View in which one or more faces of the object are not perpendicular to the rest of the faces, so their projection planes are not parallel but inclined.​


Answer 1

We can say that the view in which one or more faces of the object are not perpendicular to the rest of the faces, but are inclined projections, are the auxiliary views.

¿What are auxiliary views?

Initially, we must know that the views of an object or body are orthogonal projections associated with it.

In this sense, auxiliary views are a type of view that are characterized by arising from a change in projection plane, they are usually used when highly complex parts or objects must be represented.

¡Hope this helped!

View In Which One Or More Faces Of The Object Are Not Perpendicular To The Rest Of The Faces, So Their

Related Questions

find the following for the rational function
f (x) =6x²+62-36/x²+3
A. Find the vertical asymptote(s) of f.
B. Find the (x, y) coordinates of any holes in the graph of f.
C. Find the horizontal asymptote(s) of f.


The solution is

A) The vertical asymptote of the function f ( x ) is = -3

B) The holes in the graph of f ( x ) = ( 0 , 6 )

C) The horizontal asymptote of the function f ( x ) is = 6

What are Asymptotes?

An asymptote is a line that a curve approaches but never touches. A line where the graph of a function converges is known as an asymptote. When graphing functions, asymptotes are typically not required

There are 3 types of asymptotes

Horizontal asymptote (HA) - It is a horizontal line and hence its equation is of the form y = k. Horizontal Asymptote is when the function f(x) is tending to zero

Vertical asymptote (VA) - It is a vertical line and hence its equation is of the form x = k. Vertical asymptotes are defined when the denominator of a rational function tends to zero

Slanting asymptote (Oblique asymptote) - It is a slanting line and hence its equation is of the form y = mx + b

Given data ,

Let the function be f ( x ) = ( 6x² + 6x - 36 ) / ( x² + 3x )


Now , to find the vertical asymptote

To find the vertical asymptote of a rational function, we simplify it first to lowest terms, set its denominator equal to zero, and then solve for x values

So , when x² + 3x = 0

x ( x + 3 ) = 0

So , x + 3 = 0

x = 0 is a hole in the graph

x = -3 is the vertical asymptote

B) The hole in the graph is ( 0 , 6 )


Now , to find the horizontal asymptote

If both the polynomials have the same degree, divide the coefficients of the leading terms

So , 6x² and x² are the polynomials having the same degree

So , the coefficients are 6 and 1

y = (leading coefficient of numerator) / (leading coefficient of denominator)

y = 6 is the horizontal asymptote

Hence ,

A) The vertical asymptote of the function f ( x ) is = -3

B) The holes in the graph of f ( x ) = ( 0 , 6 )

C) The horizontal asymptote of the function f ( x ) is = 6

To learn more about asymptotes click :


prove that a mewdian drawn to the base of an isosceles triangle divides the triangle intro two congruent triangles


The prove can be shown on the picture attached. And here the describe that support the picture:

Let the triangle be ABC with vertex at A and AB=AC.Let ad be the median, in triangles ABD and ACD, we haveAB=AC, given AD=ADBD=DC (AD is median)

Then we can know the 2 triangles are identical or congruent.

What is the median of an isosceles triangle?

The median drawn from the vertex bisects the angle whose two adjacent sides are equal in isosceles and equilateral triangles. In the case of equilateral and isosceles triangles, the median not only bisects the side opposite the vertex, but it also bisects the angle of the vertex.

Learn more about isosceles triangle at:


how do you solve for the y intercept ?


Y Intercept is the point where a line or curve crosses the y-axis of a graph or in other words where x=0.

Knowledge of the y-intercept can be used when graphing lines or when writing an equation in slope-intercept form.

Formula to calculate y-intercept.

We get the y-intercept by using the equation of a straight line which is;

y = mx + b


m is the gradient of the slope

b is the y-intercept.

We can use the following formula to calculate the y-intercept.

y – a = m ( x – b )

a and b being a point on a line.


Suppose you have a straight line whose gradient is 3 and a point 2,1, calculate its y-intercept.

