A metal is oxidized if it’s converted from its metallic form to make a compound, and it’s reduced if it’s converted back to its metallic form. Use your answer from part F and your observations of the reactions to complete these statements.

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.

Magnesium is able to (blank) copper, and copper is able to (blank) magnesium. Zinc is able to (blank) magnesium, and magnesium is able to (blank) zinc. Copper is able to (blank) zinc, and zinc is able to (blank) copper.

The blanks are supposed to be either filled in with "oxidize" or "reduce"


Answer 1

Magnesium is able to reduce copper, and copper is able to oxidize  magnesium. Zinc is able to oxidize  magnesium, and magnesium is able to reduce  zinc. Copper is able to oxidize zinc, and zinc is able to reduce  copper.

What is oxidation and reduction?

We know that the term oxidation and reduction would refers to the loss and gain of electrons. When electrons are lost we say that the specie has become oxidized and when electrons are gained we can say that the species have become reduced.

Thus when we talk about oxidation, we are talking about the increase in the oxidation number of the object and when we talk about reduction, we are talking about the decrease in the oxidation number of the object.

With this knowledge, we can be able to fill in the blanks accordingly.

Learn more about oxidation and  reduction:https://brainly.com/question/13699873


Related Questions

which of the five basic geometries for molecules and ions has the largest bond angle? linear planar triangular tetrahedral square planar octahedral


The highest bond angles are seen in ions and linear molecules.

The Lewis electron-pair technique identifies which atoms have lone pairs of electrons and can be used to forecast the number and types of bonds that will exist between the atoms in a substance. The structures of many compounds and polyatomic ions with a central metal atom can also be predicted by the VSEPR model, as can the structures of practically any molecule or polyatomic ion with a central nonmetal atom. The foundation of the VSEPR theory is the idea that electron pairs in bonds and lone pairs reject one another and would, as a result, adopt a geometry that spreads them as far apart as feasible. The bond angles in linear geometry is 180deg while in  planar triangular is 120deg,  tetrahedral is 109.5deg, octahedral is 90deg.

To learn more  about  bond angle click here https://brainly.com/question/14089750


If the bond angle between two adjacent hybrid orbitals is 120°, which is the hybridization?
a. sp3d2
b. sp
c. sp3
d. sp2


The bond angle between two adjacent hybrid orbitals is 120°, the hybridization is d. sp2.

The new set of hybrid orbitals creates trigonal structures, growing a molecular geometry of a hundred and twenty degreesThe accurate solution is a hundred and twenty degree. The sp2 s p 2 hybridization corresponds to a trigonal planar geometry and the bond attitude for this geometry is a hundred and twenty degree.

The geometry of the sp2 hybrid orbitals is trigonal planar, with the lobes of the orbitals pointing in the direction of the corners of a triangle. The attitude among any of the hybrid orbital lobes is a hundred and twenty°.aggregate of s and p orbital fashioned in trigonal symmetry and is maintained at 1200.

Read more about angle;



complete the given reaction which is part of the electron transport chain. the abbreviation q represents coenzyme q. use this abbreviation for the product.


The given reaction which is part of the electron transport chain. the abbreviation q represents coenzyme q. use this abbreviation for the product is FADH₂ + Q -->  FAD  +  QH₂

The complete reaction for the electron transport chain is given as follows :

FADH₂ + Q -->  FAD  +  QH₂

in this reaction the reactant coenzyme Q is donating the electron and acts as a oxidizing agent and itself reduce. while FADH₂  is oxidized and it acts as a reducing agent. as we know the loss of the electron is called as oxidation and the gain of the electrons is called as the reduction.

To learn more about electron transport here



A pure substance which can only be separated into two or more simpler substances using chemical changes is called


A compound is a substance made up of two or more elements that have chemically joined and can only be broken down chemically into simpler compounds. For instance, pure water is a compound.

What are examples and content?

Matter with a definite composition and set of characteristics is referred to as a substance. A substance is every pure element. It is a material when it is pure. Substance examples: Because iron is an element, it's also a substance. Methane is both a material and a compound.

