percentage of clay in the rock at the cretaceous/paleogene boundary differ from that found in the surrounding rocks? group of answer choices


Answer 1

The majority of the earth's crust has relatively little iridium, however it can be found in meteorites. 30% more iridium is present in the clay layer than in the nearby rock.

The majority of clay minerals are white or light in colour, however natural clays come in a variety of hues due to impurities, like a reddish or brownish hue brought on by trace levels of iron oxide. The first ceramic substance is clay. Although iron substitutes for aluminum and magnesium to variable degrees, and significant amounts of potassium, sodium, and calcium are frequently found, clay minerals are primarily made of silica, alumina or magnesia or both, and water. Because it contains minerals necessary for plant growth, clay is a crucial component of soil. Sculpting using clay is another method. Plasticity is one of clay's qualities. This indicates that the clay can be stretched out without tearing or breaking. Since it doesn't need a kiln, air dry clay is ideal for individuals who are just starting out in pottery making. It's also great for hand building and making pottery at home.

Learn more about clay layer here


Related Questions

Who lives in the deepest place on Earth?


The three most common organisms at the Mariana Trench's bottom, the deepest place on Earth, are xenophyophores, amphipods, and small sea cucumbers (holothurians).

The Mariana Trench is deeper than Mount Everest, and anything living there must endure the cold water and extreme pressure. Some animals live there, such as the deep-sea crustaceans Hirondellea gigas, and they recently had a human visitor. Because the Mariana Trench is so far from land, food is extremely scarce. Terrestrial plant material is rarely found at the trench's bottom, and dead plankton sinking from the ground must descend hundreds of feet to reach Challenger Deep. Rather, some microbes depend on chemicals like methane or sulfur, whereas others consume marine life lower on the food chain.

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g dates of volcanic eruptiontemperature recorded before eventtemperature recorded 2 year after the eventtemperature recorded 3 years after the eventtemperature recorded 4 years after the event 1883 krakatoa 1902 santa maria 1980 mount st. helen 1991 pinatubo use the temperature chart above to compare temperatures and fill out the rest of the table of volcanic eruptions. how much of an effect have these eruptions had on the overall temperature? how long does it take before temperatures become more normal again?


Gases and dust emitted into the atmosphere during volcanic eruptions have an effect on the climate. By obstructing solar sunlight, the majority of the debris that volcanoes launch into orbit cools the planet. The cooling effect might last for months or years, depending on the eruption's characteristics.

What exactly are volcanic eruptions and why do they occur?

When lava and gas are released from a volcano, often in an explosive way, an eruption takes place. A "glowing avalanche," which occurs when recently erupted lava flows down a volcano's flanks, is the most hazardous type of eruption. They can heat up to 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit and travel swiftly.

How does lava form?

When lava erupts, it is made up of a mixture of crystals, liquid, and bubbles. Volcanic glass is produced as the liquid "freezes." Lava is chemically composed of silicon, oxygen, aluminium, iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, and titanium, along with other elements in incredibly minute proportions.

To know more about  volcanic eruptions visit :


archaeologists discovered a new set of mummies in egypt with what unique feature?



archaeologist discovered a new set of mumies in Egypt with this unique features. A golden tongue or amulet placed in the deceased's mouth


hope it helps

most magmas are dominantly molten rock (a liquid called melt) what are the other two smaller percentage compoennts of msot magmas



Magmas are complex mixtures of various components, including molten rock, solid crystals, and dissolved gases. The exact composition of a magma can vary greatly depending on a number of factors, such as the type of rock it is derived from and the conditions under which it is formed.


What is the meaning of capital in geography


A capital is a city where the regions government is located.

A city that houses the regional government is known as the capital. Government leaders work in these buildings, which are located here. A region is a country, state, province, or other type of political subdivision. Capitals are commonly referred to as "county seats" at the county level.

What is displacement in geology?


The separation between segments or points that were formerly connected or close together. On either side of the fault surface, layers of rock that have been moved by faults exhibit displacement.

