13. Which Roman Emperor built a massive wall across Northern Britain in 122 A.D.?
a. Nero
b. Hadrian
c. Augusta


Answer 1

Roman Emperor Hadrian build the massive wall across Northern Britain in 122 A.D.

The massive wall across Northern Britain is also know as Hadrian wall, Roman wall. It is also called Pict's wall or Vallum Hadriani in latin. Emperor Hadrian (24 January 76 – 10 July 138) was a Roman emperor from 117 to 138 in his reign (around 122 A.D.) built the wall as defensive fortification of the Roman province of Britannia.

The wall covers a area of 117 km (17 miles) or 80 roman miles, from  Wallsend on the River Tyne in the east to Bowness-on-Solway in the west.

The largest Roman archaeological feature in Britain is also regarded as British culture icon and designated as a UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) World Heritage Site in 1987.

To learn more about Hadrian Wall,


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regions of the cerebral cortex where recognition, judgment, perception, and emotional connections occur are specifically referred to as blank areas.multiple choice question.


Association areas are the parts of the cerebral cortex in which recognition, judgement, perception, but also emotional connections take place.

What is cerebral cortex?
The cerebral cortex is a thin layer of neural tissue located on the surface of the brain. It is the outermost layer of the cerebrum and is made up of two hemispheres, left and right. The cerebral cortex is responsible for higher level functions such as conscious thought, problem solving, language, and motor control. It is also responsible for processing sensory information, including vision, hearing, smell, and touch. It is the most complex area of the brain and is divided into four distinct areas, the frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes. Each lobe is responsible for specific functions and processes. The frontal lobe is responsible for decision making, problem solving, and behavior, while the parietal lobe is responsible for interpreting sensory information. The occipital lobe is responsible for vision and the temporal lobe for hearing, language, and memory. Together, these lobes are responsible for higher-level thinking, language, and movement.

To know more about cerebral cortex click on the link below:



rrect image.
several of the Moon's positions in its orbit around the Earth. Half of the Moon's surface is li
osition; however, the amount of lit surface visible from Earth does vary with the Moon's pos
swer the question that follows.
ures shows how the Moon appears from Earth when it is at position 1?


Picture 3 is the image that would show us how the  how the Moon appears from Earth when it is at position 1. Option 3.

How does the moon appear from planet earth?

Some people incorrectly refer to the far side, the hemisphere we can never see from Earth, as the "dark side." Different regions of the Moon experience sunlight or darkness at various periods as it revolves around the Earth. The reason the Moon passes through phases in our view is because of the shifting illumination.

The lit side of the Moon is facing away from Earth, making its surface appear black from here on Earth. More and more of the illuminated portion of our Moon becomes visible to us as it moves toward the "full Moon" stage of its counterclockwise orbit around Earth (as seen from above the north pole).

Read more on the moon here:https://brainly.com/question/649027


kempe and colleagues coined the term _____ in 1962, to call attention to undiagnosed and mishandled situations in which children sustained serious physical injury from an adult caregiver.


Kempe and colleagues coined the term Battered child in 1962, to call attention to undiagnosed and mishandled situations in which children sustained serious physical injury from an adult caregiver.

What does it mean to be a "battery child"?

A child who has been beaten or mistreated repeatedly may have a variety of injuries as a result. This condition is known as battered child syndrome. The possibility of battered child syndrome should be considered if a kid's injuries point to purposeful abuse or seem more severe than would be expected to follow an accident.

The phrase "battered child" was first used by Kempe and colleagues in 1962 to draw attention to cases of child abuse by adults that went unreported and handled improperly.

Therefore, Kempe and colleagues coined the term Battered child in 1962.

Learn more about Battered syndrome from the given link.



under some circumstances, an adult who is not a relative or spouse, is financially interdependent, and lives permanently with another adult can be legally defined as a partner.


Under some circumstances, an adult who is not a relative or spouse, is financially interdependent, and lives permanently with another adult can be legally defined as a domestic partner.

What is the meaning of domestic relationship?

