How do you find a 3 digit number?


Answer 1

Three-digit numbers range in length from 100 to 999. Therefore, 100 is the lowest and 999 is the greatest three-digit number. The number's digit count determines what kind of number it is in mathematics. The place values of a three-digit number will be used to describe it.

Three-digit digits range from 100 to 999. Therefore, 100 is the lowest and 999 is the greatest three-digit number. The number's digit count determines what kind of number it is in mathematics. The place values of a three-digit number will be used to describe it. In addition to the nine single-digit numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, there are also Ninety- two -digit numbers (from 10 to 99). A two-digit number is created by adding a single digit and a zero (0). Now, in addition to zero, these single digits or double digits are also used to create three-digit integers (0).

Learn more about Three-digit numbers here:


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Why did Farquhar destroy the bridge?


I n Part II of 'An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge', Farquhar decides to destroy the Owl Creek Bridge because he wants to fight back against the Union forces invading his territory.

Are distance and displacement both vector quantities?


A scalar number known as distance measures "how much ground an item has traversed" while moving. An object's total change in position is referred to as displacement, a vector variable that measures "how far out of place an item is."

False—distance is a vector quantity. It calculates the length and direction of a hypothetical motion in a straight line from the starting point to the destination of the point. For instance, whereas speed (the amount of velocity), time, and mass are scalars, displacement, velocity, and acceleration are vector quantities It varies on both magnitude and direction, making it a vector quantity. It may be zero, positive, or even negative. The orientation is not taken into consideration while calculating distance.

To learn more about distance please click on below link


What is the most effective way to encourage ethical behavior?


Integrate ethical behaviour through the organisation Management should lead by example. A successful whistleblowing procedure. Policies and auditing

What is the most effective way for a company to promote ethical behaviour?

Engage, communicate, and train your employees. Through effective and informative communication, engage staff and other stakeholders such as suppliers, investors, regulators, and consumer communities. Good, consistent communication and training will aid in the establishment of an ethical culture.

Which of the following is the best example of ethical behaviour?

Obedience to company rules, effective communication, taking responsibility, accountability, professionalism, trust, and mutual respect for coworkers are examples of ethical workplace behaviours. These examples of ethical behaviour ensure maximum workplace productivity output.

learn more about ethical behaviour visit:


which is the best summary for passage 2


The best summary is -  Morley argues against Emerson's lifeless analysis of friendship. He contrast it with the idea the friendship is an emotionally dynamic connection that grows over time.

Who was Christopher Darlington Morley?

American journalist, author, essayist, poet, and journalist Christopher Darlington Morley. In his article "On Making Friends," Morley describes friendship from his point of view before drawing comparisons to the views of others, including Ralph Waldo Emerson and Polonius from Shakespeare.

Emerson's writings are described as "intellectualized, bloodless, and oblivious of the minor quirks of human connection that make friendship so delightful" in section 2 by the author. This makes it obvious that Morley disagreed with Emerson's icy and bordering on cynical view of friendship. He challenges Emerson's lifeless interpretation of friendship. Author of more than 100 novels, essays, and poetry collections, Morley is perhaps best remembered today for his first two novels, The Haunted Bookshop (1919) and Parnassus on Wheels (1917), both of which are still in print.

To know more about Morley writing, visit:


Which inferences about squealer’s motivation for using propaganda does the passage support? check all that apply.
a. he truly believes what he is saying.
b. he lies to keep the other animals from rebelling.
c. he does not want to lose his position of power and comfort.
d. he wants to enjoy privileges that the other animals do not have.
e. he wants to keep the farm running as smoothly as possible.


The inferences about Squealer's motivation for using propaganda that the passage supports are:

He lies to keep the other animals from rebelling.He does not want to lose his position of power and comfort.He wants to enjoy privileges that the other animals do not have.

Thus, the correct options are B, C, and D.

What is propaganda?

Propаgаndа is а piece of informаtion thаt is misleаding in nаture. In the passage, we see thаt Squeаler used propаgаndа to keep the аnimаls from entering the fаrmhouse. He reminded them of the resolution thаt they hаd mаde. His intention wаs to enjoy the privileges thаt the other аnimаls did not hаve.

Your question is incomplete, but most probably your full passage was

It was about this time that the pigs suddenly moved into the farmhouse and took up their residence there. Again the animals seemed to remember that a resolution against this had been passed in the early days, and again Squealer was able to convince them that this was not the case. It was absolutely necessary, he said, that the pigs, who were the brains of the farm, should have a quiet place to work in

-Animal Farm,

George Orwell

For more information about Animal Farm refer to the link:


What are the 4 types of thesis statements?