Since the y-intercept is when x=0, therefore;

y – 2 = 3 ( x – 1 )

y – 2 = 3x – 1

y = 3x – 1

Therefore, the number that has replaced b is -1, which means that -1 is the y-intercept.

Adam is wanting to start saving for retirement but they don’t know how much they can afford to save from their monthly budget. Help Adam find their monthly cash flow.

Adam works at Tim Horton’s making $15/hour, 32 hours a week. (Assume they take no vacations.)

Expenses are: Rent: $650/month, Groceries: $75/week, Utilities: $120/month, Car Insurance: $118/month, Gasoline: $30/week, and Miscellaneous: $400/month

Saving for Retirement (20 Pts)

Now, let’s pretend you are Adam. How much of your ending cash flow would you want to save for retirement? This will be the amount they will put in the IRA monthly.

Retirement Amount (20 Pts)

If Adam retires in 35 years and finds an IRA for 4.8%, how much money will be in their retirement account when they retire?

Amount Deposited (20 Pts)

How much will Adam deposit in total to their IRA?

Interest Accrued (20 Pts)

How much will Adam accrue in interest from their IRA?


1) Adam's monthly cash flows are:

Cash Inflows = $2,080Cash Outflows = $1,743.

2) I would save $300 monthly from the ending cash flow balance for retirement savings.

3) If Adam retires in 35 years and finds an IRA for 4.8%, the future value of their retirement account will be $326,070.43 when they retire.

4) In 35 years, Adam will deposit $126,000 in total to their IRA.

5) The accrued interest from the IRA will be $200,070.43.

What is the future value?

The future value represents the balance in Adam's retirement savings account after 35 years of depositing $300 monthly at 4.8% interest.

The future value is computed by compounding the periodic deposits (present values).

Adam's total monthly earnings = $2,080 ($15 x 32 x 52 x 1/12)

Monthly Expenses:

Rent $650

Groceries $325 ($75 x 52 x 1/12)

Utilities $120

Car Insurance $118

Gasoline $130 ($30 x 52 x 1/12)

Miscellaneous $400

Total monthly expenses = $1,743

Ending cash flows = $337 ($2,080 - $1,743)

Retirement period = 35 years

IRA interest rate = 4.8%

Monthly savings = $300

N (# of periods) = 420 months (35 years x 12)

I/Y (Interest per year) = 4.8%

PV (Present Value) = $0

PMT (Periodic Payment) = $300


Future Value (FV) = $326,070.43

Sum of all periodic deposits = $126,000 ($300 x 420)

Total Interest = $200,070.43

Learn more about the future value at


Consider function f.
Which statement is true about function f?

The function is continuous.
The domain is all real numbers.
The function is increasing over its entire domain.
As x approaches positive infinity, approaches positive infinity.


The statement B is as x approaches positive infinity f(x) approaches positive infinity is true.

What is the definition of the limit?

A point or level beyond which something does not or may not extend or pass.

We have to check for continuity by evaluating 2ˣ and -x² - 4x + 1

at the breakpoint x = 0

2⁰ is 1 and -x² - 4x + 1 is also 1,

So these two functions approach the same value as x approaches 0.

Now do the same thing with

-x² - 4x + 1  and (1/2)x + 3 at x = 2;

The first comes out to -11 and the second to 4.  

Thus, this function is not continuous at x = 2.  

We must reject statement A.

for D we have as x increases without bound,

(1/2)x  + 3

also increases without bound.  

Therefore the statement D is true statement.

Statement C is  False,

because the quadratic has a maximum -x² - 4x + 1 has a maximum at

x = -b/[2a],

x = -(-4) / [-2],

x = -2

There are no limitations on the values of the input, x.

A is also a false negative number are in real numbers.

Therefore, the statement B is as x approaches positive infinity f(x) approaches positive infinity is true.

