1. a(n) programming practice is centered on creating modules and functions that are separate from the data that they work on. a. modular b. procedural c. functional d. object-oriented


Answer 1

A procedural programming practice is centered on creating modules and functions that are separate from the data that they work on. It relies on specified and well-planned processes, functions, or sub-routines in the program's architecture.

For this, it outlines every action that the computer must perform in order to achieve the intended state or result.

A program is divided into variables, functions, statements, and conditional operators using procedural language. To carry out a task, procedures or functions are applied to the data and variables. These procedures can be called or initiated by other procedures as well as from anywhere in the software hierarchy. One or more processes can be found in a program written in a procedural language.

One of the most popular categories of programming languages is a procedural language, which includes well-known languages like C/C++, Java, ColdFusion, and PASCAL.

To learn more about procedural programming click here:



Related Questions

Assume that chessboard has been declared to be a two-dimensional array of strings. Write a statement that instantiates an 8x8 array of strings and assign it to chessboard.


The statement that instantiates an 8x8 array of strings is chessboard = new String[8][8]

Explain what an array is:

This arrays is a grouping of identically typed items that are stored in adjacent memory regions and may each be separately referred to via a reference to a special identifier. There is no need to declare five distinct variables when declaring an array of five int values (each with its own identifier).

What does the Excel term array mean?

A formula with numerous computations capabilities on one or maybe more elements in an array is known as that of an array formula. An assortment can be thought of as a row, column, or mix of rows or columns of values.

To know more about Array visit:



corrective maintenance makes system changes to repair design flaws, coding errors, or implementation issues. group of answer choices true false


Corrective maintenance describes adjustments made to fix flaws in the system's design, coding, or implementation.

Corrective maintenance identifies and fixes problems in a system that is in use. The process of managing changes to the business requirements during the project is known as requirements management. Projects are often dynamic in nature, hence change should be anticipated and expected for a project to be completed successfully. After equipment malfunctions, corrective maintenance (CM) entails replacing or repairing it. When equipment malfunctions, CM tasks determine the malfunction (which could be an item or component of the equipment) and fix it so that the facility's production can be resumed and the equipment can be reinstated.

Learn more about system here-



you are a new system administrator, and your company has just mandated that users need to work from home and connect to files and folders on the network. which option will allow users to connect to the corporate network remotely and securely?


It is to be noted that where you are a new system administrator, and your company has just mandated that users need to work from home and connect to files and folders on the network. The option that will allow users to connect to the corporate network remotely and securely is: "Create a virtual private network (VPN) on the server side and install the client on each remote user's laptop."

What is a Virtual Private Network?

VPN (Virtual Private Network) refers to the ability to establish a secure network connection when utilizing public networks. VPNs hide your internet traffic and conceal your identity online. This makes it more difficult for third parties to follow your internet activities and steal information.

A virtual private network connects a private network to a public network, allowing users to transmit and receive data as though their computer equipment were directly linked to the private network.

A virtual private network connects one private network to some other public network, allowing users to send and receive data as though their computers were physically linked to the private network. Using a VPN provides more functionality, security, and control over the private network.

Learn more about system administrators:

if your goal was to construct a network in which all points were connected and the distance between them was as short as possible, the technique that you would use is


The technique used is Minimum spanning tree if your goal was to construct a network in which all points were connected and the distance between them was as short as possible.

A spanning tree is a subset of Graph G that has the fewest number of edges feasible connecting every vertex. As a result, spanning trees are unconnected and lack cycles.

We can infer from this definition that every linked and undirected Graph G has at least one spanning tree. Since a disconnected network cannot be spanned to all of its vertices, it lacks a spanning tree.

A minimum spanning tree in a weighted graph is one that has the least weight among all the other spanning trees in the same graph. This weight can be quantified in the actual world as distance, traffic load, congestion, or any other arbitrary number indicated to the edges. Minimum spanning tree uses either of the two greedy algorithms namely Algorithm Kruskal and The Prim algorithm.

To learn more Spanning tree about click here:



what file systems supported by windows can be used for volumes and drives that don't hold the windows installation? (choose all that apply.)


