The sum of 3 consecutive odd numbers is 51.
What is the second number in this sequence?


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

15 + 17 + 19= 51

Related Questions

Use Standard Form.

Ax + By = C




Step-by-step explanation:




divide both sides by 3 and you get y=5



divide both sides by 5 and get x= 3

So then the y-int is 5 and the x-int is 3.


Step-by-step explanation:

o find the vertex of f(x)=x2−8x+7 , there are several things you can do. You could complete the square to get the equation into vertex ...

What is the average speed of a car if it travels 150 km in 2 hours?


The average speed of the car if it travels 150 km in 2 hours is 75 kilometres per hour.

The average speed of the car will be calculated by the formula -

Average speed = total distance covered ÷ time taken

Keep the values from question in the above mentioned formula to calculate the average speed of the car

Average speed of the car = 150/2

Performing division on Right Hand Side of the equation to find the average speed of the car

Average speed of the car = 75 km/hr

Thus, the average speed of the car is 75 kilometres per hour.

Learn more about speed -


ten less the the quotient of a number and 3 is 8



Add 10 to each side x/3=18 Multiply by 3


x/3 - 10 = 8

Step-by-step explanation:

It seems like you want me to provide an equation, so here it is:

10 less equates to "minus 10", or "10 minus". [-10]

Quotient refers to division, and "a number" can be replaced with a variable: x. This is our numerator. Our denominator is "3", as it states, "and 3". Finally, the "is" statement refers to equality, and we can replace this with the equal sign.

Putting these all together, you get the equation, x/3 - 10 = 8.

Solve 1/2 + 1/2x = x^2 − 7x+10/4x by rewriting the equation as a proportion. Which proportion is equivalent to the original equation?
Name the true solution(s) to the equation
Name the extraneous solution(s) to the equation.


The  proportion that is equivalent to the original equation  [tex]\frac{x+1}{2x} =\frac{x^{2} -7x+10}{4x}[/tex]

The true solution to the equation [tex]x_{1} =1, x_{2}=8[/tex]

The extraneous solution to the equation.x=0

You are given the equation

[tex]\frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2x}=\frac{x^{2} -7x+10}{4x}[/tex]

we will note that

[tex]\frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2x}=\frac{x+1}{2x}[/tex]

this equation can now be rewritten as proportions as

[tex]\frac{x+1}{2x}=\frac{x^{2} -7x+10}{4x}[/tex]

Solving this equation using the main property of proportion:

[tex]4x. (x+1) =2x.(x^{2} -7x+10.\\[/tex]

[tex]2x(2x+2-x^{2} +7x-10) =0,[/tex]

[tex]2x(-x^{2} +9x-8) =0[/tex]

x cannot be equal to 0 (it is placed in the denominator of the initial equation and the denominator cannot be 0), so x=0 is the extraneous solution to the equation.

This will hence translate to

[tex]-x^{2} +9x-8=0[/tex]

[tex]x^{2} +9x+8=0,[/tex]

[tex]x_{1,2} = \frac{\sqrt{(-9)^2-4 . 8} }{2} =[/tex] 9±7/2

=1, 8

Learn more about Equations here:


The correct answers on Edge are explained and shown below.

Solve 1/2 + 1/2x = x^2 − 7x+10/4x by rewriting the equation as a proportion.

Q1: Which proportion is equivalent to the original equation?  

Answer:  C.  [tex]\frac{x +1}{2x} = \frac{x^{2} -7x + 10}{4x}[/tex]  


Option 3. x + 1/2x = x^2 - 7x + 10/4x

Q2: Name the true solution(s) to the equation:  

Answer: x = 1, x = 8.

Q3: Name the extraneous solution(s) to the equation:

Answer: x = 0.

You are all welcome. Hope this helps. Have a nice day. :)  

The length of a rectangle is 4 meters less than twice its width. The area of the rectangle
is 70 square meters. Find the dimensions of the rectangle. (Area = L·W)



The dimensions of the rectangle are 10 meters (L) and 7 meters (W).