To learn more about the limit visit:



The Answer is B for Edmentum users

Step-by-step explanation:

A public health official claims that more than 5.8 percent of the population suffers from long-term COVID symptoms. Use p, the true percentage of the population that suffers from long-term COVID. Express the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis in symbolic form. Use the correct symbol (μ, ρ, σ) for the indicated parameter. A. H0 : p = 5.8% H1 : p < 5.8% B. H0 : p = 5.8% H1 : p > 5.8% C. H0 : p = 5.8% H1 : p ≤ 5.8% D. H0 : p = 5.8% H1 : p ≥ 5.8%



B. H0 : p = 5.8% H1 : p > 5.8%

The null hypothesis, denoted H0, is a statement that asserts that there is no significant difference between a sample statistic and a population parameter. In this case, the null hypothesis would be that the true percentage of the population that suffers from long-term COVID symptoms is equal to 5.8 percent. This is represented symbolically as H0 : p = 5.8%.

The alternative hypothesis, denoted H1, is a statement that contradicts or negates the null hypothesis. In this case, the alternative hypothesis would be that the true percentage of the population that suffers from long-term COVID symptoms is greater than 5.8 percent. This is represented symbolically as H1 : p > 5.8%.

1. Bank AAA is charging 4% in total fees to borrow money for a car loan. You want to buy a car that costs $25,000.
Calculate the total price for the car and the bank fees. Then, find the monthly payment if you get a $5 year loan to buy
the car from Bank AAA?


The total price for the car is $26000.

The monthly payment is $500.

How to calculate the price?

From the information illustrated, Bank AAA is charging 4% in total fees to borrow money for a car loan and the person want to buy a car that costs $25,000.

The total amount that will be paid will be:

= Amount of car + Interest

= $25000 + ($25000 × 4%)

= $26000

The amount on a 5 year loan will be:

Interest = PRT

= ($25000 × 4% × 5)

= $5000

Total amount to be paid = $25000 + $5000

= $30000

Monthly payment = Total amount / Number of months

= $30000 / 60

= $500

Learn more about percentages on:


Read the following statement: If the sum of two angles is 90º, then the angles are complementary. The hypothesis of the statement is:
there are two angles.
the sum of two angles is 90º.
the angles are complementary.
angles are complementary if their sum is 90º.


The correct option is angles are complementary if their sum is 90º.

What are complementary angles?

When the sum of two angles is 90°, then they are complements of each other and hence called complementary angles.

Given is a statement, If the sum of two angles is 90º, then the angles are complementary.

Rewriting the sentence to check the hypothesis, in it.

It should be this:

The two angles are complementary if the sum of the two angles are 90 degrees.

A.) There are two angles.

While this is a true statement, it's a little too vague to understand. We can eliminate this answer choice.

B.) The sum of two angles is 90 degrees.

This is also a true statement, but it doesn't describe what type of angles sum to 90 degrees, so we can eliminate this as well.

C.) The angles are complementary.

This is similar to answer choice A. It's a little too vague for specific understanding. We can eliminate this answer choice.

D.) Angles are complementary if their sum is 90 degrees.

This is an accurate statement, and provides details to support its claim, also rewriting the original sentences into one properly.

Hence, the correct option is option D.

For more references on complementary angles, click;


What is the product of 3 over 4x and 8x + 3?



 [tex]\frac{24x+9}{4x}[/tex] or 6 + [tex]\frac{9}{4x}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{3}{4x}[/tex] × 8x +3

= [tex]\frac{3}{4x}[/tex] × [tex]\frac{8x +3}{1}[/tex]

= [tex]\frac{3(8x+3)}{4x}[/tex]

= [tex]\frac{24x+9}{4x}[/tex]

or 6x + [tex]\frac{9}{4x}[/tex]

A company offers a starting yearly salary of $31,000 with raises of 3,500 per year. Find the total salary over a ten-year period.


The starting salary of $31,000 and the annual raise of $3,100 indicates that the series is an arithmetic series and the total salary over a ten-year period is $467,500

What is an arithmetic series?

An arithmetic series consists of the addition of the terms of an arithmetic progression.