Answer:Explanatory thesis statement. Argumentative thesis statement. Analytical thesis statement.


What was chapter 9 about in Animal Farm?


The animals start building a new windmill after declaring their alleged triumph against Frederick.

Boxer, despite having a damaged hoof, continues to lead their efforts and insists on working more to start the windmill before he quits. While constructing a windmill, the workhorse Boxer sustains an injury. He keeps working so hard that his health deteriorates quickly. The governing pigs send Boxer to a butcher to pay for a crate of whisky while lying that he is dying in a hospital.However, despite being obese and intoxicated, the pigs appear to be doing perfectly fine. Boxer loses his balance after exerting himself too much; it appears that he is ready to resign. He is taken to the "hospital" by the pigs, who actually mean the glue factory when they say hospital.

Thus this is about chapter 9 in Animal Farm.

Refer here for more information about Animal Farm:


what theme do these details develop??

a. there are many kings and queens featured in epic poems
b. being a good person is more important than being well-known
c. true heroes do whatever they must to gain fame
d. the queen speaks to her audience about fame and virtue



The answer would be B,  being a good person is more important than being well-known

What are the 3 steps to prevent an accident?


Step One - Identify
It’s impossible to prevent accidents without first identifying what could potentially go wrong at your job site. Before sending employees out onto the project, an experienced manager should first walk the grounds and point out any safety hazards that are immediately apparent
Now that you’ve taken note of where things could go wrong, mark them so that your team is notified of any risks. Maybe the welding area was a little too close to a spot with high worker foot traffic. Clearly indicate these potential hazards, and confirm with your employees that everyone is aware.
From there, address each one piece by piece. Move the welding area over a bit.
Add additional dirt to the parts of the path that look dangerously eroded.
Create irrigation channels to divert water away from gathering in puddles.
Do everything possible to mitigate the risks you identified in step one so that your team can safely and effectively get the job done.
Step Three – Create A Plan
You’ve identified hazards in the immediate vicinity, pointed them out to the team, and built contingencies that address them. It’s time to create a plan of action for other parts of the job that could go wrong. Think about disasters, worst-case scenarios, and anything else that could really hinder workplace safety. These could be things like major environmental risks, falling hazards, or other factors that pose potential major injuries to employees.
Related Blog: What to Do Before You Write A Workplace Safety Plan
For each piece that you take note of, inform, and prepare your employees so that they know what the standard operating procedures will be. Train everyone so that they understand evacuation routes, basic first aid, how to handle materials, chemicals, and equipment. A knowledgeable team is a safe team, and developing a safety training program specific to your business is the best way to ensure the success of your next project.

Write your own song or poem.
Your song or poem must have a THEME and use at least THREE examples of literary devices.
Highlight each literary device and write the theme at the bottom of the document.




when life seems impossible what do you do?

You hope that you will get through.

When you are feeling blue what do you do?

You do what feels right for you.

when you are happy what do you do?

You laugh with one another and stay possitive.

Whatever your emotion is just always remember to do the best you can do.

What is or should be the role of the Declaration of Independence in our country today?


The importance of the Declaration of Independence can hardly be overstated. It established for the first time in world history a new nation based on the First Principles of the rule of law, unalienable rights, limited government, the Social Compact, equality, and the right to alter or abolish oppressive

bicyclists may ride in the left lane if they are on a one-way street with two or more lanes. True/False ?


Answer: True

Explanation:  Bicyclists must always ride as close as possible to a one-way street, though

who killed lea and ron in the book remember me by chelsea bobulski?


A juvenile girl learns what ties her to the motel she considers home in this chilling and suspenseful YA as terrifying visions guide her.

What are visions?

Your most significant dream or mental image is vision. It may also refer to a collection of aspirations and long-term objectives. A vision describes the ideal desired future condition and what you hope to accomplish over the long term. Your personal "why" or the internal mission of the organization might both represent your vision.

A juvenile girl learns what ties her to the hotel she considers home in Chelsea Bobulski's chilling and suspenseful YA novel Remember Me as terrible visions guide her to the truth. Nell Martin is relocating, this time to the 1878-built Winslow Grand Hotel.

Therefore,  suspenseful YA as terrifying visions guides her.

Learn more about visions here:


question that is worded in a way that is worded in a way that it sways therespondent toward one side of an argument How does the textbook define a representative sample? Be sure to know and understand what it meansto say a sample is demographically representative.Be sure to know and understand nonresponse bias and how it can lead to an unrepresentative sample.What is margin of error?What does sample size have to do with the margin of error?Why do pollsters generally not use samples sizes as large as 4,500?


