investors who tend to invest too heavily in the securities issued by their employer suffer from the condition known as:


Answer 1

Investors who tend to invest too heavily in the securities issued by their employer suffer from the condition known as overconfidence.

Why is overconfidence a weakness?Overconfidence can get you into trouble and cause you to exaggerate your capabilities or undervalue the repercussions of a prospective failure. This disregard for your own limitations, which is associated with a propensity to take chances, could get you into trouble or even jeopardize the future of your company.A high degree of self-assurance is typically beneficial for carrying out tasks because it might motivate you to strive for challenging objectives. High levels of confidence might, however, be harmful if they make you less committed to achieving your objectives.

To learn more about overconfidence refer,


Related Questions

A firm is operating in the United States with only two other competitors in the industry.
a. It is likely this industry would be characterized as:
multiple choice 1
monopolistically competitive.
pure monopoly.
perfectly competitive.


Right option: An oligopoly is an industry structure which is characterized by few firms, and high barriers to entry. In an oligopoly, the firms typically have significant control over the price of the goods or services, as there is limited competition.

Oligopoly in the US Market with Two Competitors

In the United States, an industry with only two other competitors is likely characterized as an oligopoly. This is because an oligopoly is an industry structure which is characterized by few firms, and high barriers to entry. In an oligopoly, the firms typically have significant control over the price of the goods or services, as there is limited competition.

This is unlike a perfectly competitive market, in which many firms can enter and exit the market freely, and prices are determined by the forces of supply and demand. Similarly, a pure monopoly only has one firm in the market, and a monopolistically competitive market has many firms that produce slightly differentiated products.

Learn more about monopoly:


Because of various Texas and US laws, interest groups with lower amount of financial resources possess the same amount of political influence as Targer, wealthier interests O True False


True Interest groups with fewer financial resources have the same amount of political influence as Trager, wealthier interests due to a variety of Texas and US laws.

What are economic interest groups' goals?

People or organizations with shared concerns and interests are represented by interest groups. Through advocacy, public campaigns, and even lobbying governments to change public policy, these organizations work to gain or keep benefits for their members.

What are interest groups' primary political functions?

There are three primary roles that interest groups play: advocacy, policymaking, and support for members.

What are vested parties and for what reason would they say they are significant in our political framework?

Members of interest groups work together to advance common policy objectives. In contrast to political parties, which are required to address all issues on the public agenda, they typically concentrate their efforts on a single-issue area.

To learn more about Interest groups here


13. generally accepted accounting principles a) are accounting rules formulated by the internal revenueservice. b) are sound in theory but rarely used in real life. c) are accounting rules that are recognized as a general guide for financial reporting.


Generally accepted accounting principles are sound in theory but rarely used in real life.

A concept is a rational form of abstract thinking about a phenomenon, or the results of such thinking. The method of contemplative and rational wondering is often associated with such strategies as observational observe or research. Theories can be clinical, belong to a non-medical field, or no area at all. depending on the context, a principle's assertions would possibly, as an example, include generalized factors of ways nature works. The word has its roots in historical Greek, however in cutting-edge use it has taken on numerous associated meanings. In cutting-edge technology, the time period "theory" refers to medical theories, a properly-confirmed type of rationalization of nature, made in a manner steady with the medical technique, and pleasing the criteria required by using present day science.

Learn more about theory here


Anything that an agent obtains by virtue of an agency relationship is his or hers to keep. T/F


True, Anything that an agent obtains by virtue of an agency relationship is his or hers to keep . Constructive trust: Anything that an agent obtains by virtue of the employment or agency relationship belongs to the principal.

A positive believe is an equitable remedy imposed with the aid of a courtroom to take advantage of a celebration that has been legally emptied of its rights thanks to both a person getting or conserving legal ownership that they must not possess due to unjust enrichment or interference or because of a breach of fiduciary duty, that's inter causative with unjust enrichment and/or assets interference. it can be a sort of implied believe.

positive trusts are compulsory by means of the operation of law. they're additionally said as inexplicit trusts. they may be now not situation to formality requirements. in contrast to an resulting consider, which also arises by using the operation of regulation, an involuntary accept as true with doesn't offer effects to the imputed/presumed aim of the parties.

Learn more about Agency Relationships here:


the term​ ________ is best described as​ a stream of equal installments made at equal time intervals​.


The term​ annuity is best described as​ a stream of equal installments made at equal time intervals​.