ExFAT, FAT32, and NTFS file systems supported by windows can be used for volumes and drives that don't hold the windows installation. A computer's file system is a storage structure for managing data. Users can easily and rapidly access info thanks to it.

ExFAT: Large external storage devices that can be used with other operating systems use the exFAT The following characteristics apply to exFAT:

ExFAT partitions have a maximum disc size of very large. The recommended maximum is 512 TiB.An exFAT partition may hold files up to 16 EiB.Linux and Unix are incompatible with exFAT.Defragmenting exFAT partitions frequently is advised.ExFAT is unable to reserve disk space.file system, which is supported by Windows.

FAT32: Windows is compatible with the FAT32 file system, which is used with compact hard drives and USB flash devices. Only small-capacity devices where switching between operating systems is crucial often employ FAT. FAT is not advised unless you are running an earlier version of Windows when selecting a file system for a hard disk.

NTFS : Windows supports the NTFS file system, which was created to take the place of the FAT32 file system. File and folder compression, disk quotas, and encryption are all supported by NTFS. For the volume on which Windows is installed, NTFS is also necessary. On all media that is typically utilized with current Windows systems, NTFS is advised. It shouldn't be utilized on media in devices that aren't NTFS compatible or for devices that Mac OS X systems require to write to.

To learn more about file system click here:



what type of penetration testing technique is used if the tester has no prior knowledge of the network infrastructure that is being tested?


The type of penetration testing technique used if the tester has no prior knowledge of the network infrastructure that is being tested is a black box.

What is a black box?

Either a "black box" is physically installed in the vehicle or a smartphone app is downloaded. It connects to a GPS unit that tracks the position, speed, distance, frequency of driving, and time of day the automobile is moving.

Therefore, If the tester has no prior knowledge of the network infrastructure that is being evaluated, a black box penetration testing technique is performed.

To learn more about the black box, refer to the link:



why when i go to install windows i can't get past the partition and it wont allow me to format the drive


There are a few potential reasons for not able to format your drive:

Mass storage drivers and controllers are incompatible with Windows.It is no longer necessary to use a mass storage controller or driver.A dynamic disk is the hard drive that you want to use to install Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows Server 2008 R2.The PC has a loose data cord or there is a hardware problem.Damage to the Windows file system or the hard drive.You attempted to choose a partition type that is incompatible with Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows Server 2008 R2, such as the FAT32 format.

In order to fix this issue, do any one of these:

Resolution 1: Ensure that the partition is Windows compatible.

Resolution 2: Update the hard disk controller's drivers

Resolution 3: Provide the proper hard disk controller's drivers

Resolution 4: Examine the Setupact.log file to confirm that the partition is active

Resolution 5: Check for system BIOS and firmware updates

Resolution 6: Confirm that the system BIOS correctly detects hard disks

Using Chkdsk.exe to look for issues is Resolution 7

Resolution 8: Run Windows Setup again after cleaning the disk with Diskpart.exe.

To learn more about Windows click here



Why are scientists choosing to colonize mars rather than another planet? support your answer with information from the selection.


Mars is regarded as Earth's younger sister for a different reason since it is located in the "Goldilocks Zone," or the habitable zone.

The best planet to colonize initially, given our existing space technological capabilities, is this one.

Why do scientists want to colonize Mars?

Curiosity, the ability for people to conduct more in-depth observational study than unmanned rovers, a financial interest in its resources,

and the chance that human extinction may be lowered by colonizing other planets are some of the justifications and motives for colonizing Mars.

Colonists on Mars might take advantage of in-situ resources such subterranean water, Martian soil, and minerals. On Mars, there are few opportunities to produce electricity utilizing nuclear, solar, or wind energy.

The asteroid belt and the Earth's orbit are both near to Mars' orbit. Although Mars' day and general makeup resemble Earth's, the planet is inhospitable to life.

To know more Space Exploration, visit: https://brainly.com/question/1417422


what type of malicious code could be installed in a system's flash memory to allow an attacker to access the system at a later date?


There are several types of malicious code that could be installed in a system's flash memory to allow an attacker to access the system at a later date. One type of malicious code that could be used for this purpose is known as a rootkit.

