Which value important to america’s success as a constitutional republic is best illustrated in this excerpt?


Answer 1

Answer:"Commerce makes men independent of each another, gives quite another idea of their personal value, persuades them to manage their own affairs, and teaches them to be successful"


Answer 2

Answer: Which value important to America's success as a constitutional republic is best illustrated in this excerpt? "Commerce makes men independent of each another, gives quite another idea of their personal value, persuades them to manage their own affairs, and teaches them to be successful…

Related Questions

how do I remember this before exam starts it begins in 5 hours​


You can try making connections with each one of them to remember them.

You can also try writing them multiple times because your hand has a memory and you would most likely remember them.

After you memorize them try writing them multiple times without looking like just test yourself.

Don’t stress out in the exam. Just breathe and take your time.

Hope this helps!
Good luck

When was Ghana first coup?


From 24 February 1966 until 1 October 1969, the Ghanaian government was presided over by the National Liberation Council (NLC). The body was discovered following a coordinated first coup  by the Ghana Police Service and the Nkrumah regime.

The conspirators had strong ties to the governments of Britain (under Prime Minister Harold Wilson) and the United States (at the time, under President Lyndon B. Johnson), both of which are thought to have supported the coup because to Nkrumah's pro-communist foreign policy. The Central Intelligence Agency of the United States is believed to have provided support for the coup d'etat after it took place. The new government adopted structural adjustment measures advised by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank. National industries, assets, and capital were privatised or abandoned, diverting funds from agriculture and industrialisation to the military. The development initiatives of multinational firms had been denounced by Nkrumah as evidence of neocolonialism.

learn more about  coup in Ghana here:



Why were labor unions formed by workers in the united states in the late 1800s?


Labor unions were starting to form in the late 1800's due to the problems of unsafe working condition and low wages.

Labor unions are an association of labor or factory workers with main goals to fight for and protect the rights of labor and factory workers. Prior to the formation of labor unions, workers were often underpaid, overworked, abused, and put under unsafe working condition with long work hours by the employers without the ability to voice out their concerns and complaints to the employers. But in the late 1800's with the formation of labor unions, workers could easily organized mass strike and refused to work thus halting the manufacturing process and causing the employers to experience a huge loss, and this gave them leverage to negotiate certain rights, better wages, and better working condition.

To learn more about labor union visit: https://brainly.com/question/881501


why did the continental congress have a difficult time paying back its war debts?


The continental congress have a difficult time paying back its war debts because after the Revolutionary War came to an end, the new US government under the Articles of Confederation lacked enough power to tax.

The new US government established by the Articles of Confederation after the Revolutionary War lacked the authority to levy taxes. The US government had trouble repaying its debt from the war since there was no tax revenue.

The national leaders were reluctant to change the Articles to give the national government the authority to tax because the country was partially founded through a tax uprising. The states once refused to assist the federal government when it requested their assistance. To pay off these loans and deal with the other loans later, their only option was to print more money or try to borrow more.

To learn more about Continental visit: https://brainly.com/question/11794309


In 1860 abraham lincoln was elected president on a republican platform that advocated all of the following except.


The following excerpt about Abraham Lincoln are true except D, which is "The abolition of slavery throughout the United State".

What was Abraham Lincoln's political platform?A former Whig, Lincoln's ran on a platform opposing the expansion of slavery into the territories. His election provided the impetus for the Civil War to break out. Lincoln refused to accept any resolution that might result in Southern secession from the Union after being sworn in as president.Lincoln thought that American democracy meant equal rights and opportunities for all. However, he distinguished between fundamental natural rights such as freedom from slavery and political and civil rights such as voting. He believed that it was up to the states to decide who should be allowed to exercise these rights.

Learn about Abraham Lincoln's here: brainly.com/question/14469687


Which conclusion does this
excerpt best support?





Why was the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 significant Apush?


The Northwest Ordinance, also known as the Ordinance of 1787, outlined the procedure for admitting a new state to the Union, guaranteed that newly created states would be equal to the original thirteen states, and established a government for the Northwest Territory.

