question 1 of 5 which two colors could you mix together to create a secondary color? a. red and green b. red and orange c. red and purple d. red and yellow


Answer 1
The correct answer is red and yellow.

Explanation: red and yellow are both primary colors and when combined they make orange which is a secondary color.

Brainliest is appreciated!

Related Questions

calculate the mass of calcium chloride (cacl2) that is needed to form a 100.0 ml solution of 0.150 m cacl2.


Mass of CaCl2 is  11g .

What is Molar Mass?

We all wish to know how many molecules are there in a given material. Atoms and molecules are very small in both size and mass. One sample mole's weight is the molar mass. To get the molar mass, connect the atomic masses (atomic weights) of each atom in the molecule. Using the mass listed in the Periodic Table or Atomic Weight Table, determine the atomic mass for each element.

Typically, molar mass is stated in either grammes (g) or kilogrammes (kg) (kg).

(100mL) (1L)/1000mL = 0.1 L is the volume of solution in litters.

CaCl2 has a molarity of 1 mole/L and a molar mass of 110 g/mole.

CaCl2 solute mass equals

M = mol of solute per litre of solution; mol of solute equals mol mass of solute divided by molar mass

Mass of the solute is equal to M x L of solution x its molar mass.

CaCl2 mass equals 1 mole/L, 0.1 L, and 110 g/mole, or 11 g CaCl2.

The mass of CaCl2 is equal to 11g CaCl2.

Learn more about Molar Mass from given link


What is the solubility of potassium chloride at 20 C?


The amount of potassium chloride in the solution is represented as 33.49 w/V. The metal halide salt potassium chloride (KCl, often known as potassium salt) is made up of both potassium and chlorine.

It has a vitreous crystal look and is odourless or colourless. The material easily dissolves in water, and the flavour of its solutions is similar to salt. In a homogenous mixture of two or more components, a solution is defined as having particles less than one nanometer in size. Solutions come in many forms, such as sugar and salt solutions, soda water, etc. potassium chloride and metals combine to form metal halides. Others are covalently bound, while others, like sodium chloride, are ionic.

The amount of KCL in 100 ml is 34.7/103.61*100 = 33.49gm.

Learn more about potassium chloride here


The complete question is -

The solubility of potassium chloride at 20 ∘C is 34.7 g in 100 g of water. The density of the solution is 1.3 g mL −1. What is the w/V percentage of potassium chloride in the solution ?

While attempting to determine the structure of a compound using elemental analysis and functional group tests, you are generally able to recover your original sample.a. Trueb. False


While attempting to determine the structure of a compound using elemental analysis and functional group tests you are generally able to recover your original sample as False.

Neutron activation analysis is a commonly used non-destructive analytical method for determining the identity and concentration of elements in a wide variety of materials. The Sodium Test or La Seigne Test is used in elemental analysis to qualitatively determine the presence of foreign elements such as halogens nitrogen sulfur and phosphorus in organic compounds.

Elemental and chemical state compositions are best determined using low information-depth quantitative techniques such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The most important spectroscopic techniques for structure elucidation are ultraviolet and visible spectroscopy infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

Learn more about Elemental analysis here:-


One of the electron transitions in a hydrogen atom produces infrared light with a wavelength of 746. 4 nm. What amount of energy causes this transition?.


The energy of this transition is equal to  4.02 x 10^-19 J.

Calculate the frequency of the light using the equation c = λν, where c is the speed of light (299,792,458 m/s), λ is the wavelength (746.4 nm), and ν is the frequency of the light.

Calculate the energy of the transition using the equation E = hν, where h is Planck's constant (6.626 x 10^-34 J*s) and ν is the frequency of the light.

Calculate the amount of energy caused by the transition by multiplying the energy of the transition by the Avogadro constant (6.022 x 10^23 s^-1).

The amount of energy caused by the transition is 4.02 x 10^-19 J.

For more questions like Energy click the link below:


if we began with 32.0 grams of oxygen and all of the hydrogen that you need, how many grams of water can be made?


After using the Balanced equation the answer is The 36 gram of water can be made.

What is Balanced equation?

