Compare and Contrast Essay

Compare Poems

Now it is time to write about some of the poems you've read and studied! So far in this unit, you have examined the following works: "The Rainy Day," "Invictus," "We Real Cool," "The Negro Speaks of Rivers," and "The Mending Wall."
Select TWO of the following poems:
"The Rainy Day," "We Real Cool," or "Invictus." In a well-developed response of at least three paragraphs, compare and contrast them using the criteria below.

Your response must address the following in each poem:

literary point of view/characters
Poetic structure: rhyme repetition

Remember to write in complete, grammatically correct sentences and to avoid errors in usage, mechanics, and spelling.

You can compare and contrast any of the TWO poems, it has to be 100% accurate

⚠️⚠️needs a response of at least two paragraphs, compare and contrast them⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️


Answer 1

These two poems are well-known, therefore you can locate a lot of papers about them that will aid in your best analysis.

You can then format your text as follows:

What is a poem?

A grouping of words, whether spoken or written: Traditionally a rhythmical writing with occasional rhymes that expresses feelings, thoughts, or experiences in a way that is more focused, creative, and potent than regular speech or prose: Some poems use the meter, while others use free verse.

Introduce the two poems and their writers in the first paragraph.

Describe the components of these poems that are comparable.

Describe the unique aspects of this poetry in the third paragraph.

Explain the significance of the parallels and contrasts between the two poems in light of the analysis that will be done of them.

Arthur Rimbaud's "Historic Evening," Walt Whitman's "O Me! O Life!" and Marianne Moore's "What Are Years." Poems with rhyme come in a variety of forms, including end rhyme, internal rhyme, and half rhyme.

Therefore,  poems are well-known, therefore you can locate

Learn more about the poem here:


Answer 2


"The Negro Speaks of Rivers" is a free verse poem. This means there is no set rhyming pattern in the poem. However, "Invictus" is structured as a poem of quatrains. Or four sets of four lines.

"Under the bludgeonings of chance, my head is bloody but unbowed. To me, the author is expressing that although he has been through many things he has not given up. "It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate" He speaks with the determination to get through anything and still hold his head high. In the "Negro Speaks of Rivers" the author uses the rivers to represent or be a symbol of continuation. It feels as though the poet is reflecting on things. He uses the rivers to represent how he grew as a person ending the poem with "My soul has grown deep like the rivers."


Related Questions

Is McLuhan still relevant?


McLuhan's theories are still very relevant now given that we are constantly surrounded by electronic technology and are not even aware of how dependent it has made us feel almost like a part of it.

The Internet's existence has had an impact on the world community, especially in light of how heavily we rely on it due to the idiosyncrasies of electronic technology. In illustrating how society is united by the power of electronic technology, McLuhan compares the global village to the central nervous system, despite the media being significantly more immediate and persistent than it was fifty years before (1967). Unquestionably, this concept is still relevant today.

To know more about Marshall McLuhan, refer to this link:


Although the pigs do attempt to educate the other animals, they are not successful.
What do you think Orwell is trying to get at here?
(Animal Farm)


The intellect of the pigs is primarily employed to control the lesser animals.

Squealer uses his verbal prowess to craft deft justifications for Napoleon's fabrications. To the pigs' credit, they do try to teach the other animals the fundamentals of reading and writing, but the other animals prove unable or reluctant.

To the pigs' credit, they do try to teach the other animals the fundamentals of reading and writing, but the other animals prove unable or unwilling.

He makes the assumption that the education of the young is the most crucial responsibility of the animal leaders, which may sound like one of Snowball's altruistic ideas. The result is a dangerous imbalance in knowledge, as the pigs become the only stewards and interpreters of Animal Farm's guiding principles.

To learn more about Animal farm from given link


Soon, you will write your own short story. But first, you'll use this discussion to solicit ideas and feedback that will help you to plan for this assignment.
Examine Dakota's post.

I want to write a tense and suspenseful story (but one that isn't too frightening). The main conflict will be man (actually, a girl!) vs. nature: My protagonist gets separated from her family on a hike and spends one night—just one night—alone in the woods not far from her town. I want her night in the woods to be a kind of turning point in her life—the night where she leaves childhood forever. I'm wondering if any of you have ideas as to what might happen to the girl during her night alone. Again, I want the focus to be less on scary stuff (wild animals, ghosts, etc.) and more on her personal development.


