Tn response to falling blood glucose levels, which pancreatic islet cell releases glucagon?


Answer 1

The pancreatic beta islet cells react to a drop in blood sugar levels by releasing glucagon.

What is glucagon?

Glucagon is a synthetic hormone that is used to treat very low blood sugar levels in diabetics who are taking insulin. This drug can also be used to help facilitate radiological examination of the digestive tract.

Beta cells (β Cells) are a type of cell found in the islets of the pancreas that synthesize and secrete insulin. Beta cells account for about 50-70% of the cells in the islets of the pancreas in the human body. The insulin hormone functions to lower blood sugar levels.

Learn more about the function of the pancreas here :


Related Questions

the dominant allele 'a' occurs with a frequency of 0.37 in a population of kangaroos that is in hardy-weinberg equilibrium. what is the frequency of homozygous recessive individuals?


The frequency of dominant allele is given as 0.37. According to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, p + q = 1. where p is the frequency of dominant allele and q is the frequency of recessive allele.

So p is given as 0.37. Therefore q = 1-p = 1 - 0.37 = 0.63

Also, p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 where,  p2 is the frequency of homozygous dominant individuals; 2pq is the frequency of heterozygous individuals and q2 is the frequency of homozygous recessive individuals.

So the frequency of homozygous recessive individuals is q2 = 0.63 * 0.63 = 0.396

is the homozygous dominant frequency, is the heterozygous frequency, and is the homozygous recessive frequency.

16% of the population shows the recessive phenotype, and therefore must carry the homozygous recessive genotype.

Learn more about to frequency visit here;


Biofilms provide pathogens with an adhesion mechanism and aid in resistance to antimicrobial agents.
a. True
b. False


True, Biofilms provide pathogens with an adhesion mechanism and aid in resistance to antimicrobial agents.

A biofilm is a symbiotic community of surface-associated microbial cells encased in an extracellular polymeric material matrix. Van Leeuwenhoek discovered microbial biofilms by initially observing germs on tooth surfaces with his rudimentary microscopes.

Biofilms are common in nature because they are a microorganism's survival mechanism. They are intricate, slime-encased microbial communities that can be visible as slime layers on objects in water or at water-air interfaces. Plaque that accumulates on our teeth, slime that builds on shower tiles, and the slippery coating on pond rocks are all examples of biofilms. Bacteria in a biofilm adhere to surfaces and to one another.

To know more about Biofilms visit


during organogenesis the archenteron initially differentiates into three structures. what are they?


The endoderm, ectoderm, and mesoderm are the three germ layers. Each germ layer's cells undergo differentiation to become tissues and embryonic organs. The nervous system and the epidermis are two examples of tissues that develop from the ectoderm. During the crucial stage of gestation, known as gastrulation, pluripotent stem cells differentiate into the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm, the three primordial germ layers.

The blastopore develops into the anus, the archenteron finally becomes the digestive tract's cavity, and the mouth appears as a new aperture. Dedifferentiation and redifferentiation are the first two phases in the organogenesis process. Dedifferentiation causes the explant tissue to produce a callus with rapid cell division. Redifferentiation, on the other hand, results in the formation of primordia from a collection of callus cells.

To learn more about blastopore, follow the below link:


Drag each of the following labels into the appropriate box to identify which motor division of the peripheral nervous system is described Associatedh sensory Autonomic Somatic receptors for touch Only requires one neuron from the CNS to the effector organ Requires two neurons from the CNS to the effector organ Utilizes acetylcholine and norepinephrine as neurotransmitters Presence of pre- and post- ganglionic neurons Associated with voluntary motor neurons CNS somas are located in the lateral homs of the spinal cord


Each of the labels should be matched with the appropriate box to identify which motor division of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) is described as follows;


Requires two neurons from the CNS to the effector organ.

Utilizes acetylcholine and norepinephrine as neurotransmitters.

Presence of pre- and post- ganglionic neurons.

CNS somas are located in the lateral horns of the spinal cord.


Associated with sensory receptors for touch.

Only requires one neuron from the CNS to the effector organ.

Associated with voluntary motor neurons.

What are the components of the nervous system?

In Medicine, the nervous system that is found in all living organisms is composed of two (2) major components or systems and these include the following;

A central nervous system (CNS).A peripheral nervous system (PNS).

What is the peripheral nervous system?

