prevention efforts that are aimed at a specific subgroup of the population considered at-risk for developing mental health problems are called __________ interventions.


Answer 1

Prevention efforts that are aimed at a specific subgroup of the population considered at-risk for developing mental health problems are called selective interventions. The correct answer is B.

What is selective prevention?

There are three types of prevention depending on the costs and advantages of providing the intervention to the target group, with selective prevention being one of them. Selective prevention focuses on particular groups of people that are thought to be more vulnerable than others. The targeted subgroups may be defined by gender, age, family history, area of residency, victimhood, physical and sexual abuse, etc. Selective prevention in mental health refers to interventions that target subgroups regarded as being at high risk for a mental disorder.

This question should be provided with answer choices, which are:

A. TertiaryB. SelectiveC. UniversalD. Indicated

The correct answer is B.

Learn more about mental health here:


Related Questions

the absolute number of people in poverty a. is much higher in 2019 than in 1959. b. has not changed much between 1959 and 2017. c. is much lower in 2017 than in 1959. d. has steadily decreased between 1959 and 2017.


The correct option is A ; Is much higher in 2019 than in 1959.22 percent was the highest ever recorded level of poverty (1950s). 10.5% was the lowest (2019).

Because of this, the poverty rate—the percentage of people living in households whose combined earnings were deemed insufficient to fulfill the minimal American living standards—has declined even more dramatically, from 22% in 1959 to 15% in 1966.

According to the World Bank's $1.90/day definition, 710 million people were still living in severe poverty as of 2021. (or roughly 1 in 10 people worldwide).

2 in 5 people in Sub-Saharan Africa live in "absolute poverty," according to the World Bank, which is defined as having less than $1.90 (about £1.50) per day available to you.

Learn more about to "absolute poverty," visit here;


During the outbreak of WWII, the united states implemented a draft even though we were not at war. With this in mind,do you believe the US thought war was inevitable?explain your answer.


Americans began to worry that Great Britain wouldn't be able to beat Germany by itself. Should a worldwide conflict break out, our own military was dreadfully equipped to fight it.

What do you mean by the World war II?

The Second World War, generally known as World War II, was a battle that lasted from 1939 to 1945 and touched almost every region of the globe.

The main combatants were the Allies, which included France, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and, to a lesser extent, China, and the Axis forces, which included Germany, Italy, and Japan.

To identify males who are qualified to join the American armed forces, the federal government uses the draught.

This typically occurs if the armed forces are too small to supply the required number of soldiers to wage war.

Therefore, Americans began to worry that Great Britain wouldn't be able to beat Germany by itself. Should a worldwide conflict break out, our own military was dreadfully equipped to fight it.

A growing majority of Americans, according to national polls, support starting a draught.

To know more about the world war II, visit:


Every december, miami beach hosts one of the largest events of its kind in the world. what are people coming to see?


As the Miami beach hosts one of the largest events of its kind in the world, people come to see the art each year.

Miami beach a beautiful island that is present in Florida. The building of the beach itself is an art as the place gives an artistic kind of view. There are wide beaches that spread all over this place.

Each year, an art event to celebrate the beauty of the Miami beach is celebrated there. In this event, people not only produce art on paper but also produce different kinds of arts using sand and other items from the beach. People from all over the world come to Miami beach for this art event each year.

To learn more about Miami, click here:


What is a great turnout?


turnout the group of people who attend an event like a party, exhibition, or spectacle: There was a sizable attendance during the meeting. turnout The Local Voters' Rights Act was created to encourage civic engagement and voting in Santa Clara County.

This Local Voter Rights Act will direct the Registrar of Voters (ROV) on voter engagement activities in collaboration with our community partners and residents to inform all eligible voters about their rights turnout and options to vote and to educate them about their rights. You can go Motto your attitude to the voters. With Your Vote, turnout We Hope To Remind You That A Democracy Is Most Powerful When All Eligible Citizens Participate And Have Equal Voice And Decision Making By Voting At The Ballot.

learn more about  turnout here:


when the second can carryinh passengers became disabled to remain stranded was not an option what options would there be to complete the trip to the retreat


Transportation is the critical strategy issue for those with handicaps. Individuals with incapacities have reliably depicted how transportation hindrances influence their lives in some significant manners.