What is annuity?

Annuity is a series of equal payments at equal intervals. Flat payments and even time intervals such as months, quarters, and years are two characteristics that make a series of payments annuities. Therefore, a series of payments can be an annuity, but not all series of payments are an annuity.

Moreover, the term 'annuity' refers to an insurance policy issued and distributed by a financial institution for the purpose of returning the money invested in the future in the form of a fixed income. An investor invests in or purchases an annuity with a monthly premium or lump sum payment. The holding institution issues future cash flows for a specified period or for the remaining life of the pensioner. Annuities are primarily used for retirement planning purposes and help individuals manage the risk of exceeding their savings.

Learn more about annuity


marketing efforts meant to improve society by influencing stakeholders to change their behavior are known as


Marketing efforts meant to improve society by influencing stakeholders to change their behavior are known as corporate activism.

What is the significance of corporate activism?

Organizations risk losing business by failing to communicate their points of view in today's more divisive environment if they don't take a position on important societal issues. Improvements in staff morale and the potential to recruit new personnel were the next two most often mentioned benefits of corporate activism, according to survey respondents.

Corporate activism, which differs from corporate social responsibility, is when companies push for the government to modify laws or regulations about social or moral issues. It has never been more crucial to do corporate activism properly. Senior leaders speaking out on social concerns that are not immediately tied to the financial performance of their organization.

To learn more about corporate social responsibility, visit:


Companies often use more than one capital budgeting method to determine which capital investment to make.a. Trueb. False


It is true that companies often use more than one capital budgeting method to determine which capital investments to make.

This is because different methods can provide different perspectives on potential investments, allowing businesses to make more informed decisions.

Capital budgeting is a crucial part of any business’s decision-making process. It involves the analysis and evaluation of potential investments and projects to determine their profitability and viability. Capital budgeting helps businesses determine which investments are likely to have the highest return and which ones should be avoided.

Different capital budgeting methods can provide different perspectives on potential investments. For example, the traditional Net Present Value (NPV) method evaluates a project based on its expected cash flows, while the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) method considers a project’s expected rate of return. Both of these methods can be used to evaluate potential investments, but they may yield different results.

Overall, it is true that companies often use more than one capital budgeting method to determine which capital investments to make. By using multiple methods, businesses can gain a more comprehensive understanding of potential investments and make more well-informed decisions.

Learn more about capital budgeting methods:


What are the 4 types of investments?


There are 4 essential funding types or asset instructions that traders can pick from: shares, property, cash, and stuck hobby.

Essential Types of Investments are -

Growth investments - These are more  suitable for long term investors that are willing and ready to endure market high points and low points.Shares - Shares are viewed as a development venture as they can assist with developing the worth of your unique speculation over the medium to long haul.Property - Property is likewise viewed as a development speculation on the grounds that the cost of houses and different properties can rise considerably over a medium to long haul period.Defensive investments - These are more centered around reliably creating pay, instead of development, and are viewed as lower risk than development speculations.Cash - Cash ventures incorporate regular ledgers, exorbitant premium bank accounts and term stores.Fixed interest - The most popular sort of fixed interest investments are securities, which are basically when legislatures or organizations get cash from financial backers and pay them a pace of revenue consequently.

Know  more on types of investments -


in terms of revenues, the largest segment of ecommerce is ecommerce. question 5 options: a) g2c b) b2c c) b2b d) c2c


The right response is business-to-business (B2B) option (c).for the given question .

Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) transactions occur when a individual uses eBay to buy it from this customer.

A regulatory body is involved in government-to-business (G2B) e-commerce when it employs e-procurement to get the supplies it needs from vendors.

Virtual corporations are firms that exist exclusively online and don't have any local shops.

Brick-and-click businesses, like Barnes & Noble, run actual storefronts in addition to their worldwide businesses.

Because the overhead of preserving service centers are eliminated, one benefit of the press and hold e-commerce method is that rock-bottom fee structure can be provided.

To know more about Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) click here


suppose the required reserve ratio for checking accounts is 10%, and banks do not hold excess reserves, and people hold only checking deposits and no currency. if the fed sells $10 million worth of bonds to the public or member banks, bank reserves would


The bank reserves would increase $1 million. The reserve ratio is the percentage of reservable liabilities that banking institutions must retain and not lend or invest.

