why does the united states only have two major parties when most modern democratic states have three or more


Answer 1

The US has a two-party political system because of two structural features in American politics: single-member districts and winner-take-all elections. Both features encourage the existence of 2 major parties, as smaller parties face great difficulty in winning elective office.

The nation's founders hoped to prevent the brutal warfare between political interests that they had witnessed in Europe. They were extremely worried about not causing incapacitating division within our political structure as the Constitution's founders. Ben Franklin spoke as a skeptic in the Constitutional Convention on Saturday, June 2, 1787. Franklin was concerned that the new American government would become divided into factions due to a greed-driven race for the presidency.

All civilized would be split up into various sects, factions, and interests, including rich and poor, debtors and creditors, residents of one district or another, adherents of one political figure or another, and members of one religious denomination or another. The rights of the minority are at jeopardy in any situation when a majority is motivated by a shared passion or interest.

To know more about political



Related Questions

The study of bystander intervention is the study of situational variables related to helping a stranger, most notably the: __________


The study of bystander intervention is the study of situational variables related to helping a stranger, most notably the: decreased likelihood of helping as the number of bystanders increases.

What is bystander intervention?

Bystander intervention aims to stop and defuse potentially violent situations. It is the readiness to act and provide assistance when necessary.

Some bystanders for example, someone in a bar who observes a dr/unk person being exploited or someone who hears screams coming from a is neighbor's house might see an actual instance of abuse or violence that actually taking place.

Hence Bystander intervention research examines the circumstances surrounding offering assistance to a stranger, most notably the decreasing propensity to assist as the number of bystanders rises.

Learn more about bystanders intervention at:



What was Citizens United fighting for?


Citizens United argued that the EC disclosure and disclaimer requirements were unconstitutional because the Supreme Court in WRTL narrowed the constitutionally permissible scope of "electioneering communication" to communications that are not "susceptible of [a] reasonable.

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010), was a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court on campaign finance laws and free speech under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. It was debated in 2009 and resolved in 2010. The court ruled 5-4 that the First Amendment's free speech clause prohibits the government from restricting corporations' independent expenditures for political campaigns, including nonprofit corporations, labor unions, and other associations.

Citizens United, a conservative non-profit organization, attempted to air and advertise a film critical of then-Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton shortly before the 2008 Democratic primary elections.

Learn more about Citizens United to visit this link



proposition 3 states that a speech code involves a culturally distinct psychology, sociology and rhetoric, what does rhetoric refer to?


Proposition 3 states that a speech code involves a culturally distinct psychology, sociology and rhetoric, Interpretive theory that follows the socio-cultural tradition.

The theory of speech codes refers to the framework of communication in a particular linguistic community. As a discipline, it examines how groups communicate based on social, cultural, gender, occupation, or other factors.

His ultimate goal was to develop a general theory that captures the relationship between communication and culture. Such theories help cultural researchers and practitioners know what to look for and provide clues about how to interpret the way people speak.

Examples of this type of policy include , there is a ban on "offensive language" or "defamatory remarks". Other language codes are content-neutral but overly restrictive of time, place, and manner of speaking.

Learn more about speech codes  here:



after experiencing weeks of feeling hopeless and dissatisfied with life, kerry has suddenly become extremely excited, energetic, and talkative. she seems to need less than normal sleep and gets irritated if someone interrupts her. kerry's behavior is indicative of


The valid concerns that Kelly might be experiencing are Bipolar Disorders.

Manic depression, formerly known as bipolar disorder, is a mental health illness that results in sharp mood swings, including emotional highs (mania or hypomania), and lows (depression). When you experience depression, you could feel melancholy or hopeless and stop enjoying or being interested in most activities.

Both episodes of severe depression and episodes of mania—overwhelming joy, excitement, or enthusiasm, tremendous energy, a decreased need for sleep, and fewer inhibitions—are experienced by people with bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is a highly individual experience.

To know more about Bipolar Disorder here



Bias is best defined as the​



Bias is a tendency to prefer one person or thing to another, and to favor that person or thing.


What was the main focus of American newspapers during the revolution?


Newspapers were the primary source of information about happenings across the states during the Revolutionary War, including firsthand reports from battles, letters, and breaking news.