Malware called a "rootkit" is made to access systems with elevated privileges while avoiding detection by security programs. Rootkits are frequently stored in a computer's flash memory or other persistent storage because they can stay hidden and continue to function even when the system is rebooted.

When a rootkit is planted in a system's flash memory, it can later enable remote access to the machine, allowing an attacker to carry out a variety of tasks like installing other malware, stealing confidential information, or taking over the system. Rootkits can also be used to get around security measures and enter restricted regions of the system without authorization.

It's crucial to maintain a system updated with the most recent security patches, use antivirus software, and take other security precautions to guard against malware in order to avoid rootkits and other forms of harmful code from being installed in the system's flash memory. Additionally, it's critical to exercise caution while downloading and installing software from unreliable sources and to be alert to any potential security risks.

To know more about malicious code kindly visit


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition. The gap between those with access to new technologies and those without.
a. the great divide
c. the knowledge-gap hypothesis
b. the digital divide
d. the spiral of silence


The gap between those with access to new technologies and those without is referred to as B: 'the digital divided'.

The gap between those people in a society who are computer literate and have access to information technology resources such as the Internet and those who do not are referred to as the 'digital divided'. In the term, 'digital divided' the word digital means information technology and the word divide means gap, differences, or disparity. Therefore, it is fine to state that the 'digital divided' refers to the socioeconomic differences between individuals in their access to technological resources.

You can learn more about digital divided at



which type of software license allows a predetermined number of people to use the account at the same time?


The software license type that allows a predetermined number of people to use the account at the same time is concurrent user license.

What is software license?

Software license is a legal document that allows a user to use and/or distribute one or more copies of the software without violating the copyrights held by the software vendors, software company, etc.

Software license have many type depend software vendor want to distribute them. Generally all software licenses belong to one of these three types public domain, open source, proprietary.

Proprietary software license is part of the company's intellectual property, the company own all right and user only can use and/or distribute with company permissions. One of these types of licenses is a concurrent user license.

Concurrent user license allow group of users to access at the same time with limit that has been set before.

Learn more about software license here:



You can display active and inactive memory using the vmstat command with the _________ parameter.


You can display active and inactive memory using the vmstat command with the -a parameter.

What is vmstat?

Vmstat is abbreviation for virtual memory statistics. Vmstat used in as a tool for computer system to monitoring information about system memory, interrupts, processes, paging and block I/O. Vmstat is mostly available in Unix based operating system such as Linux.

Vmstat use parameter command to display information, like -s to display memory statistics and -a to display active and inactive memory.

Attached image for example how to read information display, Inact in vmstat display is for inactive memory that is not being used and active in vmstat display is for active memory that is currently use.

Learn more about vmstat here:



illustrate the first three levels of the apriori algorithm (set sizes 1, 2 and 3) for support threshold of 3 transactions, by identifying candidate sets and calculating their support. what are the maximal frequent sets discovered in the first 3 levels?


Look closely at the frequent item sets that are present on the dividing line between the frequent and infrequent item sets.

All of its immediate supersets should be listed. The itemset is maximally common if none of the immediate supersets are. This is comparable to using minsup 2 to find all frequent itemsets. What are closed and most frequent item sets then. An itemset is maximally common by definition if none of its immediate supersets are often occurring. If none of the itemset's immediate supersets share the same support, the itemset is said to be closed. Any frequent itemset for which none of its immediate supersets are frequent is said to be maximally frequent.

Learn more about Support here-



which method of the class is automatically called when you pass an object as an argument to the print function?


The str() method of the class is automatically called when you pass an object as an argument to the print function. The object's string representation is what this method returns.

When the print() or str() functions are used on an object, this method is called. The String objects must be returned by this procedure. The class must implement the str()  magic method in order to alter how a class instance's string representation is displayed.

When an instance invokes the str() method, Python internally calls the str() method automatically. It should be noted that before displaying the string values, the print() function turns all non-keyword parameters into strings by giving them to the str() function.

The str() function is designed to return data in a human-readable format, which is suitable for logging or displaying object-related information. In contrast, the repr() function's intended return value is a string representation of the object that can be used to recreate it.