Step-by-step explanation:

please give brainliest

Write the equation of the following lines in slope-intercept form



Green Graph:  y = x - 6

Red Graph: y = -3/2 + 7

Step-by-step explanation:

Slope intercept form is represented by the formula:

y = mx + b

m is your slope

b is the y intercept

Another thing to note is that, when m is negative, the graph will point to the left, while when m is positive in will point in the right

For the green graph, the line intercepts at -6, so that will be your b value.

the slope is positive 1 because if your count up from -6 and count across to point (1,-5) you get 1/1

Put these pieces of information in your formula and you get

y = x - 6

You can use the same process to find the equation of the red line. However, the slope will be negative since the graph is pointing to the left side of the coordinate plane.


Graph 1:  y = x - 6

Graph 2: y = -3/2 + 7

Find the length of side x in simplest radical form with a rational denominator.


The side x of the right angle triangle is 6√3 units.

How to find the sides of a right triangle?

A right triangle is a triangle that has one of its angles as 90 degrees. The sides of a right triangle is named according to the position of the angle. The side of a right triangle are as follows:

hypotenuse sideopposite sideadjacent side

The hypotenuse side is the longest side of a right triangle.

Therefore, let's find the x side of the right triangle using trigonometric ratios.

tan 60 = opposite / adjacent

opposite side = x

adjacent side = 6

tan 60 = x / 6

cross multiply

x = 6 tan 60

x = 6 × √3

x = 6√3

learn more on right triangle here:


2x - 3y = -1
y =x -1



x = 4 ;  y = 3

Step-by-step explanation:

2x - 3(x-1) = -1

2x - 3x + 3 = -1

- x = -1 - 3

- x = -4

x = 4

y = 4-1

y = 3

Christian is 1.35 meters tall. At 10 a.m., he measures the length of a tree's shadow t
be 38.65 meters. He stands 34.4 meters away from the tree, so that the tip of his
shadow meets the tip of the tree's shadow. Find the height of the tree to the nearest
hundredth of a meter.
1.35 m
•34-4 m
•38.65 m

It’s not 1.52



The answer is 1.52.

Step-by-step explanation:

I don't know why it's not 1.52 no matter how I calculate it's 1.52

Fill in the missing number 25% of = 24




Step-by-step explanation:

25% of what is 24?

25% of X is 24

To find X we do 24/25%.

Converting percent to decimal:

25%/100 = 0.25

X = 24/0.25

X = 96

Write an equation in point-slope form, slope-intercept form, and standard form for the following lines:

A. [tex]m = -6; (-9,9)[/tex]
B. [tex](-8,-6); (4,-15)[/tex]



Point-slope form:

A. y - 9 = -6(x - 9)

B. y + 6 = -3/2(x + 8)

Slope-intercept form:

A. y = -6x + 63

B. y = -3/2x - 27/2

Standard form:

A. -6x + y - 63 = 0

B. -3/2x - y + 27/2 = 0

The following table shows the breakdown of opinions for both faculty and students in a recent survey about the new restructuring of the campus to include an Honors College. Find the probability that a randomly selected person is either a student opposed to the change or a faculty member who has an opinion either for or against. Express your answer as a fraction in lowest terms or a decimal rounded to the nearest millionth.

Survey Results on Restructuring Campus to Include an Honors College
Category Favor Oppose Neutral Total
Faculty 6 15 15 36
Students 41 41 58 140
Total 47 56 73 176


The probability that a randomly selected person is either a student opposed to the change or a faculty member who has an opinion either for or against is given as follows:


How to calculate the probability?

A probability is calculated as the division of the number of desired outcomes by the number of total outcomes.

The total number of outcomes in this problem is given as follows:

176 people.

The desired outcomes are given as follows:

Student opposed to the change: 41.Faculty member who is either for or against: 6 + 15 = 21.

(these outcomes are both calculated from the data given by the table).

