evidence that some of his semantics skills have been developed with support over time.

Learn more about skills at :https://brainly.com/question/22072038


what is the plot chart look like for for the book "The Royal Diaries Elizabeth I Red rose of the house of Tudor England 1544" by Lasky, Kathryn?


Elizabeth, who appeared to be a tough, intelligent woman who spoke five languages, ruled for more than forty years as well as led England via one of its most prosperous historical periods.

What is a story plot?

The plot of a story is what happens. A plot, on the other hand, is more than just a series of events.

A strong plot is centered on one moment—a break in a pattern, a turning point, or an action—that raises a dramatic question that must be answered throughout the story.

Elizabeth was tall and beautiful, with light red-gold hair and pale skin. She exaggerated those same features, especially as she grew older, and other women tried to imitate her.

Elizabeth, who appeared to be a tough, intelligent woman who spoke five languages, ruled England for more than forty years and guided the country through one of its most prosperous periods in history.

Thus, this was the plot chart for the book "The Royal Diaries Elizabeth I Red rose of the house of Tudor England 1544" by Lasky, Kathryn.

For more details regarding story plot, visit:



What chapter is definition of terms in research example?


The introduction is included in Chapter One, with slight changes across colleges.

This includes outlining the relevance of the study, the definition of terminology, the scope, assumptions, restrictions, and delimitations, as well as introducing the research, the research questions, and the research paradigm. The introduction, theoretical framework, problem statement, hypothesis, scope and limitation, conceptual framework, importance of the study, and definitions of key terminology are all included in this chapter.Problem, purpose, hypotheses or research questions, definitions, theoretical framework, and importance for nursing are all included in the first chapter. The review of the literature is covered in chapter two. The methodology is covered in Chapter 3 along with the sample, setting, design, data analysis techniques, and ethical considerations.

Thus this is the chapter where the definition of terms in research are.

Refer here to learn more about research: https://brainly.com/question/25257437


What causes racism?

3 paragraphs


Answer: Many experts believe racist beliefs were developed to justify self-interest and greed. For almost 400 years, European investors enslaved people through the Transatlantic slave trade to support the massive tobacco, sugar, and cotton industries in the Americas. Slavery was cheaper than indentured servitude, so slavery was a business decision, not a reflection of hatred or bigotry.

Chesapeake, which grew tobacco, provides a good example. For a while, land owners used indentured servants, most of whom were young men who signed a 4-7 year contract. Servants were exploited during their contract, but after their time was over, they were free. The first Africans, some of whom worked as indentured servants, likely arrived in 1619. However, by the 1660s, the number of indentured servants from Europe dwindled, so tobacco plantation owners began to rely on slavery to raise profits. What could justify the ownership of other humans? Defenders of slavery had a list of racist reasons, saying that slavery was part of God’s plan, it “civilized” Black people, and that some races were so inferior they were meant to be slaves. As Preston Tisdale wrote in an opinion piece for CTPost, “the demonization and dehumanization of African Americans needed to be powerful enough to obfuscate the horrors of slavery.” Racism has certainly proved powerful

While many say ignorance sparks racism, some of history’s most intelligent minds were behind racist ideas. Around the end of the 18th century, science replaced religion and superstition as the intellectual authority. In the way scientists started categorizing animals and plants, they also started categorizing humans. In 1776, German scientist Johann Fredrich Blumenbach classified humans into five groups, putting “Caucasian,” or “the white race” at the top. In the mid-1800s, Samuel George Morton posited that brain size was linked to intelligence. He concluded that white people had larger skulls and were therefore intellectually superior. While scientific texts were not widely available in this era, Morton’s ideas managed to spread in accessible publications, like cheap periodicals.Scientific racism only grew stronger as the years went by. The Nazis relied heavily on classifications, eugenics, and other racist junk science when justifying their genocide. While no longer held in high regard, scientific racism continues to this day thanks to groups like the Pioneer Fund, which supports publications writing about race-based differences in intelligence.



“People often define racism as disliking or mistreating others on the basis of race. That definition is wrong,” said Roberts, who directs the Social Concepts Lab, part of the psychology department, in the School of Humanities and Sciences. “Racism is a system of advantage based on race. It is a hierarchy. It is a pandemic. Racism is so deeply embedded within U.S. minds and U.S. society that it is virtually impossible to escape.”

Roberts, an assistant professor and co-author, Michael Rizzo, a postdoctoral fellow at New York University and the Beyond Conflict Innovation Lab, write that “just as citizens of capitalistic societies reinforce capitalism, whether they identify as capitalist or not, and whether they want to or not, citizens of racist societies reinforce racism, whether they identify as racist or not, and whether they want to or not.”