Domestic partnerships are formal relationships between unmarried couples who live together and share a common household. Benefits that ensure the right to survivorship, hospital visiting, and other rights are provided to people who are in domestic partnerships.A domestic partnership is an intimate union of two individuals who have made the decision to live together and be partners for the rest of their lives.No. The federal government does not always treat registered domestic partners the same as spouses for legal or tax reasons, although California normally recognizes registered domestic partners and married couples similarly in terms of rights and obligations.

To know more about Domestic Partner here



How does a teen’s “click culture” impact their behavior?​



It is difficult to say exactly how a teen's "click culture" may impact their behavior, as this can vary depending on the individual and their personal experiences. However, some possible effects of a teen's heavy use of technology and social media may include an increased reliance on peer approval, a lack of face-to-face communication skills, and a potential for negative mental health effects such as anxiety and depression. It is important for teenagers to use technology and social media responsibly, and for parents to monitor their use and provide guidance as needed.

the idea that nature is to be mastered by humans and humanity should dominate the earth without concern for it is known as the .



human exceptionalist paradigm


The Human Excemptionalist (or sometimes 'Exceptionalism') Paradigm is the idea that humans are somehow separate from nature or that we have transcended it in some way through spirituality, technology or consciousness.

Gangs are believed to be responsible for nearly ______ percent of violent crime overall in the United States. A) 20. B) 30. C) 40. D) 50.


Gangs are believed to be responsible for nearly 50 percent of violent crime overall in the United States. Thus, option d is correct.

What is violet crime?

The classification of violent and non-violent offences under state legislation varies. Violent crimes or violent criminal acts typically entail the use of force and/or physical harm to another person's body. The extent of the victim's bodily injury is frequently used to gauge how serious a violent crime is.

As an illustration, consider how certain jurisdictions may apply harsher punishments for offences that result in substantial bodily harm or injury. The employment of a weapon, particularly one that is designated as a lethal weapon, may increase the severity of the offence.

Even though the victim was unharmed, some offences may still count as violent crimes.

To study more about violet crime



which of the following theories were accepted by the developers of the four-drive theory of motivation? check all that apply.


The theories accepted by the developers of four -drive of motivation are : When people have unfulfilled needs, they are dissatisfied.

When people fulfill their needs, they become more satisfied.People have innate underlying needs.

Theories of Motivation:

One of the factors that influences performance is motivation. The definition of motivation is the desire to perform at a given level or reach a certain goal, which results in behavior that is goal-directed.  When we say that someone is motivated, we indicate that they are making a lot of effort to complete a job.  To perform successfully, motivation is undoubtedly necessary, yet it is insufficient.

Ability, or possessing the knowledge and abilities necessary to accomplish the work, is equally crucial and is occasionally the main factor determining effectiveness.

Finally, performance is greatly influenced by contextual variables, such as having the tools, knowledge, and support needed to perform successfully.

A Motivating Place to Work:

Performance is influenced by motivation, talent, and the working environment. It appears like Zappos is fostering a culture that promotes drive and inclusivity.

The organization goes above and beyond meeting fundamental workplace requirements and takes care of the demands for self-actualization that the majority of people have for their employment.

According to CEO Tony Hsieh, cultivating a caring workplace culture is the key to retaining customers.

Question is incomplete ,missing part is given below :

Which of the following theories were accepted by the developers of the four-drive theory of motivation? check all that apply.

When people have unfulfilled needs, they are dissatisfied.

When people fulfill their needs, they become more satisfied

People have innate underlying needs.

The need that people feel as strongest depends on the needs that they have already fulfilled.

Learn more about Motivation:



who made up the middle class in colonies



The Middle colonies welcomed people from various and diverse lifestyles. The social-political structure included all three varieties: villages, cities, and small farms. Another difference is clearly noted in the human resources. New England had skilled craftsmen in the industry of shipbuilding.


Wahat is one way theat king Tutankhamen reversed Akhenantons religous refroms


He reopened the old temples.

all of the following are true about gender traits except



they are female children displaying male characteristics


Except for gays because they consider there selfs as a gender

What was a primary goal of carpetbaggers and scalawags following the Civil War?