Which material types are there?

There are two different types of pure substances: elements and compounds. One particular type of atom makes up each element, whether it exists on its own or as part of a molecule. Compounds are molecules made up of two simpler things than molecules.

To know more about substance visit:



calcite has a chemical formula of caco3, and one gram occupies approximately 0.369 cm3. pyrite (fes2) is 1.8 times denser than calcite. what is the density of fes2?


The density of fes2 4.9 cm3.

1 gram calcite occupies 0.369 cm3  volume , first find density of calcite as explained bellow

mass of calcite = 1 gram , volume of calcite = 0.369 cm

we know formula   density = mass/ volume , substitute above values in this formula to find density of calcite

density of calcite = 1/0.369 = 2.71 gram/cm3

given that pyrite is 1.8 times denser than calcite  

therefore density of pyrite = 1.8 x density of calcite

substitute values in above formula to find density of pyrite

density of pyrite = 1.8 x density of calcite

density of pyrite = 1.8 x 2.71 =  4.878 gram/cm3

density of pyrite calculated by above method is  4.878 g/cm3  this value is closest value of  4.9 cm3 .

The quantity of some thing in step with unit volume, unit vicinity, or unit period: as. : the mass of a substance in step with unit volume. density expressed in grams per cubic centimeter.

A chemical components is an expression that suggests the factors in a compound and the relative proportions of those factors. If best one atom of a particular type is gift, no subscript is used. For atoms that have two or greater of a particular sort of atom gift, a subscript is written after the image for that atom..

Learn more about density here :-



A 355 ml soda can is 6. 2 cm in diameter and has a mass of 20 g. Such a soda can half full of water is floating upright in water.


The length of the can which above the water level that has 6.2cm diameter and a mass of 20g is 5.22cm (using density of water 1000 kg/m^3)

What is density?

It is the substance's mass per unit of volume. The symbol most often used for density is ρ and the value of water density that will be used at the question here is 1000 kg/m^3.

This question is incomplete, The complete question is as follows :

"A 355 ml soda can is 6. 2 cm in diameter and has a mass of 20 g. Such a soda can half full of water is floating upright in water. What length of the can is above the water level?"

How to calculate the length of the can which above the water level that has 20g as mass and 6.2cm as diameter (using 1000 kg/m^3 as density of water)?
V = volume of the can = 355ml = 0.355 L = 0.355 * 10^-3 m^3

r = radius of the can = d/2 = 0.062 / 2 = 0.031m

ρ = density of water = 1000 kg/m³

Mc = mass of the can = 20g = 0.020kg

m = mass of water inside can

= ρ * V / 2

= 1000 * (0.355 * 10^-3) / 2

m = 0.1775 kg

Now, let's use the equilibrium of force in vertical direction

Force of buoyancy = weight of can + weight of water inside the can

ρ * V * g - Mc * g + m*g

ρ * (π * r² * h) = Mc + m

1000 * 3.14 * 0.031² * h = 0.020 + 0.1775

3.01754 * h = 0.1975

h = 0.06545m

L = length of can

Volume of can is

V = π * r² * L

0.355 * 10^-3 = 3.14 * 0.031² * L

L = 0.117645m

L' = length of can above water

to calculate length of can above water
L' = L - h

= 0.117645 - 0.06545

= 0.052195m

= 5.22cm (rounded)

Therefore, the length of the can which above the water is 5.22cm.

Learn more about density https://brainly.com/question/9149928


what volume of carbon dioxide, measured at 25 °c and 741 torr, can be obtained by the reaction of 50.0 g of caco3 with 750 ml of 2.00m hcl solution?


The reaction of 50.0 g of CaCO3 with 750 mL of 2.00 M HCl solution would produce a volume of 11.2 L of carbon dioxide, measured at 25 °C and 741 torr.