After examining research on racism from psychology, the social sciences and the humanities, the researchers argue that American racism systematically advantages White Americans and disadvantages Americans of color – but that it does not have to. It all starts with awareness, they contend.

“Many people, especially White people, underestimate the depths of racism,” Rizzo said. “A lot of attention is rightfully put on the recent murders of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd and far too many others. But people need to understand that those horrific events are a consequence of a larger system. We want readers to walk away with a better understanding of how that system works.”

Seven factors

The first three factors Roberts and Rizzo reviewed are: categories, which organize people into distinct groups; factions, which trigger ingroup loyalty and intergroup competition; and segregation, which hardens racist perceptions, preferences and beliefs. Simply put, the U.S. systematically constructs racial categories, places people inside of those categories and segregates people on the basis of those categories, the authors argue.

For example, there is a considerable body of research showing that people, adults and children alike, tend to feel and act more positively toward those they consider to be like them and in their “ingroup.” This means that they are likely to treat people from outside of their social circles less favorably.

For many White Americans, their ingroups do not include Black Americans. Part of the reason for this has to do with America’s fraught history of racial segregation, which kept White and Black communities separated. Roberts and Rizzo point to studies demonstrating that the amount of exposure a child has to other racial groups early in life affects how they will think about and act toward those groups when they are adults.

Research also shows that children are more attuned to faces of the racial majority group. That is, Black children are better at recognizing White faces than White children are at recognizing Black faces. This disparity can have tragic real-world consequences. In a criminal lineup, for instance, not being able to recognize Black faces, paired with biased preferences and beliefs, increase the odds that an innocent Black suspect will be misidentified as the perpetrator of a crime.

Roberts and Rizzo note that in cases where felony convictions were overturned because of DNA evidence, a significant number of the original convictions were due to incorrect eyewitness identifications.

The remaining four factors the researchers argue contribute to American racism include: hierarchy, which emboldens people to think, feel and behave in racist ways; power, which legislates racism on both micro and macro levels; media, which legitimizes overrepresented and idealized representations of White Americans while marginalizing and minimizing people of color; and passivism, such that overlooking or denying the existence of racism encourages others to do the same. In short, they argue that the U.S. positions and empowers some over others, reinforces those differences through biased media, and then leaves those disparities and media in place.

Of the seven factors they identified, perhaps the most insidious is passivism or passive racism, according to the scholars. This includes an apathy toward systems of racial advantage or denial that those systems even exist.

Discussions about passivism are particularly relevant now, Roberts said, as thousands take to the streets to protest against racism. “If people advantaged by the hierarchy remain passive, it is no surprise that those at the bottom cry out to be heard,” he added. “People have been crying for centuries.

Is displacement scalar or vector?


One illustration of a vector quantity is displacement. An illustration of a scalar quantity is distance. Any quantity with both magnitude and direction is a vector.

Since it solely depends on the magnitude and not the direction, it is a scalar quantity. Displacement is the direct length between any two places when measured along the minimal path between them, although it can only have positive values. Is displacement a scalar or a vector quantity? According to Wikipedia, displacement is the vector that represents the shortest path between the starting point and the ending point. In physics and mathematics, two different types of quantities are called scalars and vectors. While vectors have both magnitude and direction, scalars simply have magnitude (or size). Explore

To learn more about scalar please click on below link



24. When Emily's father died he left her?


Very little
That’s the answer

Why does snowball reduce the commandments to only one?
A. the animals are unwilling to accept all the commandments.
B. some of the animals have trouble remembering all seven commandments.
C. he knows that clover and boxer will be upsent about some of the rules.
D. napoleon says the other commandments are bad.


Snowball reduces the commandments to only one because he knows that Clover and Boxer will be upset about some of the rules

Snowball reduces the commandments to only one because he knows that Clover and Boxer will be upset about some of the rules. Snowball wants to avoid any conflict or confusion among the animals, so he eliminates the other six commandments and replaces them with a single, straightforward commandment.

For more questions like Commandments  click the link below:



What type of information can auxiliary verbs provide about a verb?

where it happens, happened, or will happen

when it happens, happened, or will happen

why it happens, happened, or will happen

how it happens, happened, or will happen


The type of information that auxiliary verbs provide about a verb is: B

when it happens, happened, or will happen.

What are auxiliary verbs?

