every time people perform a desired behavior, they are given a reward. this is called
a) punishment
b) omission training
c) token economy
d) the premack principle
e) law of effect


Answer 1




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In repression, unconscious and disturbing sexual and aggress Impulses are


In repression, unconscious and disturbing sexual and aggressive impulses are: d. kept from the conscious mind.

What is the psychodynamic perspective?

The psychodynamic perspective to psychology is focused on the systematic study of any psychological force and unconscious influences that influence human behavior, feelings, mind, and emotions, as well as how they might affect unresolved conflicts.

In the psychoanalytic theory of personality development (psychoanalysis), Sigmund Freud explained human behavior and interpersonal relationships.

What is repression?

In the psychoanalytic theory of personality development (psychoanalysis), repression can be defined as a defense mechanism that unconsciously excludes and blocks distressing memories, unpleasant emotions, thoughts, aggressive impulses, or feelings from the conscious mind of a living organism such as a human being.

Read more on psychodynamic theory here: brainly.com/question/17147899


Complete Question:

In repression, unconscious and disturbing sexual and aggressive impulses are

a. focused on a weaker person

b. transformed into another impulse

c. returned to an earlier stage

d. kept from the conscious mind

How do you go beyond the rhetoric of great ideas about leadership and doing social good to actually becoming an effective social worker and doing good? How would you assess these?


It is acknowledged that effective leadership supports effective organizations.

What is social worker?

Social worker is defined as a knowledgeable expert who works with a variety of individuals, teams, and communities to teach them how to live better lives. You'll assist people in locating answers to their difficulties as a social worker.

Helping others, listening, cooperating, and resolving conflicts are some of the leadership qualities we as social work professionals possess that will most likely be considered favorably by people in other professions. The smoother teamwork will be the result of using these abilities.

Thus, it is acknowledged that effective leadership supports effective organizations.

To learn more about social worker, refer to the link below:



Question 21 (1 point)
The chart below shows Medicaid spending in Virginia in billions of dollars for the year 2000 (let
this be Year 0), 2002, 2004, 2006, and 2008.
02 4
Spending 3.10 3.36 3.46 3.56
Use your TI graphing calculator to find the regression equation for the line of best fit for the
relationship between time and money spent. Use this regression equation to predict the
Medicaid spending in Virginia for 2019. To the nearest million, the prediction is


The regression equation for the line of best fit for the relationship between time and money spent is of:

y = 0.11x + 3.076.

The estimate for spending in 2019 is given as follows:


How to build the regression equation?

The regression equation is built inserting the points of the data-set into a linear regression calculator.

Considering 2000 as the reference year, from the table given by the image at the end of the answer, the points are given as follows:

(0, 3.10), (2, 3.36), (4, 3.46), (6, 3.56), (8, 4.1).

Inserting these points into a calculator, the equation is given as follows:[

y = 0.11x + 3.076.

2019 is 19 years after 2000, hence the estimate is calculated as follows:

y = 0.11(19) + 3.076 = 5.166 billions.

Missing Information

The table is given by the image shown at the end of the answer.

More can be learned about linear regression at https://brainly.com/question/29613968


After campaigning on a pledge to "end welfare as we know it,”President Bill Clinton worked with a Republican-controlled Congress to pass the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996. The goal of the legislation was to reform the welfare system so that individuals and families would be less dependent on government assistance and break the cycle of poverty.

The legislation ended the federally run Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program, which provided cash assistance to individuals who met specific low income criteria, and replaced it with the Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF) program. TANF, in
contrast to AFDC, uses grants to provide a fixed amount of funding to states each year for welfare services. The amount of money states receive from the federal government does not increase as poverty rises. States are charged with the task of determining who is eligible for TANF funding.

After reading the scenario, please respond to A, B, and C below.
A. Referencing the scenario, describe the type of grant that the new welfate program created by the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act uses and explain how it affects the relationship between the states and the federal government.
B. Explain why states might prefer the type of funding provided by TANF rather than by previous programs.
C. Describe the constitutional principle that supports the interaction between the federal government and the state governments in this situation, and explain how it relates to the scenario.



A. The type of grant that the new welfare program created by the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act uses is a fixed amount of funding that is provided to states each year for welfare services. This type of grant does not increase as poverty rises, and it gives states the responsibility for determining who is eligible for TANF funding. This shift in the relationship between the federal government and the states gives states more control over the welfare program and how it is implemented.

B. States might prefer the type of funding provided by TANF because it gives them more control over the welfare program and how it is implemented. The fixed amount of funding provided by TANF also gives states the ability to budget for welfare services more accurately, and it provides more predictability in terms of the amount of funding they will receive from the federal government.

C. The constitutional principle that supports the interaction between the federal government and the state governments in this situation is the concept of federalism. This principle allows for a division of power between the national government and the state governments, with each level of government having specific responsibilities and powers. In the case of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act, the federal government has the power to create national welfare programs, but the states have the responsibility for implementing those programs and determining who is eligible for benefits. This division of power allows for a balance between national and state control over welfare programs.

The new welfare program established by the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act uses a particular form of grant that allocates a certain sum of money to states each year for social services.

What is TANF?

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families is referred to as TANF.

When parents or other responsible relatives are unable to meet the family's basic necessities, the time-limited TANF program helps families with children. To manage the TANF program, the Federal government gives grants to the States. These state TANF programs are created to achieve the following four objectives:

to help poor families so that they can care for their children in their own homes or in the homes of relatives;to encourage marriage, work, and job preparation in order to reduce the reliance of needy parents on government assistance;create annual quantitative targets for avoiding and reducing the prevalence of unwed pregnancies, as well as to prevent and reduce the incidence of these pregnancies;to promote the establishment and upkeep of two-parent families.

Learn more about TANF, from:



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