Explains what type of story you intend to write. Will it be suspenseful? Will it be frightening? Will it be heartwarming?
Notes three questions and/or concerns you have about how to address one of the following: develop the story's main conflict, communicate a particular theme, select an appropriate point of view.
Posts any other ideas, questions, concerns related to your story on which your peers can provide feedback.


The four primary categories of writing are expository, persuasive, narrative, and descriptive.

What kinds of stories are there? The four main types of writing styles are persuasive, narrative, expository, and descriptive.KS2 students can create suspense by changing the length of words, sentences, and paragraphs to quicken the pace and intensity.Use concise terms instead of "immediately," such "at once."Put a string of succinct sentences together: She dodged.The definition of suspense in literature is the tension that holds our attention from one instant to the next. He lunged. A suspenseful novel makes you feel thrilled or frightened about what is going to happen in the story next.When used as a literary device, narrative suspense develops a compelling question in the narrative that keeps the reader interested while they wait for the resolution.

To learn more about story writing refer


What can we learn from McLuhan?


Marshall McLuhan coined the expression "The medium is the message," which refers to how the form of a media ingrains itself in the message

And creates a symbiotic relationship that determines how the message is received. Students will have a varied experience when studying through various media, yet they can still accomplish the course objectives, according to McLuhan's succinct statement. Although their experience will be different, they can still accomplish the same objective. Just a different route leads to the same place. At a period when mass communication was expanding quickly, he transformed the way we think about media and communications. The idea put forth by McLuhan that the content of new media is old media is less widely recognised but no less important. Social media, in the words of McLuhan, is "cold." He would be encouraged in his technological determinism by social media. Social media would also be used by McLuhan to create the idea that form determines content. Finally, he would assert that the world has shrunk even further.

To learn more about technological  please click on below link


What are two examples of New Deal programs?


Although their alliance has since disintegrated, many of the New Deal initiatives that kept them united—such as Social Security, unemployment benefits, and government agriculture subsidies, for example—remain in place today.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was established by the Glass-Steagall Operate of 1933, and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was established in 1934 to act as a watchdog over the stock market and to crack down on unethical behavior.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Federal Housing Administration (FHA), Farm Credit Administration, and Federal Communications Commission are more organizations that run similar programs (FCC).

The Natural Resources Conservation Service is still the name of the Soil Conservation Service

Learn more about to New Deal visit here;


True or false. The sentence is in the past tense.

I have been gone too long.



True , The sentence is in the past tense as “Have been” and “has been” are used to mean that something began in the past and has lasted into the present time.

What verb tense is have been ?

The present perfect continuous tense, sometimes referred to as the present perfect progressive tense, indicates that something began in the past and is still going on now. The construction has/have been + the present participle (root + -ing) results in the present perfect continuous.

Eg- I have been reading War and Peace for a month now.

The present perfect continuous verb tense in this sentence indicates that reading War and Peace is an activity that started in the past but is not yet complete in the present.

To learn more about past tense checkout the link below :


essay how is judge danforth guilty for the hysteria in the crucible


In Arthur Miller's play The Crucible, Judge Danforth is the presiding judge over the Salem witch trials. While he is not directly responsible for the hysteria that grips the town, his actions and decisions as a judge contribute to the escalation of the situation.

First and foremost, Judge Danforth is guilty of failing to adequately assess the evidence presented against the accused witches. He relies heavily on the testimony of the young girls who have accused others of witchcraft, even when their claims are clearly outlandish and lack any supporting evidence. In addition, he allows the use of spectral evidence (claims of seeing the specter of the accused witch) as valid evidence, despite its highly dubious nature.

Furthermore, Judge Danforth is guilty of being overly zealous in his pursuit of witches. He is determined to root out and punish any and all witches, regardless of the cost. This blind pursuit of justice leads him to make unfair and unjust decisions, such as refusing to allow the accused to present any evidence in their defense.

Additionally, Judge Danforth is guilty of being overly harsh and ruthless in his treatment of the accused witches. He threatens them with death if they do not confess to being witches, and shows no mercy to those who do not conform to his expectations. This kind of behavior only serves to fuel the hysteria and paranoia in Salem, as people become more and more afraid of being accused and punished.

