Which statement about the structure of DNA is NOT true?

Long strands of DNA are twisted in the form of a double helix.
Long strands of DNA are twisted in the form of a double helix.

DNA contains four different nitrogen bases including adenine, guanine, cytosine, and uracil.
DNA contains four different nitrogen bases including adenine, guanine, cytosine, and uracil.

DNA is made of linked nucleotides which are each made of a sugar, a phosphate and a nitrogen base.
DNA is made of linked nucleotides which are each made of a sugar, a phosphate and a nitrogen base.

DNA consists of two strands joined together by complementary base pairing.


Answer 1


DNA contains four different nitrogen bases including adenine, guanine, cytosine, and uracil.

Uracil is in RNA not DNA

Answer 2


DNA consists of two strands joined together by complementary base pairing.

Related Questions

In a paragraph below, explain the definition of biotechnology and cite at least three examples of it. Also, explain why it is a controversial field of science.



Biotechnology is a branch of science that deals with technology by utilizes biological systems, living organisms, or parts of this to develop or create products with the goal of human welfare.

During brewing and baking bread yeast are used to produce alcohol are examples of processes that fall within the concept of biotechnology, Genetically modified orgnisms and crops are also product of the biotechnology. The insulin production also an example of this process.

People consider use of biotechnology unethical to produce genetically modified organisms or crops and cloning is considered as against the law of nature.


The scientists notice that one measurement stands out.
How should the scientists best deal with this
O accept it as true and use 85 micrometers in the data
when they find the average length
O accept it as true but say that it is the only cell that has
ever been that long
O consider that there was an error during measuring
and collect further data
O consider that it is possible but very unlikely for these
bacterial cells to be so long



consider that there was an error during measuring

and collect further data


Human errors during observation are common, and although they should keep their minds open to the probability of it being longer, it is much more likely the researcher made a mistake, which they need to account for first.

Which of the following is the amplitude
of this wave?
B. B
A. A
C. C С
D. D


Amplitude of wave is A
The answer is A I believe

Using the formula KE = ½ mv² (where m= mass and v= velocity), what is the kinetic energy of a 8 kilogram ball traveling at 3 m/s?

Question 15 options:

11 J

24 J

36 J

48 J



36 j


i legit just took the test XD




Hope this helps!!

This is due today!

Alice and her friends looked at a bunch of ladybugs. They noticed the ladybugs had different numbers of spots. They each had different ideas about why the numbers of spots were different.

This is what they said: Which person do you agree with the most?

A) Karen: I think they must all be different species of ladybugs.

B)Troy: I think each ladybug has the same number of spots as its parents.

C)Isaac: I think it depends on the age of the ladybugs. As they get older they add more spots.

D)Fred: I think it has to do with the sex of the ladybug. Males will add more spots to compete for the females.

E) Andrea: I think it depends on what each ladybug was born with.

F) Alice: I think they change their number of spots when there is a need for them to do so.

Explain your thinking. Describe your ideas about why the ladybugs look different.


I think the correct answer is F.

Explanation: Not all ladybugs are born with spots, the dots are a warning to predators that they are toxic. They get the spots when they need them to protect themselves.

How do stars generate light? Select the BEST answer.

A. Hydrogen fuses into helium generating a great deal of energy

B. The chemicals in the star glow giving off light

C. Chemicals burn to cause the light


i feel like c is the best answer because stars burn out so it’s like a candle i guess ? that’s my best guess but good luck


A. Hydrogen fuses into helium generating a great deal of energy

The botanist wanted to produce a generation of snapdragons that all had pink flowers.

State the phenotypes of the parent plants that the botanist would need to cross.
Explain your answer.​



He would need to cross one homzygous red (RR) and homzygous white (rr)


Flower color in snapdragons is controlled by a gene whose alleles exhibits incomplete dominance. The allele for red coloration (R) is incompletely dominant over the allele for white coloration (r). The intermediate phenotype that is produced in an heterozygous state (Rr) is PINK.

According to this question, a botanist wanted to produce a generation of snapdragons that all had pink flowers (Rr). This means that in order to do this, the botanist would need to cross a red snapdragon plant (RR) and a white snapdragon plant (rr) to produce an 100% Pink (Rr) snapdragon in the F1 generation.

1.Body covering of animal such as fur,feather,and hair are used for protection
2.land animals have gills for breathing.
3.Worms breath through their skin.
4.all land Animals have two Pairs of legs.
5.The elephant Has thick skin to prevent injuries from enemies.​








List in order from MOST COMPLEX to LEAST COMPLEX, Cell . Organ . Tissue Organism​


Organism, organ system, organ, tissue, and cell.

