color constancy is colors that create a flickering effect at their border. this effect usually depends on an equal value relationship and strong hue contrast.


Answer 1

Color constancy refers to colors that have a flickering effect at their edges. This effect is typically based on an equal value connection and a high color contrast.

What are the three components of color theory?

Color theory is both a science and an art form. It covers how people perceive color as well as the visual impact of how colors mix, match, and contrast with one another. Color theory also includes the signals that colors convey as well as the methods employed to recreate color. The many color tones are expressed by combining the three primary color elements known as the three chromatic characteristics, hue, value, and chroma. Color theory is concerned with how colors are combined to form schemes. A monochromatic color scheme, for example, is one that uses only one color in varied tints and shades. Alternatively, an analogous color scheme uses adjacent hues on the color wheel, such as red, orange, and yellow.

To know more about color theory visit:


Related Questions

13. Here is the motive:
What variation technique is used to develop the motive in measures 17 - 20?


The variation technique used to develop motive in measures 17-20 is the repeating pattern of notes of the chord from lowest, middle, and highest.

What does variation mean in music?

The variation is a formal technique used in music to repeat material in a different way. The fundamental musical approach of musical variation consists of altering the music melodically, harmonically, or contrapuntally. The rhythm, harmony, or ornamentation of the melody with additional notes can all be used by the composer to change the theme.

The music would be regarded as a variant as long as it is comparable to the theme but different. Thus, a melody can be used in a variety of ways, but the most straightforward is the "variation" technique. Though additional, quicker notes are frequently added in between the original melody notes, the melody is frequently left alone.

To learn more about variation, visit:


Which, if any, of the following details correctly relate to the artistic movement that this sculpture belongs to? Related to This Movementdeveloped in the Soviet Unionconsidered art to be an investigation of social needsemployed industrial manufacturing techniquesNot Related to This Movementemployed traditional sculptural techniquesdeveloped in post-World War I Germanybelieved in art for art's sake


The following details correctly relate to the artistic movement that this sculpture belongs to:

Related to This Movement

developed in the Soviet Unionconsidered art to be an investigation of social needsemployed industrial manufacturing techniques

Thus, the correct answer is "Related to This Movement".

What is an art movement?

Аn аrt movement is а tendency or а style of аrt with а pаrticulаrly specified objective аnd philosophy thаt is аdopted аnd followed by а group of аrtists during а specific period thаt mаy spаn from а few months to yeаrs or mаybe even decаdes.

The birth of аrt movements cаn be trаced bаck to 19th-century Frаnce. The 1840s аnd the industriаl revolution rаpidly chаnged the estаblished аrt styles аnd methods, which hаd remаined steаdfаst for centuries with little chаnge.  An art movement produced in the Soviet Union wаs often put forwаrd to support chаnge, development, new ideаs, revolution, аnd the Bolsheviks.

For more information about the artistic movement refer to the link:


8. Which of the following skills match the key of this piece? Circle your answer, and name the scale.
10. In which measures is the rhythm, “ quarter, eight, eight, eight, eight, quarter rest” found? And how many beats make up this rhythmic pattern?


Answer: Handheld meters measure incident light (light that illuminates the subject of the photography) as well as reflected light

Explanation: Handheld meters measure incident light (light that illuminates the subject of the photography) as well as reflected light

1. [6 points] About a year ago, the mask mandates across were Canada were removed. In other words,
people weren't required by the law to wear masks in public places like restaurants and shopping malls.
Assuming the market for (regular/typical) masks is perfectly competitive and that the market was in a long-
run equilibrium before the mask mandates were removed, answer the following questions.
(a) Draw a well labeled diagram showing a typical mask producing firm's output and profit in the long-run
(b) After the mask mandates are removed, what happens in the market for masks and how is a typical mask
producing firm affected in the short-run? Explain briefly with the help of an appropriate diagram(s).
(c) On the basis of the perfect competition model you studied, discuss how the short-run impacts of
removing the mask mandates on the market and firms differ from the long-run impacts.


Answer: A


The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said in a statement on October 22 local time that the director of the agency, Wollensky, tested positive for COVID-19 on the evening of the 21st and had mild symptoms. Wolenski has been vaccinated with the latest COVID-19 vaccine, and is currently isolated at home and will participate in the meeting online.