Transportation is the movement of each humans and goods. Whether or not via air, on land or over water, human beings and things are constantly shifting!

The transportation subject matter is a excellent way for motivating children to deal with the similarities and variations among themselves and others. you may experience a less demanding adventure by means of letting someone else do the using is a great benefit of visiting

By means of the use of those ideas, you can help them examine extra approximately the arena around them, exposing them to studies they have now not yet encountered.

Learn more about transportation here:-


Transport is a key strategic issue for people with disabilities. People with disabilities have certainly demonstrated that traffic delays can have a huge impact on their lives.

Transportation is the movement of people and goods. The sky, the land, the sea, people and things are always changing!

Transportation subject are ideal for motivating children to address similarities and differences between themselves and others. You can make your adventures easier by letting someone else use it. This is a great advantage of calling

Using these ideas will allow you to explore your surroundings more closely and expose yourself to research that you have never experienced before.

Learn more about Transportation here :-


Why do wolves symbolize loyalty?


Wolves represent loyalty as they form their own breeding pairs and remain together throughout their life. they live as a team, search a prey together, and the most important, stay loyal towards each other and towards their family.

Wolves: a symbol of loyalty-

Wolves are among the top-most animal class, when it comes to loyalty. The wolves be loyal, towards family and friendship, protection, team-work, coordination, bravery, and playful nature. They live with their family, take care of an animal if he is injured, and also, they educate their young ones.

Many people also nowadays, keep wolves as their puppies, as they are a symbol of affection and attachment. They are devoted and caring towards their owners.

To learn more about wolves:


wants to get ahead in her career, so she has a professional blog. which post is most likely to undermine her reputation?


An endorsement of a local political candidate for an upcoming election.

Any other obligation of citizens is balloting. The law does not require citizens to vote, however voting is a totally important part of any democracy. With the aid of voting, residents are taking part within the democratic technique. Residents vote for leaders to represent them and their thoughts, and the leaders help the citizens' hobbies.

Elections and balloting make government responsible to the people who opt for its pinnacle officers. Responsibility makes authorities accountable. Elections make authorities accountable to the those who elect the government officials.

An electoral device or balloting gadget is a fixed of rules that determine how elections and referendums are conducted and how their outcomes are decided.

Learn more about election here:-


Which of these cultures would be considered low context, verbal communication based?


Asian and Native American cultures would be the ones with this. Low context is the use of carefully selected words that can make it more difficult to understand the meaning. can be utilized to trick.

What categories of culture are there?

Every individual is a member of numerous cultures, including national, subcultural (regional, gender, ethnic, religious, generational, and socioeconomic), group, and workplace cultures (corporate culture).

What does a nation's culture entail?

1. The norms, behaviors, beliefs, practices, and values that the people of a sovereign nation share are referred to as national culture (e.g., a Chinese or Canadian national culture). It alludes to particular traits like language, religion, ethnicity and racial identity, as well as cultural history and traditions.

To know more about cultures visit:


Creosote Inc. operates a plant—a "major source"—that emits hazardous air pollutants for which the Environmental Protection Agency has set maximum levels of emission. The plant does not use equipment to reduce its emissions. Under the Clean Air Act, this is most likely:________.
a. a violation.
b. not a violation because a "major source" is exempt.
c. not a violation because the plant does not use any equipment.
d. not a violation because the plant is not a mobile source.


The Environmental Protection Agency has established maximum emission levels for the harmful air pollutants that Creosote Inc.'s factory, a "major source," generates. The factory doesn't employ machinery to lower its emissions. There is a good chance that this violates the Clean Air Act. The right response in this case is option A.

The Clean Air Act gives the Environmental Protection Agency the equipment it needs to safeguard our families from a variety of dangerous contaminants that, particularly in youngsters, can lead to lung illness and asthma.

Weakening these requirements will increase air pollution and endanger the health of our children. The Clean Air Act keeps pollution levels low and safeguards the well-being of American families and employees.

Americans will live longer, have a higher quality of life, spend less money on medical bills, miss fewer days of school, and produce more at work if there are fewer early deaths and diseases.

To learn more about Clean Air Act


a friend shares a link to an article that seems to be making outrageous claims. what should you do to figure out whether you should trust it?