Marine iguanas feed on seaweed. Seaweed contains starch Starch is digested by enzymes in the digestive system. Explain why the shape of an enzyme is important for digestion.


Answer: The enzyme is a catalyst that speed up the rate of the reaction.


The enzyme can be defined as the protein that is involved in the catalytic activity of the reaction. The shape of the enzyme is important as it determines to which substrate it binds to. The enzyme is specific to the substrate and binds to a specific kind of substrate. During the digestion process the enzyme binds to the specific substrate like protein, carbohydrates, fats, and other biomolecules present in the food to simplify the digestion process. Starch is digested into maltose by the enzyme salivary amylase in the mouth.

Directional selection drift
Disruptive/divergent selection drift
Artificial selection
Vestigial structure
Homologous structure
Convergent evolution
Strong big one
Thin needle nose
Behavioral selection
Genetic variation


Answer: dna


What does a nucleus do in a cell?



The nucleus is known as the brain of the cell, it is the organ of the cell that controls all the cell activities like growth, metabolism, etc. it carries genes, structures that contain hereditary information.

It can also ‘think’ in a way and controls the activities of what the cell will do also all the genetic code is stored in it

7 points
7C. The diagram below represents four different species of bacteria.
Which statement is correct concerning the chances of survival for these
species if there is a change in the environment? *
Species A
Species B
Species C
Species D
Neither species B nor species D will survive because they compete for the same
Species A has the best chance of survival because it has the most genetic diversity
Species C has the best chance of survival because it has no gene mutations
None of the species will survive because bacteria reproduce asexually



A bcoz it change the environment

Species A has the best chance of survival because it has the most genetic diversity.

What is genetic diversity?

Genetic diversity is defined as the set of different inherited traits that occurs within a species. Those organisms having higher genetic diversity have more chances of survival.

So we can conclude that Species A has the best chance of survival because it has the most genetic diversity.

Learn more about species here: https://brainly.com/question/25939248

Can someone help me pls.....




How is the process of using fossil fuels to produce electricity similar to and different from using nuclear power to produce electricity?



The pressure of the steam turns a generator, which produces electricity. The difference is in how the heat is created. Power plants that run on fossil fuels burn coal, oil or natural gas to generate heat. In a nuclear energy plant, heat is produced from splitting atoms – a process called nuclear fission.

What is the effect of an increased concentration of calcium ion in the sarcoplasm?



When calcium concentration increases during depolarization, it shifts the conformation of troponin and tropomyosin, and actin is able to associate with myosin. As calcium is taken up again by the sarcoplasmic reticulum the muscle cell relaxes.

The effect that can be associated with increase in concentration of calcium ion in the sarcoplasm is :

Changing of shape and position of tropomyosin.

Can also cause muscles stiffness.

When the Ca2+ concentration become high in the sarcoplasm, there would be change in the position of tropomyosin as result of the binding effect of Ca2+ binds on troponin.

Then the tropomyosin will be moved away from myosin binding sites on actin, then a cross bridge will be formed

However, the effect if this on muscles is muscles stiffness.


____ currents inside Earth might drive plate motion.
none of the above

Please select the best answer from the choices provided


I agree with D it sounds right


B. Convection


How can we use soil to fight climate change



Global soil resources contain more organic carbon than the world's atmosphere and all of its plants combined.


Hope this helps sorry if incorrect

What happens to chromosomes when an ovum and a sperm meet at fertilisation


Answer: When egg and sperm cells combine in fertilizations, they merge the two sets of chromosomes, ending up with 46 chromosomes in total. The maternal chromosomes from the egg cell and the paternal chromosomes from the sperm cell pair up. The resultant cell is called a zygote. Fertilization happens when a sperm cell successfully meets an egg cell in the fallopian tube. Once fertilization takes place, this newly fertilized cell is called a zygote. From here, the zygote will move down the fallopian tube and into the uterus. The zygote then burrows into the uterus lining.


what are the two main types of chemical bonds?​



Chemical bonds include covalent, polar covalent, and ionic bonds. Atoms with relatively similar electronegativities share electrons between them and are connected by covalent bonds. Atoms with large differences in electronegativity transfer electrons to form ions. The ions then are attracted to each other.

