Saved Place the following events in order starting with the vibration of the oval window and ending with the depolarization of hair cells. Rank the options below. Basilar membrane moves up and down Potassium ions enter hair cell causing depolarization Inner hair cells are pushed against the tectorial membrane Oval window vibrates Pressure wave travels through the perilymph of the scala vestibuli Stereocilia bend and tip-link proteins open potassium channels


Answer 1

This causes the hair cell to become hyperpolarized and reduces calcium entry as well as neurotransmitter release. Furthermore, this causes the corresponding axon of the vestibulocochlear nerve to produce fewer action potentials.

How are depolarized hair cells formed?

The release of a neurotransmitter that can start nerve impulses in the sensory neurons that synapse on the base of the hair cell is brought on by a depolarization of the cell brought on by an inflow of potassium ions.

Where exactly are the inner and outer hair cells for hearing located?

The Organ of Corti, which rests on the basilar membrane and has three rows of outer and one row of inner hair cells, is home to these auditory neurons. The tectorial membrane covers the top of the Organ of Corti.

To know more about hair cells visit;


Related Questions

unusually active transposition after a polyploidy event might cause gene ________, changes in gene expression, and even chromosomal ______, all of which would provide genetic variation on which natural selection can act


Unusually active transposition after a polyploidy event might cause gene mutation, changes in gene expression, and even chromosomal rearrangement, all of which would provide a genetic variation on which natural selection can act

What is mutation?

A mutation is a change to an organism's DNA sequence. Errors in DNA replication during cell division, exposure to mutagens, or viral infection can all cause mutations. Base substitutions, deletions, and insertions are the three different forms of DNA mutations. While most mutations are benign, some can be detrimental. A dangerous mutation may lead to a cancerous condition or possibly a genetic problem. Chromosome mutations are yet another type of mutation. Genes are carried by chromosomes, which are teeny, threadlike structures found in the cell nucleus.

Hence, the answer is unusually active transposition after a polyploidy event might cause gene mutation, changes in gene expression, and even chromosomal rearrangement, all of which would provide a genetic variation on which natural selection can act.

To learn more about mutations, follow the link:


Which of these is(are) pyrimidines?
The figure shows two types of nitrogen bases. The first type contains two bases: guanine, marked A, and adenine, marked B. The second contains three other: C, D, E. The bases A and B consist of a six-membered ring attached to five-membered ring. The bases C, D, and E have only six-membered ring in their structure.


The figure which will shows two types of nitrogen bases will be in C, D, and E.

How many pyrimidine bases are there?There are two kinds of nitrogen-containing bases - purines and pyrimidines. Purines consist of a six-membered and a five-membered nitrogen-containing ring, fused together. Pyrimidines have only a six-membered nitrogen-containing ring. There are 4 purines and 4 pyrimidines that are of concern to us.The nitrogenous bases are in the interior of the DNA double helix, with the sugars and phosphate portions of each nucleotide forming the backbone of the molecule.The construction of nucleotides, which in turn create the nucleic acids like DNA and RNA, uses a set of five nitrogenous bases. The sequencing of these bases in DNA and RNA is how information is stored, making them of utmost importance.

Learn more about pyrimidine bases here:


A mycorrhiza is said to be a symbiotic association. What are the two parties in this symbiosis, and what are the benefits derived by each party?



mycorrhiza is a symbiotic association between a green plant and a fungus. The plant makes organic molecules such as sugars by photosynthesis and supplies them to the fungus, and the fungus supplies to the plant water and mineral nutrients, such as phosphorus, taken from the soil

Explain how the following mutations would affect transcription of the yeast GAL1gene in the presence of galactose.(a) A deletion within the GAL4 gene that removes the region encoding amino acids 1 to 100 .(b) A deletion of the entire GAI3gene.(c) A mutation within the GAL80gene that blocks the ability of Gal80 protein to interact with Gal3p.(d) A deletion of one of the four UAS elements upstream from the GAL1 gene.(e) A point mutation in the GAL1 core promoter that alters the sequence of the TATA box.


(a) The deletion of the region encoding amino acids 1 to 100 of the GAL4 gene would disrupt the activity of the protein, resulting in the failure of transcriptional activation of the GAL1 gene.

(b) The deletion of the GAI3 gene would cause a reduction in the transcriptional activation of the GAL1 gene, since the GAI3 gene plays an important role in the regulation of GAL1 expression.

