what is the function of the release factor (rf)?what is the function of the release factor (rf)?it releases the amino acid from its trna to allow the amino acid to form a peptide bond.it supplies a source of energy for termination of translation.it separates trna in the a site from the growing polypeptide.it releases the ribosome from the er to allow polypeptides into the cytosol.it binds to the stop codon in the a site in place of a trna.


Answer 1

In the A site, it binds to the stop codon in place of a tRNA. In order to add the amino acid to the expanding polypeptide, it frees the amino acid from its tRNA.

What use does the quizlet on release factor RF serve?

What role does the release factor play in the translation process in eukaryotes? In order to let polypeptides enter the cytosol, it frees the ribosome from the ER. It offers a supply of energy for stopping translation.

What are release factor proteins used for?

A release factor is a protein that permits the halting of translation by identifying the stop codon or termination codon in an mRNA sequence. They get their name from the ribosomes' release of fresh peptides.

To know more about polypeptide visit:-



Related Questions

microbiology you are doing research on a bacterial species, trying to determine the shape, distribution, and arrangement of a number of filamentous structures that protrude from the cell surface. which type of microscopy would best enable you to do this? transmission electron microscopy scanning electron microscopy bright-field microscopy dark-field microscopy


The type of microscopy that would best enable you to do this is transmission electron microscopy.

How would you examine the composition of a bacterial biofilm on a glass slide using microscopy?

Scanning electron microscope used in the past (SEM) The best techniques for biofilm visualization are conventional SEM and FESEM if high magnification and high-resolution pictures are required to precisely define biofilm morphology.

Which microscope provides the clearest images of undamaged cell and viral surfaces?

The identification and description of viruses have long been accomplished using electron microscopy (EM). Since the late 19th century, organisms smaller than bacteria have been known to exist (11), but it wasn't until the invention of the electron microscope that a virus was first observed under one of these instruments.

To know more about electron microscopy visit:-



microbiology what is a common method of preserving bacterial cultures for very long periods of ti


Pure cultures are more likely to survive for extended periods of time when they are frozen via cryopreservation (freezing in liquid nitrogen at -196°C or in the gas phase above liquid nitrogen at -150°C).

Bacteria can be kept in good condition by freezing. In general, a culture will sustain viable cells for a longer period of time at a cooler storage temperature. Three types of freezers can be distinguished: cryogenic, ultralow, and laboratory.

Microorganisms are either cryopreserved at temperatures below freezing (-20°C, -80°C, or liquid nitrogen) or freeze dried for long-term preservation (lyophilized). Many different types of bacteria, algae, fungi, viruses, and protozoa can be preserved via cryopreservation.

Learn more about " microbiology " to visit here;



what is the name of the flap of cartilage that closes to prevent food and liquid from entering the air passages during swallowing?


When swallowing, the cartilage flap known as the epiglottis shuts to stop food and liquid from entering the airways. Food and liquids cannot enter the windpipe because of the little, moveable "lid" called the epiglottis, which is located directly above the larynx.

Epiglottis swelling has the potential to entirely close off the airway. The epiglottis, a cartilage structure like a leaf, seals the glottis to prevent food from entering during swallowing. It covers the glottis to stop food from passing through during the swallowing motion. It remains open while breathing, allowing air to enter the larynx.

So, it is safe to assume that the closure of the cartilage flap known as the epiglottis during swallowing prevents food and liquid from entering the airways.




place the following labels in order indicating the passage of sound waves through the ear and hearing apparatus starting outside the ear.


The labels in order indicating the passage of sound waves through the ear and hearing apparatus starting outside the ear is given below:

1. Auricle

2. Auditory canal

3. Tympanic membrane

4. Ossicles

5. Oval window

6. Scala vestibuli

7. Scala tympani

8. Round window

What is  the ear processes a sound wave starting with the outer ear?

The part of the outer ear that is visible is called the auricle (pinna). It gathers sound waves and directs them into the external auditory meatus of the ear, where they are amplified. The eardrum, also known as the tympanic membrane, is a flexible, oval membrane located at the outer end of the ear canal.