A balanced equation is a chemical equation in which the total number of atoms of each element on the left side of the equation is equal to the total number of atoms of that element on the right side of the equation. This means that the equation is balanced in terms of mass and charge, and all atoms are accounted for. A balanced equation is essential to ensure that the chemical reaction is accurate and that the correct amount of products are produced. Additionally, a balanced equation can help in the calculation of reaction rates and equilibrium concentrations.

The molar mass of O is 16g and Hydrogen is 1g in H2O there is one oxygen only but in question is given 32g of oxygen so, 2 moles of oxygen should be there so it will become 32g that means 2H2O so overall 2[2*1+16] = 36g.

To learn more about, Balanced equation, visit:

explian why potassium chloride, KCI will not dissolve in carbon tetrachloride,CCI4?


solute is dissolve in non polar solvent . Since KCl is completely polar and CCl4 is non polar , hence KCl is insoluble in CCl4

Is phosphorus chloride covalent or ionic?


Phosphorus chloride is covalent

an atom has a ground state valence shell electron configuration of ns2(n-1)d5. to which group of elements in the periodic table does it belong?


an atom has a ground state valence shell electron configuration of ns2(n-1)d5. group of elements in the periodic table does it belong Transition metals

The bulk of General Chemistry Lecture 26 is included in the material that follows. We continue talking about quantum numbers and how they are used in electron configurations in this lecture, as well as how electron configuration relates to the periodic features of the elements.

The description of the positions of the electrons around a nucleus is called an electron configuration. The number of electrons in each neutral atom is the same as the number of protons. Now, we'll arrange those electrons such that they stand around the nucleus in a way that shows their energy and the nature of the orbital in which they are housed.

Based on their energy, electrons are arranged into orbitals in a particular order. The Aufbau principle is the name given to this.

To learn more about  electron configuration Please click on the given link:


when does a weak acid buffer best? group of answer choices from one ph unit below its pka to its pka. from its pka to one ph unit above its pka. within one ph unit of its pka, both above and below. weak acids do not make good buffers at all.


In general, weak bases and their salts work better as buffers for pH values over 7, while weak acids and their salts work better for pH values below 7.

Calculate how much acid and base is required to make the appropriate pH and total buffer concentration. When a weak acid (HA) and its conjugate base (A-) are combined, the solution still contains both the acid and base components. This is because there are no responses that lead them to experience a large change in concentration. The value of the buffer capacity is directly correlated with the ingredient concentrations used, and it rises as they do. The pH of buffer solutions that are used to create this solution is equal to the pKa value of the acid the greatest buffering capacity.

To learn more about buffers click here



which of the following is an example of chemical change?

a. copper mixes with the air to form a greenish copper carbonate.

b. copper wire is a good conductor of electricity.

c. when heated to 100 degrees celsius, water boils.

d. after applying enough force, the board was broken in half



An example of a chemical change is when copper mixes with the air to form a greenish copper carbonate. A chemical change is a type of change that involves a chemical reaction, in which the substances involved in the change are transformed into new substances with different chemical properties. In this case, when copper mixes with the air, it reacts with carbon dioxide and moisture to form a new substance called copper carbonate. This substance has a different color and chemical properties than the original copper, which indicates that a chemical change has occurred. In contrast, the other options you provided do not involve chemical reactions and are not examples of chemical changes.


The united states mint uses electrolysis to copper plate zinc pennies by placing them in a cu2+ solution and connecting the pennies and a copper electrode to a battery. Enter the half-reaction that takes place when the pennies are plated with solid copper. Include phases.


Cathode reaction: [tex]Cu^{2+} + (aq) + 2e-- > Cu (s).\\[/tex]

Anode reaction: [tex]Cu(s) -- > Cu^{2}+ (aq) + 2e[/tex] is

What is half-reaction?

A redox reaction's oxidation or reduction reaction component is known as a half reaction (or half-cell reaction). By taking into account the change in oxidation states of specific chemicals participating in the redox reaction, a half reaction is produced.

Here Zn pennies act as cathode , reduction of [tex]Cu^{2+}[/tex] to Cu take place here.

Cu rod acts as anode,here dissolution of Cu (s) to [tex]Cu^{2+}[/tex] take place .

