refractory periodontitis occurs despite good self-care and appropriate therapy and regular maintenance visits. recurrent periodontitis occurs because the patient did not control the bacterial plaque biofilm and/or the periodontal disease was not adequately treated. group of answer choices a) both statements are true b) both statements are false c) the first statement is true; the second is false d) the first statement is false; the second is true


Answer 1

To the statements: refractory periodontitis occurs despite good self-care and appropriate therapy and regular maintenance visits. Recurrent periodontitis occurs because the patient did not control the bacterial plaque biofilm or did not keep up with professional care', the correct choice is that both statements are true, so the correct option is a.

What is periodontitis?

Periodontitis is a disease caused in the gums where an infection occurs that can become serious, such as bone loss, if due care is not given. The inflammation spreads from the gums to the ligaments, reaching the bones.

The infection occurs because as the teeth become unhygienic, tartar accumulates at the base of the teeth, generating a 'pocket' and this will generate inflammation since it will be between the teeth and the gums.

There are two types of periodontitis: refractory periodontitis where there is a loss of adherence even if appropriate care is taken and recurrent periodontitis is when there is a return of the disease after having had a history of it due to poor treatment and care of the patient.

Therefore, we can confirm that the correct option is a.

To learn more about periodontitis visit:


Related Questions

if an indwelling catheter is necessary, which nursing intervention should be implemented to prevent infection? use a clean technique during insertion perform meticulous perineal care daily with soap and water use a sterile technique to disconnect the catheter from the tubing to obtain urine specimens place the catheter bag on the client's abdomen when moving the client


If an indwelling catheter is necessary, the nursing intervention which should be implemented to prevent infection is Perform meticulous perineal care daily with soap and water, which suggests that option B is the right answer.

A catheter is a tube like structure which is inserted into the urinary bladder to assist in free drain of urine out of the body. Cleanliness will definitely reduce the risk of infection. Strict aseptic techniques must be adopted while inserting a urinary bladder catheter. Special care must be taken while changing the catheter and it must never be placed on the patient's abdomen unless it is clamped because it may cause urine to flow back from the tubing into the bladder.

Learn more about catheter at:


michael is an alcohol abuser who, thanks to the recommendation from his therapist, is using a computer game to try and train himself to avoid stimuli related to alcohol and more automatically interpret these stimuli negatively. this emerging treatment strategy is called what?


According to the research, the correct answer is cognitive bias modification. Michael's emerging treatment strategy is called cognitive bias modification.

What is cognitive bias modification?

It refers to the procedures used in psychology that, through easy-to-learn techniques, experimentally correct cognitive biases, in order to change the emotional response.

In this sense, it establishes cause-effect relationships between cognitive biases and the appearance of symptoms and observes the consequences that this manipulation produces.

Therefore, we can conclude that according to the research, cognitive bias modification is an emerging treatment strategy with the aim of producing changes in low-level cognitive processes.

Learn more about cognitive bias modification here:


a nurse arriving for duty notes that an unlicensed assistive personnel (uap) has been assigned to a complex client with treatments involving sterile technique. what is the responsibility of the nurse regarding the assignment of the uap?


The responsibility of the nurse regarding the assignment of the unlicensed assistive personnel, or UAP, that has been assigned to a complex patient's needs is to reassign the unlicensed assistive personnel to a patient who needs basic tasks that the UAP already mastered.

The nurse is responsible for delegating assignments to UAPs. The nurse gives tasks to UAPs based on their degree of competence and education, job role, agency policy, regulation, and personal need. UAPs shouldn't be assigned to patients who are complex or require expertise at a higher level.

If the nurse is convinced that the UAP has the necessary expertise for the fundamental activities based on the options presented, the responsibilities can be delegated. The other alternatives are inappropriate because they do not verify that the UAP has the necessary skills and knowledge to provide care or do the assignment.

Learn more about UAP here:


a patient who has hyperthyroidism is treated with radioactive iodine (rai). what information should the nurse include in discharge teaching?