The United States Congress enacted a number of ordinances in 1784, 1785, and 1787 to establish fair and orderly procedures for the settlement and political incorporation of the Northwest Territory—i.e., the Northwest Ordinances. that portion of the American frontier located west of Pennsylvania, to the north of the Ohio River, to the east of the Mississippi River, and to the south of the Great Lakes; Typically, this is the region that is now referred to as the American Midwest.

Learn more about Northwest Ordinance here:



what was a humanist?


a person having a strong interest in or concern for human welfare, values, and dignity.

american history module 13 colonies 3 assessment answers 'what problems did the settlers of virginia face?'


The most serious prob-lems faced by settlers in Virg-inia was that they suffer-ed high death rates wh-ich led to labor short-ages in the colony. 1 out of 10 would sur-vive.

Lured to the New World with prom-ises of wealth, most colo-nists were unpre-pared for the constant chall-enges they faced : drought, starvation, the thre-at of attack, and disease.

The colonists not only fou-nd little of value , they were remark-ably unable even to feed them-selves. As a result , huge numbers of colo-nists perished from disease ( many of whi-ch they brought with them ) , un-sanitary cond-itions, and mal-nutrition.

To know more about Virginia click below:



Did they test the Brooklyn Bridge with elephants?


The well-known circus performer was invited by Barnum to help illustrate the strength of the bridge. Therefore, on May 17, 1884, spectators eagerly watched as Barnum led 21 elephants across the Brooklyn Bridge.

One of the most recognizable pieces of architecture in New York City, if not the entire world, is the Brooklyn Bridge. Currently, this amazing technical achievement crosses the East River every day for almost 150,000 vehicles and people.

Most people are unaware that when it was finished, in 1883, many New Yorkers were too afraid to enter the building. With a length of about 1,600 feet when it was constructed, the Brooklyn Bridge broke the previous record for the longest suspension bridge in the world by about 800 feet.

To learn more about Brooklyn Bridge, visit the link below:



Which of the following, would be the best way to describe why the traditional empires in Europe crumbled during the 1800’s.



Diverse ethnic groups began demanding reforms


Brainliest, Please!

write two sentences to describe the advantages and disadvantages of feudalism and the manorialism using one of the clauses


The stability that feudalism gave was one of its main benefits. Although serfs supported the infrastructure by providing necessary goods and services, feudalism had the drawback of making it impossible for Europe to be united in the face of conflict, suspicion, and rivalry. In the Middle Ages in Europe, the manorial system was the most practical method for arranging the estates of the aristocracy and clergy, and it allowed for feudalism. Manorialism had drawbacks, such as preventing people from rising in social status.

who was the first european explorer to make permanent contact with the americas?


Christopher Columbus was the first European explorer to make permanent contact with America.

Christopher Columbus, an Italian adventurer, made his historic landing on the Caribbean islands in 1492. He had unintentionally "found" the Americas, albeit it took Europeans a while to recognize it. The Americas are the two continents in the Western Hemisphere: North America and South America, which also includes Central America and the Caribbean islands.

These continents were completely unknown to anyone on the other continents of the world at the time, which is why Europeans called them the "New World."  European exploration of the Americas in its early stages, including the major period of maritime discovery are known as the Age of Discovery or the Age of Exploration.

Learn more about Christopher Columbus here:



defeat information and legacy of the aztecs please need help for this question



The Aztecs were a powerful state because of their military might, religion, and tribute system. They created their own calendar of 18 months of 20 days each, as well as vast cities, pyramids, and temples.

What aided the Spanish in their defeat over the Aztecs?

The Spanish were able to overcome the Aztec and Inca not just because they possessed horses, dogs, weapons, and swords, but also because they carried viruses with them that sickened many Native Americans.

Because diseases like smallpox and measles were unknown to the Indians, they had no immunity to them.

The Aztecs were a powerful state because of their military might, religion, and tribute system. They created their own calendar, consisting of 18 months of 20 days each.

Learn more about Aztecs here:



What is so significant about the Battle of Tours? When was it, who was involved & what was the overall outcome?

