What does it mean to compare and contrast the plots in two stories?
A. Figure out if the plots support the same theme.
B. Look for examples of contrast in each story.
C. Figure out how the plots are the same and different.
D. List the events in each plot sequence.


Answer 1
C is the Correct answer
Answer 2




To compare and contrast literally means to find whats the same and different

Related Questions

Expressions that are commonly used to express an emotion:
A. Similes
B. Metaphors
C. Idioms
D. Figurative language



C Idioms


Trust bbg

Which of these is an example of the kind of claim that would go in an opinion essay?
A. Myths are like movies that happen inside my head.
B. Myths are the only kind of story I don't like to read. They're boring.
C. Myths can teach you how people used to think about the world and about human life.
D. Myths are fun to read because the characters usually have special powers.


Answer: Which of these is an example of the kind of claim that would go in an opinion essay?

B. Myths are the only kind of story I don't like to read. They're boring.

Explanation: An opinion essay presents the writer's personal viewpoint on a particular topic.  Option B is the best example of a claim that would go in an opinion essay because it clearly expresses the writer's negative opinion about myths being boring.

Read the information below:

During the 1820s and 1830s, many people settled in Texas and California. The territories were part of Mexico. Some thought that the United States should annex those territories. The territories were soon independent of Mexico. They became part of the United States.

Which of the following is supported directly by this passage?

Mexico and the United States agreed on all national boundaries.
Mexico did not have very tight control over its northern territories in California and Texas.
Texas and California asked for U.S. military aid from Mexico.
Texas and California were only sparsely populated before the 1820s.


Most likely D just guessing here. but in history when a large group moves/ moved it’s typically because they don’t like their current location ie it’s overpopulated, no jobs, un inclusive ect and this new place doesn’t have those problems! Hope this is right or helps lead you to the right answer at least

How does the final sentence build on a key idea mentioned in the first paragraph?
Then look at the answer that u chose.explain why your choice is correct
Story "Terra cotta army protects first emperors tomb"



How does the final sentence build on a key idea mentioned in the first paragraph? It suggests there is no point in trying to learn more about the terra-cotta army because it is too big. It explains how extensive the site is and suggests that the story of the discovery is not yet complete.


Explain how the first two paragraphs fit into the accounts overall structure. Cite at least two details from the tezt to support your explanation.


Show the whole screen

Read the excerpts from The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald and Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving. Then, use the archetypes chart to answer the question.

The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald

Then she wiped her eyes with her hands, for princesses don't always have their handkerchiefs in their pockets any more than some other little girls I know of. Next, like a true princess, she resolved on going wisely to work to find her way back: she would walk through the passages, and look in every direction for the stair. This she did, but without success. She went over the same ground again and again without knowing it, for the passages and doors were all alike. At last, in a corner, through a half-open door, she did see a stair. But alas! it went the wrong way: instead of going down, it went up. Frightened as she was, however, she could not help wishing to see where yet further the stair could lead. It was very narrow, and so steep that she went up like a four-legged creature on her hands and feet.

Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving

At length he reached to where the ravine had opened through the cliffs to the amphitheatre; but no traces of such opening remained. The rocks presented a high, impenetrable wall, over which the torrent came tumbling in a sheet of feathery foam, and fell into a broad deep basin, black from the shadows of the surrounding forest. Here, then, poor Rip was brought to a stand. He again called and whistled after his dog; he was only answered by the cawing of a flock of idle crows, sporting high in the air about a dry tree that overhung a sunny precipice; and who, secure in their elevation, seemed to look down and scoff at the poor man’s perplexities. What was to be done? the morning was passing away, and Rip felt famished for want of his breakfast. He grieved to give up his dog . . . but it would not do to starve among the mountains. He shook his head . . . and, with a heart full of trouble and anxiety, turned his steps homeward.

What do the authors show about the innocents in these excerpts?

They enjoy having adventures.
They feel anxious when faced with a problem.
They prefer to do things alone.
They get angry when things go wrong.