Scalawags and Carpetbaggers of the Reconstruction Era Americans from the north and the south opted to go to the opposing region after the Civil War in order to further their respective political and economic objectives.


atticus tells the children there was one man on the jury who took a long time to decide - what family is he associated with? in chapter 23


Atticus tells the children there was one man on the jury who took a long time to decide who associated with the Cunningham family.

What does Atticus tell about why the jury took so long in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Аtticus explаins thаt the jury took two hours to convict Tom in Chаpter 23 of To Kill а Mockingbird becаuse there wаs one juror who refused to vote аlong with the others. А member of the Cunninghаm fаmily held out, forcing the jury to discuss the cаse further before delivering the аnticipаted verdict. Аtticus suggests the two-hour deliberаtion hints thаt progress might be mаde in bringing equаlity аnd enlightenment to the town in the future.

For more information about Chapter 23 of To Kill а Mockingbird refer to the link:



Is free speech on campus a good idea


Answer: speech therapy then yes





Free speech is protected under the 1st Amendment right, which states that,

Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press... (emphasis added).

In the Supreme Court case Tinker v. Des Moines, the court ruled with a 7-2 majority that,

Neither students nor teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.

Therefore, it is not a question of "if free speech a good idea", but rather it is of necessity that free speech is allowed on a campus as it is a natural right that each individual have.

Learn more about the 1st Amendment, here:


Adolescents who come from family environments in which parents harshly criticize their children's performance when it does not meet their standards are more likely to develop Multiple Choice c) mastery motivation. a high achievement motivation. O O Type-A personality characteristics. O fear of failure.


Adolescents are more prone to experience dread of failure if their families have a history of harsh parental criticism of the children's work when it falls short of their expectations.

What is a adolescence age?

Adolescence is the period of life that occurs here between ages of 10 and 19 and bridges childhood and adulthood. It is an important time in human development that sets the stage for long-term healthiness. Adolescents face rapid growth in all areas of their development—physical, mental, and emotional.

What to expect during adolescence?

In terms of their physiology, minds, and social connections, adolescents are passing through a transitional stage. Probably majority of girls will still have reached puberty and be physically mature by this period. Males may still be growing physically at this time.

To know more about Adolescents visit:



during an interview for a help desk position, a directed question is open-ended and gives an applicant an opportunity to talk in more general terms than a non-directed question.


False, during an interview for a help desk position, a directed question is not open-ended and gives an applicant an opportunity to talk in more general terms than a non-directed question.

What is interview?An interview is a formal and detailed conversation between two or more people who exchange  information to assess a  candidate's suitability. It is an effective tool for selection. An interview is a structured conversation in which one participant asks questions and the other  answers. Generally, the word "interview" means her one-on-one conversation between an interviewer and an interviewee. If the interview is conducted effectively, the employer can determine whether the  applicant's skills, experience, and personality match the requirements of the position. It helps recruiters to assess whether an applicant is a potential fit for the culture. There are following two types of interviews: Individual interview and group interview. One-on-one discussion: These interviews are her one-on-one conversations between the interviewer and the candidate.Such interviews help in a detailed evaluation of the candidate. This helps in  more accurate evaluation of candidates.

to learn more about interview from the given link :



a skeptical paranormal researcher claims that the proportion of americans that have seen a ufo, p, is less than 2 in every one thousand.


According to a sceptical paranormal researcher, the fraction of Americans who have seen a UFO, p, is fewer than 2 out of every thousand. There is insufficient evidence to support the assertion that the genuine proportion is less than 2 in 10,000.

What role does research methodology play?

The research methods portion of your study will reflect the validity of your findings and the thoroughness of your report. It also helps future researchers who plan to follow the same methods and wish to reference or reproduce your findings. In research, methodology is described as the systematic way of resolving a research topic by acquiring data using various methodologies, offering an interpretation of the data acquired, and drawing conclusions about the study data. A research methodology's objective is to illustrate the reasons behind your research strategy - you'll need to justify your collection techniques, methods of analysis, and other significant parts of your study. Consider it similar to creating a plan or outline of what you aim to undertake.

To know more about researcher visit:



many people keep working long after retirement age because work: provides time-management skills. strengthens marital relationships. provides social support. has no physical and psychological benefits.