In politics, a revolutionary is someone who favors abrupt, swift, and radical change, usually overturning the status quo, whereas a reformer is someone who advocates more gradual & incremental change, often working inside the system. In that respect, revolutionaries are extreme, whereas reformists are moderate. Moments that appear revolutionary on the surface may wind up supporting entrenched institutions. Similarly, seemingly little alterations may have far-reaching repercussions in the long run. As a result, the distinction among revolution and reformation is more philosophical than empirical. A conservative is an individual who generally resists such changes. A reactionary is a person who wishes for things to return to its pre-change state.

Learn more about conservative here



what similar responses did each country share despite the different paths they followed? were these responses similar to how other countries, such as india, responded to outside influence?


The countries China and Japan have well-established traditional values, have a history remarking resistance against modernist change, and they opposed Western imperialism.

China opposed Western thoughts as it was much inclined towards the traditional knowledge held by the ancestors in the country. However, Japan had sense of power, due to which its economical, political and military might caused them to become more imperialistic. Some changes were similar to that felt in India because some Indian moderate leaders focused on the education policies and western culture because they felt that this could uplift the mindset of the people. But the course of time in India also witnessed strict resistance towards foreign good and lifestyle.

Learn more about Western imperialism at:



paul has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. he remains standing for hours in odd positions and refuses to be moved. paul is likely experiencing:


Paul has been diagnosed with schizophrenia he remains standing for hours in odd positions and refuses to be moved Paul is likely suffering from catatonic posturing

This posturing happens when a person holds a specific position which would often be uncomfortable to the people who are not catatonic.

Symptoms of this posturing are:

not responding to other people or environment

not speaking

holding their body in an unusual  position


To know more about catatonic posturing, click on the ink below:



the theory suggesting that successful aging occurs when people maintain the interests, activities, and social interactions with which they were involved during middle age is called


The idea suggesting that success in growing older takes place while human beings preserve the pursuits, activities, and social interactions with which they had been worried for the duration of middle age is referred to as activity theory.

Pastime idea proposes that a hit growing older happens whilst older adults stay active and keep social interactions. The activity theory, also known as the implicit theory of ageing, normal principle of ageing, and lay theory of getting older, proposes that successful ageing happens when older adults stay active and maintain social interactions.

In line with the pastime concept, a hit growing older happens whilst human beings preserve the interests, activities, and social interactions with which they had been concerned during middle age.

Learn more about  activity theory here



parental monitoring is most likely to be effective and healthy when it is . group of answer choices rigid and controlling relaxed and permissive part of authoritarian parenting part of a warm, supportive relationship


Parental monitoring is most likely to be effective and healthy when it is  part of a warm, supportive relationship.

Not just the absence of illness or disability, healthy is a condition of total physical, mental, and social well-being. The World Health Organization defines health as "a condition of whole physical, mental, and social well-being and not only the absence of sickness or disability." Different definitions have been employed over time for various objectives. Health can be enhanced by promoting healthy behaviours like regular exercise and getting enough sleep, and by limiting or avoiding unhealthy behaviours like smoking or high levels of stress. Individual decisions, such as whether to engage in a high-risk habit, are to blame for some health-related issues, whilst systemic causes are to blame for others.

learn more about smoking here



1. based on the article, what do you think were the most important issues anthropologists addressed in 2015? why?


Based on the article basically, the most important issue that anthropologists addressed in 2015 is the burning issues of our planet particularly on the issue of climate change.

Anthropologists and archeologists study the origin, development, and behavior of humans. They examine the cultures, languages, archeological remains, and physical characteristics of people in various parts of the world. The work of an Anthropologist majorly involves research into social, cultural, and religious life. They deal with subjects such as political and economic systems, kinship systems, religion, rituals, art, cultural symbolism, music forms, beauty and aesthetics, languages and many more.

Based on the article, one of the major issue was on the issue of climate change, that is why anthropologists addressed the burning issues of our planet particularly on the issue of climate change in 2015.

To know more about anthropologist, click below-



what kind of validity does a test have if the items on the test appear to make sense and seem reasonable?


Face is the validity test have if the items on the test appear to make sense and seem reasonable.

The accuracy with which a method measures something is known as validity. A method is considered valid if it accurately measures what it claims to measure and produces results that closely match actual values. Validity can be divided into four main categories:

Build credibility: Is the concept being measured by the test being measured?Value of the content: Is the test completely illustrative of the outcomes it aims to measure?Face validity: Does the test's content appear to be compatible with its objectives?Validity of the criteria: Does the precise outcome that the results are meant to measure accurately exist?