Replace, supersede, and supplant are a few common synonyms for displace. Displace implies an ousting or dislodging even though all of these words mean "to put out of a usual or proper place or into the place of another."

How does geology measure displacement?

The offset between the footwall and hanging-wall cutoffs in a cross section for several rock units in a fault-related fold is measured (the displacement), and it is plotted as a function of distance along the fault surface from a specific point along the fault to create a displacement-distance profile.

Learn more about displacement to visit this link


explain why iridium is more common in the interior of the earth than in the surface rocks and crust of the earth.


Answer: Iridium is more common in the earth's interior though still very rare because it behaves as iron does and sinks. So iridium is less common in the crust because it sank to the core during earth's formation.


What are the 5 elements of a map and their functions?


The following elements are common to all maps: main body, legend, title, scale and alignment indicators, inset map, and source notes. The data frame is the area of the map where the data layers are displayed. This section is the map's most important and central focus.

Map Title or Heading is one of the five basic components of any map. A map's title, also known as the heading, is typically located at the top of the map. Map Key or Legend The map key, or map legend, defines all of the map symbols, Scale Indicator, Grid, Compass Rose or North Arrow.

Learn more on map -


Use the list to answer the following question.- Utilized a labor tax system- Flourished in the 15th Century- Located near the Andes Mountains- Emperors considered descendants of the sunWhich of the following cultures is being described?A. IncanB. MayaC. OlmecD. Aztec


Utilized a labor tax system, flourished in the 15th Century, located near the Andes Mountains where Emperors considered descendants of the sun is a description of Incan culture. Option A is correct.

What is Incan Culture?

The Inca, also known as the Inka, were South American Indians who controlled an empire that stretched from the northern boundary of present-day Ecuador to the Maule River in central Chile at the time of the Spanish invasion in 1532.

Further the society was very stratified in Inca Culture. The emperor exercised power through strict and frequently oppressive rules with the assistance of an aristocratic bureaucracy. The architecture and technology of the Incas were highly advanced but not particularly inventive. Throughout the Andes, you may still see remnants of their irrigation systems, palaces, temples, and defenses.

Thus the culture which is related to he Andes Mountains where Emperors considered as descendants of the sun is Inca.

Learn more about Incan Culture refer:


although western europe is very industrially developed, agriculture is the main form of land use. t oor f


It is true that agriculture constitutes the majority of land usage in Western Europe. True is the appropriate response.

What kind of land use dominates Western Europe?

Europe is one of the continents that is used most frequently globally. For infrastructure, production systems (especially in agriculture and forestry), and settlement, it consumes the most land (up to 80%).

What role does farming play in Europe?

In the EU, over 44 million people work in industries and services associated with food and farming, including 20 million who hold steady employment in the agricultural sector.

What types of agricultural products predominate in Western Europe?

Among the principal export items are grains (wheat and barley), dairy products, meats from birds and pigs, as well as fruit and vegetables, olive oil, and wine. The majority of the agricultural products produced in the EU are dairy products, grains, vegetables, wine, fruits, and sugar.

Learn more about agricultural sector:


Although western europe is very industrially developed, agriculture is the main form of land use.t/f


Although western Europe is very industrially developed, agriculture is the main form of land use. This statement is true.

The agricultural sector is one of the prominent land users in Europe and thus outlines landscapes in rural areas. Agricultural land plays a significant part in land use patterns across the European Union. Grassland and cropland jointly make up 39% of Europe's land cover. The agricultural sector is a prominent user of natural resources and has a convoluted association with the environment.

In current years, the agricultural sector has been increasingly influenced by drastic weather events. Europe has the loftiest ratio of land (up to 80%) used for settlement, and production procedures (in particular agriculture and forestry).

Learn more about agriculture in Europe here:


What are the indicators of educational achievement in a country Class 12?


A nation's educational success is often measured by the percentage of children who complete primary school, the adult literacy rate, and the youth literacy rate.