Therefore, in the context of the above, the sound waves enter the outer ear and pass through the ear canal, a small tunnel that connects to the eardrum. When sound waves enter the ear, the eardrum vibrates, sending these vibrations to three small bones in the middle ear. The malleus, incus, and stapes are the names of these three bones.

Learn more about sound waves from


Check each of the true statements about the proteins involved in cutting and pasting DNA. More than one statement may be true.


the true statements about the proteins involved in cutting and pasting DNA also called DNA Replication are :

A particular restriction enzyme only cuts DNA at one very specific DNA sequence.

A restriction enzyme cuts DNA while DNA ligase pastes DNA.

DNA ligase pastes together segments of DNA with matching sticky ends.

A sequence of proteins assists in the unraveling and disconnection of the double-stranded DNA molecule in order to prepare it for replication. But since DNA has to be single-stranded prior to the replication could really begin, these proteins are required.

The biological method of creating two identical recreations of DNA from a single original DNA molecule is known as DNA replication.

DNA replication takes place in all living organisms and is the most important component of biological inheritance.

For more information on DNA replication, visit :



Complete question :

Check each of the true statements about the proteins involved in cutting and pasting DNA. More than one statement may be true.

Two computer-generated images of protein enzymes.

Select all that apply

a) DNA ligase cuts DNA at specific locations called restriction sites.

b) A particular restriction enzyme cuts DNA at multiple sequences.

c) A particular restriction enzyme only cuts DNA at one very specific DNA sequence.

d) A restriction enzyme can cut DNA ligase at its restriction site.

e) A restriction enzyme cuts DNA while DNA ligase pastes DNA.

f) DNA ligase pastes together segments of DNA with matching sticky ends.

what would be the genotype of a high school boy who is homozygous dominan



I must be homozygous dominant genotype.for instance, height..if it is homozygous dominant (HH)it will express a homozygous genotype only..

hope it helps


homozygous recessive


Why is caenorhabditis elegans an appropriate model organism for studying developmental processes?


Answer: of its invariant body plan, ease of genetic manipulation and low cost of maintenance

Explanation: Caenorhabditis elegans is a microscopic, soil-dwelling roundworm that has been powerfully used as a model organism since the early 1970″s. It was initially proposed as a model for developmental biology because of its invariant body plan, ease of genetic manipulation and low cost of maintenance.

in terms of function, which is considered an immovable joint? group of answer choices synarthrosis amphiarthrosis diarthrosis all joints are movable.


Immovable - the two or more bones are in close contact yet are immobile, such as the skull's bones. Sutures refers to the joints in the cranium.

Skull sutures, the articulations between the teeth and the jaw, and the joint between the first pair of ribs and the sternum are examples of immovable joints (medically referred to as synarthroses).

A stable union between bony surfaces is what the immovable or synarthrotic joint does. When the joint ossefies, the suture and synchondrosis actually grow more stable.

Joints called synarthroses are immobile. Synarthrosis is the word's singular form. Only a tiny layer of fibrous connective tissue separates the bones in these joints, which have very close contact between them.

Learn more about to  immovable joint   visit here;



a lumbar puncture removes a sample of cerebral spinal fluid for diagnostic testing. at what level of the vertebral column should a lumbar puncture be performed?


The interspinous region between L4 and L5, as well as between L3 and L4, are the best places for the spinal needle to be inserted. Using these markers will prevent unintentional harm to the conus medullaris, which normally ends at L1.

The spinal cord runs from the bottom portion of the brain to the upper lumbar region. In the lower lumbar region, below the point where the spinal cord terminates, a spinal tap is performed. So, there is no chance of spinal cord damage. In order to widen the interlaminar gaps, the patient is positioned in the lateral recumbent posture (see the illustration below). The head may be supported by a cushion.