Half cell reactions

Cathode reaction: [tex]Cu^{2+} + (aq) + 2e-- > Cu (s).\\[/tex]

Anode reaction: [tex]Cu(s) -- > Cu^{2}+ (aq) + 2e[/tex]

To know more about half-reaction checkout


A student is investigating the transfer of thermal energy. The student boils a pot water, removes the pot from the burner, and adds ice cubes to the water. Which direction is the thermal energy flowing in this system?.


The direction of Conduction happens via hotter to colder When materials come into contact, their debris collide.

The strength from the quicker-shifting substance is transferred to the slower-shifting substance till they're shifting on the equal speed. Boiling water on a range is an instance of thermal strength. Thermal strength is produced while the atoms and molecules in a substance vibrate quicker because of a upward thrust in temperature.

Thermal energy actions from warmer frame to chillier frame so we realize that during this test water is a warmer frame while ice cubes are chillier frame so the warmth strength will truely actions from warm frame to the frame.

Read more about the water :


magnesium crystallizes in a face-centered cubic unit cell. calculate the radius of the magnesium atom (in pm) if the density of a cubic unit cell of magnesium is 1.74 g/cm3.


In this magnesium crystallizes in a face-centered cubic unit cell, don't need density.

What is pure crystals ?

Having no grain boundaries and being continuous and unbroken to the sample's borders defines a material as a single crystal.

What is atom ?

An atom is a unit of matter that specifically identifies a chemical element. An atom is made up of a core nucleus that is encircled by one or more negatively charged electrons. The positively charged nucleus has one or more protons and neutrons, which are relatively heavy particles.

Density = z X molar mass/ no. X a³ (a= edge length)

but no need of this principle here

for FCC, 4r =[tex]\sqrt{2}[/tex]a

r= radius of atom a= edge length

r= [tex]\sqrt{2}[/tex]a/4

=[tex]\sqrt{2}[/tex] * 4.880 *10²/4

r= 169.7pm



here no need of density

Therefore, in this magnesium crystallizes in a face-centered cubic unit cell, don't need density.

Learn more about pure crystals from the given link.


What are 3 patterns in the periodic table?


include atomic radius, ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity, valency and metallic character.

how does the difference between the ranges of the strong nuclear force and the coulomb force affect the makeup of each atom’s nucleus?


Each atom's nucleus is influenced by the nuclear force depending on how the strong nuclear force and the Coulomb force differ from one another. because heavier atoms have more neutrons than protons and the coulomb force has a larger sphere of action.

What is atom's nucleus?

A strong nuclear force acts on the neutrons and protons that make up an atom's nucleus. Unlike the coulomb or gravitational forces, this force is distinct. The strong nuclear force is the force that holds nucleons together. It is a powerful force with a limited range. The nucleons, or neutrons and protons, are drawn together by the same force. For smaller atomic nuclei, the nuclear force is stronger than the Coulomb force. At distances of roughly 0.8 femtometre.the nuclear force is very attractive between nucleons.

To learn more about  nucleus from given link


a nuclear fission chain reaction where uranium-235 is bombarded with neutrons produces barium142, krypton-91 and which other type of product?


A nuclear fission chain reaction where uranium-235 is bombarded with neutrons produces barium142, krypton-91 and positrons type of product.

What is Nuclear Fission ?

Nuclear fission is a process by which a large nucleus is split into two smaller nuclei, or fission fragments; nuclear fission takes place after the nucleus absorbs a neutron that usually is a product of another atom's radioactive decay.

The newly-formed fission fragments have highly unstable neutron to proton ratios, which makes them extremely radioactive.

What is nuclear fission chain reaction?

A chain reaction refers to a process in which neutrons released in fission produce an additional fission in at least one further nucleus. This nucleus in turn produces neutrons, and the process repeats. The process may be controlled (nuclear power) or uncontrolled (nuclear weapons).

In the case of Uranium-235, nuclear fission creates a wide variety of fission fragments, such as  

Learn more about nuclear power from


a solution is prepared by dissolving 15.8 g of mgcl2 in 255 g of water. what is the mole fraction of cl- in this solution?