A patient who has hyperthyroidism is treated with radioactive iodine (RAI). Symptoms of hypothyroidism will occur as the RAI therapy takes effect. This information should the nurse include in discharge teaching.

The overproduction of thyroxine hormone results in hyperthyroidism. It may speed up metabolism. Unexpected weight loss, a fast or irregular pulse, perspiration, and irritability are indications, however, the elderly frequently don't show any signs. Radioactive iodine, pharmaceuticals, and even surgery are all used as treatments.

When the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone, hyperthyroidism develops. The term "overactive thyroid" is also used to describe this illness. The body's metabolism picks up quickly when hyperthyroidism is present. This can result in a variety of symptoms, including weight loss, hand tremors, and a fast or irregular heartbeat.

The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

A patient who has hyperthyroidism is treated with radioactive iodine (RAI). What information should the nurse include in discharge teaching?

a. Take radioactive precautions with all body secretions.

b. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism should be relieved in about a week.

c. Symptoms of hypothyroidism will occur as the RAI therapy takes effect.

d. Discontinue the antithyroid medications that were taken before the RAI therapy.

To know more about Hyperthyroidism here


which action by the nurse is most important to ensure the client's safety when changing a peripheral venous access device dressing?


The nurse is most important to ensure the client's safety when changing a peripheral venous access device dressin by placing the bed in the lowest position before leaving the room.

When a central venous access device is accessed and cared for, both the nurse and the client wear masks. The insertion site is cleansed with chlorhexidine solution, and the site is covered with a chlorhexidine solution impregnated dressing.

Central venous catheters are typically inserted through the internal jugular vein, subclavian vein, or femoral vein. The external jugular vein, cephalic vein, and proximal great saphenous vein are all possible insertion sites.

Hand hygiene should be performed prior to insertion. Follow aseptic technique. Use the most stringent sterile barrier precautions. Based on individual patient characteristics, select the best insertion site to reduce infections and noninfectious complications.

To know more about the Venous access device,here


a patient has begun smoking again and drinks six alcoholic beverages per day since experiencing the loss of his job. the nurse recognizes that the patient is exhibiting symptoms of which type of stress?


The patient is showing Signs and symptoms of behavioral stress including smoking, overeating, and substance abuse.

Excessive smoking, substance abuse, and sleep issues are considered to be behavioral indicators of stress.

The following behavior-related stress symptoms should be mentioned: increased drinking, smoking, employment turnover, modifications to productivity, and alterations to eating habits.

When someone who doesn't regularly drink alcohol or smokes before taking alcohol begins to do so, it is referred to as behavioral symptoms of stress. This situation's stress results in a change in conduct.

The complete question is:

A patient has begun smoking again and drinks six alcoholic beverages per day since experiencing the loss of his job. the nurse recognizes that the patient is exhibiting symptoms of which type of stress?

a) Psychological

b) Emotional

c) Physiological

d) Behavioral

To learn more about Stress please click on the given link:


a soft toric lens is orienting nasally in the patient's left eye. to calculate lens rotation correctly, what should the fitter do?


In order to calculate lens rotation correctly, the fitter should add the number of degrees of rotation to the patient's refractive axis.

Toric contact lenses correct astigmatism caused by a different curvature of your cornea or lens in your eye (referred to as regular astigmatism, corneal astigmatism or lenticular astigmatism).

The design of toric lenses differs significantly from regular lenses. In contrast to regular lenses, which have a single power throughout the lens, toric lenses have two different powers: one for astigmatism and one for trouble with distance vision.

Fitting a patient for toric contacts requires more expertise than fitting a patient for regular lenses. As a result, a toric lens fitting may be more expensive than a standard contact lens fitting. Because torics are more complex in design, they will cost more to replace than most regular contacts.

To learn more about toric lens, here


a nurse is teaching a client about the use of a pca infusion pump. the nurse determines the teaching is successful when the client correctly indicates which factor about the system?


The control button of pca infusion pump activates administration of the drug. By pushing a portable button, a computerized pump linked to the IV allows you to release pain medication.