Many people keep working long after retirement age because work: provides time-management skills. strengthens marital relationships. provides social support. has no physical and psychological benefits provides social support.

What do you mean by Social Support?

Social support is the belief and experience that one is taken care of, that help is available from others, and, most commonly, that one is a part of a social network that is supportive. These comforting resources can be material or intangible, emotional or informative, or companionship.A method for drawing conclusions from datasets. The goal of the support technique, according to A. W. F. Edwards, is to draw conclusions about unknown parameters in terms of the relative support, or log probability, produced by a collection of data for a specific parameter value.

To know more about Social Support here



why has immigration to europe caused controvercy in recent years


Immigration is a process through which individuals become permanent residents or citizens of another country.

Explain in detail

Wars fueling the migrant crisis are the Syrian Civil War, the Iraq War, the War in Afghanistan, the War in Somalia and the War in Darfur. Refugees from Eritrea, one of the most repressive states in the world, fled from indefinite military conscription and forced labour.In addition to kidnapping and enslaving Africans, the Europeans traded gold, salt, and other resources, and in exchange, they passed on not only goods from their home countries, but germs and deadly diseases as well.It is argued immigration can cause issues of overcrowding, congestion, and extra pressure on public services. There is also a debate about whether immigration of unskilled workers leads to downward pressure on wages and even unemployment of native workers.

To know more immigration here'



the____ function of the court is concerned with protecting the rights of individual citizens against the power of the state.


The court's due process function is focused with defending the rights of individual citizens against state power.

How does the Constitution defend the rights of individuals?

The Constitution explicitly safeguards certain rights and liberties for individuals from interference from the government while simultaneously limiting and diffusing the powers of the federal and state governments to check government authority.

What part does the public play in the legal system?

To preserve the continued vitality of our courts and the country they serve, it is the duty of concerned, caring, and informed individuals. "We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overturn the Constitution but to overthrow the politicians who corrupt the Constitution," wrote Abraham Lincoln.

To learn more about Congress here:



socioeconomic status, which often can predict whether a citizen will vote, includes all of the following except:


Citizenship and Participation predict whether a citizen will vote, in socioeconomics status .

What is citizenship ?

Various nations, histories, civilizations, cultures, and ideologies have different traditions and approaches to citizenship throughout history, which has led to a wide range of interpretations of the nation of citizenship.

The origin of citizenship can be traced back to Ancient Greece, when "citizens" were those who had a legal right to participate in the affairs of the state. However, by no means was everyone a citizen: slaves, peasants, women or resident foreigners were mere subjects.

The concept of "civic virtue" or being a "good" citizen was significant to those who did have the luxury of citizenship since participation was seen as both a responsibility and a right, first and foremost. A citizen was deemed disruptive to society if he did not fulfill his obligations.

Citizenship, participation and human rights:

The right to one's nationality, the right to change one's nationality, and the right not to have one's nationality taken away are all recognized in Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Numerous additional international agreements, such as the Council of Europe's European Convention on Nationality, affirm the right to one's nationality (1997). The terms "nationality" and "citizenship" are sometimes used interchangeably in the context of international conventions.

Learn more about Citizenship and Participation:



FILL IN THE BLANK. Jack, a sales manager, is confronted by Jessica, a dissatisfied customer. Jessica claims that she has received a defective piece of merchandise and wants to make a complaint. Jack tells her that she needs to fill out a complaint form, which will be reviewed by the frontline staff, and recorded into the complaint-handling system. After that, the senior management would conduct an investigation on her complaint and give her a response within 20 working days. The conflict resolution technique used by Jack in this situation is called _____.


The conflict resolution technique used by Jack in this situation is called due process nonaction.

Setting up a formal grievance procedure but also making sure it is time-consuming, costly, confusing, and possibly even dangerous is a third poor method of conflict resolution. The due process nonaction tactic aims to exhaust the disgruntled customer while also asserting that there are open and accessible channels for resolution. In issues involving racial and sexual discrimination, this tactic has frequently been employed. Having precise and sensible timelines for resolving disagreements will be a crucial point of discussion when talking about conflict policies.

Learn more about conflict resolution strategy here: https://brainly.com/question/28904728


The conflict resolution technique used by Jack in this situation is called due process nonaction.