The starting salary offered by the company = $31,000

The amount by which the company raises the salary every year = $3,500

The total salary over a ten year period can be found by expressing the situation using an arithmetic progression formula as follows;

The sum of n terms of an arithmetic progression can be found using the formula;

Sₙ = (n/2)·(2·a + (n - 1)·d)


Sₙ = The sum of n terms of the series

n = The number of terms in terms in the series

a = The first term of the series

d = The common difference between the terms of the series

The details from the question indicates;

n = 10

a = $31,000

d = $3,500

Therefore; S₁₀ = (10/2) × (2 × 31,000 + (10 - 1) × 3,500) = 467,500

The total salary over a ten year period, S₁₀ = $467,500

Learn more about arithmetic series here:


Select the inequality which represents the gragh shown below -6-y>=x2-7x



The inequality which represents the graph shown is -6-y >= x^2 - 7x.

I need help asap plssssssss


1. 3radical2x = 12
divide by both sides
3radical 2x/3 = 12/3
radical 2x = 4
Then shift the radical to other side
It will be, 2x = 4^2
Then, 2x = 16
Divide by two both sides
2x/2 = 16/2
X = 8

2. Radical3x + 5 = 11
Collect like times by shifting 5 to the other side
It will be, Radical3x = 11 - 5
Radical3x = 6
Then shift the radical to other side at it will become square
So, 3x = 6^2
3x = 36
Divide 3 both 3x/3 = 36/3
X = 12

3. Radical(5x + 2) - 3 = 0
Radical(5x + 2) = 3
5x + 2 = 3^2
5x = 9 -2
5x = 7
5x/5 = 7/5
X = 7/5


4) Look at this graph:
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
) What is the slope?
Simplify your answer and write it as a proper fraction, improper fraction, or integer.



Step-by-step explanation:

Martin’s car averages 32 miles per gallon of gasoline. He lives 12 miles from work. How
many gallons of gasoline does Martin use to drive to and from work in 22 days?


We know that Martin will need 16.5 gallons of gasoline using mathematical operations.

What are mathematical operations?

An operation is a function in mathematics that transforms zero or more input values into a clearly defined output value.

The operation's arity is determined by the number of operands.

The rules that specify the order in which we should solve an expression involving many operations are known as the order of operations.

PEMDAS stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, and Addition Subtraction (from left to right).

So, each day Martin travels:

12 * 2 / 24 miles from home to work and back home.

As she works for 22 days: 24*22 = 528 miles

So, the equation can be:

32x = 528

x = 528/32

x = 16.5

Therefore, we know that Martin will need 16.5 gallons of gasoline using mathematical operations.

Know more about mathematical operations here:


Please helpppp thank you


Y=163, because the angle is vertical to 163

Find the value of x in the image



Step-by-step explanation:

73 = x + 85

x + 85 = 73

x = -12

(-12) is the value of x.

Which equation is equivalent to 1/3 (9x+12)+4x+6




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{1}{3}(9x+12)+4x+6 \\ \\ =3x+4+4x+6 \\ \\ =7x+10[/tex]

Match the equations of perpendicular lines. (You will not use all answer choices on the right.)


The equations of the perpendicular lines are matched as follows:

y = 1/3x + 4 → y = -3x - 4.

y = 2/5x - 7 → y = -5/2x + 7.

y = -5/2x + 8 → y = 2/5x - 6.

y = -2x + 6 → y = 1/2x + 3.

y = 7/5x - 9 → y = -5/7x - 11.

What are the Equations of Perpendicular Lines?

If the equations of lines are written in slope-intercept form as y = mx + b, where the slope is the value of m, then the slope of lines that are perpendicular to each other will be negative reciprocal of each other.