They enjoy having adventures

Read this excerpt from “What I Hope to Leave Behind.” For a number of years it took so much vitality to keep the home going, and that home represented so many different kinds of activities, that none of us had any urge to go outside of this sphere. Gradually in every civilization there comes a time when work of the household is done by servants, either human or mechanical. When the care of the children ceases to be entirely in one person's hands, then in the past, as in the present, women have turned to other things. Some have changed the map of the world, some of them have influenced literature, some have inspired music. Based on the excerpt, what is most likely happening historically during the period when Eleanor Roosevelt is speaking?

A: Women are gaining more education.
B: Women are moving into new careers.
C: Women are writing music and literature.
D: Women are using new technology


Answer: I think its B


The answer is B, women are moving into new careers

Anybody need help? I'm good in english.





I'm very good

I’m bad at English :)

Read the excerpt from “How I Learned English.”
It was in an empty lot Ringed by elms and fir and honeysuckle. Bill Corson was pitching in his buckskin jacket, Chuck Keller, fat even as a boy, was on first, His t-shirt riding up over his gut, Ron O’Neill, Jim, Dennis, were talking it up In the field, a blue sky above them Tipped with cirrus. The imagery in this excerpt appeals mostly to the reader’s sense of

A: smell.

B: touch.

C: sound.

D: sight.


The right answer is sight
Sound because he talkin

like this example(on the other of my question)





There is no question to answer:|

Answer; sure do


What safety issue does Nellie Bly bring up with Superintendent Dent? How does the Dent react? Explain.


Whats the passage if you can provide the photo that would be great

I WILL MAKE BRAINLYEST I ONLY HAVE 10 MINUTES LEFT What type of analogy is this? black : evil :: white : innocence



The given analogy is an example of an antithetical analogy.


An antithetical analogy is a type of analogy that uses opposite terms to compare two things. In this case, the analogy uses the opposite terms "black" and "white" to compare the concepts of "evil" and "innocence". This analogy suggests that blackness is associated with evil, and whiteness is associated with innocence. This type of analogy is often used to reinforce stereotypes and to make value judgments about different groups of people. It is important to be aware of the potential biases and limitations of antithetical analogies, and to be critical of their use in arguments and discourse.

Answer: The given analogy is an example of an antithetical analogy.


40 PONTS!!! It’s time to gather some relevant sources. Read through a variety of different sources, books, articles, websites, and videos, and generate a set of detailed notes that help answer the research question you chose to pursue. You will use these notes to create a rough draft in the next lesson. Don’t forget to list each source’s information such as title, author, web address, and copyright date.



My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 87104. To all law enforcement entities, this is not an admission of guilt.

I can determine what is legal and Final But can also abuse the term into a person that is inmature

Which of the following describes the difference between a clause and a phrase? (1 point)

Responses A clause modifies another word in the sentence, but a phrase does not.

A clause modifies another word in the sentence, but a phrase does not. A clause has commas around it or after it, but a phrase does not.

A clause has commas around it or after it, but a phrase does not. A clause has a subject and a verb, but a phrase does not. A clause has a subject and a verb, but a phrase does not.

A clause occurs at the beginning of a sentence, but a phrase does not. A clause occurs at the beginning of a sentence, but a phrase does not.


C! :)

A clause consists of subjects and predicates just so you know.

Is this a good school backstory for my assignment? any grammar requests or anything? give constructive criticism!


Looks good! All grammar seems to be correct, i don’t see anything anything to give constructive criticism for! good job

Answer:Yes nothing is needed.





no good, very bad, no good

Feeding the animals is not allowed to maintain their safety and well-being.

When people feed animals in public places or wildlife areas, it can lead to various negative consequences. First, feeding animals can disrupt their natural foraging and hunting behaviors, potentially leading to dependency on human food, which may not provide the necessary nutrients.

Second, some human foods can be harmful to animals and cause health issues. Additionally, when animals become accustomed to human food, it can lead to aggressive behavior towards humans, as they may associate people with a food source. Banning feeding also helps prevent littering and reduces the risk of spreading diseases between humans and animals.

