The subdivisions of the autonomic nervous system are the division and sympathetic division.a. Trueb. False


Answer 1

The subdivisions of the autonomic nervous system are the division and sympathetic division is false.

The sympathetic division and the parasympathetic division are the two parts of the autonomic nervous system. The fight-or-flight response is connected to the sympathetic nervous system, whereas rest and digest is the term used to describe parasympathetic activity. The harmony of the two systems is known as homeostasis.The enteric nervous system is occasionally regarded as a component of the autonomic nervous system and other times as a separate entity. The activities of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions are complementary: the sympathetic division controls actions that call for rapid responses (such as fight-or-flight), while the parasympathetic division governs slower-paced behaviors (rest and digest).To establish homeostasis, the SNS and PSNS are thought to continuously modulate essential processes in an often hostile manner. This involves both heart and breathing processes.

To know more about sympathetic check the below link:


Related Questions

The numbers represent the change in energy for a chemical reaction. They are calculated by subtracting the energy of products from the energy of reactants. Which number would result from an endothermic reaction?



The energy is calculated by subtracting the energy of products from the energy of reactants, and the positive energy shows the endothermic reaction. The correct answer is "800," which can be found in the final option.

What are the various types of reactions?


There are different types of reactions, such as the endothermic reaction, where the energy is used for the product's formation, and the exothermic reaction. The energy is released in an exothermic reaction, resulting in a negative result, whereas the energy is used in an endothermic reaction, resulting in a positive result.

Hence, the endothermic reaction is the 800 that is present in the last option.

Learn more about the types of reactions here.



d. 800


The numbers represent the change in energy for a chemical reaction. They are calculated by subtracting the energy of products from the energy of reactants. Which number would result from an endothermic reaction?


A substance that influences the reaction but does not participate in the reaction is a


A substance that influences the reaction but does not participate in the reaction is a catalyst.

What are catalysts?

A catalyst is a molecule which can facilitate a chemical reaction without being consumed or changed. Virtually all chemical reactions taking place in a living cell require catalysts. Such biocatalysts are called enzymes.

Moreover, enzymes are biological catalysts. Catalysts lower the activation energy for reactions. The lower the activation energy for a reaction, the faster the rate. Thus enzymes speed up reactions by lowering activation energy.

Hence, catalysts can be categorized as homogeneous, heterogeneous, or enzymatic. Homogeneous catalysts exist in the same phase as the reactants, whereas heterogeneous catalysts exist in a different phase than the reactants.

Learn more about catalyst:



Which of these is NOT a digestive enzyme?
lipase, protease, catalase, amylase


Answer: Which of these is NOT a digestive enzyme?

C. catalase

Explanation: The enzyme that is NOT a digestive enzyme is catalase.

Enzymes are proteins that help facilitate chemical reactions in the body. Digestive enzymes specifically help break down food into smaller molecules that can be absorbed by the body.

Let's go through each of the enzymes mentioned:

1. Lipase: Lipase is a digestive enzyme that breaks down fats into smaller molecules called fatty acids and glycerol. This allows the body to absorb and utilize the fats we consume in our diet.

2. Protease: Protease is a digestive enzyme that breaks down proteins into smaller molecules called amino acids. This is important because amino acids are essential for building and repairing tissues in the body.

3. Catalase: Although catalase is an enzyme, it is not involved in the process of digestion. Instead, it plays a role in protecting cells from the toxic effects of hydrogen peroxide by converting it into water and oxygen.

4. Amylase: Amylase is a digestive enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates, specifically starches, into smaller molecules like glucose. This allows the body to absorb and utilize the energy stored in carbohydrates.

Learn more about digest enzymes here:

22.Scientists are measuring the effectiveness of a household cleaner on harmful bacteria found on common surfaces. The results are recorded in the table above. Which of the following claims is BEST supported by the data in the table?



Using more than 15ml of cleaner will not kill any more bacteria


When the amount gets over 15ml, the change in bacteria population levels out

which of these cells is a phagocytic leukocyte that can engulf a foreign bacterium? macrophage helper t cell plasma cell cytotoxic t cell b cell?


Macrophage cells is a phagocytic leukocyte that can engulf a foreign bacterium.

Phagocytosis is the process by which a cell ingests solid substances, such as pathogens (i.e., the cell "eating" via endocytosis). In reaction to infection, phagocytic leukocytes circulate in the blood and penetrate bodily tissue (extravasation). Histamine and other substances released by damaged tissues attract white blood cells to the site of infection (via chemotaxis) When cellular extensions (pseudopodia) encircle the pathogen and subsequently join to create an internal vesicle, the pathogen is swallowed. The pathogen is subsequently digested when the vesicle is joined to a lysosome (creating a phagolysosome).

