Using the Distributive Property, Solve the Problem below:
-2.5(4x - 4) = -6
(After using the Distributive Property, Solve for x)


Answer 1

The value of x in the expression -2.5(4x - 4) = - 6 is 4/3.

What are the basic properties of arithmetic laws of operations?

There are three types of basic arithmetic laws of operation.

Commutative law for addition and multiplication states,

a + b = b + a.

a×b = b×a.

Distributive law states,

a(b ± c) = ab ± ac.

Associative law states,

a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c.

Given, -2.5(4x - 4) = - 6.

- 2.5(4x) - 2.5(-4) = - 5.

- 12x + 10 = - 6.

- 12x = - 16.

12x = 16.

x = 16/12.

x = 4/3.

learn more about distribute property here :


Related Questions

a survey of people on pizza preferences indicated that 55 percent preferred pepperoni only, 30 percent preferred mushroom only, and 15 percent preferred something other than pepperoni and mushroom. suppose one person who was surveyed will be selected at random. let p represent the event that the selected person preferred pepperoni, and let m represent the event that the selected person preferred mushroom. are p and m mutually exclusive events for the people in this survey?


Therefore option C) The probability of P and M together is equal to 0, hence the answer is yes.

What does the process of probability mean?

In probability theory, the likelihood that an event will happen or that a statement is true is expressed numerically. A number between 0 and 1, with 1 often denoting certainty and 0 typically denoting impossibility, is used to describe the likelihood of an event.


As a result, P stands for the possibility that the chosen candidate favored pepperoni exclusively.

And M stands for the situation where the chosen person preferred just mushrooms.

Therefore, P and M are two occurrences that are mutually exclusive since two events are mutually exclusive if they do not occur simultaneously.

P and M cannot occur simultaneously in this case.

As a result, there is no chance that P and M will happen simultaneously, or at all.

To know more about probability , visit


How do I write an expression for the measure of the angle ?


How do you write angle measurements?

Angles are measured in degrees (°) using a protractor. A protractor is a measuring device that is used to calculate or draw angles in terms of degrees. For example, in the image below, we see that using a protractor, the black arrow points to 100°, crossing 90°. Hence, the measure of the angle is 100°.

The idea of an angle

Degrees are the most widely used unit of measurement. A straight angle is 90° since a circle has 360 equal degrees.


Angles are measured in degrees (°) using a protractor. A protractor is a measuring device that is used to calculate or draw angles in terms of degrees. For example, in the image below, we see that using a protractor, the black arrow points to 100°, crossing 90°. Hence, the measure of the angle is 100°.

To learn more about angle measurements visit:


Answer question with steps asap I’ll give brainliest! Use photo


The value of the given expression is obtained using the property of composite function as g(f(2)) = 5.

What is a composite function?

For two functions f(x) and g(x), a composite function is defined as f(g(x)) or g(f(x)). The characteristics of this function can be described as,

The inverse of a composite function is equivalent to the composition of the inverse of both functions.

The composition of two one to one functions is always one to one.

The given table shows the values of two functions f(x) and g(x).

The given expression is equivalent to the value of g(f(x)) at x = 2.

Now, g(f(2)) can be obtained as follows,

The value of f(2) from the table is 1.

And, the value of g(1) is 5.

Thus, g(f(2)) = g(1) = 5

Hence, the value of the given expression is 5.

To know more about composite function click on,


A group of friends went to buffalo wild wings for dinner. There were nine people in your group. some of the group ordered chicken wings for $14.99 and the rest of the group ordered the chicken wrap for $8.49. If the total bill was $115.41, how many people ordered each dinner?


6 people ordered chicken wings and 3 people ordered chicken wrap.

What is an expression?

Mathematical expressions consist of at least two numbers or variables, at least one arithmetic operation, and a statement. It's possible to multiply, divide, add, or subtract with this mathematical operation. An expression's structure is as follows: Expression: (Math Operator, Number/Variable, Math Operator)

Given that there were 9 people in a group. Some of them ordered chicken wings and rest people ordered the chicken wrap.

The cost of chicken wings is $14.99.

The cost of chicken wrap is $8.49.

The total bill was $115.41.

Assume that, x number of people ordered chicken wings.

Then (9 - x) number of people ordered chicken wrap.

The cost of 1 chicken wings is $14.99

The cost of x chicken wings is $14.99x.

The cost of 1 chicken wrap is $8.49.

The cost of (9 - x) chicken wrap is $8.49(9 - x).

