our priority should be to help people see their ________ through their problem or pain.


Answer 1

Heart. Helping individualities see their heart through their issue or anguish should be our first thing.

What about priority?You should put yourself at the top of your list of precedences.But with tone- compassion and understanding, not in a selfish and tone- centered way.Making tone- care a precedence entails spending plutocrats on routines and behaviors that support the body and mind.In order to finish all that has to be done, precedences must be set.Prioritization is pivotal since it enables you to concentrate first on critical and vital chores before moving on to lower precedence bones .For example, eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress as much as I can are all precedents in my hunt to break my health problem.While everyone's pretensions are different, in my opinion your well- being, connections, security, progress, and( of course) pleasure should be your top priority in life.The practice of categorizing your pretensions according to their applicability, value, and urgency is known as thing prioritizing.You must also allocate your coffers, time, and trouble where they're most needed during this process.

Learn more about priority here:



Related Questions

when riley, a physical therapist, prescribes stretches and exercises to his patients, he is communicating externally.
a. true
b. false


TRUE, riley, a physical therapist, prescribes stretches and exercises to his patients, he is communicating externally.

What is communication?

Generally speaking,  refers to the dissemination of information. The phrase may also be used to describe the message sent through such transmissions or the area of research that focuses on them. The precise definition of it is a subject of much debate.  John Peters contends that because communication is both a universal phenomenon and a particular discipline of institutional academic study, it is difficult to define.  Limiting what can be included in the category of communication is one definitional method (for example, requiring a "conscious intent" to persuade).  According to this reasoning, one definition of communication might be the act of creating meaning between entities or groups by using signs, symbols, or other visual cues that are sufficiently mutually understood.

Read more about communication:



In the activator stage of physical activity you are active but participate inconsistently.
a. True
b. False


In the activator stage of physical activity you are active but participate inconsistently. This statement is True.

Exercise is divided into three phases: power, strength, and endurance. Gallagher suggests committing to each phase for four to six weeks. Power is defined as four to six reps of explosive movements. Strength is heavyweight with eight to ten repetitions.

Physical fitness includes five components: (1) body composition, (2) flexibility, (3) muscular strength, (4) muscular endurance, and (5) cardiorespiratory endurance.

Youth, young adults, parents, adults without children, and retirees are the stages. The study investigates Victorians' attitudes and barriers to physical activity at various stages of life, as well as what would motivate them to change their current behaviors.

To learn more about stages of physical activity, here



Whats your favorite video game



lol my stranger things game on my Nintendo switch or C.O.D


Answer:Sims 4a


Makes me feel like i have somewhat control over my life

Why is rest and sleep important?


Its important because it gives us energy, with no sleep you'll be sleep deprived, which is not good. Get rest.

what very large country has been experiencing unusual, violent protests, specifically about their leaders’ policies concerning covid?


China is the very large country has been experiencing unusual, violent protests, specifically about their leaders’ policies concerning COVID.

COVID was an unfold from an infected person’s mouth or nose in tiny liquid particles after they cough, sneeze, speak, sing or breathe. These particles vary from larger metabolic process droplets to smaller aerosols. The virus spreads a lot of simply inside and in packed settings.

Protests against strict Covid measures in China have spilled and unfold to the most important cities. Millions are plagued by nearly 3 years of mass testing, quarantines and snap lockdowns. It is terribly uncommon for folks to publically vent their anger at party leaders in China, wherever any direct government criticism may end up in harsh penalties.

To learn more about COVID here



necessary for collagen synthesis, vitamin c inadequacy intake during pregnancy may result in this.


vitamin c consumption is inadequate during preterm birth, which is important for collagen formation.

What part can vitamin C play in the production of collagen?

Collagen's proline & lysine residues are hydroxylated in PROLYL/LYSYL HYDROXYLASE can create cross-linked, stronger collagen.Iron serves as a cofactor together with vitamin C.

Why then is vitamin C necessary for the production of collagen?

Through preventing the auto-inactivation if lysyl and prolyl hyroxylase, 2 main enzymes in collagen formation, vitamin C (VitC) plays a crucial role in the preservation of the a normal mature collagen network for humans (anti-scurvy characteristics).