To activate the third line of defense, pathogen fragments (antigens) may be shown on the surface of the phagocyte. The innate immune system, which responds in a non-specific manner, is the second line of defense against infectious diseases. White blood cells called phagocytic white blood cells, which engulf and digest foreign substances, are a crucial part of this line of defense. Besides these, the innate immune system also consists of substances that fight bacteria, fever, and inflammation (complement proteins).

To know more about Leukocyte visit:


after witnessing the emergence of ebay and amazon, marc benioff questioned why computer software was still sold in boxes rather than leased with a subscription and downloaded through the internet. this was the genesis of salesforce, a firm with over 6.7 billion usd in sales in 2016. this is an example of which innovator dna trait?


This is an example of  Questioning innovator DNA trait.

Questioning is type of inquiry that results in fresh perceptions, associations, opportunities, and orientations. asking questions that contradict conventional wisdom. Lead by posing inquiries.

Innovations are always prompted by challenging inquiries. The majority of innovative business owners who were interviewed could recall the specific questions they were asking when they first got the idea for a new venture. For example, Michael Dell said that he got the idea to start Dell Computer after asking why a computer costs five times as much as its parts. In biting over the inquiry, he hit on his progressive plan of action.

To know more about innovator DNA trait:-


How is a single cell similar to a grey wolf?



Grey wolf optimizer (GWO) is a newly developed metaheuristic inspired by hunting mechanism of grey wolves. The paramount challenge in GWO is that it is prone to stagnation in local optima. This paper proposes a cellular grey wolf optimizer with a topological structure (CGWO). The proposed CGWO has two characteristics. Firstly, each wolf has its own topological neighbors, and interactions among wolves are restricted to their neighbors, which favors exploitation of CGWO. Secondly, information diffusion mechanism by overlap among neighbors can allow to maintain the population diversity for longer, usually contributing to exploration. Empirical studies are conducted to compare the proposed algorithm with different metaheuristics such as success-history based adaptive differential evolution with linear population size reduction (LSHADE), teaching-learning based optimization algorithm (TLBO), effective butterfly optimizer with covariance matrix adapted retreat phase (EBOwithCMAR), novel dynamic harmony search (NDHS), bat-inspired algorithm (BA), comprehensive learning particle swarm optimizer (CLPSO), evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition (EAD), ring topology PSO (RPSO), crowding-based differential evolution (CDE), neighborhood based crowding differential evolution (NCDE), locally informed particle swarm (LIPS), some improved variants of GWO and GWO. Experimental results show that the proposed method performs better than the other algorithms on most benchmarks and engineering problems


deep earth extraction inc. operates a facility near estuary bay. discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in


Deep earth extraction inc. operates a facility near estuary bay. discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in penalties and damages. The correct option to this question is A.

Potentially culpable parties can shield themselves from accountability by changing ownership in the event that dangerous chemicals are released from a facility. 35. Possibile liable parties can escape accountability in the event of a leak of hazardous chemicals from a facility by changing ownership. a harmful tort.

Misdemeanor-level infractions are punishable by up to a year in jail and/or fines of up to $100,000 for individuals and $200,000 for businesses (see alternative Fines Act 18 U.S.C. 3571). Sections 407, 408, 409, 414, and 415 violations require a required minimum of 30 days in prison.

For more information on waste disposal kindly visit to


Complete question: Deep Earth Extraction, Inc., operates a facility near Estuary Bay. Discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in a. penalties and damages.b. penalties only.c. damages only.d. none of the choices.

in animals, what is the difference between reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning?


In, Reproductive cloning copies of whole animals are produced. While in Therapeutic cloning embryonic stem cells are produced for certain experiment.

In general ,Reproductive Cloning are responsible for generating genetic copies of entire organisms. While ,Therapeutic Cloning are used for making genetic copies of tissues or organs that helps to replace the damaged body parts.

Therapeutic cloning is done by transferring of the nuclear material that were isolated from the somatic cell present in the enucleated oocyte. This   results in formation of cloned cells they remain on the dish in the lab and not implanted into a female's uterus.

To learn more about Therapeutic cloning  , here


During initiation of translation, the trna with methionine ends up in which site?


The trna with methionine ends up in which site: During initiation, the small ribosomal subunit binds to the start of the mRNA sequence.