To determine the volume of carbon dioxide produced in the reaction of calcium carbonate with hydrochloric acid, we need to use the balanced chemical equation for this reaction, which is:

CaCO3 + 2 HCl → CaCl2 + H2O + CO2

From this equation, we can see that for every mole of calcium carbonate that reacts, one mole of carbon dioxide is produced. We can therefore use the molar mass of calcium carbonate to convert the given mass of CaCO3 (50.0 g) into moles, and then use the molar volume of a gas at 25 °C and 741 torr to convert the number of moles of CO2 into volume. The molar mass of calcium carbonate is 100.0869 g/mole, so 50.0 g of CaCO3 is equal to 0.500 mol. The molar volume of a gas at 25 °C and 741 torr is 22.4 L/mole, so 0.500 mole of CO2 would have a volume of 11.2 L.

to know more about mole-



Express Ksp in terms of molar solubility, x, for a salt with a formula of

AB(s) K_sp =
AB2(s) K_sp =
AB(s) K_sp =
A3Bz(s) K_sp =


The solubility product is the equilibrium constant for the dissolution in a substance.

We know that the molar solubility of the salt x

For the salt AB(s) ⇄ A^+(aq) + B^-(aq)

[ A^+] = [B^-] = x

Ksp = [ A^+] [B^-] = x^2

For the salt AB2(s) ⇄ A^+(aq) + 2B^-(aq)

Ksp =  [ A^+] [2B^-]^2 =  [ x] [2x]^2 =4x^3

For the salt AB3(s) ⇄ A^+(aq) + 3B^-(aq)

Ksp =  [ A^+] [3B^-]^3 =  [ x] [3x]^3 = 27x^4

For the salt A3B2(s) ⇄ A^+(aq) + 3B^-(aq)

Ksp =  [ 3A^+] [2B^-]^3 =  [ 3x]^3 [2x]^2 = 108x^5

What is equilibrium constant?

The equilibrium constant of a chemical reaction is the value of its reaction quotient at chemical equilibrium, the state to which a dynamic chemical system approaches after a sufficient period of time when its composition has no measurable tendency to change further.

To know more about equilibrium constant, click the link given below:



the hydrogen gas is collected over water at 25oc. the volume of gas is 246 ml measured at 1 atm. calculate the number of grams of na used in the reaction. (vapor pressure of water


The number of grams of Na used in the reaction is 0.44grams.

Which is mass?

The amount of matter in an object is measured by its mass. The sum of an object's atoms, their density, and the types that make up those atoms together make up its mass.

Given information,

Molar mass = 22.99

2Na + 2H₂O ⟶ 2NaOH + H₂

P total = 1atm

PH₂O = 0.0313atm

T = 25°C

V = 246ml

The ideal gas law can be used to determine the moles of hydrogen,

pV = nRT

Determine the hydrogen partial pressure.

P total = PH₂+PH₂O

1 =  PH₂ +  0.0313

PH₂ = 0.9687atm.

Calculate the volume in litres,

V = 246 mL = 0.246 L

Change the degree to kelvins,

T = (25.0 + 273.15) K = 298.15 K

Determine the hydrogen moles,

0.9687×0.246 = n × 0.08206×298.15

n = 0.2383/24.47

n = 0.009740 mol.

Moles of Na,

There is a 2 mol molar ratio. 1 mol Na: H2

Moles of Na = 0.009740 moles of H₂ × 2mol of Na/1 mol H₂

Moles of Na = 0.01948 mol.

Mass of Na = 0.01948 moles of Na × 22.99g of Na/1 mol of H₂

Mass of Na = 0.44grams.

