Why was the Declaration of Sentiments written like the Declaration of Independence?


Answer 1

In order to draw parallels between the hardships of the Founding Fathers and those of the women's movement, Stanton wrote the Declaration of Sentiments, which was largely based on the Independence Act.

Stanton's name change was motivated?

He has claimed that he began using the name Mike as a child young since his peers found Giancarlo difficult to pronounce. Giancarlo is unmistakably an Italian name, yet Stanton is not of Italian descent.

Who in history was Stanton?

Charles Cady Abolitionist, advocate for human rights, and one of the earliest figures in the women's rights movement, Stanton was. Despite coming from a wealthy family, she made the decision at a young age to fight for women's equality. Susan and Stanton collaborated closely.

To know more about Stanton visit:



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How do political parties nominate presidential candidates ?


In August of the year before the presidential election, political parties propose their nominees.

Candidates currently participate in a variety of state-level primaries and caucuses where, based on the votes they obtain from the electorate, they are assigned a specific number of delegates who will vote for them at their party's convention. A candidate who wishes to appear on a primary ballot submits a nomination petition. Candidates from small political parties and organisations must submit nomination papers in order to be included on the ballot for a November election.

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What are the 4 types of inheritance?


There are various inheritance types, including hierarchical inheritance, multiple inheritance, multilevel inheritance, and single inheritance.

The simplest sort of inheritance in C++ is called single inheritance. A single class in this inheritance receives the traits of a base class. The derived class can access any data members of the base class in accordance with the inheritance's defined visibility mode (private, protected, or public). Multiple inheritance is the inheritance process in which a class can take traits from more than one base class, or a derived class can have more than one source class. At the point of inheritance, it provides access specifiers independently for each base class.

Multilevel Inheritance is the process by which a class can be descended from another descended class. A, B, and C are the three classes, let's say. The base class that class B derives from is A. B is hence A's derived class. The class that comes from class B now is C. As a result, class B becomes the foundation class for class C while also deriving from class A. The Multilevel Inheritance is the name given to this situation. Hierarchical inheritance is the process of passing down several derived classes from a single base class.

To learn more about inheritance, refer: brainly.com/question/15078897


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the agency that operates the u.s. military and addresses the role of military power in foreign policy is the Defense Department

a federal crime involving parties on guam would most likely be heard in which court?


Answer: U.S. Court of International Trade. U.S. Tax Court.



U.S. court


creosote inc. operates a plant—a "major source"—that emits hazardous air pollutants for which the environmental protection agency has set maximum levels of emission. the plant does not use equipment to reduce its emissions. under the clean air act, this is most likely


According to question,  Under the Clean Air Act, this is most likely is Violation .

Option A is correct .

The major federal law governing air quality in the United States, known as the Clean Air Act, aims to lower and regulate air pollution on a national scale. It was initially passed in 1963 and has since undergone multiple changes. It is one of the first and most significant modern environmental laws in the US.

It grants the federal government the authority to control and slash greenhouse gas emissions, which is crucial to the international effort to address climate change. Furthermore, communities of color and those with low incomes, which are frequently home to polluting facilities, benefit most from strict controls.

To know more about  Clean Air Act visit :



The correct question is :

Creosote Inc. operates a plant—a "major source"—that emits hazardous air pollutants for which the Environmental Protection Agency has set maximum levels of emission. The plant does not use equipment to reduce its emissions. Under the Clean Air Act, this is most likely

a. a violation.

b. not a violation because a "major source" is exempt.

c. not a violation because the plant does not use any equipment.

d. not a violation because the plant is not a mobile source.

As a condition of being allowed to apply for a job with able industries, colton is asked to waive his right to object to workplace searches. After signing the waiver, he is offered a job, and he accepts it. Sometime later, he is subjected to a search. If colton seeks legal redress on the grounds that the search violated his privacy rights, his employer:.


It will be unable to successfully assert the waiver as a defense because it was given by Charles prior to his job offer. Option (c) is correct.