In conclusion, while Judge Danforth is not solely responsible for the hysteria in the town of Salem, his actions as a judge contribute significantly to the escalation of the situation. His failure to adequately assess the evidence, his blind pursuit of witches, and his harsh treatment of the accused all contribute to the tragic events of the Salem witch trials.

Is BTS most popular band in Korea?


BTS. This boy band of seven has captivated audiences worldwide and is undoubtedly the biggest name in K-pop.

The first significant distinction is that BTS's songs are more concerned with the perception of "wrong-doing" than other K-pop bands' lyrics, which tend to focus on themes that are more controversial. Another significant distinction is how undoubtedly more emotive BTS's lyrics are when compared to those of other K-pop groups. The popular K-pop group BTS, one of the greatest boy bands in the world and a source of tremendous pride for South Korea, is not well-liked there.

To learn more about undoubtedly please click on below link


How old is Farquhar?


ANSWER - he is thirty five years old southern planter

Who was the first to last to join BTS?


Rap Monster was the lone member of the original lineup and the first to join BTS. "Jimin, you got no jams," he famously quipped.

J-Hope debuted as a BTS member on M! Countdown on June 13, 2013. After RM and Suga, he was the third person to join the group as a trainee. V was BTS's sixth member. V, who has been playing the saxophone since he was three, applied to Big Hit Entertainment in late 2011 when he was fifteen years old. His initial motivation for attending the audition was to assist a buddy who wished to work as a trainee at Big Hit Entertainment.

He began performing while he was in middle school, despite his parents' opposition to him pursuing a career in music.

To learn more about Rap please click on below link


What are 5 non fiction text features?


The table of contents, index, word list, headings, formidable phrases, sidebars, pictures, and captions, and categorized diagrams.

Fiction is any creative paintings, especially any narrative paintings, portraying humans, activities, or places which can be imaginary, or in strategies that are imaginary. Fictional portrayals are consequently inconsistent with statistics, fact, or plausibility.

Fiction is a literary paintings this is predicated on creativeness to manufacture testimonies that in no way happened in real life. that may be a work of fiction that isn't actual or fake. the author creates imaginary scenes of human beings and activities. The tales in fiction do not depend upon information or actual occurrences.

Learn more about fiction


Respond to this with a minimum of 75 words. Please help. ASAP!!!

Having goals is important for many reasons. If you don't set goals and continuously work towards them, you can end up just existing and never really growing in life or your career. Goals give us something to look forward to and strive for, they give us hope and determination to thrive. As mentioned in the video, goals should be specific, measurable, actionable, relevant and time bound. (Decision Skills, 2014) It also talks about how these goals require action, evaluation and revision. For example, before I went on a trip to Puerto Rico, I set a goal to lose 10 pounds in a month. Originally, I had set a goal months in advance to lose some weight before the trip, since I didn't make it specific and assign a time limit to it I just kept eating whatever and living my normal lifestyle. Once I set a "SMART Goal" I really put it into action and achieved my goal! Personally, I can use this concept to achieve any goal I set whether it be career focused or personal. It's important that I continue to evaluate my status and make adjustments as time goes on. As we all know, life can be unpredictable and this can affect our progress. I find it important to focus on one thing at a time, write everything down in order of priority, and relax from time to time. Achieving a goal is one of the most satisfying feelings ever! When all of your effort yields results, it does wonders for your self confidence.


We can see here that responding to this essay, we can say that truly "If you don't set goals and continuously work towards them, you can end up just existing and never really growing in life or your career." Goals are very important in life as they help to make our lives to become meaningful. When one achieves his or her goals, there is satisfaction and a sense of progress and fulfilment. It should be noted that goals should be smart, measurable, actionable, relevant and time bound.

What is a goal?

A goal is actually known to be a desired result or objective which one envisions and plans towards achieving. Goals are known to be important in order to help one live a meaningful life. When goals are not set, one can be seen to be wasting time.

We see that the above piece of writing on goals is a response to the given essay above.

Learn more about goals on


What Catholics Should Know About Islam?


Having open discussions about Islam is no longer acceptable.  Catholic hierarchy, label as racists and xenophobes anyone who warn of Islam's threat to our way of life. Catholic Church acted as a barrier to spread of Islam for years.

Catholic Christians hold that there is only one God, eternally existing as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as they are revealed in the Bible. Muslims disbelieve in the Trinity idea. Catholics consider Jesus to be the real God and the real man. Muslims disagree with the idea that God took on human form.