Then a transfer RNA (tRNA) molecule carrying the amino acid methionine.tRNAs bind to codons inside of the ribosome, where they deliver amino acids for addition to the protein chain.

The CCA tail is a cytosine-cytosine-adenine sequence at the 3′ end of the tRNA molecule. The amino acid loaded onto the tRNA by aminoacyl tRNA synthetases, to form aminoacyl-tRNA, is covalently bonded to the 3′-hydroxyl group on the CCA tail.

The E-web page is the 1/3 and final binding web page for t-RNA inside the ribosome at some stage in translation, part of protein synthesis. The "E" stands for exit, and is observed via the P-website (for peptidyl) that's the second one binding website, and the A-website online (aminoacyl), which is the first binding website.

Learn more about trna here:


unlike bacterial infections, populations of pathogenic viruses do not evolve resistance to antiviral drugs.



Unlike bacterial infections, there are not a lot of cures for those caused by viruses. Antibiotics do not fight viruses, only bacteria. Some antiviral medications treat illnesses like hepatitis C. There are also …


Unlike bacterial infections, there are not a lot of cures for those caused by viruses. Antibiotics do not fight viruses, only bacteria. Some antiviral medications treat illnesses like hepatitis C. There are also …

Unlike bacterial infections, populations of pathogenic viruses do not evolve resistance to antiviral drugs is false.

What is antiviral drug?

Antiviral drug is defined as a target a variety of viruses, including the influenza, hepatitis, and herpes viruses. Antiviral drugs fall under a specific category of drugs that are used to treat viral infections.  They work by eradicating or stopping the spread of viruses. Treatments for the majority of viral illnesses only provide temporary relief from symptoms while you wait for your immune system to eradicate the virus. Antibiotics cannot be used to treat viral infections.

The bacteria reproduce quickly and exhibit significant genetic variety. Carotenoids are a class of chemicals that give many animals their color, including pea aphids, their hue. Antibiotic misuse, overuse, and ineffective infection prevention and control all contribute to the acceleration of antibiotic resistance.

Thus, unlike bacterial infections, populations of pathogenic viruses do not evolve resistance to antiviral drugs is false.

To learn more about antiviral drug, refer to the link below:


Your question is incomplete but probably your complete question was

unlike bacterial infections, populations of pathogenic viruses do not evolve resistance to antiviral drugs.

Identify weather it is true or false.

What is the relationship between structure and function of biological molecules?


Biological molecules or biomolecules are the carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids that are produced by the living organism. A very significant relationship lies between their structure and function as they are inter relatable.

Biomolecules are designed in such a way that on forming a particular structure only their specific functions can be formed. It is to ensure that no molecules other than the desired ones bring a change. If the latter situation arises, it may refer to harm or lethality.

For instance, insulin binds to its receptor and decreases the blood glucose level. Change in its structure will lead in inability to bind to the receptor specifically designed to accomodate it. And if function is not dependent on structure, then any molecule may bind to the receptor and decrease the blood sugar level to the point that body may not be able to function.

Learn more about biomolecules -


carrying capacity a. is not a constant number. b. cannot be influenced by natural disasters. c. cannot be influenced by ecological succession. d. cannot be influenced by changes in climate.


The typical population size of a species in a certain ecosystem is referred to as carrying capacity. Environmental elements like sufficient food, shelter, water, and mates also serve as population limits for some animals. The population will decline until the resource recovers if these needs are not satisfied.

The greatest population, density, or biomass that a particular area can sustainably support is known as carrying capacity. This probably changes through time and is influenced by the environment, available resources, and the existence of predators, pathogens, and rivals,The carrying capacity of an ecosystem is influenced by numerous factors. Food supply, water supply, habitat space, competition (intraspecific and interspecific), physical variables (such as excessive heat, drought, etc.), chemical factors (such as pH, mineral deficiency, etc.), and anthropogenic influences are among them.

To learn more about carrying capacity, follow the below link:


The flow of highly energetic electrons through the electron transport chain changes the _____ of the pump proteins, which causes them to transport protons across the membrane.


The flow of the highly energetic electrons through electron transport chain will change the shape of the pump.

As the high-energy electrons are transported along the chain, some of their energy is trapped. This energy is used to drive hydrogen ions (from NADH and FADH2) from the matrix across the inner membrane and into the intermembrane space.

In the electron transport chain, electrons are passed from one molecule to another and the energy released in these electron transfers is used to form an electrochemical gradient. Chemiosmosis uses the energy stored in the gradient to produce ATP. When an electron moves from a lower energy level to a higher energy level, energy is absorbed by the atom.

