What does it mean for a country to be dependent?


Answer 1

Dependent states that have jurisdiction over them but are not a part of the motherland or the continent. They frequently have some degree of local government autonomy but lack full political independence or statehood.

What is an illustration of a dependant nation?

For instance, Saint Helena is a dependent territory of the United Kingdom, while Greenland is a dependent territory of Denmark. The majority of these dependent nations were formerly colonies with little to no authority.

Why are nations reliant on one another?

When nations lack the resources or capacity to meet their own needs and wants, they trade with one another. Countries can produce a surplus and exchange it for the resources they require by developing and utilizing their limited domestic resources.

To know more about dependent nations, visit:



Related Questions

What are the 4 types of inheritance in Java?


In Java, there are four different types of inheritance: single inheritance, multiple inheritance, multilevel inheritance, and hierarchical inheritance.

Single inheritance allows for the inheritance of traits and behaviors from a single parent class by derived classes. It enables code reuse while also allowing for the addition of new features to the current code by allowing a derived class to inherit the traits and characteristics of a base class. This greatly improves the elegance and reduces repetition in the code. One of object-oriented programming's fundamental elements is inheritance (OOP).

If done correctly, single inheritance is less risky than multiple inheritance. Additionally, if a method is overridden in the constructor of the parent class or the derived class, the derived class may invoke the parent class implementation of that method.

Learn more about single inheritance here



the u.s. supreme court enabled which government practices to continue in its ruling in plessy v. ferguson?



the u.s. supreme court enabled which government practices to continue in its ruling in plessy v. ferguson?

racial segregation

Which of this keyword is used to inherit a class Mcq?


Extends keyword is used to inherit a class in java Mcq. Single inheritance allows for the inheritance of traits and behaviors from a single parent inherit class by derived classes.

Single inheritance allows for the inheritance of traits and behaviors from a single parent class by derived classes. It enables code reuse while also allowing for the addition of new features to the current code by allowing a derived class to inherit the traits and characteristics of a base class. This greatly improves the elegance and reduces repetition in the code. One of object-oriented programming's fundamental elements is inheritance (OOP).

If done correctly, single inheritance is less risky than multiple inheritance. Additionally, if a method is overridden in the constructor of the parent class or the derived class, the derived class may invoke the parent class implementation of that method.

Learn more about inherit here



in a hess's law calculation, the sum of the enthalpies of all the bonds is subtracted from the enthalpies of all the bonds .


In a Hess's law calculation, the sum of the enthalpies of all the bonds formed is subtracted from the enthalpies of all the bonds broken.

What is Hess's law?

Physical chemist Germain Hess, a Swiss-born Russian chemist and physician, is the author of Hess' law of constant heat summation, more commonly referred to as Hess' law. Hess' law was first published in 1840. According to the law, the order in which the stages are completed has no bearing on the overall enthalpy change that occurs throughout a chemical reaction.

It is now known that Hess's law expresses the fact that a chemical process' enthalpy is independent of the route taken from its initial state to its final state.

To know more about Hess's law, click here- brainly.com/question/16795968


How do I stay hydrated during exercise?


2 to 3 hours before to beginning your workout, consume 17 to 20 ounces of water. 20 to 30 minutes prior to exercise or during warm-up, consume 8 ounces water. Hydrate with 7 to 10 ounces of water every 10 to 20 minutes.

Should you drink water while working out?

You must consume fluids when exercising to replace the fluids you lose through perspiration. By doing this, you can lower your chance of developing heat exhaustion while maintaining regular bodily functions and performance levels. The general guideline is that you should be drinking fluids if you are perspiring.

How can you avoid becoming dehydrated while working out?

A cup of water should be consumed four hours before working out. While you're working out, drink another half cup of water every 10 to 15 minutes as hydrated exercise. After you're done, sip some water. It's a positive sign if your body is generating a lot of light-colored pee.

To know more about hydrated exercise, visit:



What were the major decision of the Warren Court and what was the significance of these decisions?


The landmark decisions by the Warren Court include Brown v. Board of Education (racial segregation), Gideon v. Wainwright (right to counsel), Baker v. Carr (election law), Reynolds v.