The article states that if Catholics wish to marry Muslims, they must make sure to baptise their offspring and abstain from signing or taking an oath under Islamic law.

To know more about Catholic Christians:


What are the important factors that strengthen the Filipino character?


Some important factors that strengthen a Filipino Character are Tao pakikipagkapwa, A sincere affection for one's family, Humor and Joy, Pampalakas-loob.

A sense of trust and security; - dedication and accountability; - honor and respect; - generosity and sacrifice. Filipinos have a cheerful and fun-loving approach to life. People they both love and hate makes them laugh. They have a propensity to laugh about their good fortune, or even their bad luck and to smile even in the most trying situations. Some other strength characteristics are:

Close to home equilibrium and positive thinkingCreativity, adaptability, and adaptabilityIndustry and hard work: ability to put in the effort required to improve one's standard of living and provide a decent life for one's family.Religion and faith: Accepting reality as a human being created by God is faith in God.

Learn More about Filipino Character here:


The Arrival

The plane finally descends beneath a large cloud; I see an island coastline clearly defined. As the waves hit the shore, my heart beats aloud.

This tropical destination was merely a dream;
But now that the isle lies just ahead,
I wonder if things really are as they seem.

I blink several times and look anew;
The incredible mirage hasn’t faded away.
What I had once only dreamed about is true!

The plane glides through the sky, like a skater on ice,
Toward the runway’s glittering lights
That are pointing the way to my paradise.

How does the third stanza help develop the poem’s central theme?
• It provides an example of how traveling to an unfamiliar place can often be frightening.
• It supports the idea that something can be just as good as you imagined.
• It challenges the idea that if you want something very much, you can achieve it.
• It reinforces the idea that dreams come true only if you believe in yourself.

In the fourth stanza, the author uses a simile to describe the plane. What is the purpose of this simile?
• It provides a contrast between the narrator’s sadness and the serenity of the island.
• It suggests that the narrator feels peaceful while traveling to the island.
• It calls attention to the turbulence that the narrator is experiencing on the plane.
• It helps to set a detached tone about the narrator’s expectations.


third stanza help develop the poems central theme by 3 point. and in fourth stanza the purpose of using the smile is 2 point.

What is the poem's main idea in a nutshell?

Complete response:

The subject of a poem, or 'what it's about,' is the core concept of the poem. While many people object to poetry being 'about' something, the poet had something in mind when it was written, and that something, whatever it was or may have been, is the central concept.

What is the central theme of the poem Song?

The main theme of T.S Eliot's poem "Song" is love and optimism. The poem's upbeat tone complements the theme of love because, realistically, optimism is required to even believe in, let alone enjoy, the concept of love.

What's an example of a central idea?

Central idea can most often be stated in one sentence. Julia's report card reflected poor grades. She felt she would get in trouble, so she hid her report card from her parents. When her parents discovered what her grades were, they grounded her for trying to hide the truth.

learn more about central theme of poem visit:


I dont think we will be getting free icecream now"muttered kim



I don't think so either....


Suppose the writer's goal had been to provide a guide to interpreting religious symbols created by Puebloan peoples. Would this essay accomplish that purpose?
Yes, because it states that the orientation of a petroglyph symbol has meaning.
Yes, because it indicates that ancient petroglyphs have significance for modern-day Puebloan peoples.
No, because it explains that petroglyphs can be damaged or destroyed if they are examined too closely.
No, because it does not explain what specific petroglyph images represent.


i’m thinking A, you can express a lot through an essay if you know how to

What is the meaning of mandated reporter?


A required reporter is what? Some jurisdictions demand reporting from all residents, whereas all states designate specific specialists as mandatory reporters.

A mandated reporter is someone who must legally disclose any abuse accusations that are based on reasonable grounds.

Typically, this group comprises social workers, educators, medical professionals, child care providers, law enforcement, mental health specialists, and other educators and healthcare personnel; but, in other areas, everyone is required to report. Mandated reporters must adhere to state reporting regulations regarding abuse and neglect. In most states, failing to file a report is considered a misdemeanour, with different jurisdictions imposing different punishments. Even if they are unsure as to whether the claim is accurate, they are nevertheless required to report.

To learn more about mandatory please click on below link


How did Islam spread North Africa?