Primary education, youth literacy, and adult literacy are the measures of educational success in a nation. The information gathered by AISHE will also be used to calculate indicators of educational development such as Institution Density, Gross Enrolment Ratio, Pupil-Teacher Ratio, Gender Parity Index, and Per Student Expenditure. Students meeting academic target scores and students achieving proficiency are the two metrics used to determine points under the Academic Achievement indicator. They are factors that show the characteristics, traits, qualities, circumstances, and demands that must be examined for each outcome to see if it has been attained or not. The indicators help to define and objectify the evaluation criteria, such as quality, organization, and accuracy.

To learn more about literacy rate click the link below:


one of the most active volcanoes in the world is found on the island of sicily. what is the name of this subduction zone composite volcano?


The island of Sicily is home to some of the world's most active volcanoes. What is the name of this composite volcano in the subduction zone: Mt. Etna is the name of the volcano on the island of Sicily.

A volcano is an aperture or vent through which lava, tephra (small rocks), and steam are released onto the surface of the planet. Days, months, or even years might pass between eruptions of volcanoes. Because of how hot it is deep below the Earth, some rocks slowly melt and turn into lava, a viscous fluid. Since magma is lighter than the surrounding solid rock, it rises and gathers in magma chambers. Some of the magma eventually surges through fissures and vents to the Earth's surface. In this instance, the fluid is lava, which is partially melted rock that is created when the Earth's mantle and crust melt. In the final stage of this heat-releasing process, the magma rises and, through volcanoes, explodes at the surface. The majority of volcanoes have a connection to plate tectonic activity. In the end, volcanic materials deteriorate and weather to form some of the most fertile soils on Earth, whose cultivation has generated an abundance of food and supported civilizations. Geothermal energy is produced by using the internal heat associated with nascent volcanic systems.

Learn more about volcano here


What is a fossil?the remains of an animal or plant preserved within a layer of rocka large body of compacted ice formed over thousands of yearsthe energy radiated from the suna change in the structure of earth's surface.


The geologically altered remains of a once-living organism and/or its behaviour are known as fossils. Body fossils represent all or part of the organism's body, while trace fossils show evidence of the organism's behaviour.

What called fossil?Fossils are the preserved remains of plants and animals whose bodies were buried in sediments, such as sand and mud, under ancient seas, lakes and rivers. Fossils also include any preserved trace of life that is typically more than 10 000 years old. There are 4 types of fossils, they are body, molecular, trace & carbon fossil.Microfossils are the microscopic remains of organisms such as bacteria, protists, fungi, animals, and plants. Microfossils are a diverse group of fossil remains studied as a single discipline because they must be extracted from rock samples in specific ways and studied under microscopes.

Learn more about fossils here:


What challenges do killer whales face?


Killer whales face the challenge of losing their habitat, and degradation due to pollution and loss due to human intervention

Killer whales, like many other species, face a number of challenges that can impact their populations and habitats. Some of the main challenges facing killer whales include:

Habitat loss: As human populations and development continue to grow, natural habitats are being lost or damaged, directly impacting the availability and quality of habitat for killer whales and other species.

Pollution and climate change: The oceans are subject to pollutants, including chemicals, and plastic waste, which can harm killer whales and their food sources. Further, climate change is impacting the oceans with changes in water temperature which can impact the health and survival of killer whales and other marine species.

Human interaction: Killer whales are often threatened by human activities, such as boat traffic, noise pollution, and accidental entanglement in fishing gear.

Read more about killer whales on:


On the map to the right, what is the most likely reason that some regions overlap



wheres the map?


Describe the transformation from snow to ice by arranging the following steps in order.
a. Pressure melts snow b. Refreezing forms ice c. Tightly packed fin forms. d. Snow packs together.


d. Snow packs together describe the transformation from snow to ice by arranging the following steps in order.

Snow packs together seize and squeeze air while they're compacted into rounded grains. Snowflakes combine and change shape. between snow grains, air bubbles constrict and firn is created. the load of the ice is what reasons snow to turn into firn after which ultimately stable ice.

through the years, snow gets compacted into firn, which is sooner or later transformed into glacier ice. In frigid locations, like mountain peaks or the poles, snow accumulates. Snow is a time period used in glaciology to explain cloth that hasn't altered because it fell.

although each snow and ice are frozen styles of water, they've special characteristics. Snow is precipitation that falls from the sky in a frozen, crystalline situation, comparable to rain or hail.