(c) The mutation in the GAL80 gene would prevent Gal80 protein from interacting with Gal3p, resulting in decreased activation of the GAL1 gene.

(d) The deletion of one of the four UAS elements upstream from the GAL1 gene would cause a decrease in the transcriptional activation of the GAL1 gene, since the UAS elements are important for the regulation of GAL1 expression.

(e) The point mutation in the GAL1 core promoter that alters the sequence of the TATA box would have a negative effect on the expression of GAL1, since the TATA box is essential for the transcription of the gene.

What is Mutation?

Mutation is the process of changing the structure of a gene, resulting in a variant form that is often different from the original. Mutations can be caused by environmental factors such as radiation and chemicals, or can occur randomly. Mutations can be beneficial, causing a gene to become more suited to its environment, or can be harmful, causing the gene to become less suited or even non-functional.

What are Amino acids?

Amino acids are organic compounds that are made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen atoms. They are the building blocks of proteins, and they play a fundamental role in almost all biological processes. Amino acids are essential to all forms of life, as they are used in the synthesis of proteins, which are necessary for the structure, function, and regulation of the body’s tissues and organs.

To know more about Amino acids,


Do substitutions cause a change in amino acid


A mutation known as a substitution is one in which one base is switched out for another. A codon that encodes a different amino acid may be changed, which would result in a minor modification to the protein that is created.

What is amino acid ?

Proteins are made up of substances called amino acids. Proteins and amino acids are the components of life. Amino acids are the byproducts of the digestion or breakdown of proteins. Amino acids are used by the human body to create proteins that aid in: Dissect food.

In terms of genomics, substitution is a sort of mutation where one nucleotide is changed for a different nucleotide. The phrase can also be used to describe switching out one amino acid for another in a protein.

Thus, A codon that encodes a different amino acid may be changed, which would result in a minor modification to the protein that is created.

To learn more about amino acid, follow the link;


label the features of the cervical region of the cadaver spinal cord and meninges by clicking and dragging the labels to the correct location.


Dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater are the proper sequence of the spinal meninges from superficial to deep (outside to within). The dura mater is the outermost layer that is strongly related to the spinal column and skull.

Which of the following meningeal layers is the one that is closest to the brain?

The brain and spinal cord are encased in three layers of meninges. The pia mater is the fragile inner layer. The arachnoid, a web-like structure filled with fluid that protects the brain, is the middle layer. The dura mater is the name of the hard outer layer.

What is the coccyx's inferior continuation of the pia mater?

The filum terminale, a fibrous extension that binds the spinal cord to the coccyx, is formed by the pia mater after the spinal cord has terminated.

How should the meninges be arranged from neural tissue to bone?

They are called: The outermost layer, closest to your skull, is called the dura mater. This is the middle layer, the arachnoid matrix. The inner layer, or pia mater, is the one that is closest to your brain's tissue.

To know more about meninges to the brain visit;


match the types of movement with the correct description. extension plantar flexion dorsiflexion hyperextension flexion abduction adduction


Match the types of movement, according to the correct description:

The Extension, is the reduction of a joint angle. Correct answer: 1-A.The Dorsiflexion, is the elevation of the foot towards the shin. Correct answer: 2-E.The Plantar flexion, is the standing on tiptoe. Correct answer: 3-D.The Abduction, is movement away from the midline of the body or medial plane. Correct answer: 4-F.The Hyperextension, is the extension of a joint beyond anatomical position. Correct answer: 5-C.The Adduction, is the movement toward the midline of the body or medial plane. Correct answer: 6-G.The Flexion, is the Increase of the angle of a joint. Correct answer: 7-B.

Importance of human body movements

Human body movements are important for a variety of reasons:

They allow us to interact with our environment and perform everyday tasks. Body movements also help us to express ourselves and communicate with others. Additionally, body movements can help improve physical strength and coordination, as well as provide us with mental and emotional benefits. Movement helps us stay healthy and can even reduce our risk of developing chronic diseases.

Match the types of movement with the correct description:

1- Extension

2- Dorsiflexion

3- Plantar flexion

4- Abduction

5- Hyperextension

6- Adduction

7- Flexion

A) Reducing the angle of the joint

B) Increasing the angle of a joint

C) Extension of a joint beyond the anatomical position

D) Standing on toes

E) Foot lifted toward shin

F) Movement away from the midline of the body or medial plane

G) Movement toward the midline of the body or medial plane

Learn more about Movements of the human body:


Which disturbance would result in primary succession?