Walensky tested positive

8. Which of the following skills match the key of this piece? Circle your answer, and name the scale.
10. In which measures is the rhythm, “ quarter, eight, eight, eight, eight, quarter rest” found? And how many beats make up this rhythmic pattern? (They only let me submit one pic and your supposed to compare)


Answer: Handheld meters measure incident light (light that illuminates the subject of the photography) as well as reflected light

Explanation: Handheld meters measure incident light (light that illuminates the subject of the photography) as well as reflected light

The word primitivism is problematic because it A. Describes the dislike people have for folk art B. Implies the African style is superior to the Western gaze C. Implies the western gaze is superior to other art styles D. Suggests that African art is unimportant




Because of how primitivism has often been critiqued for reproducing the racist stereotypes about non-European peoples used by Europeans to justify colonial conquest.

The word primitivism is problematic because it Implies the African style is superior to the Western gaze. Hence, option B is correct.

What is wrong with primitivism?

With the help of racist tropes like "The Noble Savage," which were copied and spread by Primitivism as a style of Western art, colonialists used white supremacy over the non-white Other in Asia, Africa, and Australasia as justification.

The persistent idea that non-Western cultures and peoples of colour were by definition "primitive" and uncivilized and required the civilizing impacts of European powers is referred to as "primitivism". "Primitivism" has come to be associated with Western imperialism, colonialism, and exploitation of the Other.

Tribal art, sometimes referred to as ethnographic art or arts primitive, can be divided into three main groups: African, New World or Americas, and Oceania. It can be regarded as folk art and frequently has ritualistic or religious value in relation to a particular tribal culture's custom.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about wrong with primitivism, click here:


10. In which measures is the rhythm, "quarter, eighth, eighth, eighth, eighth,
quarter rest" found? How many beats make up this rhythmic pattern?


Answer: The level two eight note have half a beat,

The level one quarter note have one beat

Select the best answer for the question.
12. Jenny Holzer's installation Protect Me From What I Want was featured in
A. Las Vegas.
B. New York.
C. Paris.
D. Berlin.


Protect Me From What I Want was an exhibit installed in New York at Printed Matter Gallery.

Protect Me From What I Want was an exhibit installed in New York at Printed Matter Gallery. Thus, option B is correct.

Who was Jenny Holzer?

Jenny Holzer is a conceptual and installation artist from the United States whose work uses text in public settings in a variety of mediums, including electronic signs, carved stone, paintings, billboards, and printed materials.

Holzer's work sparks public debate and sheds light on social and political fairness. Holzer, known for her unique use of language and public projects, establishes a dramatic tension between the worlds of sensation and knowledge via a work that includes both individual and community sensations of power and violence, vulnerability and compassion.

Protect Me From What I Want was a show at Printed Matter Gallery in New York. As a result, option B is correct.

Learn more about Jenny Holzer here:


emotional response describes how much attention people pay to a story, how involved they are with the story's characters, and how immersed they are in the story's imaginary world.


Emotional response describes how much attention people pay to a story, how involved they are with the story's characters, and how immersed they are in the story's imaginary world are called Transportation.

What is Transportation response in story?

The experience of being entirely involved in a story and leaving the outside world behind is known as narrative conveyance. Transportation combines story-focused cognition, feeling, and mental imagery. When you use emotional transportation, you include the important data, facts, and information needed to support your value proposition into an emotive event, conversation, or story.

To know more about Emotional response, click here-


by including personal pronouns into their works, this artist connects with the audience by confusing them as to who is actually speaking.


The name of the conceptual artist who includes personal pronouns in their works and connects with the audience by confusing them as to who is actually speaking is Barbara Kruger. Hence, the correct option is (B).

Who is Barbara Kruger?

Barbara Kruger is one of the conceptual artists and also one of the contemporary artists who have had a major influence on the world of art in the world. Barbara Kruger uses the collage technique in making her art and this work from Barbara Kruger uses a lot of typography. Therefore, we can see personal pronunciation in her works, and Barbara also often connects with the audience by using linguistics.