The peripheral nervous system (PNS) can be defined as an anatomical and functional division of the nervous system that is mainly responsible for perceptual experience in living organisms.

In conclusion, the peripheral nervous system (PNS) is generally divided into the autonomic nervous system and somatic nervous system.

Read more on nervous system here:


which of the following are trees and which are forests? a: is a forest b: is a forest a: is a tree b: is a tree c: is a forest d: is a forest c: is a tree d: is a tree


is a forest in c. is a tree one of the acceptable answers for forests and. The forest is a complex ecosystem made up primarily of trees that protect the ground and provide habitat for a wide variety of living things.

Wherever the warmest month's average temperature is over 10 °C and there is more than 200 mm of yearly precipitation, forests can grow. There are many different tree species found in areas with circumstances above this range, which are categorised into different types of forests based on the climate, soil, geology, and biotic activity of the location. There are many different types of forests, including the taiga (which is made up of pine, spruce, etc.), mixed temperate forests (which have both coniferous and deciduous trees), boreal forests, and tropical forests.

Learn more about forests here


What environmental parameters would need to be monitored as ddt moves up the food web of an ecosystem?


The parameters to be considered as DDT moves up are concentration and bioaccumulation of DDT

DDT known as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane is a persistent organic pollutant that can move up the food web of an ecosystem, accumulating in higher trophic levels over time. As DDT moves up the food web, it is important to monitor environmental parameters affected by its presence. Some of the key parameters to monitor include:

The concentration of DDT in biotic samples: This can be measured by collecting samples of plants, and animals, from different food web levels and analyzing them for the presence of DDT.The concentration of DDT in the environment: This can be measured by collecting samples of soil, water, or air and analyzing them for the presence of DDT.Bioaccumulation of DDT: This can be measured by analyzing the tissues of plants and animals for the presence of DDT, and determining its concentration in different organs or tissues.Behavioral changes in plants and animals: Changes in the behavior of plants and animals can be monitored to determine if they are being affected by DDT.

Read more about DDT on:


two populations of one species undergo allopatric speciation. prior to speciation the species had an herbivorous diet and engaged in competitions for mates via a dancing show of colors and movements. if the two new areas in which the two new species live contain exactly the same food, predators, and environmental conditions, what likely would have caused the rapid reproductive isolation?


Dynamic interactions between predator and prey populations . Animals with an unbalanced complement of chromosomes experience diminished fertility.

Even though individuals are not geographically isolated and are able to reproduce, how can sympatric speciation happen?

For instance, sympatric speciation can happen when various subgroups of a population exploit the same habitats or resources but do so for different purposes. The American apple maggot fly is a prime illustration.

What occurs in the quizlet on allopatric speciation?

Geographic isolation of a section of a population from the rest of the population causes allopatric speciation. Natural selection or random processes cause the makeup of isolated populations to diverge over time.

To know more about allopatric speciation visit:-


in what ways are the solutions placed at the nacl and the control spots on the assay agar plate similar or different


Solutions placed at the Nacl and control spots on assay agar plates are different.

The microbiological assay is the technique in which the potency or concentration of a compound is assessed to determines its effect on the microorganism.

    The microbiological assay is helpful in many ways, such as: -

It determines the potency.Good in-vitro and in-vivo correlations are provided by this method.The method is easy to interpret the results.It is inexpensive and accurate.

The microbiological assay of an antibiotic is based upon a comparison of the inhibition of growth of microorganisms by measured concentrations of the antibiotics under examination with that produced by the known concentration of a standard preparation of the antibiotic having a known activity.

Learn more about microbiological assay at,


which term is not related to the other terms 1) blepharoptosis 2) asthenopia 3) sclera 4) leukocoria 5) ophthalmology


The term "white pupil" or "cat's eye pupil" is leukocoria.

An aberrant pupillary reflex called leukocoria is more readily visible through mydriasis or photography. It frequently signals a variety of significant intraocular illnesses for the first time.

Congenital cataract, Coats disease, retinoblastoma, retinopathy of prematurity, toxocariasis, Norrie disease, retrolental fibroplasia, and other conditions are among those that frequently present with leukocoria.

The majority of disorders are vision-threatening, and retinoblastoma may be life-threatening, therefore prompt diagnosis and treatment are essential. The proper therapy of eyes with leukocoria will be aided by an immediate referral to an ophthalmologist and an interdisciplinary interaction with a pediatric ophthalmologist, retina specialist, and ocular oncologist.