To know more bout Ideal Gas Law visit:



Complete question is " A piece of sodium metal reacts completely with water as follows: 2Na(s) + 2H2O(l) ⟶ 2NaOH(aq) + H2(g) The hydrogen gas generated is collected over water at 25.0°C. The volume of the gas is 246 mL measured at 1.00 atm. Calculate the number of grams of sodium used in the reaction. (Vapor pressure of water at 25°C = 0.0313 atm)".

at what rate must the jogger create sweat if he needs to dissipate 2500 kj/h through evaporation alone and maintain a constant body temperature? at what rate must the jogger create sweat if he needs to dissipate 2500 through evaporation alone and maintain a constant body temperature? 10 g/h 1.0 g/h 7600 g/h 1000 g/h


A jogger must produce sweat at a rate of 1000 g/hr in order to evaporate 2500 g while maintaining a steady body temperature. Evaporation is the process by which a substance changes.

from a liquid state to a gaseous one below the temperature at which it boils; in specifically, it is the way in which liquid water enters the atmosphere as water vapour. The air is refilled with moisture by evaporation, primarily from the sea and from plants. The concept of temperature is used to convey quantitatively how hot and cold something is.

Given the following information: specific heat = 3500 J, latent heat = 2.42*106 J/kg, and efficiency = 80%, we need to dissipate 2500 KJ every hour. Q = m*L, where L is latent heat, hence m*2.42*106 = 2500000.

m = 1.03 kg

so, the rate must the jogger create sweat  1000 g/hr.

Learn more about temperature here



What is the only special sense in which signals can reach the cerebral cortex without passing first through the thalamus?
a. touch
b. smell
c. taste
d. vision


Smell is the only special sense in which signal  reaches the cerebral cortex without passing first through the thalamus of the brain.

What is brain?

The brain is defined as a complex organ  which is capable of controlling various actions like thinking, memory,emotions, touch , huger and every regulatory process of our body.

Brain along with the spinal cord make up the central nervous system.The average adult brain is made up of 60% of fat and remaining 40 % comprises of water, carbohydrates, proteins and salts.

It has blood vessels and nerves which include neurons and glial cells.

Learn more about brain,here:



suppose 18.0 g of ice at -10.0c is placed into 300.0 g of water in a 200.0-g copper calorimeter. the final temperature of the water and copper calorimeter is 18.0c. 1) what was the initial common temperature of the water and copper?


The initial common temperature of water and copper is [tex]18.79$^{\circ}$C[/tex].

What is copper calorimeter?

A tool used to gauge the heat produced by a physical or chemical process is a copper calorimeter. It works by using the fact that when heat is absorbed or released by a substance, the temperature of the substance will change.

According to the problem:

The ice is 18.0 g at [tex]-10.0$^{\circ}$C[/tex]. The copper calorimeter and water is of 200 g and 300 g respectively.

The specific heat of ice, water and copper are [tex]2.09 J/g$^{\circ}$C[/tex], [tex]4.184 J/g$^{\circ}$C[/tex], [tex]0.385 J/g$^{\circ}$C[/tex].

As per the conversation of energy, the following equation can be written assuming the common initial temperature of copper and water is [tex]T$^{\circ}$C[/tex].

[tex][2.09\times18\times(10+18)]=[(4.184\times300)+(0.385\times200)](T-18) \\1053.36=1332.2(T-18) \\T-18=\frac{1053.36}{1332.2} \\T=0.79+18\\T =18.79[/tex]

The common initial temperature is [tex]18.79$^{\circ}$C[/tex].

To know more about conservation of heat, visit:



Which of the following best
describes a coefficient?
never change. Leia
a. The number in front of the symbol.
b. The number that is changed to balance
an equation.
c. The small numbers within the reaction that
d. Both A & B


Coefficient: A number placed in front of a formula to balance a chemical equation or The number in front of the symbol.

What is the quick answer to coefficient?

A coefficient is an integer that is either multiplied by the variable it is associated with or written alongside the variable. A coefficient is the numerical factor of a term that contains both constants and variables. the coefficient in the expression 2x is 2.

What various coefficients are there?

In mathematics, numerical coefficients and literal coefficients are the two main types of coefficients that are used. Both a numerical and literal coefficient: The number being multiplied by the variable is the numerical coefficient (s).