The question is incomplete, but most probably your question was:

The name of the conceptual artist who includes personal pronouns in their works and connects with the audience by confusing them as to who is actually speaking is

A. Keith Haring

B. Barbara Kruger

C. Andy Warhol

D. Julia de Burgos

Hence, the correct option is (B).

Learn more about Barbara Kruger at


Artistic perspectives is shaped by factors such as


Artistic perspectives are shaped by factors such as comprising the psychological make-up, genetic propensity, level of education, and religion of a viewer.

What are the three art perspectives?

To create depth in a painting, the three perspectives of linear, colour, and atmospheric can be employed separately or in combination. The greatest research is required for linear perspective.

What are the viewpoints of the arts?

In terms of art, perspective typically relates to how two-dimensional works of art depict three-dimensional objects or spaces. Artists "experiment with" perspective to portray dramatic or perplexing images, using perspective techniques to produce a realistic impression of depth.

To know more about perspectives, click here-


Artistic perspectives are shaped by factors such as comprising the psychological make-up, genetic propensity, level of education, and religion of a viewer.

Which three views apply to art?

The three perspectives of linear, color, and atmospheric can be used independently or in combination to add depth to a painting. For linear viewpoint, the most research is needed.

What perspectives do the arts hold?

The term "perspective" in art is used to describe how two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional objects or environments are created. Using perspective techniques to create a realistic impression of depth, artists "play with" perspective to depict dramatic or baffling imagery.

The vantage point from which the artist is viewing the scene is referred to as the viewpoint. With this perspective, linear perspective is calculated.

To know more about perspectives, click here-


some composers in the romantic period worked hard at having their compositions sound like improvised momentary feelings rendered in sound.


In the Romantic Period, composers worked hard at having their compositions sound like improvised momentary feelings rendered in sound. This statement is true.

What are the Characteristics of Compositions in the Romantic Period?

The reason that the statement in the question is true is that the composers in the Romantic Period used emotional conditions as well as soul expressions as inspiration in composing their songs. Therefore, we can see that many of the songs that existed at that time represented the emotional state of the songwriters. A real example is Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 8 where every bar of the song conveys Beethoven's emotions.

The question is incomplete, but most probably your question was:

In the Romantic Period, composers worked hard at having their compositions sound like improvised momentary feelings rendered in sound (True/False). Hence, the correct option is true.

Learn more about Romantic Period music at 


What style of Greek pottery was characterized by its use of black figures on a red background?

A. Black-figure

B. Corinthian

C. Geometric

D. Red-Figure


Answer: A. Black-figure.

Black-figure pottery was a style of Greek pottery that developed in the late 7th century BC and continued until the mid-6th century BC. It was characterized by painted black figures, typically on a red background, and typically depicting scenes of mythology and everyday life.

How do I count this rhythm?


Traditional Counting in Rhythm The beat would be counted 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. For the eighth note divisions of each beat, you would insert the word "and" between each one. One would count out loud a measure of eighth notes, "1-and-2-and-3-and-4-and."

What is Traditional?

Something that adheres to a long-standing tradition, style, or custom is referred to as traditional. The custom of eating turkey as the standard or approved Thanksgiving meal is an example of tradition. A formal furniture style that doesn't adapt to trends or the seasons is an example of tradition.

In an even spacing, identical pieces are repeated. Flowing rhythm: Movement is implied through the recurrence of organic shapes or the erratically repeated parts. A sequence is created with elements that are slightly altered each time they are played in a progressive rhythm.

Therefore, Traditional Counting in Rhythm The beat would be counted 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. For the eighth note divisions

Learn more about the Traditional here:


Types of stitches for making a table cloth attractive?



definitely lace


The members of which ancient society regularly inscribed public
messages on to city walls?


The members of Rome, Maya, and Egypt is the ancient society regularly inscribed public messages on the city walls as the all of the above. Thus, option (d) is correct.

What is society?

The term "society" refers to a group of people. The society encompasses various cultures, traditions, and languages. People are similar in the group that is called society. The various communities of people comprise the society. People are similar in their looks and their interactions with each other.

According to the ancient period of the society are the used of the communication tool as the city wall are the right message in used to the life. The ancient society such as Rome, Maya, and Egypt.