What is "due process nonaction" in resolving conflict?

Due Process Nonaction is an ineffective method of resolving conflicts.This method is to build up a recognized procedure for remedying grievances, yet at the same time to confidently say that the procedure is lengthy, complex, demanding, and possibly even unsafe. The due process nonaction method is designed to bog down the rogue employee while suggesting that resolution processes are available and accessible.

In the case above, the process of filing a customer complaint is very convoluted and time-consuming. Jack advises the customer (Jessica) to complete a complaint form, which will be examined by frontline employees and entered into the complaint-handling system. Following that, top management will investigate the complaint and respond to her within 20 business days. Jack's approach is, for sure, ineffective for resolving the conflicts.

Learn more about conflict resolution here: /brainly.com/question/24769299


For humans to be socialized, it is imperative that they have


For humans to be socialized, it is imperative that they have: Two parents: a mother and a father.

Bernard and Elaine Zapatha (Zapathas) entered into a franchise agreement with Dairy Mart, Inc. (Dairy Mart). The agreement described the responsibilities of both Dairy Mart and the Zapathas to the franchise. The agreement also contained a franchise termination provision. The termination provision allowed either party, after twelve months, to terminate the agreement without cause on ninety days written notice. The Zapathas understood the contract terms and declined the opportunity to have a lawyer review it before signing. A few years later, Dairy Mart presented a new contract to the Zapathas for execution. Some of the terms were less favorable to the Zapatas when compared with the earlier agreement. The Zapathas declined to sign the new agreement. Dairy Mart then gave written notice to the Zapathas that their contract would be terminated in ninety days pursuant to the agreement both parties signed. The Zapathas sued Dairy Mary to prevent termination of the franchise agreement, alleging that Dairy Mart acted in bad faith and the termination contract provision should not be enforced.


A clause for terminating a franchise was also included in the agreement. The termination clause permitted any party to end the contract after a year in bad faith; reasonably

What termination techniques are there?

Either party may end a contract with the other's approval or agreement, or both parties may do so. A contract can be terminated in a variety of ways, including upon completion, impossibility of performance (frustration), breach, termination by previous agreement, revocation, novation of contract, or force majeure

What is the termination rule?

Unless a new contract is offered or the terms of the original contract are changed, an employee is assumed to have been terminated at the end of such a contract. Employees in India who are let go by their employers are generally

To know more about termination provision visit:



which of the following best describes why is it important for public health agencies and organizations to seek diversification of the profession?


Addressing Health and Health-Care Disparities: The Role of a Diverse Workforce and the Social Determinants of Health.

Disparities in health and healthcare still exist, despite significant breakthroughs in medical and public health over the previous several decades. Minority racial/ethnic groups in the US are disproportionately more likely to lack health insurance, have limited access to care, and have worse health outcomes from curable and avoidable illnesses.

Pursuing the objective of cultural competency in the workforce and health-care system emerges as a prominent method in minimizing inequities as the U.S. population grows increasingly varied. The quality of health care obtained by racial/ethnic minority groups has been demonstrated to be improved by cultural competence, which is defined as the capacity of health-care practitioners to operate successfully in the context of cultural diversity.

The HHS Disparities Action Plan places a strong emphasis on enhancing cultural competence and diversity in the workforce. In order to address the health and service requirements of communities of color, it is crucial that the workforce—including both professionals and lay community health workers—be educated, trained, and developed.

Learn more about Health agencies:



Each of the following people behaved aggressively, and each was punished for his or her aggression. For which of these people should the indicated punishment have the best chance of successfully reducing aggression?a. Jake, who was punished immediately following his act of aggressionb. Keifer, who was extremely angry when punished after committing an act of emotional aggressionc. Lakeesha, who was punished in a very angry, hostile manner by her parents after committing an act of instrumental aggressiond. Danielle, who was punished for some of her aggressive acts but not for others, and cannot discern a pattern in the incidence of punishment


Jake should have the highest chance of successfully lowering hostility if he was disciplined right away after his act of aggression.

What do you mean by aggression?