Urgent please help!!


We can see here that the Battle of Tours was so significant because it actually helped to lay the foundations of Carolingian Empire and Frankish domination which was seen in western Europe for the next century. It took place on 10 October 732 and was a battle during the Umay-yad invasion of Gaul. France and the Spanish were involved in it.

What is Battle of Tours?

The Battle of Tours is actually known to be a battle that took place on 10 October 732. The battle brought victory to the Frankish and Aquitanian  forces. It was led Charles Martel. They invaded the Umay-yad Caliphate which was led by Abdul Rahman Al-Ghafiqi , governor of  al-Andalus at that time.

The Battle of Tours is actually seen to have halted  the advancement of Muslims into Western Europe. The Muslim governor was killed during the battle.

Learn more about The Battle of Tours on https://brainly.com/question/510631


All of the following statements about armand-guy kersaint are factually accurate. which would best explain why, unlike the author of source 2, kersaint is not calling for the unconditional and immediate abolition of slavery?


At the time of the French Revolution, Kersaint owned plantations and other property in the French Caribbean.

The French Revolution changed into a length of radical political and societal trade in France that started out with the Estates fashionable of 1789 and ended with the formation of the French Consulate in November 1799. The French Revolution commenced in 1789 and lasted till 1794. King Louis XVI needed extra cash, however had failed to enhance greater taxes while he had called a assembly of the Estates preferred. This instead changed into a protest about conditions in France.

The French Revolution become a watershed occasion in international records that began in 1789 and ended in the past due 1790s with the ascent of Napoleon Bonaparte. during this era, French citizens greatly altered their political landscape, uprooting centuries-antique institutions including the monarchy and the feudal gadget.

Learn more about French Revolution here: https://brainly.com/question/1046744


What do you think was Bryan’s purpose in writing and delivering this speech? How did emotional appeal help Bryan achieve this goal




With the fierce fighting and the many casualties, the first battle of bull run sobered both sides of the civil war. a. True
b. False


Both sides of the Civil War were shaken by the first battle of Bull Run due to the intense combat and high death toll.

What is war and its types?

More general discourse subcategorizes war into rebellion, insurrection, insurgency, guerrilla war, civil war, and regional war, culminating in three synonyms for armed conflict at the largest scale: systemic war, global war, and world war. The above subcategorization is based on an ascending scale of participation.

What is war and its causes?

Any armed conflict between two or more sides is referred to as a war. The reasons for war might vary greatly. Imperialism, for instance, has been to blame for the conflict between the United States and Spain in 1898. In the 1600s, there was a Thirty Years' War caused on by religious conflicts. 

To know more about war visit:



14. The spread of which of the following religious traditions was
most directly facilitated by trade along the routes shown on the
A. Christianity
B. Buddhism
C. Islam
D. Judaism
E. Hinduism



i think hinduaism hope it help :)


Checks and Balance
How do the three branches of government work together to help keep our
government balanced?


Answer: They limit each other's power so that no branch is more powerful than the other.  


The executive branch selects the member of the highest part of the judicial branch - the supreme court.  The legislative branch can impeach the president.  The supreme court can declare an act of the congress/legislative branch unconstitutional.

They limit each-others power so no one branch is too powerful.

Why was Wilson's first point important?



The first point, open diplomacy, called for what today is referred to as transparency rather than secret alliances and partnerships for war.

describe, as best you can, andrew jackson and how he become popular before he rose to political power. how did he rise to power? how did he govern? what legacies did he leave to history?


The seventh president of the United States, Andrew Jackson (March 15, 1767 – June 8, 1845), was an American lawyer, planter, general, and statesman. He presided over the country from 1829 to 1837.

Jackson was born in the colonial Carolinas before the American Revolutionary War. He married Rachel Donelson Robards and became a lawyer in the frontier. He represented Tennessee for a brief time in both the US Senate and US House of Representatives. He served as a justice on the Tennessee Supreme Court from 1798 until 1804 after resigning. Jackson, a wealthy planter who held numerous African American slaves, bought the site that would later become known as the Hermitage. He was made a colonel of the Tennessee militia in 1801, and the following year, he was chosen as its leader. He commanded troops and won the Battle of Horseshoe Bend during the Red Stick War in 1813–1814.