Learn more about " leukocoria " to visit here;


before genes can be expressed in eukaryotic cells, what needs to happen to the mrna? what about in prokaryotic cells?


The process of gene expression starts with transcription. A gene's DNA sequence gets transcribed into RNA during this process.

The DNA double helix must unwind close to the gene being transcribed before transcription can begin. Pre-mRNA is created in the nucleus by transcription of a section of a linear chromosome's DNA.

To become a mature mRNA, this transcript must go through processing (splicing and addition of 5' cap and poly-A tail) while it is still in the nucleus.

Single-celled creatures known as prokaryotes are found in the Bacteria and Archaea domains. Prokaryotic cells lack organelles, have no nucleus, and are significantly smaller than eukaryotic cells. A cell wall protects every prokaryotic cell. Additionally, many have a polysaccharide-based capsule or slime layer.

Learn more about " prokaryotic " to visit here;


____condition that causes the lungs to lose elasticity; permanently enlarges airways and destroys the alveoli in lung tissue.


emphysema condition that causes the lungs to lose elasticity; permanently enlarges airways and destroys the alveoli in lung tissue.

How long will someone who has emphysema live?

Emphysema has a bad prognosis and an average life expectancy of roughly five years since most patients are really not diagnosed unless stage 2 or 3.Emphysema progression can be significantly slowed down by treatment and early detection.

What occurs if you develop emphysema?

One of the disorders that makes up COPD is emphysema .Emphysema is a chronic lung disease that damages lung tissue gradually over time, particularly the alveoli.

To know more about  lung tissue visit:


what do the marks found on the bodo cranium indicate? group of answer choices the fabrication of the fossil as a hoax, demonstrating that science is ultimately self-correcting


The marks discovered on the bodo cranium are evidence of the removal of flesh from the skill by tool-using hominins, perhaps as a ceremonial or as some sort of cannibalism.

A fossilised hominid species that is extinct can be found in the Bodo cranium. The cut markings most closely reflect experimental harm done to new bone by the use of stone instruments. This finding opens up new research directions for the study of early hominid burial rituals and represents the earliest conclusive evidence for the deliberate defleshing of a human ancestor. The use of stone tools to make cutmarks on the rock at early hominid sites provides fossil evidence that meat consumption began before Homo erectus but expanded with more developed technology. The oldest and most intact early Middle Stone Age cranium is the 600,000-year-old one from Bodo, Ethiopi

To learn more about bodo cranium click here


multigene families include two or more nearly identical genes or genes sharing nearly identical sequences. a classical example is the set of genes for globin molecules, including genes on human chromosomes 11 and 16. how might identical and obviously duplicated gene sequences have gotten from one chromosome to another?


Identical and duplicated gene sequences have gotten from one chromosome to another by chromosomal translocation.

Translocations occur when a broken segment of a chromosome moves to another chromosome that is not its homologous chromosome. This event occurs during meiosis I. Translocations between non-homologous chromosomes form new chromosomes

Translocation is a mechanism for changing the structure of chromosomes or chromosomal mutations. Changes in the structure of chromosomes are usually a result of using light that has a high radiation power, for example, X-rays, UV rays, or ionizing radiation.

So, in multigene families, a chromosomal translocation occurs.

The question is multiple choice:

A) by normal meiotic recombination

B) by normal mitotic recombination between sister chromatids

C) by transcription followed by recombination

D) by chromosomal translocation

E) by deletion followed by insertion

The true choice is D

Learn more about chromosomal translocation at


the cambrian explosion occurred 541 million years ago. this event resulted in an increase in _____.


541 million years ago, there was the Cambrian explosion. Multicellular organism diversity increased as a result of this event.

What happened after the Cambrian explosion?

More than 500 million years ago, the Cambrian explosion took place. It was a time of rapid proliferation of many types of life on Earth and the beginning of the appearance of the majority of the major animal groupings in the fossil record.

What purpose did the Cambrian boom serve?

The Cambrian epoch, which spanned roughly 542-488 million years ago, is known for having experienced the fastest emergence of new animal phyla and animal variety in Earth's history. This period, frequently referred to as the Cambrian explosion, is thought to have given rise to the majority of the animal phyla that are still extant today.