To learn more about spinal cord it, follow the below link:



which of the following statements correctly describes one of the main differences between embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells? a. embryonic stem cells only differentiate into only eggs and sperm, and adult stem cells differentiate into any type of cell. b. embryonic stem cells can give rise to all cell types in the organism, and adult stem cells cannot. c. embryonic stem cells can continue to reproduce for an indefinite period, and adult stem cells cannot. d. one aim of using embryonic stem cells is to provide cells for repair of diseased tissue.


The statement embryonic stem cells can give rise to all cell types in the organism, and adult stem cells cannot correctly describes one of the main differences between embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells (Option b).

What are embryonic stem cells?

Embryonic stem cells are a special class of undifferentiated stem cells that are used by the body to generate all the tissues, while adult stem cells can only produce a particular class.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that embryonic stem cells are different from adult stem call since they originate all classes of cells.

Learn more about embryonic stem cells here:



The two-neuron chain allows increased communication and control of the effector organ.
A. True
B. False


True. the two-neuron chain allows increased communication and control of the effector organ.

Effectors are cells or organs that produce responses to stimuli. Action potentials allow nerve cells to carry electrical signals over long distances without losing signal strength. Electrical impulses are actively and rapidly propagated through the axons to the nerve terminals and are known as the allor-non phenomenon. Action potentials result from changes in the permeability of ion channels in the cell membrane.

When there is a chain of two neurons, the action potential will double in signaling. So that it will increase the line of communication to the effector.

Learn more about the mechanism from the two-neuron chain at https://brainly.com/question/14561520


pathogens of the skin often enter via hair follicles and ducts of the sweat glands.
a) true
b) false


(Option A.) It is true that pathogens of the skin often enter via hair follicles and ducts of the sweat glands. This is because these areas provide entry points for bacteria and other microorganisms to penetrate the skin and cause infections.

Pathogens of the skin often enter via hair follicles and ducts of the sweat glands


Pathogens of the skin can enter the body through hair follicles and sweat glands, as they both provide entry points for bacteria and other microorganisms to penetrate the skin. The hair follicles act as a gateway for the pathogens, allowing them to reach the deeper layers of the skin, while the sweat ducts offer a moist environment that allows the microorganisms to thrive and spread.

In addition, sweat glands release oils and other substances that can provide a favorable environment for the pathogens to reproduce and cause infections. Therefore, it is essential to take proper precautions to protect the skin from these potential threats.

Learn more about Pathogens: https://brainly.com/question/8695285


how many dna molecules would there be after four rounds of pcr if the initial reaction mixture contained two molecules?


Thirty-two DNA molecules are produced if two molecules are doubled four times.

A molecule is a group of two or more atoms held together by attractive forces known as chemical bonds. Depending on the context, the term may or may not include ions that meet this criterion.

Let's start with the molecule. The molecule is a general term used to describe all atoms connected by chemical bonds. Any combination of atoms is a molecule. A compound is a molecule composed of atoms of different elements. All compounds are molecules, but not all molecules are compounds.

There are four main classes of large biomolecules carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Carbohydrates are made up of monomers called monosaccharides that contain carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen.

Learn more about molecules here:-https://brainly.com/question/11977218


in vivo data from male mice with bpa levels of 2 parts per billion (ppb) indicate that their prostates are 20% larger than male mice without bpa exposure. what is the best conclusion from this experiment?


BPA levels of 2 ppb can cause the prostate glands of mice to enlarge. Environ. Vivo data from male mice with BPA levels of 2 parts per billion (ppb) indicate that their prostates are 20% larger than male mice without BPA exposure.

The goal of the vivo data investigation was to ascertain whether fathers' exposure had any negative metabolic effects on their offspring. After being fed BPA starting at age 5, male C57BL/6 J mice were divided into three dietary exposure groups: Control (0 g/kg/day), Lower BPA (10 g/kg/day), and Upper BPA (10 mg/kg/day). Males were mated to control females 12 weeks after being exposed to the diet. The control diet was maintained for mothers and their offspring. Body weight, body composition, or glucose tolerance of the kids were unaffected by post-pubertal paternal BPA exposure. However, in the absence of altered in vivo insulin sensitivity or diminished ex vivo glucose-stimulation.