The total cost of x chicken wings and (9 - x) chicken wrap is $[14.99x + 8.49(9 - x)]

= $[14.99x + 76.41 - 8.49x]

= $[6.50x + 76.41]      [ Subtract like terms]

According to the question,

6.50x + 76.41 = 115.41

Subtract 76.41 from both sides:

6.50x = 39

x = 6

Putting x = 6 in the expression (9 - x)

9 - x = 9 - 6 = 3

To learn more about linear equation, click on below link:


x^2-8x+16 in qudratic formula


Answer: x = 4

Step-by-step explanation: i used mathaway to answer this

What is an equation of the line that passes through the points (5, -4) and (-5, 4)




Step-by-step explanation:



=8/-10=   -0.8






The equation is y = -0.8x + 0

The graph for it is shown below :)

If two sides lengths are 36 inches and 45 inches, then find the potential third side lengths that could form a triangle. Group of answer choices


The potential third side lengths that could form a triangle lies in the range 9<x<81.

Given that, two sides lengths are 36 inches and 45 inches.

What is the triangle inequality theorem?

The triangle inequality theorem describes the relationship between the three sides of a triangle. According to this theorem, for any triangle, the sum of lengths of two sides is always greater than the third side.

Here, the potential third side lengths that could form a triangle.

So, the range of third side lengths(x) is 45-36<x<45+36

⇒ 9<x<81

Therefore, the potential third side lengths that could form a triangle lies in the range 9<x<81.

To learn more about the triangle inequality theorem visit:


three people are asked to throw a fair die. what is the probability that they all get the same number


As three people are asked to throw a fair die. Then, the probability that they all get the same number is 1/36.


Probability is a branch of mathematics that quantifies the likelihood of an event occurring or the likelihood of a statement being true. Probability is a number between 0 and 1, with 0 generally indicating impossibility and 1 indicating certainty that an event will occur. A simple example is tossing a fair (unbiased) coin. Since the coin is fair, the two outcomes (heads and tails) are equally likely. The probability of heads is the same as the probability of tails. Since no other outcome is possible, the probability of heads or tails is 1/2 (also written as 0.5 or 50%).

According to the Question:

Theoretical, Probability is based on the probability that something will happen. Probability justification serves as the main basis for theoretical probability.

Given that,

There is a 1 in 6 chance that the dice will match.

The number of throwers is 3.

That way everyone has a chance to get the same number.

And the probability is:

The total outcome is 3 dice = ( 6 × 6 × 6 = 216 ).


probability of getting the same number = 6 × 1/6 × 1/6 × 1/6

                                                                   = 6 × 1/6 × 1 × 1/6 × 6

                                                                   = 6/6 × 1/36

                                                                   = 1 × 1/36


Probability of all three thrown is 1/36.

Learn more about Probability:


In which of the options below will the number 10 correctly fill in the blank? Select all that apply. A) 3 : 5 = 6 : ___ B) 2 : ___ = 4 : 16 C) 1 : ___ = 4 : 40 D) 5 : 8 = ___ : 24


the answer is C
1: 10 = 4: 40

Please help will mark brainliest


The required value of ab is -1.5 which is the correct answer would be option (B).

What is a quadratic equation?

The quadratic equation is defined as a function containing the highest power of a variable is two.

The quadratic equation is given as:

4x² + 5x - 6 = 0

4x² + 8x - 3x - 6 = 0

4x(x + 2) - 3(x + 2) = 0

(x + 2)(4x - 3) = 0

Each factor equals to 0 and solves for x.

x + 2 = 0 and 4x - 3 = 0

x = -2 and x = 3/4

If a and b are two solutions to the given equation,

So, we have a = -2 and b = 3/4

⇒ ab = -2 × 3/4 = -6/4 = - 1.5

Therefore, the required value of ab is -1.5.

Learn more about quadratic function here:


If you can fill 1 van and 6 buses with 372 students, and fill 4 vans and 12 buses with 780 students, and each bus and van had the same number of students, how many students can 1 van hold? How many students can 1 bus hold?




Step-by-step explanation:

If 1 van and 6 buses with 372 students, then each bus and van had 372/7 = <<372/7=53>>53 students.

If each bus and van had the same number of students, then 4 vans and 12 buses had 453 = <<453=212>>212 students.

If 4 vans and 12 buses with 780 students, then each bus had 780-212 = <<780-212=568>>568/12 = <<568/12=47>>47 students.

Therefore, 1 van can hold 53 students and 1 bus can hold 47 students. Answer:{53,47}.