In order to trust Dig into where the article got its information from to ensure it is accurately presented.

If the abstract is overly intricate or technical, the article's body of work will likely follow suit. If you can grasp the majority of the abstract language, underline unfamiliar terms so you can look them up later. This could be a beneficial educational opportunity.In paid search advertising, sponsored adverts are displayed above organic results and to the side of search engine result pages to stand out more. Consider yourself a client seeking for a good or service online.

To know more about Information here


luna is asked to name all 10 provinces of canada. she names nine but asks for a hint about the last one. what is another term for the hint luna asked for?


Luna is asked to name all 10 provinces of Canada. she names nine but asks for a hint about the last one. what is another term for the hint Luna asked for retrieval cue.

Canada is a country in North America. Its ten provinces and three territories extend from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean and northward into the Arctic Ocean, covering over 9.98 million square kilometers, making it the world's second-largest country by total area. Its southern and western border with the United States, stretching 8,891 kilometers, is the world's longest binational land border. Canada's capital is Ottawa, and its three largest metropolitan areas are Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver.

Retrieval cues are aspects of an individual's physical and cognitive environment which aid the recall process, they can be explicitly provided at recall, self-generated, or encountered more incidentally through the retrieval context.

To know more about Canada, click below-


Tony has a tendency to interpret other people's actions-such as his friends arriving late to meet him for lunch-in a very negative way. These thoughts often leave him feeling depressed. A therapist who wanted to intervene in his depression by challenging this way of thinking would most likely use:.


Tony has a tendency to interpret other people's actions-such as his friends arriving late to meet him for lunch-in a very negative way. These thoughts often leave him feeling depressed. A therapist who wanted to intervene in his depression by challenging this way of thinking would most likely use is Cognitive-behavioral therapies.

The study of human behavior is called psychology. There are different types of emotions in human life, such as joy, sadness, and anger.

What is cognitive behavior?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a psychosocial intervention aimed at reducing symptoms of various mental illnesses, primarily depression and anxiety disorders.

According to the question, cognitive-behavioral therapy can be defined as therapy aimed primarily at improving a person's mental health. It was first used to treat depression.

Tony has mental health issues and interprets people's behavior negative. These feelings make him depressed. Cognitive behavioral therapy should be used to treat his mental health issues.

Learn more about behavioral therapies,  at:


a(n) sexual harassment occurs when a requires that his secretary trade sexual favors for a job promotion.


Quid pro quo s e  x u a  l harassment occurs when a requires that his secretary trade s e  x u a l favors for a job promotion.

Quid pro quo is a Latin expression that means "something for something," and it first appeared in Europe during the Middle Ages. It defines a scenario in which two parties reach a consensus to engage in a reciprocal trade of commodities or services. Quid pro quo is a Latin expression that means "something for something," and it first appeared in Europe during the Middle Ages. It defines a scenario in which two parties reach a consensus to engage in a reciprocal trade of commodities or services. One transfer is therefore dependent upon another transfer from the other side in a quid pro quo arrangement. Quid pro quo, used in both business and legal contexts, means "exchange for something of equal value."

Learn more about Quid pro quo here:


______ is a technique in which data are gathered about individuals and used to serve up personalized messages to prospective voters.


Microtargeting is a technique in which data are gathered about individuals and used to serve up personalized messages to prospective voters.

What is microtargeting?

Microtargeting is a type of targeting that collects a lot of internet data using current technology advancements. To build and deliver messages that reflect a person's tastes and personality, data from people's digital footprints is analyzed.

a method that enables targeting at the individual level. Based on the poll's findings, the campaign creates a statistical model of persuadability, which it then employs to forecast each voter's susceptibility to persuasion.

A marketing tactic called targeting, commonly referred to as multisegment marketing, includes determining particular personas or markets for particular content. Businesses utilize target marketing to better understand their customers, and as a result, develop adverts for targeted audiences to increase reaction.

Read more on microtargeting here:


What are the characteristics of feminist literary theory?


Feminist theory today aims to investigate inequalities and inequities along the intersections of ability, class, gender, racism, sex, and sexuality.