To learn more about Vivo data from male mice, refer: https://brainly.com/question/1577719


a____part of a chromosome in a cell that controls a particular characteristic such as height or eye color. they are passed from parents to their offspring.


A gene part of a chromosome in a cell that controls a particular characteristic such as height or eye color. they are passed from parents to their offspring.

A genotype is a collection of alleles that determine a trait and can be described as a phenotype. The transmission of traits from parents to offspring is called heredity, and it is possible to predict which traits will be inherited. Within these 23 pairs of chromosomes are specific sections that determine various physical characteristics.

These strings of DNA contain information that determines physical characteristics and is called genes. Within the nucleus of every cell, DNA molecules are packaged into thread-like structures called chromosomes. Looking at a picture of a cell, the nucleus is one of the most obvious parts of the cell. the middle of the cell.

Learn more about A chromosome here:-https://brainly.com/question/11912112


describe an action that are required for this sport. it should include the sport description, i.e. throwing and the anatomical action of the muscles, i.e. extension. it should also describe the 1) anatomical name of the muscles, 2) bones, and 3) ligaments that create the action, as well as the 4) nerves and 5)arteries that supply that action. must have all 5 things for full points


Additionally, the anatomical names of the muscles should be included.

How is the anatomy of muscles named?

Some muscles, like the gluteal muscles in the buttocks, are named according to their size and position. Other muscle names, such tibialis anterior, can refer to the part of the body or bones the muscle is connected to.

What is a good way to describe a muscle's name?

Skeletal muscles are given names by anatomists based on a variety of criteria, each of which in some way describes the muscle. Some of characteristics include the muscle's form, size, fiber orientation, location, number of origins, and activity.

To know more about anatomical action visit:-



if the hypothalamus was not stimulated by estrogen, which pathways would be interrupted?


If the hypothalamus is not stimulated by estrogen, the pathway that will be disrupted is thyroid-stimulating.

What is the hypothalamus?

The hypothalamus is a gland in the brain that controls the hormone system. It releases hormones to another part of the brain called the pituitary gland, which sends hormones to various organs of the body. Sometimes problems with the hypothalamus can occur. This can cause disease.

Some of the most important hormones produced by the hypothalamus are Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH). CRH is involved in the body's response to physical and emotional stress. This signals the pituitary gland to produce a hormone called adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).

Learn more about the function of estrogen here :



energy used by the body to perform muscular contractions is called adenosine diphosphate, or adp.True/False


Adenosine triphosphate or ATP is the energy currency created in the mitochondria during cellular respiration and is utilized to power muscle contraction where given statement is true.

The ATP is converted to ADP and Pi when muscles contract. This is the dissolution of the energetically dense links holding phosphate ions to ATP. The three bonds in ATP were broken down into -32kJ each. Therefore, energy is generated for muscle contraction as each link is broken. It is a heat-producing exergonic process.

ATP is therefore utilized for muscular contraction:

When one phosphate is eliminated from ATP during breakdown, ADP is the intermediate.Adenosine triphosphate (3 phosphate), adenosine diphosphate (2 phosphate), and then adenosine monophosphate make up the order (1 phosphate).

Each bond breaking releases 32 kJ/mol of energy.

To know more about ATP check the below link:



how many ways can the letters of the word ancestor be arranged in a row if a and n must remain together (in order) as a unit?


Since the letters in the given word are distinct for ancestors, there are as many arrangements of these letters in a row as there are permutations of a set with 8 answers is 40,320 elements.

There are 40,320 various ways to arrange the letters in the given word because each letter is unique. This is equivalent to every combination of the set of eight solutions. Therefore, since A and N must remain together, there are 10,080 possible ways the letters of the word ANCESTOR can be arranged in a row (in order) (c) There are 4,320 possible ways the letters of the word ANCESTOR can be placed in a row assuming the letters CES must remain together (in order) as a unit.

To learn more about an ancestor click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/15990290


dr. dre is conducting an experiment where he exposed a culture of cells to irradiation in order to cause mutations in random genes. he manages to cause several missense mutations in a gene coding for histone proteins. as a result, several of the lysine residues that normally reside in the histone tail are replaced with glycine residues. what would you predict is the most likely consequence of this?