• harvesting wheat by using a combine harvester at the end of the growing season
• controlled burning to stimulate the growth of forest trees such as sequoia
• the formation of Surtsey, a volcanic island off of the southern coast of Iceland
• the effect of a large herd of elephants on the grasses and shrubs in an area



Primary succession is the process of ecosystem development that occurs on a previously uninhabited or barren land. This type of succession begins with the establishment of pioneering species that can tolerate the harsh environmental conditions of the barren land. Over time, these species create conditions that allow for the growth and establishment of other species, eventually leading to the development of a mature ecosystem.

The formation of Surtsey, a volcanic island off the southern coast of Iceland, is an example of primary succession. When the island first formed, it was barren and devoid of life. However, over time, pioneering species such as lichens and mosses were able to establish themselves on the island. These species slowly created conditions that allowed for the growth of other species, and eventually the island developed a mature ecosystem.

In contrast, the other options listed do not represent primary succession. Harvesting wheat by using a combine harvester does not result in the formation of a new ecosystem, and controlled burning does not create the conditions necessary for primary succession. The effect of a large herd of elephants on the grasses and shrubs in an area also does not represent primary succession, as this disturbance does not result in the formation of a new ecosystem.


Answer:all the above


What can a Punnett Square be used to determine?



Which of the following is false about protists?
a) They include the algae.
b) They are important components of plankton.
c) Flagella occur in many different protist groups.
d) They live in very dry environments.
e) They can be free living or symbiotic.


The statement which is not true about protists is :

They live in very dry environments.

( Protists live in lakes, rivers, oceans, ponds and wet sediments. Since they are microscopic organisms, they can live in just about any part of the world that has traces of water to support their life).

What do you mean by protists?

Protists are a diverse collection of organisms that do not fit into animal, plant, bacteria or fungi groups. While exceptions exist, they are primarily microscopic and made up of a single cell (unicellular).

Protists are eukaryotes as they possess a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles (structures that perform a specific job).

At one time, simple organisms such as amoebas and single-celled algae were classified together in a single taxonomic category: the kingdom Protista. However, the emergence of better genetic information has since led to a clearer understanding of evolutionary relationships among different groups of protists, and this classification system was rendered defunct. Understanding protists and their evolutionary history continues to be a matter of scientific discovery and discussion.

To know more about protists from the given link:


They live in very dry environments. - False. Protists are mostly aquatic and live in watery environments, although some live in moist environments and some are parasitic.

What is Protists?

Protists are a diverse group of single-celled or multi-cellular eukaryotes that are not classified as animals, plants, or fungi. They are found in virtually every habitat on Earth, ranging from the deepest oceans to the highest mountains. Protists are essential to many ecosystems, serving as both primary producers and consumers. Examples of protists include amoebas, algae, slime molds, and diatoms. Protists have a variety of shapes and sizes, and many have adapted to live in extreme conditions. As a result, they play a major role in the cycling of nutrients throughout ecosystems. Protists are also important in human health and medicine, as some are used in the production of antibiotics, food, and other medical treatments.

To learn more about Protists

Can you give me right answers




sprout not spout

Why are common cold viruses difficult to care?
A. Vaccines prevent the development of a cure
B. The virus leads to other viral infections such as the flu and HIV
C. The viral genome mutates very quickly
D. A copy of the DNA is made from the viral RNA


Answer: the virl genomes mutates very quickly

the layer in the wall of the alimentary canal that is rich in blood vessels and lymphatic vessels that carry away absorbed materials is the


The outermost layer of the digestive tract is found within the abdominal cavity and is called the serosa. It is a thin sheet of loose connective tissue that is dense with blood vessels, lymphatics, and adipose tissue and is covered by a basic squamous covering epithelium or mesothelium.

The digestive system collaborates with the other body systems, as is true of all bodily systems, and does not operate independently. Think about how the cardiovascular and digestive systems interact, for instance. Veins drain the digestive tract, and arteries deliver oxygen and digested nutrients to the digestive organs.

These intestinal veins, which together make up the hepatic portal system, are special in that blood is not returned to the heart in a direct manner. Instead, this blood is sent to the liver, where its nutrients are processed before making the whole circuit back to the heart.

In order to assist the cardiac muscle and vascular tissue in their function, the digestive system also supplies nutrition to those tissues. The link between the endocrine and digestive systems.

