What does a gene chip compare?

What Does A Gene Chip Compare?


Answer 1


DNA microarrays are microscope slides that are printed with thousands of tiny spots in defined positions, with each spot containing a known DNA sequence or gene.


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can i trim my bamboo plant to make it brawaht aread do i trim my bamboo plant if i want it to grwo shoots out form the area and get more busy?h out more in soil?


Pruning is not usually required until the bamboo has become established. This is generally after your 3rd to 5th growing season.

A bamboo grove will maintain its general health, vigor, and beauty if it receives annual pruning after attaining maturity. Bamboo culms, also known as canes, typically live 10 years or less. Pruning is the act of removing any diseased or dead culms to promote and make place for future growth. Bamboo can be pruned at any time of year. To avoid walking on or harming young shoots emerging from the ground, I advise waiting pruning or removing dead culms until after the yearly spring shooting season, when the new shoots have grown taller and are therefore more obvious.

To learn more about Bamboo click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/22167412


person is hospitalized with severe covid-19 and her respiratory function is worsening. at the hospital, a doctor collects a sputum specimen and plates it on sarabaud-dextrose agar. growth on the plate indicates: group of answer choices a fungal infection an ability to ferment lactose infection with gram-positive bacteria beta-hemolytic activity infection with gram-negative bacteria


Sputum sample on plates with sarabaud-dextrose. Focus on the potential pathogens and distinguish them from the "typical" inhabitants of the upper respiratory tract based on their rate of growth on a plate.

Instead of utilizing a sample predominantly composed of saliva, sputum from the lower respiratory tract should be collected. As soon as the sun comes up, a sputum sample needs to be taken. Pathogens in a sputum sample can be analyzed using a variety of techniques: It is possible to centrifuge the sediment from the unfixed specimen before immediately inspecting it on a moist mount.

Reach beneath the patient's lower lip to seize the entire specimen. Remind the patient not to breathe any secretions from their mouth or nose into the vial containing the medium.

To know more about sputum specimen visit:-



signals can come in many shapes and sizes from nitric oxide to a small protein. some signals cannot pass through the membrane and thus need to bind to cell surface receptors, and some signals can pass through the membrane and bind cytosolic receptors. what chemical characteristics would you expect membrane soluble signals to have and what chemical characteristics would you expect membrane insoluble signals to have?


Signals can come in many shapes and sizes from nitric oxide to a small protein and play an important role in regulating cell behavior. It is important to understand how signals can be transmitted across a cell membrane and how this affects their chemical characteristics.

Membrane-soluble signals are signals that are able to pass through the membrane and bind to cytosolic receptors. These signals often have a small molecular weight and a hydrophilic nature, which allows them to pass through the hydrophobic membrane. Examples of membrane-soluble signals include hormones, neurotransmitters, and small molecules such as nitric oxide.

Membrane-insoluble signals, on the other hand, are signals that are unable to pass through the membrane and must bind to cell surface receptors instead. These signals often have a larger molecular weight and a hydrophobic nature, which allows them to bind to the hydrophobic membrane. Examples of membrane-insoluble signals include cytokines, growth factors, and large proteins such as G-proteins.

Learn more about cell behavior at :https://brainly.com/question/1685388


you are a public health official investigating an outbreak of salmonella. to detect current cases you choose to examine patients blood for the ____________ antibody class.


The public health official investigating an outbreak of the salmonella to detect the current cases choose to examine the patient's blood for the IgM antibody class.

Salmonellosis is contamination with a micro organism known as Salmonella, Salmonella stay withinside the intestinal tracts of animals, along with birds. Salmonella are commonly transmitted to human beings with the aid of using ingesting meals infected with animal feces.

IgM antibodies are the primary immunoglobulins your frame makes after you are uncovered to germs. They offer short-time period safety at the same time as your frame makes different antibodies. IgM antibodies are for your blood and lymph fluid (a watery fluid that incorporates the cells that combat infections and illnesses to all components of your frame).

Learn more about the IgM in



of the choices below, which best describes the effect predation has on the predator/prey organisms involved in the relationship?


The easiest way to sum up how predation affects the species engaged in the predator-prey interaction is benefit—harmed.