There are circumstances in the workplace where an employer might infringe on an employee's right to privacy. For instance, the Fourth Amendment's ban on unjustified search and seizure may be far stricter for a public employer than for a private employer where the latter is also permitted some discretion.

Employee consent should be necessary whenever an employer has to conduct a workplace search, especially if the search is not conducted in a public area. You don't have the right to bring your entirely personal ideas into the workplace in a way that makes the employer more liable if your employer hires someone you don't like but you decide to stay with the employer. Employees' right to privacy would be violated in direct proportion to any searches conducted without their authorization. Charles may file a lawsuit since he first agreed to waive his right to object to workplace searches before receiving a job offer.

To learn more about workplace searches, refer: brainly.com/question/29305382


Correct Question:

As a condition of being allowed to apply for a job with Good Hands Industries, Charles is asked to waive his right to object to workplace searches. After signing the waiver, he is offered a job, and he accepts it. Sometime later, he is subjected to a search. If Charles seeks legal redress on the grounds that the search violated his privacy rights, his employer:_________-

A. will be unable to successfully assert the waiver as a defense because it was not given voluntarily.

B. will be unable to successfully assert the waiver as a defense because Charles did not grant it intentionally.

C. will be unable to successfully assert the waiver as a defense because it was given by Charles prior to his job offer.

D. will be able to successfully assert the waiver as a defense because it was given in exchange for valuable consideration.

How does Sojourner Truth use pathos?


Truth uses pathos by saying, “I have born 13 children."

Truth employs pathos when she says, "I have given birth to 13 children and have seen the majority of them sold into slavery. When I screamed out in the agony of a mother, only Jesus listened! And I'm a lady, right? ”

Truth connects with her audience as both women and mothers by drawing on personal experiences to elicit an emotional response.

Truth employs logos as well. Look at my arm! Look at me! No man could lead me while I plowed, planted, and gathered into barns. And I'm a lady, right? When I could, I could work as hard as Michel 2 and consume as much food as a man while still taking the beating.

To know more about pathos:



a breach of contract entitles the nonbreaching party to sue for monetary damages. t or f


When a contract is broken, the non-breaching party has the right to compensation. true

What does "named"entitled mean?

To be entitled toward something indicates you have the legal right to possess or perform that which you desire. A person may be qualified for a privilege, possession, or activity. The phrases "entitled to" are used in the following examples: Because the error was the company's, he was eligible to a complete refund.

Is it right to use the word entitled?

If anything is "named," it signifies that the author or another person gave it that title.Contrarily, the word entitled denotes the possession of rights. For example, if you are eligible to a home, it signifies that the law preserves your.

To know more about entitled visit:



What is the approval of the Constitution called?


The procedure for ratification of the Constitution as outlined in that document sparked a great deal of public discussion in the States.

What exactly does ratification mean?

the formal approval or sanctioning of anything (such as an treaty or amendment) through the act or the procedure of ratification. Although slavery was technically abolished in the U.s with the adoption of the thirteenth Amendment in 1865, certain people continued to be held as slaves after slavery was declared to have abolished in New Jersey around 1804.

What criteria must be met for ratification?

A resolution adopted by the Legislatures is used for ratification. The State Legislatures' approval of an amended Bill is subject to no set time restriction. However, before the amendment Bill is introduced, the resolutions approving the proposed alteration must be passed.

To know more about ratification visit:



How did Wilson justify the war to Congress during one of his famous speeches ?


In his speech earlier than a unique consultation of Congress, Wilson, as traditional, took the moral excessive floor and declared that now not handiest had us's rights as a neutral been violated however that “the arena have to be made safe for democracy.”

After coverage of neutrality on the outbreak of global battle I, Wilson led the usa into struggle for you to “make the sector safe for democracy.”

Wilson's inspiration known as for the positive Allies to set unselfish peace terms with the vanquished crucial Powers of worldwide warfare I, along with freedom of the seas, the recuperation of territories conquered at some stage in the conflict and the proper to countrywide self-dedication in such contentious regions because of the Balkans.