When Muslim Arabs captured North Africa in the 7th century CE, they sent traders, thinkers, missionaries, and traders to spread Islam over West Africa.

As African rulers either embraced the faith or suffered their own conversion, this was mostly achieved amicably.

About Islam

When the Prophet Muhammad was still a resident of Arabia in the 7th century CE, he introduced the world to the well-known faith of Islam. Muslims must submit to Allah's (Arabic: Allh; God's) will as their core principle. The Arabic word islm, which means "surrender," clarifies this meaning. The world was created, preserved, and repaired by none other but Allah.

To know more about Prophet Muhammad:


Put the items related to the evolution of privacy rights in order from oldest to most recent.-The Supreme Court ruled that gays did not have a right to privacy.-The Supreme Court expanded the right to privacy with regard to abortions.-The Supreme Court ruled in favor of marital privacy.-The Supreme Court ruled that gays have a right to privacy.


According to a preliminary majority opinion authored by Justice Samuel Alito that was circulating around the court and obtained by POLITICO, the Supreme Court has voted to overturn the important Roe v. Wade ruling.

What is Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion ?

The draft opinion is an outright, unreserved rejection of the 1973 ruling that established federal constitutional safeguards for abortion rights and the later 1992 ruling, Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which essentially upheld the right. According to Alito, Roe was egregiously mistaken from the beginning.The "Opinion of the Court" document, which he drafts, states, "We hold that Roe and Casey must be overridden." The Constitution must be followed and the decision on abortion should be left in the hands of the people's elected officials.It has historically been difficult to make decisions about contentious matters. Justices can and occasionally do change their votes as draft opinions are circulated and significant decisions are subject to many revisions and vote-trading, occasionally up to a few days before a decision is made public. The ruling of the court won't be final until it's published, which is probably going to happen in the next two months.The ruling's immediate effect, as it was originally formulated in February, would be to revoke a constitutional guarantee that had protected abortion rights at the federal level for 50 years and give each state the option of restricting or outlawing abortion. The document may have undergone further revisions, but it's unknown.

To Learn more About preliminary majority opinion refer To:


How do you write key terms in a research paper?


The words and phrases in your keywords should give some indication of the subject matter. Include any phrases and terms that are directly linked to your topic.

If the work is about heart issues, for example, use words like heart disease, circulatory system, blood, etc. Keywords are significant phrases and concepts from your research question or thesis. A fast and dirty method to extract keywords is to choose the most crucial nouns from a research question or thesis; all other words are unimportant. Almost often, utilizing keywords when searching will yield more hits than using words or complete sentences.The section of a Cover Page known as the "Key Terms" contains the important legal information and terminology for this Agreement that are not covered by the Standard Terms. The Key Terms may specify the Governing Law, describe Covered Claims, or state other information about this Agreement.

Thus this is how you write key terms in a research paper.

To learn more about research paper, refer:


How does the poet’s use of the simile "i am like a cowslip turning / toward the sky," in lines 32–33, offer evidence to support the speaker’s feelings about herself and her situation in the poem?


The speaker in the poem is in despair.  

When she likens herself to a cowslip, she creates the impact of the way she feels from within, the sensation of disappointment and nearly giving up.

Due to her state of affairs of giving love and now no longer getting it back, the speaker feels dejected and sad due to her state of affairs.

The simile serves as proof to the terrible emotions that the speaker has due to her situation. The simile is a factor of connection with any reader who desires to recognize what the actual emotions of the speaker are, and a point of understanding about how she feels from within.

The simile additionally creates additional comprehension of the speaker's tone.

Read more about poetry at:


Do intelligent people keep quiet?


The most intelligent individuals are those that silently listen and absorb everything that is stated around them.

Because they are analyzing words rather than uttering them, these folks have the most knowledge.

Their ideas and opinions are based on knowledge that has been methodically gathered and organized.

This is not always the case, and while not all silent individuals are necessarily brilliant, extremely intelligent people will frequently refrain from speaking if they are assessing a situation.

They will take some time to consider what was said and prepare an appropriate response, and they prefer quiet over meaningless small talk.

Learn more about to intelligent  visit here;


employers who provide health insurance to their employees must ensure that the employees’ health information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties. True/False ?