Predation is a sort of relationship between two organisms in which one creature, known as the prey, suffers harm while another, the predator, benefits. Predators kill their victim and eat it in order to survive. For instance, when a lion hunts its target and kills the deer, the lion benefits because it gets to eat the animal, but the deer suffers since it lost its life. When resources are scarce and species compete to get them, competition occurs in an ecosystem. Predation is a term used to describe a particular form of competition in which a predator eats its victim.

To know more about predation please click on the link brainly.com/question/28871161


Students are completing a lab in which they let a lab cart roll down a ramp. The students record the mass of the cart, the height of the ramp, and the velocity at the bottom of the ramp. The students then calculate the momentum of the cart at the bottom of the ramp.

A 4 column table with 3 rows. The first column is labeled Trial with entries 1, 2, 3, 4. The second column is labeled Mass of Cart in kilograms with entries 200, 220, 240, 260. The third column is labeled Height of ramp in meters with entries 2.0, 2.1, 1.5, 1.2. The fourth column is labeled Velocity at Bottom in meters per second with entries 6.5, 5.0, 6.4, 4.8.

Which trial’s cart has the greatest momentum at the bottom of the ramp?

trial 1, because this trial has the greatest velocity
trial 2, because this trial has the greatest ramp height
trial 3, because this trial has a large mass and a large velocity
trial 4, because this trial has the greatest mass


trial 3, because this trial has a large mass and a large velocity

how does the function of the tube feet aid the urchin in its role within the food web?


The urchin's tube feet help it get to the kelp so it may eat it, which assists it in its role in the food chain.

How does the urchin's role within the food chain affect the tube's functionality?

To travel across rocks, sand, or other surfaces, an urchin uses its many tube feet. Moreover, if food falls on an urchin's back, all those tube feet act as a bucket brigade, transferring the food to the urchin's mouth.

Describe the eating habits of urchins?

Using a device known as Aristotle's lantern, sea urchins consume food. Five hard plates form a beak-like assembly that makes up the object. To rid rocks of algae, they scrape them with their mouths that resemble beaks.

To know more about urchin  visit:-  



assuming that a cell body in the severed limb would be less likely to survive, would the chance of successful regeneration differ between somatic sensory and somatic motor pathways?


No, Since somatic sensory and somatic motor neurons both have their cell bodies in the spinal cord, their chances of surviving and developing new axons are similar.

A subsystem for the detection of mechanical stimuli (such as light touch, vibration, pressure, and cutaneous tension) and a subsystem for the detection of painful stimuli and temperature make up the two main parts of the somatic sensory system. Humans have a somatic sensory cortex in the parietal lobe that is divided into four different sections, or fields, called Brodmann's areas 3a, 3b, 1, and 2. All four areas are involved in the processing of tactile input, even though area 3b is typically thought of as the major somatic sensory cortex (also known as SI). Somatic sensations are processed by the main somatosensory cortex. These sensations are produced by receptors located all over the body that sense touch, temperature, nociception (pain), and proprioception (a body's position in space).

To learn more about somatic sensory here



cardiac and skeletal muscles create movement by contracting and releasing in a process called?


In cardiac, skeletal, and some smooth muscle tissue, contraction occurs through phenomenon known as excitation contraction coupling (ECC).

ECC describes process of converting an electrical stimulus from neurons into mechanical response that facilitates muscle movement.

Skeletal muscle contraction begins first at neuromuscular junction, which is synapse between a motoneuron and muscle fiber.

Propagation of action potentials to motoneuron and subsequent depolarization results in opening of voltage-gated calcium (Ca2+) channels of presynaptic membrane.

learn more about muscles at



if you cut a piece of dna with enzyme e, another piece with one of the enzymes you selected in the previous question, and ligate the two pieces with each other, can the resulting ligated dna be recut with enzyme e (at the position where the ligation occurred)?


If you cut a piece of DNA with enzyme e, another piece with one of the enzymes you selected in the previous question, and ligate the two pieces with each other, yes it can be the resulting ligated DNA be recut with enzyme e.