Two of the strongest forms of chemical bond are the ionic and the covalent bonds. Chemical bonds form between two atoms, each with its own electron environment.

Hope it helps!!!


the two main types of chemical bonds are:

ionic bonds and covalent bonds.

what is released in the light depended step of photosynthesis?


Answer: Imma say In the light-dependent reactions, which take place at the thylakoid membrane, chlorophyll absorbs energy from sunlight and then converts it into chemical energy with the use of water. The light-dependent reactions release oxygen as a byproduct as water is broken apart.The light-dependent reactions use light energy to make two molecules needed for the next stage of photosynthesis: the energy storage molecule ATP and the reduced electron carrier NADPH. ... The photosystems and electron transport chain components are embedded in the thylakoid membrane.

Hope this helps have a awesome night/day❤️✨


Answer: The energy in the light helps create glucose with the help of Carbon Dioxide and Water

(Hope this helps)




b is the answer its theory of use and disuse

*Edit* its d i made a mistake


In terms of the giraffe example, Darwin's theory of evolution through natural selection would suggest that a giraffe was born with a longer neck by random chance. ... Having access to more food allowed the giraffe to live longer and reproduce more, ultimately leading to more long-neck giraffes.


So, your answer would most likely be A!

-Eijiro <3

A baker activates yeast cells with hot water, and adds sugar as their source of food. As the yeast begin their metabolic processes, the bowl it is in is covered with plastic so that no oxygen can get to them. At this point, the yeast will __ *
1 point
a. produce far more ATP than is necessary in response to the lack of oxygen
b. continue to go through aerobic respiration if enough sugar is present
c. die since all living organisms need oxygen to survive.
d. perform anaerobic respiration in the absence of oxygen



The correct answer would be - option D. perform anaerobic respiration in the absence of oxygen.


Yeast is a facultative anaerobic single-cell organism that can live without oxygen. If yeast cells did not get the oxygen they use anaerobic respiration to get the energy.

If the baker activates these cells and stops them to get oxygen the yeast cells have to switch to anaerobic respiration to survive and produces ethanol and releases carbon dioxide.

A student models moon phases. She holds a foam ball on a stick in front of her body and then
stands in front of a light as shown. The student uses herself to represent Earth. She turns her
body slowly to represent four different moon phases.
Moon Phases Model



The last one : D


The diagram that represents the modelling of a full moon is : ( D ) Diagram 4

Full moon

A Full moon occurs when the moon moves from its new moon position by 180°. At this new position, the sun ( light source ) ,earth and the moon forms a straight line.

During full moon the moon is completely illuminated when viewed from the Earth's position as well.

Hence we can conclude that the diagram that represents the modelling of a full moon is Diagram 4

Learn more about Full moon : https://brainly.com/question/649027

Why would the "fixed migratory pattern" of the blue whale or sea turtle make these species vulnerable to extinction?



Taking a fixed migratory pattern would be unpleasant for whales, whales already have a low reproduction rate, having a fixed pattern would decrease it's encounter with other whales, this decreases the low chance of it's reproduction.


The migratory pattern would be unpleasant for whales, whales have a low reproduction rate fixed pattern would decrease it's with other whales, this decreases the low chance of it's reproduction.

What are the different migratory patterns?

The internal migration: moving within a state, country, or continent. external migration: moving to a different state, country, or continent.

Thus, it will decreases the chances.

To learn more about migratory pattern click here:


Which of the following is true about the role of genetic and environmental factors in human health?
A) Genes are the only factor affecting whether or not an idividual will contract a disease.
B) Genetic factors are more important than environmental factors in determining an individual's
personal health risks.
C) Individuals can influence their health by controlling their genetic traits.
D) Environmental factors determine whether or not all genetic traits lead to health issues.
E) Certain environments can lead to an increased risk of developing certain diseases.



E) Certain environments can lead to an increased risk of developing certain diseases.


The lesson states that specific environments can increase the chance of health problems.

Use the pedigree chart below to answer the question. What do the circles that are half shaded represent.

A a male that is a carrier of a trait. but does not show the trait.
B a female that is a carries of a trait, but does not show the trait
C a male that has the trait and shows the trait
D a female that has the trait and shows the trait.





All of the following are properties of nonmetals EXCEPT —



the answer is the first one

solve those fast 2412412


The first one is Stroke

The second one is High Blood Pressure

What is the process through which materials move across the cell membrane
A osmosis
B diffusion
C mitosis
D meiosis


Osmosis is the answer good luck
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