For example, if the equation of a line is y = 1/2x + 5, the equation of a line that is perpendicular to it would have a slope of -2.

y = 1/3x + 4 has a slope of 1/3. The negative reciprocal of 1/3 is -3. Therefore, the line that is perpendicular to it would be, y = -3x - 4.

y = 2/5x - 7 has a slope of 2/5. The negative reciprocal of 2/5 is -5/2. Therefore, the line that is perpendicular to it would be, y = -5/2x + 7.

y = -5/2x + 8 has a slope of -5/2. The negative reciprocal of -5/2 is 2/5. Therefore, the line that is perpendicular to it would be, y = 2/5x - 6.

y = -2x + 6 has a slope of -2. The negative reciprocal of -2 is 1/2. Therefore, the line that is perpendicular to it would be, y = 1/2x + 3.

y = 7/5x - 9 has a slope of 7/5. The negative reciprocal of 7/5 is -5/7. Therefore, the line that is perpendicular to it would be, y = -5/7x - 11.

Learn more about the equation of perpendicular lines on:


NO LINKS!! Help me with these 2 column proofs 9aa​



Step-by-step explanation:

ok this is hella easy what kind of geometry is this

ok on to the answers

statement 1: angle 1 is a right angle, angle 2 is a right angle

reason 1: given

statement 2: angle 1 is congruent to angle 2

reason 2: all right angles are congruent theorem

second problem

statement 1: angle 1 and angle 2 are vertical angles

reason 1: either say given or shown in diagram (id do both if ur teacher is picky)

statement 2: angle 1 is congruent to angle 2

reason 2: vertical angles are congruent theorem

Here is the two column proof:

    Statement                                        Reason                                              

∠1 is a right angle                                   Given∠2 is a right angle                                  Given∠1 ≅ ∠12                                                  Right angles theorem



    Statement                                        Reason                                              

Diagram                                        Given∠1 and ∠2 are vertical angles     Definition of vertical angles∠1 ≅ ∠2                                         Vertical angles theorem


Which is an equivalent expression for {(5/7)²· (1/3)⁻³}⁻¹ ?

(5/7)² .(1/3)⁻³
(5/7). (1/3)⁻⁴
(7/5)⁻² . (1/3)⁻³
(7/5)² .(1/3)³


Equivalent expression to the given expression [ ( 5/7)² ( 1/3)⁻³]⁻¹ is equal to

Option d. ( 7 /5)² ( 1/3)³.

As given in the question,

Given expression is equal to :

[ ( 5/7)² ( 1/3)⁻³]⁻¹

Apply law of exponent power to power we get,

( mᵃ nᵇ )ˣ =  (m)ᵃˣ × (n )ᵇˣ

( x /y)⁻ᵃ = ( y /x)ᵃ

Here m = 5/ 7, n = 1/3 , a = 2 , b = -3 and x = -1

Equivalent expression of the given expression is:

[ ( 5/7)² ( 1/3)⁻³]⁻¹

= ( 5 / 7 )^(2 × -1) ( 1 / 3)^(-3 × -1)

= ( 5 / 7 )⁻² ( 1 / 3)³

= ( 7 / 5 )²× ( 1 / 3)³

Therefore , equivalent expression of [ ( 5/7)² ( 1/3)⁻³]⁻¹  is equal to the

option d.( 7 /5)² ( 1/3)³.

learn more about equivalent here


use synthetic division


The required quotient is given as [tex]3x^2-7x+10[/tex] and the remainder term is [tex]-\frac{1}{x+4}[/tex]

In the question, it is asked to determine the quotient of the expression, [tex]\frac{\left[3x^3+5x^2-18x+39\right]}{x+4}[/tex].

What is synthetic division?

It is a method for performing the division of polynomials, with little writing and lesser calculations than complex division.


As performing synthetic division of polynomials, the terms in the product remaining as fractions will be the remainder of the division while the polynomial is said to be the quotient of the division.
[tex]= \frac{\left[3x^3+5x^2-18x+39\right]}{x+4}\\=3x^2-7x+10-\frac{1}{x+4}[/tex]

Thus, the required quotient is given as [tex]3x^2-7x+10[/tex] and the remainder term is [tex]-\frac{1}{x+4}[/tex]

Learn more about synthetic divisions here:


the scatter plot and line of best fit below show the length of 12 peoples femur and their height in centimeters. based on the line of best fir, what would be the predicted height for someone with a femur length of 55 cm


The predicted height for someone with a femur length of 55 cm is of:

175 cm.