After surgery, PCA infusion pump can be used in hospitals to reduce pain. Or it can be used to treat agonizing conditions like pancreatitis and sickle cell disease. Additionally, it is effective for those who are unable to swallow pills. Anytime the patient feels discomfort, they can utilize the pump. Patients who feel too tired should refrain from pressing the machine's button. The likelihood that a patient would participate in a therapy program to speed up and maybe shorten healing depends on how vigilant they are.

Learn more about infusion pump


the nurse is teaching an adolescent about the different methods of contraception. which statement made by the adolescent indicates a need for further teaching?


These statement made by the adolescent indicates a need to further his teaching:

"I will increase my food intake."

"I will perform weight training exercises."

Contraception comes in various forms, but not all are suitable for all circumstances. The best form of birth control relies on the person's age, overall health, frequency of sexual activity, number of sexual partners, desire to have children in the future, and family history of specific diseases. It also depends on how many sexual partners they have.

A small, T-shaped device called an intrauterine device (IUD), often called an intrauterine system (IUS), is put into the uterus to prevent conception. The professional medical inserts the gadget.

An IUD can be left in place and continue to work well for a long time. A medical professional removes or replaces the contraceptive method after the advised period of time or when the lady no longer requires or wants contraception.

Learn more about contraception here:


which would be most important for the nurse to do when administering a phenothiazine antiemetic to a patient?


Institute safety precautions would be most important for the nurse to do when administering a phenothiazine antiemetic to a patient.

Phenothiazines, which are commonly used as antipsychotic medications, also have antiemetic properties, and a number of minor phenothiazines are used to treat transient nausea and vomiting caused by viral infections, surgery, or gastrointestinal illnesses. Phenothiazine antiemetics are medications that can be used to treat nausea and vomiting. They work by blocking dopamine, muscarinic, and histamine (H1) receptors in the vomiting center and chemoreceptor trigger zone, respectively.

An antiemetic is a medication that relieves nausea and vomiting. Antiemetics are typically used to treat motion sickness as well as the side effects of opioid analgesics, general anaesthesia, and cancer chemotherapy.

To learn more about phenothiazine antiemetic, here


pam was admitted to the hospital today due to severe pre-eclampsia in her 29th week of pregnancy. dr. smith, her ob/gyn, visits her in the hospital on the day of admission. the diagnostic codes reported for this visit are


Pam, who is 29 weeks pregnant, was brought to the hospital today owing to severe pre-eclampsia. The day of admittance, her OB/GYN, Dr. Smith, pays her a visit in the hospital. O14.13 and Z3A.29 are the diagnostic code(s) recorded for this visit.

Severe pre-eclampsia is medically categorized as ICD-10 code O14. 1 and is included in the spectrum of Pregnancy, delivery, and the puerperium as defined by the WHO. When reading Chapter 15, you will often notice the following changes: Pregnancy trimester now serves as the supplementary axis of categorization for this chapter, in hospital place of the care episode (antepartum, postpartum, or delivery). Newborns are impacted by maternal characteristics as well as pregnancy, labor, & delivery difficulties. The P00–P04 ICD-10-CM code range. The World Health Organization's medical categorization list for the ICD-10 code range for Newborn Damaged by Maternal Factors and by Complications during Pregnancy, Labor, and Delivery P00-P04 (WHO).

(The nurse is caring for a client who is prescribed biologic response modifiers to boost the immune response for renal cell carcinoma. Which medication does the nurse expect to find on the medication administration record (MAR)?

1. Aldesleukin (Proleukin)

2. Anakinra (Kineret)

3. Azathioprine (Azasan)

4. Basiliximab (Simulect))

Learn more about hospital


which contagious disease creates a primary skin lesion that is a pinpointed macule, papule, or wheal with hemorrhagic puncture site? a. tinea capitis b. pediculosis c. rubeola d. scabies


Option (b) is correct i.e. pediculosis, contagious disease creates a primary skin lesion that is a pinpointed macule, papule, or wheal with hemorrhagic puncture site.