In quantitative exploration, you need to think about the dependability and legitimacy of your techniques and estimations.

Take note that the accuracy of a measure's actual components is the focus of this article, which examines various types of test validity. Internal and external validity, which deal with the experimental design and the generalizability of results, must also be taken into account when conducting experimental research.

To know more about validity visit



what is the most common sexual offense reported to the police in the united states, canada, and europe? exhibitionism voyeurism frotteurism pedophilia


Exhibitionism is the most common offense reported to the police in the United states, Canada, and Europe.

The urge, fantasy, or act of showing   individuals is a symptom of exhibitionistic disorder.

According to the American Psychiatric Association, exhibitionistic illness is a mental disorder that causes a person to show his  organs, , to other people, typically persons they have never met and are not expecting it. The exhibitionist enjoys the activity in a way.

The following are necessary for an exhibitionistic disorder diagnosis: displaying to an unaware individual or having others watch them while engaging in activity has repeatedly and deeply  patients.

To know more about Exhibitionism from here



how did japan's archipelago keep invaders out


The Japanese believed that their gods had sent the storms to preserve Japan from the Mongols. They called the two storms kamikaze, or "divine winds." Kublai Khan seemed to agree that Japan was protected by supernatural forces, thus abandoning the idea of conquering the island nation

identify whether or not each headline is a reasonable prediction regarding global warming and climate change, in light of sociological research.


Growing scientific recognition that human activities and societal behavior are main drivers of global climate change and are important tools for advancing, understanding, and developing strategies to respond to global climate change.

Is climate change a sociological issue?

In fact, the main cause of global climate change is socio-structural. The themes are embedded in institutions, cultural beliefs, values ​​and social practices. Climate change is definitely a sociological issue

What are the sociological consequences of climate change?

As the climate continues to change, extreme events, health impacts, food, water and livelihood security, migration and displacement, loss of cultural identity and other related risks will put millions of poor people at risk.

What are the current projections of global warming?

Current global policies are expected to increase temperatures by about 2.7°C above pre-industrial levels. NDC alone limits warming to 2.4°C. If binding long-term or net-zero targets are included, warming is limited to about 2.0°C above pre-industrial levels.

To learn more about climate change visit:



which form of aggression involves social manipulation in which the aggressor attempts to harm another person without a face to face encounter


The answer to this question is indirect aggression.

The social behavior of aggression has a wide range of origins and manifestations. It can take many different forms, including hostile aggression, intergroup aggressiondirect aggression, and indirect aggression.

When someone affects another while concealing their hostile motive, it is considered indirect aggression.

A person engages in indirect violence when they act in a way that undermines the social standing and self-esteem of others.

It is a form of social manipulation when the aggressor subtly harms the victim mentally by controlling other people or the social order without coming into contact with them directly.

Behaviors like whispering, spreading rumors, social isolation, making derogatory remarks, etc. are examples of indirect aggression.

To know more about indirect aggression, click here:



jack randall has just been assigned to riverview high. while he is excited about teaching, he is concerned about his ability to teach effectively given that the school serves primarily low-income, inner-city families. what valid concern might jack be experiencing?


The valid concern that Jack might be facing is  Lack of quality academic support services.

Academic support in practice includes a wide range of instructional strategies, such as tutoring sessions, extracurricular activities, summer learning opportunities, after-school programs, teacher advisors, volunteer mentors, as well as unconventional methods of classifying, counseling, and instructing students.

Assisting in the learning process. This may entail giving students access to resources, tutoring services, materials, and/or social support to finish their academic work.

To know more about Academics here



why do scholars think that paul did not write colossians, ephesians, and the pastoral epistles? 2. in what ways is the gospel of john different from the synoptic gospels? 3. based on the letter of james, luke-acts, and revelation, what is the general attitude toward wealth among early christians? and why do early christians feel as they do? 4. provide a full accounting of all the diverse forms o


Paul wrote his Epistle to the Colossians because of a document that they had been falling into serious error (see Bible Dictionary, “Pauline Epistles”).

False teachings and practices in Colossae have been influencing the Saints there and threatening their faith. Similar cultural pressures pose challenges for Church members today.

What do the Pastoral Epistles train us about?

The Apostle Paul wrote the Pastoral Epistles especially to assist leaders come to be transformational leaders – leaders (and workers) who are continuously growing in God's grace and leading others to do the same. If that is your desire, God can use this category to give a boost to you and others thru you.