Hence the probability is calculated as follows:

p = (41 + 21)/176 = 62/176 = 31/88.

More can be learned about probabilities at


What is the effect on the gravitational force if?
a. Both masses are multipled by 3
b. The distance between centers is X4
c. One mass is X2 and the other X3
d. The distance is divided by 2
e. The distance is divided by 2 and one mass X3


The effect on the gravitational force if:

a. Both masses are multipled by 3:  the gravitational force becomes 9 times.

b. The distance between centers is X4:  the gravitational force gets reduced by 16 times.

c. One mass is X2 and the other X3 :  the gravitational force becomes 6 times.

d. The distance is divided by 2:  the gravitational force becomes 4 times.

e. The distance is divided by 2 and one mass X3:  the gravitational force becomes 12 times.

We know that the gravitational force between two objects is given by,

F = Gm1m2 / r²                  ...........(1)

We need to find the effect on the gravitational force if

a.  Both masses are multipled by 3

F1 = G(3m1)(3m2) / r²

F1 = 9 Gm1m2 / r²

F1 = 9F                      ...........(from equation (1))

Thus the gravitational force becomes 9 times.

b. The distance between centers is X4

F2 =  Gm1m2 / (4r)²

F2 =  Gm1m2 / 16r²

F2 = 1/16 ( Gm1m2 / r²)

F2 = 1/16 * F                     ...........(from equation (1))

Thus the gravitational force gets reduced by 16 times.

c. One mass is X2 and the other X3

F3 = G(2m1)(3m2) / r²

F3 = 6 * Gm1m2 / r²

F3 = 6F                     ...........(from equation (1))

Thus the gravitational force becomes 6 times.

d. The distance is divided by 2

F4 =  Gm1m2 / (r/2)²

F4 =  Gm1m2 / (r²/4)

F4 = 4 ( Gm1m2 / r²)

F4 = 4F                     ...........(from equation (1))

Thus the gravitational force becomes 4 times.

e. The distance is divided by 2 and one mass X3

F5 =  G(3m1)m2 / (r/2)²

F2 =  3Gm1m2 / (r²/4)

F2 = (3*4) ( Gm1m2 / r²)

F2 = 12 F                     ...........(from equation (1))

Thus the gravitational force becomes 12 times.

Therefore, The effect on the gravitational force if:

a. the gravitational force becomes 9 times.

b. the gravitational force gets reduced by 16 times.

c. the gravitational force becomes 6 times.

d. the gravitational force becomes 4 times.

e. the gravitational force becomes 12 times.

Learn more about equation here:


Algebra2 8.2 Practice a problems


Step-by-step explanation:

Given the angle 10 let's add 360 and see if the angle is in the interval.

[tex]10 + 360 = 370[/tex]


[tex]10 - 360 = - 350[/tex]

So the coterminal angle is


For question 2, subtract 360

[tex]180 - 360 = - 180[/tex]

What is 1/6 as a number?


Answer: 1/6 as a number is 0.1666, with the sixes repeating infinitely, which makes it a rational number. 1/6 = 0.1666 repeating.

Step-by-step explanation: math

A town has a population of 10000 and grows at 5% every year. To the nearest year, how long will it be until the population will reach 22000?.


It takes about 16 years to reach the population size of 22000.

Population growth is the term used to describe changes in population size over time, which can be either positive or negative. The population growth formula is [tex]P=P_0\times e^{rt}[/tex]. Here, P is the total population size after time t, P₀ is the initial population size, r is the rate of growth, and e is Euler's number (e=2.72).

Given the total population, after time t is 22000, the initial population is 10000, and the rate is  5%.

Then, the time is calculated as,

[tex]\begin{aligned}22000&=10000\times e^{(0.05\times t)}\\\frac{22000}{10000}&=e^{(0.05\times t)}\\\ln(2.2)&=0.05\times t\\t&=\frac{0.788}{0.05}\\&=15.76\\&\approx16\end{aligned}[/tex]

The time it takes to reach a population size of 22000 is 16 years.