To know more about vitamin c visit:



Which of the following requires treatment with both antibiotics and antitoxins?
a) diphtheria
b) tuberculosis
c) whooping cough
d) scarlet fever
e) psittacosis


The infection that requires treatment with both antibiotics and antitoxins is a) diphtheria

Diphtheria can be described as a serious infection caused by bacteria strains known as Corynebacterium diphtheriae that make toxins. Signs and symptoms of diphtheria may vary from mild to severe and usually start three to five days after exposure. Diphtheria can lead to difficulty breathing, heart problems, and even death. It is generally spread between people by direct contact or through the air. Diphtheria may also be spread by contaminated objects.

Diphtheria treatment involves using antitoxins to inhibit the bacteria toxin from damaging the body. This is necessary for respiratory diphtheria infections, but it is rarely used for diphtheria skin infections and also involves using antibiotics to kill and get rid of the bacteria. This treatment is important for diphtheria infections in the respiratory system and on the skin and other parts of the body.

To learn more about diphtheria; click here:



Empathy is one of the best ways to build relationships. Imagine that your friend has just had a relationship that they thought had a great future but that ended rather abruptly. How could you use empathy to engage with this friend?


I'll demonstrate empathy by telling a buddy that I can relate to how they're feeling.

Is the inability to empathise a mental illness?

The Diagnostics and Statistical Manual on Mental Disorders (DSM-V) does not classify absence of empathy disorder as a mental condition, although it may be one of several warning symptoms of a severe mental illness. However, psychological treatment is not always necessary for those who lack empathy.


How can I interact with this buddy using empathy?

I'll let him/her know that I'm sympathetic.

I'll let them know that I understand how painful it is for them.

I'll also let him or her know that I hope you hadn't had to endure it.

Because empathy is a strong force that promotes societal harmony and collaboration.

The process that enables humans to comprehend and react to others is empathy.

Empathy frequently promotes altruistic conduct, and it has been demonstrated that generosity based on sympathy improves collaboration and forgiving as well as partnerships.

To know more about Empathy visit:



What are the 7 element of national security?


Answer - diplomacy, development cooperation, industrial strategy, economic statecraft, intelligence, and defense—and is built on several key pillars.

Translational research/science limits interdisciplinary research because this does not enhance patient care.
a. True
b. False


False because utilizes laboratory results with patients at the bedside through development. Utilize the results of clinical research to generate fresh inquiries for laboratory research.

What are some of the difficulties in putting translational medicine into practice?

Platforms for translational collaboration have been established successfully to enable life science research involving various types of data coming from various centers. Data integration, quality, sharing models, and rules and procedures to control privacy, liability, and intellectual property are a few of the difficulties.

What does "translational research" mean?

The goal of translational research is to deliver more pertinent, useful findings that directly improve human health. Translational research's objective is to more effectively and swiftly apply discoveries from basic science.

to know more about translation research here:



nancy is in her early 60s and nervous about growing old because she doesn’t want to be limited in her daily functioning or lose her memory or judgement. how might you reassure nancy about her fears?


Dementia is not inevitable; while 10% will develop dementia in their lifetime, less than half of people above age 84 will have it.

Dementia is a group of symptoms that affect your memory, thinking, and social abilities severely enough to interfere with your daily life. There is no specific disease that causes dementia; however, several diseases can cause dementia. Memory loss is a common symptom of dementia, but it can be caused by a variety of factors.

Dementia is a disorder that manifests as a cluster of symptoms that usually appear when the brain is injured or diseased. The symptoms include progressive memory, thinking, and behavior impairments that impair a person's ability to function and carry out daily activities.

The diagnosis is usually based on the patient's medical history and cognitive testing with imaging. Blood tests may be performed to rule out other potentially reversible causes, such as hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid), and to determine the subtype. The Mini-Mental State Examination is a common cognitive test. Aging is the greatest risk factor for developing dementia, but dementia is not a normal part of the aging process. Many people over the age of 90 show no signs of dementia.