A margin of error is a statistical metric that accounts for the difference between actual and projected survey results in a random sample.

How sample size is related to margin of error?It stands to reason that a larger sample size will be a more accurate representation of the population than a smaller sample size. As a result, the larger the sample size, the smaller the sample standard error and thus the margin of error.In general, larger sample sizes reduce sampling error, but this reduction is not directly proportional. As a rule of thumb, increasing the sample size fourfold will halve the sampling error.Larger samples provide smaller margins of error for a given confidence level. Larger samples provide greater confidence for a fixed margin of error. To reduce the margin of error by half for a given confidence level, the sample size must be doubled.Pollsters generally do not use sample size larger than 4,500 because , it is  harder to collect information from.

To learn more about margin of error refer to :


How was Gertrude in Hamlet?


One of Shakespeare's most mysterious main ladies is Queen Gertrude, who is Hamlet's mother. She can be thought of as his counterpoint because of how opposite her character is from that of her son.

Unlike Hamlet, Gertrude doesn't have any soliloquies that reflect on her actions and identity. She is driven more by emotions than by logic. She is passionate, independent, and loving. Gertrude is endowed with a lot of admirable qualities, but her IQ isn't particularly impressive. Additionally, she makes disastrous character judgments.

Misogyny, a bias towards women, has influenced how Hamlet and Gertrude in the play are viewed by audiences. Many people believe that Gertrude's traits are accurately portrayed by Hamlet's fury, Claudius' dismissive indulgence, and the ghost's sad disappointment.

Her interactions with the other characters in the play reveal Gertrude's capacity to develop enduring emotional relationships with them. She is sincere and lacks any pretence. She has so many positive traits, yet she doesn't seem to be a very strong character. Gertrude finds it excessive to live in the present. She seldom ever considers the past or future.

To learn more about Hamlet, tap here:


Can a theme be a motif?


You can use motif, a crucial literary device, to establish the theme of your work. Stories gain depth and become more meaningful and purposeful thanks to themes.

A motif is just a detail repeated for deeper symbolic significance, but a theme is typically characterised as a message, statement, or idea. In other words, a theme can be produced by a narrative motif, which is a detail repeated in a pattern of meaning, but it can also produce other narrative elements.

Motifs frequently serve to reaffirm the story's themes. To be clear, a motif is not the same as a theme, however motifs can serve as a trail that points to the theme or act as its bulwark. Finally, themes might serve as a reminder of other plot points by connecting various scenes in the story.

An example of a motif in literature is "death." The word "death" need not always be used when expressing the motif. For example, he might write "funeral," "grave," or "dead."

To learn more about reaffirm  please click on below link


How can I become a good Filipino citizen essay?


A good Filipino citizen is person who performs an energetic and wise position as a member of the community.

A suitable citizen should stay in peace and concord together along with his neighbors and fellow citizens. He should admire the establishments of his country. A suitable citizen should continually admire the legal guidelines of the kingdom and have to don't have any persistence with criminals and anti-social elements. He should be vigilant towards the enemies of the country. A precise Filipino citizen is person who performs an energetic and wise position as a member of the community. The one who's accountable for his obligations and duties to the authorities and society. The person who possesses the trends of respectfulness, courtesy, and attention for mother and father and elders and for others.

To learn more about citizen check the link below:


Your response should be at least 500 words and must have a relevant and properly integrated direct quote from an outside source. NO plagiarism

Words are extremely important in our day-to-day lives: Write about a time when words got you out of (or into) trouble.


Is ambition a good thing or an evil thing?


Most people for most of history did not have technology to distract them: If you did not have electric devices (you still have lights), how would you spend your time?



Since childhood, we have been told by our elders that never hurt the person using harsh words. Be kind and give respect, you will be showered with the same. But there are occasions when accidents we use harsh words hurting the person. Words have the dramatic effect on how we interact with people and how decisions are taken. They can inspire or bring tears among people. These are the reasons why words are powerful expression tool. Not only in practical daily life, but in business too, words play a vital role. Be it through verbal or written, the right use of words in the form of sentences creates a good impression. However, many entrepreneurs fail to use right word or communicate wisely, especially if it’s a native language. This is when translation services come to the role. One of the keystones of showing kindness is by perfecting the speech. Take a moment before speaking; collect words that will be impressive enough towards the person. When we speak, we should speak with mindfulness to show compassion towards the person. There are certain rules that need to be followed. One such rule is, speak cautiously without exaggeration. Manipulative words can create a problem among people. In our daily life, we use words on various occasions. While driving we use correct words to get assistance for routes. Similarly, in the age of technology, we seek help from Siri to get suggestion and assistance. Here too, words play a major role because any confusion in your content won’t help you get the result. Words also play a major role when we search something online. In the online world, words are called as Keywords which matters a lot to get the right result. In blogs or article, web owners ensure that right keywords are used that can help in bringing good traffic. Words are powerful and using it wisely is one way of smooth communication. Be it in the form of verbal or text, it is essential that it is used in a way to change the perspective of the opposite person. For businesses that look for Interpretation or Translation, using translation services is the best way that can use words effectively to reach customers and regions using native languages.


how does the conclusion of the prologue support the authors’ purpose? select two options.