Learn more about serosa at


babies born by cesarean section are likely to have less lactobacillus species in their normal microbiota than babies born vaginally.


Acetyl chloride reacts with a Grignard reagent to form a ketone. For example, acetyl chloride reacts with methyl magnesium bromide to form acetone.

What is normal microbiota?

The term "human microbiome" refers to the collective of all microorganisms found on or in human tissues and biofluids, as well as their corresponding anatomical locations, such as the skin, mammary glands, seminal fluid, uterus, ovarian follicles, lung, saliva, oral mucosa, conjunctiva, biliary tract, and gastrointestinal tract. Bacteria, archaea, fungus, protists, and viruses are some examples of human microbiota species. Even though they can exist on the human body, microorganisms are normally not included in this description. Although the phrase "human metagenome" has the same meaning, the term "human microbiome" is occasionally used in genomics to refer to the collective genomes of resident bacteria. [1]

Numerous bacteria that contain roughly the same number of non-human cells as human cells live inside of humans.

To know more about normal microbiota visit:


organize in a sequence the structures and fluids through which light passes as it travels from the cornea to the retina (top to bottom) by clicking and dragging the labels to the correct location.


Cornea→ Aqueous humor→ Pupil of the Iris→ Lens→ Vitreous humor→ Retina is the proper pathway for light to travel from the cornea to the retina.

Describe retina.

the layers of light-sensitive nerve tissue there at back of the eye that take in images and transmit them through electric signals to the brain via the optic nerve.

What occurs if the retina is harmed?

Damage to the retina frequently results in vision loss. Medical experts claim that when the retina is damaged by a disease or maybe an accident, blood vessels are affected. Neurons are moved via the veins between both the brain & the optic nerve. When neurons are damaged, they die and the brain is unable to receive visual information.

To know more about retina visit :


What is segmentation?
A. a body plan where each segment contains
a different organ system
B. a body with a head and many segments
that carry only reproductive organs
C. a subdivided body plan with repeated
D. a form of reproducing where the organism
creates new segments that break off


Segmentation:  a subdivided body plan with repeated parts.

What is segmentation?

In zoology, segmentation, also known as metamerism or metameric segmentation, refers to the state of having a linear pattern of repeated pieces, each of which is a metamere (a body segment or somite) and which develops sequentially in the embryo from anterior to posterior.

An organism may move across segments while having its delicate organs protected from harm. An organism's capacity to segment functions into various body parts enables it to carry out ever more complicated actions and utilize various body parts for a variety of roles.

Correct option: C -  a subdivided body plan with repeated parts.

To know more about segmentation refer to:


a woman with type a blood marries a man with type b blood. their offspring all have type ab blood. the pattern of inheritance is called: (b.6f) question 12 options: sex-linked codominance crossing-over incomplete dominance


When the father has type A blood, the mother has type B blood, and the children have type AB blood, the inheritance pattern is referred to as codominance.

What happens when type A blood and type B blood mate?

After mating, both alleles will exhibit equal dominance and impact. The gene pattern iAi or iAiA is present in type A blood. The gene pattern iBi or iBiB is present in type B blood.

What is meant by codominance?

In terms of genetics, codominance is a type of inheritance in which a person's traits are determined by two different expressions (alleles) of the same gene. In other words, neither quality predominates over the other but both appear, as in a plant or animal having different pigment colours.

The blood type of a person is one frequent trait that can't truly be seen by simply looking at them but that many people are aware of. People with the blood type AB have one A allele and one B allele. Because both alleles are expressed at the same time, their blood type is AB.

To learn more about codominance visit:


An amino acid, previously studied, bonds to three other amino acids to make a protein. In which organelle does this most likely occur?
- rough endoplasmic reticulum
- lysosomes
- Golgi apparatus
- centrioles


Rough endoplasmic reticulum nucleolus will likely take place, claims the statement.

What are the centrioles' purposes?

The nuclear envelope and a pair of cylinder lobules centrioles are located adjacent to each other in the cytoplasm of animal cells. Centrioles organize the microtubules that make up the cell's skeleton. They assist in locating the nucleus and other organelles of the cell.

Are centrioles able to transmit disease?

Cells include barrel-shaped centrioles that are made up of several proteins. Since changes in the molecules that build them up can result in a wide range of illnesses, such as malignancy, respiratory disorders, male sterility, and developmental disorders, they are now the subject of much research.