Employers should keep their employees health information private and are not allowed to disclose the information to anyone, unless given the permission by the owner. Employees can disclose their health information when in need of accommodation from their employers. The confidentiality of this information is not absolute as they can disclose if need be. Employers are also not required to question employee health information unless the employee is applying for a sick leave. An employer can also inquire the health information of the employee if the employee is back to work from a sick leave. They may inquire to know whether there are guidelines to be followed given by the health expert for the employee to follow even while at work and whether they are permanent or temporary.

Employers are also not required to ask the employees to submit records concerning their health unless when necessary. In case an employee requires medical evaluation, an employer is required to be given the information as to why the employee needs medical evaluation. Disclosing health information of an employee to a third party by the employer should have the employees consent to do so. If the information is disclosed without the employee's consent, legal measures can be taken against the employer and the third party.

Read more about this:


Why do citizens participate in politics?


People get into politics for many reasons. They may be personally motivated because of a life-changing event. You may receive invitations to participate from friends, organizations, political parties or candidate campaigns. A person's socialization, life experience, and attitudes toward politics can affect participation. Some people are very conscious of their civic duties and believe they can influence governments to force them to act. Obstacles, such as legal obstacles, prevent some people from being politically active.

Politics is the totality of activities related to group decision-making or other forms of power relations between individuals.  Distribution of Resources or Status. The branch of social science that studies politics and government is called political science.

Learn more about Politics here:


Which BTS song hit No 1 in Billboard chart for the first time?


If we were to attribute just one song to BTS' rise to international fame, it would be the upbeat "Dynamite."

In addition to becoming the first single by a South Korean artist to enter at No. 1 on the Hot 100, the group's first English-only song also set records on Billboard's Global rankings and Digital Song Sales list.

1 K-pop septet BTS can now add "Billboard top seller" to their resume owing to the success of their May 18 release Love Yourself: Tear, which peaked at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 album chart on May 24.

With a total of six songs reaching the top of the singles list, BTS has the most No. 1 hits on the Hot 100 this decade, according to Billboard. The gang had soon.

To learn more about Dynamite please click on below link


What are the step-by-step guide for the chocolate chip cookie recipe?




½ cup

Granulated Sugar

¾ cup

Brown Sugar (packed)

1 teaspoon


½ cup

Unsalted Butter (melted)



1 teaspoon

Vanilla Extract

1 ¼ cups

All-Purpose Flour

½ teaspoon

Baking Soda

4 ounces

Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chunks (or milk)

4 ounces

Dark Chocolate Chunk (or your preference)


In a large bowl, whisk together the sugars, salt, and butter until a paste forms with no lumps.

Whisk in the egg and vanilla, beating until light ribbons fall off the whisk and remain for a short while before falling back into the mixture.

Sift in the flour and baking soda, then fold the mixture with a spatula (Be careful not to overmix, which would cause the gluten in the flour to toughen resulting in cakier cookies).

Fold in the chocolate chunks, then chill the dough for at least 30 minutes. For a more intense toffee-like flavor and deeper color, chill the dough overnight. The longer the dough rests, the more complex its flavor will be.

Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Scoop the dough with an ice-cream scoop onto a parchment paper-lined baking sheet, leaving at least 4 inches (10 cm) of space between cookies and 2 inches (5 cm) of space from the edges of the pan so that the cookies can spread evenly.

Bake for 12-15 minutes, or until the edges have started to barely brown.

Cool completely before serving.


What are the 3 key elements of the story?


Three key elements of the story are plot, setting, and characters.

A story has three most important pillars for building its strong foundation. The plot is the first important element of a story which occurs in a series of events. A story cannot be successful without a central plot. A plot has a beginning, middle, and end in the story. It is important to connect the beginning, middle, and end with logical actions and events to give a whole picture of the story to the audience.

The setting in a story describes the place, region, culture, and era in which the story takes place. Settings can be one place or several places and various eras and ages. For instance, in Gabriel Garcia Marquez's 'Hundred Years of Solitude' we can see three generations of story.

Characters drive the story from beginning to end. Characters can be divided into protagonists and side characters. The protagonist is the central character on which the story is based. Characters can be humans, animals, and inanimate objects too.

Learn more about story here


What are 8 keywords?



you need to show the thingy that is asking for someone to be able to help

What kind of conflict is described in the passage from the epic poem Beowulf??
character against author
character against character
character against self
character against fare



I've read this poem and am assuming you misspelled Fate? Anywho the answer would be "Character against fate"

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