Learn more about  Andrew Jackson here:



From 1829 until 1837, Andrew Jackson served as the seventh President of the United States and aimed to serve as the person's voice.

In 1767, he was born in a rural community in the Carolinas, and his education was incomplete. However, he spent around two years studying law in his late teens and went on to become a top-notch young attorney in Tennessee. Jackson, a key general in the War of 1812, won widespread admiration for his victory over the British at New Orleans. Jackson received support from various state political factions in 1824; by 1828, enough had sided with "Old Hickory" to win a number of elections in different states and take over the federal government in Washington.

Jackson suggested doing away with the Electoral College. He also aimed to make holding federal office more democratic. He disapproved of officeholders who appeared to enjoy lifetime appointments and thought that government work could be "so clear and easy" that positions should be rotated among qualified candidates.

Two parties emerged from the old Republican Party as national politics became divided between Jackson and his opponents: the Democratic Republicans, or Democrats, who supported Jackson, and the National Republicans, or Whigs, who opposed him. The two-party system of US would forever be known as Jackson's legacy.

To learn more about Andrew Jackson, click here https://brainly.com/question/12110467?referrer=searchResults


Select the correct answer. Which word or phrase best describes the political and religious atmosphere of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries? a. Progressive b. Radical yet plain c. Highly ritualistic d. Tumultuous.


Answer: Which word or phrase best describes the political and religious atmosphere of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries?

d. Tumultuous.

Explanation: The political and religious atmosphere of the 16th and 17th centuries was characterized by significant upheaval, conflict, and instability. Here are some key points to support this answer:

1. Religious Reformation: The sixteenth century saw the rise of Protestantism and the Catholic Counter-Reformation, resulting in a division within Christianity and leading to religious conflicts and wars, such as the Thirty Years' War.

2. Political Upheaval: The period witnessed major political changes, including the rise of absolute monarchies, the decline of feudalism, and the establishment of nation-states. These changes often led to power struggles, wars, and political instability.

3. Scientific Revolution: The sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were marked by significant advancements in scientific thought, challenging traditional religious and political beliefs. This clash between science and established authorities further contributed to the tumultuous atmosphere of the time.

4. Colonial Expansion: European powers were engaged in extensive colonization and exploration during this period, leading to conflicts over territories, resources, and power. These colonial endeavors also brought about cultural clashes and tensions.

Why did the southern states not want congress to tax exports?
A. it would raise the price of tobacco, and that might harm trade.
B. it would require states to raise taxes on other aspects of business.
C. it would reduce their ability to purchase manufactured goods from europe.
D. it would decrease the price of cotton, and that might flood the market.


The southern states did not want congress to tax exports is because B. it would require states to raise taxes on other aspects of business. The rejection occurred during the discussion of the Constitutional Convention

What is Constitutional Convention?

The Constitutional Convention was held in Philadelphia from May 25 to September 17, 1787. The treaty was intended to reform the original system of government under the Confederation and the Articles of Confederation, but many supporters, including James Madison of Virginia and Alexander Hamilton of New York, argued to create a new treaty. that was my intention from the beginning. A framework of government rather than repairing the existing one. The delegates elected George Washington of Virginia, former commander of the Continental Army in the late American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) and proponent of a stronger central government, to chair the convention. The outcome of the convention was the creation of the United States Constitution, which made the convention one of the most important events in American history.