To know more about population growth:


the blue catfish (ictalurus furcatus) is the largest species of north amercian catfish. the current world record stands at 143 pounds, which was caught in the john h. kerr reservoir (bugg's island lake) located in virginia. according to amercian expedition, the average weight of a blue catfish is between 20 to 40 pounds. given that the largest blue catfish ever caught was at the john h. kerr reservoir, you believe that the mean weight of the fish in this reservoir is greater than 40 pounds. a) if you going to test this claim at the 0.05 significance level, what would be your null and alternative hypotheses? h 0 : ? h 1 : ? b) what type of hypothesis test should you conduct (left-, right-, or two-tailed)?


a) The hypothesis are given as follows:

Null hypothesis: [tex]H_0: \mu \leq 40[/tex]Alterantive hypothesis: [tex]H_1: \mu > 40[/tex]

b) The test is classified as a right-tailed test.

What are the hypothesis tested?

The claim is given as follows:

"The mean weight of the fish in this reservoir is greater than 40 pounds".

At the null hypothesis, it is tested if there is not enough evidence to conclude that the claim is true, that is, not enough evidence to conclude that the mean is greater than 40 pounds, hence:

[tex]H_0: \mu \leq 40[/tex]

At the alternative hypothesis, it is tested if there is enough evidence to conclude that the claim is true, hence:

[tex]H_1: \mu > 40[/tex]

We are testing if the mean is greater than a value, hence this is a right-tailed test.

More can be learned about the test of an hypothesis at


How fast is 150 km in 7200 seconds?


The speed or fastness based on the data of distance and time is 0.02 kilometres per second.

The intensity of fastness is measured by the speed. Concerning this, using the formula of speed to find the how fast the mentioned data indicates.The formula to calculate the speed is -

Speed = distance covered ÷ total time

The distance covered is 150 kilometres and time taken in 7200 seconds. So, the answer will state the speed in kilometres per second. Keep the values in formula to find the speed.

Speed = 150/7200

Performing division on Right Hand Side of the equation to find the speed

Speed = 0.02 kilometres per second.

The mentioned value indicates the object covers 0.02 kilometres in one second.

Learn more about speed -


The table shows a proportional relationship between x and y.

x 12 16 28
y 3 4 7

Describe the graph of the proportional relationship, in words.
A line beginning at point (0, 0) and continuing through the point (4, 12).
A line beginning at point (0, 0) and continuing through the point (28, 7).
A line beginning at point (12, 4) and continuing through the point (7, 28).
A line beginning at point (12, 4) and continuing through the point (4, 16).


A line beginning at point (0, 0) and continuing through the point (28, 7) describes the graph of the proportional relationship. 2nd option is the answer

How to describe the graph of the proportional relationship in words?

Given: the proportional relationship

x 12 16 28

y  3  4   7

In order to know the beginning of the line, we need to find the y-intercept.

The equation of a line is of the form

y = mx + c

where m is the slope and c is the y-intercept.

m = y2-y1 /x2-x1

m = 4-3 / 16-12 = 1/4

y = mx + c

3 = 1/4(12) + c

3 = 3 + c

c = 0

Thus, the beginning of the line is (0, 0).

The coordinate of a line or graph is written in the form (x, y). Therefore, the line begins at point (0, 0) and continues through point (28, 7).

Learn more about proportional relationship on:


A conjecture and the paragraph proof used to prove the conjecture are shown. Given: R S T U is a parallelogram. Angle 1 and angle 3 are complementary. Prove: angle 2 and angle 3 are complementary. Parallelogram J K L M. A diagonal segment U S is drawn across the parallelogram. Angle R U S is labeled 1. Angle U S T is labeled 2. A ray is extended diagonally up to the left of UT forming an interior angle labeled as 3. Drag an expression or phrase to each box to complete the proof. Put responses in the correct input to answer the question. Select a response, navigate to the desired input and insert the response. Responses can be selected and inserted using the space bar, enter key, left mouse button or touchpad. Responses can also be moved by dragging with a mouse. It is given that RSTU is a parallelogram, so RU¯¯¯¯¯∥ST¯¯¯¯¯ by the definition of parallelogram. Therefore, ∠1≅∠2 ​by the alternate interior angles theorem, and m∠1=m∠2 ​by the Response area. It is also given that ∠1 and ∠3 are complementary, so m∠1+m∠3=90° by the Response area. By substitution, m∠2+ Response area = 90°, and so ∠2 and Response area are complementary by the definition of complementary.