To learn more about print function click here:



what key word shows that a method will not return a value? group of answer choices instantiate void null parameter variable


Void functions shows that a method will not return a value, group of answer choices instantiate void null parameter variable.

Except that they do not return a value when the function executes, void functions are constructed and used just like value-returning functions. The term "void" is used by void functions in place of a data type. A void function executes a task before returning control to the caller; nevertheless, it does not return a value. The return statement has no return value, thus you can use it or not. Control will automatically return to the caller at the conclusion of the function even without the return statement. A good way to use a void function is to print a header and footer to a file or screen.
Keep in mind that the C++ language supports both void functions and value-returning functions as subprogram types.

To know about void kindly visit



Which of the following are provided by most
professional organizations? Check all of the boxes
that apply.
a code of conduct
Olegal representation
a network of professionals
skills validation


a code of conduct

a network of professionals

skills validations

in order to terminate multiple network cables that converge in one location such as an electrical closet or server room, what should you use?


In order to terminate multiple network cables that converge in one location such as an electrical closet or server room, we can use patch panel.

What is patch panel?

A patch panel is a device or unit with a series of jacks, usually of the same or similar type, used to connect and route circuits in order to monitor, connect, and test them in a convenient and flexible way. . Patch panels are commonly used in computer networks, recording studios, radio and television.

The term patch comes from its early use in telephony and radio studios, where spare equipment could be temporarily replaced with failed equipment. This reconnection was done using patch cords and patch panels, similar to jack panels on corded telephone switches.

Learn more about patch panel https://brainly.com/question/29484618


With respect to expanding opportunities for ICT environmental contributions, what term is associated with the issues such as LEED Certified Buildings, Smart Motors, and Industrial Robots?


With respect to expanding opportunities for ICT environmental contributions, automation is associated with the issues such as LEED certified buildings, smart motors, and industrial robots.

What is automation?

Automation describes a range of technologies that reduce human intervention in processes, including predefined decision criteria, relationships between sub-processes and related actions, and time to express these predeterminations in machines. Automation has been achieved by a variety of means, including mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, electronic and computer equipment, often in combination. Complex systems, such as modern factories, aircraft, and ships often use a combination of all of these techniques. The benefits of automation include labor savings, waste reduction, electricity cost savings, material cost savings, and improved quality, precision, and accuracy.

Read more on automation brainly.com/question/11211656


for this assignment, you will design and implement the class month that implements the month of the year in a program. the class month should store the month, such as jan for january. the program should be able to perform the following operations on an object of type month: a. set the month. b. print the month. c. return the month. d. return the next month. e. return the previous month. f. calculate and return the month by adding certain months to the current month. for example, if the current month is march and we add four months, the month to be returned is july. similarly, if today is the month of january and we add 13 month, the month to be returned is february. g. add the appropriate constructors. h. write the definitions of the methods to implement the operations for the class month, as defined earlier. i. write a program to test various operations on the class month.


Using knowledge in computational language in C++ it is possible to write a code that implement the class month that implements the month of the year in a program.

Writting the code:

#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

#include <string>

#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

class Date



int d = 0;

int m = 0;

int y = 0;

char format = 'D';

const int MonthDays[12] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};

const string MonthToString[12] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "June", "July",

       "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"};

string GetDate(int m, int d, int y){

 return to_string(m) + "/" + to_string(d) + "/" + to_string(y);


int CountLeapDays(){

 int cnt = this->m > 2 ? this->y : this->y-1;

 return cnt/4 - cnt/100 + cnt/400;


int CountDays(){

 int numDays = this->y * 365 + this->d + this->CountLeapDays();

 for(int i = 0;i<this->m-1;i++){

  numDays += MonthDays[i];

  if(i == 1 && this->IsLeapYear(this->y))

   numDays += 1;


 return numDays;


int NumDaysYear(){

 int numDays = this->d;

 for(int i = 0;i<this->m-1;i++){

  numDays += MonthDays[i];

  if(i == 1 && this->IsLeapYear(this->y))

   numDays += 1;