To know more about Cambrian explosion visit:-


what process repairs damage to a preexisting double helix?what process repairs damage to a preexisting double helix?proofreadingoperon repairtransformationnucleotide excision repairmismatch repair


Nucleotide excision repair. In nucleotide excision repair, the damaged portion of the DNA is excised, and DNA polymerase and DNA ligase subsequently replace the empty space and finish the repair.

A method for repairing DNA is called nucleotide excision repair. Chemicals (including intercalating agents), radiation, and other mutagens continuously harm DNA. Nucleotide excision repair (NER), base excision repair (BER), and DNA mismatch repair are the three excision repair techniques that can repair single stranded DNA damage (MMR). Specific non-bulky DNA lesions can be recognized by the BER pathway, but it can only correct broken bases after a specific glycosylase has removed them. The MMR pathway similarly targets only mismatched Watson-Crick base pairs. A crucial excision mechanism called nucleotide excision repair (NER) eliminates DNA damage brought on by ultraviolet light (UV). Bulky DNA adducts are created as a result of UV DNA damage.

To learn more about nucleotide excision repair click on the given link:


which neurons are involved in reflex activity? select all that apply. (multiple answers required for full credit)


Answer: What are the Answers


the color of light that is least useful to a plant during photosynthesis is ?; why do we perceive chlorophyll as being green?; the first step in photosynthesis is the; how is water used in the process of photosynthesis?; which of the following is true regarding these two steps?; the organelle where light energy is converted into a sugar energy is the; which of these does not occur during the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis; which of the following are true regarding photosynthesis and cellular respiration?



green is the least efficient color

Explanation: it cannot be used in the photosynthetic process

based on the cerebral cortex homunculus, many of the neurons receiving nervous impulses from the tongue are where?


The sensory homunculus shows where each portion of the body is processed along the cerebral cortex.

The body is covered in the sensations. Any location between the cerebral cortex and the hypoglossal nerve nuclei can experience supranuclear lesions of the hypoglossal nerve. The cerebral cortex communicates with a number of subcortical regions, including the thalamus and basal ganglia, via efferent connections and afferent connections, respectively. Typically, this topograph consists of body parts mapped along the surface of the postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe. The sensory homunculus' topology matches to the body's opposite side. This area corresponds to the sensory area of the lower extremities and genitalia, starting from the medial aspect of the postcentral gyrus.

To learn more about cerebral cortex click here


How energy is released in a fire?


The energy release in fire involves the conversion of chemical energy into thermal energy. Chemical energy is contained in the bonds between atoms and molecules.

Fire is a chemical process that produces carbon dioxide and water from a fuel and oxygen. It is an exothermic process, which produces heat. This is because the chemical bonds in the oxygen molecule are relatively weak, and the new bonds formed are more stable, resulting in a net energy generation.

The basic combustion equation for fire is: fuel + oxygen —> carbon dioxide + water, which many of us learned in school. However, combustion processes do not go from oxygen to carbon dioxide immediately. Instead, a slew of intermediary molecules get in the way.

Incomplete combustion can occur, resulting in exceptionally high amounts of intermediate molecules. If a flame does not receive enough oxygen, it may create carbon monoxide instead of carbon dioxide.

Learn more about chemical energy at


What membranes of the maculae sacculi and utriculi are important in sensing gravity and motion?


The otolithic membranes of the maculae sacculi and utriculi are important in sensing gravity and motion. The vestibular system of the inner ear has a fibrous tissue called the otolithic membrane.

It is essential for how the brain interprets balance. In addition to measuring the linear acceleration of the body, the membrane also determines whether the head or the body is tilted.

Three pairs of otoliths, which differ in size and form, are present on each fish. Otoliths, which are a component of the fish's inner ear, provide fish the ability to hear, detect vibrations in the water, and sense balance so they may more easily traverse their environment.

Sound waves are converted into mechanical vibrations that excite the inner ear via the tympanic membrane (TM), which divides the middle ear from the external ear.

Learn more about to membranes  visit here;


aquifers are underground sources of clean water that stretch over thousands of square miles. people who own land over the aquifer are free to take as much as they want. because there is no private cost associated with using the water, the water supply in the aquifer is likely to


Aquifers that fall under the area owned by people, they can freely use it. However the water supply in aquifer is likely to: fall down due to over use and it will not have an efficient outcome.