Brown v. Board of Education and Loving v. Virginia, two significant decisions during the Warren Court's tenure, held anti-miscegenation laws and school segregation policies to be unconstitutional. They also determined that the Constitution safeguards a general right to privacy. The Supreme Court of the United States' tenure under Earl Warren as Chief Justice is known as the "Warren Court." In 1953, Warren succeeded the dying Fred M. Vinson as Chief Justice, and he held the position until his retirement in 1969. When Earl Warren served as chief justice of the Supreme Court of the United States from 1965 to 1969, it is referred to as the "Warren Court." Warren headed a liberal majority that, to the chagrin of conservative opponents, dramatically exercised judicial power.

By formally approving required, nondenominational prayer services in the state's public schools, New York was found to have violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, according to the Warren Court's 1962 ruling in the Engel v. Vitale case.

Learn more about Warren Court here: https://brainly.com/question/3264222


Which of the following is NOT an adjustment to total income in arriving at adjusted gross income?
Select one:
a. Health insurance of self-employed persons
b. Certain contributions to a medical savings account
c. Contributions to a ROTH IRA
d. Interest paid on student loans


Among all the one that is not an adjustment to total income in arriving at adjusted gross income is contributions to a ROTH IRA. Hence, Option C is correct.

What is a gross income?

Gross income, before any deductions or taxes, is the total of all wages, salaries, profits, interest payments, rents, and other sources of income for both families and individuals.

The opposite of gross income is net income, which is the gross income less all taxes and other deductions.

Items like tuition costs, interest on student loans, alimony payments, and contributions to retirement accounts are all considered adjustments to income.

Therefore, Option C is correct.

Learn more about gross income from here:



an assessment that helps courts determine if a defendant is able to understand the charges against him or her, understand the legal issues and procedures involved, and understand possible dispositions or penalties, are considered what type of evaluations? group of answer choices competency to stand trial insanity disposition informed competency determination competency to be sentenced and executed


Competency to be sentenced and executed is determined through an evaluation that aids courts in determining if a defendant is capable of understanding the charges leveled against him or her, the legal issues and procedures involved, and any potential dispositions or consequences. The right answer is (d).

Competency, in its simplest form, refers to the mental aptitude and cognitive abilities necessary to carry out a legally recognized act in a reasoned manner. Incompetence is a legal conclusion, meaning the court makes the decision. De jure incompetent is the term used to describe a person who has been found to be incompetent by a court.

The court must determine "whether [the defendant] has sufficient present ability to consult with his lawyer with a reasonable degree of rational understanding — and whether he has a rational as well as factual understanding of the proceedings against him" in order to decide whether the defendant is competent to stand trial. "The ability of a person to participate in legal procedures" is the definition of competence. Legal competence is assumed; hence, it takes a hearing and the presenting of evidence to refute someone's legal capacity. A judge makes the determination of competence.

To learn more about defendant, refer: brainly.com/question/7315287


Correct Question:

An assessment that helps courts determine if a defendant is able to understand the charges against him or her, understand the legal issues and procedures involved, and understand possible dispositions or penalties, are considered what type of evaluations? group of answer choices

1. Competency to stand trial insanity

2. Disposition informed

3. Competency determination

4. Competency to be sentenced and executed

How are jury members selected in America?


You decide the questions Trials begin with jury selection. Names are randomly selected from those on jury service to form a panel from which the trial jury will be selected

The right of a citizen to a jury trial is one of the establishing standards of the US Constitution. It is viewed as a foundation of American legal system.

The principal right is expressed multiple times in the Constitution: once in the first language and multiple times in the Bill of Rights. State regulations and rules managing jury determination and conviction/quittance prerequisites fluctuate.

In the American overall set of laws, there are three various types of juries: common juries, which judge civil lawsuits; investigative grand juries, which decide whether there is sufficient evidence to support a criminal indictment; and petit juries, which hear the available evidence during a criminal trial and determine the accused's guilt or innocence.

Know more about Jury - https://brainly.com/question/29618587


The u.s. supreme court enabled which government practices to continue in its ruling in plessy v. ferguson?



The u.s. supreme court enabled which government practices to continue in its ruling in plessy v. ferguson?

racial segregation

Under what circumstances can public schools justify an action that limits students free speech?