Learn more about redox reaction here:



qual volumes of two monoprotic acid solutions ( a and b ) are titrated with identical naoh solutions. the volume to reach the equivalence point for solution a is twice the volume required to reach the equivalence point for solution b , and the ph at the equivalence point of solution b is higher than the ph at the equivalence point for solution a . which statement is true?


Statement that is true is : D). Solution A has more concentrated acid than the solution B and acid in solution A is weaker acid than that in solution B.

Why solution A has more concentrated acid than B?

The last statement is true and states that a solution A is comparatively more concentrated than solution B but the acid present in solution A is feeble.

This is because that solution A is excessively concentrated which requires an extra NaOH to attain the point of equivalence.

And as the pH that exists at the point of equivalence point is more for solution A, therefore it implies that solution A carries a weaker acid.

To know more about equivalence point, refer



Note: The question given on portal is incomplete. Here is the complete question.

Question: Equal volumes of two monoprotic acid solutions (A and B) are titrated with identical NaOH solutions. The volume to reach the equivalence point for solution A is twice the volume required to reach the equivalence point for solution B, and the pH at the equivalence point of solution A is higher than the pH at the equivalence point for solution B. Which statement is true?

A) The acid in solution A is less concentrated than in solution B and is also a weaker acid than that in solution B.

B) The acid in solution A is more concentrated than in solution B and is also a stronger acid than that in solution B.

C) The acid in solution A is less concentrated than in solution B and is also a stronger acid than that in solution B.

D) The acid in solution A is more concentrated than in solution B and is also a weaker acid than that in solution B.

Which statement best describes why most individual organisms never fossilized?(1 point)

Only organisms that lived in the ocean fossilize.

Conditions for fossilization are rare.

Chemicals that fossilize organisms are rare.

Only organisms with hard parts fossilize.


The statement which best describes why most individual organisms never fossilized is that Conditions for fossilization are rare.

What is fossilization?

Fossilization is a term which ia defined as the mechanisms which are chemical, physical, and biological which results in the preservation for long term of animals and plants renants. Fossilization is a type of negative representation of the creatures which is preserved in the substrates as fossil.

Reason for lack of decomposition of fossilization

The reason for the lack of these fossilized parts can be explained as these parts quickly decompose.

The process of the recycling nutrients which have been consumed by an organism which is used to create its body begins with decomposition.

Thus, we concluded that the statement which best describes why most individual organisms never fossilized is that Conditions for fossilization are rare.

learn more about fossilization:



The number of moles and the mass (in grams) of chlorine, Cl2, required to react with 10.0 g of sodium metal, Na, to produce sodium chloride, NaCl. Show your calculations.


Mole measure the number of elementary entities of a given substance that are present in a given sample. Therefore, mass and moles of chlorine is 14.7g and 0.21 moles respectively.

What is mole?

The SI unit of amount of substance in chemistry is mole. The mole is used to measure the quantity or amount of substance. We know one mole of any element contains 6.022×10²³ atoms which is also called Avogadro number.

2Na + Cl[tex]_2[/tex] → 2NaCl

The mole ratio between sodium and chlorine is 2:1

moles of sodium = mass of sodium/molar mass of sodium

                            = 10/23


Number of moles of chlorine that is required to react with sodium =0.43moles/2

=0.21 moles

mass of chlorine = moles of chlorine× molar mass of chlorine

                           =0.21× 70

                           = 14.7g

Therefore, mass and moles of chlorine is 14.7g and 0.21 moles respectively.

To know more about mole, here:



were there any observed color changes during the course of your diels-alder reaction? based purely upon this observation and the color of your isolated product, were you successful in isolating hexaphenylbenzene or dimethyl-3,4,5,6-tetraphenylphthalate?


No, there were no observed color changes during the Diels-Alder reaction and isolation of the products hexaphenylbenzene or dimethyl-3,4,5,6-tetraphenylphthalate were not able to be done.

Based on the color of the isolated product, it is not possible to determine whether the reaction was successful in isolating hexaphenylbenzene or dimethyl-3,4,5,6-tetraphenylphthalate. This is because these two compounds have very similar colors, both being yellow solids.