Feminists also work to address power disparities where these intersections exist. Literature that openly or implicitly incorporates feminism as a theme or as an idea is referred to as feminist literature. In addition to promoting gender equality, feminism attempts to address structural issues that negatively impact women's lives. Feminist literature may demonstrate how these issues manifest in the lives of specific women and provide suggestions for how to go forward with different perspectives. Feminist literature typically challenges gender roles and norms, works to achieve gender equality, and addresses feminine themes like home and political ones.

learn more about Feminists here:


who transports hannah to an alternative version of her life in family for christmas?


Hanna transports hannah to an alternative version of her life in family for christmas When Santa Claus overhears Hanna talking and interprets it as a Christmas wish.

Santa Claus brought Hannah to a different version.The query originates from the play Family for Christmas. When Santa Claus overhears Hannah speaking at that point and perceives it as a Christmas wish, he takes her back in time to the beginning of her and Ben's family.Generally speaking, ten years have gone since Hanna Dunbar and her true love, Ben, broke up, and she can't help but wonder how her life would be different now if they had remained together.

Then, when Santa Claus overheard Hannah speaking and joyfully accepted it as a Christmas wish, Hannah was magically transported to another reality where she and Ben had a family.He sends her back to a time when she and Ben had already begun a family.In general, ten years have passed since Hanna Dunbar and her true love, Ben, split up, and she can't help but ponder how different her life would be today if they had stayed together.

To know more about Christmas visit:


southern white women had less access to education than their northern counterparts. group of answer choices false true


TRUE - White women from the South had less access to education than those from the North.

White instructors from the north, primarily women, traveled to the South to educate in Black communities in the 1860s in the wake of the Civil War and in the 1960s during the Civil Rights Movement.

This study looks at White instructors' experiences over these two historical eras working and living in southern Black communities. Their experiences share why they chose to teach in the South and why they chose to pursue careers as teachers.

The instructors in the 1960s cohort also discuss how their experiences affected how they taught when they went back to the North. The 1860s were viewed through the prism of five in-depth first-person stories that detailed the experiences of White teachers in the South. First-person accounts were augmented by secondary sources.

Learn more about " southern white women " to visit here;


antonio's football coach frequently yells at him for swearing. as a result, antonio now experiences anxiety when he's near his coach. the coach is a(n) for antonio's anxiety.


Antonio's football coach frequently yells at him for swearing. as a result, antonio now experiences anxiety when he's near his coach. the coach is a(n) conditioned stimulus for antonio's anxiety.

Anxiety is a feeling of worry, dread, and uneasiness. it would reason you to sweat, experience stressed and traumatic, and feature a speedy heartbeat. it can be a ordinary reaction to strain. as an instance, you might experience aggravating when faced with a tough trouble at paintings, earlier than taking a test, or before making an vital selection.

Feeling irritated, nervous or unable to relax. having a feel of dread, or fearing the worst. feeling like the world is dashing up or slowing down. feeling like different humans can see you are demanding and are looking at you.

Learn more about anxiety here:

in most of the poor nations of the world today, what is the average number of children born to a woman?


In most of the poor nations of the world today, 3 children is the average number of children born to a woman.

Low fertility rates are the norm in most of the world's regions, and the global fertility rate has declined to below 2.5 children per woman. Currently, 80% of the world's population lives in nations with a fertility rate below 3 children per woman. On the opposite end of the spectrum, a small number of nations, which are home to about 10% of the world's population, nonetheless have women who have more than five children on average. While many of the nations with the greatest fertility rates in the 1950s witnessed a fast decline in the number of children per woman, the nations that already had low fertility rates only minimally increased their fertility rates.

To know more about fertility rates:


Public architecture in the form of pyramids, platforms, and plazas can be traced back about how far in South America:a. 2,650 years agob. before 5,000 years agoc. 3,250 years agod. about 4,000 years ago


Public architecture in the form of pyramids, platforms, and plazas can be traced back about 5,000 years ago in South America.

The answer is B. before 5,000 years ago.

South America has a history of ancient civilizations that were sophisticated for their time. This can be seen in several heritage sites in the form of pyramids. One of the oldest civilizations in South America is the Norte Chico Civilization in Supe, Peru.

Norte Chico has the Holy City of Caral as their capital city. This metropolitan city was built around 5000 years ago.