Public school officials must justify attempts to suppress or language. They cannot be stopped or  for being uncomfortable. However, language may be regulated if the expression "causes significant disruption or disruption to school activities."

The First Amendment allows us to speak our minds and stand for what we believe. But restrictions on free speech are rooted in the principle that we cannot others in order to get we want. For this reason, speech must not be used for , , or slander. Court orders imposing content-neutral time, place, and type restrictions are subject to enhanced interim scrutiny.

Public school students enjoy First Amendment freedoms, but courts allow school officials to regulate the expression of certain types of students. For example, school officials may prohibit speech that significantly disrupts the school environment or violates the rights of others.

Learn more about Public school here :



How do parties exercise control over the functioning of committees ?


Standing committees review and modify bills and decide if they should be reported to the floor for a vote.

Subcommittees then do lots of the work of reviewing a bill. Joint committees coordinate the efforts of both houses on key troubles, while choosing committees conduct unique investigations.

The conventional technique of exercising congressional oversight is thru committee hearings and investigations into government branch operations.

For more than 200 years, Congress has conducted investigations of varying kinds and with varying effects.

Learn more about committees here: https://brainly.com/question/7284080


How many departments are in the executive branch?


The daily operation of the national govt is carried out by fifteen executive departments, each of which is headed by a designated person of the President's Cabinet.

The federal government consists of what?

The U.S. Constitution grants Congress, the Presidency, and the Supreme court, respectively, the authority to act as the deliberative, executive, and judicial departments of the federal government.

What are the federal government's five powers?

The Commanding officer of the armed services and the executive branch and government of both United States in America are the President. This includes the authority to levy taxes, control trade, declare war, assemble and maintain an army, and establish a postal system.

To know more about federal government visit:



What does stare decisis have to do with the American legal system?
O The system is based on common law.
O Its meaning indicates that previous decisions have precedence.
O It means a higher court must decide.
O It means that the US law is based on the natural law.


In the American legal system stare decisis:

B. Its meaning indicates that previous decisions have precedence

What is stare decisis as used in American legal system?

Stare decisis, which is Latin for "to stand by things decided," is a legal principle that directs courts to adhere to previous rulings (or rulings of higher tribunals) when resolving a case with allegedly comparable facts.

There are horizontal and vertical components to the stare decisis concept.

Absent extraordinary circumstances, a court that upholds the principle of horizontal stare decisis will follow its own earlier decisions (e.g., the Supreme Court follows a precedent unless it has become too difficult for lower courts to apply).

Vertical stare decisis, in contrast, requires lower courts to adhere strictly to rulings made by higher courts within the same jurisdiction.

Learn more about stare decisis:



Once an amendment is formally proposed, how long do the states have to ratify it?



Once an amendment is formally proposed, how long do the states have to ratify it?

7 years

How did Congress and President Wilson work together towards American entry into World War I ?


On April 2, 1917, Wilson went before a unique joint consultation of Congress and asked for an announcement of war against Germany, mentioning: “the sector has to be made secure for democracy.”

On April 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson delivered this address to a joint session of Congress and referred to as for an assertion of warfare towards Germany. The ensuing congressional vote added america into global war I.

Wilson referred to Germany's violation of its pledge to droop unrestricted submarine struggle in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean, as well as its tries to lure Mexico into an alliance towards the united states, as his reasons for maintaining conflict.

Learn more about democracy here: https://brainly.com/question/18464634


What is the main message of Hamlet's To Be or Not To Be?


In essence, the soliloquy is about life and death: "To be or not to be" refers to "to live or not to live" (or "To live or to die"). Hamlet talks about how unpleasant and painful life is for people and how death in general would be preferable if it weren't for the terrifying unknown of what happens after we die.

Hamlet has just learned that his father was murdered by his uncle, and he is in a state of shock and sadness. He contemplates whether he should confront life's challenges head-on or put a stop to them by passing away throughout this soliloquy, which begins Act 3 Scene 1.