Learn more about Congress here: https://brainly.com/question/325850


What are examples of short term and long term financial goals?


Examples Of Short-Term Financial Goals are, assess your current money state, establish an emergency fund, put the right insurance in place,

Some Examples of Long term goals are acquire a new job, achieve promotion, develop a career plan.

A financial goal is a scientifically defined economic milestone which you plan to gain or attain. Economic desires contain incomes, saving, making an investment and spending in proportions that match your short-term, medium-term or long-time period plans.

A monetary purpose is a target to purpose for while dealing with your money. It may contain saving, spending, incomes, or even making an investment. creating a list of monetary desires is crucial to creating a finances.

Learn more about financial goals here:- https://brainly.com/question/2801397


under u.s. law, businesses can seek damages from a competitor who misrepresents the nature, characteristics, qualities, or geographic origin of the company's product in .


The management of an organization's promotional and marketing efforts falls within the purview of the operational manager.

What constitutes personal qualities?

Positive character traits include being kind, gentle, strong, strong, caring, aggressive, diligent, honest, pragmatic, responsible, devoted, mature, creative, reliable, appreciative, competent, quick, sensitive, observant, patient, intelligent, fit, trustworthy, and motivated.

What is the tenet of quality of life?

The term "quality of life ethic" refers to something like an ethical position that bases decisions about whether to prolong or end a person's life on evaluations of the life's quality the subject could possibly experience. It is frequently used in opposition to or contrast with the respect for life ethic.

To know more about qualities visit:



What is main advantage of inheritance?


Inheritance Advantage : As the primary code does not need to be written again, inheritance can save time and effort. A simple and understandable model structure is provided by inheritance. Less money is spent on development and upkeep when there is an inheritance.

It allows for the reuse of code. reduces the amount of the source code and increases code readability. After utilizing this code, the parent and child classes make management simple. By overriding base class functionality in child classes, it promotes code extensibility. We are able to access all of the inherited class's functionality and inherit all of the base class's properties thanks to inheritance. It puts code reuse into practice.

The concept of inheritance in Java is that new classes can be constructed on top of older ones. You can use the parent class's methods and properties when you inherit from an existing class. You can also add additional fields and methods to your existing class. The two fundamental benefits of inheritance are readability and code reuse. We do not need to repeat the same code in the child class when the parent class's properties and functions are inherited by the child class.

To learn more about inheritance, refer: brainly.com/question/15078897


When a candidate needs to win a simple majority it is referred to as ?


When a candidate needs to win a simple majority it is referred to as simple majority voting.

A threshold for voting that requires more than half of the ballots cast is known as a "simple majority." A requirement for voting is plurality, which is when a proposition receives more votes than any other choice. First-past-the-post voting, also known as plurality voting and one vote per person, is the single-winner variant of an election. A majority is more than half of the total, sometimes known as a simple majority or absolute majority to separate it from similar concepts. It is a part of a set that contains more than half of the elements in the set.

Know more about simple majority here:



if a principal’s instructions are not clearly stated, an agent can fulfill the duty of obedience by acting in good faith and in a reasonable manner. t or f



if a principal’s instructions are not clearly stated, an agent can fulfill the duty of obedience by acting in good faith and in a reasonable manner.


What does the Supremacy Clause ensure answers?


This the Supremacy Clause of the constitution of the United States or supreme land of law that  established the constitution, federal laws made to it, treaties made under its authority. This is a essential to any conflict of laws rule.

It provides to the that state courts are bound by, and state constitutions subordinate to the supreme law.

The Supremacy Clause  specifying that certain federal acts take priority over any state acts that conflict with federal law it can be founded  in Article VI paragraph two of the Constitution and states that if any federal law and a state law come into conflict with one another, the federal law will take priority over that state under a law .