The prologue's conclusion supports the authors' purpose by introducing the topic that will be addressed next. It explains why the topic is important to the readers.

A prologue is a novel's independent front matter that gives the reader an initial hint as to what the story is about. An epilogue, on the other hand, denotes a literary device that is an additional and independent part of the literary work that concludes the story.

The prologue serves as an introduction to the text that follows, providing readers with important information from the past or future. It may establish the setting, introduce the characters, or allude to a story theme or moral.

To know more about prologue, click here.


What is cottage in simple words?


Cottage refers to a small house, usually in the countryside.

The most closely related housing design and the word "cottage" both have Middle Ages English roots. The phrase "cotters" refers to the modest, rural homes of peasant farmers.

During England's feudal era, a cottager possessed a modest home with a garden big enough to support a family.

The cottage had to perform some sort of service for the manorial lord in return for the cottage. But over time, the word "cottage" merely evolved to mean a humble home in general.

In modern usage, a cottage is often a modest, frequently charming residence that is situated in a rural or semi-rural setting, not always in England.

To know more about farmers, visit:


Select the correct answer.
Consider Reagan's use of the word dazzle in paragraph 5.
Which source would likely provide the best clarification of the word's meaning in that context?
O A. a thesaurus
O B. an encyclopedia
O C.
O D.
a dictionary
a textbook


The source that would likely provide the best clarification of the word's meaning in that context is a thesaurus. Thus, the correct option for this question is A.

What is the purpose of a dictionary and thesaurus?

The purpose of a dictionary and thesaurus is to determine contemporary figurative language and metaphor in order to identify and recognize all the words and phrases that are utilized in any literary work.

According to the context of this question, a thesaurus is a reference book that is significantly used to find different words that have the same or similar meanings. It describes a list of terms used in databases to give consistent labels to articles that describe the same concept.

Therefore, the thesaurus is the source that would likely provide the best clarification of the word's meaning in that context. Thus, the correct option for this question is A.

To learn more about Thesaurus, refer to the link:


Answer: it’s a dictionary


this type of question is worded in a way that sways the respondent toward one side of an argument.


A question that is worded in such a way as to sway the response in favor of one side of the argument is called a leading question.

In common law systems that rely on witness testimony, a leading question is one that suggests a particular response and contains information the examiner is attempting to confirm.Leading questions in surveys are ones that convince or point respondents in the direction of the desired response. Even though this may ultimately bias or mislead the survey findings, they are routinely framed in a certain way to create responses that confirm the surveyor's beliefs.A leading query is one that frequently or actually suggests the answer to itself. It typically assumes something that hasn't been verified. Sometimes it asks for a "yes" or "no" response. Avoid using leading questions while interrogating children.

Thus the answer is Leading question.

Refer here to learn more about question:


Shaw tried his hand at being…

Select three.


a novelist
a playwright
a voice teacher
a critic
a politician


George Bernard Shaw tried his hand at being a playwright , a critic and a politician.

Who was George Bernard Shaw ?

George Bernard Shaw was an Irish playwright, critic, polemicist, and political activist who lived from 26 July 1856 to 2 November 1950. He preferred to be referred to simply as Bernard Shaw. From the 1880s until his death and beyond, he had a significant impact on Western politics, theater, and society.

He produced almost 60 plays, including well-known pieces like Man and Superman in 1902, Pygmalion in 1913, and Saint Joan (1923). Shaw rose to prominence as a playwright of his period and received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1925 for works that combine historical allegory and modern satire.

Shaw, who was born in Dublin, relocated to London in 1876, where he tried to make a name for himself as a writer and novelist and started a rigorous self-education process.

To learn more about George Bernard checkout the link below :


why did president lamar send an expedition to the santa fe area during his presidency?



As the president of Texas, Mirabeau Lamar had a grand vision for expanding the Republic into New Mexico. He would send an expedition to Santa Fe in order to convince the people of New Mexico to join Texas


How did BTS became famous in the world?