Learn more about Hamlet here:



Law forbidding colonists from moving west of appalachian mountains, angered colonists is called



Royal Proclamaton of 1763

Which of the following types of business law describes the
accepted principles of right and wrong when dealing with
competitive behavior?
a. Intellectual property law
b. Contract laws
c. Securities law
d. Antitrust laws
e. Tort laws


The  types of business law that describes the accepted principles of right and wrong when dealing with competitive behavior is  d. Antitrust laws.

What is the Antitrust laws?

It can be considered as the Act that outlaws all contracts, combinations, and conspiracies that unreasonably restrain interstate and foreign trade.

It should be noted that it encompass the  agreements among competitors to fix prices, as well as the rig bids, and allocate customers, thjat can be considered to be punishable as criminal felonies, hence it is accepted principles of right and wrong when dealing with competitive behavior.

Therefore, option D is correct.

Learn more about Antitrust laws at:



How long is a presidential term five years eight years four years six years?


The president of the USA is elected indirectly via the united states Electoral university to a 4-yr time period, with a term restrict of two terms (totaling 8 years) or a maximum of ten years if the president acted as president for two years or much less in a term.

The President is answerable for implementing and enforcing the laws written by means of Congress and, to that stop, appoints the heads of the federal businesses, consisting of the cupboard. The vp is likewise a part of the govt branch, ready to count on the Presidency have to the need rise up.

President an elected authentic serving as both chief of country and chief political govt in a republic having a presidential authorities. : an elected reputable having the location of leader of state however normally most effective minimal political powers in a republic having a parliamentary authorities. presidentship

The president of a state is the top of the government and the fundamental chief of the united states or the ceremonial head of state.

Learn more about president here : https://brainly.com/question/2409724


Selling of all illicit drugs remains a criminal offense under decriminalization laws in the united states.



Selling of all illicit drugs remains a criminal offense under decriminalization laws in the united states.


What is constitutional supremacy simple definition?


The simple definition of supremacy is highest authority.

Article VI, Passage 2 of the U.S. Constitution is  is commonly referred to as the Supremacy Clause. It lays out that the federal constitution, and bureaucratic regulation for the most part, overshadow state regulations, and even state constitutions. It restricts states from disrupting the  federal government's exercise of its constitutional powers, and from accepting any capabilities that are only shared with the central government. It does not, however, allow the federal government to review or veto state laws before they take effect.

Supremacy is the quality or state of having more power, authority, or status than anyone else the state of being supreme.

Know more about Supremacy - https://brainly.com/question/1108388


racial harassment is illegal under multiple choice title vii of the civil rights act. the third amendment to the constitution. the equal pay act. the family medical leave act.


Here, in this case the racial harassment is illegal action under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

What is Civil Rights Act?
Comprehensive U.S. law known as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 aimed to eradicate discrimination based on race, colour, religion, or national origin. It is a cornerstone of the American civil rights movement and frequently referred to as the most significant civil rights statute passed in the United States since Reconstruction (1865-77). By eliminating registration restrictions and practises that are discriminatory toward minorities and the impoverished, Title I of the act assures equal voting rights. Title II forbids discrimination or racial segregation in public spaces used for interstate commerce. Employers, schools, and unions participating in interstate commerce or conducting business with the federal government are not permitted to discriminate under Title VII.

To learn more about Civil Rights Act



What is the purpose of US sanctions?


To achieve aims in foreign policy and national security, sanctions can be either sweeping or selective, using the asset freezing and trade restrictions.

What does the US imposing sanctions on a country mean?

Economic sanctions are financial and commercial penalties that one or more countries impose on a certain independent state, group, or individual. Economic sanctions are not always adopted for economic reasons; they can be used for a variety of political, military, and social purposes as well.

What is the purpose of government sanctions?

Their primary objective is often to persuade the regimes, citizens, or groups in the target country to take actions that will improve the status of the nation. Each censure recently imposed by the UN and the EU has a basis for its imposition as well as a purpose.

To know more about Economic sanctions, visit:



a personal foul occurs when a player has unsportsmanlike conduct, illegal entry or excessive timeouts.


A player commits a personal foul when they act improperly, enter the field illegally, or take too many timeouts. TRUE

What does a dating player do?

A player is by nature deceitful and manipulative; they can be best described as someone who pretends to have a serious level of love interest while frequently juggling multiple relationships at once.