Deoxyribonucleic acid is a kind of DNA. DNA is a polymer made up of two polynucleotide chains that coil around one another to form a double helix. (listen);DNA) All known organisms and many viruses have genetic information in the polymer that is necessary for their development, operation, growth, and reproduction. Nucleic acids include DNA and ribonucleic acid (RNA). Nucleic acids are one of the four main categories of macromolecules that are necessary for all known forms of life, along with proteins, lipids, and complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides). Because the two DNA strands are made up of simpler monomeric units termed nucleotides, they are referred to as polynucleotides. Each nucleotide is made up of a phosphate group, a deoxyribose sugar, and one of the four nitrogen-containing nucleobases (cytosine [C], guanine [G], adenine [A], or thymine [T]). An alternating sugar-phosphate backbone is created when the nucleotides are linked together in a chain by covalent connections (also referred to as the phospho-diester linkage) between the sugar of one nucleotide and the phosphate of the next.

To know more about DNA please refer: https://brainly.com/question/14315652


All traits are determined by the experiences an organism has or the environment it lives in. For example, you will have the trait of being a strong swimmer if you swim a lot and live in or near the water.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement now? What evidence supports your ideas about the statement?


All traits are determined by the experiences an organism has or the environment it lives in.

What is trait ?

Traits are the attributes  which are influenced by different factors of environment and expressed by genes, the Physical features of an organism, such as hair color, leaf form, size, behavioral characteristics.

Specific traits allow an organism  to be successful in the ecosystem, some physical characteristics include fin length, body shape, color patterns, eyesight, and muscle definition.

Species with  variation in traits,  for instance white-tailed deer in Pennsylvania have seed coat color with limited variation, all the organism have characteristics are genetic traits or behavioral traits.

Genetic Traits can be defined as the genes that one gets from both parents influence, the Individual and independent traits are defined by genes, which are encoded by unique portions of our DNA.

For more details regarding traits , visit



Secondary Succession: An ecosystem is _____________________ and is __________________ by a new one.


Answer: LIKE IT


hydrosere, xerosere or derosere.

Place the following labels in the proper position to designate action potential or local potential.

1. action potentials
2. local potentials
3. both

1. voltage-regulated potassium channels
2. ligand-regulated sodium channels
3. reversible
4. important for transmission over long distances
5. cause summation
6. voltage-regulated sodium channels
7. require threshold
8. rate of transmission is increased with myelination
9. decremental
10. sodium-potassium ATPase pumps work to re-establish RMP


voltage-regulated potassium channels is  (1) an action potential. ligand-regulated sodium channels is (1) action potential.reversible is (2) local potential.important for transmission over long distances (1) action potential.cause summation (2) local potential. voltage-regulated sodium channels (1) action potential.require threshold (1) action potential. rate of transmission is increased with myelination (1) action potential.decremental (2) local potential.sodium-potassium ATPase pumps work to re-establish RMP (3) both action and local potential.

What is action potential?

An action potential can be defined as a rapid fast, transitory, and propagating change of the resting membrane potential of specific cell location in other words it is a series of changes in the voltage across a membrane.

what is local potential?

The local potential can be explain as a local response to a stimulus, not the total response from the effector. It is also a type of potential energy that is inherent in each particle, and is responsible for the communication between same particles.

learn about action potential here:



What happens when fuels are burned?


When fuels are burned, A high-temperature exothermic redox chemical reaction takes place between a fuel and an oxidant, often atmospheric oxygen, producing oxidized, generally gaseous compounds in a mixture known as smoke.

Combustion is frequently a complex series of basic radical reactions. Endothermic pyrolysis converts solid fuels like wood and coal into gaseous fuels, whose combustion provides the heat needed to make more of them.

The heat produced by combustion is frequently intense enough to produce blazing or flame-like incandescent light. A basic example is the interaction of hydrogen and oxygen producing water vapor, which is often used to power rocket engines. This reaction produces 242 kJ/mol of heat and so decreases the enthalpy.

High oxidation potential oxidants for combustion include ambient or pure oxygen, chlorine, fluorine, chlorine trifluoride, nitrous oxide, and nitric acid. For example, hydrogen burns in chlorine to generate hydrogen chloride, with the characteristic heat and light liberation of combustion.

learn more about exothermic reaction at https://brainly.com/question/1831525


How is energy released from hydrocarbon fuels?