 return numDays;


int GetMonthDays(){

 if(this->m==2 && this->IsLeapYear(this->y))

  return this->MonthDays[this->m-1] + 1;

 return this->MonthDays[this->m-1];


bool IsLeapYear(int y){

 if(y%400 == 0)

  return true;

 else if(y%100 == 0)

  return false;

 else if(y%4 == 0)

  return true;

 return false;


void GetDateFromString(string dateString, int& m, int& d, int& y) {

 int n = dateString.length();

 char date[n + 1], *token = NULL;

 strcpy(date, dateString.c_str());

    const char s[2] = "/";


    token = strtok(date, s);


 if(token != NULL){

  sscanf(token, "%d", &m);

  token = strtok(NULL, s);


 if(token != NULL){

  sscanf(token, "%d", &d);

  token = strtok(NULL, s);


 if(token != NULL){

  sscanf(token, "%d", &y);

  token = strtok(NULL, s);



bool IsValidDate(string dateString){


 int d=-1, y=-1, m=-1;



 if(m<=0 || d<=0 || y<=0) return false;

 if(m>=1 && m<=12){

           if((d>=1 && d<=31) && (m==1 || m==3 || m==5 || m==7 || m==8 || m==10 || m==12))

               return true;


           else if((d>=1 && d<=30) && (m==4 || m==6 || m==9 || m==11))

               return true;

           else if(d==29 && m==2 && (y%400==0 ||(y%4==0 && y%100!=0)))

               return true;

           else if((d>=1 && d<=28) && (m==2))

               return true;


       return false;




 this->m = 1;

 this->d = 1;

 this->y = 2000;


Date(int m, int d, int y){


  this->m = m;

  this->d = d;

  this->y = y;



  this->m = 1;

  this->d = 1;

  this->y = 2000;  



int GetCountDays(){

 return this->CountDays();


void Input(){

 string s = "";


  cout<<" Please enter date in format m/d/yy:\n";



   int d=-1, y=-1, m=-1;


   this->m = m;

   this->d = d;

   this->y = y;




   cout<<"Invalid date. Try again:\n";



See more about C++ at brainly.com/question/12975450


Is Unix proprietary OS?


A proprietary operating system is Unix.Although the Unix operating system uses a CLI ,a GUI for Unix computers.An OS that is popular in businesses, academic institutions, large corporations.

Web servers, mainframes, and supercomputers frequently employ proprietary Unix operating systems (and Unix-like variations) that run on a broad range of digital architectures. In recent years, versions or variations of Unix operating on smartphones, tablets, and personal computers have grown in popularity. UNIX comes in a variety of variations, yet they all have some characteristics. The three most widely used UNIX variants are Sun Solaris, GNU/Linux, and MacOS X. In turn, Linux is packaged in what is referred to as a Linux distribution. Numerous Linux distributions exist, both free and paid. Nonproprietary software is open source and accessible for free download and usage. It also makes its source code completely available. Software that is not proprietary can also be referred to as open-source software.

Learn more about  operating system  here:



Imagine you work in data entry and, after taking a course in touch-typing, have been steadily improving your productivity over the past three months (your work tracks exactly how many cells of data you enter per 10 minutes, and you can see it’s been going up steadily for a while). Assuming you have access to anonymized results for all your data-entry peers, explain how you could take the data for your performance and create an illustration to argue to your boss that they should offer the course for all data entry workers and/or give you a raise.


To argue to your boss that they should offer the touch-typing course to all data entry workers, or give you a raise, you could use the data on your performance to create a visual representation, such as a line graph, that shows the improvement in your productivity over time. This would help to clearly demonstrate the positive effect that the touch-typing course has had on your work.

How would you create a graph?

To create the graph, you would first need to gather data on your performance over the past three months. This could include the number of cells of data you entered per 10 minutes at regular intervals (e.g. weekly or monthly). You would then need to plot this data on the y-axis of the graph, with the x-axis representing the time period (e.g. weeks or months).

Once you have plotted the data, you could add a line to the graph to show the overall trend of your productivity over time. This would help to clearly demonstrate the improvement in your productivity since taking the touch-typing course.