Auxiliary verbs usually referred to as assisting verbs, are verbs that give clauses and sentences additional functionality and context. Auxiliary verbs can be used to make interrogative sentences as well as to communicate tense, mood, voice, or aspect. In English grammar, helping verbs are frequently used in conjunction with the main verb to produce a complete verb phrase. They are a crucial component of speech and writing. Primary auxiliary verbs and modal auxiliary verbs are the two basic groups of auxiliary verbs. The use of auxiliary verbs can assist readers to understand if an action occurs when the main verb's action occurs, who or what is in charge of that action, and whether a statement or a query is being made. Expressing tense using auxiliary verbs is one of their most popular uses. The moment at which an action is occurring in relation to when it is being conveyed in a phrase is known as the verb tense. Auxiliary verbs make it feasible to communicate in a variety of tenses.

The type of information that auxiliary verbs provide about a verb is: B

when it happens, happened, or will happen.

To know more about auxiliary verbs, visit:



what theme does homer develop in this excerpt from The Odyssey?

A. the gods are always in control of one's fate
B. we must all help each other find courage during challenges
C. we should consider hospitality as more important than wealth
D. trusting wholly in a single leader is unwise


B. we must all help each other find courage during challenges.

"We have warned them from time to time of attempt by their legilature to extend an unwarrantable juridiction over u. We have reminded them of the circumtance of our emigration and ettlement here. We have appealed to their native jutice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the tie of our common kindred to diavow thee uurpation, which, would inevitably interrupt our connection and correpondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of jutice and of conanguinity. We mut, therefore, acquiece in the neceity, which denounce our Separation, and hold them, a we hold the ret of mankind, Enemie in War, in Peace Friend. "


The author's purpose in the excerpt above is to convince readers that Britain has treated the colonists unfairly.

The excerpt above is a part of the Declaration of Independence transcription. We can find the purpose of the text in the first excerpt: "Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our Brittish brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us".

Jurisdiction is аn аreа in which one hаs the right or аbility to enforce lаws аnd аdminister justice. Unwаrrаntаble in this cаse doesn’t refer to the inаbility to insure something (аs with а wаrrаnty), but in the sense of “unsаnctioned” or “unjustifiаble.” Here, the Founders аre noting thаt they hаve wаrned their “Brittish brethren” thаt the monаrchy hаs аttempted to supersede аnd undermine the colonists’ аbility to self-govern — only to hаve been ignored.

Your question is incomplete, but most probably your full question was

What is the author’s purpose in the excerpt?

a. To inform readers about British immigration to the colonies.

b. To convince readers that Britain has treated the colonists unfairly.

c. To inform readers about specific acts of Britain's military aggression.

d To convince readers that American colonists should be tried in Britain.

Thus, the correct option is B.

For more information about the Declaration of Independence refer to the link:



"what i mut do i all that concern me, not what the people thing. " Do you agree to thi tatement? give reaon for your agreement and diagreement


I agree with the statement. Because first If we want to be a better person we must be able to recognize ourselves. it's not always anything about other people so we have to be able to give or prioritize ourselves and know what we want, what our need,and what potential we have. If we overdo it in seeing that external factors are the determinants of our lives it is the same as not putting great confidence in ourselves.

The way to loving yourself

1. Making Time For Me Time

No matter how busy your routine is, try to take some time for yourself. Special time to do things that make us happy. For example, reading books, playing games, doing self-care at the salon, listening to music, and more.

2. Staying away from toxic people is a form of self-love

The existence of toxic people is very disturbing mentally. The ability to grow self-love becomes limited. Therefore, it is important for you to avoid toxic people.

Recognizing whether a person is toxic or not can be done easily. For example, after chatting with this person, ask yourself are you feeling happy or depressed. If you feel depressed, then it is toxic for you. So you need to stay away from it.

Instead, you should hang out with positive people. Where you feel happy and calm when you are with these people. Of course this benefits your own personal.

3. Stop Comparing Yourself With Others

Stop comparing yourself to others. Believe that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Likewise with yourself. If you feel insecure in a certain area, try looking at it from a different perspective. You are definitely valuable in a different field.

4. Expressing Your Heart's Contents Including Loving Yourself

Do not harbor feelings of sadness, anger, and disappointment. It is important for you to forget all negative emotions. By releasing the contents of the day, it is believed to be able to release pent-up emotions from oneself.

5. Set Boundaries and Be Firm

Apart from expressing your heart's content, setting boundaries is also considered important. It can prioritize your needs. Setting boundaries is like saying "no" to things you think you can't do. Don't push yourself too hard just to please someone else's feelings. No matter what people think, you have to make yourself your top priority.

Learn more about self love at https://brainly.com/question/16878028.