The hydrocarbon molecules are changed into carbon dioxide and water during the combustion event. Each mole of methane (16 g) burns to provide 810 KJ of energy. Bond energies for all categories of fossil fuels can be used to estimate combustion energetics.

The chemical bonds that bind the carbon and hydrogen atoms together are where energy is stored. Bonds are broken and new bonds are formed as the atoms are rearranged during the combustion reaction, releasing energy. The process of converting energy starts with chemical energy that is held in the fuels, moves through heat energy during combustion, kinetic energy during the rotation of massive turbines, and ends with electrical energy.

The environmental impact of using fossil fuels is a problem. When hydrocarbons are burned with oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and water are produced (H2O). Carbon monoxide (CO) may also be released during the burning of hydrocarbons if there is an imbalance between the amount of carbon and oxygen present. Occasionally, incomplete combustion results in the release of unburned hydrocarbons into the atmosphere.

Learn more about hydrocarbon fuels visit: brainly.com/question/29795867


. every organism on earth may be referred to by a unique binomial, or a two-part name. these are in latin, or latinized. what is your binomial? what does it mean?


Homo sapiens, is the two-word Latin name for humans. It means “wise human.” This is a reference to our big brains.

Every species is given a unique name in the binomial nomenclature, a two-term naming scheme. Carolus Linnaeus was the person who created this naming scheme. As a genus, it is listed with the following species. For instance, the dog's scientific name is Canis (genus) familiaris (species). Humans are therefore known scientifically as H. sapiens. Latin was employed in this method since it is a dead language that no one in the world can speak. Binomial nomenclature employs the use of two names. A genus and a specie, respectively. For instance, the frog's scientific name is Rana tigrina. Rana is the genus and tigrina is the specie in this name.

To learn more about binominal naming culture please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/26414679


What process is responsible for linking amino acids together to form polypeptides?


The process responsible for linking amino acids together to form polypeptides is called dehydration reactions.

Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, & nitrogen make up amino acids. A water molecule is released as a result of the joining of two amino acids. Condensation is the name given to the process that joins two amino acids.

The dehydration process is another name for the condensation reaction. The carboxyl group supplies a hydroxyl group, whereas the amino group provides one hydrogen.

By joining the acetyl group with one amino acid as well as the carboxylate of another, together with the emission of a water molecule known as a peptide bond, a covalent connection is created. As a result, the sequence of amino acid residues is known as a polypeptide chain.

Learn more about amino acids at



the condition in which there is degeneration of the motor neurons of the spinal cord (lou gehrig's disease) is known as


ALS, also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is a degenerative neurological condition that damages nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, impairing the ability to control one's muscles.

The progressive neurodegenerative condition known as ALS, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, destroys nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord.

The word "amyotrophic" is Greek in origin. 'A' stands for 'no,"myo' for'muscle. The word "trophic" refers to food. A muscle "atrophies" or wastes away when it is not fed, which is what the term "amyotrophic" indicates.

"Lateral" refers to the regions of the spinal cord where the nerve cells that communicate with and direct the muscles are situated.

For more information on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis kindly visit to



inflammation of the thin clear membrane lining the eyelid and eye is properly termed:_____.


Inflammation of the thin clear membrane lining the eyelid and eye is properly termed conjunctivitis.

Define inflammation.

The process of inflammation is how your body's white blood cells and the substances they produce defend you from infection by outside invaders like bacteria and viruses.

The transparent membrane (conjunctiva), which lines your eyelid and covers the white portion of your eyeball, can become inflamed or infected, resulting in pink eye (conjunctivitis). Conjunctival tiny blood vessels are more obvious when they are irritated. Your eyes' whites may seem pink or reddish as a result of this.

Pink eye is frequently brought on by a viral or bacterial infection, an allergic reaction, or, in infants, an insufficiently opened tear duct.

Even while pink eye can be a pain, it rarely impairs eyesight. Pink eye irritation may be lessened with some treatments. Early detection and treatment of pink eye can assist in containing its spread because it can be contagious.

To know more about conjunctivitis use link below:



What am I going to do or apply to protect and promote healthy sexuality?