The mol fraction of Cl is 0.023.

What is mole?

The amount of substance in a system that contains the same number of atoms as there are in 0.012 kilogrammes of carbon 12 is referred to as a mole (symbol: mol).

What is mole fraction ?

A mixture's mole fraction is calculated by dividing the number of molecules of a specific component by the total number of moles in the mixture. It is a method of indicating how concentrated a solution is.

Change all to moles

mol of MgCl2 = mass MgCl2  / MW of MgCl2

MW of MgCl2 = 95.211 g/mol

mol of MgCl2 = 15.8  /95.211 = 0.1659 mol of MgCl2

mol of Mg+2 = mol of MgCl2 = 0.1659

mol of Cl- = 2 * mol of MgCl2 = 2*0.1659 = 0.3318

mol of water = mass water /MW  water =  255/18 = 14.166 mol of water

total mol = mol of water + mol of Mg+2 + mol of Cl = 0.1659 +14.166 +0.3318= 14.6637


mol fraction of Cl = mol of Cl- / total mol = 0.3318/14.6637 = 0.0226 = 0.023

Therefore, mol fraction of Cl is 0.023.

Learn more about mole from the given link.


Pressure has little effect on the solubility of liquids and solids because they are almost incompressible. (True or False)


It is true that pressure has little or no impact on the solubility of liquids and solids because they are incompressible.

Pressure is the amount of force applied perpendicularly to an object's surface divided by the surface area across which it is applied. According to Henry's Law, a gas's solubility in a liquid is directly correlated with its pressure above the solution's surface. So the solubility of gas increases with an increase in pressure. The solubility of a solid in a liquid solution is unaffected by pressure changes. This is because liquids barely compress while solids cannot be compressed at all. As a result, pressure has no impact on both.

Therefore, the given statement is true.

To know more about Henry's law:


3. A force is a push or a pull. What happens to an object that the magnets attract?



it pulls


it pulls because of the magnetic force

Answer: It is pulled


Deeming that the force of motion is attraction, the only way it could be moving would be in pull of the magnet.

Find ΔErxn for the combustion of biphenyl. The heat capacity of the bomb calorimeter, determined in a separate experiment, is 5.86 kJ/∘C.


ΔErxn for the combustion of biphenyl is - 6,392.73 kJ/mol.

The full question is in the attachment. The change in internal energy for the combustion reaction (ΔErxn) is equal to the heat energy in the bomb calorimeter.

ΔErxn for a total mass of biphenyl

ΔErxn = - q

ΔErxn = - C × ΔT

q = the heat energyC = the heat capacity = 5.86 kJ/°CΔT = the temperature changes
T₁ = 25.8 °C
T₂ = 29.4 °C

ΔErxn = - 5.86 × (29.4 - 25.8)

ΔErxn = - 5.86 × 3.6

ΔErxn = - 21.096 kJ

Calculate the number of moles for biphenyl.

n = m ÷ molar mass

Biphenyl (C₁₂H₁₀)
Molar mass for C = 12 g/mol
Molar mass for H = 1 g/mol
Molar mass for biphenyl = 12 × 12 + 10 × 1 = 144 + 10 = 154 g/molm = the mass = 0.514 g

n = 0.514 ÷ 154 = 0.0033 mol

ΔErxn for 1 mol of biphenyl

ΔErxn in terms g = ΔErxn ÷ n

= - 21.096 ÷ 0.0033

= - 6,392.73 kJ/mol

Learn more about change in internal energy here:


Which element has the same number of energy levels as krypton (kr) and the same number of valence electrons as nitrogen (n)?.


The element that has the same number of energy levels as Krypton (Kr) and the same number of valence electrons as Nitrogen (n) is Arsenic (As).

What are valence electrons?

Electrons аre sub-аtomic pаrticles thаt аre present in the аtom аnd cаrry а negаtive chаrge. The electrons were discovered by J.J. Thompson. The electrons revolve аround the nucleus in vаrious shells аnd аid in the formаtion of bonds.

Vаlence electrons аre the totаl number of electrons thаt аn аtom cаn shаre to form bonds. Nitrogen is the element thаt hаs the sаme number of vаlence electrons аs Arsenic with both of them hаving 5 vаlence electrons.