For the purpose of locating and isolating deletion mutants for certain plant genes, a fresh reverse genetics technique has been created. There are created deletion mutant libraries.

What procedure can result in an arbitrary mutation in a newly formed cell?

Mutations can be the result of viral infection, exposure to mutagens, or mistakes in DNA replication during cell division. Somatic mutations, which happen in body cells rather than in eggs or sperm, cannot be passed on to kids. Germline mutations, however, can.

When DNA replication occurs, what causes random mutation?

Mutations can be caused by mistakes in DNA replication or by mutagens, which interact with DNA and alter the architecture of certain nucleotides. All cells include DNA repair enzymes that work to reduce the amount of mutations that take place.

To know more about mutations in random genes visit :-



this extension of one of the meninges covering the spinal cord attaches it to the coccyx.


A filum terminale, an fibrous outgrowth of the pia mater that anchors your spinal cord to a coccyx, serves as the distal anchor for the spinal cord.

What does the spinal cord's extension entail?

A nervous system , which is made up of the brainstem, is extended by the spinal cord.The spinal cord starts at the medulla oblongata, which is located at the base of the brain stem, and ends inside the lower back, where it tapers to create a cone known as the conus medullaris.

What is the term for the part of the spinal cord's pia mater that extends from the continental united states medullaris to a dura mater sac?

The filum terminale, also known as the "terminal thread," is a thin, 20 cm long strand of fibrous connective tissue that extends downward from the conus medullaris' apex.It is an adaptation of the pia mater.

To know more about spinal cord visit:



In one family, the mother has type A blood and the father has type B blood, and they have two biological children. Their son has type AB blood, and their daughter has type O blood. Their daughter’s type O blood indicates that both parents are - for the ABO blood group alleles. The son can donate blood to - . The daughter can donate blood to - .



In one family, the mother has type A blood and the father has type B blood, and they have two biological children. Their son has type AB blood, and their daughter has type O blood. Their daughter's type O blood indicates that both parents are carriers of the ABO blood group alleles. The son can donate blood to anyone with type A, B, AB, or O blood, because type AB blood is a "universal recipient" that can receive any blood type. The daughter can donate blood to anyone with type O blood, because type O blood is a "universal donor" that can be given to any blood type. This is because type O blood lacks the A and B antigens that are present in other blood types, so it is compatible with all blood types.


If fertilization occurs which hormone triggers the thickening of the endometrium?


If fertilization occurs Estrogen triggers the thickening of the endometrium.

Fertilization is a complex multistep molecular technique where relatively methylated and certain haploid gametes, spermatozoon and oocyte, are coming collectively forming a male and a woman pronucleus, respectively, and culminating in the fusion of the two pronuclei giving an upward pull to the formation of the zygote.

Fertilization happens when a sperm fuses with the woman's act during intercourse and in addition, forms an egg that receives implanted within the uterus of the woman. The sperm travels through the fallopian tube and penetrates the zona pellucida layer of the ovum (girl egg) and fuses with it which paperwork a zygote (fertilized egg).

Learn more about fertilization here:-https://brainly.com/question/1154065


A ____________________________ is always a molecule, but a _______________________is not always a compound.



A compound is always a molecule, but a molecule is not always a compound

This is because a molecule is made up of multiple atoms, but they can be made of multiple of only one type of atom (ex [tex]O_{2}[/tex])

This differs from a compound which is made up of multiple different types of atoms (ex [tex]NaCl[/tex] or [tex]H_{2} O[/tex])

When mt. st. helen erupted in 1980, all living organisms within the immediate blast zone were killed by the explosion and debris. what type of succession occurred in this area following this catastrophic disturbance?a. Primary successionb. Secondary succession


Answer: The answer here is a. Primary Succession.

This is because the environment has virtually been decimated.

true or false? the blind spot in vertebrate eyes is a region of the retina that contains no photoreceptors.