Aquifers are the large area present underground below the rocks or sediment particles layer of the earth. These area contain the deposited ground water. It is considered to be clean and safe for use because as the water passes through the sediments, it gets filtered.

Water is an inorganic colorless chemical substance. It is considered to be one of the essentialities for living. More than 70% of the earth is covered with water. However the water available worth drinking (fresh water) is only 0.5 %.

To know more about aquifers, here


a population has a gene with 2 alleles, f and f. the frequency of the f allele is 0.8. the frequency of the f allele is 0.2. this is all that you know about this population. what is the frequency of the ff genotype?


Answer: answer below

Explanation: Hardy-Weinberg Equation (HW) states that following certain biological tenets or requirements, the total frequency of all homozygous dominant alleles (p) and the total frequency of all homozygous recessive alleles (q) for a gene, account for the total # of alleles for that gene in that HW population, which is 100% or 1.00 as a decimel. So in short: p + q = 1, and additionally (p+q)^2 = 1^2, or 1So (p+q)(p+q) algebraically works out to p^2 + 2pq + q^2 = 1, where p^2 = genotype frequency of homozygous dominant individuals, 2pq = genotype frequency of heterozygous individuals, and q^2 = genotype frequency of homozygous recessive individuals. The problem states that Ptotal = 150 individuals, H frequency (p) = 0.2, and h frequency (q) = 0.8.So homozygous dominant individuals (HH) = p^2 = (0.2)^2 = 0.04 or 4% of 150 --> 6 peopleHeterozygous individuals (Hh) = 2pq = 2(0.2)(0.8) = 0.32 or 32% of 150 --> 48 peopleAnd homozygous recessive individuals (hh) = q^2 = (0.8)^2 = 0.64 = 64% of 150 --> 96 peopleHope that helps you to understand how to solve these types of population genetics problems!

markita is sitting in the first row of a baseball game, when a foul ball comes streaking at her head. she barely has time to move out of the way, and narrowly avoids getting hit. which part of her nervous system will go into overdrive and mobilize her energy resources in the face of this near disaster?


Markita has hit herself with baseball game then her sympathetic nervous system willl response tkb the hitting stimuli.

Your sympathetic nervous system is high-quality acknowledged for its function in responding to risky or disturbing situations. The nervous system has sympathetic system that usually response to the act of stimulus.

In those situations, your sympathetic frightened machine turns on to hurry up your coronary heart rate, supply extra blood to regions of your frame that want extra oxygen or different responses to assist your get out of danger.

Read more about nervous system;


human papillomavirus can cause cervical cancer. the virus encodes e6, a protein that binds p53. based on this fact and what you know about p53, what effect do you think e6 binding has on p53 activity?


Human papillomavirus can cause cervical cancer. The virus encodes e6, a protein that binds p53. E6 binding marks p53 for degradation.

Human papillomavirus infection is caused by a DNA virus from the Papillomaviridae family (HPV infection). Within two years, 90% of HPV infections naturally resolve, and many of them show no symptoms. Warts or precancerous lesions can occasionally result from a persistent HPV infection. Depending on the place affected, these lesions increase the risk of cancer of the vulva, mouth, tonsils, or throat. Seventy percent of instances of cervical cancer are caused by HPV16 and HPV18, two different strains of the virus. HPV16 is responsible for about 90% of oropharyngeal cancers in people who test positive for the virus. A relationship to HPV exists in 60% to 90% of the various cancers indicated above. HPV6 and HPV11 frequently cause genital warts and laryngeal papillomatosis.

To learn more about Human papillomavirus click on the given link:


what is the probability that the offspring will be unable to roll the tongue? 0 2 3 4


The probability that the offspring will be unable to roll the tongue is 0 percent, which suggests that option A is the right answer.

Rolling of tongue is dominant trait which is transferred from parents to off-springs in the cases as per the Mendelian law of inheritance and the Punnett square. Let us consider the case of homozygotic parents with traits in the form of allele pair 'TT' and 'tt' for the male and female parents respectively. Thus the cells will have 'T' and 't' separately as gametes. These gametes will combine to form 'Tt' allele pair in the offspring. The 'T' trait being dominant will cause the child to be able to roll the tongue.

Learn more about rolling of tongue at:


Which cells will most likely display mutations that could potentially result in cancer?


Proto-oncogenes are likely to mutate and become cancer causing cells.