The requirement for the reserve ratio set by the nation's central bank, in this case the Federal Reserve in the United States. The term "cash reserve ratio" is also used to describe it.

In the given question, when the Fed sells bonds, it does so in exchange for money. Therefore, the Fed is taking money away from the general public by issuing bonds worth $1 million. As a result, the economy is forced to lose money. Therefore, the economy's money supply (Ms) declines.

The necessary reserve is a portion of the deposits that commercial banks are required to maintain with the central bank as reserves.

Given that the statutory reserve is 0.1 and the sale of bonds is worth $1 million, the money multiplier will be 1/0.1, or 10. The multiplication impact will cause the Ms to drop by more than $1 million as a result. Therefore, the Ms will reduce by $10 million for a bond sale of $1 million ($1*10).

The selling of the $1 million in government bonds will increase the Fed's reserves. Consequently, the reserves of the economy will rise by $1 million.

Learn more about Reserve Ratio here:


assuming all of the preferred stock was sold at par and that none of the treasury stock has been sold, how much, on average, was received for one share of common stock?


Treasury stock, commonly referred to as treasury shares or reacquired stock, denotes previously outstanding stock that the issuing business has acquired from stockholders.

What is Treasury stock?

Treasury stock, commonly referred to as treasury shares or reacquired stock, denotes previously outstanding stock that the issuing business has acquired from stockholders.

The overall number of outstanding shares on the open market declines as a result. Treasury stock is still issued but is not taken into account for calculating dividends or earnings per share (EPS).

The balance sheet's shareholders' equity part includes a contra equity account for treasury stock.

Treasury stock lowers shareholders' equity by the price paid for the stock because it indicates the number of shares that were bought back on the open market.

Learn more about Treasury stock, here


what was the most significant factor that contributed to the conflict between labor and managements over wages and wokring conditions


The primary cause of labor relations disputes is the inability of the employer and employee to come to an amicable compromise that takes into account their respective rights, interests, and feelings.

When a business declines to acknowledge a union as its employees' representation, controversy may initially ensue; in the US, these issues are typically resolved by an employee election overseen by a government agency.

Contractual disagreements and complaints are more typical. When a union contract covering a group of employees is due to expire and the parties cannot agree on the provisions of a new one, a contract dispute arises. Sometimes these disputes are about other concerns, such as seniority, hours, sick leave, overtime, etc., but typically they are about wages, health insurance, and other economic issues.

To know more about labor click here,


dana and mike decide to form their new motorcycle business as a llc. each will receive an equal profits (loss) interest by contributing cash, property, or both. in addition to the members' contributions, their llc will obtain a $75,000 loan nonrecourse loan from first bank at the time it is formed. mike contributes cash of $10,000 and a building he bought as a storefront for the motorcycles. the building has a fmv of $65,000, an adjusted basis of $35,000, and is secured by a $40,000 nonrecourse mortgage that the business llc will assume. what is mike's outside tax basis in his llc interest?


Mike's outside tax basis in his LLC interest is $65,000.

The outside basis of a contributing partner is initially the basis of contributed property less any debt relief plus any partnership debt allocated to the partner. Any nonrecourse debt that exceeds the basis of the contributed property must be allocated solely to the partner who contributed the property when allocating nonrecourse debt secured by the contributed property. Any remaining nonrecourse debt is allocated based on the profit sharing ratios of the partners.

$10,000 (cash) + $35,000 (basis of building) − $40,000 (debt on building) + $37,500 (50% profit sharing ratio × $75,000 nonrecourse bank loan) + $5,000 (nonrecourse mortgage less basis of contributed property) + $17,500 (50% × $35,000 remaining mortgage on building) = $65,000

To learn more about LLC interest, here


wren pork company uses the value basis method of allocating joint costs in its production of pork products. relevant information for the current period follows: product sales value loin chops $18,700 ground 23,800 ribs 22,950 bacon 19,550 total $85,000 the total joint cost for the current period was $51,000. how much of this cost should wren pork allocate to loin chops?


Joint Cost Allocation

To use this method, absolutely divide the complete manufacturing price by means of the gorgeous measure of output extent to yield the value per unit of output.

One type of monetary measure of joint value allocation is the income fee method.

For example, the fee of fertilizing and harvesting sunflowers qualifies as a frequent cost. If a organisation uses the kernels in two or more exclusive processes – such as roasting and crushing – the charges turn out to be joint costs.