How to obtain the linear function?

The linear function in this problem is obtained using the point-slope format, which is given as follows:

y - y' = m(x - x').

In which:

m is the slope of the linear function.(x',y') are the coordinates of the point.

From the image given at the end of the answer, two points on the line are given as follows:

(35, 139) and (40, 151).

Given two points the slope is calculated as the change in y divided by the change in x, hence:

m = (151 - 139)/(40 - 35) = 2.4.

Considering the first point, the definition of the line is given as follows:

y - 139 = 2.4(x - 40).

The predicted height for someone with a femur length of 55 cm is y when x = 55, hence:

y - 139 = 2.4(x - 40).

y - 139 = 2.4(55 - 40)

y = 175 cm.

Missing Information

The graph of the linear function is given by the image shown at the end of the answer.

More can be learned about linear functions at


TEXT ANSWER Gavin is stocking up on paper towel rolls. He already has some at his house, and begins buying more ev- ery week at a constant rate. The line y = 3x + 12 rep- resents this scenario. a. How many rolls of towels did he start with? I b. How many rolls of towels is be buying every week?​


Gavin already had 12 rolls of towels, and he is buying 3 rolls per week.

What is slope?

Slope tells us the change between two points given, and is shown by  the change in the y coordinate divided by the corresponding change in the x coordinate.

Given that, Gavin is stocking up on paper towel rolls. He already has some at his house, and begins buying more every week at a constant rate. The line y = 3x + 12 represents this scenario.

Here the equation is y = 3x+12

When comparing with standard equation of the line, y = mx+c where m is slope, we get,

m = 3 and c = 12

Therefore, the change is 3, that means, he is buying 3 rolls per week,

and the constant is 12 that tells that he already have 12 rolls in stock.

Hence, a) he is buying 3 rolls every week, b) he has 12 rolls in stock.

For more references on slope, click;


Which expression is equivalent to 5(x+3)



x= -3

Step-by-step explanation:

5x + 15 =0

5x= -15

x= -3


x= -3

5x= -15

x = -15/3

x= -3

Which of the following equations are equivalent? Select three options. 2 + x = 5 x + 1 = 4 9 + x = 6 x + (negative 4) = 7 Negative 5 + x = negative 2


The equation (i), (ii), and (v) are the equivalent.

What is the equivalent expression?

Expressions that are equivalent do the same thing even when they have distinct appearances. When we enter the same value for the variable, two algebraic expressions that are equivalent have the same value.

We have,

2 + x = 5

x + 1 = 4

9 + x = 6

x + (-4) = 7

-5 + x = -2

If we take x =3,

the sums would be true.

for the equation (i) take x = 3,

2 + x = 5

2 + 3 = 5

LHS = RHS = 5

for equation (ii) take x = 3,

x + 1 = 4

3 + 1 = 4

LHS = RHS = 4

for equation (iii) take x = 3,

9 + x = 6

9 + 3 = 6

12 ≠ 6


for the equation (iv) take x = 3,

x + (-4) = 7

3 + (-4) = 7

-1 ≠ 7


for the equation (v) take x = 3,

-5 + x = -2

-5 + 3 = -2

-2 = -2

LHS = RHS = -2

Hence, if If we take x =3, the sums would be true. the equation (i), (ii), and (v) are the equivalent.

To learn more about the equivalent expression visit,


Find the slope and the y-intercept of the following linear equation. -3x + 2y = 18​



slope=3/2 y- intercept=9


Slope: 3/2

y-intercept: 9

Step-by-step explanation:

Slope-Intercept Form:

Slope-Intercept Form is given in the form: [tex]y = mx+b[/tex], where [tex]m = \text{slope and }b=\text{y-intercept}[/tex].

So it's very convenient to have a linear equation in this form to identify the slope and y-intercept. To get into this form, we simply need to isolate the y-value.

Converting to Slope-Intercept Form:

We start with the initial equation:


The first step to isolating "y" is to move any terms on the same side as the "y" variable to the other side. So let's move the 3x term to the other side, by adding 3x to both sides.