Please help me submit this


The range for the following sets is:

{9.12, 9.33, 9.18, 9.12. 9.24} = 0.21

{10.2, 3.8, 21.9, 33.4, 31.8, 17.2} = 29.6

{0.5, 0.65, 0.22, 0.11, 0.47, 0.55, 0.55, 0.71} = 0.54

{6, 2, 14, 11, 28, 10, 19, 15, 11} = 26

What is a range in a set of data?

The range is the difference between the highest value and the lowest value of a given set of data.

We have,

{9.12, 9.33, 9.18, 9.12. 9.24}

Range = 9.33 - 9.12

Range = 0.21

{10.2, 3.8, 21.9, 33.4, 31.8, 17.2}

Range = 33.4 - 3.8

Range = 29.6

{0.5, 0.65, 0.22, 0.11, 0.47, 0.55, 0.55, 0.71}

Range = 0.65 - 0.11

Range = 0.54

{6, 2, 14, 11, 28, 10, 19, 15, 11}

Range = 28 - 2

Range = 26


The range of the given sets is as follows:

0.21, 29.6, 0.54, and 26.

Learn more about the range here:


What number would you divide by calculate the mean of 3 4 5 and 6?


The number you would divide by to calculate the mean of 3, 4, 5, and 6 is 4. The mean of 3, 4, 5, and 6 is 4.5.

1. Add all of the numbers together: 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 18

2. Count how many numbers there are: 4

3. Divide the sum by the number of numbers: 18 / 4 = 4.5

The mean is a type of average. It is calculated by adding all of the numbers together and then dividing the sum by the number of numbers. In this case, we added 3, 4, 5, and 6 together to get 18. We then divided 18 by the number of numbers (4) to get 4.5, which is the mean of 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Learn more about mean here


there are 123 students in a drama club. 65 of them are girls. what is the ratio of the numbers of boys to the number girls?


False because 124 is 12 type


Step-by-step explanation:

123(students in general) - 65 (girls) = 58

The polynomial p is a function of x. The graph of p has four zeros at -4,-1,0, and 9. Select ALL the expressions
that could represent p.
more than one
a. 3x(x-4)(x - 1)(x + 9)
b. --x(x + 4)(x + 1)(x-9)
c. -3x(x+4)(2x + 2)(x-9)
d. 3x(x+4)(x-1)(x-9)
e. -3x(x + 4)(x + 1)(x − 9)²


The polynomial function in which p has four zeros at -4,-1,0, and 9 are:

--x(x + 4)(x + 1)(x-9) , -3x(x+4)(2x + 2)(x-9) and  -3x(x + 4)(x + 1)(x − 9)²

What is a polynomial function?A polynomial function is one that involves only non-negative integer powers or positive integer exponents of a variable in an equation such as the quadratic equation, cubic equation, and so on.

Here given polynomial function,

a. 3x(x-4)(x - 1)(x + 9)

if x = 0

then the function becomes 0

but -4 , -9 , -1 does not satisfy.

Therefore the function does not have four zeroes

b. --x(x + 4)(x + 1)(x-9)

Here the function will have four zeroes,

x = 0

(x + 4 ) = 0 when x = -4

(x + 1 ) = 0 when x = -1

(x - 9) = 0 when x = 9

Therefore the function has four zeroes.

c. -3x(x+4)(2x + 2)(x-9)

Here the function will have four zeroes,

x = 0

(x + 4 ) = 0 when x = -4

(2x + 2 ) = 0 when x = -1

(x - 9) = 0 when x = 9

d. 3x(x+4)(x-1)(x-9)

Here the function will have four zeroes,

x = 0

(x + 4 ) = 0 when x = -4

(x - 1 ) = 0 when x = 1

(x - 9) = 0 when x = 9

Here x = -1 does not satisfy, So the function does not have four zeroes.

e. -3x(x + 4)(x + 1)(x − 9)²

Here the function will have four zeroes,

x = 0

(x + 4 ) = 0 when x = -4

(x - 1 ) = 0 when x = 1

(x - 9)² = 0 when x = 9

Therefore the function has four zeroes.

Therefore the polynomial functions with four zeros at -4,-1,0, and 9 are as follows: —x(x + 4)(x + 1)(x-9), -3x(x+4)(2x + 2)(x-9) and

-3x(x + 4)(x + 1)(x-9) ²

To learn more about polynomial function refer to :


5. What is the derivative of. In(3x² - 4x)


Answer: 6x−4

Explanation: We need to work out the main steps, so here i organised them for you.

Step 1: For this part of the question we have a line with equation that is:

Y = 8x+5

Step 2: For this part we need to times the answer with:  

X =2

Step 3: So the tangent can pass through the coordinate must be be

M = 8  | There fore we have in a total answer as 6x-4

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Rajani finds some dimes and quarters in her change purse. How much money (in dollars) does she have if she has 4 dimes and 5 quarters? How much money (in
dollars) does she have if she has a dimes and y quarters?