To learn more about dementia, here



the academy of nutrition and dietetics and the american academy of pediatrics recommend that babies should be exclusively breastfed for


The academy of nutrition and dietetics and the American academy of pediatrics recommend that babies should be exclusively breastfed for 6;12.

For six months following delivery, breast milk should be the only food given to infants. Infants who are exclusively breastfed do not receive any other foods (aside from vitamin D) or liquids unless specifically prescribed by a doctor.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises mothers to continue breastfeeding while progressively introducing solid foods into the infant's diet after the first six months and up until the child turns one year old.

Breastfeeding can continue after a year if both the woman and her child want it.

The World Health Organization now advocates the following recommendations for global public health:2

For the first six months following birth, infants should only be breastfed in order to attain the best possible growth, development, and health.

Infants should receive to fulfill their changing dietary needs after the first six months.

Infants should be given nutritionally adequate and safe supplemental foods after the first six months in order to fulfill their changing nutritional needs, even if nursing is continued for up to two years or longer.

To know more about pediatrics visit:

An american college health association survey related to violence on campus found that in the prior 12 months, male college students were more likely then female college students to be victims of _____.


An american college health association survey related to violence on campus found that in the prior 12 months, male college students were more likely then female college students to be victims of verbal threat.

What is verbal threat?

Verbal threat is defined as the type of threat made against another individual through the use of harsh words all in the name to bring down the self worth of the individual.

In college campuses, students are usually exposed to the following:

burglary, verbal threat,motor vehicle theft, sexual assault, and fondling.

But according to the survey conducted by the american college health association, it was concluded that male college students in their prior 12 months, were more likely then female college students to be victims of verbal threat.

Learn more about sexual assault here:



What is an immune deficiency?


Immunodeficiency is a condition when the body's immunity is impaired, so it cannot fight infections and diseases. This type of disorder can make the body easily infected by viruses and bacteria.

What is immunity?

Immunity is the ability of multicellular organisms to fight harmful microorganisms or defenses in organisms to protect the body from outside biological influences by recognizing and killing pathogens.

Immunodeficiency disorders occur when the immune system does not work as expected. Someone who is born with this disorder can be said to have a primary immunodeficiency disorder.

Examples of primary immunodeficiency disorders include:

Common variable immunodeficiency.Alymphocytosis.Chronic granulomatous disease.

Learn more bout the human immunodeficiency virus here :



Identify a situation where you absolutely need to be thinking for yourself and one in which turning to others is best when it comes to making decisions about your health.



Well anytime you have a serious medical issue, turning to somebody who specializes in healthcare, would be a better option than going and thinking for yourself.


If you were to just go and think for yourself you could very easily get it wrong and make the situation a lot worse than it needs to be, so in that case turning to others would be very beneficial to your health.

How do I prepare for a cheerleading competition?


Stretch drink water

The metaparadigm of nursing consists of environment, health, nursing and person.

a. True
b. False


The statement "The metaparadigm of nursing consists of environment, health, nursing, and person" is true.

There are four things that are consisted in the metaparadigm of nursing:

Person. Nursing focuses on the patient (the recipient of care). It may encompass things like culture, socioeconomic status, an spirituality.Environment. Both external and internal factors related to the patient is the environment. It may include the interaction that the patient have with their surrounding, as well as other people.Health. It's the quality and wellness of the recipient of care and their access to healthcare.Nursing. It is about the nurse and how they apply their skills and knowledge to care for their patients.

Learn more about nursing at https://brainly.com/question/14465443


A _________ occur when a player kick the ball through the opponent' goal. Field goal


A field goal occurs when a player kicks the ball through the opponent's goal.

Terminology in the game of football:A touchdown occurs when the ball is brought directly into the end zone by a player (or caught by a player standing directly in the end zone area), the touchdown will be awarded 6 points.A punt is a kick made by knocking the ball out of the hands and then kicking the ball before it hits the ground.A field goal is a successful kick of the ball by the kicker over the goal post. The goalposts are located on the finish line behind the end zone and consist of one crossbar and two uprights. The ball must travel over the crossbar and between the support posts for the kick to score a point.