Another instance of joint costing is feeding each sheep and cattle.

Which technique is the satisfactory for joint value allocation?

The two predominant techniques of allocating joint expenses are (1) the net realizable fee technique and (2) the physical portions method. The net realizable price method allocates joint charges to merchandise based totally on their internet real- izable values at the split-off point.

Learn more about joint cost allocation here:

What is saving account and current account?


While a current account is designed for daily transactions, a savings account is a deposit account that only permits a few transactions.

This is the most basic account you may open at any bank. A savings account, by definition, allows you to deposit your money safely with the bank, removing the need for you to carry it with you or hide it in that rusty old steel safe at home. Don't worry; you can withdraw these funds whenever you require them. Businessmen that transact with the bank more frequently open current bank accounts. Included are countertransactions, withdrawals, and deposits. Yet another name for it is a demand deposit account. Opening a current account is permitted by cooperative banks and commercial banks alike.

Learn more about account from


according to economist mancur olson, author of the logic of collective action, individuals will not act when the perceived benefit is insufficient to justify the costs associated with engaging in the action. what concept does this demonstrate?


Olson contends that it is difficult for any group of people to offer a public good effectively. In some groups, people have incentives to "free-ride" on the labor of others, but in other organizations, the size of the group is crucial and challenging to decide in the best way.

The Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and the Theory of Groups is a 1965 book by Mansur Olson Jr. In political science and economics, it puts forth the idea of concentrated gains vs. diffused costs. The fundamental argument is that concentrated minor interests will be overrepresented and diffuse majority interests would win out owing to a free-rider problem that becomes worse as a group gets larger. The book challenged accepted wisdom in Olson's time, which claimed that if everyone in a society had shared interests, they will work together to pursue them and that the greatest concern in a democracy is that the majority will tyrannize and exploit the minority.

Learn more about Olson from


Suppose the exchange rate is 90 yen per u.s. dollar and the united states wants to keep the exchange rate at a target rate of 90 yen per u.s. dollar. if the demand for u.s. dollars ​, the fed​ ______.


Suppose the exchange rate is 90 yen per u.s. dollar and the united states wants to keep the exchange rate at a target rate of 90 yen per u.s. dollar. if the demand for u.s. dollars ​, the fed​ sells dollars to lower the exchange rate.

Less US dollars are being offered on the currency market as the projected profit from holding US dollars increases. Excess US dollars will weaken the currency if the exchange rate is too high.

The US dollar will become more expensive and scarce if the exchange rate is too low. The demand for US dollars declines as the exchange rate rises. The US and international interest rates

Learn more about The exchange rate here:-


the value of the marginal product of any input is equal to the marginal product of that input multiplied by the:____.


The value of the marginal product of any input is equal to the marginal product of that input multiplied by the Market price .

When total output and total demand are equal, this is referred to as short-run equilibrium. When some production parameters are fixed and some are changeable, an economy is in short-term equilibrium. Only by increasing the application of the variable factor can output be increased. The scale of manufacturing remains steady in the short term.

When prices respond to market changes and the economy is operating at its maximum potential, long-run equilibrium has been reached. A company achieves equilibrium over the long term when it modifies one or more of its plants to create output at the least point on their long-run Average Cost (AC) curve. The demand curve that the market price described is tangential to this curve.

Learn more about marginal product visit :


all else equal, the higher the debt to equity ratio, the higher the risk of bankruptcy. t or f


The right response is "False." If all else is equal, increased financial leverage will lower a company's credit rating and raise the required interest rate.

What precisely happens throughout bankruptcies?

The court will award you a discharge when you file for bankruptcy protection, absolving you of part of your outstanding debts to the creditors. As previously indicated, your collectors are forbidden from getting in touch with you and trying to collect the debt as soon as any loan is formally canceled.

Is filing for bankruptcy a smart move?

If you're encountering issues, research your options for debt relief. However, if your consumer credit type of debt indicated above which can be discharged—equals upwards of half of your earnings or if it would take more than two years to pay down, you a minimum of five years to pay off your debt albeit with extreme austerity measures, bankruptcy might be your best option.

To know more about  bankruptcies visit:


gladstone company issues 106,000 shares of preferred stock for $46 a share. the stock has fixed annual dividend rate of 6% and a par value of $9 per share. if sufficient dividends are declared, preferred stockholders can anticipate receiving dividends of:


Preferred stockholders can anticipate receiving dividends of $57240.