Krypton is а noble gаs locаted in group VIII А аnd 4rd period. Nitrogen is in the 5fh group. So, we must look for аn element locаted in the 4rd period аnd group VА on the periodic table.

Iron (Fe) ⇒ Iron is in the 4rd period аnd group VIBSelenium (Se) ⇒ Selenium is in the 4rd period аnd group VIААrsenic (Аs) ⇒ Аrsenic is in the 4rd period аnd group VА аnd group VАCаlcium (Cа) ⇒ Cаlcium is locаted in group 4rd аnd group IIА

Your question is incomplete, but most probably your full options were

a. selenium (Se)

b. arsenic (As)

c. iron (Fe)

d. calcium (Ca)

Thus, the correct answer is B.

For more information about valence electrons refer to the link:


indicate the hybridization of the specified atoms. be sure to consider any lone pairs you added to the structure. the structure of cyanazine has 5 atoms highlighted. atom 1 is an n atom bonded to 2 c atoms and 1 h atom through single bonds. atom 2 is an n atom bonded to one c atom through a single bond and one c atom through a double bond. atom 3 is a c atom bonded to one c l atom and one n atom through a single bond and one n atom through a double bond. atom 4 is a c atom that is bonded to three c atoms and one n atom through single bonds. atom 5 is a c atom that is bonded to one c atom through a single bond and one n atom through a triple bond. what is the hybridization of atom 1?


The atom bearing the number 1 has an sp3 hybridization. The hybridization is sp3 because there are four groups surrounding this atom, along with two lone pairs of electrons and two bonds.

How can we quickly tell whether atoms have hybridized?

Only the quantity of lone pairs and sigma bonds around an atom are taken into account for determining its hybridization.

The term "hybridization" means what?

When two atomic orbitals join to form a hybrid orbital in a molecule, the energy of the separate atomic orbitals is redistributed to give orbitals of equivalent energy.

To know more about Atom visit:-


two moles of a monatomic ideal gas is held at a constant pressure of 2200 pa and a volume of 3.2 m 3. what is the temperature of the gas in kelvin?


The temperature of the gas is 423.58K.

According to the Ideal Gas equation, which compares the ratio of a mole of gas's volume and pressure to that of the gas's thermodynamic temperature and gas constant. The equation is exact for an ideal gas and approximates real gases at low pressures. The Ideal gas law is the equation of the state of a hypothetical ideal gas.

PV = nRT

where P is the ideal gas's pressure.

The ideal gas's volume is denoted by V.

The ideal gas amount expressed in moles is known as n.

The fundamental gas constant is R.

The temperature is T.

Given, P =2200 pa, V= 3.2[tex]m^{3}[/tex], n= 2 mole, R= 8.31 [tex]Jmol^{-1}.k^{-1}[/tex].

[tex]= > PV = nRT[/tex]

=> 2200×3.2 = 2×(8.31)×T

=>[tex]\frac{2200*3.2}{2*8.31} = T[/tex]

=> T = 423.58K.

Learn more about Ideal Gas equation:





B is the answer



Accurate but not precise


Which type of bond is most likely to form between phosphorus and chlorine?


The bond formed between phosphorus and chlorine will be Covalent Bond.

Both phosphorous and chlorine are located on the right side of the periodic table where nonmetals are located.

This means both elements are nonmetals with lower electronegativity gap,

So will form a covalent bond.

Covalent Bond: A covalent bond consists of the mutual sharing of one or more pairs of electrons between two atoms.

A covalent bond is formed when the electronegativity difference of two atoms is too small for an electron transfer to occur to form ions.

The electronegativity difference between two atoms determines how polar a bond will be.

In a diatomic molecule with two identical atoms, there is no difference in electronegativity, so the bond is nonpolar or pure covalent.

In this case, chlorine is more electronegative than that of Phosphorous, making it polar covalent bond.

To know more about Chemical Bonds:


on a hot summer day, you make a glass of refreshing sweet iced tea by combining boiling water, tea, sugar, and ice. what type of change occurs and how do you know?