Most infections of head lice i.e. pediculosis are symptomless. When symptoms are present, there may be irritation, a tickling sensation as though something is moving in the hair, and itching due to an allergic reaction to louse saliva. One potential source of problems is secondary bacterial infection. The pathogens that cause Bartonella quintana, Rickettsia prowazekii, and Borrelia recurrentis body lice are a vector for (louse-borne relapsing fever). The most common way that head lice are transmitted is through contact with an infected person (i.e., head-to-head contact). During play (sports, playgrounds, summer camp, and sleepovers), at home, school, and in the community, there is frequently contact. Less frequently, it is possible for flies to transmit head lice (more common with body lice). Transmission can also occur if you use infected combs, brushes, towels, or if you lie on a bed, couch, pillow, carpet, or stuffed animal that has recently come into contact with an infected person.

To know more about pediculosis please refer:


lou is worried that he will become addicted to the drug he has been taking to relieve his pain and anxiety. he is most likely taking a(n):


Lou is afraid that he may get addicted to the drug he is using to alleviate his pain and anxiety. He's probably taking an opiate.

What is an opiate?

An opiate can be defined as a drug that is used to relieve pain or induce sleep. Opiates are either manufactured from opium or include opium. Opiates interact with opioid receptors inside the brain and spinal cord. Opiates include heroin, codeine, and morphine.

Opiate vs. Opiod

Although the words opiates and opioids are sometimes used interchangeably, they are distinct. Opiates can be defined as natural opioids, including morphine, heroin, and codeine. While natural, chemically synthesized, and synthetic opioids are all referred to as "opioids".

Learn more about opiate abuse here:


a nurse encouraged a patient to write down how she would like her dying to proceed. this interaction between nurse and patient most likely took place in:


A nurse encouraged a patient to write down how she would like her dying to proceed. This interaction between nurse and patient most likely took place in 2011.

Express regard and love for the dying person. Allow the dying person to express guilt or anger. Make small talk to keep their mind off their situation. Encourage the dying person to reminisce.

Some efficient nursing interventions consist of providing basic care and medications to prevent terminal suffering, offering an attentive and reassuring presence, respecting the contemplative phases, listening for latent messages in conversations, understanding symbolic language, respecting family dynamics.

Learn more about nurse here:-


when assessing a client's vital signs, a nursing student has explained to the client each of their next actions prior to assessing the client's temperature, pulse, and blood pressure. however, the nursing student did not announce their intention to assess the client's respiratory rate prior to measuring it. what is the rationale for the nursing student's decision to withhold this information?


The rationale for the nursing student's decision to withhold this information is that the process of respiration have both autonomic and voluntary control.

If the students conveys to the client about the respiratory rate measurement beforehand then the rate might get altered as person's psychological approach will cause the brain to think about breathing and so the breathing would become voluntarily controlled and the vital information will get changed. The Vital Signs of the body measured through Body Temperature, Pulse Rate, Respiration Rate and Blood Pressure. The main task of the nursing students is to analyze the vital signs of the clients with the normal signs observed in patients of their age and provide the data so obtained to the doctors so that appropriate medications could be provided.

Learn more about blood pressure at:


when documenting observations of the behaviors exhibited by a client diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, the nurse can correctly use which terms?


When documenting observations of the behaviors exhibited by a client diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, the nurse can correctly use Impulsive, self-destructive, unstable.

You may have an extreme fear of abandonment or instability if you have borderline personality disorder, and you may find it difficult to tolerate being alone. Even if you wish to have meaningful and lasting relationships, improper anger, impulsiveness, and frequent mood swings may drive others away.

Patients with BPD have high levels of emotional reactivity, impulsivity, repeating self-destructive behaviors, inappropriate amounts of rage, intense and unstable connections with others, and a sense of emptiness and bewilderment about their own identities.

To know more about borderline personality disorder visit


arrive on scene of motor vehicle crash. walking toward you. complains of back pain. keeps asking what happened. what is initial action in caring for patient?


Initiate spine motion restriction precautions is the initial action to be taken in caring for patient with a spinal injury.

Do not move the person if you suspect a back or neck (spinal) injury. There may be major side effects, including permanent paralysis. If a person shows signs of a head injury and a persistent shift in their state of awareness, you should assume they have a spinal injury.