To know more about animals , click here.



------------The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

"Why feeding the animals is not allowed?"-----------



nevermind, I saw you figured it out already.

Read the poem "Knowledge" by Louise Bogan. Then, answer the question that follows.

Now that I know
How passion warms little
Of flesh in the mould,
And treasure is brittle,—

I'll lie here and learn
How, over their ground,
Trees make a long shadow
And a light sound.

Which of the following descriptions best defines the structure of Bogan's poem?

Two couplets
Two quatrains
Two octaves
Two tercets



Two quatrains


I did this in class

Answer:Two quatrains


who are the main characters in the book Brian's Winter?


Answer: Here you go, hope this helps.


Brian Robeson.

Brian's parents.


Jim or Jake.

Uncle Carter.

The main characters are..

Brain Robeson
Brain’s parents
Jim or Jake
And Uncle Carter :)

Challenge completed!

Answer 25 English Question
That was a lot of questions i had to answer im going to bed goodbye





Good job!!!!!! You did good!

What are some reasons teens should have their own credit cards?



1.Giving teens a credit card is one way to teach them how to manage credit responsibly

2.A credit card provides you with instant access to money in case of an emergency. Most of us carry around the amount of cash we believe we will need for one particular day and not enough for an emergency. If you're away from home.

3.No Fear of Loss or Theft


If you are traveling and you lose your cash or are robbed, you've lost all that money forever. If your credit card is lost or stolen and you report it immediately, you are out a maximum of $50 (and most companies will waive even this fee).

Because then they don’t have to wait they can get their own and like places like Mac daddy’s

Match each poetry term with its correct definition.

Match Term Definition
Form A) The use of interesting marks, like dashes, or the absence of periods and commas for effect
Indention B) Empty space at the beginning of a line that symbolizes breath or thought
Line breaks C) Relates to whether a line of poetry is enjambed or ended
Punctuation D) The body or structure of a poem, created by line length, meter, etc.


I am pretty sure it is B
I agree with b it makes more since

What is a simile explained in an easy way?


Answer: A comparison phrase that finds similar characteristics in two objects and compares them, always by using the words 'like' or 'as'


A simile is a comparison using like or as.

These sneakers are as fluffy as a cloud!

He's sick as a dog.

Life is like a box of chocolates.

Hope this helps :)


Having a collaborative discussion means:
A. putting everyone's ideas together adding one idea on top of another
B. listening to your teacher share her ideas about a text
C. writing your ideas in a journal that you share with your teacher
D. reflecting on a story you have read





The answer is A. putting everyone's ideas together adding one idea on top of another

pants: legs ::

Which pair of words has the same relationship to one another as pants and legs have to one another?

feet: arms

coat: sleeves

arms: jacket

head: bandanna


Answer: either coat to sleeve or arms to jacket I'm not really sure


Arms Jacket
You put your arms in a jacket just as you put pants over your legs.

List two details that support the inference that the boys have few other friends besides each other. In the story amigo brothers.




Beacause they worked hard and the friend that worked the hardest has succeeded because of his hard work

Answer: In “Amigo. Brothers,” the two main characters face both external and internal conflict. The two best friends must battle each other in a boxing ring,.

PLS HELP ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer: B. disagree hope you have a good day


B dissagree


Write a science fiction narrative poem



Here you go!


as I look out into the sea, I see too big eyes staring back at me. As I take a deep breath to explore the unknown. A big blue beast comes up all alone. As the monster makes a loud growl, I think to myself I must not be loud. For danger is around!

Answer:I don’t know

Explanation:I don’t know

What steps should you take to find textual evidence for your opinions about a novel?



1. Read and understand the question or claim.

2. Closely read the text to find the answer.

3.Note inferences and quotations from the passage that support the answer or claim.

4.Analyze the evidence.

Which is the best Artemis Fowl book 1,3,or 4



Explanation: because it made the most sense to me and its just better but it just my opinion.

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