The isolated product was a yellow solid. Based on this observation, it is not possible to determine whether hexaphenylbenzene or dimethyl-3,4,5,6-tetraphenylphthalate was isolated. Both compounds are yellow solids and the color of the product does not provide enough information to determine which was isolated. To accurately identify the product, additional analytical techniques such as NMR or IR spectroscopy should be used.

To conclusively determine which compound was produced, it would be necessary to perform a chemical analysis of the product. This could include techniques such as spectroscopy, chromatography, or melting point analysis.

To know more about the Diers-Alder reaction, click below:



Hydrogen gas reacts with fluorine gas to produce hydrogen fluorine gas. Write the chemical equation.


The chemical equation [tex]H_2(g) + F_2(g)[/tex] → [tex]2HF(g)[/tex]

What is chemical equation?

Chemical equations are symbolic representations of chemical reactions that express the reactants and products in terms of their chemical formulae.

Each of the symbols of the associated reactants and products has a coefficient assigned to it. The coefficients of entities in a chemical equation are the exact value of that entity's stoichiometric number.

The symbol (s) represents a solid state entity.

The symbol (l) represents an entity's liquid condition.

The symbol (g) indicates that the entity is gaseous.

The chemical equation [tex]H_2(g) + F_2(g)[/tex] → [tex]2HF(g)[/tex]

To know more about chemical equation, check out:



a 69.5 g sample of the compound x3o4 contains 19.2 of oxygen atoms. what is the molar mass of element x?


The two main postulates that was given by Antoine Lavoisier are, oxygen play an important role in combustion and the other is mass of the reactant and product is conserved. Therefore, the mass of element x is 50.3g.

What is law of conservation of mass?

According to Law of conservation of mass, mass can neither be created nor be destroyed. Mass can only be transformed from one form to another. The law of conservation of mass was given by Antoine Lavoisier. Every reaction in nature follow the law given by Antoine Lavoisier that is mass is always conserved.

mass of compound =69.5 g

mass of oxygen =19.2 g

mass of X=mass of compound - mass of oxygen

               = 69.5 -19.2

               = 50.3g

Therefore, the mass of element x is 50.3g.

To know more about law of conservation of mass, here:



what volume of a 0.125 m hydrobromic acid solution is required to neutralize 29.5 ml of a 0.126 m barium hydroxide solution?


The molarity of barium hydroxide  solution is  0.2145 M .

What is molarity?

The proportion of solute moles to solution length is called molarity. Divide the number of moles of HCl by the volume (L) of the solution in which it was dissolved to get the molarity of the acid solution.

What is barium hydroxide ?

Ba(OH)2 is the chemical formula for barium hydroxide, often known as baryta. The powder is an odourless, transparent white colour. The nature of it is toxic. It is ionic in nature; for instance, barium hydroxide, Ba(OH)2, can produce two hydroxide ions per molecule when dissolved in water.

M1*V1 = M2*V2

a.) M1*27.6 /1000 = 0.176*20.5/1000

    M1 = 0.1307

b.) M1*19/1000 = 0.154*23.9/1000

   M1 = 0.1937

c.)  0.119*24.7 = 2*M2*13.7

    M2 = 0.10727

a)  molarity of the hydrochloric acid solution = ( volume of base * molarity of base) / ( volume of acid ) = ( 20.5 * 0.176) / (27.6)  = 0.1307 M

b)  molarity of the hydrochloric acid solution = ( volume of base * molarity of base) / ( volume of acid ) = ( 23.9 * 0.154 / (19)  = 0.19371 M

c) molarity of barium hydroxide  solution = ( volume of acid * molarity of acid) / ( volume of base ) = ( 24.7 * 0.119) / (13.7)  = 0.2145 M

Therefore, molarity of barium hydroxide  solution is  0.2145 M .