- The person expresses excruciating neck or back discomfort

- The person complains of weakness, numbness, or paralysis or lack of control over his or her limbs, bladder, or bowels - An injury has imposed significant stress on the back or head

- The body or neck is twisted or strangely positioned.

To know more about spinal injury. :


which education would the nurse provide about the occurrence of febrile seizures they may occur in minor illnesses the cause is


They may occur in minor illnesses.

When a child has a fever, he or she may experience febrile seizures (febrile convulsions). They are most common between the ages of 6 months and 3 years. It can be terrifying and upsetting to witness your child having a seizure, especially if it is their first seizure.

There is nothing that can be done to prevent a febrile seizure. Keep calm and try not to panic during a seizure. Do not bathe, restrain, or place anything in your child's mouth. Febrile seizures are not dangerous to your child's health and will not result in brain damage.

The priority is a patent airway; the equipment required to ensure a patent airway must be available immediately. Although padding the crib rails is beneficial, it is not a top priority. It is not necessary to arrange for a quiet, cool room; however, it may be done if the child has a high fever or a history of febrile seizures. Although obtaining a recliner to allow a parent to stay is appropriate, it is not the priority.

To learn more about febrile seizures, here


a client with end-stage liver failure is declared brain dead. the family wants to discontinue feeding and donate any viable organs. which action should the nurse take?


In the organ transplant process, the perioperative nurse performs an essential position in supporting with organ procurement, at some stage in which they're often required to witness the demise of donors.

Nurses play numerous roles withinside the procedure of organ procurement including: Identification of ability organ donor. Obtain consent and guide the family (one of the maximum essential nursing roles) Maintaining the affected person in a way that permits for retrieval. The nurse has an crucial region withinside the group of organ donation and transplantation, and ought to get hold of schooling to begin the donation process, which incorporates identity and notification of the donor to the sanatorium coordination group, tracking and preservation of those patients, in addition to the embracement and care.

To learn more about organ check the link below:


ingested poisoning is usually accidental in adults. truefalse opioids, sedatives, and barbiturates slow breathing, so ventilatory complications are a concern with such poisonings. truefalse when dealing with an absorbed poison, you should flush the skin of the affected area with an alcohol rinse for 15 to 20 minutes. truefalse most poisons do not have an antidote. truefalse


The statement that ingested poisoning is usually accidental in adults is false because it more common in case of young children who put things in their mouth without directly knowing about them.

The statement that opioids, sedatives, and barbiturates slow breathing, so ventilatory complications are a concern with such poisonings is true. The statement that when dealing with an absorbed poison, you should flush the skin of the affected area with an alcohol rinse for 15 to 20 minutes false, rather the cleaning of the affected area is done with clear water. The statement that most poisons do not have an antidote is true. Poison is a chemical substance which has the capacity to cause death or cause harms to the organ system of the body.

Learn more about poisoning at:


a nurse is teaching her client about cyclosporine therapy following a recent liver transplant. what statement by the client indicates further teaching is needed?


A nurse is teaching her client about cyclosporine therapy following a recent liver transplant. This statement nurse use, I can take this drug with any fluid as long as it is at the same time every day.

Cyclosporine is used together with other medicines to prevent the body from rejecting a transplanted organ, eg, kidney, liver, or heart. It belongs to a group of medicines known as immunosuppressive agents.

Some cancers become resistant to chemotherapy drugs. Combining cyclosporine with chemotherapy may prevent resistance to the drugs and allow the cancer cells to be killed.

Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressive agent used to treat organ rejection post-transplant. It also has use in certain other autoimmune diseases, treatment of organ rejection in kidney, liver, and heart allogeneic transplants, rheumatoid arthritis when the condition has not adequately responded to methotrexate.

Learn more about cyclosporine therapy here:-


the client has had a swimming accident and lacerated his foot on a broken bottle in the water approximately 3 cm. the nurse is prepared to assist the healthcare provider with what type of anesthesia?