Contraction fitness is an critical a part of bodily and intellectual fitness.

It is a key a part of our identification as humans collectively with the essential human rights to privacy, a own circle of relatives life, and dwelling unfastened from discriminatio .

Contraction fitness is a large a part of life. It can have an effect on and is tormented by different factors of fitness. This consists of bodily, intellectual, emotional, and social fitness.

Being in accurate contract fitness method you're properly informed, careful, and respectful to your self and others. Inform them approximately the terrible outcomes of youngsterager intercourse for each bodily and intellectual fitness. Also, tell them of the contract transmitted illnesses inclusive of aids, HIV, and so forth from such unprotected sexual activity.

Read more about health;



Tommy is investigating a strain of bacteria. He observes that the bacteria is only found in environments with a ph range from 6 to 8. His lab partner prepares a growth medium for this bacteria with a ph of 5. Which explanation best predicts what will happen to the bacteria grown in this growth medium?.



The bacteria will quickly die because the growth medium is too acidic for survival.

Explanation: it was only found in 6 to 8 pH range so it will not survive in pH of 5

What happens when the action potential reaches the end of the axon at the axon terminal? how does one neuron communicate with another neuron and complete the circuit?


When action potential reaches the end of the axon , it causes neurotransmitter containing vesicles to blend with the membrane, that release neurotransmitter molecules inside synaptic cleft .

In general, electrical impulse from the action potential reaches the end of the axon, this signals terminal buttons also release neurotransmitters into the synapse. A neurotransmitter also have chemical that relays signals across the synapses between neurons.

Hence, the action potential when reaches the axon terminal, the depolarization helps voltage dependent calcium channel to open. The process of neurotransmitter release is called exocytosis.

To learn more about  neurotransmitter , here



Primary producers are present in every biome, including the deep sea. how can primary producers exist in the deep sea when sunlight does not penetrate to these depths?


The deep sea primary producers obtain carbon dioxide for fixation through a series of chemical reactions to produce organic compounds. They cannot use sunlight energy to perform the photosynthesis.

Producers are the organisms that make their own food. The example of such organisms are plants, some bacteria, and fungi. The plants perform photosynthesis for synthesizing food. They obtain the primary position in any food chain or pyramid.

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants synthesize food using inorganic raw materials such as solar energy, water, and carbon dioxide, producing sugars and the byproduct oxygen. It occurs in two phases: light-dependent reactions and light-independent reactions.

To know more about photosynthesis, here






The two ways of finding the age of a fossil are relative and absolute dating.In relative dating, paleontologists use the fossil's location in layers of rock to find its approximate age.Absolute dating allows paleontologists to know the actual age of a fossil through using a element called carbon-14.The element carbon-14 is important for paleontologists because it allows them to get an exact age of a fossil instead of just an approximation.

what research question did david tilman and colleagues address when they planted varying numbers of species from different functional groups of grassland plants in experimental plots?


It would allow a adequate comparison for erosion. Calculated soil depth through time on the a range of experimental plots with varied levels of species richness.

What did David Tilman demonstrate the relationship between species richness and community stability?

He discovered plots in his experiment with much more species but less change in biomass production from prior years.He also came to the conclusion that greater diversity boosted production.Thus, David Tilman demonstrates that "the species richness of a community determines its stability."

What impact does species diversity have on productivity?

If different species consume different resources, increasing the initial number of species in a system can lead to complementarity in resource usage.An assemblage of species' production will be higher in this situation than that of the productivity of the any one species.

To know more about species visit:



M protein, hyaluronidase, collagenase, and often a capsule, can be virulence factors for certain pathogenic strains ofA. ListeriaB. StreptococcusC. NeisseriaD. StaphylococcusE. Yersinia


M protein, hyaluronidase, collagenase, and often a capsule, can be virulence factors for certain pathogenic strains of Streptococcus.

Streptococcus is a species of gram-positive coccus or spherical bacteria in the Streptococcaceae family, order Lactobacillales, and phylum Bacillota. Because streptococci divide along a single axis, they usually form pairs or chains that appear bent or twisted as they grow. Many different infections can be caused by bacteria known as group A Streptococcus (group A strep). These infectious diseases include everything from minor illnesses to life-threatening diseases. 