Learn more about field goals in football at https://brainly.com/question/24778368


does self-esteem predict academic success? are conservatives more authoritarian than progressives? do agreeable people have healthier relationships? these kinds of questions are of most interest to...


These kinds of questions are of most interest to social psychologists. Social psychology is the branch of psychology that studies how individuals relate to one another and to their social environment.

Questions such as these involve examining the relationship between different aspects of a person's personality and behavior, and the impact these aspects have on their experiences. For instance, the question of whether self-esteem predicts academic success involves looking at the link between how a person feels about themselves and their ability to succeed in school.

Conservatives and progressives may differ in their levels of authoritarianism, which could influence their behavior in a variety of contexts. And examining the link between agreeableness and relationship health could provide insight into how people interact in romantic and platonic relationships. These questions are important because they can provide insight into how different aspects of a person's life are connected.

Through understanding these connections, social psychologists can better understand how people form relationships, how they respond to their environment, and how their attitudes and beliefs can shape their behavior. Social psychology can help us understand how we can work together to create a better world.

Learn more about self-esteem at : https://brainly.com/question/28768312


In accordance with AR 25-2, whose responsibility is it to ensure all users receive initial and annual IA awareness training?


Its IAOs responsibility sure all customers whole initial IA recognition training previous to being granted get admission to the DLA nearby region community (LAN). All managers ought to make sure that every user is provided cognizance education,

And that those recognized as having widespread duties for statistics technology/cybersecurity are as it should be trained based totally on the necessities of the Federal business enterprise. This requirement applies to all department of navy (DON) employees who have or would require get admission to DOD or DON computer systems.

IA education should be taken yearly, no later than September 1 each year, as a situation of being granted and retaining get entry to DOD and DON laptop systems. Navy law 25-2, Cybersecurity, presents cohesive and complete cybersecurity coverage and steering. department of the navy (DA) Cybersecurity application implementation instructions are furnished in 14 DA Pamphlets published concurrently.

Learn more about AR 25-2 & IA awareness training here:



Using the icd-10-cm code book, identify the main term for the following diagnosis: office note: this 19-year-old female has been complaining of left ear pain for 3 days and feeling tired. Exam eyes: appear normal nose: no findings cervical lymph nodes: unremarkable ears: the right ear shows otitis media is present. Diagnosis: acute serous otitis media plan: antibiotics and drops given. Instructed to return in 10 days.


Otalgia, left ear is classified as a medical condition by the WHO as ICD-10 code H92. 02 under the heading "Diseases of the ear and mastoid process."

Unidentified ear, ossified blockage of the Eustachian tube ICD-10-CM code H68. 119 is a billable/specific code that designates a diagnosis for financial payment. ICD-10-CM H68. 119's 2023 revision went into effect on October 1st, 2022.

Bacteria or viruses can cause ear infections. Typically, children suffer an ear infection at least once by the time they are 3 years old.

If the infection is not treated, it might become serious. The patient who complains of an ear infection is given antibiotics.

A 19-year-old female in the scenario complains of ear ache, and after being diagnosed, it

This middle ear infection results in ear inflammation. Information may be found using the alphabetical index H66.91.

Learn more about to  icd-10-cm visit here;



What are some disadvantages of informed consent?


Answer:  its not always possible

High blood cholesterol may lead to more severe disease. What might be a potential disease a person might suffer if they continue to have high cholesterol?

HEHS.1.h (MC)

High blood cholesterol may lead to more severe disease. What might be a potential disease a person might suffer if they continue to have high cholesterol?
artery bypass
heart attack
heart irregularities


The answer is heart attack letter C

Do injuries heal faster if rested?


Muscles and tissues rebuild and revitalize when we sleep, so if you don't get enough rest each night, it will be more difficult for your body to recover from an injury. If you truly want to recover, you must allow your body to heal.

Sleep is a wonderful instrument for assisting injuries in healing as quickly as possible. Healthy sleeping habits can help you get back to your activities faster and reduce your risk of another injury.