In addition to the line graph, you could also include data on the performance of your peers who have not taken the course. This could be presented in a table or as a separate line on the graph and could help to show the relative improvement in your performance compared to your peers.

Overall, using data and a visual representation can be a powerful way to argue your case to your boss and make a compelling argument for offering the touch-typing course to all data entry workers, or giving you a raise.

Learn more about data entry:

you have developed a new computer operating system and are considering whether you should enter the market and compete with microsoft. microsoft has the option of offering their operating system for a high price or a low price. once microsoft selects a price, you will decide whether you want to enter the market or not enter the market. if microsoft charges a high price and you enter, microsoft will earn $30 million and you will earn $10 million. if microsoft charges a high price and you do not enter, microsoft will earn $60 million and you will earn $0. if microsoft charges a low price and you enter, microsoft will earn $20 million and you will lose $5 million. if microsoft charges a low price and you do not enter, microsoft will earn $50 million and you will earn $0. In a simultaneous move game, Microsoft will and you will:___________


In a simultaneous move game, Microsoft will and you will If Microsoft asks for a higher price, it could be $30 million or $60 million. If the company were to charge the lower price, it would be $20 million or $50 million. The best strategy is to charge a higher price.

What is price market?

Market price is the current price at which an asset or service can be bought or sold. The market price of an asset or service is determined by supply and demand. The market price is the price at which the quantity supplied equals the quantity demanded. Market prices depend on the interaction of supply and demand. Equilibrium price is the balance of demand and supply factors.

Learn more about market price: https://brainly.com/question/24877850


Is Linux a proprietary operating system?


Under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Linux is a free and open source operating system (GPL). The source code may be used, examined, altered, and distributed by anybody.

For desktops, servers, mainframes, mobile devices, and embedded devices, Linux is an open-source, community-developed operating system (OS) with Unix-like features.One of the most widely used operating systems, it works with almost all common computer architectures, including x86, ARM, and SPARC. These are Linux-based operating systems, sometimes referred to as "distros," and one of the most well-known of them is Ubuntu. Both servers and desktop PCs can have it installed. Ubuntu is open-source, as opposed to proprietary programs. An open system, which has publicly accessible source code and allows for updates at any level, is the antithesis of a proprietary system. Due to the fact that Linux and Android are not proprietary, there are several variations of both operating systems.

Learn more about Linux here:



Migrating a traditional database design to the web can require design modification, additional software, and some added expense.

a. true
b. false


This statement about databased design and software is true.

what is data?

In the pursuit of knowledge,data is a collection of to the discrete values that convey information,descresing the quantity, quality fact and statistics and other basis units by of meaning,or simplyof the sequence of symbol that is may further interpreted.

A web-based data design requires users to have by the  powerful workstations. Migrating a traditional abd to the  database design to and the web can required and  design modification, additional software, and to some added expense. Web-based systems are thd  popular because they offer by  ease of access, cost-effectiveness, and to worldwide connectivity.

To know more about data click-



what is the problem in car mechanic dreams up a tool to erase birth


The problem in car mechanic dreams up a tool to erase birth realizing that the same gimmick could save a child who was blocked in the birth canal after removing a lost cork from a wine bottle.

What is the car mechanic issues about?

Jorge Odón had the thought as he slept. He claimed that someway, while watching a You Tube video on removing a lost cork from a wine bottle, his unconscious made the connection between the parlor trick and the possibility of saving a baby who was trapped in the delivery canal.

Using a glass jar for a womb, his daughter's doll for the trapped baby, and a cloth bag and sleeve stitched by his wife as his rescuing device, Mr. Odón, a 59-year-old Argentine auto mechanic, created his first prototype in his kitchen.

Therefore, With the aid of the Odón Device, a caregiver places a plastic bag inside a greased plastic sleeve, wraps it around the baby's head, inflates it to secure it, then pulls the bag until the child is born.

Learn more about car mechanic from


solomon arrives at his first day of work at a nuclear power plant. when putting on safety gear for the first time, he notices that everyone else is tucking their gloves into their sleeves, and he decides to do the same because he assumes this is part of the safety protocol. what kind of influence is solomon experiencing in this scenario?