Maryland , In McCulloch, Chief Justice John Marshall wrote that constitutions of supremacy clause United States Constitution, which is commonly known as the Supremacy Clause. Under the Supremacy Clause, federal laws, which apply to all country, are supreme over state laws.

Learn more about Supremacy clause click the link here:



What was the most popular consumer attraction of the 1920s ?


Automobiles came to represent the new consumer culture society that developed in the 1920s. In 1919, there were only 10 million cars on American roads. By 1929, more than 27 million.

What do you think about society?

society, collective noun a group of people who formally band together to pursue goals that could be religious, humanitarian, cultural, academic, political, patriotic, or some other. a neighborhood or community of individuals who live next to one another.

What impact does society have on our lives?

The term "society" refers to relationships. Men are social creatures who exhibit this social nature by forming and dissolving groups that control and direct their behavior in a number of ways. For a person to lead a full life, society is a necessity. It both releases.

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What is supermajority ?


Instead of a majority criterion, majority can be expressed as any fraction or percentage greater than half. It can also be said to be a limited number. The usual overwhelming majority is 3/5 (60%), 2/3 (66.66%) and 3/4 (75%).

Voting Committees, amendments to the Articles of Incorporation of corporations, overwhelmingly found that certain corporate actions required much more than just a majority of shareholders' approval (usually 67% to 90% of his). It is a clause that indicates .

Two-thirds is one of the usual supermajority voting rules, but not the only rule. A Supermajority or Limited Majority Rule requires a majority vote to be used for majority voting. A stricter standard could be three-fourths.

The United States Constitution requires a supermajority of two-thirds of both houses of Congress to propose Congressional amendments to the Constitution. Also, final adoption of constitutional amendments requires a three-fourths majority of the legislature and a two-thirds majority.

Learn more about Supermajority  here



What does it mean when the UN sanctions a country?


When the UN imposes sanctions, it indicates that pressure is put on nations that pose a threat to the peace, pursue damaging policies, or disregard international law. Sanctions may also be imposed on specific individuals or organisations.

What is UN?

The United Nations (UN) is the largest and most well-known international organisation in the world. Its stated goals are to uphold international peace and security, foster friendly relations between nations, advance international cooperation, and serve as a hub for harmonising national actions. The UN's headquarters are located on international soil in New York City, and it also has main offices in Geneva, Nairobi, Vienna, and The Hague.

What is the role of the United Nations?

51 nations came together to form the United States, an international body dedicated to preserving world peace and security, fostering goodwill among nations, and advancing social progress, higher living standards, and human rights. preserve the peace and security of the world. safeguard human rights. Bring in humanitarian aid. Support climate action and sustainable development.

To know more about United Nations visit:



How is the theme developed in Hamlet?


The topic that emerges in Hamlet's death encompasses both the reason and the effect of retaliation, and it is closely related to the themes of retaliation and justice.

What does justice really mean?

To maintain the righteousness of a cause, one must possess the quality of justice, also known as righteousness, equity, or moral rightness. Righteousness or legality, as of a claiming or title; justice of the cause or explanation: to complain in a just manner.

Why is justice crucial?

A civilized society is founded on justice, to put it simply. Without just rules, societies are typically harsh and intolerable, which frequently results in violence. We uphold the rule of law and indeed the ideal of injustice as being impersonal to anything other than social status, wealth, or other factors.

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What was the main message of the Declaration of Sentiments?


The main message of the Declaration of Sentiments document demanding that American women be granted the same civil and political rights, including the right to vote, that American males were.

68 women and 32 men, or 100 out of about 300 attendees at the first women's rights convention to be organized by women, signed the Declaration of Sentiments, also known as the Declaration of Rights and Sentiments, in 1848. The Declaration of Sentiments, which was inspired by the Declaration of Independence, affirmed women's equality in politics, family, education, employment, religion, and morals. A document titled "Signatures to the Declaration of Sentiments" was signed by 100 convention attendees (68 women and 32 men).