A physical change will occur when boiling water, tea, sugar, and ice are combined to form sweet iced tea.

What is a physical change?

A physical change is a change affecting the form of a chemical substance, but not its chemical composition.

The characteristics of some physical changes are as follows:

textureshapetemperaturechange in the state of matter

According to this question, one makes a glass of refreshing sweet iced tea by combining boiling water, tea, sugar, and ice on a hot summer day. The resulting solution is an example of a mixture, which contains constituents that retain their individual identity.

This suggests that the change is a physical change because there is no formation of a new substance.

Learn more about physical change at:


(a) is it possible to grind up and reuse phenol-formaldehyde? why or why not? (b) is it possible to grind up and reuse polypropylene? why or why not?


Phenol-formaldehyde is a thermoset polymer. Thermoset polymers can not be heated up and reused. Therefore it is not possible.

What is Polymer?

​The Greek word for "polymer" is "many pieces." Everywhere we look, we encounter polymers. From the strand of human DNA, a biopolymer that naturally occurs, to polypropylene, a material that is used all over the world.

Natural polymers are those found in plants and animals; synthetic polymers are those manufactured by humans (synthetic polymers). Due to their many distinctive physical and chemical characteristics, several polymers are used in daily life.

All polymers are produced by the process of polymerization, in which their component parts, known as monomers, combine with one another to form polymer chains, or 3-dimensional networks that form the links in polymers.

Learn more about Polymer from given link


arrange the organic compounds from most soluble in water to least soluble in water.a. CH3CH3b. CH3OCH3c. CH3CH2OH1. most soluble in water2. least soluble in water


The organic compounds from most soluble in water to least soluble in water is CH3CH2OH, CH3CH3 and CH3OCH3.

The degree to which a substance dissolves in a solvent to form a solution is known as solubility ( expressed as grams of solute per liter of solvent). One fluid's ability to completely dissolve another fluid (liquid or gas; for example, methanol and water) or only partially do so (oil and water dissolve only slightly). "Like dissolves like," in general ( aromatic hydrocarbons dissolve in each other but not in water). According to the distribution coefficient (the ratio of a material's solubilities in two solvents), some separation techniques (such as absorption and extraction) rely on differences in solubility. In general, as temperature rises, so do the solubilities of solids in liquids, while they fall as temperature rises and rise with pressure for gases. A solution is said to be saturated when no more solute can dissolve in it at a specific temperature and pressure.

To know more about solubility visit :


an unknown hydrocarbon is subjected to elemental analysis. the results of this test show that the compound is 83.24% carbon and 16.76% h. with a molar mass of 72 g/mole, the molecular formula of this compound is:


The empiric molecular formula of this compound when an unknown hydrocarbon is subjected to elemental analysis  is C4H9

C = 100.00 - 16.76 = 83.24% if H = 16.76%.

each percentage value by the corresponding atomic mass

H = 16.76/1 = 16.76

C = 83.24/12 = 6.94

Divide by a lesser number.

Remove fraction and multiply by 4 H = 9.64

C = 4 H = 16.76/6.94

= 2.41

C = 6.94/6.94 = 1

Empirical equation: C4H9

Octane, or (C4H9)2 (the hydrocarbon), could be the substance.

By calculating the number of moles of each element from its mass, empirical formulas are generated using empirically measured element masses. Obtaining subscripts for a possible empirical formula by dividing the molar amount of each element by its smallest molar amount.

For more information on empiric formula kindly visit to


Which has the largest atomic radius: magnesium (mg), silicon (si), sulfur (s), or sodium (na)? the smallest?.


Sodium is the element with the largest atomic radius compared to magnesium, silicon, and sulfur, while the smallest among these is sulfur.

Atomic radius of the indicated elementsMagnesium (Mg) 173 pmSilicon (Yes) 111 pmSulfur (S) 100 pmSodium (Na) 227 pmImportance of atomic radiusIdentifies the average distance between two nuclei of the same element linked together.This distance is measured in amstrong and pm, where 1 amstrong equals 100 pm.Through the atomic radius it is possible to determine the size of the atom, and as the energy level is higher, the atomic radius is greater.

Learn more about atomic radius at


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