To learn more about Snowflakes  refer,


level of globalization, geostrategic conditions, and disaster response/emergency are all examples of which category in the desix stability index?


Globalization is the phrase used to explain the developing interdependence of the arena's economies, cultures, and populations, brought about by means of cross-border change in goods and offerings, era, and flows of funding, humans, and statistics.

Globalization modifications the manner nations, companies and people interact. specifically, it modifications the character of financial pastime amongst nations, expan Good examples of cultural globalization are, as an example, the trading of commodities along with espresso or avocados. coffee is stated to be firstly from Ethiopia and fed on within the Arabid place. nonetheless, due to industrial trades after the 11th century, it is these days called a globally fed on commodity.

Worldwide supplyIn wellknown, globalization decreases the value of manufacturing. which means organizations can provide items at a decrease fee to consumers. The common price of goods is a key aspect that contributes to will increase inside the widespread of residing. customers additionally have get admission to to a greater variety of goods.

Learn more about globalization  here:


b) ferrel cells c) thermal inversion d) stratosphere e) thermosphere f) mesosphere g) troposphere h) high-pressure system i) low-pressure system j) hadley cells


J) Hadley cells. In the subtropics, air rises near the equator, flows poleward at a height of 10 to 15 kilometers above the earth's surface, descends, and then moves back toward the equator near the surface. This tropical atmospheric circulation is known as the Hadley cell, after George Hadley. The trade winds, tropical rain belts, hurricanes, subtropical deserts, and jet streams are all products of this circulation.

The low-latitude overturning circulations known as Hadley Cells are characterized by air rising near the equator and air sinking at about 30° latitude. They regulate low-latitude weather patterns and are in charge of the trade winds in the Tropics. Warm air rises close to the equator, cools as it travels poleward at high altitude, sinks as cold air, and warms as it travels equatorward. also: a planet with a comparable atmospheric circulation pattern (such as Mars). Due to uneven solar heating at various latitudes surrounding the equator, the Hadley circulation, also known as the Hadley cell, causes air in the region of the equator to rise to a height of about 10-15 kilometers and flow poleward (toward the North Pole above the equator, the South Pole below). There are Hadley cells on both sides of the equator. Energy is transported by each cell as it circles the earth latitudinally, from the equator to around the 30th latitude. The circulation displays the following characteristics: Heavy precipitation is brought on by a convergence of warm, humid air near the equator.

Learn more about Hadley cells here


Match the following.

a) thermocline

b) Ferrel cells

c) thermal inversion

d) stratosphere

e) thermosphere

f) mesosphere

g) troposphere

h) high-pressure system

i) low-pressure system

j) Hadley cells

Convective cells near the equator.

a meteorite with a composition similar to basalt is called: group of answer choices iron meteorite stony-iron meteorite tektite chondrite achondrite


A meteorite with a composition similar to basalt is called stony-iron meteorite. Nickel-iron alloy and silicate minerals are both present in stony-iron meteorites. Stony meteorites resemble volcanic rocks found on Earth, such as basalt.

Siderites, also known as stony-iron meteorites, are meteorites that contain silicates and meteoric iron in almost equal amounts. This sets them apart from stony meteorites, which are primarily silicates, and iron meteorites, which are primarily composed of meteoric iron. All stony-iron meteorites exhibit indications of modification and are distinguished. They are achondrites as a result. Mesosiderites and pallasites are two categories for the stony-irons. Pallasites have a matrix of meteoric iron with imbedded silicates (most of it olivine). Mesosiderites are breccias that exhibit metamorphic characteristics. The meteoric iron does not occur in a matrix, but rather in clasts. They are at the very top of all Meteorite classification systems, which are typically referred to as "Type." Common iron meteorite costs often fall between $0.50 and $5.00 per gram. Stone meteorites are much rarer and cost between $2 and $20 per gram for the more prevalent type. The truly rare substance frequently sells for more than US$1,000 per gram.