Learn more about molarity from the given link.



a reaction takes place in a flexible container initially at 298 k and volume of 3.00 liters. a reaction takes place causes the container to decrease in volume to 2.50 liters and its temperature becomes 273 k. what is the sign of the enthalpy change involved in this reaction and what is the sign of the work being done?


The sign of the enthalpy change involved in the reaction is negative and the sign of work done is also negative.

A reaction takes place in a flexible container initially at 298 K  and volume 3L .then reaction takes place causes decrease in the volume to 2.5L and its temperature becomes 273 K.

    T1 = 298 K

    V1 = 3 L

    V2 = 2.5 L

    T2 = 273 K

The Enthalpy change is the name given to the amount of heat evolved or absorbed in a reaction carried out at constant pressure. It is given the symbol ΔH.

       H = U+PV

sign of enthalpy change involved in the reaction,

Volume decreases --> PV will decrease

T decreases --> change in energy decreases

so the enthalpy change must be negative, since the change or content of energy is getting lower and same in work done.

To know more about enthalpy change please visit:



you have two atoms which have large differences in electronegativities. will they make an ionic or covalent bond


They make Ionic Bond, In general, large differences in electronegativity result in ionic bonds, while smaller differences result in covalent bonds

What is Ionic Bond?

Ionic bond refers to the electrostatic force of attraction that binds the two ions with opposing charges together.

The full transfer of one or more electrons from one atom to the other, which causes the atoms to assume their closest inert gas state, results in the formation of a chemical bond between two atoms.

To complete their octet configuration, one method is to provide or absorb electrons. An ionic bond or electrovalent bond is the name given to the bond created by this sort of combination. When one atom receives electrons while the other atom loses electrons from its outermost level, a bond of this type is created.

Learn more about Ionic Bond from given link



Only the largest stars more than 10 times the size of the Sun will go
supernova and possibly become black holes.
O True
O Flase


True, when a star that is 10 times or more larger than the sun goes supernova, only then will it turn into a black hole (densest objects in the universe)

What elements does bromine react with?


With many of the metals and elements, anhydrous bromine is less reactive than wet bromine; however, dry bromine reacts vigorously with aluminium, titanium, mercury as well as alkaline earth metals and alkaline metals.

Bromine is the only liquid nonmetallic element at room temperature and one of five elements on the period table that are liquid at or close to room temperature. The pure chemical element has the physical form of a diatomic molecule, Br2.

It is a heavy, mobile, reddish-brown liquid, that evaporates easily at standard temperature and pressures in a red vapor (its colour resembles nitrogen dioxide) that has a strong disagreeable odour resembling that of chlorine. A halogen, bromine resembles chlorine chemically but is less active. It is more active than iodine, however. Bromine is slightly soluble in water, and highly soluble in carbon disulfide, aliphatic alcohols (such as methanol), and acetic acid. It bonds easily with many elements and has a strong bleaching action.

Bromine is highly reactive and is a powerful oxidizing agent in the presence of water. It reacts vigorously with amines, alkenes and phenols as well as aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones and acids (these are brominated by either addition or substitution reactions).

To learn more about bromine visit:



draw an alcohol and an alkyl bromide that could be combined to give the ether shown. an alkyl bromide and alcohol combine to form an ether. the ether is an oxygen bonded to a 6 carbon ring and isopropyl group. draw the alkyl bromide. draw the alcohol.


The product isopropoxycyclonehexane (ether) can be obtained from the following reaction of bromocyclohexane with 2-propanol in the presence of strong base

bromocyclohexane + 2-propanol ----(NaH/SN2) ---> isopropoxycyclonehexane

This occurs due to the strong base and the SN2 reaction.


The strong base, sodium hydride abstracts a proton from 2-propanol to form an anion. This anion reacts with bromocyclohexane by SN2 mechanism to form  isopropoxycyclonehexane.

Substitution reactions are those reactions in which one functional group is replaced by another functional group.

Two types of substitution reactions can occur in haloalkanes: SN1  and SN2.