To know more about Centrioles visit:


Do you think our society is wasteful in terms of natural resources? Defend your
position by explaining the social and economic factors affecting our use of
natural resources. Discuss how we can improve the way that we use natural
resources. What are some social or economic factors that will make it difficult to
improve the way that we use natural resources?


Yes, I think that our society is wasteful in terms of natural resources and the social and economic factors which affect our use of natural resources is  unmanaged population growth, political instability etc.

What is Resource?

This is referred to as all the materials which are used for making profits or benefits and examples include water, crude oil etc.

We can improve the way that we use natural resources by using more renewable energy and reducing food wastage. This is because renewable energy aren't easily depleted as a result of it being recycled through various forms and methods.

Some social or economic factors that will make it difficult to improve the way that we use natural resources include climate change,pollution etc because these resources are used to cushion the effects of this unfavorable conditions.

Read more about Resources here


 The prefix chloro- is derived from the Greek word that means "green." Using this information, explain why the chlorophylls are well named.


The chlorophylls are well named because they do not absorb green light; instead, they permit it to be reflected or transmitted.

What is the main role of chlorophylls?

The name chlorophyll is derived from the Greek word khloros meaning pale green and phyllon meaning leaf. Chlorophyll is the pigmentation present in all plants that allows plants absorb energy transmitted from light.

Photosynthesis uses the energy absorbed from light to convert carbon dioxide and water molecules into glucose. As a primary pigment (photoreceptor), chlorophyll reflects green light while absorbing red and blue light in the chloroplast.

Find out more on chlorophylls here:


Which is a genetic condition that causes a
deficiency of plasma clotting factors?


Answer: Hemophilia is a sex-linked genetic disorder that inhibits the blood’s ability to clot properly.


explain in bioenergetic terms how the conversion of pyruvate to phosphoenolpyruvate in gluconeogenesis overcomes the large, negative, standard free-energy change of the pyruvate kinase reaction in glycolysis.


The cell uses two ATP equivalents to convert pyruvate to PEP: ATP for the pyruvate carboxylase process and GTP (equal to ATP) for the PEP carboxykinase reaction. The gluconeogenic process is made exergonic by combining the use of two ATP equivalents with the conversion of pyruvate to PEP.

What is bioenergetics?

The area of biochemistry known as "bioenergetics" is concerned with how cells use, produce, store, or use adenosine triphosphate to change energy (ATP). The majority of cellular metabolism, and thus life itself, depend on bioenergetic processes like cellular respiration and photosynthesis.

Hence, in bioenergetic terms, the answer is the cell uses two ATP equivalents to convert pyruvate to PEP: ATP for the pyruvate carboxylase process and GTP (equal to ATP) for the PEP carboxykinase reaction. The gluconeogenic process is made exergonic by combining the use of two ATP equivalents with the conversion of pyruvate to PEP.

To learn more about bioenergetics, follow the link:


Stacy's doctor tells her she should be eating more whole foods. What should she add to her diet to MOST effectively make this happen?
OA. granola bars
О в.
vitamin supplements
bell peppers
protein shakes


Vitamin supplements
Whole Foods are considered ones that pure substances that do not contain additives therefore the correct answer is bell peppers. Brainliest is appreciated

Based on the data in the tables above, which of the following statements provides the best prediction for the boiling
point of NaCl?
NaCl will have a lower boiling point than NaF because the coulombic attractions are weaker in NaCl than in
NaCl will have a boiling point between that of NaF and MgO because the covalent character of the bonds in
NaCl is intermediate between that of MgO and NaF.
NaCl will have a higher boiling point than MgO because the ions are spaced farther apart in NaCl.
NaCl will have a higher boiling point than MgO because the energy required to transfer electrons from the
anion to the cation is larger in NaCl than in MgO.



NaCl will have a lower boiling point than NaF because the coulomb jc attractions are weaker in NaCl than in NaF


Because the ions in NaCl are further distant from one another than those in MgO, NaCl will have a higher boiling point.