It is given that RSTU is a parallelogram, so RU¯¯¯¯¯∥ST¯¯¯¯¯ by the definition of parallelogram. Therefore, ∠1≅∠2 ​by the alternate interior angles theorem, and m∠1=m∠2 ​by the transitive property. It is also given that ∠1 and ∠3 are complementary, so m∠1+m∠3=90° by the definition of complementary angles. By substitution, m∠2+ m∠3 = 90°, and so ∠2 and ∠3 are complementary by the definition of complementary.

Kayla is 1. 85 meters tall. At 12 noon, she measures the length of a tree's shadow to be 28. 15 meters. She stands 23. 1 meters away from the tree, so that the tip of her shadow meets the tip of the tree's shadow. Find the height of the tree to the nearest hundredth of a meter.


The height of the tree is 2.25 m. The problem is related to quantitative comparison.

What is a quantitative comparison?

A quantitative comparison is a problem with two objects having different quantities but they can be increasing by the same factor.

Kayla is 1.85 m tall and she stands 23.1 m away from the tree. At the same time, a tree's shadow near her is 28.15 high. Determine the height of the tree!

We have:

Kayla's tall = 1.85 mKayla's shadow = 23.1 mTree's shadow = 28.15 m

If the tree's shadow is longer than Kayla's shadow, the tree's height is also higher that Kayla's tall. The tree's height is

Kayla's tall/tree's tall = Kayla's shadow/tree's shadow

1.85/tree's tall = 23.1/28.15

Tree's tall = (28.15 × 1.85)/23.1

Tree's tall = 2.25 m

Hence, the height of the tree that has a shadow of 28.15 meters is 2.25 m.

Learn more about measuring a height:


81 devided by (-9)


-9x5= -45

Hope this helps:)

The amount of caffeine varies greatly from product to product. Click [here] to examine a table comparing the caffeine content of a variety of drinks. Use the data from the table to answer the questions. Lin made a mixture consisting of 24 ounces of instant tea and 12 ounces of green tea. Approximately how many milligrams of caffeine per ounce were in this final mixture? 0. 02 03. 13 25 45.


The caffeine per ounce in the final mixture of green and instant tea is 40.08 mg.

Based on the data we know quantity of caffeine in an ounce of instant tea is 1368 mg and in green tea is 480.96 mg. So, calculating amount of caffeine in instant and green tea.

Amount of caffeine in instant tea = 24 × 57

Amount of caffeine in instant tea = 1368 mg

Amount of caffeine in green tea = 12 × 6.25

Amount of caffeine in green tea = 75 mg

Total caffeine in the mixture = 1368 + 75

Total caffeine in the mixture = 1443 mg

Total amount of mixture = 12 + 24

Total amount of mixture = 36

Amount of caffeine per ounce in the mixture = 1443/36

Amount of caffeine per ounce in the mixture = 40.08 mg

Hence, the caffeine in mixture is 40.08 mg.

Learn more about ounces -


Use the figure at the right to identify the angle pair relationship.


Angles ∠1 and ∠7 are alternate interior angles and angle ∠4 and ∠8 are adjacent angles.

What are lines and angles?

Lines are straight with little depth or width. Perpendicular lines, intersecting lines, transversal lines, and other types of lines will be covered. An angle is a shape formed by two rays emerging from a common point. In this field, you may also come across alternate and equivalent angles.

The angle is defined as the span between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet.