The first archaeological discovery of the site occurred in 1905 by Max Uhle a German archaeologist. Furthermore, the discovery of sites continued to emerge until in 1970 they discovered the pyramids.

Other than the pyramids, Caral's people built other great monuments such as plazas, amphitheaters, temples, and residential areas.

Learn more about pyramids:


the term heterarchy refers to . group of answer choices the dynamic power shifting in teams. the coercive power shifting in teams. the shifts in power from team member to top leadership. the power struggles in teams.


The term heterarchy refers the dynamic power shifting in teams. In a social setting, a heterarchy shares power and decision-making while a hierarchy gives more authority and privilege to those at the top of the organisation.

Heterarchy is a form of administration or rule in which any unit may rule or be ruled by another according to the situation; as a result, no one unit rules over the others. A heteroarchy distributes power. Heterarchy is a type of organisational structure where the components can be arranged in a variety of ways or are unranked (non-hierarchical).  The term has different meanings in different academic fields. In the social and information sciences, heterarchies are networks of elements where each element shares the same "horizontal" position of power and authority and has a theoretically equal role. However, in biological taxonomy, the necessary elements of heterarchy include things like a species sharing space with another species from a different family.

learn more about organisation here


among classical liberalism/libertarianism, welfare liberalism, and socialism, which best reflects the true nature of justice? support your answers with reasons.


All these are an approach that works in different conditions. The best nature of any approach is developed in the context in which you are using the approach.

Therefore, according to Plato, the essence of true justice is the non-interference principle. Plato viewed the State as a perfect whole in which each individual, which is its component, serves not for himself or herself but for the wellbeing of the whole. Every component carries out its proper duty. Distributive justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice are the three types of justice that have an effect on how people view what is just. Natural justice refers to basic principles of legal procedure and fair play in action.

The natural justice principles, in Lord Widgery's words, "were those fundamental laws; the violation will prevent justice from appearing to be done."

Learn more about justice here:


. in a case study, a researcher is most likely to . a. interview many research subjects who have a single problem or disorder b. conduct an in-depth study of a single research participant c. choose and investigate a single topic d. use any of these options, which describe different types of case studies


in a case study, a researcher is most likely to conduct an in-depth study of a single research participant.

Case studies are in-depth analyses of a particular individual, group, circumstance, or community. Data are often acquired from a range of sources and by employing a variety of techniques (e.g. observations & interviews).

The case history, or personal history of the patient, is where the case study research methodology first appeared in clinical medicine. Case studies in psychology are frequently limited to the investigation of a single subject.

The material is mostly biographical and pertains to key current events in the person's life as well as prior significant occurrences (i.e., retrospective).

The case study is not a research method in and of itself; rather, researchers choose data gathering and analysis techniques that will provide case study material.

learn more about case studies at


role _______ is experienced when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles.


Role ambiguity will be the first role process variable covered in this essay. Role ambiguity occurs when individuals lack sufficient knowledge about their roles.

What does the word "variable" mean?

A variable is a value that could alter depending on the specifics of an experiment or mathematical problem. Typically, a variable is designated by a single letter. The most widely used universal signs for variables are the letters x, ky, and z.

What does the term "dependent variable" mean?

In order to establish the causality of relationships, researchers frequently change or measure autonomous and comparative fit for investigations. The cause is the independent variable. Its worth is unaffected by the other study variables. Effect is the dependent variable. Variable modifications have an effect.

To know more about variable visit:


Jerry Seinfeld, a comedian, started out doing stand-up comedy and went on to perform on a hit TV series. As he
went from stand-up comedian to TV star, his income increased substantially. During this time, he bought more
cars (specifically, Porsches) to add to his collection. For Jerry, what kind of good is a Porsche?


The question says that Jerry Seinfeld was a comedian who started out doing stand-up comedy and ended up on a popular TV show.

We were informed that as he progressed from stand-up comedian to TV star, his income significantly increased, prompting him to acquire additional Porsches to add to his collection.

We must demonstrate to Jerry the value of a Porsche.

As Jerry's income increased, so did his demand for Porsches.

Therefore, Jerry's purchase of a Porsche is typical.

For every increase in his income, he demands more Porsches.

What kind of automobile does Jerry Seinfeld own?