Why is the boiling point of nonane so high?NaCl has a greater boiling point than MgO because its ions are wider apart from one another.Due to its longer carbon chain than octane, nonane will have a higher boiling point. Since octane branches less than 2,2,3,3-tetramethylbutane, it has a bigger "surface area" and stronger van der Waals forces, which will cause it to boil at a higher temperature.London dispersion forces are stronger in liquid I2 because I2 molecules have more polarizable electron clouds than Br2 molecules do.Distillation. Distillation is a process of separation based on variations in the boiling points of compounds, as explained in analysis: Interference removal: Distillation.The fact that larger molecules of the same kind have greater boiling points than smaller ones suggests that dispersion forces rise with mass, number of electrons, number of atoms, or some combination of these.

To learn more about MgO, NaCl will have a higher boiling point refer to:


Hormones are:Multiple select question.substances secreted by endocrine glandssubstances that diffuse from the interstitial fluid into the bloodstreamsubstances that act on target cellssubstances that communicate cells of the nervous system with each other and with muscles and glands


Hormones are substances secreted by endocrine glands. They are substances that diffuse from the interstitial fluid into the bloodstream and they act on target cells.

What are hormones?

Hormones are a class of signaling molecules present in multicellular organisms that are sent to different organs by complex biological processes in order to regulate behavior and physiology. Hormones are necessary for the correct development of animals, fungi and plants.

They are basically the body’s chemical messengers. They travel through the bloodstream to different organs, tissues, muscles and skin. Hormones send signals that tell the body what and when to do.

Therefore, hormones are substances secreted by endocrine glands. They are substances that diffuse from the interstitial fluid into the bloodstream and they act on target cells.

Learn more about hormones here:


Define the endocrine system and explain the influence of the pituitary and adrenal glands on behavior


The endocrine system is a group of glands that create hormones that control a variety of processes, including metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, sexual function, reproduction, sleep, and mood.

How the influence of the pituitary and adrenal glands on behavior?

These signals in turn regulate the release and manufacture of additional hormones from the pituitary gland, which signal other bodily glands and organs. The regulation of body temperature, appetite, thirst, and water intake, as well as sleep and wake cycles, emotional behavior, and memory, are all influenced by the hypothalamus.

The manufacture and release of glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and additional sources of androgens in humans are all controlled by the adrenal cortex. These hormones affect mood, reproduction, and behavior and are crucial for maintaining homeostasis.

To know more about endocrine system, visit:


as a cook chops red onions he begins to tear up due to activation of the lacrimal gland. which of the following nerves provided the stimulus?



As a cook chops red onions he begins to tear up because,


The lacrimal gland is a tubuloacinar exocrine gland. Its function is to secrete electrolytes, water, proteins, and mucin. The nerves responsible for this stimulus are sensory corneal and conjunctival nerves.

How is reporting of white blood cells on sputum culture Gram stains different than other Gram stains?





Please answer question


The radius of the planet Crawford b is 90010.80 km as per the plot given.

What is planet?

Planet is defined as a celestial body that meets the following criteria: it must be in orbit around the Sun, have enough mass for its self-gravity to outweigh rigid body forces, take on a hydrostatic equilibrium shape, and have cleared the area around its orbit.

Given the radius of star = 789447 km

The planet's passage is what causes the depth in the light-curve. The depth determines a planet's size.

Here, the transit drops from 100% to 98.7%. Total depth will therefore be

Depth = 100 - 98.7 = 1.3 % = 0.013

The formula for the star radius calculation

Depth = ( Radius of planet / Radius of star )²

Radius of planet = Radius of star × √Depth

Radius of planet = 789447 ×  √(0.013)

Radius of planet =  90010.80 km

Thus, the radius of the planet Crawford b is 90010.80 km as per the plot given.

To learn more about planet, refer to the link below:


FILL IN THE BLANK. The distal ends of the olfactory neurons are covered with hairlike ________.


The distal ends of the olfactory neurons are covered with hairlike cilia.

The olfactory nerve is a pure sensory nerve (special sensory) whose role is to convey nerve impulses that can be interpreted by the brain as a stimulus or sensation of an odor. The olfactory nerve is the first cranial nerve.

Numerous hair-like non-motile cilia protrude from the dendrites of the olfactory receptor cells. Lia is up to 100 micrometers long and cilia from other dendrites form a network of olfactory mucus.

The surface of the cilia is covered with olfactory receptors, a type of G protein-coupled receptor. Each olfactory receptor cell expresses only one type of olfactory receptor (OR), but many separate olfactory receptor cells express ORs that bind the same set of odorants. The axons of olfactory receptor cells expressing the same OR aggregate to form the glomerulus in the olfactory bulb.

Learn more about the olfactory nerve at


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