Indeed, current study indicates that when it comes to wound healing, our bodies recover substantially quicker if the injury occurs during the day rather than at night, due to the way circadian rhythms influence how cells work.

Learn more about to injuries  visit here;



Meditation and relaxation combined form the ________, which has been used effectively to treat those with high blood pressure.


Meditation and relaxation combined to form the relaxation response technique, which has been used effectively to treat those with high blood pressure.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is the process of learning how the mind functions and how to control the mind. On the contrary, relaxing the mind helps in focusing on decompressing and letting go of tension and anxiety in life. People utilize relaxation methods to relieve tension and stress.

Prescription sedatives are a class of drugs which helps in reducing the brain activities. A person can utilize these drugs to relax the mind. Sedatives are frequently recommended by doctors to address illnesses like anxiety and sleep problems to their clients. These are also used as general anesthetics.

Learn more about Meditation here:



Why do old people wake up so early?


Older human beings awaken extra regularly due to the fact they spend much less time deep sleep.

Other reasons encompass wanting to arise and urinate (nocturia), anxiety, and soreness or ache from long-term (chronic) illnesses. As we age, our our bodies secrete much less of  essential sleep hormones: melatonin and boom hormone. Melatonin is essential due to the fact modifications withinside the stage of this hormone manipulate our sleep cycle. With much less melatonin, many older adults experience sleepy withinside the early nighttime and awaken withinside the early morning. Older adults want approximately the identical quantity of sleep as all adults—7 to nine hours every night.

To learn more about sleep check the link below:



the nurse caring for a patient diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma knows that which patient findings are risk factors for the development of skin cancer?



Wear a scarf on your head to protect your scalp."If the patient is experiencing alopecia (hair loss), wearing a scarf or hat can help to protect the scalp from any further skin damage."Find some activities that will help you reduce stress levels."Reducing stress can help prevent further damage to the skin at a cellular level.Use gentle, nonirritating soaps when you wash your hands and bathe."The patient should use gentle, mild soaps to avoid irritating the skin further. This suggestion will help the patient avoid further skin damage.


julie has been diagnosed with somatic symptom disorder. this means she is suffering from a condition in which her physical symptoms: _________


Answer: Somatic symptom disorder is diagnosed when a person has a significant focus on physical symptoms, such as pain, weakness or shortness of breath, to a level that results in major distress and/or problems functioning . The individual has excessive thoughts, feelings and behaviors relating to the physical symptoms.


Requirements for some micronutrients increase with age. Click to select the vitamins or minerals for which the RDA or AI is higher for older adults than for young adults.

Vitamin D
Vitamin B-6


The vitamins and minerals with higher RDA for older adulthood are Calcium, Vitamin D and Vitamin B-6.

How is RDA linked to AI?

The RDA is the value that exceeds the needs of 97 to 98% of the people in a group. RDAs are nutrient intake targets for children and adults. Adequate Consumption (AI). RDAs and AIs specify how much of a nutrient you should try to consume each day. These standards are supported by scientific evidence.

The RDA for vitamin B-6, calcium, and vitamin D is higher in older adults than in younger adults. According to the RDA, seniors require more of these nutrients.

Find out more on RDA and AI here: https://brainly.com/question/14484523


Is aerobics better than swimming?


Most people concur that swimming is a more efficient approach to lose weight. You should aim for high-intensity swimming, which keeps your heart rate between 70 and 85% of maximum, to burn calories. Swimming makes it simpler to burn calories because the resistance of the water is so much stronger (and more consistent) than that of the air.

Swimming can increase your mood and lower stress levels to improve your mental wellbeing in addition to your physical health. Compared to other workouts like running or football, exercising in the water puts less stress on your joints. In recreational and competitive swimming, the body is propelled through the water using a combination of arm and leg actions as well as its inherent buoyancy. Swimming is a well-liked all-around body builder that is especially beneficial in treatment and as exercise for people with physical disabilities. Burning calories effectively involves swimming. When swimming laps at a slow or moderate speed, a swimmer weighing 160 pounds burns about 423 calories per hour. At a faster rate, the same person may swim for an hour and burn up to 715 calories.

Learn more about swimming here



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