Therefore, option (d) is correct.

Learn more about on society, here:


Your question is incomplete, but most probably the full question was.

A Rome B Maya C Egypt D All of the above.

who was behind the cross country rap tours called fresh fests


The answer is B. Def Jam


Def Jam


in the united states, most culture industries are media corporations or media industries that operate for .


In the United States, most culture industries are media corporations or media industries that operate for profit.

What is Media Corporation?

A media corporation is a company engaged in the field of spreading information, publication, and sales. Media corporations are widely used by other companies who want to promote the goods or services they produce. Nowadays, many media corporations use the internet and social media in disseminating their information. The focus of media corporations in the United States is to make a profit. Therefore, each media corporation will offer its own advantages when other companies use their services to get many clients.

Learn more about the importance of communication in media


Write or type a short summary about the difference elements and principles of design that you noticed in this piece


Answer:Principles of Design are the guidelines that govern the way artists organize the elements of art. When making a design the seven principles are contrast, emphasis, balance, unity, pattern, movement, and rhythm. Consider each of these carefully for any design and you'll be a guaranteed a great project! People can enjoy and understand art because they know the conventions; if you listen to ... Please dont get me wrong I liked the piece. Structural elements are used in structural analysis to split a complex structure into simple elements. Within a structure, an element cannot be broken down (decomposed) into parts of different kinds (e.g., beam or column). Structural elements can be lines, surfaces or volumes. Make sure you're using quality materials and the right mediums on the right surfaces. ... There are no mistakes in art if you're happy with the product. ... Draw what interests you, you'll improve much faster.



How is France divided? Explain the different sides in the Notre Dame restoration.



France is divided into administrative regions, which are further divided into departments. The regions are: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Brittany, Centre-Val de Loire, Corsica, Grand Est, Hauts-de-France, Île-de-France, Normandy, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Occitanie, Pays de la Loire, and Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. Each of these regions has its own unique history and culture.

As for the Notre Dame restoration, there has been some disagreement about how the restoration should be carried out. Some people believe that the restoration should be faithful to the original design of the building, while others believe that it should incorporate modern elements. There are also debates about how much money should be spent on the restoration and how long it should take. Ultimately, the decision about how the Notre Dame restoration will be carried out will be made by the French government and the officials overseeing the project.

the oldest horse fossils are most similar to modern horses, and the more recent fossils are the most different.


The oldest horse fossils are most similar to modern horses, and the more recent fossils are the most different from the modern version that it was not initially realized that there was any relation.

Give a brief about evolution of horses.

Over a geologic period of 50 million years, the little, dog-sized Eohippus, a member of the family Equidae, underwent the development that resulted in the modern horse. More than any other species, the evolutionary history of the contemporary horse has been pieced together by paleozoologists. Horses originated in North America, where much of this development took occurred, but they went extinct there approximately 10,000 years ago.

The horse is a member of the Perissodactyl order, which includes odd-toed ungulates. Members of this order all have hooved feet, an odd number of toes on each foot, flexible upper lips, and comparable tooth structures. This indicates that tapirs and rhinoceroses have a common ancestor with horses.

To study more about evolution of horses.


f the balcony scene in romeo and juliet were to be reproduced as a site-specific play, identify where it would most likely be performed.


According to question, Romeo hears Juliet chatting about him when he is hiding beneath her balcony.

Romeo sneaks up under Juliet's balcony at the beginning of this scene and hears her talking about him. At some point, he emerges, and they converse. They make love declarations and plan to meet the next day, when Romeo has agreed to wed Juliet.

The balcony scene is intriguing because it allows us to overhear the most intense adolescent emotions and boiling teenage hormones, all wrapped up in some of Shakespeare's most exquisite poetry. This sequence is particularly great because of the lyricism.

To know more about Romeo and Juliet visit :


laboratories, equipment manufacturers, and sound-mixing studios are examples of how filmmaking relates to .


Laboratories, equipment manufacturers, and sound-mixing studios are examples of how filmmaking relates to Business and technology.

What is Technology?

Technology, or as it is sometimes referred to, the modification and manipulation of the human environment, is the application of scientific knowledge to the practical goals of human life.