Hyaluronidase is a naturally occurring substance found within the human body that is obtained either from the cows or pigs. It is cleaned to remove animal waste. It can also be manufactured in a laboratory using human albumin sources. Collagenases are enzymes that disintegrate the native collagen that maintains animal tissues together. They are produced by a wide range of microorganisms and animal cells.

For more information on Streptococcus , visit :



What are the 4 requirements of a hypothesis?


The 4 requirements of hypothesis are these there need to be a opportunity to show that the speculation is true. There need to be a opportunity to show that the speculation is false.

We can handiest ask a query and make a speculation that we will virtually inspect and test. For example, we will installation an research wherein we water flora with faucet water and rainwater. Following are the traits of the speculation.

The speculation ought to be clean and specific to keep in mind it to be reliable. If the speculation is a relational speculation, then it ought to be mentioning the connection among variables. The speculation need to be precise and ought to have scope for carrying out extra tests.

Read more about hypothesis;



- which type of antibody is produced first and in greater amounts upon subsequent exposures to an antigen (weeks, months, years, or decades after the initial exposure)?


The correct option is B ;  IgG type of antibody is produced first and in greater amounts upon subsequent exposures to an antigen (weeks, months, years, or decades after the initial exposure)

IgG, or immunoglobulin G, is the most prevalent type of antibody. It defends against viral and bacterial infections and is found in blood and other bodily fluids. After an infection or vaccination, IgG can take some time to develop.

IgM and IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 may both be found shortly after infection. IgG is typically detectable for extended periods of time, but IgM is most effective for diagnosing recent infection and typically becomes undetectable weeks to months after infection.

For instance, IgA is abundant in the mucous membranes, but IgG, the most prevalent antibody, is primarily present in blood and tissue fluids. … antibodies fall into five categories: IgG, IgM, IgA, IgD, and IgE.

Learn more about to antigen visit here;



Full Question ;

Which type of antibody is produced first and in greater amounts upon subsequent exposures to an antigen (weeks, months, years, or decades after the initial exposure)?

A. IgM

B. IgG

C. IgE

D. IgA

what is the name of the flap of cartilage that closes to prevent food and liquid from entering the air passages during swallowing?


The name of the flap of cartilage that closes to prevent food and liquid from entering the air passages during swallowing is the epiglottis. The epiglottis is a small flap of cartilage that is located at the entrance of the larynx, which is also known as the voice box.

The epiglottis is also connected to the root of the tongue by a small strip of muscle and cartilage.When a person swallows, the epiglottis moves and closes off the trachea, or windpipe, which prevents food and liquid from entering the air passages. At the same time, the epiglottis causes the base of the tongue to move up and the back of the tongue to move down, thus forming a wave-like motion that aids in pushing food and liquid down the throat.

The epiglottis is important for protecting the airways from food and liquid entering them, which could cause choking. The epiglottis also helps to keep food and liquid from entering the lungs, which can cause a person to aspirate and lead to a chest infection.

Learn more about epiglottis at :https://brainly.com/question/13252472


a. the pairing of homologous chromosomes during prometaphase is called bi-orientation. b. each sister chromatid in a pair must attach to the opposite pole of the spindle for the sister chromatids to be segregated properly. c. attachment of sister chromatid pairs to opposite poles of the spindle creates tension in the kinetochores, which signals that the sister chromatids are ready to be separated. d. the cell-cycle control system monitors the tension on the kinetochores to ensure that anaphase does not occur until the sister chromatids are correctly attached to the spindle.


Bi-orientation refers to the pairing of homologous chromosomes while they are properly linked to the spindle during prometaphase.

What keeps sister chromatids together during prometaphase?

Condensin generates rings that coil the chromosomes into extremely compact shapes, whereas cohesin forms rings that hold the sister chromatids together. During prophase, the mitotic spindle also starts to form.

What is the alignment of two sister chromosome pairs known as?

Synapsis refers to the close pairing of homologous chromosomes. The genes on the chromatids of homologous chromosomes are properly aligned with one another during synapsis. The nuclear envelope, a physical shield that protects the nucleus, disintegrates during prometaphase.

To know more about  homologous chromosomes visit :-



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