Learn more about the electron transport chain in


What is the relationship between genes and proteins and enzymes?


The gene is the main genetic material responsible for the coding of proteins and enzymes.

DNA is the main molecule that stores the genetic information responsible for building and maintaining the structure of an organism. The small segments within DNA are referred to as genes. This gene codes for particular proteins or enzymes.

First, the information in the genes will be converted to mRNA by a transcription process. This information is then used to synthesize proteins or enzymes during translation. The protein synthesized helps to maintain cellular structure and function. And the enzymes will be used to facilitate the biochemical reactions that occur in the body.

To know more about genes:


What will be the long-term effect of blocking the lymphatic vessels associated with a capillary bed?


Fluid would accumulate in interstitial areas.

Why are the lymphatic vessels closely associated with the capillary beds?Interstitial fluid in the tissues is transported back to the heart by lymphatic capillaries from the capillary beds. Fluid enters lymphatic capillaries until the pressure inside the vessel exceeds that in the tissue because the valves in the capillary beds only permit one-way fluid flow.The circulatory system works using microscopic, thin-walled lymphatic capillaries to take up and carry fluids into the tissues and return them to the circulatory system.The capillary bed function enables the interchange of nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water as well as the removal of waste. It is a system of microcirculation that carries fluid and cellular material to the nearby organ systems.

To learn more about lymphatic capillaries refer,


based on the model of gene expression from the gene expression essentials simulation, what is true of positive transcription factors?


Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and Nanog are transcription factors that act as triggers to induce somatic cells to become pluripotent stem cells. Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and Nanog are all crucial components of stem cells and have a significant impact on biological operations.

An activator protein, which is necessary for transcription to occur when it is under positive control, binds to the DNA. transcription is put under negative control when a protein called a repressor binds to the DNA and prevents transcription. Positive gene regulation involves the transcription of genes, whereas negative gene regulation typically prevents the expression of genes. This is the primary distinction between positive and negative gene regulation.

To learn more about transcription factors it, follow the below link:


a dna fragment with 100 base pairs is smaller than a dna fragment with 150 base pairs. t or f


It is accurate to say that a DNA fragment with 100 base pairs is smaller than one with 150 base pairs.

Each of the two nucleotide strands that make up DNA contains four different kinds of nucleotides. Adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T) are the nucleotides that make up base pairs and are joined by hydrogen bonds.

A DNA fragment's length is significant since it affects how much information it contains. A DNA fragment with 100 base pairs, for instance, will have less information than one with 150 base pairs. The capacity of a DNA fragment to interact with other molecules is also influenced by its length.

To know more about nucleotides, visit:


sort the molecules in the glycolysis pathway based on whether they are intermediates or products in the first half of the pathway that requires energy, or are intermediates in the second half of the pathway that produces energy.
a. glucose-6-phosphate b. fructose-6-phosphate c. fructose-1,6-bisphosphate d. glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate e. dihydroxyacetone phosphate f. 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate g. 3-phosphoglycerate h. 2-phosphoglycerate i. phosphoenolpyruvate
1. Intermediate in the first half of the pathway
2. Intermediate in the second half of the pathway


Since these six are intermediates in the second half of the route that generates energy, glucose six phosphate is the answer that best fits the facts.

What is the first intermediate molecule created during glycolysis?

In a series of processes that each require two ATP, glucose is first transformed into fructose-1,6-bisphosphate. Next, unstable fructose-1,6-bisphosphate breaks in half, resulting in the formation of the three-carbon molecules DHAP and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphae.

What four end products does glycolysis produce?

One glucose molecule is converted into two pyruvate (pyruvic acid) molecules, four ATP molecules, and two NADH molecules during the process of glycolysis. ATP, produced via substrate-level phosphorylation, NADH, produced by REDOX processes, and pyruvate molecules are the three primary products of glycolysis.

To know more about glycolysis visit :-


The sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS have the same effect on most body organ systems.


Most human organ systems are affected similarly by the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the ANS. Instead of just innervating skeletal muscles, the somatic nervous system also stimulates smooth muscles, skeletal muscles, and glands.

Is it more common for the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems to have the opposite effects, or vice versa?

The fight-or-flight reaction is frequently referred to as the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), which primes the body for extreme physical activity. In general, the parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS) has the opposite impact, relaxing the body and slowing or inhibiting numerous high energy functions.

What are the similarities between the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions?