Learn more about Constitutional Convention https://brainly.com/question/28442712


Which of the following best describes a bureaucracy?
A. a group of high-ranking state officials that dictate a company's business
B. an extensive system of organizations that work together to perform a basic function
C. a business created by a group of people to provide services
D. a company whose goal is to dominate a specific industry or marketplace



The best answer that describes a bureaucracy is B. an extensive system of organizations that work together to perform a basic function. A bureaucracy is a large and complex administrative system that is composed of many different organizations, agencies, and departments that work together to achieve a common goal or perform a specific function. A bureaucracy is typically associated with government institutions, but it can also refer to large corporations or other organizations that have a hierarchical structure and a division of labor. The other answer choices do not accurately describe a bureaucracy.





how was the choice to embrace or reject the protestant reform movement made in each territory or region of the holy roman empire? individual parishes selected their leaders, who would decide whether to reform the parish. local religious councils determined whether or not to embrace reform. individual priests decided whether or not to embrace the reform movement and introduce new doctrines and practices. the political leader(s) of the territory or region determined whether to introduce reforms.


Politicians in charge of the territory or region decided whether to accept or reject the protestant reform movement.

What three key occasions characterized the Protestant Reformation?

certain Roman Catholic priests get better education and training. the end of the indulgences market. Protestant services are held in the native tongue rather than Latin. The Peace of Augsburg (1555), which gave German rulers the freedom to choose whether their lands would be Lutheran or Catholic.

Who and why did the Protestant Reformation begin?

On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther allegedly began the Reformation by nailing his Ninety-Five Theses to the Castle Church door in Wittenberg, Germany. Find out more information regarding Luther's 95 Theses.

To learn more about Protestant Reformation here:



Which manufactured item caused a major shift in americans' living patterns in the 1910s and beyond?.



The Model T Ford was produced from 1908 to 1927. It was the first affordable automobile, due to the use of assembly line production instead of individual hand-crafted work. Because it was so affordable, it caused a major shift in Americans' living patterns in the 1910s.

Which goal of American foreign policy do you think is most important? Write a paragraph explaining why.


The foundation of American foreign policy are advancing democracy, freedom, and the protection of human rights throughout the world.

What do you mean by the American Foreign policy?

The principles upon which the United States was established more than two centuries ago are consistent with those enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international and regional agreements.

The cornerstones of American foreign policy are advancing democracy, freedom, and the protection of human rights throughout the world.

The three most important objectives of American foreign policy are security, prosperity, and the development of a better world.

The President's Foreign Policy is formulated and carried out by the State Department.

Therefore, the foundation of American foreign policy are advancing democracy, freedom, and the protection of human rights throughout the world.

To know more about the American Foreign policy, visit:



Develop an argument that evaluates the extent to which states managed to consolidate and expand their power during the period 1450 to 1750.


The time period consolidate comes from from the Latin consolidatus, because of this "to combine into one frame." whatever the context, to consolidate includes bringing together some larger amount of gadgets right into a unmarried.

To consolidate power is to cement your position in command. Henry VII is a super example of this. He usurped the English Throne in 1485 and despite the fact that he had the throne, he still had a big amount of those who disliked him or did now not support him.

Consolidation provides collectively the belongings, liabilities and effects of the figure and all of its subsidiaries. The funding in every subsidiary is changed by using the actual assets and liabilities of that subsidiary. Consolidation changes are then made for any: Goodwill.

The term enterprise consolidation refers to the combination of different enterprise gadgets or businesses right into a single, larger business enterprise. commercial enterprise consolidation is a felony method this is regularly initiated to improve operational performance via decreasing redundant personnel and processes.

Learn more about Consolidation  here:



briefly describe one major difference between sinn’s and pfaelzer’s historical interpretations of immigration to the pacific coast of the united states during the 1850s and 1860s.


The one major difference between Sinn and Pfaelzer’s was their opinion and thoughts about Chinese immigrants;

Sin believed that the argues that Chinese immigrants found a variety of jobs. Pfaelzer on the other hand argues that the miner's tax targetted the Chinese because that is where their jobs were concentrated.

Chinese immigrants played a significant role in the construction of the railroads in the American West, and as their laborers prospered there, many of them went on to found their own businesses.

However, economic hardship brought on by Britain's rising domination over China following its victory over China in the Opium War of 1839–1842 was the primary driver of Chinese immigration.

These three factors account for the immigration of Chinese individuals to the US.

To know more about Immigrants here



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