Mutations (changes) in proto-oncogenes can result in oncogenes that cause cancer cells to grow. Proto-oncogenes are usually genes that  help cells grow and divide to form new cells or keep them alive.

When a proto-oncogene is mutated (changed) or has too many copies, it is switched on (activated) at an unexpected time and is  called an oncogene.

Proto-oncogenes often encode proteins that  stimulate cell division, inhibit cell differentiation, and arrest cell death. All of these processes are important for normal human development and  maintenance of tissues and organs.

Before oncogenes mutate, they are called proto-oncogenes and play a role in regulating normal cell division. Cancer can occur when a proto-oncogene mutates, turning it into an oncogene and causing cells to divide and grow uncontrollably.

Read more about cancer causing cells at:


This part of the nervous system moves message between the brain and body​


Spinal cord is the part of the nervous system that cause the the nervous system moves message between the brain and body.

Sensory nerves ship statistics together with touch, temperature, and ache to the mind and spinal twine. Motor nerves ship alerts from the mind lower back into the muscles, inflicting them to agreement both voluntarily or reflexively. The relevant frightened gadget is made of the mind and spinal twine: The mind controls how we think, learn, move, and feel.

The spinal cord contains messages from side to side among the mind and the nerves that run at some stage in the body. The spinal twine runs from the mind down via the lower back. It carries threadlike nerves that department out to each organ and frame part. This community of nerves relays messages from side to side from the mind to extraordinary elements of the frame.

Read more about nervous system;


members of the enterobacteriaceae can be distinguished from each other by: group of answer choices the ability to ferment lactose both motility and the ability to ferment lactose. the presence or absence of the enzyme oxidase. both motility and the presence or absence of the enzyme oxidase. motility.


Members of the Enterobacteriaceae can be distinguished from each other by both motility and the ability to ferment lactose.

There are numerous genera in the Enterobacteriaceae family that are connected to one another both biochemically and genetically. In terms of taxonomy, the Enterobacteriaceae family now consists of around 170 recognized species and 53 named genera, of which 26 genera are known to be connected to infections in humans. This family of bacteria contains a lot of well-known bacteria, including Yersinia, Escherichia coli, etc. They are tiny rods that are gram-negative. They are facultative, non-sporulating anaerobes. MacConkey agar is used to isolate and distinguish organisms of the Enterobacteriaceae family because they have basic nutritional needs.

The complete question is attached as an image.

If you want to know more about the Enterobacteriaceae family visit the following link;


the simplest method for identifying proteins that bind tightly to one another is co-immunoprecipitation. what protein was discovered to co-immunoprecipitate with adenomatous polyposis coli (apc) protein?


APC protein and β-catenin were found to co-immunoprecipitate. It was crucial to establish that APC is a tumors suppressor and that beta-catenin is a proto-oncogene thanks to the finding that the two interact.

The adherens junction (AJ) protein β-catenin was first discovered as a part of the cell-cell adhesion structures. AJs control cell proliferation and intercellular adhesion, which is essential for the development and upkeep of epithelial cell layers.

E-cytoplasmic cadherin's domain interacts with beta-catenin, which then binds E-cadherin to alpha-catenin. This process facilitates the E-cadherin complex's anchoring to the cortical actin cytoskeleton. According to studies, beta-catenin interacts with a number of signalling pathways, including tyrosine kinases, phosphatases, and Wnt/Wingless, as well as another cytoskeletal complex that contains the adenomatous polyposis APC coli protein and microtubules. Beta-catenin, cytoskeletal complexes, and signalling pathways may interact to control morphogene.

To learn more about β-catenin, refer:


A mutation that occurs in a somatic cell in an organism will most likely be transferred to:_________.


The transmission of germ-line mutations to an organism's progeny occurs during sexual reproduction and occurs in egg cells (sperm or eggs). In non-reproductive cells, somatic mutations take place;

What does the term "somamic mutation" mean?

a DNA mutation that happens after conception. All body cells, excluding the spermatids (and egg), are susceptible to somatic mutations, which are not passed on to offspring. These changes may, but are not always, the root of cancer or other illnesses.

How does a somatic mutation start?

Throughout an individual's life cycle, somatic mutations take place either spontaneously as just a result of mistakes in the DNA repair machinery or as a direct reaction to stress. They are a typical element of aging. Early-stage mutations can alter the gene line and affect organism development by causing mosaicism.

To know more about somatic mutation visit:


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