Which best summarizes the excerpt's main ideas? isn't it obvious that some women are stronger and more fit for certain jobs than some smaller, weaker men, and thus they should be paid the same amount? fitness for a particular occupation should be determined by individual capabilities, and pay should be equal regardless of sex. Women who are more capable than men for certain jobs should be given the opportunity to train for those jobs and should be paid the same as men are. Both sexes can develop physical characteristics that make them fit for physical labor, and everyone deserves fair pay for a good day's work.


In the given excerpt from ‘For the ERA’, the best summarization of the main idea is that fitness for a particular occupation should be determined by individual capabilities and pay should be equal regardless of sex. (Option B)

ERA stands for Equal Rights Amendments which is a proposed amendment to the US Constitution that nullify many state and federal laws that discriminate against women. The central principle of the amendment that sex should not determine the legal rights of men or women. In reference to the support for the ERA, the passage states that as a robust woman may be more appropriately suitable for a physical labor than a weak man, hence fitness for occupation should be determine based on individual capabilities and skills, and there should be equal rewards for equal work. Hence, the main idea of the passage is summarized most appropriately by the holistic statement given in option B.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is: Read the excerpt from For the ERA. “It is obvious, I think, that a robust woman could be more fit for physical labor than a weak man. The choice of occupation would be determined by individual capabilities, and the rewards for equal work should be equal”. Which best summarizes the excerpt's main ideas? A) Isn't it obvious that some women are stronger and more fit for certain jobs than some smaller, weaker men, and thus they should be paid the same amount? B) Fitness for a particular occupation should be determined by individual capabilities and pay should be equal regardless of sex. C) Women who are more capable than men for certain jobs should be given the opportunity to train for those jobs and should be paid the same as men are. D) Both sexes can develop physical characteristics that make them fit for physical labor, and everyone deserves fair pay for a good day's work.

Learn more about Equal Rights Amendments:



How does dancing improve one's body performance and health Write some examples that will justify your answer?


Dancing has positive effects on your health by enhancing the health of your heart and lungs. enhanced motor fitness, muscular strength, and endurance. enhanced capacity for exercise. Increased strength and muscular tone.

Julie Granger, a personal trainer of the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) in Paris and the founder of The Studio Paris and Ballerina Body Training, asserts that dancing is the best exercise. In addition to using all of your muscles and limbs, dancing also increases heart rate. Additionally, dancing may be a lot of fun.According to the Mayo Clinic, dance demands balance and helps develop core strength, which helps maintain healthy posture and avoid muscular strains and back problems. Among other things, dancing may be a good kind of exercise, a pleasurable pastime, a cultural icon, and an artistic expression.

Thus this is how dancing improve one's body performance and health.

Refer here to learn more about dance: https://brainly.com/question/29551768


roughly half of all words in english can be spelled correctly based on established sound-symbol correspondences.a. trueb. false


True, roughly half of all words in english can be spelled correctly based on established sound-symbol correspondences.

Sound symbolism is the similarity between sound and meaning in linguistics. It's an example of linguistic iconicity. The English word ding, for example, may sound similar to the actual sound of a bell.

Recognizing relationships between sounds and symbols is one of the first skills that young children learn in school. Specifically, the relationship between the names of the letters and the sounds they produce. To become independent with reading and writing, it is essential to comprehend the relationships between sounds and symbols.

To know more about sound-symbol, click here.



What is the point of view of Invictus by William Ernest Henley? (Re-do)


The point of view of Invictus by William Ernest Henley is Invictus is a poem by William Ernest Henley that translates from Latin as "unconquerable" or "unranked."

Who is William Ernest Henley?

An English poet, author, critic, and translator, William Ernest Henley also edited books. Henley published numerous books of poetry, but his poem "Invictus" from 1875 is the one for which he is best known.

This poetry is about maintaining one's respect despite humankind's humiliations and having confidence in the face of death.

Henley experienced a very trying period in the infirmary, during which he produced the poem of stoicism, courage, and refusal to accept defeat. He developed bone tb as a young man, and in his 20s was forced to have the calf muscle of one of his legs broken.

Learn more about William Ernest Henley, Here:



What are the 7 conceptual skills?


The 7 conceptual skills are Creative Thinking Skills, Interpersonal Communication Skills, Management Skills, Decision-Making Skills, Ability to Motivate, Analytical Thinking Skills and Innovation Skills.

The ability to see an organization's large picture is referred to as having conceptual talents. For instance, you can consider why you are doing a project before getting started, how it ties to the company as a whole, and how it impacts the surrounding environment.Conceptual abilities are crucial because they enable managers to see the entire firm and take the broad picture into consideration. Managers must make decisions that will affect the whole firm, therefore possessing conceptual skills helps them comprehend how those decisions will affect the business.A manager with conceptual talents can see the entire company, deal with ideas, and understand the connections between various abstract notions. Human skills, often known as human connection skills, demand attention to interactions with people and communication.