The peripheral nervous system is where both the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems reside.

To know more about muscles visit:-


What happens during the fertilization of an animal reproduction?


During fertilization, Of animals the sperm and egg unite in one of the fallopian tubes to shape a zygote.

Then the zygote travels down the fallopian tube, wherein it will become a morula. Once it reaches the uterus, the morula will become a blastocyst. The blastocyst then burrows into the uterine lining — a system known as implantation. During fertilization, sperm and egg fuse to shape a diploid zygote to provoke prenatal development.

Fertilization is the system wherein a single haploid sperm fuses with a single haploid egg to shape a zygote. The egg is the biggest mobileular produced in maximum animals species.

Read more about animal;


A. The fish population contains individuals with effective predation evasive traits and eventual changes to the dam prevent fish from moving downstream.

B. The fish completely lack any effective predation evasive traits across the entire population, move infrequently from upstream to downstream locations, and reproduce with low frequency.

C. The fish reproduce with high frequency, move with high frequency from upstream to downstream locations, and have a robust set of predation evasive traits across the entire population.

D. The rate of upstream fish entering the downstream section decreases over time without being completely shut off, and many of these fish carry predation evasive traits.


The fish completely lack any effective predation evasive traits across the entire population, move infrequently from upstream to downstream locations, and reproduce with low frequency, because the fish in this situation would become extinct even though they live in predation-prone waters and do not migrate, and they do not reproduce quickly enough to substitute the population lost to predators.

When prey was set to release from predation pressure, their growth increased, a process that had not previously been studied in reef-fish growth studies. The suppression of development in response to predation pressure suggests that predators may have a broader impact on reef-fish evolution than previously thought.

For more information on predators, visit :


ketoacidosis is a potentially life‑threatening condition that can occur when there is inadequate cellular glucose uptake, such as in uncontrolled diabetes. order the steps that would lead to the development of ketoacidosis.a. Inadequate cellular glucose uptake b. Ketone bodies are used as fuel for tissues. c. Glucose metabolism decreases beginning of the pathway. d. Ketone bodies are produced in the liver. e. Ketone bodies accumulate in the blood, causing the pH to decrease.


The steps that would lead to the development of ketoacidosis:

Inadequate cellular glucose uptake Ketone bodies are used as fuel for tissues. Glucose metabolism decreases beginning of the pathway.Ketone bodies are produced in the liver.Ketone bodies accumulate in the blood, causing the pH to decrease.

Diabetic ketoacidosis is a serious, potentially life-threatening complication of diabetes. DKA is most common in type 1 diabetes. A person with type 2 diabetes can also develop her DKA. DKA occurs when the body doesn't have enough insulin to take blood sugar into cells and use it as energy. Without enough insulin, the body starts breaking down fat for fuel.

Learn more about Ketoacidosis here:-


in which group of organisms has the timing of spring events changed the most in response to climate change?


A group of organisms has the timing of spring events changed the most in response to climate change is Amphibians

Amphibians are four-limbed and ectothermic vertebrates of the class Amphibia. All living amphibians belong to the group Lissamphibia. They inhabit a wide variety of habitats, with most species living within terrestrial, fossorial, arboreal or freshwater aquatic ecosystems.Amphibians use their skin as a secondary respiratory surface and some small terrestrial salamanders and frogs lack lungs and rely entirely on their skin. They are superficially similar to reptiles like lizards but, along with mammals and birds, reptiles are amniotes and do not require water bodies in which to breed. With their complex reproductive needs and permeable skins, amphibians are often ecological indicators; in recent decades there has been a dramatic decline in amphibian populations for many species around the globe.

Find more about Amphibians


chrysanthemums have a haploid chromosome number of 9. how many chromosomes are found in tetraploid ch


The number of haploid chromosomes in chrysanthemums is 9. species of tetraploid chrysanthemum has the most chromosomes. A tetraploid chrysanthemum has 36 chromosomes total, consisting of 4 sets of 9 chromosomes.  Tetraploidy is a very uncommon type of polyploidy in which each chromosome has four copies instead of two, giving rise to 92 chromosomes overall in each cell. Tetraploid organisms, denoted by the symbol 4n, include all creatures that have four copies of each of their chromosomes. Wheat, cotton, and Brussels sprouts are some examples. Colchicine, an alkaloid, is given to a branch's terminal bud in order to create a tetraploid plant. Tetraploid (4n) cells with four sets of chromosomes will make up every single cell in the developing branch. Included are the stem, leaf, flower, and fruit cells.

learn more about chromosomes here;


multigene families include two or more nearly identical genes or genes sharing nearly identical sequences. a classical example is the set of genes for globin molecules, including genes on human chromosomes 11 and 16. how might identical and obviously duplicated gene sequences have gotten from one chromosome to another?