This copy belonged to the document's primary author, Elizabeth Cady Stanton. The paper shows edits made by Stanton's daughter, Harriot Stanton Blatch.

Learn more about the Deceleration of Sentiments here: https://brainly.com/question/24496978


What is the first step in the state admission process that allows the people of a territory to prepare a Constitution?


The first step in the state admission process that allows the people of a territory to prepare a Constitution is a territorial convention that prepares the constitution, which is then put to a popular vote in the proposed State.

Federalism is a system of government in which a written constitution divides power between a central government and several regional governments. these powers are  expressed, implied, or inherent, granted to the National Government by the Constitution. Reserved Powers are those powers that the Constitution does not grant the National Government and does not deny to the States.

To become a state, a territory applies to Congress for admission to the United States. If Congress agrees that a territory is ready to become a state it passes an enabling act. It directs the people of the territory to write a state constitution. The territory and Congress must approve the constitution.

Learn more about Constitution preparation click the link here:



What is the main advantage of inheritance in Java?


The principal benefits of Java Code reuse is aided via inheritance. The parent class's code may be used by the child class without having to change it. As the primary code does not need to be written repeatedly, inheritance can save time and effort. An understandable model structure is provided by inheritance.

The most crucial application of inheritance in Java is code reuse. The kid class has direct access to the parent class's code. Runtime polymorphism is another name for overriding methods. As a result, inheritance enables polymorphism in Java. Through inheritance, we are able to access all of the inherited class's features and inherit all of the base class's properties. Reusability of code is implemented.

Lack of knowledge about inheritance or improper use of it may result in incorrect solutions. Programmers can reuse code and independently modify original software via public classes and interfaces by building new classes on top of pre-existing classes, specifying a new implementation while preserving the same behaviors, and using inheritance.

To learn more about inheritance, refer: brainly.com/question/15078897


according to section 6 of the act, who besides the legal enslaver of a fugitive from slavery had the authority to apprehend a person escaping enslavement?


Their agent or attorney may seek for and apprehend such a fleeing  individual if lawfully empowered by a power of attorney in writing, recognized, and attested under the seal of a judge or other official of the State or Territory in which it may be executed.

What is fugitive slave Act?

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 put into effect a constitutional clause requiring the return of fugitive slaves to their legitimate owners. The Compromise Measures of 1850, a group of measures aimed at balancing the conflicting interests of free and slave states, included it.

Section 6 states that any individual fleeing into the from whom labor or service is legally claimed in any of the original States may lawfully be retrieved and transferred to the one making the aforementioned claim.

To learn more about fugitive slave Act



What is the tone of the speech Ain't IA Woman?


The speech in Ain't IA Woman has a strong, angry tone. Physical symptoms of rage include higher blood pressure, an accelerated heart rate.

Physical symptoms of rage include higher blood pressure, an accelerated heart rate, and a rise in the hormones noradrenaline and adrenaline.  According to some, anger activates a portion of the fight-or-flight response.  When a person makes the deliberate decision to act in order to instantly stop the threatening conduct of another outside force, anger becomes the prevailing sensation behaviorally, cognitively, and physiologically. Old Norse term for fury served as the inspiration for the English word.

Many negative emotional and physical effects of anger can be seen. The outward manifestations of rage include facial expressions, body language, physiological reactions, and even aggressive behavior in public. A full frown to the inward angling of the eyebrows are examples of different facial emotions.

Learn more about angry here



What type of arrangement, if any, would avoid double taxation for the Wally and Sally's endeavor?


After a corporation is established, its owners may petition the IRS to treat it as a S corporation for taxation purposes. S corporations offer the same benefits of restricting liability as C businesses, but they avoid double taxation by paying out earnings directly to shareholders.