Learn more about stony-iron meteorite here


french physicist henri becquerel discovered radioactivity in 1896, after geologists had developed the geologic time scale. how did becquerels discovery help later geologists as they refined the time scale


The discovery of radioactivity was made in 1896 by French scientist Henri Becquerel, after geologists had already created the geologic time scale. They had no prior knowledge of radiometric dating at the time, but they can now determine absolute age.

The phenomena of radioactivity is the spontaneous breakdown of energetically unstable atomic nuclei into more stable atomic nuclei. A little amount of mass is transformed to energy during the extremely exoergic, statistically unpredictable, first-order process known as radioactive decay. Alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays are the three most prevalent forms of radiation. Skin cannot be penetrated by alpha radiation. If alpha-emitting substances are ingested, breathed, or absorbed through open wounds, they may cause injury to people. In nature, atoms can either be stable or unstable. If the forces between the constituents of the nucleus are equal, an atom is stable. If these forces are out of balance or if the nucleus has an excessive amount of internal energy, an atom is unstable (radioactive). This process can be artificially produced by people, such as inside a nuclear reactor, but it can also occur spontaneously in nature. Depending on the particles or energy generated during the reaction, there are many kinds of radioactivity. Alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays are the three categories.

Learn more about radioactivity here


the dashed line on the cross section of red canyon is a fault. what relative age dating principle would be most useful in determining when an earthquake last occurred on this fault?


The purpose of relative age dating is to establish the chronological sequence of previous occurrences on Earth. The ideas of superposition and cross-cutting connections are two of the most significant of the few straightforward principles used by geologists in relative age dating.

Without necessarily determining their absolute ages, relative age dating is the science of figuring out the relative sequence of historical events (i.e., the age of an object in comparison to another) (i.e., estimated age). In geology, one stratigraphic column can be correlated with another using rock or surface deposits, fossils, and lithologies. Prior to the early 20th century discovery of radiometric dating, which offered an absolute dating method, archaeologists and geologists utilized relative dating to ascertain the ages of materials. Relative dating is nevertheless a helpful technique even though it can only tell you the order in which a set of events happened, not when they did. In certain ways, relative dating via biostratigraphy is more accurate and is the method of choice in paleontology. The main result of "relative dating" as observed in geology from the 17th century to the early 20th century was the Law of Superposition, which asserts that older strata would be deeper in a site than more recent layers.

Learn more about relative age dating here


Most deserts occur at approximately 30° latitudes. Which of the following statements BEST reflects this finding?
Trade winds pull all moisture away from land and to the ocean at 30° latitude.
Warm dry air descends at 30° latitude.
Cool dry air descends at 30° latitude.
Westerlies pull all moisture away from land and to the ocean at 30° latitude.


As most deserts occur at approximately 30° latitudes, the best statement that reflects this finding is cool dry air descends at 30° latitude.

A desert refers to a barren area of landscape which is characterized by little precipitation and, consequently, living conditions are hostile for plant and animal life. Deserts cover over one-fifth of the Earth's land area, and they are found on every continent. It is a place that receives less than 10 inches (25 centimeters) of rain per year and belongs to a wider class of regions called drylands. Most deserts are found along the 30-degree latitude line due to the pattern of cold-water currents, which force cool dry air over the land at 30°.

Learn more about Desert:


The american revolution was largely fought over policies levied by the british government which sought to tax imports and supplies to the colonies.a. trueb. false


Answer: True


What can you do as a teacher to become your students knowledgeable and quality in the near future?


Communication, listening, teamwork, adaptation, empathy, and patience are some traits of an effective teacher.

Create conducive learning spaces with resources to accommodate the curriculum and required skills. Assign a problem/project that highlights the content that you want students to learn in your curriculum. Allow time for research to learn how to troubleshoot the project at hand.To this end, the following methods can be suggested: presenting brief lectures that explain the lesson concepts through posing questions; brainstorming activities to encourage students to think about the lesson and present their opinions about the lesson in group discussion;

To learn more about Communication click the link below:


1) how old is the oldest volcano in the system? (the ages on the map are millions of years, ma). ma


The oldest known active volcano is supposed to be Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy. It began erupting in the year 1500 BC, and since then, there have been around 200 eruptions. It is also one of the world's largest volcanoes that is known to exist.