A player could fall in love.

That whenever a player finds love, a lot of things go place. One is that they start to behave differently toward the person that have grown fond of. It is possible to fall in love with the a player, even though it can be risky, especially if they are beautiful and have many excellent traits.

To know more about player visit:



Why is it important for the government to collect taxes from citizens?


A fundamental way for nations to generate public revenues that enable them to support investments in human capital, infrastructure, and the provision of services for citizens and businesses is through the collection of taxes and levies.

In order to make growth equitable and sustainable, taxes are a critical component. Tax payment facilitation boosts competitiveness. Overly complex tax systems have been associated with sizable informal economies, high rates of tax evasion, increased corruption, and poor investment levels. The goal of modern tax systems should be to maximise tax revenue while reducing taxpayer compliance costs.

The fairness and equity of the tax system must be ensured. Governments must strike a balance between maintaining a fair and equitable tax system and achieving objectives like improved revenue mobilisation, sustainable growth, and lower compliance costs.

The relative taxes of the rich and the poor, corporate and individual taxpayers, urban and rural areas, formal and informal sectors, and labour are all fairness factors.

To know more about 'tax' related questions

visit- https://brainly.com/question/11447966


law forbidding colonists from moving west of appalachian mountains, angered colonists



law forbidding colonists from moving west of appalachian mountains, angered colonists

Royal Proclamation of 1763

Under the Equal Pay Act, an employer can legitimately pay different wages to male and female employees on the basis of a. the primary duties of the jobs. b. all of the choices. c. a seniority or merit system. d. any factor other than gender.


Under the Equal Pay Act, an employer can legitimately pay different wages to male and female employees on the basis of:

the primary duties of the jobs.seniority or merit system.any factor other than gender.

The Option B is correct.

What did the Equal Pay Act provide?

Fully known as the Equal Pay Act of 1963, was a United States labor law amending the Fair Labor Standards Act, aimed at abolishing the wage disparity based on s-ex. It was signed into law on by John F. Kennedy as part of his New Frontier Program.

In passing the bill, Congress stated that sex discrimination depresses wages and living standards for employees necessary for their health and efficiency, prevents the maximum utilization of the available labor resources, cause labor disputes thereby burdening, affecting, and obstructing commerce, burdens commerce and the free flow of goods in commerce and constitutes an unfair method of competition.

Read more about Equal Pay Act



FILL IN THE BLANK. The __________ Act allows children born in Texas to illegal immigrant parents to pay the in-state college tuition rate, as long as the student promises to apply for legal resident status as soon as possible.


Under the Texas Dream Act, children of illegal immigrants born in Texas are eligible to pay in-state college tuition rates as long as they commit to apply as soon as feasible for legal resident status.

What is defined as a legal resident?

You needed to be physically present in the state as well as have the intention to stay or make it your home or domicile. You are only permitted to have one legal residence at any given time, but you are permitted to switch residences if you are relocated. An identity card known as a "green card," also known as a "permanent resident card," is proof of a person's legal status to dwell permanently inside the United States. Lawful permanent residents are the official term for those who possess green cards.

What is considered a legal permanent resident?

Foreign nationals who have been given permission to live permanently in the US are known as lawful permanent residents (LPRs). LPRs are also known as "permanent resident aliens" and "green card holders," although they are frequently referred to as "immigrants" alone. The right to apply for a passport for the nation in which you reside is the main distinction between citizenship and permanent residency. Permanent residents are not permitted to submit a passport application.

To know more about Legal Resident visit:



1.T/F - An agent must keep confidential any information acquired through anagency during the term of the relationship, but can disclose it after the agencyends


The given statement,  An agent must keep confidential any information acquired through Agency during the term of the relationship, but can disclose it after the Agency ends is True .

When a gratuitous agent's promise leads the principal to depend on her to carry out specific tasks and the principle incurs damages because he chose not to carry out those tasks himself, the agent is liable for failing to perform as promised.

If the principal gives the agent unclear instructions, the agent must act in good faith and reasonably. If an emergency occurs and the agent cannot reach the principal, the agent may vary from the principal's instructions to the degree that is appropriate.

To know more about relationship visit :



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