When BTS became the first K-pop group to perform at the American Music Awards in November 2017, they created history.

BTS accomplished numerous firsts in 2013, including the release of their debut albums "2 Cool 4 Skool" and "O! RUL8,2" as well as their first-ever live performance. Later that year, they received their first significant honor—Best New Artist—at the South Korean Melon Music Awards.

BTS won first place on a weekly music performance event on one of Korea's three major television broadcast networks with their first single, "I NEED U," from their third mini-album, "The Most Beautiful Moment in Life, " a few years after their start in 2015. Since their introduction in 2013,

To learn more about  Beautiful please click on below link


Identify one of the types of conflict (listed below) in Saki's "The interlopers." Then discuss how it came about, how it builds, and how it is finally resolved.
Include the following Academic Vocabulary in your response to make your writing more precise: comprehend, concept, context, determine, differentiate

Types of Conflict:
1. Person vs. Self
2. Person vs. Person
3. Person vs. Society
4. Person vs. Nature

Questions to consider:
-What is the protagonist's goal?
-What prevents the protagonist from reaching that goal?
-How does the protagonist change throughout the story?
-What causes that change?


The main conflict of the story is the feud. It is not, however, the only conflict there is also the conflict of character versus nature.

What is the major conflict in Saki's "The interlopers"? Each man is enraged by the other man's claim to the border-forest because he believes the trees and animals within it are his. Ulrich and Georg both believe that the other man undermines his authority over nature.The author of "The Interlopers" uses a flashback to show how the conflict between the two families dates back to their grandfathers' time. It all began with a lawsuit, which the dispossessed party never acknowledged or agreed to.When Ulrich von Gradwitz and Georg Znaeym decide to forgive and put the past behind them, the conflict is resolved. When they are trapped under a fallen branch and both become incapacitated, they realize that it was wrong of them to remain enemies over a patch of grass.

To learn more about "The interlopers" refer to :


What kind of waves are on the EMS?


These kind of waves are on the EMS

Radio waves, gamma-rays, visible mild, and all of the other components of the electromagnetic spectrum are electromagnetic radiation.

Electromagnetic radiation may be described in phrases of a circulate of mass-much less particles, referred to as photons, every travelling in a wave-like pattern at the speed of mild.

Radio waves are the waves having the longest wavelength inside the electromagnetic spectrum. those waves are a kind of electromagnetic radiation and feature a frequency from excessive 300 GHz to low as 3 kHz although somewhere it's far described above 3 GHz as microwaves.

The electromagnetic spectrum is the variety of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation and their respective wavelengths and photon energies.

Learn more about radio waves here :-


Which of the following is an example of an effective thesis statement for an informational essay?

Because of the many environmental benefits, the popularity of rewilding lawns is growing.
I learned from my best friend the importance of rewilding lawns and she's smart about those things.
If you care about bees, you should rewild your lawn and this essay will tell you why.
This essay is about saving the bees and how planting native flowers instead of grass can help with that.


An effective thesis statement for an informational essay is A. Because of the many environmental benefits, the popularity of rewilding lawns is growing.

What is a thesis statement?

A thesis statement informs readers of the subject being discussed, and the arguments that have been made in the essay. The thesis statement is usually found in the introductory paragraphs of essays.

The sole purpose of an informational or informative essay is to inform or educate readers about a subject. This type of essay writing dwells on fact than opinions. An example of such essay is, an essay about WW1.

A thesis statement for an informative essay is void of the writers opinion. It is stated in a formal language. Only option A. is stated without the writers opinion.

Learn more about thesis statement here:


What are the signs of being intelligent?


Here are five indicators of high intelligence that most highly intelligent people have in common.

Curiosity.Awareness of Limitations.Breaking Down Complex Problems.Thought Process Awareness.Obvious Signs of Intelligence.

The ability for abstraction, logic, comprehension, self-awareness, learning, emotional knowledge, reasoning, planning, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving have all been classified as intelligence. It may be defined more broadly as the ability to receive or infer information and retain it as knowledge to be used to adaptive actions within an environment or context.

Learn more about Intelligence to visit this link


Who is the most successful band in Korea?


BTS. The most famous K-pop group is without a doubt this group of seven boys that have enthralled audiences musical the world.

The lyrics of BTS' songs are more musical with the perception of "wrong-doing" than those of other K-pop bands, who often concentrate on subjects that are more contentious. This is the first notable difference. The lyrics of BTS are unquestionably more emotional than those of other K-pop groups, which is another important differentiator. Although one of the biggest boy bands in the world and a significant source of pride for South Korea, the K-pop group BTS is not well-liked there.

To learn more about musical please click on below link


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