Pliny the Younger witnessed what transpired while in a town 30 kilometers west of Mount Vesuvius and recorded his observations in a letter. Many people believe Pliny the Younger was the first person to discover volcanoes, and this is said to be the first account of a volcanic explosion in writing. Unzen. The oldest active volcano in the world, Mt. Unzen, is thought to have formed about 2.5 million years ago on the Japanese island of Kyushu. Vesuvius might have been the first officially recorded volcanic explosion in history thanks to Pliny's firsthand report. Eruptions as recently as roughly 50,000 years ago generated Koko Crater, one of the youngest of the features known as the Honolulu Volcanics. Another Honolulu volcano, Diamond Head, is 0.4–0.5 million years old. South of ancient Rome, on the Italian coast, in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius, an active volcano, sat Pompeii, a thriving tourist destination. The city of Pompeii was buried under a thick layer of volcanic ash during its most well-known eruption, which occurred in the year 79 A.D.

Learn more about volcano here


In subtractive color mixing, like with ink on paper, when all three primary colors are combined the result is?


When all three fundamental colors are mixed through subtractive color mixing, such as with ink on paper, the outcome is black or any other dark color.

- Typically, the first two examples of mixing are explained using three primary colors and three secondary colors (colors made by mixing two of the three primary colors in equal amounts). Black will arise from subtractive mixing with all three primaries, while white will come from additive mixing with all three primaries.

- All the hues of the white light spectrum will be absorbed if the three subtractive primary color filters are added together. Each filter (or pigment) transmits (diffusely reflects) the other colors while absorbing its complementary color.

To know more about subtractive color mixing, kindly click on the link below :


explain 3 effects of faulting on the physical environment​



Explain the effects of faulting on the physical environment

Besides fault scarps, faulting is also responsible for development of Block Mountains like horsts and deep elongated valleys called the grabens and the rift valleys. Faults are also known to cause deflection in the course of streams.

What happens to the temperature of rocks as you go deeper in the earth?


Geologists calculate that for every mile dug beneath the Earth's surface, the temperature rises 15 degrees Fahrenheit and the pressure rises at a rate of about 7,300 pounds per square inch.

The deeper you go into the Earth, the hotter it becomes. The temperature at the base of the crust is around 1000°C, around 3500°C at the base of the mantle, and around 6,000°C at the center of the Earth. In the deep earth, there are three major sources of heat: (1) heat generated when the planet formed and assimilated, which has yet to be lost; (2) friction force heating, induced by denser base material sinking to the planet's center; and (3) heat from radioactive element decay.

Learn more on temperature


the oso landslide exposed the underlying lithology of the hillside, which features a unit of clay (deposited in a pro-glacial lake) covered by glacial outwash sand (meltwater deposits). similar lithology is found throughout the puget sound and adjacent areas. based on what you know about the physical properties of the two sediment units, how do you think this particular pre-existing condition increases the risk of landslides?


The oso landslide exposed the underlying lithology of the hillside, which features a unit of clay in many situations, the sediment is altered by the meltwater that moves off the ice sheet after it has been deposited by a subsiding glacial mass.

Additional icy landforms are produced by this additional mode of transport and deposition. In contrast to work, these designs are typically arranged by grain size because flowing water is the primary mode of transportation.Similar to a canal, water flowing along the glacial mass's base carries and deposits silt.

An esker is a sedimentary edge that has been twisted by the flow of a meltwater stream under the ice. The esker becomes visible as the frozen mass melts and retreats.When water flows over or through the ice, it may leave behind sediment that gradually builds up into a hill. The hill that frames the kame slope is left behind as the ice sheet retreats.this particular pre-existing condition increases the risk of landslides.

To know more about landslide visit:


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