Aggression, according to social psychology, is any behavior or behavior intended to hurt another person, an organism, or physical damage to property. Several examples of hostile behavior are given below: physical injury harsh language, yelling, and screaming. disseminating misinformation or disparaging a classmate. Five categories best describe our understanding of aggression: ethological, psychotherapeutic, behavioral patterns, indignation, and cultural.

What encourages aggression?

Just a few instances of the causes of physical aggression are as follows: apprehension, worry, and tension. unmet psychological or physical demands, such as loneliness or hunger. traumatic experiences. The three types of aggression were prompt, agressive, and receptive.

To know more about aggression visit:



which of the following is recommended in order to dissuade group members from divulging confidential information?


A written contract is recommended in order to dissuade group members from divulging confidential information.

Beyond having documentation to reference in court, there are numerous other benefits to having written contracts. A written agreement guarantees that all of the conditions of your agreement are set forth in writing. There will be a written agreement that the parties can turn to if there is a dispute in order to repair the connection.

In conclusion, by helping to prevent litigation altogether, a well-written contract can help save money and build a corporate relationship. However, a contract must be specific in order to accomplish these goals. Each party's obligations and rights should be fully stated with limited room for interpretation. Questions like performance deadlines, payment schedules, termination privileges, and default rights (to name a few) should all be clearly documented.

Complete question:
Which of the following is recommended in order to dissuade group members from divulging confidential information?

A. A verbal contract

B. A verbal contract

C. A written contract

D. A stern warning

Learn more about written contract here: https://brainly.com/question/17199658


In a multicultural society, the philosophy that adheres to the belief system that there should be respect for uniqueness and tolerance for difference is referred to as cultural pluralism or the _______________ philosophy.


In a multicultural society, the philosophy that adheres to the belief system that there should be respect for uniqueness and tolerance for difference is referred to as cultural pluralism or the "Tossed Salad" philosophy.

What is cultural pluralism?

Cultural pluralism is a situation in which a minority group maintains its distinct culture while participating in a society with a dominant, seperate culture. Cultural pluralism takes place when a minority group retains its own culture and still participates in the bigger society.

What are the main principles of cultural pluralism?

Cultural pluralism results when the practices of that society's political, social and legal institutions are orientated to value diversity and  respect difference in such a way that social cohesion is enhanced, rather than threatened.

The philosophy that adheres to the belief system that there should be respect for uniqueness and tolerance for difference is the "cultural pluralism" or the "Tossed Salad" philosophy.

To know more about Tossed Salad : https://brainly.com/question/14698810


because of the significant costs of data packages and other smartphone expenses, calling and charges tend to be among the least expensive costs of owning a cell phone.


Because of the significant costs of data packages and other smartphone expenses, calling and texting  charges tend to be among the least expensive costs of owning a cell phone.

How do smartphones collect data?

Some of the most common sensors in smartphones include accelerometers, Bluetooth, GPS, light sensors, microphones, proximity sensors, and Wi-Fi. Other types of smartphone data collected include call logs, SMS (Short Message Service) logs, app usage logs, and battery status logs.

Why are smartphones so expensive?

Increased manufacturing costs. Also, as seen in the high-end market, designs are constantly changing. It has narrower bezels and more features, and these are the factors driving the price up.

What is a data packet?

A simple container format for describing a coherent collection of data in a single "package". It provides a foundation for convenient provisioning, installation, and management of data sets.

Learn more about data packages:



g self-assessment global intelligence instructions use the following scale to rate yourself on each of these 10 items:76 1 very poor 2 poor 3 acceptable 4 good 5 very good


As a rating for Global Intelligence it would be acceptable owing to enough knowledge in various fields.

What is a student self-assessment tool?

Self-assessment, which is defined as "the participation of learners in making judgments about their achievements and the results of their learning," is a useful strategy for assisting student learning, especially when applied in a structured manner. Students can use checklists, rubrics, and structures for reflection as instruments for self-evaluation. What must be included in a piece of work is spelled out in a checklist.

Ways to evaluate oneself:

Setting goals and self-monitoring are effective ways to monitor your success, particularly if you have already set objectives for your teaching.recording, either audio or video.Mentoring.obtaining opinions from key players.

To know more about global intelligence click on the link below:



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