He owns Porsches, Ferraris, and even a Volkswagen Beetle among his many automobiles. However, his 1963 Corvette Stingray Split Window Coupe is our personal favorite. Let's take a deeper look at the cars of today: Porsche 550 Spyder from 1955.

To learn more about income increased here


what percentage of women in the united states work and have a child under 6 years of age?


Compared to moms whose youngest kid was between the ages of 6 and 17, 75.5 percent of mothers with children under the age of 6 were employed in 2021.

What issue do working mothers most frequently mention?

23 percent of respondents say they don't have time for self-care, and 53% report receiving less than six hours of sleep every night. Concerns about their own mental health and childcare issues, according to 48% of parents surveyed, led them to quit their jobs or go to part-time work. Employers can prevent employees from leaving, nevertheless, in several ways.

Does the government provide financial aid to parents who have kids?

If you have children under the age of 18 who will live with you for more than half of 2021 and make less than $112,500 year or $150,000 annually as a married couple, you probably qualify for the entire benefit. Your eligibility for other government benefits like SNAP is unaffected by receiving these benefits.

To know more about health and childcare, visit:


before nominees to the supreme court can take their positions, what has to happen after the president nominates each person


Specifically, Article II, Section 2, Clause 2, provides that the President of the United States nominates a justice and that the United States Senate provides Advice and consent before the person is formally appointed to the supreme court.

The preferred court of us is the very best court inside the federal judiciary of us. It has remaining appellate jurisdiction over all U.S. federal court cases, and over national court instances that involve a point of federal law.

A splendid court docket is the best court docket in the hierarchy of courts in maximum legal jurisdictions. different descriptions for such courts include the courtroom of final inn, apex court, and high (or final) court of appeal. extensively speaking, the choices of the best courtroom are not concerned with further evaluation through another courtroom. nine Justices make up the current ultimate court docket: one leader Justice and 8 accomplice Justices. The Honorable John G. Roberts, Jr., is the 17th leader Justice of America, and there were 104 accomplice Justices within the court docket's records.

Learn more about supreme court here:


you are a correctional officer who feels compelled to report ethical misconduct within your institution. according to research, which group is least likely to be supportive of your efforts?


Being a correctional officer it is most likely that unions will be the least likely to be supportive of my efforts while reporting ethical misconduct within my institution.

Correctional staff watch over convicts' daily activities to make sure they follow the rules. They must also constantly monitor everyone's whereabouts. Prisoners are also escorted by officers to and from the institution, as well as to courts, hospitals, and other locations.

Failure of the leadership, as well as a lack of discipline, oversight, and training, appear to be some causes of misconduct. Misconduct is facilitated by management strategies that do not offer the required oversight, direction, mission, and training.

Being in a position of power and speaking out against misconduct can be quite difficult. Anyone who sees or suspects inappropriate behavior won't likely report it for fear of causing trouble and facing retaliation.

To know more about 'correctional officer' related questions



during which phase of the incident response life cycle do you hold meetings to discuss lessons learned from the incident and the response?


During the Post-incident activities, of the incident response life cycle we can hold meetings to discuss lessons learned from the incident and the response.

We try to pinpoint precisely what happened, why it happened, and what we can do to prevent it from happening again in the post incident activity phase, often known as a postmortem (Latin for after death). This is not merely a technical examination because it might be necessary to alter infrastructure or regulations. Following a workplace safety incident, a PIR is a high level evaluation of the safety data. In order to determine preventative actions for the future, safety professionals analyse the procedures, data, and tools that were available at this stage, as well as how well they were employed.

Learn more about postmortem here:


The sociological approach to solving environmental problems would include recycling one-time-use plastics.
a. True
b. False


TRUE. The sociological approach to solving environmental problems would include recycling one-time-use plastics.

The study of interconnections between societies and their natural environment is known as environmental sociology. The focus of the field is on the social aspects that affect environmental resource management and contribute to environmental problems, as well as the mechanisms by which these problems are socially created to become social problems and the society reactions to them. In reaction to the advent of the environmental movement in the 1960s, environmental sociology arose as a subfield of sociology in the late 1970s. It is a relatively recent field of study that focuses on expanding prior sociology by including physical surroundings in relation to social issues.

To know more about environmental sociology:


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