Answer:she willl have 20

Step-by-step explanation:

because  each is aa key word for  multiply

The odds of rolling a specific number on a 6-sided dice is 1 in 6. Write this odd a a percentage.​



The odds of rolling a specific number on a 6-sided dice is 1 in 6, which can be written as a percentage by dividing 1 by 6 and then multiplying by 100. This gives us a percentage of 16.666666...%, which can be rounded to 16.67% if needed.

16.66% is this odd as a percentage

please help me and be for reallll thankss ill give brainliest


If you add all you will get 50. Since your looking for C=8.


So 8/50=0.16

Round = 16. X

Brainly pls

Write the equation of a circle with center (5, - 4) that intersects the point (5, - 2) .


The equation of the circle that has a center at (5, - 4) and intersects the point (5, - 2) will be (x - 5)² + (y + 4)² = 2².

What is a circle?

A circle is a geometrical figure which becomes by plotting a point around a fixed point by keeping a constant distance.

In our daily life, we always see circular objects for example our bike wheel.

The longest line which can be drawn inside the circle will be the diameter.

The equation of a circle with radius r and center (h,k) will be given as,

(x - h)² + (y - k)² = r²

As per the given circle,

(x - 5)² + (y + 4)² = r²

Since, it passes through (5,-2) so it must satisfy this point.

Put (5,-2)

(5 - 5)² + (-2 + 4)² = r²

r = 2

Thus, the equation of the circle will be (x - 5)² + (y + 4)² = 2².

Hence "The equation of the circle will be (x - 5)² + (y + 4)² = 2²".

To learn more about the circle,


Mason has $20.00 to buy groceries. He buys 2.6 pounds of apples. The apples cost $1.25 per pound. He bought 2 pounds of lunch meat that costs $4.65 per pound. Mason also bought
a loaf of bread that costs $2.99. How much change should he receive after his purchase? (do not include the dollar sign in your answer)




Step-by-step explanation:

2.6 pounds of apples= 1.25 × 2.6 = 3.25

2 pounds of lunch meat = 4.65 × 2 = 9.3

a loaf of bread = 2.99

total = 3.25 + 9.3 + 2.99 = 15.54

change = 20.00 - 15.54 = 4.46

I hope this helps.

Have a nice day dear.

Three coffees and two muffins cost a total of 7 dollars. Two coffees and four muffins cost a total of 8 dollars. What is the individual price for a single coffee and a single muffin? ​




Step-by-step explanation:

true or false: let be a random sample from with sample variance, and a random sample from with sample variance . assume that and are independent of one another. then group of answer choices true false


I think it is true because I had the same thing back in 4th grade

Jaiden is ordering 2.615, 2.65, 2.7, and 2.623 from least to greatest. Here are his steps: (1) Compare and order 2.7 and 2.65 because they have the fewest digits. (2) Compare each digit of the numbers 2.615 and 2.623. * The units digits are equal. * The tenths digits are equal. * 1 < 2 in the hundredths place so 2.615 < 2.623. (3) Combine the two lists into one: 2.7, 2.65, 2.615, 2.623. Which statement describes Jaiden’s error?


The statement that describes Jaden's error is; Jaiden should have added

zeros to each of the shorter decimals to get 2.615, 2.650, 2.700, and 2.623, then he should have compared them using place values.

What is error?

Actions that are inaccurate or incorrect are considered errors. An error is the same as a mistake in some contexts. The word 'errare,' which means 'to stray,' is where the etymology originates from. In statistics, the term "error" describes the discrepancy between the computed value and the correct value.

The place value indicates the multiple of 10 by which the digit is multiplied. The given numbers have the same values in the ones place value, the difference are in the numbers to the right of the decimal point.

The given numbers are;





The steps to order the numbers from least to greatest;

Add zeros to the shorter decimals such that each number have the same number of digits after the decimal point; 2.615, 2.650, 2.700 2.623


Select the number with the lowest ones; Which gives all the numbers


From the above list, select the number with the lowest tenth, and move them to the left of the list; Which gives the numbers, 2.615, 2.650, 2.623, 2.700


From the above list, select the number with the lowest hundredth, and move them to the left of the list, in increasing order of the hundredth; Which gives the numbers, 2.615, 2.623, 2.650, 2.700

The numbers 2.615, 2.623,2.650, 2.700,  are in the order from least to


Hence, Jaiden's error is that Jaiden should have added zeros to each of the shorter decimals to get 2.615, 2.650, 2.700, and 2.623, then he should have compared them using place values.