The client has had a swimming accident and lacerated his foot on a broken bottle in the water approximately 3 cm. The nurse is prepared to assist the healthcare provider with local anesthesia.

The term local anesthesia describes the use of an anesthetic substance to temporarily numb a small part of your body. A local anesthetic may be used by your doctor before performing a quick procedure, such a skin biopsy. Additionally, local anesthetic may be used prior to a dental treatment, such as a tooth extraction. Local anesthetic doesn't put you to sleep like general anesthesia does. Before an operation, local anesthetic is a relatively secure approach to numb a small area. Additionally, it can aid in controlling oral or cutaneous pain. While it occasionally can have negative consequences, this usually only occurs when doses are higher than what is advised.

To learn more about Anesthesia click on the given link:


a patient who has experienced previous jaw and face trauma now reports difficulty tasting with the tip of her tongue. which cranial nerve was likely damaged in that injury?


A patient who has experienced previous jaw and face trauma now reports difficulty tasting with the tip of her tongue. the cranial nerve was likely damaged in that injury: Facial (VII)

The word 'persistence' as a noun, refers to wait calmly or bearing worry for a long time without becoming irritated or eager. The phrase 'patients' even though is the plural shape of the phrase 'patient' refers to someone who gets hospital treatment.

The phrases "endurance" and "patients" are homophones: They sound equal but have very specific meanings. The noun "endurance" refers to the potential to attend to or endure complications for a long time without becoming disenchanted. The noun "patients" is the plural form of "affected person"—someone who gets hospital treatment.

Learn more about patients here:


exercise uses oxygen, typically involves using large muscle groups during continuous activities, and promotes cardiovascular health.


Aerobic exercise uses oxygen, typically involves using large muscle groups during continuous activities, and promotes cardiovascular health.

Aerobic exercise is referred to as an intense exercise that is done by individuals to maintain and increase their cardiovascular health. In general terms these exercises are referred to as Cardio. Examples of these exercise include brisk walking, cycling and swimming. In this exercise as we perform the exercise our heart rate increase because we start breathing at a faster rate due to intense workout. Heart requires more oxygen rich blood so pumping action increases. The other benefits of Aerobic exercise is that it also keeps our other body organs healthy such as the lungs and also our circulatory system.

Learn more about Aerobic exercise at:


Complete Question:

_________exercise uses oxygen, typically involves using large muscle groups during continuous activities, and promotes cardiovascular health.

a nurse manager is faced with a conflict situation. one of the nurse manager's team members is confused about their hospital responsibilities. this team member is shy and doesn't ask for direction, leading to a lack of communication that decreases the quality of patient care. what questions should the nurse manager ask to analyze the situation? (select all that apply.)


Are the people involved and  what individual factors are involved and what environmental factors are involved.

What do does a nurse do?

From the time of infancy to old age of life, nurses are present in every community, big and small. Nurses do a variety of duties, from providing direct patient care and managing cases to setting nursing practice standards, creating quality control processes, and managing intricate nursing care systems.

When do nurses stop working?

When nurses reach the normal full retirement age of roughly 67 years old, or even earlier at 62 years old, the possibility of an early but timely retirement with a suitable financial portfolio and advantages from social security appeals to them (without full social security benefits).

To know more about Nurse visit:


the nurse is completing a health history on a mexican-american patient who works odd jobs as available and lives with multiple family members ranging from infant to older adults. one motor vehicle is shared between the family members, and the family shares a two-room apartment with one bathroom. what likely health disparities should the nurse investigate for this patient? (select all that apply.)


Inequitable allocation of historical and contemporary social, political, economic, and environmental resources is a major cause of health inequalities.

In general, those with less education are more likely than people with more education to encounter a variety of health concerns, including obesity, substance addiction, and purposeful and unintentional damage. Longer lifespans and a higher chance of acquiring or comprehending the fundamental health information and services required to make informed health decisions are both correlated with higher levels of education.

Low income Lack of self-grooming Inadequate sleep. Educational level.

Socially disadvantaged people endure health disparities, which are avoidable variations in the burden of disease, injury, violence, or opportunity to reach optimal health.