By chromosomal translocation, identical and redundant gene sequences have moved from one chromosome to another.

What does chromosomal translocation refer to?

When a chromosome splits and the two fragments reassociate with different chromosomes, the process is known as a translocation. For the identification of some genetic illnesses and syndromes, the detection of chromosomal translocations is crucial.

Chromosome translocation, which can be balanced or unbalanced and comes in two primary varieties—reciprocal and Robertsonian—is a condition in genetics that causes an unusual rearrangement of chromosomes.

Translocations are reciprocal in nature since they are the outcome of chromosomal arm exchange across heterologous chromosomes. These translocations require DNA double-strand breaks.

To know more about chromosomal translocation, refer


some microbes cover their antigen markers (protein configuration) with a carbohydrate based material that does not have antigen properties. this covering is called the


some microbes cover their antigen markers (protein configuration) with a carbohydrate based material that does not have antigen properties. this covering is called the capsid

Most experts agree that viruses don't encode any of the proteins required for the glycosylation process. However, some viruses, like Ebola2 and HIV3, embellish their capsid proteins with discrete-sized (6–12 unit) oligosaccharides that are fully synthesized and attached by the host glycosylation machinery. The glycans of these viruses therefore mimic those of the host.

learn more about capsid here


the following sequence of dna is the normal, wild-type gene: 5' tac cgg tta gtt agc cga tag 3' an insertion occurs during dna replication, causing an additional adenine to be inserted into the nucleotide strand after the guanine shown in red. what effect will this have on the final protein?


The correct response is C ;  That adding the A will lead to a frameshift, which will result in an early stop codon and a shortened protein.

1. The definition of a frameshift mutation is an insertion or deletion of any nucleotide in the genome that is not in multiples of three nucleotides that can code for any amino acid.

2. An insertional frameshift mutation is present in the case described. The shortened protein and insertional frameshift mutation are created as follows:

3. The mRNA produced from the provided sequence demonstrates that the stop codon develops early and a brief protein known as a truncated protein is produced.

4. A truncated protein is nothing more than a brief protein created by a mutation in which premature termination occurs.

5. As a result, adding adenine after guanine will result in an insertional frameshift mutation, which will shorten the protein and trigger an early stop codon.

Learn more about to wild-type gene visit here;


Full Question ;

The following sequence of dna is the normal, wild-type gene: 5' tac cgg tta gtt agc cga tag 3' an insertion occurs during dna replication, causing an additional adenine to be inserted into the nucleotide strand after the guanine shown in red. what effect will this have on the final protein?

A The addition of the A will cause a single amino acid substitution in the codon in which it occurs.

B The addition of the A will cause a frame shift, so that all the amino acids after the mutation will change. The protein will be a normal number of amino acids.

C The addition of the A will cause a frame shift, resulting in a premature stop codon and a truncated protein.

D The addition of the A will cause a frame shift, resulting in the loss of the normal stop codon and an abnormally long protein with an altered amino acid sequence.

a man is homozygous for type a blood and a woman is heterozygous for type b blood. what is the probability that their child’s phenotypic blood type is o?


With a 50% chance of being type AB, a 50% chance of being type AO, and a 0% chance of being type B, their child's phenotypic blood type is likely to be o.

How likely is homozygous blood, in percentage terms?

The Punnett square below shows that there is a 25% chance of having a healthy homozygous (AA) child, a 50% probability of having a heterozygous (Aa) carrier child, just like you and your partner, and a 25% risk of having a homozygous recessive (AA) child with each birth.

What occurs if blood types A and B are combined?

It follows that those with type A blood produce antibodies against B antigens. An ABO incompatibility reaction would occur in a person with type A blood who had a transfusion of type B or AB blood.

To know more about blood visit:-


do these data alone suggest that humans infected with antibiotic-resistant s. aureus can be effectively treated with peptides 1 2?


No. Human studies are required before a peptide therapeutic strategy for S. aureus infections in humans is recommended.

Since broad-spectrum antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) destroy all bacteria they come into contact with, there is a higher chance that the microbiota will become ecologically unbalanced. Additionally, details about the validity of the research methodology and the statistical reliability of the in vitro experiment outcomes should be presented to treat S. aureus infections in humans with peptides.

learn more about S. aureus  here


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