Preferred dividends were the sums that would be paid out on the company's preferred stock due to its financial success. As opposed to common stockholders, preferred stockholders have precedence in obtaining such dividends, hence the corporation must pay off preferred dividend obligations before paying off any obligations for dividends due to preferred stockholders.

Preferred Dividends are calculated as follows:

Par Value x Dividend Rate x No. of preference shares

It is given that par value = $9 per share

Dividend rate = 6%

No. of shares = 106000


Preference dividends = 9 × 6% × 106000

= $57240

To know more about Preference dividends


What are 2 ways to get money into a checking account?


You can use direct deposit, an electronic transfer, or an ATM to put money into your checking account. You can withdraw money from your accounts via banks and ATMs, checks, or electronic debit or credit cards linked to your accounts.

Your neighbourhood bank branch or an ATM that accepts deposits are two possibilities if you need to deposit money into your bank account. While most online banks do not allow direct deposit, there are frequently workarounds available, such as utilising a money order or an in-network ATM. Several approaches are effective, including: ACH transaction: The simplest method is to make a cash deposit into an account at a physical bank or credit union, then transfer the money to your online bank account. ATM deposits are also an option. A few online banks allow ATM deposits.

Learn more about account from


according to the world health organization, nearly six million people around the world die each year from tobacco-related causes. aside from toxic poisons, tobacco is probably the single most lethal substance we can consume. yet it remains legal, with only age restrictions on its purchase and usage. this is because


Smoking causes 20% of all cancer cases and 30% of all cancer deaths in the US.

Smoking causes about 80% of lung cancer cases and 80% of lung cancer deaths. Lung cancer is the most typical type of cancer that causes death in the US.. As a result of smoking, you have a higher risk of developing the following cancers: Lips Larynx. Pharynx (throat). Esophagus Kidney Cervix. Liver Bladder Pancreas Stomach Colon/rectum. Acute myeloid leukemia risk is also raised. Cigarettes, cigars, and pipes can all cause cancer. There is no safe way to smoke a cigarette. How smoking tobacco damages your lungs. Tiny air sacs and airways in your lungs are damaged by smoking. This injury starts the moment a person.

Learn more about Smoking from


What is a "pump and dump" scam?

A scheme which pools investors’ money together but only a small percentage of the pool is actually invested
A scheme that attempts to boost the price of a stock through recommendations based on false or misleading statements
A scheme where an investor collects your money for investment but never actually makes a purchase and instead keeps the money for themselves
A scheme that attempts to beat the overall market's return by investing in high-cost index funds


"Pump and dump" schemes have two parts. In the first, promoters try to boost the price of a stock with false or misleading statements about the company. Once the stock price has been pumped up, fraudsters move on to the second part, where they seek to profit by selling their own holdings of the stock, dumping shares into the market.

These schemes often occur on the Internet where it is common to see messages urging readers to buy a stock quickly. Often, the promoters will claim to have "inside" information about a development that will be positive for the stock. After these fraudsters dump their shares and stop hyping the stock, the price typically falls, and investors lose their money.




when there is no specific employment contract saying otherwise, an employer or employee may end an employment relationship at any time, regardless of cause. this arrangement is called . multiple choice question.


When there is no specific employment contract saying otherwise, an employer or employee may end an employment relationship at any time, regardless of cause. This arrangement is called employment at will.

At-will employment, as defined by US labor law, is when an employer has the right to fire an employee without cause (i.e., without having to provide "just cause" for termination) and without prior notice, so long as the reason is legal (e.g., not firing an employee due to their race, religion, or sexual orientation).

Courts reject any claims for damages resulting from a dismissal where an employee is recognized as having been hired "at will." The rule's supporters argue that an employee may have a similar right to quit their work without cause or prior notice.

Those who believe that the work relationship is characterized by an inequality of bargaining power perceive the practice as being unjust.

To know more about employment at will:


if a company’s operating cycle is much longer than its average payment period for suppliers, it creates the need to borrow money to fund its inventories and accounts receivable.
a. true
b. false


"If a company’s operating cycle is much longer than its average payment period for suppliers, it creates the need to borrow money to fund its inventories and accounts receivable." is False Option B

What is the operating cycle?

Generally, The amount of time it takes for a business to acquire things, sell those items, and then earn income from the sale of those goods is referred to as an operational cycle.