Thus these are the conceptual skills.

Refer here to learn more about conceptual skill: https://brainly.com/question/28030134


what was the name of the famous writer who thought he was too ugly for a beautiful woman so he helped someone else seduce the woman


Answer: Cyrano de Bergerac

Explanation: I just new who you were talking about :)

Most employers can afford to pay for an unlimited amount of sick days each year for every worker they employ.


Most employers can afford to pay for an unlimited amount of sick days each year for every worker they employ. This statement is false.

What is statement ?

A statement is a sentence that states the truth, such as "Pizza is delicious." Other types of statements exist in the worlds of law, banking, and government. All statements make a claim or make a point. If you see an accident, you must report it to police and describe what you saw.

As previously stated, full-time employees typically receive 8 paid sick days per year, while part-time employees receive 6 paid sick days. However, other factors, such as applicable federal, state, and local laws, must be considered in order to arrive at the most appropriate number.

Thus, Most employers can afford to pay for an unlimited amount of sick days each year for every worker they employ. This statement is false.

To learn more about the statement, follow the link;



Soon, you will write your own short story. But first, you'll use this discussion to solicit ideas and feedback that will help you to plan for this assignment.

Examine Dakota's post.

I want to write a tense and suspenseful story (but one that isn't too frightening). The main conflict will be man (actually, a girl!) vs. nature: My protagonist gets separated from her family on a hike and spends one night—just one night—alone in the woods not far from her town. I want her night in the woods to be a kind of turning point in her life—the night where she leaves childhood forever. I'm wondering if any of you have ideas as to what might happen to the girl during her night alone. Again, I want the focus to be less on scary stuff (wild animals, ghosts, etc.) and more on her personal development.


Explains what type of story you intend to write. Will it be suspenseful? Will it be frightening? Will it be heartwarming?
Notes three questions and/or concerns you have about how to address one of the following: develop the story's main conflict, communicate a particular theme, select an appropriate point of view.
Posts any other ideas, questions, concerns related to your story on which your peers can provide feedback.


Answer: Sorry I need some point


What are the responsibilities of mandatory reporting?


Mandatory reporters are obligated by law to alert the appropriate authorities when they suspect child abuse or neglect.

When you must disclose known or suspected cases of abuse and neglect, you are in compliance with the law. Although it mostly pertains to kids, it can also pertain to adults if one of them is a resident of a residential facility. Mandatory reporting refers to the legal need for certain types of people to notify the appropriate authorities of any suspicion of child abuse or neglect. Mandatory reporters are obligated to file reports when a physical injury or sexual abuse results in serious harm. They have the same option as everyone else to decide whether to disclose any additional severe injury. If you know, believe, or suspect that a child, adolescent, or unborn child

To learn more about  adolescent please click on below link



Which of the followings is an example of work done against force?
a. Get down with the stairs
b. Walking on the flat ground
c. Getting up with the stairs
d. Dropping any object down from the top​


Getting up with the stairs is an example of work done against force. Thus correct answer (c).

What does forcework mean?

When a body moves in the opposite direction of the applied force, it is doing work against the force. If a body is raised above the ground against gravity, labor must be done against gravity.

Stationary objects also have opposing forces acting upon them. For example, when you sit on a chair, the force of gravity pulls you down. And with equal force, the chair pushes you back up, keeping you stationary. When opposing forces are balanced, an object remains stationary.

A force opposing motion is what?

A force opposing motion is called friction. Friction occurs when two moving objects come into touch and operates in the opposite direction.

learn more about against force to visit this link



2. Northern states generally had greater populations than Southern states. Compare the percent changes in
Southern populations to those in the North. What difference do you notice? Explain how these numbers make
sense mathematically.


The comparison of the Northern states generally had greater populations than Southern states is given below

In comparison to the North, the percent changes are higher in the South. The same number of persons migrating into or out of a state would result in a bigger percent change in a smaller Southern state since Northern states had greater populations than Southern states.

What effects did the Great Migration have?

Black Americans, who had been denied citizenship in the South, found a new position in public life in the cities of the North and West, ushering in a new age of rising political activism during the Great Migration.

The South has experienced more % changes than the North. Due to the fact that Northern states had a larger population than Southern states, the amount of individuals migrating into or out of aa was the same.

Therefore, Due to its lower level of industrialization than the North, the South was dependent on the area for the production of products that its individual states were unable to produce. In terms of education and per capita income, the South fared much worse than the North.

Learn more about Northern states from


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