To know more about error, click on the link


Complete question:

Jaiden is ordering 2.615, 2.65, 2.7, and 2.623 from least to greatest. Here are his steps: (1) Compare and order 2.7 and 2.65 because they have the fewest digits. (2) Compare each digit of the numbers 2.615 and 2.623. * The units digits are equal. * The tenths digits are equal. * 1 < 2 in the hundredths place so 2.615 < 2.623. (3) Combine the two lists into one: 2.7, 2.65, 2.615, 2.623. Which statement describes Jaiden’s error?

(1) The numbers are listed from greatest to list

(2) The two numbers with the most digits should have been compared first

(3) Zeros should have been added to the numbers to get, 2.615, 2.065, 2.007, and 2.623. Then the numbers should be compared using place value

(4) He should have added zeros to each of the shorter decimals to get 2.615, 2.650, 2.700, and 2.623, then he should have compared them using place values.

3. The length of each side of an equilateral triangle is (4x 2 7) cm.
Write an equation to determine the value of x that will produce a
triangle with a perimeter of 27 cm.



Step-by-step explanation:

uhmm 4x +27 ?  4 times 27? what number is that supposed to be

let me try

4x + 27 + 4x + 27 + 4x + 27    (equilateral means all sides r the same length so 3 times cuz 3 angles in triangle)

12x + 81 = 27 (ok its prob not 4x +27 since x would be a negative number but just change 27 to the number it actually is)

12x = -54

x = -4.5

there enjoy it should be right if the numbers u gave me r correct

Which choice is the equation of the line written in slope-intercept form?

HINT: Use the answer from number 1 to help you with this question. The graph is the same graph used in number 1.

A: y=1/2x - 1/2

B: y=1/2x+3/2

C: y=3/2x+1/2

D: y=3/2x−1/2



I think its B

Step-by-step explanation:

Sorry if im wrong

The answer is B. If you look at the equation on the graph, the y-intercept is 1.5 as 3/2=1.5 and the slope to the point (1, 2) is 1/2 because we rise .5 a unit and run 1 unit. This is represented as .5/1, and any number divide by 1 is itself, so the slope is .5 or 1/2.

What is the velocity of a bus that travels 120 km in 3 hours?


The velocity of a bus that travels 120 kilometres in 3 hours is 40 kilometres per hour.

The velocity of bus will be calculated using the formula -

Velocity = change in position or displacement ÷ change in time

The change in position is 120 kilometres and the change in time is 3 hours, as both started from 0, the difference will be the number itself..

Keep the values in formula -

Velocity = 120/3

Performing division on Right Hand Side of the equation

Velocity = 40 kilometres per hour

Hence, the velocity is 40 kilometres per hour.

Learn more about velocity -


Solve the inequality and write the solution in set-builder notation.


The inequality 3h + 5 < 4h in set builder form is  {h : h ∈ R, and h > 5}.

What are inequalities and their types?

Inequality is a relation that compares two numbers or other mathematical expressions in an unequal way.

The symbol a < b indicates that a is smaller than b.

When a > b is used, it indicates that a is bigger than b.

a is less than or equal to b when a notation like a b.

a is bigger or equal value of an is indicated by the notation a b.

Given, An inequality 3h + 5 < 4h.

3h - 4h < - 5.

-h < - 5.

h > 5                   (Make the variable positive by moving it to the other side)

So, The inequality in the set builder form is {h : h ∈ R, and h > 5}

learn more about set builder form here :


recall that a function is called periodic of period if for all . true or false: the function is periodic of period .


Answer: true

Step-by-step explanation:

What is equation of line through 1 2 so that segment of line?


The equation of the line passing through the point so that segment of the line i.e. [tex]y+2x=4[/tex]

The equation of the line be [tex]y=mx+c[/tex]

Now the line intersects at the x-axis  [tex](a,0)[/tex] and the point at which the y-axis intersect [tex](0,b)[/tex]

Plug in the value [tex](a,0)\\[/tex]


and now plug in the value [tex](b,0)[/tex]


now [tex](1,2)[/tex] is the midpoint of [tex](a,0)[/tex] and [tex](0,b)\\[/tex]

[tex]2=\frac{0+b}{2\\}\\ b=c\\\frac{c}{2} =2\\c=4[/tex]


[tex]1=\frac{a+0}{2}\\1=\frac{-c}{2m} \\m=-2[/tex]

plug in the value of m and c

[tex]y+2x=4[/tex] is the required equation

Learn more about equations from


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