When a transversal connects two coplanar lines, alternate interior angles are generated. They are on the inside of the parallel lines, but on the outside of the transversal.

To know more about lines and angles follow


What are the three forms of split?


The three forms of split are as follow: splitting , split and splits.

Explanation :

Split is an irregular form of verb.This means 'd' or 'ed' is not added at its end.Irregular verbs are the verbs which does follow the general  or regular form of grammar or the normal pattern of change in its form. For example : Eat is ate and eaten not eatted.Considering the first , second , third  verb form of split it is same for all.Splitted sounds and is considered wrong .It does align with normal standard of words.Example: Present : I split the bill. Past : I split the billFuture : i shall split the bill.

Therefore, the three forms of the split are splitting , split and splits.

Learn more about split here


Customers at a restaurant were surveyed to see which type of service they had during their visit (table service, assisted service, or self-service) and their age (18 years or younger or over 18 years old). The results of the survey were displayed in a segmented bar chart.

Which of the following describes this data set?

Categorical and univariate
Numerical and univariate
Categorical and bivariate
Numerical and bivariate


Since the customers were surveyed to see which type of service they had during their visit and their age, the data type which best describes this data set is: C. categorical and bivariate.

What is a categorical data?

A categorical data can be defined as a type of statistical data that is typically used to group information that are having the same attributes or characteristics.

In Science, some examples of a categorical data include the following:


What is a bivariate data?

A bivariate data can be defined as a data set which comprises information that are based on two (2) variables, usually two types of related data.

In conclusion we can reasonably infer and logically deduce that the data set above would result in data that are categorical and bivariate.

Read more on categorical data here:


What is the value of x if the distance between the points (7, 5) and (x, -3) is 10 units?


The value of the variable x when the distance between two points is 10 is equal to 13 or 1.

As given in the question,

Given two points (7, 5) and (x, -3)

Distance between two points  (7, 5) and (x, -3) is equal to 10 units

Distance = √ ( y₂ - y₁ )² + ( x₂ - x₁ )²

⇒ (10)     = √ ( -3 -5 )² + ( x - 7 )²

⇒ 10      = √ ( -8 )² + x² - 14x + 49

⇒ 10²    =  64 + x² - 14x   + 49

⇒ 100   = 113 +  x² - 14x

⇒ x² -14x + 13 = 0

⇒ x² -13x -x + 13 =0

⇒ ( x - 13) ( x - 1) = 0

⇒ x = 13 or 1

Therefore, the value of the variable x for the given distance and points is equal to 13 or 1.

Learn more about distance here


Someone Please Please Answer this (20 POINTS)



Step-by-step explanation: Simple plug x in.


(Square root) 4 -1=1


(square root) 9 -1=2


(square root ) 16-1=3

x=1 Y=1

x=6  Y=2

x=13  Y=3


the statement says that you’ve triggered the penalty apr so that it has now increased to 28.99%. what action triggered this?


If you failed to pay the minimum payment by the due date and are now being charged the penalty APR of 28.99%, your monthly interest charge on a balance of $1800 would be approximately $518.82. This is calculated as follows:

$1800 * (28.99% / 12 months) = $518.82

However, it is important to note that this calculation is an estimate and the actual amount of interest you would owe in one month could be different, depending on factors such as the number of days in the billing period and the daily interest rate. It is also worth noting that you were charged $6.31 in interest for purchases, which is separate from the interest charged on your unpaid balance.

Learn More about Interest rates here:


What is the slope of the line through the points x1 y1 and x2 y2?


The slope of a line through the two points is (y2-y1) / (x2 - x1).

The slope of a line:

The slope of a line is a measure of its steepness. Mathematically, the slope is calculated as "rise over run" (change in y divided by change in x).

Here we have to find the slope of the line.

Data given:

Point one has the coordinate = (x1, y1)

Point two has the coordinate = (x2, y2)

So the slope of the line(m) =( y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

Therefore the slope of the line is (y2- y1) / ) (x2-x1)

To know more about the slope of a line refer to the link given below:


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