Health inequalities are caused by a variety of variables, including poverty

ecological dangersinadequate health care accessbehavioral and individual variablesinequality in education.

Learn more about health


which prescribed therapy will the nurse clarify with the healthcare provider for a patient who is scheduled for a radioactive iodine isotope study?


The prescribed therapy that the nurse will clarify with the healthcare provider for a patient who is scheduled for a radioactive iodine isotope study is for hyperthyroidism and thyroid cancer.

It is used in medicine to produce radioactive iodine (I-131), an isotope of iodine that emits radiation. I-131 enters the bloodstream in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract after being ingested in a tiny quantity. It is drawn out of the circulation by the thyroid gland, where it starts to obliterate the gland's cells.

At the moment, only a few forms of thyroid cancer and hyperthyroidism are treated with radioactive iodine therapy. It is also used to check for the spread of some thyroid malignancies to other body areas and to help identify the underlying reasons for hyperthyroidism.

To learn more about Radioactive iodine visit:


which action should the nurse take to monitor the effects of an acute stressor on a hospitalized patient? (select all that apply.)


Ask about epigastric pain.Observe for increased appetite.Check for elevated blood glucose levels.

Acute stress disorder is a severe, unpleasant, and dysfunctional reaction that occurs shortly after a traumatic event and lasts less than a month. Many people have experienced acute stress, a dramatic physiological and psychological reaction to a specific event, at some point in their lives. Chronic stress, on the other hand, is a long-term feeling of being pressured and overwhelmed.

The autonomic nervous system is activated during an acute stress response, and the body experiences increased levels of cortisol, adrenaline, and other hormones, resulting in an increased heart rate, faster breathing rate, and higher blood pressure.

To learn more about acute stressor, here


a patient has been newly diagnosed with hypertension. the nurse assesses the need to develop a collaborative plan of care thatincludes a goal of adhering to the prescribed regimen. when the nurse is planning teaching for the patient, which is the mostimportant initial learning goal?


Adults learn best when given information they can understand that is tailored to their learning styles and needs. Verbalizing an understanding is important; however, the nurse will first need to teach the patient. thus correct answer (a)

High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is blood pressure that is higher than normal. Your blood pressure changes throughout the day based on your activities. Having blood pressure measures consistently above normal may result in a diagnosis of high blood pressure (or hypertension).

Hypertension, another name for high blood pressure, is elevated blood pressure. Depending on your activity, your blood pressure varies throughout the day. A diagnosis of high blood pressure may be made if blood pressure readings are frequently higher than normal (or hypertension).

Learn more about hypertension to visit this link


Full Question: A patient has been newly diagnosed with hypertension. The nurse assesses the need to develop a collaborative plan of care that includes a goal of adhering to the prescribed regimen. When the nurse is planning teaching for the patient, which is the most important initial learning goal?

a. The patient will select the type of learning materials they prefer.

b. The patient will verbalize an understanding of the importance of following the regimen.

c. The patient will demonstrate coping skills needed to manage hypertension.

d. The patient will verbalize the side effects of treatment.

a resident of a long-term care facility with alzheimer disease is accusing several members of the care staff of stealing jewelry and other personal items. how will the nurse respond in this situation?


A person with Alzheimer's disease is accusing several members of the care staff of stealing jewelry and other personal items. Delusions are the actual reason which fixed false beliefs that have little or no basis in reality and cannot be corrected by appealing to reason.

Alzheimer's disease is an uncommon occurrence as people age. The majority of Alzheimer's patients are 65 years of age and older, which is the largest risk factor now recognized. Alzheimer's is known as younger-onset Alzheimer's when it affects someone under the age of 65. Younger-onset dementia is another name for early-onset Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease may occur in the early, middle, or late stages in younger patients. Alzheimer's disease worsens over time. Alzheimer's is a progressive disease, therefore the signs of dementia progressively worsen over a long period of time. When Alzheimer's disease is in its later stages, people lose their ability to speak and respond to their environment. Alzheimer's disease initially causes very little memory loss.

To learn more about Alzheimer's disease please click on the given link:


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