Society has changed as a result of numerous technological advances. The earliest known technology is the stone tool, which was employed in the prehistoric era. Next came the use of fire, which aided in the Ice Age development of language and the expansion of the human brain.

The Bronze Age wheel's development paved the way for longer journeys and the development of more sophisticated devices.

[6] The printing press, the telephone, and the Internet are examples of recent technological advancements that have lowered communication barriers and ushered in the information economy.

To learn more on Technology from the link:


5. Describe the significance of Gregorian chant during the Middle Ages.
6. Give an example of a new compositional technique that was developed during the Renaissance.
7. Describe the Doctrine of the Affections. Why was it important to Baroque musical thought?


Gregorian Chanting: A form of music that is over 1000 years old, the Gregorian Chant was a singing style popularized throughout the Catholic Church.

Who was the pioneer of music?

A 4,000-year-old clay tablet from Sumer contains the earliest known example of musical notation, which includes tunings and instructions for a song in praise of the monarch Lipit-Ishtar.

How did music start?

The Paleolithic era saw the emergence of music, though it is unknown whether this was in the Middle (300,000 to 50,000 BP) or Upper Paleolithic (50,000 to 12,000 BP). Most Upper Paleolithic instruments have been discovered in Europe, and they are from this time period.

To know more about Music visit:


10. In which measures is the rhythm, "quarter, eighth, eighth, eighth, eighth,
quarter rest" found? How many beats make up this rhythmic pattern?


Answer:Handheld meters measure incident light (light that illuminates the subject of the photography) as well as reflected light

Explanation:Handheld meters measure incident light (light that illuminates the subject of the photography) as well as reflected light

poorly chosen fonts, type styles, and type size can greatly impair a piece's readability. health educators should consider only using


Poorly chosen fonts, type styles, and type sizes can greatly impair a piece's readability. Health educators should consider only using 12-point font with a serif type when developing print materials.

How is readability measured?

The majority of widely used readability formulas base their score calculations on one or more of the following ideas: Compared to longer sentences, shorter sentences are relatively simple to read. Compared to longer words, shorter words are simpler to read. It is simpler to read words that are more widely used.

The complexity of the printed materials is primarily assessed through measures of the number of words per sentence and the number of letters or syllables per word (i.e., as a reflection of word frequency.) The grade level of the printed material is indicated by a "score."

Therefore, Health educators ought to think about using only 12-point font.

Learn more about Health educators from the given link.


3. How did Pythagoras contribute to ancient music theory?




Pythagoras is attributed with discovering that a string exactly half the length of another will play a pitch that is exactly an octave higher when struck or plucked. Split a string into thirds and you raise the pitch an octave and a fifth. Spilt it into fourths and you go even higher – you get the idea.

which of the following procedures would increase the brightness of bulb a and decrease the brightness of bulb d?


Replacing bulb B with an open switch would increase the brightness of bulb a and decrease the brightness of bulb d in the circuit.

What is a circuit?

Individual electronic parts, such as resistors, transistors, capacitors, inductors, and diodes, are connected by conductive wires or traces that allow electric current to pass through them to form an electronic circuit. It is a particular kind of electrical circuit, and typically at least one active component is required for it to be called an electronic circuit as opposed to an electrical one. Signals may be amplified, calculations can be made, and data can be sent from one location to another thanks to the combination of components and connections.

Typically, an electrical circuit falls into one of three categories: analogue, digital, or mixed-signal (a combination of analogue circuits and digital circuits). The MOSFET is the semiconductor component utilized in electronic circuits the most (metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor).

Testing new designs typically involves using breadboards, perfboards, and stripboards. During development, they let the designer to make fast adjustments to the circuit.

To learn more about a circuit from the given link


which of the following procedures would increase the brightness of bulb a and decrease the brightness of bulb d?

Which has better features and which is far more greater Scarlet or Violet?



Pokemon Scarlet will get Professor Sada, while those who choose Pokemon Violet will get Professor Turo.


Trainers who choose Pokemon Scarlet will get Professor Sada, while those who choose Pokemon Violet will get Professor Turo. This is the first time a Pokemon game has featured version-exclusive professors. The other big difference is the default school uniforms that players will wearScarlet embodies the past, while Violet looks to the future.

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