The given statement is true. The blind spot in vertebrate eyes is a region of the retina that contains no photoreceptors.

Blind spot: A tiny area of each eye's visual field that is associated with the location of the optic disk, also referred to as the optic nerve head, within the retina. The optic disk lacks photoreceptors (i.e., rods or cones) and is hence devoid of image detection.

Right-eye blind spots are to the right of the center of vision, and left-eye blind spots are the opposite. Since the two eyes' visual fields overlap while both are open, the blind spots are not visible. Because the brain has the ability to "fill in" or disregard the missing area of the image, the blind spot can be challenging to subjectively identify even with one eye closed.

To learn more about the blind spot, visit the link below:



_____ is the process where a cell nucleus divides into two new nuclei, each of which contains the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
A. cell division
B. mitosis
C. meiosis
D. cell cycle​


Mitosis is the process where a cell nucleus divides into two new nuclei, each of which contains the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.  The correct answer is B.

What is mitosis?

Mitosis is cell division that results in two daughter cells with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell. The term mitosis in its narrow sense involves the division of the nucleus into 2 daughter nuclei and the term cytokinesis is used for the division of the cytoplasm that produces daughter cells, each of which contains a daughter nucleus.

In animals and humans, the process of mitotic division occurs in all body cells (somatic), except for sex cells (gametes). In animals, asters are formed and a groove is formed at the equator in the cell membrane during telophase so that the two daughter cells become separated.

Learn more about the part of meiosis that is similar to mitosis here :



in the absence of lactose, what would occur if there was a mutation in the operator of the lac operon that did not allow the lac repressor to bind?


Three structural genes in the E. coli lac operon produce the lactose-using enzymes. A repressor protein attaches to the operator when lactose is lacking.

RNA polymerase cannot progress because the repressor protein is present on the operator.

If the "Operon" is shut off, a protein known as a repressor attaches to the operator in the absence of lactose. A protein known as a repressor prevents the expression of genes. Regulator genes, which are dispersed from the operators they influence, encode repressor proteins. Repressor protein binding to the operator physically prevents RNA polymerase from moving toward the structural genes, preventing transcription. Figure attached demonstrates how the lac operon "turns off" when the repressor protein binds to the operator (the "switch").

To learn more about repressor protein, refer: https://brainly.com/question/15205127


You are a public health official investigating an outbreak of Salmonella. To detect current cases you choose to examine patients blood for the ____________ antibody class


You are a public health official investigating an outbreak of Salmonella. To detect current cases you choose to examine patients' blood for the IgM antibody class.

Antibodies are proteins that defend you when an unwanted substance enters your body. Produced via your immune device, antibodies bind to these undesirable substances which will put them off your gadget. Another word for the antibody is immunoglobulin.

Antibodies are proteins produced by means of the immune gadget in reaction to contamination. They're a vital part of the frame's defense device as they work to smash sickness-causing organisms and block them from infecting human cells.

Learn more about Antibody here:-https://brainly.com/question/15382995


The open area of dna where replication or transcription can take place is called.


The open area of DNA where replication or transcription can take place is called Replication bubble.

A replication bubble is an unraveled and open region of DNA that enables DNA replication. Bubbles are formed when the enzyme helicase distinguishes the two strands of DNA so that they can be recreated.

Through the process of DNA replication, a double-stranded DNA molecule is replicated to produce two identical DNA molecules. Replication is an important process because every time a cell divides, the two additional daughter cells should indeed contain the same genetic material, or DNA, as the parent cell.

DNA polymerase (DNAP) is an enzyme that is responsible for generating new nucleic acid molecules that are replicas of the original DNA. Polymers are massive compounds made up of smaller, repeating units that are molecularly linked together. Polymers are nucleic acids.

The method of replicating a segment of DNA into RNA is known as transcription. Messenger RNA is created when segments of DNA are transcribed into RNA molecules that can encode a protein. Other DNA segments are replicated into RNA molecules known as non-coding RNAs. Only 1-3% of overall RNA samples contain mRNA.

For more information on DNA , visit :



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