Paul wrote this letter to Titus to encourage him as nicely as to supply directions for pastoral roles.

Learn more about colossians here:


Greg strongly believes in supporting the youth in his community so he volunteers weekly at the local boys & girls club to support their after-school program. greg has positive feelings toward his volunteer time. he regularly tells people that it feels good to help the youth in his community, which reflects which component of greg’s attitude about volunteering?


Greg feels good about the time he spends volunteering. This shows Greg's upbeat outlook and his effective and passionate volunteering. It reflects his Altruism principle.

An attitude of learning and experiencing new things, as well as a willingness to share one's knowledge and experiences, are two intrinsic attributes that inspire someone to volunteer. You receive a lot in return for volunteering.

"Using pre-allocated volunteering time to produce as much good as feasible, using evidence and reason" is how we defined effective volunteering. We realised that there could be other productive uses of my time than volunteering, including paid job or skill development.

By demonstrating care for the welfare and/or enjoyment of other people or animals, altruism is a moral ideal that enhances both a material and spiritual quality of life. It is a prized virtue in many communities and a cornerstone of many worldviews, both religious and nonreligious.

To learn more about volunteering, refer



the French trader who convinced the Spanish to build missions​


The answer is:Alonso De Leon

What happened in the case of Furman v. Georgia?


Professor Carol Steiker '86 of Harvard Law, an expert on the death penalty and the case of United States v. Furman, is the featured guest on this edition of "Cases in Brief."

Georgia (1976). (1976). Furman was given release in April 1984. He received a 20-year prison sentence after admitting guilt to a 2004 burglary conviction in Bibb County Superior Court. Georgia v. Furman In Gregg v. Georgia in 1976, the death sentence was maintained as constitutional, but only if jurors were given guidelines to follow when determining sentencing. The Furman v. Georgia decision ultimately led to the complete abolition of the death sentence in some jurisdictions.

learn more about Furman v. Georgia here:



What are the 4 reasons that justify US intervention in Cuba?


The United States Government had intervened in Cuba in order to safeguard its significant commercial interests on the island in the wake of Spain's inability to preserve law and order.

He listed the following justifications for the intervention: (1) "In the cause of humanity and to put an end to the barbarities, bloodshed, starvation, and horrible miseries now existing there"; (2) "To protect US citizens in Cuba"; (3) "To end the very serious injury to the commerce, trade, and business of our people"; and "The United States Government had intervened in Cuba in order to safeguard its significant commercial interests on the island in the wake of Spain's inability." There were several American residents living in Cuba, and the United States had invested millions of dollars in enterprises there. The US and Cuba also engaged in commerce. The United States defends its citizens and companies in Cuba in 1898.

To learn more about Cuba click the link below:



How does What to the Slave is the Fourth of July relate to the declaration?


What to the Slave is the Fourth of July? was the opening question Frederick Douglass posed during his keynote speech at an Independence Day celebration on July 5, 1852. Douglass was a dynamic speaker who frequently traveled for six months of the year to give abolition speeches. At a ceremony honoring the signing of the Declaration of Independence, he delivered a speech at Rochester, New York's Corinthian Hall.

Douglass thanked the American Founding Fathers, who were the drafters of the Declaration of Independence, for their dedication to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" in his speech.

According to Douglass, the country's founders were great individuals because of their commitment to freedom. But by pointing out that slavery still exists in America, he exposes the hypocrisy of their ideas. To enslaved African Americans who are suffering from severe inequity and injustice, Douglass continues to question the significance of the Declaration of Independence.

To know more about Frederick Douglass:



A(n) ____ question is a question that is worded in a way that sways the respondent toward one side of an argument.


A leading question is a question that is worded in a way that sways the respondent toward one side of an argument.

A leading question refers to a type of question that prompts, encourages, or sways a respondent towards providing an already-determined answer. Leading question is suggestive as it is worded or framed in such a manner that it implies or points to its answer(s).  A leading question generally leans towards established biases and assumptions and comprises of specific information which the individual or organization (interrogator) wishes to confirm. In law, this type of question is commonly referred to as suggestive interrogation.

Learn more about Leading question:



how does being a member of the european union allow trade to be simpler between germany and france than it is between the united states and france?


EU countries benefit from increased negotiating power when making trade deals with other countries European union allow trade to be simpler between Germany and France.