[tex](-3x+3x)+2y=18+3x\implies 2y=18+3x[/tex]

From here, the only thing that is with the "y" variable is the coefficient. The [tex]2y[/tex] is the same thing as: [tex]2\ *\ y[/tex]. We want to get rid of the 2, which we do by dividing by 2, to cancel out the multiplication by 2.

[tex]\frac{2y}{2} = \frac{18 + 3x}{2} \implies y = \frac{18 + 3x}{2}[/tex]

Now from here we want to distribute the division by 2 as such:

[tex]y = \frac{18 + 3x}{2} \implies y = \frac{3}{2}x + \frac{18}{2} \implies y= \frac{3}{2}x + 9[/tex]

So now we have the equation:

[tex]y= \frac{3}{2}x + 9[/tex]

this is in the slope-intercept form:


in this form the coefficient of x is the slope, so 3/2 is the slope. The constant is the y-intercept, so 9 is the y-intercept.

4. Open Response The manager of Happy
Puppy dog boarding company begins the
month with 85.4 pounds of dog food and
tracks the weekly use, along with the supply
delivery received in the middle of the month.
(Lesson 2)
Weekly Dog Food Use (lb)
310-28.4moqasi go
dijo m
How much dog food does the company have
on hand at the end of the month?



the answer is 163.375 lbs

Step-by-step explanation:

Rational numbers are numbers that can be expressed in the form of a ratio of two integers, where the denominator is not equal to zero. Examples of rational numbers include fractions such as 1/2, -3/4, 0.5 and -2.5.  The mathematical formula for a rational number is a/b, where a and b are both integers and b ≠ 0.


85.4-28.4-215 +972-30.25



The quantity of food left at the end of the month is equal to the amount provided by the management at the beginning of the month plus the amount given in the middle of the month less the amount taken in previous weeks.

To learn more about rational number refer to:


Solve this system of equations using the Substitution method. All work and a brief phrase/sentence explaining what you're doing needs to be shown for each step for full credit. Write final answer as a coordinate point.

y = 2x + 3
pls help


Answer: (-1,1)

Step-by-step explanation:

since y is equal to 2x+3  you can sub 2x+3 into the y value of 12x+4y=-8


Multiply the numbers inside the parentheses using the distributive property


Combine like terms


Isolate x by moving all other numbers to the right side

Subtract 12 on both sides



divide both sides by 20 to isolate and get the value of x


Now that we know the x value substitute the value of x in any of the above equations. I am using y=2x+3


Multiply the numbers inside the parentheses



The x value is -1, and the y value is 1.

Use them as coordinate points



The solution to the given system of equations is the point (-1, 1) which is determined by the substitution method.

What is the equation?

The equation is defined as mathematical statements that have a minimum of two terms containing variables or numbers that are equal.

The system of equations is given as:

12x + 4y = −8

y = 2x + 3

To solve this system of equations using the substitution method, you can substitute the second equation into the first equation to eliminate one of the variables.

Substituting y = 2x + 3 into the first equation gives:

12x + 4(2x + 3) = -8

12x + 8x + 12 = -8

20x + 12 = -8

20x = -20

x = -1

Substituting this value of x back into the second equation gives:

y = 2(-1) + 3

y = -2 + 3

y = 1

Therefore, the solution to the system of equations is the point (-1, 1).

Learn more about the equation here:


y = 2x + 1
2x - y = 3


The slope of the equations is equal. Then the lines are parallel to each other.

What is a linear equation?

A connection between a number of variables results in a linear model when a graph is displayed. The variable will have a degree of one.

The linear equation is given as,

y = mx + c

Where m is the slope of the line and c is the y-intercept of the line.

The linear equation is given below.

y = 2x + 1        ....1

2x - y = 3

y = 2x - 3         ....2

The slope of both equations is 2.

The slope of the equations is equal. Then the lines are parallel to each other.

More about the linear equation link is given below.


4. What is the length of b?




Step-by-step explanation:

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