To put it another way, it refers to the amount of time it takes for a corporation to convert its inventory into cash.

The duration of a cycle of operations varies considerably from industry to industry.

Read more about the operating cycle


suppose an investor earned a semiannual yield of 6.4 percent on a bond paying coupons twice a year. what is the effective annual yield (eay) on this investment? (round to two decimal places.)


The effective annual yield on this investment is 6.50%

What is the effective annual yield?

The effective annual yield is the actual rate of return that is earned on an investment after accounting for the number of compounding on the investment. The number of compounding is the number of times that the investment earns interest.

Effective annual yield = (1 + APR / m ) ^m - 1

Where, m = number of compounding

EAY Effective annual rate = (1 + APR / m ) ^m - 1

M = number of compounding

To learn more about the effective annual rate, please check:

EAY = (1 + 0.064/2)^2 - 1 = 0.06502 = 6.50%

To learn more about the effective annual rate, please check:


Based on the following information, compute cash flows from investing activities under GAAP. Please show steps.
Cash collections from customers $ 770
Purchase of used equipment 185
Depreciation expense 185
Sale of investments 420
Dividends received 110
Interest received 185
Cash Flows from Investing Activities


Cash inflows and outflows from long-term assets and direct investments in other businesses, such as stocks and bonds, are examples of investing activities.

Purchases of tangible assets, investments in securities, and sales of securities or assets are all examples of investing activities. If management is investing in the company's long-term health, negative cash flow from investments might not be a bad thing.

Equipment purchases (185)

Investment sales 420

Net cash flow from investing activities $235

All of the remaining items, including the dividends received, are regarded as cash flow from operating activities.

Purchases of tangible assets, investments in securities, and sales of securities or assets are all examples of investing activities. If management is investing in the company's long-term health, negative cash flow from investments might not be a bad thing.

To learn more about investing activities here


maria was laid off when her company was purchased by another business. she looked for work for nearly a year, but gave up looking just over a month ago. she hopes to begin her job search again when things look more promising. maria is:


She hopes to begin her job search again when things look more promising. maria is A discouraged worker out of the labor force.

a bit of labor, specifically a specific undertaking completed as part of the habitual of 1's profession or for an agreed fee: She gave him the job of mowing the garden. a post of employment; full-time or element-time role: She becomes in search of a task as an editor. The word jobbe of work (“piece of work”), of unsure starting place. perhaps from a variation of center English gobble (“mass, lump”); or possibly associated with center English jobben (“to jab, thrust, %”), or center English shop (“piece, good deal”). greater at gob, jab, chop.

the main distinction between a profession and a process is that a process is simply something you do for money, whereas a profession is an extended-term endeavor, something you build toward and paint upon each day.

Learn more about job here:


What amazon site supports rosies, a local charity in brisbane, australia, to provide food and a friendly face for those who are experiencing homelessness?


Aboutamazon is an amazon site supports rosies, a local charity in brisbane, australia, to provide food and a friendly face for those who are experiencing homelessness.

What is meant by a local charity?

A local charity is one that was founded for objectives that are, by nature or by the charity's trusts, primarily or entirely for the benefit of that area or a portion of it.

Most organizations provide assistance to those in need, frequently as a last resort. They assist individuals locally and globally. They support the environment and spread knowledge about a variety of crucial concerns. They're also healthy for you.

an organization that doesn't focus on making a profit and instead works to aid individuals in need by giving them money, food, or other support. It may also engage in activities like medical research. the money received from selling

Read more on local charity here:


) why are the small firm effect and the book-to-market (value) effect considered violations of market efficiency?


Gene Fama and Kenneth French's Three-Factor Model, which considers the market return, companies with high book-to-market values, and tiny stock capitalization, uses the small firm effect, an apparent market aberration, to explain higher results.

According to the small firm effect theory, smaller businesses, or those with a low market capitalization, typically outperform their larger counterparts. Gene Fama and Kenneth French's Three-Factor Model, which includes the market return, companies with high book-to-market values, and tiny stock capitalization, uses the small firm effect, an apparent market aberration, to explain higher returns. Of course, there is some historical bias in the verification of this phenomenon. Whether a researcher will discover any instances of the small firm effect depends primarily on the time period examined when looking for instances in which small-cap stocks outperform large-cap companies. The tiny firm effect is occasionally cited as justification for the often higher prices offered by fund companies for small-cap funds.

Learn more about small firm from


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