The EU Council (referred to as "the Council") must first grant the European Commission permission before it can begin negotiations with a potential trading partner. The Council may include "directives" in its authorization. These, which are sometimes referred to as the "mandate," specify what the Commission is supposed to do under the agreement.

The EU then negotiates with the trading partner through the Commission. In the course of the talks, the Commission: keeps the European Parliament fully informed; collaborates closely with the Council's trade policy committee; and hosts discussions with civil society groups.

There may be negotiations over:

Eliminating or lowering customs charges (taxes) on products exported by European businesses;

removing any restrictions (quotas) on the volume of exports that EU companies may make to the partner nation;

allowing EU companies to conduct business and compete for government contracts in the partner nation;

learn more about European union at https://brainly.com/question/13929900


antonio is considered intelligent by his psychologist. generally speaking, what does this likely mean about antonio?


Antonio is a generous person who offers money to those in need without charging them any interest.

He stands in stark contrast to Shylock, a usurer, in this regard. (A moneylender who levies exorbitant interest rates on the loans he extends is known as a usurer.)

Antonio is a man of integrity. When Antonio understands that Shylock is acting within his legal rights, he is prepared to carry out the agreement he made to aid Bassanio. He asserts, "The Duke cannot contest the course of the law."

Shakespeare's play The Merchant of Venice features Antonio as the titular character. He is a middle-aged merchant by profession who is a wealthy, powerful, and prominent lord of Venice. When the play opens, his financial interests are related to international exports. He treats Christians with kindness, generosity, and honesty, and all the Christians he knows adore and worship him. However, Shylock, a Jew, whom he himself despises, does not share his sentiments.

Learn more about " Antonio " to visit here;



What is a stagflation Mcq?


Stagflation is a condition in which there is a high rate of inflation, a poor rate of economic growth, and a high rate of unemployment.

In terms of economics, stagflation, sometimes known as recession-inflation, is a state in which unemployment is consistently high, the economy is growing slowly, and the inflation rate is high or rising. It creates a conundrum for economic policy because measures taken to reduce inflation may make unemployment worse.

Slower economic growth, increased unemployment, and higher prices together make up stagflation.

According to economic theory, these two things shouldn't be combined. Prices shouldn't increase as people's disposable income decreases.

To know more about Stagflation: https://brainly.com/question/23113698


Which of these cultures would be considered low context, verbal communication based?


German and Swiss cultures would be the ones with low context, verbal communication based culture.

Low context is the use of carefully selected phrases that might make it more difficult to understand the meaning.

Hall defined a low-context society as one that uses communication primarily to directly express information in his 1976 book Beyond Culture. Low-context cultures don't rely on contextual cues, such the speaker's voice inflection or body language, to convey meaning. They depend on verbal communication.

Listeners in low-context cultures must simply understand spoken or written words as they are, as communication takes place through plainly stated and defined terms. Generally speaking, low-context cultures include those of Germany, Sweden, and the United States.

To learn more about bureaucracy, refer



lisa gives birth to a baby boy. while assuring her that she will be a good parent, lisa's mother shows her how to take care of the baby. lisa is thankful that her mother is also taking care of the household chores. this scenario exemplifies which type of benefit of social support?


Her mother is directly assisting her by doing the domestic tasks. By demonstrating how to nurse Lisa, she is imparting knowledge.

By reassuring her that she will be a good parent, her mother is also providing her with emotional support. These are the ways Lisa's mother is demonstrating social support for her.

In the family, which is a strong force for social integration and cohesiveness, mothers play a crucial role.

Children's proper growth depends on their mother-child interaction. Additionally, moms provide financial support for their families in addition to providing care.

Because mothers have so many responsibilities in a household, they might also serve as the family's manager.

Learn more about to household visit here;



according to your text, what are two important factors in the past quarter-century that led to news organizations dealing more openly with human sexuality issues?


According to your text, the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky affair and the AIDS epidemic are two important factors in the past quarter-century that led to news organizations dealing more openly with human sexuality issues.

An employer is a set of folks who paintings collectively, like a community affiliation, a charity, a union, or a organization. you can use the phrase company to refer to organization or enterprise, or to the act of forming or organising something.

An organisation is an professional organization of humans, for example a political birthday party, a enterprise, a charity, or a membership. maximum of those specialised schools are provided by way of voluntary organizations. ... a file by the global Labour business enterprise. Synonyms: group, enterprise, birthday party, frame extra Synonyms of the employer.

Learn more about organizations here:https://brainly.com/question/19334871

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