In this situation, Solomon is under the grip of informational social influence.

By procedure, what do you mean?

A policy is a collection of instructions for exchanging data. Each step and channel of communication with two or more devices has a set of rules that apply to it. For networks to transport data successfully, they must abide by certain guidelines.

The protocol is used where?

A protocol is a collection of instructions for structuring and processing data in networking. Computers get a common language known as network protocols. Even if the software and hardware employed by the computers that comprise a network may be very dissimilar, the usage of protocols allows them to interact with one another.

To know more about Protocol visit:



Software license allows a predetermined number of people to use the account at the same time with same login info


Software license allows a predetermined number of people to use the account at the same time with same login info is called Concurrent license.

What is concurrent license?

A concurrent software license is a kind of license based on the most users who will use it concurrently. For instance, if a business buys five concurrent licenses, it means that a maximum of five of its employees may use the software concurrently.

Therefore, through its used, you can put a limit on the number of concurrently running applications with concurrent licenses. As a result, each user is permitted to utilize the resource as many times as the limit has been established.

Learn more about license from


according to the e-waste in south africa video case, what has resulted in a business opportunity for bolunga electronic waste company to provide recycling e-waste services?


According to the e-waste in south africa video case, the result in a business opportunity for bolunga electronic waste company to provide recycling e-waste services is that:

E-waste can be harmful, is not biodegradable, and builds up in the land, air, water, and other living things in the environment. Toxic substances are released into the environment when methods like open-air burning and acid baths are employed to recover valuable elements from electronic components.

What effects does recycling e-waste have?

Recycling e-waste allows for the recovery and reuse of important materials in the creation of new products, saving energy, lowering carbon emissions, and protecting Earth's limited natural resources.

Therefore,  fact that it prevents those dangerous chemical-filled equipment from ending up in landfills is one of the main advantages of e-waste recycling for your company.

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you're the network administrator for a consulting firm. your network consists of the following: 30 laptops in the sales department 10 computers for hr 5 laptops for management 20 computers in marketing 15 computers in it you're using microsoft intune to manage the company's devices. you've created a new update ring called testing and need to choose the appropriate servicing channel. this ring will be used by testing computers that are set up by it. you want to receive early builds of feature updates so you can begin testing them for any bugs. which servicing channel should you select?


Give John's account a new name. Microsoft Intune is what you're utilizing to control company devices. You've set up the Management update ring and added it to the Semi-Annual Servicing Channel.

Can devices be tracked by Intune?

When you enroll a device in Microsoft Intune, your company cannot see any of your private information. When you enroll your device, IT administrators and support staff with administrator access can see details like the device model and serial number.

What does Microsoft Intune serve?

While adjusting device settings to fulfill compliance requirements, Microsoft Intune assists enterprises in allowing their employees to use the devices and applications they enjoy. You may control your devices with Microsoft Intune while connecting to an existing System Center Configuration Manager infrastructure or via the cloud.

to know more about Microsoft Intune here:



what type of power connector would you likely use to provide supplemental power to a high-end processor?


4+4 pin 12V type of power connector would be used to provide supplemental power to a high-end processor.

As long as you are not using the EPS12V connector, this 4-pin connector, which powers your CPU, must be connected to the motherboard. Most processors, whether they are Intel or AMD, use the 4-pin ATX12V connector.

Even AMD's power-hungry FX series, up until the hexa-core series, only needs a 4-pin CPU connector. Therefore, having a pair of them on the PSU is ideal because they are more crucial to have in the big picture.

High-end computing (HEC) is the term for computer systems that have hundreds or even thousands of times the amount of processing power of a typical computer system.

A processor is the logic circuitry that responds to and executes the fundamental commands that drive a computer (CPU). The CPU is thought of as the primary and most significant integrated circuit (IC) chip in a computer because it interprets the bulk of computer commands.


what type of power connector would you likely use to provide supplemental power to a high-end processor?

4 pin Molex 6+2 pin PCle 4+4 pin 12V 20+4 pin P1

To learn more about Processor click here



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