These treaties frequently include provisions for information sharing to prevent tax evasion, such as when someone claims tax exemption in one country based on non-residence there but fails to declare that income as foreign income in the other; or when someone claims local tax relief on a fictitious foreign tax deduction at source. The practice of collecting taxes from two or more jurisdictions on the same amount of money (in the case of income taxes), property (in the case of capital taxes), or business transaction is known as double taxation (in the case of sales taxes). Double liability can be reduced in a number of ways, such as by exempting foreign-source income from tax, exempting it from tax if tax had already been paid on it in another jurisdiction, or if the income is above a threshold to exclude tax haven jurisdictions, or by fully taxing the foreign-source income but giving a credit for taxes paid on the income in the foreign jurisdiction. Tax treaties, which specify guidelines to prevent double taxation, are agreements that jurisdictions can make with other nations. These treaties frequently include provisions for information sharing to prevent tax evasion, such as when someone claims tax exemption in one country based on non-residence there but fails to declare that income as foreign income in the other; or when someone claims local tax relief on a fictitious foreign tax deduction at source.

Learn more about double taxation here



What were the 3 main arguments of Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence?


The concept of "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" was first put forth by our brilliant founding fathers Thomas Paine and John Locke. Men's rights were discussed were the 3 main arguments of Jefferson.

The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson to express his feelings on the colonies remaining under British rule. Because he thought that Great Britain was imposing restrictive arguments regulations on the colonies, Jefferson was particularly opposed to the King's rule. According to Jefferson's assessment of the colonies' capacity for political, social, and economic liberation (see "The Argument of the Declaration of Independence," section 3), the colonies were capable of creating a system of government that would set forth laws that would allow for that liberation. Jefferson's arguments suggest that he was particularly opposed to three important issues, which are covered in this study.

Learn more about arguments here



creosote inc. operates a plant—a "major source"—that emits hazardous air pollutants for which the environmental protection agency has set maximum levels of emission. the plant does not use equipment to reduce its emissions. under the clean air act, this is most likely


Creosote Inc. operates a plant a "major source" that emits hazardous air pollutants that exceed the Environmental Protection Agency's maximum emission levels. The plant does not use any equipment to reduce emissions. Most likely, this is a violation of the Clean Air Act.

The Clean Air Act (CAA) is a comprehensive federal law that governs both stationary and mobile sources of air pollution. Among other things, this law gives the EPA the authority to establish National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) to protect public health and welfare and to regulate hazardous air pollutant emissions.

By funding and conducting research, as well as developing and enforcing environmental regulations, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) protects people and the environment from significant health risks.

To learn more about Clean Air Act, please refer:



What are advantages and disadvantages of using inheritance?


Advantages: By using inheritance, we may access all of the inherited class's functionality and inherit all of the base class's properties. It puts code reuse into practice. DISADVANTAGES: Incorrect usage of inheritance or a lack of understanding of it may result in incorrect answers.

Code reuse is made easier through inheritance. The parent class's code may be used by the child class without having to modify it. As the primary code does not need to be written again, inheritance can save time and effort. A simple and understandable model structure is provided by inheritance. The main drawback of inheritance is the close coupling between the base and inherited classes. This implies that one cannot be used without the other.

Class inheritance has the drawback of making the subclass reliant on the parent class's implementation. Because of this, it is more difficult to reuse the subclass, particularly if any of the inherited implementation is no longer useful. The most significant benefits of inheritance are: Reusability - Without changing the original class, new classes can be derived through inheritance. This makes the information in the child class more reusable and gives it more capability.

To learn more about inheritance, refer: brainly.com/question/15222884


Why do some countries depend on the rich countries?


There is still more work to be done to create an inclusive global system. Many nations are so impoverished that they rely largely on other countries for basic necessities like food and raw resources.

Do we have 52 nations?

Today, there are 195 nations in the globe. This number includes the Holy Church as well as the State of Palestine, two non-member observer nations, together with the 193 members of the United Nations.

How would you characterize a nation?

A nation, or a piece of territory with just one government, is a country. The country also refers to rural areas that are not in cities or towns. Nations are geographical regions with a central authority and a shared identity.

To know more about Countries visit:



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