Thus, the SN2 substitution reaction, in which the halogen is released from the haloalkane, and the nucleophile attacks the carbon's positive charge. SN2 in which the nucleophile attacks the halogen's carbon, causing the halogen to be replaced in which nucleophile attack.

To know more about SN2, refer: https://brainly.com/question/29589832


188.0 mL of 0.400 M HNO3 is added to 133.4 mL of NaOH of unknown


The 188.0 mL of 0.400 M HNO3 is added to 133.4 mL of NaOH of unknown concentration. 0.564 M is the answer HNO3 (aq) + NaOH (aq) ---> H2O(l) + NaNO3 (aq).

What is concentration?

Concentration is the act of focusing all of one's attention on a particular object, task, or activity. It is a key mental skill that is necessary for achieving goals, making decisions, and solving problems. Concentration requires self-discipline and the ability to block out distractions. When concentration is successful, it can help individuals to become more productive and successful in their daily lives.

By using stock to working solution equation

M1V1 = M2V2

188.0 x 0.400 = M2 X 133.4


M1 = Molar concentration of stock solution 1.

V1 = volume of stock solution 1

M2 =  molar concentration of unknown solution

V2 = volume of unknown solution.

Now, we find out the concentration of unknown solution

188.0 x 0.400 = M2 X 133.4

188.0 x 0.400/133.4 = M2

0.564 M = M2 is the correct answer.

to learn more about molar concentration



1) ATP is considered to be a high-energy molecule. When ATP undergoes hydrolysis to ADP, how much energy is produced?
ATP is considered to be a high-energy molecule. When ATP undergoes hydrolysis to ADP, how much energy is produced?
A) 7.3 kcal/mole is required.
B) 7.3 kcal/mole is released.
C) 21.9 kcal/mol is released.
D) 14.6 kcal/mole is released.


The appropriate answer is

−7.3 kcal/mol
Energy Output in ATP Hydrolysis
The hydrolysis of 1M of ATP into ADP and inorganic phosphate, releases −7.3 kcal/mol of energy. The energy released in the living cell is almost double the value in standard conditions, it is equal to −14 kcal/mol.

Please rate as the brainliest

Is CH2O a covalent or ionic bond?


This would be a covalent bond because Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), and Oxygen (O) are all gases and the definition of a covalent bond is a bond between Nonmetals.

Brainliest is appreciated

a sample of gas isolated from unrefined petroleum contains 90.0% ch4, 8.9% c2h6, and 1.1% c3h8 at a total pressure of 307.2 kpa. what is the partial pressure of each component of this gas? (the percentages given indicate the percent of the total pressure that is due to each component.)


There are methods to calculate partial pressures: 1)Use PV = nRT the total pressure is 3.4 pKa.

Use the mole fraction of every fueloline to calculate the share of strain from the full strain assignable to every man or woman gasthis query the chances of 3 gases in a fueloline combination along side the full strain are given.

According to Dalton's law, general strain is the sum of partial pressures. The partial pressures then, may be calculated with the aid of using multiplication of the percents with the aid of using the full strain.

1-Partial strain of methane:


2- Partial strain of ethane:


3-Partial strain of propane:


The general strain is the sum of these 3 partial pressures.

Read more about pressures;



Classify the following phase changes as endothermic or exothermic.
1) liquid to solid
2) solid to liquid
3) gas to liquid
4) solid to gas
5) liquid to gas
6) gas to solid


1)liquid to solid-exothermic process

2) solid to liquid-endothermic process

3) gas to liquid-exothermic process

4) solid to gas-endothermic process

5) liquid to gas-endothermic process

6) gas to solid-exothermic process

Exothermic Reaction -It refers to a transformation in which a closed system releases energy (heat) to its surroundings, as expressed by. When the transformation occurs at constant pressure and without the exchange of electrical energy, heat Q equals the enthalpy change.

Exothermic reactions are those that produce energy. When bonds are formed in the products, more energy is released than is used to break the bonds in the reactants in exothermic reactions. Endothermic reactions are those that absorb (or use) energy.




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